A Blind Date and The Freedom of Speech - Space Trace

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A blind date and the freedom of speech By SSgt. George Hayward {it Forea Space Command Public Afairs Protesters. They're a common sight outside the gates of many military installa- tions. They stand under their banners and placards, denouncing us as kill- ers and demanding the end of this or that military program. As government employees, both military and civilian, we're in- structed to ignore them, to drive past without a glance. Usually, we do. Tal- ‘ways thought them naive—why wave your signs at us? You won't change our minds, we work for the corporation. On the surface, protesters and mili- tary do not mix. We sit in diametri- cally aligned camps, fervently op- posed to what the other side stands for. But despite our differences, we share a common bond, a bond under- scored by recent events at Falcon AFB, Colo. On April 14, a group of peace ac- tivists, headed by Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network Against Wea ons and Nuclear Power in Space (based in Orlindo, Fla.), was given a tour of the base’s space operations centers. Gagnon requested the tour weeks earlier through official channels, On the cover following all normal procedures. At first, his request raised eyebrows. Many Falcon people were sure it was aploy to get inside the base's re- stricted perimeter, where he could stage a protest sure to gain national attention. Still, in an effort to promote our mission and show Gagnon’s group that we are not “the bad guys,” his re- quest was granted. Both sides went into the tour with the apprehension ofa blind date. By the end of the tour, however, attitudes had ‘changed. The protesters found them- selves treated with the same warm courtesy given any Falcon visitor. Base officials found the protesters polite, friendly and quick to show they weren't there to cause trouble. Despite their opposing views, the po- litical adversaries made small talk, exchanged jokes and parted on a friendly note. In those few hours of open com- munication, the protesters learned we are not killers and war mongers, but professionals dedicated to de- fending their rights. Falcon people learned that protest- ers are not crazed radicals, but intelli- gent people with deep beliefs that differ from their own. French philosopher Voltaire once wrote, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death ‘your right to say it.” Those words summarize one of the democratic principles we, as ‘America’s military, defend. What a person says or thinks is not impor- tant, that each person has the right to do so without fear of persecution is. Ina culture as politically, ethni- cally and morally diverse as ours, that right takes on added importance. Without it, there is no democracy. We defend the right of every American to publicly voice an opin- ion, whether in print, on the street comer, in the voting booth, or even at the gate of a military installation, Itis one of the pillars of democracy that sets our nation above all others Many people chuckled at the seeming irony of the protesters’ Fal- con tour. “Only in America,” they mused, That's very true. Only in America. Space Trace AC-21A Learjet, one of six now ‘owned’ by Air Force Space Command banks after takeoff. The Jets became part of the command after the acti- vation of the 774th Airlift Flight at Peterson AFB, Colo./Page 3 Po by SS Makan Page 2 « Space Trace » May 1993 This funded Ar Fores newspapers an autor. laed pubioaon for memes of he US. rulary Conrs of he Space Trace ae not ncessar ty the oflsal vw al of andorsaa ty, ne US. ovemman, ina Geparimant ef Detente oF te Beparment st ne At Face. ‘Tho conn of he Space Trace ae prepares tyr the ital nfrmaton dvisan, Heaaquarars Axe Feros Space Conmang Otice of Puble A {als, Person AFB, Colo. “The Space Travels pushed on te ts! day ct each month. Submissors to tne Space Trace frou” be ‘sont to. Headuarer. AFSPACE- COMPAS, Atn: Space Trace, 150 Vandenberg St, Ste. 1105, Person APB, Colo, 60814-4500. Deane tor sarisson is the Tai day of he mont pro the mon of publication "AL soomissons wi be, edied 1 confor staraards sot or in AF Force Regdaion 180-1 ‘25s the Attocateg Press Sylabook For tather Information, con! the edtor at OsN 692.5627 (yapne ae oft fess onerse nated Commander Gen, Charlas A Homer Director of Public Attars Col, Philip E. Lacombe CChiet, Products and Support ‘Maj. James Bas Esitor ‘SSgt George Hayward

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