Middle East Chronology - 1972-02-16 - 1972-05-15

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Chronology February 16, 1972-May 15, 1972

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Summer, 1972), pp. 290-305
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4324947 .
Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:25

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February16, 1972 -May 15, 1972

Arab IsraeliConflict A Lebanesespokesmansaid the ambushershad

not come from Lebanon.
Feb. 25: West German Transport Minister Georg
Leber said his government paid $5m as ransom
1972 to the Popular Front for the Liberationof Pales-
Feb. 17: EgyptianPresident Anwar al-Sadataccused tine (PFLP) for the jet and crew hijackedto Aden.
Israeli intelligence of distributingsubversiveleaf- Jarring met with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem.
lets during Egyptian student demonstrationsin Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban said Jarring
Januaryand said 2 Belgiansand a Frenchmanwere "did not ask for any new commitments"and his
arrestedin the case. "missionwill certainlycontinue."
Feb. 18: MuhammadHaykal,editor of al-Ahram,said Israeliplanes, tanks and troops drove into Leba-
US sponsored "proximitytalks" with Israel were non. Israel claimed 5 Palestiniancommandoswere
a "trap"designedto transformthe conflictfrom an killed and 21 buildings destroyed.
internationalcrisis into a local dispute. Lebanonsaid 7 commandoswere killed and 40
Feb. 19: The Israeli governmentsaid it would "con- or 50 buildings destroyed,20 in the village of
sider"requeststo clear Arab dwellings and expose Ainata, and called for a UN Security Council
and restorefully the Western Wall of the Temple meeting.
Mountin Jerusalem. Feb. 26: Israeli forces continued attacks on com-
UN Special Envoy Gunnar Jarring met with mando positions in southern Lebanon.
EgyptianForeign Minister Murad Ghalib in "ex- In the UN SecurityCouncil, the USSR called
ploratory"talks in Cairo. for sanctionsagainstIsraeland said the UN should
Feb. 20: UN Special Envoy Jarring flew to Cyprus considerexpelling Israel.
from Cairo. He said his "exploratory"talks in Feb. 27: Newsweek magazinequoted EgyptianPresi-
Egypt were "merely to learn the latest develop- dent Sadat as saying the US plan for "proximity"
ments in the situation"and that they were "suc- talks with Israel was a "deadhorse."
cessful." Israeliplanes and troopsraidedcommandoposi-
Feb. 21: Jarringmet with the Israeli Ambassadorto tions in southernLebanon.
Cyprus.Israel said Jarringwould soon visit Jeru- Feb. 28: The JerusalemPost reportedFrenchofficials
salemfor talks. as saying there was no proof to support Israeli
Israel conductedlarge scale military maneuvers charges that Egyptian pilots were flying French
in Sinai before hundredsof invited observers. Miragejets from Franceto the Middle East.
Feb. 22: A West German jet airliner with 189 per- An Israeli spokesmansaid Israel's forces with-
sons aboard was hijacked on a flight from New drew from Lebanonafter completingtheir mission
Delhi to Athensand flown to Aden. of destroying commando camps and equipment.
All 172 passengersaboard the jet hijacked to He reported that the Israelis did not encounter
Aden were releasedafter negotiationsbetween the Lebaneseforces and met only light resistancefrom
Yemeni government and the hijackers.A group the Palestinians.
called Organizationof the Victims of Zionist Oc- The UN Security Council called unanimously
cupation claimed responsibilityfor the hijacking. on Israel to "withdrawall its military forces from
Feb. 23: Jarringmet with King lusayn of Jordanin Lebaneseterritory."An American preamble con-
Amman. demning "all actions which have resulted in the
The hijackersof the German jet freed the crew loss of innocent lives" was defeated.
of 14 and surrenderedto Yemeni authorities. Feb. 29: Lebanesetroops and tanks moved into the
Feb. 24: Israeli Chief of Staff David Elazarwarned Arquibregion to occupy guerrilla positions which
Lebanonof possible reprisalsafter 2 Israeliswere had been under attack by Israel. The New York
killed in an ambushnear the border. Times quoted a leader of al-Sa'iqahas saying the


commandoswere readyto considera "revision"of and that any talks with Jordan would have to be
their position in Lebanon. without prior conditions.
Mar.1: Israeliand Syrianplanesattackedborderposi- Iraq said it would propose a plan for "unity"
tions. Israel said her raids were against suspected with Syriaand Egypt in orderto "foil conspiracies
commando positions after night mortar attacks and abolishall defeatistplans"advancedby Jordan.
against Israel. Egypt'sal-Ahramsaid Iiusayn's plan was made
Mar.2: Syriareportedthat Israelijets were prevented in collusionwith Israeland againstthe Arab cause.
from entering Syrian airspaceover Latakia. Mar. 16: Sadatsaid Egypt was producingand on the
Mar. 4: Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said way to producing"all advancedwar equipmentin
the Palestinian commandoswere faced with the our land."
problem of "to be or not to be" and that Israel Husayn said his plan for the West Bank could
forced a "fundamentalchange"in Lebanesepolicy be carriedout only after the Israeli occupationis
towardthe commandoswhom Lebanonwould soon terminatedand that it was proposed in order to
restrictthrough control of the borderarea. "foil the enemy's designs"in the West Bank.
Mar. 5: Cairo'sMiddle East News Agency reported IsraeliPremierGolda Meir said: "No unilateral
that at the request of Lebanon,al-Fath agreed to declarations or actions whatsoever will bring
suspend "temporarily"attacks against Israel "in Jordanone inch nearerto peace."
order to avoid Israeli reprisals." Mar. 17: JordanianForeignMinister'AbdallahSalah
Mar 6: Beirut'sal-NaharreportedLibyaconcludedan said Jordanwas not seeking a unilateralpeace set-
agreementwith the USSR to purchase advanced tlement with Israel.
offensive weapons for eventual delivery to Egypt. Editor of al-AhramHaykal said the US Central
Mar. 7: LebanesePremier Sa'ib Salim reported his Intelligence Agency was behind Jordan's West
government had received another warning from Bankplan.
Israel through the UN Mixed Armistice Commis- Mar. 18: The PresidentialCouncil of the Federation
sion and that Lebanonmight take the issue to the of Arab Republics issued a statementsaying the
UN SecurityCouncil. US was behind Husayn'sproposal in an attempt
Israeli Foreign Minister Eban said a way was "to shatterour forces further."
being sought to reactivatethe Jarringmission but Mar. 19: London'sSunday Telegraph reported that
that the US plan seemeda more realisticapproach. Israeland Jordanreachedan understandingto pro-
He said Jarring continuedto seek an Israeli com- mote tourism which would permit travelers to
mitment to total withdrawal but that "we have travel by bus directlyfrom Jordaninto Israel.
neither accepted nor shall we accept this condi- Mar. 20: Chairman of the Palestine Liberation
tion." Organization(PLO) Ya.sir'Arafatand Iraqi lead-
Mar. 8: Syrian President Hafiz al-As'ad said Syria ers issued a statement that they had agreed on
would acceptUN SecurityCouncil ResolutionNo. "practicalsteps" to combat King Ijusayn's West
242 on the condition that it means recoveryof all Bank proposal.
Arab territoryoccupiedin 1967 and the "reestab- The New York Times reported "informed
lishment of the rights of the Palestinianpeople." sources in Cairo" as saying the USSR agreed to
Mar. 9: Israeli jets raidedin Lebanonin responseto assist Egypt in correctingdeficienciesin Egyptian
alleged rocket attackson Israeli territory.A Leba- producedground-to-groundmissiles.
nese spokesmansaid 9 buildings were destroyed Mar. 21: PLO leader 'Arafat charged that King
by the planes. Husayn and Premier Meir met in Aqaba "recent-
IsraeliMinisterof CommerceHaim Bar-Levsaid ly" and that a Jordanianofficerwho was present
Egypt had no missiles capable of striking popu- at the meeting had defectedto Cairo.
lated centers in Israel. Mar.22: The UN Human Rights Commissionpassed
Mar. 14: The governmentof Jordansubmittedto the a resolution saying Israel's actions in occupied
USSR, England, Franceand the US a plan for a Arab territorywas an "affrontto humanity."
West Bank entity. Mar.23: Israeli authoritiesarrestedHikmat Masrnof
Leader of the PFLP George Habash said the Nablus on chargesof attemptingto sabotagelocal
"total impotence of bourgeois Arab regimes"was elections.
evident in their hostility to the liberation move- King Ijusayn said there was "nothing immedi-
ment and he denounced hijacking of all but ate" about his federationplan and denied that any
Israeliplanes. agreementhad been reachedwith Israel.
Mar. 15: King Husayn made public a plan to create Israel said the UN Human Rights Commission
a "FederatedArab Kingdom"out of 2 autonomous resolutionhad no "moralor juridicalvalidity"and
regions, the East and West Banks, with an open was adopted by a minority of the Commissionby
invitation for "other liberated territories"to join. a vote of 15 to 4 with 11 abstentions and 2
An officialIsraeli spokesmansaid Husayn'splan absences.
"negatesthe cause of peace."He added that there Mar. 24: Israeli Deputy Premier Yigal Allon said
was no Israeli-Jordanian understandingon the plan King Iusayn's concept of a federation between

