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Chronology May 16, 1972-August 15, 1972

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4 (Autumn, 1972), pp. 429-444
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:24

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May 16, 1972 -August 15, 1972

Arab IsraeliConflict would "urgently request" that Lebanon take meas-

ures to prevent further attacks against interna-
tional airlines by Palestinian guerrillas. The US
1972 also urged Israel not to take reprisal measures
May 16: Israel protested to the UN that 2 Egyptian against Lebanon or any other state.
Mig 23s had overflown the Suez cease fire line. Lebanese Foreign Minister Khalil Abiu Hamad
The UN Conference on Trade and Development said his country had nothing to do with the attack
(UNCTAD) passed a resolution saying Israeli at Lod Airport and condemned "action of any type
withdrawal from the Sinai was a prerequisite for from any side designed to harm innocent civilians."
opening the Suez Canal. Israel said the resolution Lebanon's forces were put on alert and Israeli
was "inaccurate" and "onesided." jet fighters overflew Lebanese airspace.
May 18: American officials in Cairo disclosed that
Israel sent a letter to the UN saying the cap-
Egypt ordered the US diplomatic staff to be re- tured Japanese terrorist confessed to having trained
duced by 50% within a month in protest against for the Lod mission in a Palestinian refugee camp
US support of Israel. 20 kilometers from Beirut.
May 24: Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said Egyptian Premier 'Aziz $idqi said the Lod attack
Israel should prepare to remain on the present was a "daring operation" proving that the Arabs
cease fire lines for another 10 to 15 years. could triumph over Israel.
May 29: A joint US-Soviet communique following a
Jordan's King Husayn said the Lod attack was
visit by President Nixon to Moscow said the 2 a "sick crime, committed by sick people and
countries reaffirmed "their support for a peaceful planned by sick minds."
settlement in the Middle East in accordance with
Security Council Resolution 242" and confirmed June 2: Israeli Minister Without Portfolio Israel
"their desire to contribute" to the success of Gun- Galili said Israel would be avenged for the attack
nar Jarring's mission. at Lod Airport but not by "rash" action.
May 30: Three Japanese men opened fire at Lod Air- June 4: Israeli Chief of Staff David Elazar warned
port in Tel Aviv killing 26 persons and wounding that Lebanon and other Arab countries that aid
70 others. The 3 had landed at the airport in an terrorists in operations against Israel must share
Air France jet. Two of the men were killed and the responsibility and would "definitely" face the
one captured. consequences of terrorist acts.
May 31: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Israeli Defense Minister Dayan urged city of-
Palestine (PFLP) claimed responsibility for re- ficials in Hebron to prepare development plans for
cruiting and training the Japanese for the attack the coming 10 to 15 years.
at Lod Airport. June 5: Israel said a soldier was killed by guerrillas
Israel said the 3 Japanese were trained in in the Jawlan region.
Lebanon and asked the US, Canada, Britain and Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat rejected the
other countries to intercede wtih Lebanon to pre- idea of a big power agreement to limit the arms
vent further terrorism against airlines. race in the Middle East and warned that another
June 1: US State Department officials said the US round of fighting was "inevitable."

* The quarterly chronology of the Journal is compiled from a large number of sources; somewhat more than
half of the items are drawn from The New York Times; other sources include Middle East Economic Digest
of London, Daily Report of Foreign Broadcast Information Service of Washington, bulletins of the United
Nations Office of Public Information, United Nations, New York, United Nations Newsletter, Middle East
Economic Survey of Beirut, the Washington Post of Washington, D. C., Arab Report and Record of Lon-
don, The New Middle East of London, Africa Report of Washington, D. C., and Middle East Newsletter
of New York, regular and occasional bulletins from the offices of press attach6s of Middle Eastern Embassies
in Washington, Pakistan Affairs of Washington, Pakistan News Digest of Karachi, The Arab World of
Beirut, Kayhan International of Tehran, and The Jerusalem Post.


