Middle East Chronology - 1971-08-16 - 1971-11-15

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Chronology August 16, 1971-November 15, 1971

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Winter, 1972), pp. 37-53
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4324874 .
Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:27

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August 16, 1971 -November 15, 1971

Arab IsraeliConflict It was officially announced that evacuation of

Palestinianrefugees from Gaza camps had ceased.
Israeli military sources said the objective of im-
1971 proved securityin the camps was achieved by the
Aug. 16: A terroristgrenade wounded 17 Arabs in resettlementof refugees.
a marketin Gaza. Aug. 31: IsraeliAmbassadorto the US YitzhakRabin
Aug. 18: The Arab mayorsof 23 West Bank towns said the US was committing an error in post-
met in Beit Sahurand agreed to oppose a motion poning a decision to supply more jets. He said
before the Arab Leaguewhich would refuse entry Israel was unsuccessfulin pressingfor a quick de-
to goods originating in the West Bank or Gaza cision and the Americandelay resultedfrom politi-
Strip. cal considerations.
The New York Times reported "well-placed
Aug. 19: IsraeliDefense MinisterMosheDayanurged sources"in Cairo as saying the USSR was sup-
that "We should regard our role in the admin- plying more Russian piloted fighter squadronsto
isteredterritoriesas that of the establishedgovern- Egypt. The report said that in addition to the
ment-to plan and implement whatever can be 4 Mig-21 squadronssent in 1970, 2 Mig-21 and
done, without leaving options open for the day of 2 SU-11 squadronswere added "recently"and 2
peace-which may be distant." more SU-11 squadronswere expected in the next
Aug. 20: Following the signing of a constitutionfor few weeks.
a Federation of Arab Republics, the heads of
Sept. 2: Israeli forces clashed with Arab forces in
state of Libya, Syria and Egypt issued a joint the Mt. Hebron region of Lebanon.
communiquestating there would be "no peace or
negotiation with the Zionist enemy, no yielding Sept. 9: Israel reported Syrian gunners opened fire
an inch of Arab territory,no bargaining on the on positions in the Jawlan region.
Palestiniancause." Sept. 11: Israel said an EgyptianSU-7 bomber was
US State Department spokesman Robert shot down after crossing the Suez Canal with an-
McCloskeycalled Israeli Defense Minister Dayan's other SU-7.
Aug. 19 speech "harmful"and said it was "com-
pletely inconsistentwith Israel'sacceptanceof the Sept. 12: Israeli Chief of Staff Haim Bar-Levsaid
UN SecurityCouncilResolutionof Nov. 22, 1967." of Russianpresencein the region that Israelwould
be guided by 2 principles: "insistingon our own
Aug. 22: Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban said position in all vital spheres,even when that might
the Damascusdeclarationof the Federationof Arab lead to a clash with Russian soldiers in Egypt,
Republics was "intransigent,""extremist"and a but . . . not taking the initiative in ways that will
rejectionof the UN SecurityCouncilResolutionof lead the Soviets . . . to decide on moves undesir-
Nov. 1967. able to us."
Aug. 23: The US said the Damascusdeclarationby British Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-
Eg-ypt,Syria and Libya pledging no peace and Home arrived in Cairo for talks aimed at break-
no negotiationswith Israel was "unfortunate"and ing the Arab Israeli deadlock.
"inconsistent"with the UN resolution of Nov. Sept. 13: EgyptianForeign Minister Malmud RiyRd
1967. met with British Foreign SecretaryDouglas-Home.
Aug. 30: EgyptianPresidentAnwar al-Sadit said the Riyad.criticizedthe US for not communicatingfor
Federationof Arab Republics was intended as a 2 months on effortsto promote an interim agree-
"bastion against Israel" in a conflict that might ment to reopen the Suez Canal. Douglas-Home
Last50 years. He added that "Jordanis out of the said his government supportedan interim agree-
battle,finished." ment, but that it must be tied to a "comprehensive
Israeliguns fired at Egyptianplanes which over- settlement"which would involve total Israeliwith-
flew Israeli fortificationson the Suez Canal. drawalfrom the occupiedterritories.


Sept. 14: EgyptianPresidentSidat met with Douglas- Security Council guarantees,could "be provided"
Home. Sadit said Egypt'soffer for an interimopen- and are the "strongestconceivablein the modern
ing of the Canal was still valid but that time for world."
Israeli acceptancewas running out. Sept. 29: Riyad.met with US Secretaryof State Wil-
A Jordanianrequestfor a UN SecurityCouncil liam Rogers and SenatorJ. William Fulbrightin
debate on Jerusalemwas put off at the requestof Washington. The New York Times reportedthat
Syria, a Council member. Rogers suggested compromise proposals for re-
Sept. 15: Israel reportedEgypt was constructingSam opening the Suez Canal and official sources said
missile sites in the centralsector of the Suez front Riyad's reaction was "satisfactory."
2 miles from the Canal. Regarding the US initiative Riyid said: "We
Al-Ahramsaid Israel was seeking agreementto leave the door open to any initiative."He added
install radarand missiles in Ethiopiaat the straits that Egypt would wekome further efforts by the
of Bab al-Mandaband that Egypt was conducting UN and the Big Four.
"urgent"talks with Ethiopiato prevent the move. Sept. 30: Israeli Foreign Minister Eban at the UN
Douglas-Homesaid his talks with Egyptianlead- urged direct Egyptian-Israelinegotiations. Eban
ers convinced him that Egypt was in a mood for said Israel would not regard a Suez Canal agree-
"permanentpeace"with Israel. ment as "final"and that Israel would seek from
Sept. 16: Sidit accused the US of "deception"and negotiations a "contractualbasis for continued
procrastinationin negotiationsto reopen the Suez presence"since Israel was seeking "practical"se-
Canal. He said Egypt was promised by US State curity, not a "juridical"formula.
Dept. Desk Officer Michael Sterner in July that Oct. 1: An Egyptianspokesmanat the UN said Eban
the US would proclaima "definiteposition"in the tried "to confuse the Assembly"and that it was
dispute but had not done so. Israel that had obstructednegotiations.
Jordan asked the UN Security Council to stop Oct. 4: The New York Times reported Israel had
Israeli annexationof Jerusalemby "whateversanc- begun production of a short range missile, the
tions it deems fit." "Jericho,"capableof deliveringa nuclearwarhead.
Sept. 17: Israel protested to the UN Truce Super- Rogers told the UN that at the request of
visory Organizationagainst Egypt's downing with "the parties" the US would continue to seek an
missiles of a transportplane which was 14 miles interim agreement. He said it should be founded
behind Israel'sSuez defenses. on 2 principles: A Suez agreement would be
An exchangeof rocket fire was reportedon the "merely a step" toward full implementation of
Suez Canal. Both sides accusedthe other of initiat- Resolution 242 and that neither side could expect
ing the exchange. agreementon the terms and conditions of a final
Dayan said the Egyptiandowning of an Israeli settlement to be achieved as part of the interim
transport"was far more than a violation of the settlement.
cease-fire,this is a warlike and provocativeact." Oct. 5: The US State Department denied that the
Sept. 18: Egypt conceded that the downed Israeli US was discussing"concertedmilitaryactions with
plane was a transportand not a fighter. Israel" as an assuranceagainst violations of an
Sept. 19: A terroristgrenade killed an Arab child interim agreement.
and wounded 5 Americantouristsin Jerusalem. Oct. 6: Israeli Premier Golda Meir said Israel still
The New York Times reported that the US opposes the crossing of the Suez by Egyptiansin
was assured by both Israel and Egypt of their any interim agreement. She said Rogers' speech
intent to continue observing the cease-fire. to the UN "may have raised false hopes among
Sept. 25: The UN SecurityCouncil "urgentlycalled" Egyptian rulers that Israel is likely to agree to
on Israel to halt and "rescindall previous steps" Egyptianforces crossing to the East Bank."
tending to alter the characterof the Arab section Riyad told the UN that Egypt would reject
of Jerusalem. The vote was 14-0 with Syria any agreement that would lead to continued oc-
abstaining. cupation and he charged that Israel would use
Israeli AmbassadorYosef Tekoah said the res- an interim agreementas a "springboardto further
olution amounted to an order to stifle Jerusalem aggression."
and that Israel would react as she would to any Israeli PremierMeir said Rogers' speech to the
order from Moscow or Washington. UN "failed to contributeto the advancementof
Sept. 26: Israel rejected the Security Council Reso- the special arrangementfor the opening of the
lution calling for an end to measuresin Jerusalem. Suez Canal."
A cabinet statementsaid "Israel'spolicy with re- Oct. 7: The PalestineLiberationOrganization(PLO)
gard to Jerusalemremains unchanged. Israel will announcedthat Commanderof the PalestineLibera-
continue the developmentof the city . . ." tion Army 'Abd al-RazzAqal-Yahyaand Chief of
Sept. 28: Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko Staff 'Uthmin Haddadwere dismissedand Midhat
told the UN General Assembly that "appropriate Bfi-Dayriwas appointedto replace both.
guarantees" of a political settlement, including Soviet PremierAleksei Kosygin said in Algeria
that the USSR would "continue to give Arab UN speech and would confineitself to the role of
countries all the aid they need to liberate their "honestbroker"withoutsubmittingdetailedrecom-
territory." mendationsof its own.
Oct. 8: After meeting with Rogers in New York UN SecretaryGeneral U Thant named the UN
RiyQ4said they had a "good and useful"discussion delegates of Argentina, Sierra Leone and Italy
on the possibility of achieving an interim agree- to form a commissionto investigateIsrael'shous-
ment. Rogers said an agreementwas possible. ing policies in occupiedJerusalem.The New York
Oct. 11: Sidat arrived in Moscow for talks on the Times reported"sources"as saying Israel had not
Middle East problem. He was joined there by agreedto permit the commissionto visit Jerusalem.
Riy94. Syria said Israeli planes violated Syrianairspace
Oct. 12: Sadat said in Moscow that "force, and and were drivenoff.
only force" is the way to "oppose any aggression Oct. 29: Yugoslav PresidentTito said in Washing-
that may be undertaken"and of "liquidatingthe ton that Soviet Communist Party leader Leonid
aggressionagainst our land." Brezhnev told him the USSR would withdraw
The Israeli Cabinet voted to continue to go its military personnelfrom Egypt and other Arab
along with US effortsto reachan interimsettlement. countries once a Middle East peace settlement is
Oct. 13: A joint communiqueending Sidat's talks reached.
in Moscow said measureswere agreed on "aimed Oct. 31: US Senator Fulbright, speaking on the
at further strengthening the military might of defeat of the US foreign aid bill, predicted that
Egypt" and that the 2 sides "strongly condemn an interim solution would be found and said he
anti-Communismand anti-Sovietismas prejudicing would support the "least controversial"aspects of
the peoples' urge for liberation." foreign aid including military aid to Israel and
Oct. 14: Syria charged that Israeli planes violated refugee aid.
Syrian airspace. Nov. 1: Israel told the US that she would not enter
Rogers "deplored"the new Soviet pledge to further negotiationstoward an interim settlement
strengthenEgypt'smilitaryand said the US would unless the supply of Phantom jets is resumed.
"carefullyreconsider"its military commitmentsto Nov. 2: Representingthe Organizationof African
Israel "in the light of PresidentNixon's commit- Unity (OAU), 4 African heads of state arrived
ment to insure that the military balance in the in Israel for 3 days of talks aimed at promoting
Middle East does not change." a "dialogue"betweenIsraeland Egypt They were
Oct. 15: A US Senate resolution supported by 78 Leopold Senghor of Senegal, Ahmadou Ahidjo of
Senatorscalled for a resumptionof Phantom jet Cameroon,Yakubu Gowon of Nigeria and Joseph
deliveries to Israel "without further delay." Mobutuof Zaire.
Oct. 17: It was announced that Egyptian Minister Nov. 3: The JerusalemPost reportedSenegal'sPres-
of War Muhammad$adiq would take command ident Leopold Senghor as saying he favored "as
of Syrian troops facing Israel so that operations direct a dialogue as possible" between Israel and
could be coordinated. the Arabs.
Oct. 18: SyrianPresidentHafiz al-As'adsaid 250,000 'Arafat returnedto Beirut after a 14 day visit
Syriantroopswere mobilizedfor the coming battle to EastGermanyand the USSR. He said the visits
with Israel. broughtabout "completebackingand support"for
Oct. 19: US Senator Henry Jackson called for a the Palestinianmovement and the results of the
"phased" Soviet troop withdrawal from Arab visit would be seen in the eventsof the nearfuture.
countries accompaniedby an Israeli withdrawal Nov. 4: Al-Abram editor MuhammadHaykal said
to "defensibleborders." Egypt was cold to a US proposalfor indirecttalks
Oct. 20: Commandoleader Yasir 'Arafatarrivedfor with Israel with US Assistant Secretaryof State
talks in Mos.ow. Joseph Sisco as go-between. He said the proposal
Oct. 26: Premier Meir said Rogers had transferred was a "maneuver"and "unacceptable."
support of Israel's position on an interim Suez 'T'heNew York Times reported "Americanin-
agreementto Egypt'sposition and that concessions telligence sources" as saying Soviet arms ship-
could not be forced on Israel by withholding "the ments to Egypt have fallen off sharplyand "prac-
means vitally required for our security." She tically nothing of consequencehas been delivered
reiterated Israel's willingness to enter renewed since the counter coup in the Sudan."
talks on an interim agreement but not on the It was announcedthat Sadat had assumedper-
terms laid down by Rogers at the UN on Oct. 4. sonal commandof the Egyptianarmed forces.
Oct. 27: The New York Times reported "Israeli Nov. 5: The OAU delegation of African leaders
diplomatic sources" as saying Israel would join 1-ft Israelfor Egypt. Israeli leadersexpressed"sat-
new Americansponsoredtalks on the Suez Canal isfaction" with their talks.
if the US would resume supplies of jets to Israel, Egyptian Minister of War $adiq reported that
would not require concessions in return for the Sadat had moved to the general headquartersof
planes, would not base the talks on Rogers'Oct. 4 the army to "guide"Egypt through the "decisive