East and West Banks might provide a better solu- 'Arafat gave Lebanon assurance that guerrillas
tion to the Palestinianproblem than other frame- would not interfere with the new UN observers
works but that Husayn'sproposal for future bor- on the Lebanese-Israeliborder.
ders would be unacceptable. Apr. 23: Israelfreed 100 prisonersin the Gaza Strip
Mar.26: Israelsaid that armyofficerswho had "over- as part of an amnestyprogram.
stepped their authority"in evacuatingArabs from The IsraeliLaborPartysaid the governmenthad
certainareasof the Sinai would be disciplined. endorseda plan by IsraeliDefense MinisterDayan
Mar. 27: Israeli Minister Without Portfolio Israel to permit Gaza Arabs to cross the "green line"
Galili told the Knesset that the Gaza Strip would into Israel during daylight hours.
not again be separatedfrom Israeland that Gaza's Apr. 25: Sadatsaid Egypt was preparingfor war and
status would not be open to question after peace that all Israeli occupied territorywould be liber-
is achieved. ated within a year.
Mat. 28: Electionswere held for municipalofficesin Dayan said Gaza inhabitantsmust be treatedas
the Nablus region of the West Bank. Officialssaid Israeli citizens and Gaza must receive full senrices
85 % of the electorate,or 14,000, went to the polls. as long as Gaza was under Israeli control. In a
Mar. 29: King Husayn proposed that Israel and meeting with Dayan, Mayor Shawa asked for
Jordanshare the administrationof Jerusalemas an grants to improve city servicesbut added that eco-
"open"city under a peace agreement. nomic cooperationdid not imply political aquies-
Mar. 31: Sadat said war with Israel "is inevitable" cence.
and EgyptianMinister of War MuhammadSadiq Apr. 27: Haykal said Egypt turned down an offer
declared:"We cannot liberate our land without a from Rumaniato mediate in the Arab-Israelicon-
war. flict.
Apr. 1: The UN Relief Works Agency announced Sadatarrivedin Moscow for talks on the Arab-
Norway made an "extraordinarycontribution"of Israeli situation.He was accompaniedby the new
$138,000. Air Force CommanderHusni Mubarak.
Apt. 6: The Palestine National Congressopened in Apr. 28: The New York Times reported that UN
Cairo. Secretary General Waldheim had suggested to
Apr. 7: UN SecretaryGeneral Kurt Waldheim said Israel and Egypt peace talks under his chairman-
the chances of reviving the Jarring mission "are ship.
not the best at present." Sadatmet with Soviet PremierAleksei Kosygin
Apr. 8: UN SecretaryGeneral Waldheim reported and CommunistParty leader Leonid Brezhnev in
that UN Relief Works Agency programsfor Pales- Moscow to discussthe Arab-Israeliconflict.
tinian refugees would have to be reduceddrastic- Apr. 29: Sadatleft Moscowand a joint communique
ally if more funds aren't received in 8 weeks to said "The Arab states have every reason to use
alleviate the $4.5m deficitfor the fiscal year. other means" besides political ones to recover
Apr. 11: The Palestine National Congressended its Arab lands and that "importantappropriatemeas-
meetings in Cairo after passing a resolution call- ures" were "arranged"for "furtherstrengthening
ing for Arab states to blockadeJordanianexports. of military cooperation."
Apr. 12: Beirut's al-Nahar reported Saudi Arabia Apr. 30: Israel began a programof permittingGaza
and Kuwayt signed agreements with Egypt to Arabs to cross into Israel.
supply the latter with offensive weapons if a war May 1: Sadatsaid he had "a guaranteethat within a
begins with Israel. reasonableperiod we will have the power to liber-
Apr. 18: It was announcedin Israel that Meir would ate our land,"and said Egypt'senemiesshould read
soon visit Rumaniain connectionwith a new peace the joint Soviet communique"two, three, four and
makingeffort. five times."
Apr. 19: The UN Security Council announced it The Arab Boycott of Israel Office warned the
approveda Lebaneserequestfor more UN observ- Vickers Companyof England to cancel a contract
ers on the border with Israel and the number to build 3 submarinesfor Israel or else Vickers
would be increasedfrom 7 to 21. would lose a $500m contract for a drydock in
Apt. 21: Mayorof Gaza Rashid Shawacalled on the Bahrayn.
UN to "come to our rescue and protection by May 2: The second phase of West Bank municipal
taking over the administrationof our occupied elections were held. Israeli authorities reported
homeland until such time as Security Council large voter turnoutsof 80 to 90% in the 12 par-
ResolutionNo. 242 can be implemented." ticipatingtowns. ShaykhMuhammad'All al-Ja'barl
Israeli ForeignMinisterEban said Rumaniahad who was unopposed in Hebron was proclaimed
advised Israel that she would use her "positionof mayor.
mutualconfidence"to clarifythe positionsof Egypt May 4: Jarringended 2 days of talks at the UN on
and Israel to each other. the possibilities for Arab-Israelinegotiations and
The New York Times reported "reliable then flew to Moscowto resumehis duties as Swed-
sources" in Beirut as saying the PLO's leader ish ambassador.
May 6: After meeting in Algeriafor 3 days,the presi- the principle of producing countries'participation
dents of Egypt, Libya and Algeria issued a com- in the oil industry. The chief Arab negotiator,
munique saying the battle against Israel "is inevit- Saudi Minister of Oil Yamani, said the previous
able" and should be "basedon co-ordinatedArab round of talks in San Franciscowas "unproduc-
action." tive."
May 8: Four Arabsof the Black SeptemberOrganiza- May 11: The Arab Boycott of Israel Office of the
tion hijacked a Belgian plane to Tel Aviv and Arab League warned that British interests in the
threatenedto blow it up if Israelwould not release Arab world would be endangeredby the Vickers
300 Palestiniansfrom Israeli prisons. Company'sagreementto supply Israel with sub-
May 9: Israeli troops killed 2 hijackersand captured marines.
2 on the Belgian plane in Tel Aviv.
General (See also Iraq)
1972 1972
Mar. 4: A conference of 31 Foreign Ministers of Mar. 22: Premier Abdul Zahir returned from a 1
Islamic countries ended in Jiddah after adopting week visit to the USSR.
a resolutioncalling on majorpowersto force Israel Apr. 3: Indian ForeignAffairsMinisterSwaranSingh
to withdraw from Arab territory.It was also de- left after a 3 day visit and talks on economic aid
cided to found an Islamic bank and to send dele- and cooperation. A joint communique said the
gations to Pakistanand the Philippinesto mediate number of Indian technicianswould be increased
disputesinvolving Muslims. in the fields of agriculture,industry,power, health
Mar. 5: Egypt, Iraq and Syria were admittedto the and financeand that Afghanis would receive train-
Organizationof Arab PetroleumExporting Coun- ing in India.
tries (OAPEC). The Ministerial Council of Apr. 4: The People'sRepublicof China signed a pro-
OAPEC also initialled an agreement to establish tocol to increasetrade.
an Arab oil tankerfleet. Apr. 15: It was announcedthat Minister of Educa-
Mar. 11: The Organizationof Petroleum Exporting tion EnayatSeraj resignedfor "health reasons."
Countries (OPEC) met in Beirut to consider an
offer from the Arabian American Oil Company
(ARAMCO) for a 20% share in the companyby Algeria
the producingcountries.
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,Libya, South Yemen,
Mar. 12: The Presidentsof Syria, Egypt and Libya Tunisia,Yemen)
took an oath of office as the PresidentialCouncil
of the Federationof Arab Republics (FAR). The 1972
firstFAR Assemblywas convenedin Cairo. Feb. 18: The USSR signed an agreementraising the
OPECacceptedARAMCO'soffer for 20% par- value of annual bilateral trade from $180m in
ticipation in the company by Saudi Arabia, 1972 to $210m in 1974.
Kuwayt, Iraq, Iran, Abu Dhabi and Qatar. Feb. 19: Libyan President Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhafi
Mar. 20: The Arab Socialist Action Party said its met with President Boumedienne in Oran after
founder, Dr. George Habash, was expelled from visiting Mauritania.
the party for "subversiveand deviationist activi- Feb. 24: Boumediennesaid the outstandingpolitical
ties." problems with France had been solved and that
Mar. 30: OPEC SecretaryGeneral Nadim Pachachi Algeria was ready to develop economic and cul-
said OPEChad no intention of drivingWesternoil tural ties with France.
companies out or of seeking complete national- Mar. 11: RumanianPresidentNicolae Ceausescuar-
ization. He said he hoped the companies would rived for officialtalks with Boumedienne.
"play" an important "though somewhat down- Mar. 15: The registrationof land began for the land
graded" role in the future and that OPEC'saim reformprogram.
was 51% ownership. Mar. 16: Rumanian President Ceausesculeft after
Apr. 7: The members of OAPEC signed an agree- signing an agreementto loan $100m and to estab-
ment to establisha tankerfleet. lish an economic cooperationcommittee.
Apr. 16: Negotiations on "participation"between Mar. 24: Tunisian PremierHadi Nouira arrivedfor
major oil companiesoperatingin the PersianGulf 10 daysof talkson Maghribcooperationand Medi-
region and producing countries, represented by terraneansecurity.
Saudi Oil Minister Ahmad Zaki Yamini, ended Mar.27: PresidentBoumediennemet with US Assist-
their second round in San Francisco and were ant Secretaryof State David Newsom for talks on
scheduledto resumein Saudi Arabiaon May 7. economic questions.
May 7: Negotiations resumed in Saudi Arabia be- Apr. 1: Tunisian PremierNouira left after condud-
tween oil companiesand PersianGulf producerson ing 2 economic agreements.A joint communique