June 7: Lebanese officials said Israeli jets and gun- condemning the "repeated attacks" by Israel on
boats violated Lebanese territory. Lebanon and calling for Israel to take appropriate
June 8: Lebanon reported that Israeli planes violated steps to release 5 Syrians and 1 Lebanese seized
Lebanese airspace and that 2 Israeli ships were during a raid into Lebanon. The vote was 13 to 0
sighted off the Lebanese coast. with the US and Panama abstaining.
Egyptian Minister of Information Muhammad June 27: Lebanon reported that an Israeli ambush
al-Zayyat denied that Premier $idqi had praised or killed a Lebanese civilian on Lebanese territory.
endorsed the terrorist act at Lod Airport. Israel said a Palestinian terrorist was killed and
June 13: Egyptian and Israeli planes clashed over the 3 Israeli soldiers wounded in a clash on the Israeli
Mediterranean Sea. Both sides claimed to have side of the border.
shot down 2 enemy planes. Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organiza-
UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim said Gun- tion (PLO) Yasir 'Arafat met with Salam. After-
nar Jarring's mission was at a "dead end" with ward it was announced that a "complete"
little possibility of being revived "at the moment." understanding was reached and that Palestinian
June 14: The Organization of African Unity (OAU) commandos would suspend attacks against Israel
meeting in Morocco passed a resolution pledging from southern Lebanon.
"every assistance to Egypt" in its effort to regain Mahmiud Riyad, Secretary-General of the Arab
lost territory. Socialist Union, arrived in Beirut for talks with
June 20: Israel charged that bazooka and rocket at- President Sulayman Franjiyyah on ways of sup-
tacks were launched by Palestinian commandos porting Lebanon against Israel.
from Lebanese territory. Two soldiers and 2 ci- Ahmad Mahjub, Commissioner General of the
vilians were reported wounded. Arab Boycott of Israel, reported that 200 Western
companies which had had dealings with Israel
June 21: Israeli forces and planes attacked over the
were removed from the boycott list.
border into Lebanon and captured 5 Syrian officers
and a Lebanese officer. Lebanese officials said 14 June 28: A spokesman for the Popular Front for the
civilians were killed and 25 wounded near the Liberation of Palestine, General Command, said
villages of Hasbayah, Ramiyah and Batisya. in Damascus that the group's commandos would
June 23: Israeli planes raided suspected commando continue to cross into Israeli held territory from
positions in Lebanon. Lebanese sources said 18 all Arab states to carry out action "in the depth
civilians were killed and "scores" of guerrillas of enemy territory."
killed or wounded. Israel reported that a com- June 29: Beirut's Al-Rayah reported that the USSR
mando boat was sunk off the Lebanese coast. The advised the Syrian Communist Party that Syria
UN Security Council met to discuss the attacks. and Egypt together could not defeat Israel and
June 24: Israeli Chief of Staff Elazar warned that that another round of fighting could repeat the
Israel would take "all necessary steps" to prevent Arab defeat of June 1967.
guerrilla attacks from Lebanon if the Lebanese July 5: Syria and Lebanon requested a meeting of
government would not. the UN Security Council to discuss "Israeli de-
Lebanon asked an emergency meeting of the UN fiance" of the Council resolution calling for Israel
Security Council for a "strong condemnation" of to release 6 army officers seized in late June.
Israeli "acts of aggression." Premier Sa'ib Salam July 6: Israel told the UN Security Council that
said Israel was trying to provoke clashes between Egypt and Syria "repeatedly" rebuffed Israel's
Lebanon and the Palestinians and that this would offer for a general exchange of all prisoners. The
not occur. note said there were 10 Israeli prisoners in Egypt
June 25: Israeli Deputy Premier Yigal Allon said and 3 in Syria while Israel was holding 61
the recent bombing of Hasbayah village in Lebanon Egyptians, 45 Syrians and 5 Lebanese.
was a mistake, that the attacks were intended July 7: Dayan said Libya was buying French military
solely for the Palestinian commando camps nearby. arms and then distributing them among other
June 26: Lebanese Premier Salam said his govern- Arab states.
ment was "in agreement" with the Palestinian com- July 9: Dayan told the Israeli cabinet that the army's
mandos and that the commandos "appreciate the decision to destroy 500 dunums of crops near the
conditions of this country." The New York Times Arab village of Aqrabah in the West Bank was
quoted official sources in Beirut as saying the a wrong one," but he added that the land was
commandos had agreed to suspend their activities expropriated "years ago" for training purposes.
against Israel from southern Lebanon for the time Israeli Premier Golda Meir said there had been
being. "regrettable deviations" from official policy and
The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel was expressed hope that the military authorities would
seeking a "total" exchange of prisoners of war not overstep their authority in the future.
with Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. PLO Chairman 'Arafat accused Israel of the as-
The UN Security Council passed a resolution sassination of Ghassan Kanafani in Beirut on July