stage" of the conflict with Israel. Aug. 25: Reaters reported official sources in West
Nov. 6: Israelreportedthat 2 Mig-23 jets flew across Germanyas saying ForeignMinisterWalter Scheel
the Suez cease-fireline. was seeking a meeting with the SecretaryGeneral
The 4 Africanpresidentsrepresentingthe OAU of the Arab League to discuss resumption of
arrivedin Cairo for talks with Egyptianleaders. German-Arabdiplomatic ties.
Nov. 7: It was officially announced in Cairo that Sept. 1: Referendumsheld in Syria,Libyaand Egypt
Egypt would postpone the UN General Assembly endorsed the Federation of Arab Republics by
debate on the Middle East to give the OAU peace 96.4%, 98% and 99.9% respectively.
mission time for talks. Sept. 11: Bahraynand Qatarwere acceptedas mem-
Nov. 8: The 4 OAU presidentsleft Egypt to report bers of the Arab League.
to a 10 nation committee in Dakar, Senegal. Sept. 29: Oman was acceptedas a member of the
Nov. 9: Haykal said Egypt must break the US Arab League.
"monopoly" over peace efforts and return the A US naval spokesmansaid the US would begin
problemto the UN. sending more ships into the Indian Ocean on a
Nov. 10: The New York Times reportedIsrael was patrol basis in responseto the doubling of Soviet
unofficiallyproposing that the Suez Canal be re- vesselsthere in the past 3 yearsto 12 to 15 vessels.
opened, without troop withdrawals,in order to Oct. 4: PresidentAnwaral-Sadatof Egyptwas chosen
improve the atmospherefor furthertalks. Presidentof the Federationof Arab Republics by
Nov. 11: Sidat said no negotiationswould be held the 3 man PresidentialCouncil meeting in Cairo.
with Israel unless Israel gives "a positive answer Oct. 6: The first meeting of the Federationof Arab
to the messagesent by UN Special Envoy Gunnar Republics Presidential Council ended in Cairo
Jarring"in February. after approvingplans for a foreign policy council,
Nov. 13: Egypt reported that she requesteda UN a federal cabinet and military coordination.
debate on the Middle East beginning Nov. 29. Oct. 7: Resolutions passed by a special meeting of
Nigerian President Gowon said the OAU had OPEC on Sept. 22 were made public. They called
drawn up definite proposals for a Middle East for effective participationin oil concessions by
settlement. host countriesand for compensationfor losses in
Nov. 15: Egyptian Vice PresidentHusayn al-Shafi'i the real value of oil revenues resulting from,the
said Sadat'sstatementthat 1971 would be the de- de facto devaluationof the US dollar.
cisive year did not mean the conflict must be Oct. 14: Following talks between Syrian President
settled in 1971 but that the "courseof liberation" As'ad and EgyptianPresidentSadata communique
would be chosen. was issued saying a committee would be formed
to "preparefor a dialogue" between the Ba'th
Party and Egypt's Arab Socialist Union on the
possibility of their integration.
General Oct. 18: A meeting of the Organizationof Arab
1971 PetroleumExportingCountriesto deal with Iraq's
application for membershipwas postponed until
Aug. 18: The heads of state of Libya, Egypt, and Dec. when representativesfrom Libya and Algeria
Syria began talks in Damascusto approvethe draft failed to attend.
constitutionfor the Federationof Arab Republics
and to discuss the situation in Jordan. Oct. 30: Talks began in Tehran on compensation
SecretaryGeneral of the Organizationof Petro- to oil producingcountriesfor the loss of revenue
leum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Nadim resulting from de facto devaluationof the dollar.
Pachachisaid he expected PresidentNixon's new Nov. 13: A meetingof ArabForeignMinistersopened
economic measureswould result in a devaluation in Cairo.
of the dollar. This would erode the gains of
the "Tehran, Tripoli and related agreements of
1971" and OPEC would then "take the necessary Afghanistan
steps to adjustcrudeoil posted prices accordingly."
Aug. 20: The heads of state of Syria, Egypt and 1971
Libya meeting in Damascussigned a constitution Aug. 22: The New York Times reported that the
for a Federationof Arab Republics. country was suffering the worst drought in its
Aug. 22: A meeting of the Ministerial Council of recordedhistory.
the RegionalCooperationfor Development(RCD) Sept. 5: Kabul Times announced that the USSR,
ended in Isfahan. A communiqu6said steps were Iran and UK would grant $700,000, IR 20m and
taken to further expand trade between the mem- $200,000 respectivelyin droughtrelief.
bers and that a study was under way to forge Sept. 18: An official spokesman said the Iranian
links with membersof ASEAN in SoutheastAsia. magazine Tehran Mossavarwould be banned for

publishing material"opposedto the friendly spirit comparedwith 13.7% in 1969.