called for the abolition of all foreign bases in the Mar. 5: Nea Proini reported George Grivas promised
Mediterraneanand for EEC-Maghribcooperation. to protect the 3 orthodox bishops of the Cypriot
Apr. 7: EgyptianForeignMinisterMurid Ghalib ar- Synod after demonstrations were held outside the
rived for a 5 day official visit and talks with Bishopric in Limassol and a guard was wounded by
Boumedienne on economic cooperation and the a sniper.
Arab-Israeliproblem. Mar. 9: Bishops Anthimos and Gennadios of the
Apr. 21: A South Yemeni delegationled by Foreign Holy Synod said their call for Makarios' resigna-
MinisterMuhammad'Awlaqiended 5 daysof talks tion from the Presidency had no relation to Athens.
on the situationin the Yemen region and the Per- Anthimos said: "We believe that our Archbishop
sian Gulf. A communiquesaid Algeria offered to is bringing dishonor on the church by surrounding
mediate the dispute between North and South himself with armed guards and the political ten-
Yemen. sions in which he moves."
Apr. 29: MauritanianPresidentOuld Daddah ended Mar. 11: The New York Times reported "reliable
2 days of talks after a joint communiquestressed diplomatic sources" as saying the government had
the need to "speedthe liberation"of the Spanish agreed to permit UN forces to inspect and share
Sahara. control over $2.5m worth of Czech arms imported
May 8: Cuban Premier Fidel Castro arrived for an secretly by the government.
official12 daysvisit. Xanthopoulos-Palamas said Greece would con-
May 15: Boumedienneinaugurateda fertilizer plant tinue to insist on all the terms of the Feb. 11
at Annabaand the expansionof the steel complex diplomatic note, "Nothing more and nothing less."
at al-Hadjar. Mar. 14: The government delivered a reply to the
Greek proposals of Feb. 11. A Greek spokesman said
of the reply: "At first sight it looks satisfactory."
Cyprus Mar. 16: The New York Times reported "reliable
sources" as saying Cyprus "virtually rejected" the
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict) Greek proposals of Feb. 11 and that Athens could
1972 exercise authority over Cyprus only if Greece
Feb. 19: Defense MinisterEpaminodasKomodromos would reactivate the struggle for enosis.
warned that a "fratricidalwar" might result from Mar. 19: Makarios replied to the Holy Synod's call
the dispute with Greece. for his resignation saying that his Presidency did
Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Xanthopoulos- not violate canon law and that his resignation
Palamassaid Greece "adheresto the independence could bring chaos.
of Cyprus"and that the intercommunaltalks could Mar. 20: Makarios said he had rejected the Holy
continue "after the settlement of the Czech arms Synod's call for his resignation from the Presidency
imports issue."The New York Times reportedan but that if it persisted in the demand, "I would
"authoritativeGreek source" as saying a Greek regard it as my obligation to accept it."
Ambassadorwould not return to Cyprus "until Mar. 22: The New York Times reported "sources
relations between Athens and Nicosia are cleared close to Makarios" as saying the President's reply
up." to the Holy Synod was misinterpreted by the pub-
Feb. 21: The New York Times reported "qualified lic and that he would not yield to a renewed de-
diplomatic sources"in Greece as saying the US mand from the Synod for his removal. The sources
persuadedGreece not to carryout a plan to oust also said that a Greek note to Cyprus on Mar. 16
PresidentMakariosby force in Feb. called Makarios' answer to the Greek note of Feb.
Mar. 2: The 3 bishops of the Holy Synod of the 11 "unsatisfactory" and "unconstructive."
Cypriot Orthodox Church called on President Mar. 27: The Holy Synod reiterated its demand for
Makariosto resign on the ground that it was a Makarios' resignation from the Presidency and
violation of canon law for a churchmanto hold accused him of abandoning enosis and tolerating
temporalpower. communism.
Mat. 3: An officialGreekspokesmansaid the govern- Mar. 28: The New York Times reported Cypriot
ment decided on "irrevocableinsistence" on the spokesmen as saying Greece had issued a new
Greek demandsof Feb. 11 to Makarios. "urgent"demand that Makariosform a new gov-
Large demonstrations were held in support of ernment composedof men "of mutual confidence"
PresidentMakariosin Nicosia. The rally was called and that, in return, Greece would not press for
by the Cyprus FarmersUnion and supported by Makarios'removal from office.
the Cyprus Trade Union Confederation. lfar. 30: The New York Times quoted an "authorita-
Mar. 4: Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Xantho- tive" Greek governmentsourceas saying Makarios
poulos-Palamassaid Greece"disapprovesof the use must cooperatewith Athens or "we will act with-
of violence" in Cyprus but "insists unshakeably" out consulting."
on the acceptanceof the Greek proposalsof Feb. Apr. 2: Makariossaid the governmentwas willing to
11. discuss Turkish Premier Nihat Erim's suggestion
that there should be a general disarmamenton to the People's Council of the Federationof Arab
Cyprus. Republics.
Apr. 16: Presidentof the TurkishCommunalCham- Mar. 17: Sadatreturnedfrom a 2 day visit to Sudan.
ber Rauf Denkta;proposedthat securityon Cyprus Mar. 18: The governmentannouncedthe lifting of
be taken over by Greeceand Turkey. 1,531 sequestrationsand promisedthat all seques-
Apr. 27: ElevtherosKosmos quoted Makariosas say- trationwould end by Sept.
ing he met with Grivas "1 month ago" to discuss Mar.20: PresidentialAdviserMa.muidRiyad left for
the "internalsituation"and that they remainedin a 5 day officialvisit to China.
communication.Makarios also said he was con- Mar. 23: Al-Jamhuriyahreporteddemonstrationsby
sidering Cabinetchanges. workers in Shubra al-Khaymahon Mar. 22 were
May 5: Foreign Minister Spyros Kyprianouresigned incited by "subversiveelements"and 153 persons
after it was announceda new Cabinet would be were arrested.The report added that the govern-
formed.He said the reasonfor the changewas the ment passeda decree raising minimum wages and
insistenceof the Greekgovernment. reducingworkingtime from 48 to 42 hoursa week
for workersin the privatesector.
Mar. 26: Iraqi Vice President Siddam HIusaynal-
Takriti arrived in Cairo for talks on a plan for
Egypt Iraqi union with Syriaand Egypt.
Mar.28: IraqiVice PresidentTakritileft after a joint
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,General,Algeria, statement said the 2 countries "agreed on the
Jordan,Kuwayt,Libya,Saudi Arabia, necessityto strengthenrelations."
South Yemen, Tunisia) Apr. 1: PresidentialAdviser Riya.dended a 1 week
officialvisit to China.
1972 Apr. 2: Rumanian President Nicolae Ceausescuar-
Feb. 16: PresidentAnwaral-Sadatsaid he would give rived for a 5 dayvisit.
up leadershipif Egypt loses confidencein him dur- Apr. 6: The government broke diplomaticrelations
ing the "long political and military struggle" to with Jordanchargingthat King Iusayn's proposal
come againstIsrael. for a United Arab Kingdom would open the door
Feb. 18: The editorof al-Ahram,MuhammadHaykal, for Israel into the Arab world. Minister of Infor-
reportedan Americanwoman was arrestedin Sept. mation 'Abd al-Qadiral-Hatim said Husayn'spro-
after being caught "redhanded"in intelligenceac- posal was the sameas thatof IsraeliDeputyPremier
tivities with the CIA againstSoviet militaryinstal- Yigal Allon.
lations, and that she was releasedin Oct. The US Rumanian President Ceausesculeft after a 4
State Dept. refusedto commenton the report. day visit. A joint communiquesaid a committee
The Arab SocialistUnion (ASU) gave a unani- would examine the possibility of expanding eco-
mous vote of confidenceto Sadat. nomic cooperationand a maritime agreementwas
Soviet Defense MinisterAndrei Grechkoarrived signed.
on an officialvisit. Apr. 13: An agreementfor financinga Suez-Mediter-
Feb. 19: Soviet Defense Minister Grechkomet with ranean pipeline was initialled by the government
War Minister Muhammad$adiq and Sgdit. and a consortiumof Europeanbanks.
Feb. 21: Grechkoleft for Moscow.A joint communi- Apr. 19: A special Parliamentarycommittee recom-
que said the 2 sides "exchangedviews" and dealt mended that propertysequestratedillegally during
with issues of developing "Egypt'scombat capa- the regime of Jamal 'Abd al-Na4irbe returnedor
bilities." paid for.
Feb. 26: An Iraqi political exile, Erfan Khadir al- Apr. 23: Husni Mubarakwas appointed commander
Waqdi, was woundedby 3 assassinswho were later of the air forcereplacing'Ali Baghdadi.
arrested. Apr. 25: Al-AhramreportedIraq would give Egypt
Feb. 28: The InteriorMinistryreported11 Iraqiswere $5m as a contributionto the militaryeffortagainst
arrestedfor a plot to assassinateIraqi exiles in Israel.
Egypt who oppose the governmentin Baghdad. Apr. 30: Two students were killed and 50 persons
Feb. 29: The 4 Palestiniansaccusedof killing Jor- injured during worker and student demonstrations
danianPremierWaqfial-Tallwere releasedon bail. in Shubraal-Khaymah.
Mar. 3: Premier 'Aziz Sidqi announceda large oil May 1: An Australiandelegationsigned an agreement
strike at al-Razzaqwas expected to produce 2 to to sell Egypt$65-75m worthof wheat,doublingthe
3m tons per yearand Egyptwould becomea "major annual supply of Australianwheat from 500,000
oil producerwithin 4 years." tons to lm tons.
Mar. 5: Six of 17 Iraqis under arresttestifiedon TV May 10: Sadatreturnedfrom a tour of Libya,Tunisia
that they were members of assassinationsquads and Algeria.
sent from Baghdadto kill political exiles. May 14: Soviet Defense MinisterGrechkoarrivedin
The NationalAssemblyelected20 representatives Cairofrom Syriaand met with Sadat.