among nations." Greek Cypriot negotiatorGlafcos Kliridhis de-
Oct. 25: Iraq gave $55,000 for drought relief. livered the government'sreply to Turkish nego-
Nov. 3: Kabul Times reported that Premier Abd tiator Rauf Denkta;' letter of Aug. 9. Kliridhis
al-Zahir outlined emergency plans to meet the denied that President Makarios had called the
drought. Zahir said grants of wheat were made intercommunaltalks "dead" but said Makarios
by the US (100,000 tons), China (18,000 tons), had pointed out the fact that they are "dead-
Germany,France,Canadaand the UN. An addi- locked" on issues under discussion.
tional 100,000 tons would be purchased from Aug. 27: Turkish Cypriots held Greek travelers
the US. hostage after Turks were arrested in a "routine
police check" near Sinda. UN forces negotiated
the release of the Greeks and the Turks were
Algeria later released.
Sept. 3: President Makarios arrived for talks in
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,General) Athens. At a news conferencehe confirmedthat
Gen. George Grivas disappearedfrom his home
1971 on Aug. 30. Makariossaid he was in Athens to
restore and "further cement the common front"
Aug. 24: South Yemeni Envoy MuhammadAm-in and that the intercommunaltalks in Cypruswere
left after 4 days of talks on the situation in the an evident failure.
Persian Gulf. Sept. 4: Makariosended 2 days of talks with Greek
Sept. 21: The official daily Al-Moudjahidcriticized Premier George Papadopoulos. A joint com-
the state run agriculturalmanagementfor wastage munique said "an exchange of views took place
and inefficiencyleading to an "undeniablygrave which will be especially useful for subsequent
situation." dealingswith the Cyprusissue."
Oct. 3: AJ-Destow quoted President Houari Bou- Sept. 6: Alithia of Nicosia reported a "highly re-
medienneas condemningcampaignsby some Arab spected" source as saying the government was
governments against communists. He said this convinced that General Grivas had returned to
was "wrongand does not serve Arab interests." Cyprussecretly.
Sept. 19: Foreign Minister Spiros Kiprianou said
Oct. 4: Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin arrived for
Cyprus would not agree to join a "5 power"
officialtalks with Boumedienne. conferenceon the Cyprusissue allegedly proposed
Oct. 8: Soviet PremierKosygin left after a state visit. by Turkeyand Britain.
A joint communiquesaid the USSR was ready to Sept. 25: UN forces moved in to "neutralize"for-
increasetechnicaland economiccooperation. tificationserected by Turkish Cypriotsin Nicosia,
Oct. 11: PresidentBoumedienneheld "surprise"talks AssociatedPress reported.
with Libyan Premier Mu'ammar Qadhdhifi. A Sept. 29: Makariostold Le Mo'ndethat, while Greek
communiquesaid it was agreed that the 2 leaders Cypriotsfavor enosis, "the difficultiesmake enosis
should meet every 4 months. impossible" and talks were being held on the
Ocs. 19: Boumediennewarned "that minority which basis of Cypriot independence. Cypruswould ac-
complains"about the lack of consumer products cept UN guaranteesof a final agreement.
not to "oppose revolutionarypolicy." He said Sept. 30: Denkta; and Kliridhis held a meeting in
imports "cause the outflow of currencyon which the intercommunaltalks and Denkta; delivered
developmentand the futureof the countrydepend." the Turkish reply to the government note of
Oct. 27: China signed a trade agreementraising the Aug. 24.
value of exchanges to AD 140m in 1972 and Oct. 12: Secondaryschool studentsin Limassolstaged
AD 180m in 1974. China also agreed to an in- demonstrationsin favor of enosis and to show
terest free loan for a dam at Cerdoune. support for Grivas.
Nov. 8: Boumedienne signed an agrarian reform Oct. 16: Reserve officersin Limassolannouncedsup-
law nationalizingthe estates of absenteelandlords port for enosis and approvalof Grivas' presence
and abolishingprivateownershipof watersupplies. in Cyprus.
Oct. 17: CyprusBulletin reportedthat Makariossug-
gested to Turkish newsmen that tension could be
Cyprus reduced by "the abolition of all armed posts in
areas of confrontationand the control of those
1971 areas to be undertakenby mixed police patrols."
Oct. 29: Makarios said armed groups were being
Aug. 24: The annual report of the Bank of Cyprus formed illegally to support Grivas. He said such
said the rate of economic growth slowed down activity could only further Turkish partitionist
in 1970, with Gross Domestic Product up 79% plans.

Egypt left after a 4 day visit and talks with Sadat.

Sept. 19: A new Cabinet was announcedas part of
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,General,Jordan, a programof administrativereform:
Kuwayt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Libya) MahmuidRiyad: Deputy Premier and Foreign
MahmiidFawzi: Premier
1971 Az=z $idqi: Industry, Petroleum & Minerals
Aug. 20: Al-Ahram reported Interior Minister and Deputy Premier
MamdiuhSalim as saying that 380 persons were 'Abd al-QadirHatim: Culture,Informationand
presendy in political detention and that 13,000 Deputy Premier
had been "politicallyisolated"for 10 years while 'Abd al-'Aztz Hijaei: Treasury
160,000 others were forced to go abroad. SayyidMar'!: Deputy Premier and Agriculture,
AgrarianReform & Land Reclamation
Aug. 25: The trial of 'All Sabri and other officials
Muhammad'AbdallahMarzabin: Economyand
charged with treason opened with the defense
Foreign Trade
challenging the legality of the "revolutionary
tribunal." Head of the 3 man tribunal, I.afi; Sayyid al-Sayyid:Planning
Badawi,postponedthe trial until Sept. 4 and gave MuhammadHafiz Ghanim: Education
'Abd al-'Aziz Kamil: Awqaf & Azhar Affairs
the defense 5 days to justify its challenge.
Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad: Presidential
Aug. 27: Chad broke diplomatic relations after ac- Affairs
cusing Egyptof supportingan abortivecoup d'etat. Ahmad 'Abd al-Majid:CabinetAffairs
Aug. 28: The first official contactsin 6 years were Ahmad al-Sayyid Darwish: Health and Social
made in talks with West Germany in Cairo. Affairs
Al-Ahram said Egypt would require Germany 'Abd al-LatifBultiyah: Manpower
to support the UN resolution of Nov. 1967 and Ahmad Nuh: Civil Aviation
for a resumption of ties to be approved by the MamduhSalim: Interior
Arab League before relationscould be established. MuhammadAhmad $adiq: War
Aug. 29: President Anwar al-Sadatdisclosed that a MuhammadMursi Ahmad: Higher Education
sit-in strike at the Helwan Steel Plant had been Ahmad Sultan: Power
dispersed and that similar incidents would be 'Ali al-SayyidMuhammad:Housing
dealt with "firmly." Sulayman 'Abd al-Hayy: Transport and Com-
Sept. 2: An official decree changed the name of munications
the United Arab Republic to the "ArabRepublic Muhammad'Abd al-Raqib: Irrigation
of Egypt." 'Ali Wali: Petroleum & Mineral Wealth
lbrahim Najib: Tourism
Sept. 4: GovernmentProsecutorMustafa Abu Zayd
Fahmi asked for the death penalty for 8 of the
12 men on trial for conspiracy. MuhammadHasan Salim: War Production
MuhammadGhalib: Minister of State for For-
Sept. 7: SudanesePremier Ja'far Numayri left after eign Affairs
5 days of talks with Sadat on the Federationof Mahmud Hamdi: Marine Transport
Arab Republics and relations with the USSR. Sept. 20: Sadat ordered all detainees held without
Sept. 8: The National Assembly was dissolved by trial to be released including members of the
Presidential decree and new elections scheduled Muslim Brotherhood, according to Cairo press
for Oct. 27. reports.
Sept. 11: A general referendumwas held to approve Sadat said the new Cabinet was differentfrom
a permanent constitution. any other and the new Egypt would be based on
Sadat pledged a 10 year programfor doubling the authorityof the state, the sovereigntyof law
national income, expanding industry and tourism and governmentby organizationsnot individuals.
and eliminating illiteracy. Sept. 24: Middle East Economic Digest reported
Sept. 12: Premier MahmuidFawzi submitted his that a 4 year improvementplan was worked out
resignationand was asked to form a new Cabinet. for the town of Helwan after leadersof an August
Interior Minister Salim said the constitution strike were dismissed.
was approvedby 99.9% of the 7,862,617 ballots Sadatissueddecreesreorganizingstatemachinery.
cast. Sept. 28: Activities were held commemoratingNasir
Sept. 13: British Foreign SecretarySir Alec Douglas- on the 1st anniversaryof his death.
Home signed an agreement for Egyptian com- SePt. 29: The New York Times reportedthere was
pensationpaymentsworth ?2.Um for British prop- a bomb alert in Cairo after explosive devices
erty nationalizedby Egypt. He also announceda were discovered in the Ministry of Information
Britishloan of ?lm. and anti-Sovietleafletswere distributedsecretlyby
Sept. 15: British Foreign SecretaryDouglas-Home an "EgyptianNational Front."
Oct. 1: It was announcedthat the leading US diplo- ManuchehrShahqoli: Health
mat in Cairo,Donald C. Bergus,would be replaced Hushang Ansari: Econo-my
by Michael Sterner. Safi Asfia: State
Oct. 2: The US agreed to rescheduleEgypt's $147m AbdolmajidMajidi: Labor & Social Affairs
debt thus permitting application for loans from AbdolazimValian: Cooperative& Rural Affairs
international financial institutions. FarrokhryParsa: Education
Oct. 17: India signed a trade agreementfor an ex- Hoseyn Kazemzadeh:Science
change of goods worth ?68m. Iraj Vahidi: Water & Power
Oct. 19: Al-Ahram said all political detaineeswere Kuros Amuzegar:Housing and Development
released and all detention camps were empty. Reza Azimi: War
Oct. 20: Yugoslav PresidentTito paid a 1 day visit MohammedSam: Interior
for talks with Sadat. MahmudQavam-Sadri: State
Oct. 23: The USSR concluded a long term trade ManuchehrKalali: State
agreementreported to raise the volume of trade SadeqAhmadi: Justice
from ?E 163m in 1970 to ?E250m by 1975. Hamid Rahnama: Information
FormerVice President'All $abri went on trial Sept. 15: Following a surprise visit by Pakistani
in secret on charges of political corruption and PresidentMuhammadYahya Khan an officialcom-
misuse of power. munique said the Shah "expressedIran'ssolidarity
Oct. 24: A US State Department spokesman said with Pakistan."
Donald Bergus would remain at his post in Cairo. Sept. 23: The Shah announced the completion of
Oct. 25: The prosecutionasked for the death pen- the distribution phase of the land reform and
alty for formerMinisterof War MuhammadFawzi said "thereis no longer any farmerin the country
whose trial for high treasonopened before a mili- who does not own his land."
tary tribunal. Sept. 28: The London Guardianpublished an inter-
Oct. 27: General elections were held for a new view in which the Shah said "no power on earth
National Assembly. can stop us" from claimingthe Gulf islandsof Abui
Musa and the Tumbs and "why should we
Oct. 31: Bishop Shenuda was chosen to be the
new patriarchof the Coptic Churchand Pope of
Alexandria. Oct. 2: Special British Envoy Sir William Luce
arrived in Tehran for talks on the future of the
Nov. 1: The Soviet Union signed a protocolto supply
a ?E 65m aluminum plant.
Oct. 7: It was reportedthat 250 Iranianswere de-
ported from Iraq because they had no residence
Iran permits.
(See also General, Afghanistan,Iraq, Kuwayt, Oct. 9: Kayhan InternationalreportedIraq expelled
Persian Gulf, Turkey) 250 Iranians,expropriatingtheir property.
Oct. 12: Celebrationsbegan markingthe 2500 years
of Persian monarchy.
1971 Le Monde reported that the Shah would ab-
Aug. 17: An official communique said Iran rec- dicate "as soon as Crown Prince Reza has finished
ognized the People's Republic of China as "the his studies."
only legal government of China" and that full Oct. 17: Celebrationsof the 2500th year of the
diplomatic relations would soon be established. founding of the PersianEmpire ended.
Aug. 31: The Shah told the Majlis that economic Oct. 21: PremierAbbasHoveydasaid Iran was ready
growth in the past 4 years averaged 10% and at any time to enter negotiations with Iraq to
exceeded the goals of the 1968-73 development settle the dispute over Shatt al-Arab.
plan. Oct. 24: A governmentspokesmansaid the 2500th
Sept. 10: An 11 man trade delegationleft for South anniversary celebration had cost $16.6m and
Africa. charged some publicationswith reporting "totally
Sept. 13: A new Cabinetwas announced: exaggerated"figures.
Amir Abbas Hoveyda: Premier Oct. 29: lifiddle East EconoonicDigest reportedthe
Jamshid Amuzegar:Finance Roads Ministryas saying the Iraniansection of the
Abbas Khalatbari:Foreign Affairs Asian Highway from 1turkey to Afghanistanwas
MehrdadPahlbod: Culture completed.
Hasan Shalchian: Roads
Mahmud Hashfian: State
Hadi Hedayati:State Iraq
MansurRuhani: Agriculture (See also General,Afghanistan,Iran, Jordan,
FatollahSotudeh: Post, Telegraph& Telephone PersianGulf, Syria, Yemen)

1971 Murtad4 'Abd al-Baqi was appointed Foreign

Aug. 18: It was announced that 2 security officers
Nov. 1: Al-Thaw,ah reported President Bakr as
were assassinatedon Aug. 14 in the Kurdishvillage
Banjanine in an effort by unknown persons to having ordered a thorough review of economic
policy to combatinflation.
sabotage the March 11 Agreement.
Aug. 25: Minister of Information Shafiq Kamali Nov. 7: Six Cabinet Ministers were dispatched to
said that Iraq was isolated on official levels but Arab countriesfor talks on unified action against
that popular opinion was on her side. Speaking Israel and to prevent Iran from taking over Abui
of the Federationof Arab Republics he said Iraq Musa and the Tumbs Islands of the Gulf.
favors Arab unity but opposes "any federation Nov. 15: PresidentBakr announceda new National
creatinga bloc or an axis." Charter to pave the way for a permanent
Aug. 30: PresidentHlasanal-Bakrentereda hospital Constitution.
for "minor treatment."
Sept. 1: Presidental-Bakrwas releasedfrom a hospi-
tal "in good health" after a "minor illness" and Israel
a seriesof medical tests.
Sept. 2: It was announcedthat full diplomaticrela- (See also Arab-IsraeliConflict, Iraq)
tions would be establishedwith Bahrayn.
Sept. 10: AMiddle East EconomicDigest reportedan 1971
official announcementas saying development ex- Aug. 17: It was announcedthat 6 Israelis,including
penditures under the 1970/74 plan would be 1 Communist,would visit the Soviet Union at
increasedfrom ID 537m to ID 1 billion as a re- the invitation of the Soviet Peace Committee.
sult of increasedoil revenues. Aug. 22: The pound was devalued by 20%.
The World Bank granted a loan of $27.5m Aug. 23: Several hundred demonstratorsprotesting
for telecommunications,it was announced. discriminationagainstJews of non-Europeanorigin
Sept. 18: BaghdadRadio broadcastthe alleged con- clashedwith police in Jerusalem.
fession of Air Force Major Fahmi Jalal who said Aug. 26: Six Israelis arrived in Moscow for an un-
he was recruited by British diplomats to supply official visit at the invitation of the Soviet Peace
informationon Soviet advisorsin Iraq. Committee.
Sept. 28: Baghdad Radio reported that Vice Pres- Sept. 7: The Civil Aviation WorkersUnion went on
ident SAlih Mahdi 'Ammash and Foreign Min- strike affectingall airports.
ister 'Abd al-Karim Shaykhli were relieved of Sept. 8: The Israeli guests of the Soviet Peace Com-
their posts and positions on the Revolution Com- mittee returned from Moscow. Professor Dan
mand Council by Presidentialdecree. Mekon speaking for the group said he got the
It was announced that Syria agreed on the impression that the USSR "earnestlydesires" to
first stage of a pipeline to carryoil from southern improve relationswith Israel.
Iraq to the Mediterranean. Sept. 13: The New York Times reported "authori-
Sept. 29: An assassinationattempt against Kurdish tative" US officials as saying Arab diplomats in
leader Mulla Mustafa Barazani was unsuccessful. Moscow were expecting the USSR to establish
Oct. 3: Murtadlaal-Hadithi was appointed Foreign some form of diplomatic relations with Israel
Minister. early in 1972.
Oct. 4: At the end of a visit by Turkish Minister Sept. 23: The military authoritiesappointedRashid
of Foreign Economic Relations Ozer Derbil it Shawa Mayor of Gaza in response to petitions
was announced technical cooperation would be signed by severalthousandcitizens,an officialcom-
establishedand trade increased. muniqu6 reported.
Oct. 5: Yemeni PresidentialCouncil Chairman'Abd Oc. 3: ShaykhJibir Mu'adi,a Druse, was appointed
al-Rahmanal-Iryanibegan a 5 day visit. Deputy Minister of Communications.
Oct. 9: Yemeni Presidental-Iryanileft after a 5 day Oct. 7: Twenty-one"Black Israelites"from the US
state visit. were refused entry on the grounds that they were
Oct. 13: $alih Mahdi 'Ammashwas appointedAm- not tourists but intended to settle illegally in
bassadorto the USSR. Israel.
Oct. 20: BaghdadRadio reportedthat former Major Oct. 8: Interior Minister Yosef Burg said an ex-
Fahmi Jalal was sentenced to death for passing ception would be made to the Law of Return
informationto the British. to preventJewish criminalsfrom obtaining refuge
Oct. 26: Acting Ministerof Education'Abd al-Sattir in Israel.
al-Jawari left for a tour of the Gulf States as Nov. 5: The New York Times reported "Jewish
President Bakr's personal emissary. sources"as saying a new surge of emigration to
Oct. 30: Iraqi News Agency reportedRumaniaagreed Israel was permitted by the USSR in the "past
to a loan of $35m to be repaid in crude oil. two weeks."

Nov. 7: Demonstrationserupted in Tel Aviv pro- permittedit to fly to Amman.