Iran be establishedbetweenthe Soviet CommunistParty

and the Ba'thParty.
(See also Iraq,PersianGulf) Mar. 8: Afghani Foreign MinisterMuhammadMusa
Shafiqleft aftera 4 day visit and talkson improving
1972 Mar. 9: Czechoslovakiasigned an agreementextend-
Feb. 19: PremierAbbas Hoveyda presentedthe new ing $50m in credit for capital equipment.
budget to the Majlis and said the governmentwas Mar. 10: It was announced that an additional ID
committedto massive investmentin agriculture. 7.7m was allocatedfor developmentprojectsin the
Feb. 29: A bomb exploded in Tehran as 250,000 northernprovinces.
people demonstratedin supportof the government Mar. 19: It was announcedthat the Iraq, Basra and
and againstterroristactivities. Mosul PetroleumCompaniesagreedin principleto
Mar. 1: Six convictedsaboteurswere executed. 20% participationby the government in the oil
Mar.7: West GermanChancellorWilly Brandtended industry.
a 3 day officialvisit. A joint communiquesaid it Mar. 21: Yemeni PremierMuhsin al-'Ayni left after
was agreed to form a joint commission for the talks explaining the tension on the border with
promotion of trade and economic cooperation. SouthYemen.
Mar. 11: Kayban Internationalreported that West Mar. 28: Takriti returned from talks in Syria and
Germanyagreedto increasetradewith Iran includ- Egypt on a proposalfor a union among the 3 to
ing the purchaseof $200m worth of oil by 1977. counterJordan'sUnited ArabKingdomplan.
Mar. 14: The Majlisapprovedthe 1972/73 budgetof Mar. 30: Minister of Finance Amin 'Abd al-Karim
$7,300m. The bill received210 favorablevotes and explained the 1972/73 budget of ID 1,233m, an
32 MardomPartyrepresentatives abstained. increaseof almost 20% over the previous budget.
Mar. 19: British Foreign Minister Sir Alec Douglas- Apr. 6: Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin arrived in
Home left after officialtalks on PersianGulf affairs Baghdadfor an official5 dayvisit.
and bilateralrelations. The BasrahPetroleumCompanyissued a state-
ment saying it would take legal steps to protectits
Ap,r.11: A large earthquakekilled an estimated4000 rightsregardingoil extractedfor exportfrom North
persons500 miles southof Tehran. Rumaylahby the government.
Apr. 15: The governmentdenied Iraqi charges that Apr. 7: Kosygin attended ceremoniesopening pro-
Iraniantroops startedthe borderclash on Apr. 11 duction of oilfields at North Rumaylah.
and said Iraq attacked.6 Iranianborderposts with Iraq National Oil Companyannounceda major
troopsand artillery. strike south of Basra,the first by Iraqi experts.
Apr. 19: Four terroristswere executedaftera military Apr. 9: The Soviet Union signed a 15 year treatyof
tribunalfound them guilty of trying to overthrow "friendship and cooperation."Kosygin said the
the government. treatywas not aimed at any other country.
May 2: The governmentaccusedIraq of initiating a Apr. 10: Paris'Le FigaroquotedKurdishleaderMulla
3 hour gun battle on the border. Mustafa Barazani as saying "things are going
May 6: The governmentannouncedthat a complaint badly"betweenthe Kurdsand the governmentand
was filed at the UN charging that Iraq was the "if they continue their policy, we shall be obliged
"mainsourceof supportand subsidyfor subversive to take up our arms and resumewar."
elementsin the MiddleEast." Apr. 11: A Soviet naval squadronbegan a 5 day visit
The government ordered military reservists in in the port of Umm Qasr.
the westernprovincescalled up for "freshtraining" Apr. 15: The governmentreportedthat troopsfought
it was announced. a 4 day battle with Iranianforces on the borderat
Khanaqin after Iranians opened fire on a police
vehicle on April 11.
Iraq Apr.21: IraqiNews AgencyquotedEconomyMinister
Taha Jazrawias saying only 85% of the develop-
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,General,Egypt, Iran, ment projects scheduled for completion by April
Kuwayt, Libya, Persian Gulf, South Yemen, Syria) under the 5-yearplan were completed.
Apr. 23: A Soviet economicdelegationleft after sign-
ing a protocolfor Soviet aid to iron, steel, electric
1972 and oil developmentprojects.
Feb. 17: A governmentdelegationled by Vice Presi- Apr. 25: The Revolution CommandCouncil ratified
dent Siddim Husayn al-Takriti returned from the 15 yearfriendshiptreatywith Russia.
Moscow. A joint communique said further talks Apr. 26: BaghdadRadio said a complaintwas sub-
would be held to raise relationsto a higher level mitted to the UN warning that Iran's "repeated
in "treatyform." The USSR promisedsupportfor militaryattacks"againstIraqwere a threatto peace
the Iraqi oil industryand said regular ties would in the MiddleEast.
May 14: Two communists were appointed to the approveda measuregranting $85m to Israel for
Cabinetalong with 7 other new ministers: the 6ettlementof Russianimmigrants.
Rashid MuhammadSa'id al-Rifa'i: Communica- Apr. 13: El Al workersended their strike but said it
tions would resume if their demands were not met in
'AdnanAyyubSabrial-'Izzi: Youth negotiations.
JawadHashim: Planning Apr. 14: Rumanian First Deputy Foreign Minister
Hikmatal-'Azz!wi:Economy Georgieu Mancovescumet separatelywith Foreign
Hisham al-Shawi:Higher Education MinisterEbanand PremierGolda Meir for a "com-
Amir 'Abdallah:State prehensive"discussionof Middle East problems.
Hamid 'Alwanal-Jubirii:Information Apr. 16: An official investigating committee found
Mukarramal-Ta'labdni:Irrigation that MordechaiFriedman,managerof Netevei Neft
Nizar al-Tabaqchali:State Company,was not engagedin illegal activityin the
managementof Sinai oil fields.
Apr. 20: FinanceMinister Pinhas Sapir warned that
Israel new taxes would be imposed if "all-out"pressure
for higherwages didn'tabate.
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict) Apr. 25: The US Agency for InternationalDevelop-
ment agreed to a $50m loan for housing projects.
1972 Apr. 28: MordechaiFriedmanresignedfrom Netevei
Feb. 17: Ugandan PresidentIdi Amin assuredIsrael Neft Companyto avoid a "witch-hunt."
that his country remained non-aligned despite a May 4: Premier Meir arrived in Rumania and met
Libyan-Ugandan communiquepledging supportfor with PremierGeorgheMaurerfor talkson bilateral
anti-Zioniststruggles. relations.
Feb. 18: Dock workers ended a strike after a com- May5: Meir met with RumanianPresidentCeausescu.
mission was set up to investigategrievances. May 6: Meir ended talks in Rumaniaafter officialsof
Feb. 20: The governmentreportedan agreementwith both countriesdenied that Rumania had taken a
Jordan to coordinate air traffic control between diplomatic initiative to resolve the Arab-Israeli
ElathAirportand a Jordanianairfield6 miles away. question.
Mar. 1: Hadassahannounceda $1m grant to found May 7: Meir returnedfrom Rurmania.
a pharmaceuticaldepartment at the Hadassah- May 14: Yitzhak Ben-Aharonresigned as Secretary
Hebrew MedicalCenterin Jerusalem. General of Histradrutafter charging the govern-
Mar. 5: Former Chief of Staff Haim Bar-Levwas ment with interfering in a labor dispute in the
appointedMinister of Commerce& Industry. canningindustry.
Mar. 22: British Foreign SecretarySir Alec Douglas-
Home arrivedfor officialtalks.
Mar.23: Ugandaorderedall Israelimilitarypersonnel Jordan
to leave the country.
Mar. 28: Uganda broke diplomatic relations with (See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,Egypt,Iraq,
Israel and ordered remaining Israeli citizens to Kuwayt,Pakistan,Syria)
leave the country.
Apr. 9: The Cabinet approveda $100m cut in the 1972
defensebudget. Feb. 22: It was announcedthat the Planning Council
Apr. 10: Foreign Minister Abba Eban said Uganda's was preparing a large scale development of the
severanceof relations with Israel was plotted be- Jordanvalley to be completedby 1980.
tween Libyaand Ugandafor which Ugandawould Mar. 4: King Ijusayn appointedhis cousin Zayd bin
receive financial payment.He said Libya'swealth ShakirChief of Staff.
"createsa marketfor politicalextortion"and denied Mar. 8: The JerusalemPost reportedthat Secretary-
that Israelwas engagedin any subversiveactivities Generalof the JordanianNational Union, Mustafa
in Uganda. Dawddin said certainArabgovernmentswere plot-
TransportMinister Shimon Peres issued a back ting againstKing 1Husaynand that Jordan had so
to work order to El Al maintenanceworkersafter far preventedLibya from establishinga "free offi-
an 8 hour wildcat strike for higher wages began cers"movementin the army.
despite a court injunction. Peres said an isolated Mar.26: King Ijusayn left for the US on the begin-
nation could not toleratethe paralysisof one of its ning of a 6 week internationaltour to include a
few meansof transportation. medicalcheckin London.
Apr. 12: HistradrutSecretaryGeneral Yitzhak Ben- Mar. 27: King Husayn met with PresidentNixon in
Aharonsaid the El Al strikewas Israel'sworstlabor Washington.
crisis because the strikers had ignored a court Mar. 28: King H.usaynwas assured by President
injunction. Nixon of continued US military and economic
The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee assistance.