testing a "cultureweek" sponsored by the West Sept. 9: A Fath spokesmanconcededthat the hijacker
German embassy. was a member of Fath but said that the hijacking
The New York Times reported that Finance was an "individual action."
Minister Pinhas Sapir warned that the defense Al-Dastur reportedthe US agreed in principle
budget would have to be cut. to a loan of $10m to "back the Treasury."
Nov. 12: The New York Times reportedthat France The Trans-ArabianPipeline was shut off after
told Israel at the end of Sept. 1971 she would a bomb damagedit near the Syrian border.
consider reimbursingIsrael for jet planes which A government delegation, which had gone to
Israel had paid for but were embargoedin France. Jiddah for talks with commandoleaders,returned
The report said negotiations were under way in to Amman after being told the commando dele-
Paris to end the dispute. gation would not attend.
Nov. 13: The government confirmedthat talks had Sept. 12: The Trans-ArabianPipeline (Tapline) re-
begun with France on the subject of embargoed sumed operation after a bomb damaged it on
jet planes. Sept. 9.
Nov. 14: The Cabinet voted to set up a judicial Sept. 14: Two Palestiniancommandosconvicted of
commissionof inquiry to study reports of official killing a Jordaniancivil servant were hanged in
corruptionin the exploitation of oil in occupied Amman.
Egyptianterritory. Amman Radio reported that an official dele-
Nov. 15: The New York Times reported that the gation left for Jiddah to meet with Palestinians
Israeli press won a "lifting of the ban" on stories in a joint Saudi-Egyptianmediation effort.
of the "agents"who participatedin the "Lavon Saboteurs blew up 2 sections of the Trans-
Affair"of 1954. ArabianPipeline.
Sept. 15: Husayn said "any forces stationed on our
soil must be under our command."
The Jordanian delegation to the Jiddah talks
Jordan was reportedto include Chief of Staff Khalil 'Abd
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,General, al-Da'imand Chief of Army IntelligenceMuham-
Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia) mad Bashir. The Palestinians included Khalid
al-HIasanof Fath and Palestine LiberationArmy
Commander'Abd al-Razzaqal-Yahya.
1971 Sept. 23: It was announcedBritaingranted a ?1.4m
Aug. 18: 'Abd al-Salam al-Majaliresigned his post interest free loan for development projects.
as Minister of State for PremiershipAffairs. Sept. 24: The government delegation to the nego-
Aug. 19: Yasir 'Arafat met in Damascus with the tiations with commando leaders in Saudi Arabia
heads of state of Libya,Egypt and Syria to discuss returnedto Amman.
the relations between the ccmmandos and the Sept. 28: The Iraqi News Agency reportedJordan
Jordaniangovernment. called for an extraordinarysession of the Arab
Sept. 2: Foreign Minister 'Abdallah $alah returned Common Market states to discuss the Syrian and
from visits to Lebanon,Egypt and Saudi Arabia Iraqi borderclosures.
where he held talks on "bilateralrelations"and Oct. 3: Two men were hanged for sabotagingTap-
the "internationalsituation." line on July 9.
Sept. 7: King IHusaynannouncedthe establishment Oct. 4: Mazin al-'Ajlfini was appointed Minister of
of a JordanianNational Union to be the nation's State for PremiershipAffairs.
sole authorizedpolitical organization.The Union's Three members of the Popular Front for the
steeringcommitteewould draft a National Charter. Liberation of Palestine were hanged for killing
He said the Union would "provide constructive civilians in Sept. 1970.
opposition from within its own ranks." Oct. 7: Premier Wasfi al-Tall declaredan amnesty
The ExecutiveCommitteeof the Palestine Lib- until Nov. 20 for all persons who surrender
eration Organization (PLO) voted to participate arms in their possession.
in talks with the governmentto be held in Saudi Oct. 9: Premieral-Tall flew to Saudi Arabiafor talks
Arabia. on the Jordaniansituation.
Sept. 8: Spokesmen for the Popular Front for the Oct. 11: Premieral-Tall returnedfrom talks in Saudi
Liberationof Palestine called the PLO's decision Arabia which he termed "fruitful."
"shameful"and said the PFLP would not par- Oct. 20: Press reports in Amman said Iraq had re-
ticipate in the talks and would reconsider its opened its border on Oct. 19.
membershipin the PLO in the light cf the results Oct. 26: Repairs were completed on Tapline which
of the talks. was sabotagedon Oct. 24 for the 3rd time in a
A Jordanian airliner was hijacked to Libya month.
where police took the hijacker off the plane and Nov. 2: It was announcedthat West Germanygranted

a $40m loan for a rail link between Amman and Aug. 23: A spokesman for al-Fath announced all
Aqaba. Fath officesin Lebanonwere closed down in keep-
Nov. 4: King lIusayn said Riyid al-Muflih would ing with the decision to operate undergroundin
lead a delegation to Jiddah to complete a final both Lebanon and Jordan.
agreement with Palestinian commandos. Aue. 27: Defense Minister Ilyis Saba said Lebanon
Nov. 8: AssociatedPressreportedKing Husaynagreed was offered "very attractiveprices" by the USSR
to permit Iraqi troops to return to Jordan to face for arms and that Lebanonwould make some pur-
Israel. chases from the USSR.
Aut. 28: JordanianForeignMinister'Abdallah$alah
Nov. 13: The civil aviation authoritysaid Iraq de- left after talks on the tension between Syria and
cided to reopen her airspaceto Jordanianaircraft. Jordan.
Iraq was reported to have refused Hlusayn's Sept. 15: A governmentdecree raised import duties
terms for permitting Iraqi troops to be stationed on 500 "luxury"goods.
in Jordan. The terms includedHusayn'scommand Sett. 21: The LebaneseMerchantsAssociationbegan
of the Iraqi troops. an indefinite strike to protest new import duties.
Set-t. 27: Saudi King Faysalarrived in Beirut for a
state visit.
Sebt. .30: Commandoleader Yasir 'Arafat met with
Kuwayt President Sulaymin Franjiyyahand King Faysal.
An emergencyCabinet meeting decided to can-
1971 cel the decree raising import duties. Minister of
Finance Sabi submitted his resignation but later
Aug. 26: InteriorMinisterShaykh'Abdallahal-$abah agreed to remain in his post at the request of
said communistswould not be allowed to operate PresidentFranjiyyah.
in Kuwaytand the establishmentof politicalparties Oct. 2: King Faysal left after talks on Arab affairs
would be discouraged. and bilateral relations. A joint communiquesaid
Sept. 6: Directorof Foreign InvestmentsKhalid Abu a trade agreement which lapsed in 1969 would
al-Sud said a recent tour of Arab states showed be reactivatedfor 2 months while a committee
Kuwayti investments abroad were "in excellent draws up a new agreement.
condition." Oct. 4: PresidentFranjiyyahacceptedthe resignation
of Minister of Public Works & TransportHenri
SePt. 13: Te Kuwayt Fund for Arab EconomicDe- Iddih.
velopment agreed to loan Syria KD4m for grain Oct. 6: Kamal Khiirl was appointed Minister of
silos. Public Works and Acting Ministerof Agriculture.
Oct. 10: PresidentAnwar al-Sadatof Egypt made a Oct. 8: A Tunisianoppositionleader'Umar Suhaymi
1 day visit. was assassinatedin Beirut
Oct. 28: Foreign Minister Shaykh $abah Ahmad al- Oct. 9: Yemeni PresidentialCouncil Chairman'Abd
$abih said Kuwayt "definitelyrejects"military oc- al-Rahmanal-Iryanibegan a 3 day officialvisit.
cupation of the Tumbs and Abui Musa islands Oct. 11: President Franjiyyahmet with al-Iryini to
by Iran and favors preserving their "Arab discussmeans of aiding Yemen economically.
character." Oct. 12: A communiqueissued after the departure
of al-Iryanisaid an embassywould be set up in
Nov. 15: The following Cabinet appointmentswere
Sana'a and a team of Lebanese tourism experts
announced: would be sent to Yemen.
Khalid Diwad Marzaq:Education Oct. 28: A member of Parliament,Nayif al-Masri,
Muhammad'Abd al-Latifal-lIamad: Justice denied chargesmade by US CongressmanSeymour
'AbdallahYuisufal-Ghanim:Electricity& Water Halpern on Oct. 27 that he was the owner of
hashishfields near Baalbeck.
Nov. 3: It was announced that an agreementwas
reachedwith the USSR for the purchaseof military
Lebanon equipment.
Nov. 5: Public utilities workers began a strike for
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict, Jordan, Syria) better fringe benefits.
Nov. 10: It was announcedthat diplomaticrelations
1971 were established with the People's Republic of
Chinaand ambassadorswould be exchangedwithin
Aag. 18: It was announcedthe governmentapproved 3 months
a bill for the establishmentof a bank for the Nov. 11: Laborunions for the government'sautono-
development of industry and tourism. The gov- mous departmentsended a 6 day strike. The trade
ernment would contribute 519%of the capital. unions of 68 private banks began a strike.

Libya Sept. in protest against "bureaucraticinertia" and

public apathytowardhis revolutionaryprogram.
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,General,Jordan) Oct. 8: Middle East Economic Digest reported 13
defendantsout of 60 membersof King Idris'gov-
1971 ernment were acquitted of corruption charges.
Aug. 20: A trial of 107 men chargedwith corrup- Otherswere sentencedto up to 15 yearsin prison.
tion under the regime of King Idris opened in Oct. 30: EgyptianPresidentAnwar al-Sadit left after
Tripoli. 2 days of talks with Qadhdhafidealing with "a
Aug. 21: Minister of Local Government Mu*taf! plan to confrontaggression"in the coming period.
Ya'qtbi-was dismissedfor not taking up his duties. Nov. 5: Electionswere held for 200,000 persons to
form the Libyan Arab Socialist Union.
Aug. 27: Premier Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi was Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthe RCC
quoted by Al-Hawadithof Beirut as saying Rus-
decided to set up committees to revise laws to
sian interests would be "seriouslyharmed"if the
conform with the shari'a.
USSR allows its Arab relations "to be affected
because of local Communist activities." Nov. 6: Libyan Radio announcedthat some candi-
Qadhdhifi said the Arabs "shouldreconcilecol- dates in the ASU elections committed"irregulari-
laboration with the Soviet Union on the inter- ties" resulting in the formation of regional and
national level with the liquidationof Communists tribal blocs and where necessaryelections would
within the Arab world." be held again.
Aug. 28: Chad broke diplomaticrelationswith Libya
following an attempted coap d'etat which Chad Morocco
claims was "foreign directed."
Aug. 29: The government denied any involvement (See also Libya)
in an abortive coup in Chad.
Sept. 1: Chief of Staff AbuiBakr Yunis said Britain 1971
cancelled a deal to sell 100 Chieftain tanks. Aug. 17: King Hasan told PremierMuhammadLam-
The name of the Libyan "pound"was changed rani that the reform programoutlined on Aug. 4
to "dinar." was intended as a guide to government action
Sept. 5: Tunisia agreed to provide technical experts and not as a restriction.Reform could be extended
and instructorsfor Libyan agriculture. to "any sector considereduseful or necessary."
Sept. 6: The New York Times reported "qualified Aug. 18: The US signed an agreement granting
diplomatic sources" as saying Malta accepted on $24.5m credit for purchasesof wheat, cotton and
Aug. 17 a $12m loan from Libya after refusing a vegetable oil.
Soviet aid offer. Aug. 24: Minister of Agriculture Mati Jorio said
Sept. 17: The Revolution Command Council rec- 140,000 hectaresof land would be distributedin
ognized the Chad National Liberation Front as the next 18 months, 1/3 of it to landlesspeasants
the "true" representativeof the Chad people. before Oct.
Sept. 18: PresidentDiori Hamani of Niger arrived Aug. 26: It was announcedthat the price of sugar
for talks with QadhdhAfito mediatein the dispute would be reduced 18% by the abolition of the
with Chad. sugar tax beginning Sept. 4.
A truck crashed into Qadhdhafi's car killing Sept. 18: In the trial of 193 persons accusedof an
2 guards. attempted coup in January, 5 were sentenced to
death, 59 were acquitted and the rest received
Sept. 22: Tunisian Foreign Minister Muhammad prison sentences.
Masmoudi left after 3 days of talks on bilateral British Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-
relations and Libya's relations with Morocco. Home left after a 3 day visit. He said talks dealt
Sept. 26: Qadhdhaficancelledhis Sept. 28 meeting with how Britain could help Moroccandevelop-
with the Presidents of the Federation of Arab ment and that Britain wnadean initial ?lm loan
Republics. offer.
Oct. 2: Beirut's Al-Nah5wsaid the US Ambassador Sept. 30: La Depeche said Premier Lamraniarrived
in Tripoli agreed to US supportof a coup against in Washington for talks.
Qadhdhafi but then turned the names of con- Oct. 6: It was announced that 3 newspapers,Le
spiratorsover to police. Petit Marocain,La Vigie Marocaineand Espala
Oct. 7: Qadhdhafisaid Libya would "be compelled y Diario de Africa, were ordered to cease
to assume its responsibility to the 4m Muslims publication.
in the Southern Philippines" if "a studied, de- Oct. 10: Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin ended a
liberateplan" to exterminatethem was not stopped. 3 day visit during which an agreementwas signed
Qadhdhafi said he offered his resignation in to grant reciprocal port facilities for merchant