Maar.31: The New York Times reported"knowledge- May 3: Iraqi Foreign Minister Murtada al-Hadithi
able sources"as sayingthe US would supplyJordan ended an official visit. A joint communique de-
with 12 to 24 F5 jets to help "modernize"the air- nouncedIran'soccupationof 3 PersianGulf islands
force but that this would not alter the balanceof in Nov. 1971.
power in the MiddleEast.
Apr. 1: An al-Fathspokesmanin Beirut said a mine
explosion in Jordanwhich killed 4 personswas the Lebanon
first round of a war against King lIusayn which (See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,Kuwayt)
was begun on Mar. 27 in retaliation for King
IHusayn's plan for the West Bank. 1972
Apr. 6: The governmentsaid Jordan "regretted"the Mar. 4: Former Syrian Deputy Premier Muhammad
severanceof relations by Egypt and that Egypt's 'Umranwas assassinatedat his home in Tripoli.
action would only aid the enemies of the Arab Mar. 13: Foreign Minister Khalil Abu Ijamad re-
cause. turned from Morocco after signing an agreement
Apr. 8: An officialspokesmansaid Syriabegan letting for cooperationin industry,agricultureand tourism.
goods from Beirut cross Syrianterritoryto Jordan. Mar. 20: The following Cabinet appointmentswere
Apr. 20: West Germanysigned a D60m loan for a announced:
railwayproject. SalahSalman:Health
May 8: The Trans Arabian Pipeline (Tapline) was Fi'ad Nafa': Agricalture
sabotagedby a bomb. Officialssaid it would be KamalKhilri: GeneralPlanning
repairedin severaldays. Mar. 27: Yemeni Premier Muhsin al-'Aynmarrived
May 10: The dinar was devaluedby 8.49%. for talkson the borderproblemwith SouthYemen.
May 13: King liusayn inaugurateda new international Mar. 30: The governmentannouncedthat diplomatic
airportat Aqaba. relationswould be resumedwith West Germany.
Apr. 7: Yugoslav Foreign Minister Mirko Tepavac
Kuwayt ended 3 daysof officialtalks.
Apr. 9: Police said 4 bombs exploded in Beirut in
1972 connectionwith the election campaigning.
Feb. 16: LebanesePresidentSulaymanFranjiyyahleft Apr. 16: The first of 3 stages of the Parliamentary
after a 3 day visit and it was announcedthat the election was held in Beirut and northern areas.
2 countrieswould conclude a trade agreement. PremierSa'ib Salam was reelected.
Mar. 9: EgyptianPresidentAnwar al-SadRtleft after Apr. 23: The second stage of the general elections
talkswith Ruler ShaykhSabahal-Salimal-$abah. was held.
Mar. 10: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat Apr. 26: Studentsat LebaneseUniversityended a 50
the National Assembly annulled an article in the day strike.
PublicationsLaw which permittedthe government Apr. 30: The third and final stage of the general
to suspenda newspaperwithout a court decision. electionswas held.
Mar. 11: The National Assemblycalled for coopera- May 2: Martiallaw was declaredin parts of Mount
tion with Iraq on the use of the Shatt al-'Arab Lebanon after 3 policemen were killed in an
waters. ambush.
Mar.14: Ministerof Finance'Abd al-Rahmanal-Atlql May 3: Premier Salim extended martial law to in-
said the KuwaytOil Companyagreedto 20% par- clude the entire countryand authorizedtroops to
ticipationby Kuwaytin the company. shoot armedcivilianson sight.
Mar. 19: The governmentimposed a ceiling on the May 10: PremierSalam resigned.
pricesof all foodstuffs. May 12: KamalAs'adwas reelectedSpeakerof Parlia-
Mar. 22: Yemeni Premier Muhsin al-'Ayni arrived ment.
for talks on the bordertension with South Yemen.
Apr. 14: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat
the governmentorderedKuwayt Oil Companyto Libya
limit productionin 1972 to equal that of 1971. (See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,General,Algeria,
Apr. 17: Al-Siyasahquoted Saudi Defense Minister Israel,Pakistan)
Sultan 'Abd al-'Aziz as saying the Saudis would
"respond to any request that the Kuwayt army 1972
would make to us at any time." Feb. 18: PremierMu'ammaral-Qadhdhafileft Mauri-
Apr. 21: Syrian President IIafiz al-As'adended a 4 tania aftera 3 day visit during which he called for
day officialvisit. a union of Arab states from the Atlantic to the
Apr. 23: Iraq News Agency reportedthat 8 members Gulf and praisedMauritaniafor its effortsto liber-
of the PopularFrontfor the Liberationof Palestine ate the Spanish Sahara.A joint communiquesaid
were deportedfrom Kuwaytin connectionwith the committeeswould be formed "to coordinatecoop-
bombing in Marchof a Jordanianembassycar. eration"betweenthe 2 countries.
Feb. 19: Premier Qadhdhafi met in Algeria with devaluationof the dollar.
PresidentHouari Boumedienneand then returned May 8: EgyptianPresidentAnwaral-Sadatarrivedfor
to Libya. talkswith Qadhdhafi.
Feb. 21: Deputy Premier 'Abd al-SalamJallid flew May 13: LibyanNews Agencyreportedthat the USSR
to Cairo for brief talks before flying on to the agreedto buy crudeoil from the Sarirfield.
Soviet Union.
Feb. 23: Deputy Premier Jallid arrived in Moscow
with a 25-man delegation for talks on political, Morocco
economicand technicalcooperation. (See also Lebanon,Tunisia)
Feb. 24: An official spokesmanexpressed "concern"
that Iraq was about to concludea friendshiptreaty 1972
with the USSR in the tradition"whichsister Arab Feb. 17: King Hasan announcedthere would be a
countrieshave startedfollowing." referendumon Constitutionalchanges on Mar. 1.
Feb. 26: RevolutionCommandCouncil (RCC) mem- He said he would retain the powers of "arbitra-
ber Kuwayldi Hamidi completed talks in Uganda tion," to name a governmentand to dissolve Par-
after a joint communique said agreement was liament,but that 2/3 of the new Parliamentwould
reachedto expandeconomicrelationsand for Libya be electedby universalsuffrage.
to give "everyassistance"to the Ugandan army. Feb. 18: A joint statementby the Istiqlal Party and
Mar. 2: A trial of 29 newspaperowners and editors the NationalUnion of DemocraticForces (UNDF)
ended after former InformationMinister Ahmad said the new Constitution announced by King
Salah al-Huiniwas sentencedto 3 years in prison, Hasan had "positive elements"but was still "in-
21 others were fined and 7 acquitted.Ten papers adequate"and expressed"astonishment" that Hasan
had their licenses suspendedleaving only 1 daily, would announcea referendumwhile the talks with
al-Rayid,in publication. the oppositionwere still going on.
Mar.4: The USSR announcedagreementto cooperate Feb. 22: The Istiqlal Party and UNDF said they
"in prospecting,extractingand refining oil, in de- would not participatein the referendumbecause
veloping power generationand other branchesof "false elections"would not reflect the will of the
Libya'seconomy...." people.
May 6: Electionswere held for 20 representativesto Feb. 23: The prosecutiondemandeddeath penalties
the People's Council of the Federationof Arab for 26 of the 1,081 militarypersonnelon trial for
Republics. the attemptedcoup of July 1971.
Mar. 14: Jalluidreturned from talks in the USSR, Feb. 29: Of the 1,081 militarypersonnelon trial for
Rumaniaand Bulgaria. the coup attempt of July 1971, 1,008 were ac-
Mar.22: SpanishForeignMinisterLopezBravoended quitted, 72 received prison terms and 1 was sen-
2 days of talks. A joint communiquesaid the 2 tencedto death.
countrieswould begin immediate negotiations on Mar. 1: A referendumwas held on a new Constitu-
a mutualcooperationtreaty. tion.
Mar. 24: Middle East Economic Digest reported Mar.2: Officialreturnswere announcedshowing that
Minister of Petroleum'Izz al-Din Mabruikas say- 98.79% of the 4.5m voters approved the new
ing a 20% Libyan participation in foreign oil Constitution.
companies as offered in Iraq, Kuwayt and Saudi The US agreedto supply an additional100,000
Arabia would not satisfy Libya. metric tons of wheat under PL 480 by June 30,
Mar. 28: Qadhdhifi opened the first meeting of the 1972.
LibyanArab SocialistUnion. Mar. 3: King Hasan announcedthat a new govern-
Apr. 1: The 1972/73 budget, 15% higher than the ment would be formed to supervise national
1971/72, went into effect. elections.
Apr. 9: LibyanRadio said the new Soviet-IraqitreatyMar.5: UNDF leaderAbdel Rahim Bouabibsaid all
was a violation of the Arab LeagueCharterand a ties between the opposition and the palace were
throwbackto the days of the BaghdadPact. not brokendespitethe referendumand the opposi-
Apr. 12: A law was announcedbanning labor strikes tion would participatein the new governmentif
and permittingthe governmentto draft labor into there were "formalguarantees"that the elections
employment "which is in the public interest." would be "free."
Apr. 19: Ugandan President Idi Amin said Libya Apr. 4: King Hasan asked Premier Karim Lamrani
agreedto trainUgandanairforcepilots and to equip to form a new governmentand preparefor Parlia-
and maintain2-100 bed hospitalsin Uganda. mentaryelectionsin the summer.
Apr. 21: A South Yemeni delegation arrived to ex- Apr. 5: It was announcedthat the new Cabinetwould
plain the disputebetweenNorth and SouthYemen. not include members of the Istiqlal Party or the
May 3: Tripoli Radio reportedagreementwas reached UNDF.
with the oil companiesfor an 8.49% increasein Apr. 12: A new Cabinetwas formed:
posted prices of crude oil to compensatefor the KarimLamrani:Premier