ships and for the USSR to increaseeconomic aid a delegation would be formed to attend the UN
to Morocco. General Assemblyand press for the Bengali cause.
Oct. 22: An agreement was signed under which a Sept. 11: People's Party leader Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
French controlled bank, Socie'te`de Barques do warnedthe militaryto hand over power to civilians
Maghreb,was taken over by the Moroccanbank, or there could be a "civil war even in West
BMCE. Pakistan."
No,v. 1: An official announcementsaid 3 ex-Minis- Sept. 15: Yahya Khan returnedfrom 1 day of secret
ters, Mamun Tahiri, Abd al-Harim Karim and talks in Iran. A communique said he discussed
Muhammad Jaidi were arrested on charges of matters of mutual importance with the Iranian
corruption. government.
Nov. 9: Yahia Chefchaouni,a former Minister of An economic advisor to the President,M. M.
Public Works, was arrested, bringing the total Ahmed, was stabbed in an assassinationattempt
number of former Ministers and high officials in Islamabad.
charged with corruptionto 13. Sept. 16: The New York Times reported persons
"close"to the governmentas saying Pakistanwas
seeking a summit meeting with India through the
Pakistan good offices of Iran.
(See also Iran) Sept. 18: The official Morning News reported the
secrettrial of ShaykhMujib al-Rahmanhad ended.
1971 Yahya Khan said popularly elected officials
Aug. 16: Troops made house to house sweeps for would take part in preparingthe new constitution
terroristsin Daccato head off a threatenedterrorist but that he would retain absoluteveto power over
campaign. the final draft.
Aug. 18: A government spokesmanconfirmedthat India denied contactswith Pakistanwere being
the trial of Shaykh Mujib al-Rahmanhad begun arrangedthrough Iran.
on schedule "a week ago." Sept. 19: The US agreed to furnish 2 helicopters,
Aug. 24: The New York Times reported "govern- 200 trucksand an additional210,000 tons of grain
ment sources"as saying the military governor of for relief in the East.
the East Gen. Tikka Khan would be replacedby a It was announcedelections would be held be-
civilian, Dr. A. M. Malik. tween Nov. 25 and Dec. 9 in East Pakistan to
elect Assemblymen to replace those who were
Aug. 25: Flooding killed 60 persons in the East. electedin Dec. 1970 but who were membersof the
Tikka Khan said there would be no shortage of outlawed Awami League.
relief funds for affectedareas. Sept. 22: Police reported in Karachi that Bengali
Aug. 30: Ambassadorto the US Agha Hilaly said guerrillas were beginning subversiveactivities in
US military aid since 1965 was "negligible"and West Pakistan.
that cutting economic aid would not cure the Bhutto said "it is vitally important that by-
problems of Pakistan. elections be held and a National Assembly be
Sept. 1: A. M. Malik was appointed civilian gov- convened by the end of this year." If not, he
ernor of the East to take over administrationfrom added, "those parties which want to fight for
chief of martial law Gen. Tikka Khan. the people must come to the obvious conclusion-
Sept. 5: Yahya Khan declared a general amnesty that it cannot be accomplished by the parlia-
to all "who have committed or are alleged to mentaryprocess."
have committed offenses during the disturbances Sept. 25: East Pakistan'sMinister of Local Govern-
in East Pakistan beginning March 1, 1971, and ment Muhammad Ishaque was injured when a
ending Sept. 5, 1971." bomb exploded in his car.
on the problem of East Pakistan
Sept. 6: The governmentannouncedthat a number Sept. 27: Debate
opened in the UN General Assembly. India ac-
of persons, including members of the East Paki-
stani Rifles, were released from detention after cused Pakistan of conducting a reign of terror
in the East. PakistanchargedIndia with abetting
agreeing to work for the "integrity"of Pakistan.
the revolt, which was a "purely internal matter."
Sept. 9: The New York Times reported that a Sept. 28: Soviet PremierAleksei Kosygin and Indian
Harvard Medical School team warned of the Premier Indira Gandhi issued a joint statement
"largest food deficit" in East Pakistan since the calling on Pakistan to "take the most effective
Bengal famine of 1943 and said 2.9m tons of steps for the liquidation of tension . . . above
food will be needed to offset the deficit but the all, to offer an opportunityto the refugees of re-
government"has failed to acknowledgethe crisis, turning home."
much less initiate effective programs." Yahya Khan said the trial of Shaykh Mujib
Sept. 10: Maboub al-Alam, Foreign Secretaryof the al-Rahman was continuing and warned against
rebel Bangla Desh government,said in India that press speculationon the outcome.
Sept. 29: The governmentappealed in the UN for offering UN mediation. UN observers reported
direct negotiations with India on the refugee troop deploymentsalong both sides of the com-
problem. mon borders.
Bhutto said "The long night of terror must Oct. 24: The government reported 2 battalionsat-
end. The rule of the generals must end." He tacked from India near Comilla in East Pakistan.
charged that since the elections of Dec. 1'970: Skirmishingwith Indian troops was also reported
"On one pretext or another . . . the abominable in Kashmir.
status quo is being maintained." But he praised Oct. 25: The government said 501 "Indians and
the army'spolicy in East Pakistan. Indian agents"were killed in 2 battlesin the East.
Oct. 4: US SenatorEdwardKennedyexhibited docu- Indian Minister of Defense Ram said Indian
ments showing arms contracts between the US troops would not pull back from the borders"as
and Pakistan as late as July 20 despite State long as the Pakistani threat continues."
Department claims that arms shipments were Oct. 26: Indian PremierGandhi said in Brusselsthat
cut off. there was nothing unusual in the "massivearms
A State Departmentofficialsaid the arms could deliveries"from Russia reportedin the press.
not be shippedwithout a State Departmentlicense. Official reports said 78 more "agents" were
Oct. 5: PakistanaccusedIndia before the UN Gen- killed in the East.
eral Assemblyof waging a clandestinewar against Oct. 27: The governmentsaid India shelled villages
Pakistan"for the past few months." in East Pakistankilling 64 people.
Ambassadorto the UN MahmudAli denounced Nov. 2: The governmentannouncedthat only 25 of
India for refusing to accept UN observerson the the 78 vacatedNational Assemblyseats from East
border while Pakistan had agreed to do so. Pakistan would be contested in the planned
The New York Times reported diplomatic by-elections.
sourcesas saying guerrilla frogmen in Chittagong Nov. 4: The government reported a sharp increase
damageda Greek tanker on Oct. 1. in guerrilla activity in the East including the
Oct. 7: The New York Times reportedthat Muham- sinking of an oil tanker in Chittagong.
mad Asghar Khan, leader of the United People's Nov. 5: Bhutto left for talks in China at the head
Movement,announcedhis party would contest for of a 10 man military and diplomatic delegation
National Assembly seats in by-elections in East to discuss "recent developments in the sub-
Pakistan on a platform of "maximumautonomy continent."
for the provinces within a united Pakistan"and Nov. 7: The New York Times cited "unimpeachable
an end to the economic exploitation of the East. Indian sources"as saying that Indian forces had
The announcementwas censored in Pakistan. crossedthe East Pakistaniborder on Oct. 31 and
Oct. 8: The Governorof EastPakistanMotalebMalik Nov. 1 to retaliate against Pakistani shelling of
proposed that an internationalairlift be organized the Indian village of Kamalpur.
to fly refugees home from India. A Muslim League leader, Gultanuddin Khan,
Oct. 10: The ban on political activity imposed in who was named as a future member of the Pro-
March was lifted by President Yahya Khan in vincial Assembly,was assassinatedin Dacca.
preparationfor by-electionsfor 70 National As- The US announceda decision to cancel licenses
semblymen from East Pakistan. for the export of $3m worth of military equip-
Oct. 12: YahyaKhan said a National Assemblywould ment to Pakistan.
be convened on Dec. 27 after elections are com- At the end of the visit of Bhutto to Peking,
pleted in the East by Dec. 23. China urged India and Pakistanto find a peaceful
Oct. 14: Former Governor of East Pakistan Abdul solution to their dispute but warned that China
Monem Khan died 24 hours after he was shot in would "resolutelysupport"Pakistanin the event
his home. of war.
The New York Times reported "well-informed Nov. 8: Bhutto reportedto Yahya Khan on his talks
sources" in Karachi as saying a North Korean in China which he called a "complete success."
arms shipment had arrived in Karachi. Nov. 9: Authoritiessaid "collectivefines" would be
Oct. 17: Indian Defense Minister Jagjivan Ram imposed in areas where guerrilla action occurs.
warned that India would not withdrawfrom ter- Official reports said 2 companies of Indian
ritory occupiedin the event of war with Pakistan. troops attacked across the border near Comilla
Yahya Khan proposed a mutual withdrawalof but were driven off.
troops from Indo-Pakistaniborders. Nov. 12: US Secretaryof State William Rogers
Oct. 19: The government warned that "appropriate warned that the escalating clashes between India
action" will be taken if Indian planes continue and Pakistan might be leading to all-out war.
alleged violations of Pakistaniairspace. He said the US was urging restraintand would
Oct. 21: The New York Times reported that UJN do "everything we can to stay out" of open
SecretaryGeneral U Thant sent personal appeals hostilities.
to India and Pakistan calling for restraint and Nov. 13: Ambassadorto the UN Agha Shahi met