MuhammadBahnini: Deputy Premier Peshawarin supportof the National Awami Party's

MuhammadOufkir: Defense demands for an end to martial law and greater
MuhammadBenhima:Interior autonomyfor the provinces.
Abdel Latif Filali: Foreign MAar.1: PresidentBhutto announceda land reform
Ahmad Bargash: Waqf & Islamic Affairs programinvolving over lm acresthat would break
HaddouShiguer:PrimaryEducation the "curseof feudalism."
Driss Ben OmarAlami: PTT IndianPremierGandhioffereda "no war"treaty
AhmadMajidBen Jalloun: Administrative to settle "all outstanding disputes" between the
Affairs 2 countries.
MaatiJorio: Agriculture Mar. 3: Air commanderAbdul Rahim Khan and
MustafaFares:Finance Commanderin Chief Gul Hasan Khan were re-
Habib al-Fihri:Culture& Education moved from their posts. Bhutto appointedGeneral
Abd al-AzizBen Jalloun: Trade& Industry Tikka Khan Chief of Staff and said the 2 men he
Abd al-LatifGhissassi:Public Works dismissedhad "Bonapartetendencies."
HasanZamouri:Housing & UrbanAffairs Bhutto met with the leader of the National
ArsalanJadidi:Labor,SocialAffairs& Youth Awami Party,Abdul Wali Khan.
Abdel QadirSahrawi:Information Afar.5: Bhutto returned200 passportsof prominent
Abdel RahmanTouhami:Public Health businessmenconfiscatedin Dec. 1971.
Abdel Rahmanal-Kouken:Tourism Mar. 6: Bhutto announcedan agreementwith Na-
Apr. 19: The US agreedto a loan of $10m for pur- tional Awami Party leader Wali Khan to convene
chaseof US goods. provincialassemblieson April 21 and to lift martial
May 12: King Hasan inauguratedthe MansurEddabi law on Aug. 14. Bhuttosaid the agreement"averted
dam at Ouarzazate. a confrontationthat would have been disastrousto
the nation."
Afar. 11: Bhutto appointed Abdul Gul Hasan Am-
Pakistan bassadorto Switzerlandand Abdul Rahim Khan
Ambassadorto Spain.
1972 MAar.12: The Indian army completedits withdrawal
Feb. 16: The New York Times reported that the from BanglaDesh.
numberof refugees createdby the war with India Mar. 13: The governmentannouncedthat diplomatic
and living in West Pakistanwas estimatedto be relations,broken off when Yugoslavia recognized
1.5m. BanglaDesh, would be resumed.
Feb. 19: The government postponed local elections Mar. 14: The governmentapprovedplans for a $36m
scheduledfor Mar. 15. foundry to be built near Taxila with the $12m
India informed UN Secretary General Kurt foreign exchangecost being paid for by China.
Waldheim that she was ready for direct talks with Mar. 16: PresidentBhutto flew to Moscow for talks
Pakistan "at any time, at any level and without on improvingbilateralrelations.
preconditions." Mar. 17: India said all Pakistani military prisoners
Feb. 20: The governmentcalled India'sterms for the against whom Bangla Desh had prima facie evi-
return of Pakistani soldiers, which included the dence of war crimes would be turned over to
recognitionof Bangla Desh, "unacceptable." BanglaDesh for trial.
Feb. 22: President ZulfikarAli Bhutto said India's Ma,r.18: Bhutto left Moscow after a joint communi-
offer to talk withoutpreconditionswas the "bright- que said trade relationsand aid agreementswould
est thing in the past 2 months"and that he would be restored.
reply soon. The US signed an agreement granting $30m
Feb. 24: The governmentasked India for a clarifica- worth of foodstuffsunderthe PL 480 plan.
tion of an offer for talks receivedthroughthe good India and Bangla Desh warnedthat talks would
officesof a 3rd government. not begin on the return of 90,000 Pakistanipris-
Feb. 25: Police in Lahore joined a wave of police oners until PakistanrecognizesBangla Desh.
strikesand 1 man was killed in demonstrationsin Mar. 19: The governmentnationalizedall life insur-
the city. ancecompanies.
Mar. 20: British Foreign SecretarySir Alec Douglas-
India denied reportsthat her offer for talks had
contained preconditions. Premier Indira Gandhi Home met with Bhutto to discussthe disputewith
said such reports were a "smokescreen"and that India.
"thereare absolutelyno preconditions." Mar. 25: Bhutto said a trip to India in the immediate
Seventeen wounded Indian prisoners were ex- futurewas "ruledout" by Indian preconditionsfor
changedfor 27 Pakistanis. talks and blackmail by India with Pakistani
Feb. 26: The New York Times reportedPathan de- prisoners.
mandsfor secessionor autonomywere growing. Mar. 28: Militaryofficialssaid Jordanand Libyasent
Feb. 27: Demonstrationsby Pathans were held in Americanbuilt jets to Pakistanduringthe war with

India. Apr. 30: An agenda for peace talks with India was
Mar. 29: The government of Bangla Desh said it agreedon.
would put on trial for war crimes 1,100 Pakistani Apr. 5: India and Pakistan accused each other of
military prisoners. "serious"ceasefireviolations in Kashmir.
Mar. 30: The New York Times reported "Western May 6: A truce was agreedon with India after a day
diplomatic sources" as saying Russian jets were of fightingin Kashmir.
transferredfrom Egypt to India during the war May 8: India repatriated 37 wounded Pakistani
with India in Dec. 1971. soldiers.
Apr. 6: India reportedmore than 70 border "inci- May 13: Bhutto said he proposed to India that he
dents" in the Kashmir region since the ceasefire meet with Gandhiin June.
of Dec. 1971. Chinasignedan agreementto exchange$320,000
It was announcedthat Bhutto received a letter worth of goods in 1972/73 via the ancient Silk
from Indian PremierIndira Gandhi proposingun- Route.
conditionalnegotiations.Foreign Minister Iftikhar
Ali said he expected Pakistan'sresponsewould be PersianGulf
"favourable." (See also SouthYemen, Sudan)
Apr. 8: The US agreed to provide an additional
200,000 tons of wheat worth $11.9m. 1972
Apr. 12: Bhuttosaid he had acceptedIndia'sproposals Feb. 19: The following appointmentsto the Cabinet
for a summit conferenceand that meetings could of the Union of Arab Amirates (UAA) were
begin by the end of April. announced:
Apr. 14: Bhutto told the opening session of the new 'Abdallahbin IIammudal-Qisiml: Electricity
National Assemblythat martiallaw would be lifted Sa'idbin 'Abdallahbin Salman:Housing
on Apr. 21 providing the Assembly would ratify 'Abd al-Malik al-Qasimi: Supreme Federation
the new Constitution.He also revealed that the CouncilAffairs
country'sforeign debt was $3,300m. Ah.madbin Sultanal-Qasimi:Justice
Apr. 15: An interim Constitutionwas submittedto 'Abdallahbin 'UmranKurayyim:Education
the National Assembly. Feb. 22: The ruler of Qatar,ShaykhAhmad bin 'All
Apr. 17: The National Assemblygave Bhutto a vote al-Thani,was deposed in a bloodless coup by his
of confidenceand approvedan interim Constitution cousin ShaykhKhalifahbin Hamadal-Thani.
granting Bhutto the authorityto rule until Aug. The new ruler promisedto modernizeadminis-
1973, by which time a permanent Constitution tration,cut consumerprices and raise civil service
would be put into effect. and military salaries by 20%. He also dismissed
Apr. 18: The US State Department acknowledged the British born commandersof the army and
that Jordan had sent 10 Americanmade jets and police, ColonelRon Cochraneand R. G. Lock.
Libyahad sent 3 to Pakistan,during the war with Feb. 25: Middle East Economic Digest reported
India, in violation of the US Foreign Assistance Bahraynpolice seized 10 suitcasesof arms being
Act. The statementdenied that the US had author- brought into the country by an Iraqi diplomat as
ized the transfer. part of the diplomaticmail.
Apr. 20: The Supreme Court ruled that the regime Mar. 13: Riots broke out in Bahraynamong striking
of General Yahya Khan was illegal and ordered airport and shipyard workers protesting inflation
the release of Altaf Gauhar,editor of Dawn, who and the hiring of foreign workers.The government
was arrestedundermartiallaw. appointeda committeeto meet with labor leaders
Apr. 21: Martiallaw was ended and Bhutto sworn in and chargedthat "foreignelements"encouragedthe
as President. rioting.
Apr. 23: Bhutto said Pakistanwas ready to renew Mar. 15: A Danish airlinerwith 112 aboardcrashed
diplomaticrelationswith India and would not "rule in Dubai with no survivors.
out" the participation of Bangla Desh Premier Mar. 19: The governmentof Bahraynreachedagree-
Mujib al-Rahmanat future peace talks. ment with striking hospital workers and said
The governmentannouncedthat a stateof emer- progresswas being made with other labor groups.
gency still existedin the country. Apr. 14: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat
Apr. 25: Leaderof the National Awami Party Wali Qatar's government would limit the prices and
Khan accusedthe government of "going back to profitmarginson 10 basic consumergoods includ-
martiallaw by the back door"of a "stateof emer- ing rice,sugar,flour,meat and coffee.
gency"under which civil rights remain suspended. Apr. 18: Kuwayt'sal-Siyisahreported3 new Cabinet
Apr. 26: Peace talks with India began in Muree.The appointmentsin Qatar:
delegationswere headed by Durga PrasadDhar of 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Khalifah al-Thani: Finance
Indiaand Aziz Ahmed of Pakistan. and Petroleum
Apr. 28: Bhuttomet with Indianenvoy Durga Prasad Khalidibn IHamadal-Thani:Interior
Dhar in "fruitful"discussions. Ahmadibn Khalifahal-Thani:Public Health

Apr. 21: Middle East Economic Digest reported 1972

French Secretaryof State for Foreign Affairs Jean
de Lipkowskias saying France"seeksstrongerlinks Feb. 16: The following Cabinet appointmentswere
with the Gulf and could contributeto economic announced:
development."He said embassies would soon be 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Wall Nashir: Ministeril
opened in Bahrayn,Qatarand the UAA. Affairs
Apr. 23: SudanesePresidentJa'faral-Numayriarrived FadlMuhsin 'Abdallah:Finance
in Abu Dhabi for a 5 day officialvisit and talks Ahmad'Abdallah'Abd al-Ilah:Education
with the governmentof the UAA. 'Abdallah'Abd al-RazzaqBadhib: Culture and
Apr. 28: Numayri flew to Qatarfor 2 days of talks. Tourism
May 3: Iraqi Foreign Minister Murtada al-HIadithi Feb. 22: Iraqi News Agency reported an attack of
arrived in Bahraynfor official talks on the Gulf 2000 "mercenaries"from across the Saudi border
situation. was repulsedwith 65 dead.
May 7: An Omani spokesman said Omani planes Feb. 27: InformationMinister'AbdallahKhamridis-
bombed South Yemeni gun installations in re- played to reportersAmericanweaponscapturedin
sponseto an artillerybarragewhich killed 5 Omani a recentbattle.He said fightingwith "mercenaries"
soldiersat Habruton May 5. had "increased sharply since October" and that
May 8: Iraqi ForeignMinisteral-Hadithiended talks Americanpersonnel were directing tne operations
with the government of the UAA. A joint com- although they were not crossing the borders into
munique said the 3 Gulf islands occupiedby Iran South Yemen.
were Arab despite Iranianoccupation. Mar. 6: The 5th Congressof the National Liberation
Frontended4 daysof meetings.
Mar. 10: Middle East Eco-nomicDigest reportedall
Saudi Arabia soft drink companies, including Pepsi Cola and
Coca Cola, were nationalized and compensation
(See also General,Kuwayt) would be paid.
Mar. 20: The Saudi News Ageny reportedthat 40
1972 exiled leaderswere invited to a "peaceconference"
Feb. 25: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat and then executed.
King Faysalwarnedthe ArabianAmericanOil Com- Apr. 3: The governmentproposeda plan for easing
pany (ARAMCO) to agree to Saudi participation the bordertensionwith North Yemen which would
in the company to avoid compelling "us to take includea mutualtroopwithdrawalfrom the border.
measuresto implementparticipation." Apr. 8: AlgerianMinisterof IndustryBelaid Abddes-
Mar. 8: EgyptianPresidentAnwar al-Sadrtmet with salam left after talks on petroleumcooperation.
King Faypalin Jiddah. Apr. 16: A delegation including the Ministers of
Mar. 11: ARAMCOtold SaudiArabiathat it accepted Foreign Affairs,Finance,Industryand Culture re-
in principle the demandfor 20% participationby turnedfrom a 10 dayvisit to Iraq.
the governmentin the company.
OPECacceptedARAMCO'soffer for 20% par- Apr. 27: The Soviet Union signed a scientificcoopera-
ticipationin the companyby SaudiArabia,Kuwayt, tion agreementproviding scholarshipsfor Yemeni
Iraq,Iran,Abu Dhabi and Qatar. students.
Mar. 20: Negotiations began with ARAMCOon the May 2: The government denied reports that there
termsof the 20% participation. were any Sovietbasesin the country.
Apr. 3: SudanesePresidentJa'faral-Numayriarrived May 11': The governmentaccusedOman, supported
from Qatarfor a 5 dayvisit. by British air and naval forces, of attackingborder
Apr. 7: A Syrian delegation led by Mustafa Hallaj positions. Britain denied the charge.
left after signing trade and economic cooperation Britain denied charges by the governmentthat
agreements. British forces were aiding conservativeArab forces
Apr. 9: The first culturalcooperationagreementwith in an attackon the islandof Socotra.
Egyptwas signed.
Apr. 30: SudanesePresidentNumayrlarrivedfor talks
with Fayal. Sudan
May 4: Numayri departed after talks with King
Fay*alon the "Arab sinuation and bilateral rela- (See also PersianGulf, SaudiArabia)
South Yemen Feb. 16: It was announcedthat PresidentJa'far al-
Numayri would assume the portfolio of Defense
(See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,Algeria,Kuwayt, Minister and turn over the planning portfolio to
Lebanon,Libya,PersianGulf, Tunisia, Yemen) Aba al-QasimHashim.
Interior Minister Muhammad al-Bakr Ahmad Apr. 8: The following Cabinet changes were an-
said 'Umma Party leader Sidiq al-Mahdi was ar- nounced:
restedwhen he returnedto Sudan after 2 years of Muis Mubarak:Treasury
exile in Cairo. Baha al-Din Muhammad Idris: Ministerial
Talks opened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, be- Agairs
tween SouthernAffairsMinister Abel Alier and a KhatimKhalifa: Higher Education
South Sudan Liberation Front delegation led by LawrenceMaul: PlanningAffairs
EzbonMondiri. SamuelNubai: LocalAdministration
Feb. 26: It was announced in Addis Ababa that Apr. 9: Foreign Minister Khalid arrived in London
agreement was reached between the government for talkson refugeeaid.
and rebel delegationsto end the civil war. Apr. 10: Khalid said $24m would be needed for
Feb.29: The Presidentof the Union of ArabAmirates resettlingsouthernrefugeesand beginningdevelop-
ShaykhZayd bin Sultan left after a 10 day official ment projects.
visit. Apr. 17: It was announcedthat an agreement for
iMlar.3: Beirut'sal-Anwarquoted Numayri as saying "militarycooperation"with China was signed.
relations with the Soviet Union "are extremely Apr. 20: An ExecutiveHigh Council for the South
bad" and that the army would have to give up headedby Abel Alier was swornin.
Soviet weapons if the USSR would not supply Apr. 29: The Vaticanannouncedthat agreementwas
spareparts. reachedto establishfull diplomaticrelations.
Mar. 4: The London based Catholic MissionarySo- May 3: A US State Departmentspokesmansaid the
ciety of St. Joseph said it was granted permission US would make "substantialcontributions"to the
to returnto work in the south. rehabilitationof southernrefugees.
Numayri said a ceasefirewas in effect in the May 11: The borderwith Ugandawas reopenedafter
south and there was an amnestyfor all rebels. 3 years.
He explainedthat the agreementwith the rebels AMay13: It was announcedthatVice PresidentBabakir
providedfor a SouthernPeople'sCouncilto govern Awadallahresignedfor health reasons.
regional matters while the central government
would handle national defense, foreign policy,
trade, currency, transport, communications and
economic planning. (See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,General,
Afar.5: Numaryi began a tour of the southernprov- Jordan,Kuwayt,Lebanon)
inces to explainthe peacesettlement.
Mar. 6: West Germanysaid an aid agreementwas 1972
signed worth DM 55m. Feb. 21: A Soviet delegationheadedby Deputy Pre-
Anya Nya leaderJoseph Lagu signed a ceasefire mier Kiril Mazurovarrivedfor a 6 day officialvisit.
order and said his movement'srelationswith the Feb. 22: The USSR signed an economicand technical
Khartum government would not change further cooperationagreement.
until the peace agreementis ratified. Feb. 24: The governmentlifted a ban on the transport
AIfar.7: Numayriannouncedthat all southernpolitical of JordanianphosphatesthroughSyria.
prisonerswould be released. Feb. 26: Soviet First Deputy Premier Mazurovleft
Mar. 9: A southernspokesman,Mading de Garang, after a 5 day visit. A joint communiquesaid "feasi-
said in London that the south would oppose any ble steps" were discussed for improving Syria's
Sudanesemembershipin an Arab federation. "defense capacity" and implementing economic
Afar. 20: The state of emergencyin the south was agreements.
lifted. Afar.4: Nationwide elections for local councils were
Mar. 27: The southernpeace agreementwas formally held.
signed in Addis Abababy ForeignMinisterMansar Mfar.7: DamascusRadio broadcastthe Charterand
Khalidand SouthernSudanLiberationFrontleader statutesof a new National Front consistingof the
JosephLagu. Ba'th Party, the Arab Socialist Union Party, the
iMar.30: RumanianPresidentNicolae Ceausescuar- CommunistParty, the Socialist Unionists and the
rivedfor a 3 dayofficialvisit. ArabSocialistMovement.
Apr. 5: Numayriissued a decreeforming a "Southern Mar. 23: The following Cabinetwas formed:
Command"made up of 6000 northernand 6000 'Abdal-RahmanKhulayfawi:Premier
southerntroops. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam:Foreign and Deputy
Apr. 6: ForeignMinisterKhalid went to Italy to seek Premier
refugee aid. He said ambassadorswould be ex- MuhammadIHaydar:Agriculture
changedwith the Vatican. MustafaTalas: Defense
Numayri announcedthe formationof a 12 man 'Abdal-Karim'Adi: Supply& InternalTrade
Provisional Executive Council for the Southern Jibir Kafrl: LocalAdministration
Region. Mut'ibShanan:Industry