with the Chinese delegate to discuss the dispute Oct. 10: Sir William Luce returned to the region
with India. for a 10 day tour.
Nov. 15: The Soviet official paper Izvestia urged Oct. 27: It was announcedthat Oman and the US
Pakistan to seek a restorationof relations with agreed to establish diplomatic relations at the
India "in the interest of internationalsecurity." Ambassadoriallevel.
Oct. 29: Iraqi special envoy Ahmad Jawrariarrived
in Muscat during a tour of the Gulf states. He
stressed "Iraq'sfull readinessfor joint action to
PersianGulf maintain the Arab characterof the Gulf."
(See also General, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Nov. 2: Ruler of SharjahShaykh Khalid al-Q5sim
Saudi Arabia,South Yemen) denied reportsthat he refuseda proposalto parti-
tion the island of Abu Musa with Iran. He said
1971 negotiations with Iran were continuing "in an
amicable fashion. Every effort is being made to
Aag. 16: Bahrayn formally applied for UN preservethe integrity of the Arab homeland."
membership. Nov. 8: Kuwayti Foreign Minister Shaykh Sabaih
Aug. 17: Bahrayn's Foreign Minister Muhammad al-Sabih said Iran had refused proposals of the
Bin Mubarak al-Khalifah said Bahrayn's inde- Gulf states to lease Abui Musa and the Tumbs
pendencedid not conflict with its efforts to estab- islands to Iran for 99 years or to station joint
lish a Federationof Arab Gulf Amirates. Arab-Iranianforces on the islands.
Moscow Radio said Britain "foisted"the new
friendshiptreatyon Bahrayn.
Aug. 26: Iran and Oman announcedthat diplomatic Saudi Arabia
relations were established. (See also Lebanon, Jordan)
Sept. 1: Qatar declared independencefrom Britain,
terminating"specialtreatyrelationsand all agree- 1971
ments, engagements and arrangements arising Aug. 22: The 1971/72 budget was approved by
therefrom"that were concluded with the British royal decree. It was up 69% over the previous
government. budget.
Labor demonstratorsclashed with police in EgyptianPresidentAnwar al-Sadatarrivedfrom
Oman. The workers were demanding priority in Damascusfor brief talks with King Faysal.
employmentbe given to Omanis and that a mini- Aug. 24: Hamad al-Shamayriwas appointedchief of
mum wage law be passed. staff of the armed forces.
Sept. 2: The Shah of Iran welcomed the inde- Aug. 27: Middle East Economic Digest reported
pendence of Qatar. Iranian Foreign Minister the 5% income tax levied in 1970 was dropped
Ardeshir Zahedi said an Iranian embassy would becauseincreasedoil revenuecoveredthe subsidies
be established there "in due course." to Jordan and Egypt.
Sept. 7: Abu Dhabi's Minister of Oils returned Sept. 3: Ministerof Defense Sultan ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz
from Iranwherehe said an agreementwas initialled returnedafter a week's visit to Cairo.
demarcating the continental shelf between the Sept. 19: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim
2 countries. Khaddamleft after talks with Fay$alon bilateral
Sept. 14: The Omani Ministry of Informationan- relations.
nounced that the Phillips oil concessionwas can- Sept. 20: After meeting separately with King Faysal
celled because Dr. Phillips had not "fulfilled the in Saudi Arabia, delegationsrepresentingthe Jor-
conditionsunder which it was granted." daniangovernmentand the Palestiniancommandos
discusseda "workingpaper" for an agreementto
Sept. 23: British Special Envoy Sir William Luce allow commandosto reestablishbases under Jor-
returned to London after a 3 week tour of the danian sovereignty.
Oct. 3: It was announced ambassadorswould be
Oct. 3: The first National Assembly of Abu Dhabi exchangedwith Bahrayn.
opened. Ruler Shaykh Zayd bin Sultin told the Oct. 7: Sudanese Defense Minister Khalid Hasan
Assemblythat a constitutionof the Union of Arab 'Abbas delivered a message from Premier Ja'far
Amirateswould soon be announced. He said the Numayri to King Faysal.
Assembly would discuss laws and make recom- Oct. 16: Faysal met with commando leader Yisir
mendationsand expressed hope that in time As- 'Arafat for talks on the Saudi mediation effort
sembly members would be elected rather than betweenthe commandosand Jordan.
Nov. 15: Presidental-Numayriof Sudan arrived in
Oct. 7: Oman was admitted to the UN. Jiddah for talks with Faysal.

South Yemen 'Abd al-Khaliq Mahjfib as SecretaryGeneral of

the CommunistParty.
(See also Algeria) Aug. 21: EgyptianPresidentAnwaral-Saditmet with
Numayri in Khartum to discuss "recent de-
1971 velopments."
Aug. 17: The government announcedit would not Aug. 24: A $35m economic agreementwas signed
recognizethe independenceof Bahrayn. with China providing Chinese aid in road build-
Aug. 18: Middle East News Agency reported that ing and the constructionof a weaving factory.
Chinese experts had discovered copper and iron Aug. 26: A letter from Southernrebel leaderJoseph
deposits. Lagu to the UgandaArgus called on Numayri to
meet rebel leaders for talks on ways to end the
Aug. 29: Premier 'Ali N4ir Muhammadappealed
to local businessmento invest in nationaldevelop- civil war. The letter expressed concern with
ment projects. Sudan's friendliness with Communist China and
the subjugationof African interests by intention
Sept. 20: Three foreign companieswere placedunder to join the Federationof Arab Republics.
government"custodianship"to "protectthe work- Aug. 28: Britain agreed to a loan of ?10m to pur-
ers and the national economy." chase British goods.
Sept. 30: Premier Muhammadflew to Moscow for Sept. 4: An official 3 man trade delegation began a
official talks. 2 week visit to Britain.
Oct. 2: Premier Muhammadended a visit to the Sept. 10: Numayri accused the USSR and all East
Soviet Union after signing an agreementfor more European countries except Yugoslavia of being
Soviet aid in irrigation, fisheries, and technical directlyinvolved in the July coup.
education. Sept. 12: The trial of Rolf Steiner, a German ac-
Oct. 5: Tass reported an agreementwas concluded cused of fighting with rebels in the South, ended
granting Soviet aid for irrigation projects and a after 41 days.
fish cannery. Sept. 15: A Presidentialreferendumbegan on the
nominationof Numayri.
Oct. 15: Aden Radio announcedthat a member of
Sept. 18: Numayni said he would personallysuper-
the ProvisionalPeople's Council, Silih N4ir, was
vise developmentplans for the South which had
killed by a mine planted by "Saudimercenaries."
not been fulfilled in the past because former
Oct. 21: Aden Radio reporteda 3 day battle against Southern Affairs Minister Joseph Garang was a
"mercenaries"at Balaq was successful and that communistworkingagainstSoutherninterests.
documents were found proving US and Saudi Sept. 21: Numayri warned that he would call for a
support of the rebels. plebiscite if the government attempts to obstruct
Oct. 27: Aden Radio said 50 teachers from Arab his policies.
countrieswould come to the country financed by Oct. 4: It was announcedthat the US agreed to a
Libya. loan of $18m to purchaseUS wheat and consumer
Nov. 5: The Arab World reported army Chief of goods.
Staff Ahmad Abdah as saying troops supportedby Oct. 12: Numayri was sworn in as President.
aircraft launched a "preventiveattack" against a Oct. 14: A new Cabinetwas formed:
rebel camp in al-Balaqregion of North Yemen. President Ja'far al-Numayri: Premier and
Khalid Hasan 'Abbas: Defense
Sudan MansurKhalid: Foreign Affairs
(See also Egypt, Saudi Arabia) Muhammad Ahmad: Interior
Ahmad Sulayman: Justice
1971 'Abd al-Rahman 'Abdallah: Public Service &
Aug. 15: PremierJa'far al-Numayrireceived a mes- AdministrativeReform
sage from China expressing support for Sudan's Ja'far Muhammad'Ali Bakhit: Local Gover-
"struggleto preserveits independenceand to cope ment
with all forms of pressure." MubarakSinidah: Housing and Public Utilities
AbuaMuhammadIbrihim: Health
Aug. 16: Agence FrancePressequoted Chief of Staff Bashir 'Abbadi: Communications
Muhammad Muhammad as saying the activities Musa 'Awad Bilal: Supply
of Soviet advisors were "temporarilyfrozen" but 'Abd al-Ilalim 'Abd al-Rahmin: Treaswy
that some were "proceedingwith their regular Ibrahim ManEu-r: Economy & Trade
tasks." Ahmad 'Abd al-Rahmanal-'Aqil: Industry
Aug. 18: The curfew in Khartumwas lifted. Zayn Muhammad'Abd al-Qadir:Transport
Aug. 20: Middle East Economic Digest reported Wadi Habashi: Agriculture
MuhammadIbrahimNujuldwas elected to replace 'UthmanAbiual-Qasim:RuralDevelopmentand

Cooperatives to the USSR.

Yahya 'Abd al-Majid: Irrigation and Electric JordanianForeign Minister 'Abdallth Salih ar-
Power rived for 1 day of talks on bilateralrelations.
MuhammadHamnzth:Animal Production
Muhyl al-Din Sabir: Education
'Umar al-Hajj Misa: Informatio-nand Culture Tunisia
$allh 'Abd al-Mabriik:Youth, Sportsand Social (See also Lebanon,Libya)
'Awn al-Sharif:Awqaf 1971
Alhmad Muhammad al-Hasan: Research & Aug. 31: A Japanesetrade delegation arrived for 3
Higher Education days to discuss increasingtrade.
Abui al-Qisim Hashim: State for Presidency Sept. 4: PresidentBourguibadismissedInteriorMin-
Affairs ister Ahmad Mestiri and Premier Nouira was
MuisaMubarak:State for CabinetAffairs appointed acting Minister.
Abel Alier: State for SouthernAffairs Sept. 28: Destour Party Director MuhammadBin
Oct. 15: Middle East Economic Digest cited press Amara said "elements have infiltrated" certain
reports that the US agreed to loans worth $18m unions "to sow discord and undermine the basis
and to provide aid for refugees. of nationalunion."
Oct. 26: The SudaneseSocialistUnion assumedown- Oct. 5: Foreign MinisterMuhammadMasmouditold
ershipof the Sudanesepressby officialdecree. the UN that Europe should play a more active
Nov. 7: Numayri ended a 6 day visit to Ethiopia. rflle in the Mediterraneanto offset the US-USSR
A communiquesaid it was agreed "to take all the rivalry there.
necessarymeasuresto prevent any activitiesaimed Oct. 8: Peking Radio announceddiplomaticrelations
at the nationalunity and integrityof each country." would be resumed.
Nov. 9: Rolf Steiner was sentenced to 20 years in Oct. 11: Bourguibatold the Destour Party Congress
prison for fighting with Southernrebels. that he was "losing sleep" worrying about who
would succeedhim and warnedthe Congressagainst
"voices of subversion"in its midst.
Syria Oct. 15: United Press Internationalreportedthat ex-
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,General, Iraq, Interior Minister Mestiri told the Destour Party
Jordan, Kuwayt, Saudi Arabia) Congress on Oct. 12 that Bourguiba'ssuccessor
should be elected but that on Oct. 14 Bourguiba
1971 told the Congress that he had chosen Premier
Aug. 29: The People's Council approved the pro- Nouira to succeedhim.
posed constitution of the Federation of Arab Oct. 20: Bourguiba issued an order suspending
Republics. Mestiri from holding party responsibilityand re-
Aug. 30: The Ba'th Party announced a new inter- ferring him to a party disciplinarycommittee.
national leadership was elected including 6 Oct. 26: PresidentBourguibaasked Premier Nouira
Syrians and 10 from representativesfor organi- to form a new Cabinetand appointedNouira Sec-
zations in other Arab countries. President H.A retary General of the Destour Socialist Party.
al-As'adwas elected SecretaryGeneral. Oct. 29: A new Cabinetwas announced:
Sept. 2: It was announced that Jordanianstudents Hedi Nouira: Premier
would be permittedto cross the borderinto Syria. Taleb Slim: State
Sept. 15: Premier 'Abd al-RahmiinKhulayfiwi in- MuhammadBellalouna: Justice
auguratedthe first phosphateplant at Khunayfis. MuhammadMasmoudi:Foreign Affairs
Sept. 20: FrenchMinisterof Statefor ForeignAffairs Hedi Knefacha: Interior
Jean de Lipkowski arrived for talks in a "new Bachir Mhedhebi: Defe-nse
phase of Franco-Syrianrelations which must be- MansourMoalla: Planning
come much closer in all fields." MuhammadFitouri: Finance
Sept. 27: The Damascus-Baghdad roadwas completed. Dhaoui Hannablia: Economy
Oct. 2: Syrian News Agency reportedFranceoffered MuhammadMzali: Education
loans toUlling 120m francs. Driss Guiga: Health
Oc. 5: Commando leader Yasir 'Arafat's car was MuhammadSaqah: Public Works and Housing
attackedby unknown gunmen and the driver was Chedly Klibi: Cultureand Information
killed near the Israelilines. FarhatDachraoui:Social Affairs
Oct. 24: Lebanese Foreign Minister Khalil Abui Habib Ben Cheikh: P1T
kIamadpaid a 1 day visit to discuss activities in
Lebanonopposed to the Syriangovernment.
Oct.27: A delegationled by People'sAssemblyChair- Turkey
man Ahmad Khatib returnedfrom a 10 day visit (See also Cyprus,Iraq)
1971 loan an additional ?2m for the Sana'a-Taizroad
Aug. 16: A military prosecutorasked for the death bringing the total investmentto ?8.2m.
Aug. 24: A new Cabinetwas formed:
penalty for 13 persons accused of killing Israeli
IHasanal-'Amri: Premier
Consul-GeneralEphraimElrom. 'Abd al-SalamSabrah: Deputy Premier for In-
Aug. 19: The Justice Party decided to support the
ternl Affairs
Sept. 6: The Assembly ratified the government's MuhammadSa'idal-'Attar:Economyand Deputy
Premierfor Finance
proposed constitutional amendments by a vote
of 357 to 2. Husayn Maqdami: Health
Sept. 20: The Senatepassedthe government'samend- 'Abdallahal-Dabi: Communications
ments to the constitutionby a vote of 134 to 12. MuhammadAhmad Junayd: Agriculture
Sept. 23: The National Assembly voted to extend Ahmad Jabir Afif: Education
martial law for 2 months starting Sept. 26. 'Ali 'Abdallahal-'Amri:Local Administration
Sept. 26: Communications Minister Haluk Arik 'Abd al-Qidir 'Abdallah:Justice
resigned. Yahya Muhammadal-Dahyat: Awqaf
Sept. 27: Ceremonieswere held in Van opening a 'Abd al-Majidal-Asnaj:Foreign Affairs
rail link to Tehran. 'Ali Radidi: Interior
Sept. 28: Minister of Power & Natural Resources 'Abdallih Sinbani: Treasury
Ihsan Topaloglu resigned. Minister of Justice Ahmad Dahsh: Information
Ismail Arar and Minister of Public Works Cahit 'Abdallih al-Sa'id: Public Works
Aug. 26: Premier'Amrl said Yemen'smajorproblem
Karaka?were named acting ministers to replace
was the economyand criticizedex-PremierAhmad
Topaloglu and Arik respectively.
Oct. 5: The Justice Party AdministrativeCouncil MuhaWmadNu'man for making public the coun-
announced that it decided to recall the 5 JP try'sdebt.
memberswho were serving in the Cabinet. Sept. 4: It was announced that Premier 'Amri re-
JP Ministers of State and Customs, Dogan signed from his post and seat in the Republican
Kitapli and Haydar Ozalp, announced their Council.
resignations. 'Amri's resignation was accepted by an emer-
Oct. 9: Eighteen persons were sentenced to death gency session of the ConsultativeAssembly.
for terrorism,3 were sentenced to prison terms Sept. 6: The New York Times reportedfrom Beirut
and 3 were acquitted. that 'Amri was forced to resign by President'Abd
Oct. 11: US Vice PresidentSpiro Agnew arrivedfor al-Rahman al-Iryini after 'Amri killed a shop-
a visit. keeper who unknowingly insulted him.
Oct. 12: SelahattinBaburoglu and Atilla Sav were Sept. 18: A new Cabinetwas announced:
appointedMinistersof Communicationsand Power Muhsin al-'Ayn1:Premierand Foreign Minister
& NaturalResources,respectively,afterresignations Ibrahimal-Hamdi: Deputy Premierfor Internal
of the other Ministers were accepted. Affairs
Premier Nihat Erim said the post of Minister 'Abd al-Lat-ifDayfallah: Communications
of Statevacatedby Dogan Kitapli was abolished. MuhammadJunayd:Development
Oct. 13: Vice PresidentAgnew left after expressing 'Abduh 'Uthmin: Minister of State for Unity
US supportfor the government'sreform effort. Affairs
Oct. 27: Premier Erim's Cabinet submitted a resig- 'Abd al-Karimal-'Arshi:Treasury
nation but President Sunay persuaded the gov- 'AbdallahHarman: PresidentialAffairs
ernment to remain in office. Sunay said Erim had 'Abdallih 'Abd al-Majidal-Asnaj:Economy
"the full support and confidence of Parliament, 'Ahmad Dahmash: Information
the Turkish armed forces and Turkish public 'Abdallih al-Dabi: Public Works
opinion." Salah al-Ma*ri:State
Nov. 6: The Justice Party voted to permit its mem- Yahyia'Abdallilhal-Dahyani: Awqaf
bers to remain in the Cabinetand said it had not MuhammadQa'id al-Aghiri: Health
withdrawn support from the government. Salim al-Razihi: Interior
'Abd al-Salamal-'Addad:Local Administration
'Abd al-Jabbaral-Mujahid:Agriculture
Yemen Sa'id al-Hukaymi:Sapply Minister
Sept. 21: Premier al-'Ayni told the Iraqi News
(See also Iraq, Lebanon) Agency the governmentwould sharply reduce its
spending and invite assistancefrom "everyonewho
1971 is preparedto exploit the naturalresourcesof the
Aug. 20: Gen. IHasanal-'Amri was appointed to country."
form a new government. Oct. 12: Iraq announcedit agreedto a loan of ID 3m
Aug. 22: It was reported West Germany agreed to during the visit of Iryani.

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