'Abdal-GhaniQannut:Public Works Apr. 26: Algerian President Houari Boumedienne

Shakiral-Fahham:Higher Education ended his firstvisit to Tunisia.A joint communique
FayizIsmail: State said bilateraleconomicand culturalties would be
NufrallahNiirallah: Finance increased. A joint telegram to King Hasan of
FawziKayyali:Cultureand National Guidance Moroccoproposedthat a Maghribsummit confer-
MahmutdQumbaz:Municipal& VillageAffairs ence be held.
Yasuf Faysal:State Apr. 27: West Germanyagreedto loans totallingDM
Mustafaal-Hallaj:Economy& ForeignTrade 65m for developmentplans.
Adib al-Nahawi:Justice May 6: EgyptianPresidentAnwaral-Sad-at arrivedfor
'Umaral-Sibadi:Communications a 3 day visit and talks with PresidentBourguiba.
MunirWannus: EuphratesDam May 12: Foreign Minister Muhammad Masmoudi
AhmadQablan:FrontlineVillage Affairs returnedfrom a 2 day trip to Maltaand Libyaand
'Abd al-Sattaral-Sayyid:Awqaf talks on "regionalissues."
FayizNasir: CabinetAffairs
'All Zaza: Interior
Marwan$abbagh:Labor& SocialAffairs Turkey
HasanMuhammad'Ali al-Khatib:Education
AhmadIHjasan al-As'ad:Information (See also Cyprus)
Ahmad Fawzi 'Abbarah:Petroleum, Electricity
& Minerals 1972
Muhammadal-'Imadl:Planning Feb. 21: A trial opened in Ankaraof 227 left wing
AhmadShaykhSaild: Tourism extremists.The prosecutionaskedthe deathpenalty
'Abd al-MajidManjuinah:State for 15 accusedleadersof the outlawed Dev-Genc.
Mar. 26: Iraqi Vice President Siddam Husayn al-
talks on economic Feb. 26: PremierNihat Erim said Turkeywas under
Takriti left after 5 days of no obligationto keep from growing opium poppies
cooperationand an Iraqi plan for union with Syria "if our economy and farmerscannot fill the gap
and Egypt to counter the Jordanianplan for a
caused by the ban"on poppies.
federationwith the West Bank. A joint communi-
que said Syria would submit Iraq'sunity proposal Feb. 29: The National Assembly approved a new
to the Federationof ArabRepublics. budgetof TL 51,968m.
Apr. 7: Celebrationswere held marking the 25th Mar.5: Reutersreportedthat PremierErim cancelled
anniversaryof the Ba'thParty. a 1 day visit to Britain after Londonprotestedthe
May 10: Soviet Defense Minister Andrei Grechko sentencingof a 14 year old British student to 6
arrivedfor a 4 day officialvisit. yearsin prison for conspiringto sell hashish.
May 13: Grechkosigned an agreementproviding for Mar. 11: The General Staff announcedthe dismissal
the USSRto provideadditionalmilitaryarmaments. and detention of 57 officersfor undergroundac-
tivity, includingpassingarms to leftist terrorists.
Mar. 14: PremierErim said Turkishports would be
reopenedto the US 6th Fleet.
Tunisia Mar. 18: Erimleft for an official5 day visit to the US.
(See also Algeria) Mar. 22: After Erim met with President Nixon, a
joint statementsaid Nixon expressedsupport "for
1972 Turkey'seffortsto modernizeher armedforces."
Feb. 26: Algerian Minister of Trade LayachiYaker Erim told reportersthat leftist terroristsin Tur-
ended a 4 day visit and said the 2 countrieswould key were receivingaid and trainingfrom Palestine
draw up an agreementfor a substantiallong term guerrillas,EastGermanyand Kurdishseparatistsin
increasein trade. Stockholm.
Mar. 4: The Political Bureau of the Destour Party Mar.25: The GrandNational Assemblyvoted to ex-
announcedthat a post of Vice Presidentwould be tend martiallaw in 11 provincesfor 2 months.
established. Mar. 27: Membersof the People's LiberationArmy
Mar. 15: Yemeni Premier Muhsin al-'Ayni arrived kidnapped3 British radartechniciansin Unye to
for official talks on the border situation with hold as ransom for 3 leftists who were sentenced
SouthYemen. to death. The ConstitutionalCourt agreed to con-
Mar. 31: The Middle East EconomicDigest reported sider an opposition party demand for the annul-
that EconomyMinisterTajani Chelli resignedand ment of the deathpenalty.
was replacedby Chedli Ayari. Mar. 28: Erim said the governmentwould not yield
Apr. 14: The National Assembly approved a bill to demands of terroriststo release 3 condemned
granting tax and other concessionsto export ori- leftists in exchangefor 3 British technicians.
ented industries. Mar. 30: Police attackeda house in the village of

Kizildere where 10 terroristswere holding 3 hos- Yemen

tages.All 13 were killed.
Mar. 31: Several bombs were exploded in Istanbul (See also Algeria,Iraq,Kuwayt,Lebanon,
following the announcement that 10 leftists were Libya,SouthYemen, Tunisia)
killed in Kizildere.
Api. 3: PresidentCevdet Sunay made public a letter 1972
from him to party leaders calling for temporary Feb. 20: Iraqi News Agency reportedthat the Soviet
suspensionof political activity and governmentby Union offered$15m worth of arms as a gift and a
executive decree. The letter said the Constitution $35m loan.
"must be amendedto take the necessarysteps and Mar. 3: Middle East Economic Digest reportedthe
put reforms into effect with speed" and that the USSR agreedto a grant of $35m and militaryaid
national situationwas brought on by "impropriety worth $15m to include Mig jets, T-34 tanks and
of habits and interpartyrelations." 2 torpedoboats.
Apr. 11: Soviet PresidentNikolai Podgorny arrived Mar. 11: The governmentaccusedSouth Yemen of
in Ankarafor an official1 week visit. massing troops on the borderand of shelling the
Apr. 12: PresidentCevdet Sunay began talks in An- village of Baydah. A statement issued in Beirut
kara with Soviet PresidentPodgorny. said South Yemen was stirring up incidents to
Apr. 17: Podgorny left after a joint statementwas cover up internal problems.
issued saying the 2 countriespledged not to allow Mar. 12: Premier Muhsin al-'Ayni accused South
use of their territoryfor "subversionor aggression Yemen of bombingand strafingYemeni villages.
againstother nations."A TurkishForeignMinistry Premier al-'Ayni flew to Syria for talks on the
spokesmansaid NATO baseswere not for "aggres- South Yemen problem with President 'Abd al-
sion." Rahman al-Iryani who was convalescing in La-
Premier Erim resigned and Defense Minister takyah.
Ferit Melen was appointedActing Premier. Mar. 18: South Yemen reportedthe governmenthad
Apr. 29: PresidentSunaynamed Suat Hayri trgiiplii closed the mutual border and banned exports of
to be Premier. tCrgiipliisaid all 4 major parties fruit, vegetablesand qat to South Yemen.
would be representedin his Cabinet. Mar.26: The Embassyin BeirutaccusedSouthYemen
May 3: A Turkish airliner was hijackedto Bulgaria of killing 60 personsduringa weddingin a village
by 4 studentswho threatenedto blow up the plane near the border of South Yemen. The statement
and 61 passengersif 3 condemnedTurkish terror- said the government would hold South Yemen
ists were not releasedby Ankara. fully responsible and that war would follow if
May 4: The armed forces were put on general alert Aden'spolicies continued.
and a 6 hour curfewimposed after GeneralKema- Apr. 9: Algerian Ministerof IndustryBelaid Abdes-
lettin Eken,chief of the gendarmerie,was wounded salam left after talks with Premier al-'Ayni on
in an ambushin Ankara. petroleumcooperation.
The 4 Turkishhijackerssurrenderedto Bulgarian Apr. 11: The governmentannounceda $2.5m grant
authoritiesafter the Turkishgovernmentrefusedto from AbiuDhabi for a radio station.
release 3 condemnedterroristsin Ankara. Apr. 17: The following Cabinet changes were
May 6: Threemembersof the TurkishPeople'sLiber- announced:
ation Armywere hangedin Ankara. 'Ali Sayf al-Khulani:Interior
May 8: Ismet Inonu resignedfrom his post as chair- 'Ali al-Samman:Justice
man of the RepublicanPeople's Partyafter losing HashimTalib: LocalAdministration
a vote of confidenceat a party convention. May 10: An officialannouncementclaimed 2 soldiers
May 13: Premier-Designatetrgiiplii proposed a were killed in a clash with South Yemeni troops
Cabinetbut it was rejectedby PresidentSunay. on the border.
May 14: The RPP elected Biilent Ecevit Chairmanof May 12: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthe
the partyreplacingIsmet ndni.i. Information Minister Ahmad Dahmash said the
May 15: Sunay asked Defense Minister Ferit Melen governmentwas ready to resume diplomatic rela-
to acceptthe premiershipand form a Cabinet. tions with the US.

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