8 and said the commando movement would UN on the possibility of reviving his peace mission.
"retaliate." Aug. 3: The New York Times cited Israeli sources
July 10: The UN announced that Special Envoy as saying the pullout of Soviet forces from Egypt
Jarring would reactivate his peace effort within went beyond withdrawal of forces intended to de-
2 weeks. fend Egypt and included forces engaged "in the
US Secretary of State William Rogers met with pursuit of strictly Soviet strategic interests."
Italian Premier Giulio Anoreotti to discuss the Jarring met with Egyptian Ambassador to the
Middle East and the reopening of the Suez Canal. UN Ismat 'Abd al-Majid.
July 11: A grenade exploded in the Tel Aviv bus Aug. 5: The Black September Organization claimed
terminal injuring 9 people. The PFLP claimed responsibility for the sabotage of 5 oil tanks in
responsibility and said it was a reprisal for the Trieste, Italy, and warned that it would continue
assassination of Kanafani. to attack "Zionist and imperialist interests"
July 18: The UN Security Council denied an Israeli wherever they are found.
request to discuss a general prisoner of war ex- Egyptian Foreign Minister Murad Ghalib flew
change in the Middle East and voted to discuss a to New York for talks with Jarring.
Syrian proposal for the Israeli release of 5 Syrians Jarring met with Israeli Ambassador Josef
and 1 Lebanese captured on June 21. Israel re- Tekoah.
fused to take its seat for the debate. Aug. 6: The JerusalemPost reported that the Israeli
July 19: Israeli Minister Without Portfolio Galili Defense Ministry "is planning a number of projects
told the Knesset that 44 settlements were estab- to establish a self-sufficient economy on the West
lished in the occupied territories since 1967 and Bank and the Gaza Strip....
Israel would leave "no vacuum in these areas." He Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban told the
said: "No area is out of bounds to Jewish set- Israeli Cabinet that Jarring had "nothing new"
tlement." to offer in his latest talks at the UN.
July 20: Israel denied a Yemeni claim that Israel Aug. 11: Dayan said the withdrawal of Soviet troops
had occupied 5 small islands in Yemeni territorial from Egypt would enable Israel to alter its de-
waters. ployment of forces along the Suez Canal and
UN Secretary General Waldheim said Jarring reduce the call-up of reservists to active duty.
would return to New York in Aug. to resume his Al-Ahram's editor Muhammad Haykal reported
Middle East peace mission. that Israel downed 5 Russian planes flown by
July 24. Israel reported that Egypt fired several mis- Russian pilots on June 30, 1970.
siles at Israeli planes over the Sinai but that no Aug. 12: Jarring ended 2 weeks of consultations in
planes were hit. Egypt said that an Israeli Phantom New York on the possibility of reviving his peace
jet was shot down. mission and returned to his post in Moscow.
July 26: Israeli Premier Meir called on Egypt to Aug. 14: Israel sentenced to life in prison 2 women
enter negotiations with Israel "as equals" to make found guilty of hijacking a Belgian airliner to Tel
"a supreme effort to arrive at an agreed solution." Aviv in May.
She said the withdrawal of some Soviet personnel
from Egypt was a "significant fact" and may mark
"the hour of change" but did not indicate the
end of the Soviet role in Egypt.
July 27: 'Arafat ended a 10-day visit to the Soviet
Union. A joint communique promised continued 1972
assistance for the Palestinian commandos "in their May 23: Negotiations resumed in Geneva between
just struggle against imperialism, reaction and the Persian Gulf members of the Organization of
Israeli aggression, and for the sake of the rights Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and oil
of the Palestinian people." companies on the terms of national participation
Egyptian President Sadat described Meir's call in the oil industry.
for talks as the "same old tune." May 24. The OPEC negotiations in Geneva adjourned
July 31: Sadat told Newsweek magazine that US until June. OPEC representative Shaykh Ahmad
interests in the Arab world would "shortly be- Zaki Yamani said the oil companies were still in
come part of the battle for the recovery of our their "ivory tower" and no progress was made.
land." May 28: The 8th Arab Petroleum Congress opened
Aug. 1: French Deputy Claude-Gerard Marcus said in Algiers. The Arab government delegations is-
Sadat told a group of French Deputies of Parlia- sued a statement supporting Iraq in its dispute
ment "last week" that Egypt was willing to meet with the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC).
with Israel provided representatives of the Big June 1: Former Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmiud
Four powers would be present as participants in Riyad was elected Secretary General of the Arab
the talks. League.
Jarring arrived in New York for talks at the June 2: US Secretary of State William Rogers told

the annual conference of the Central Treaty Or- of the Eastern Orthodox Church, after the Turkish
ganization (CENTO) meeting in London to guard government struck the name of Metropolitan
against new Soviet thrusts in the Middle East Meliton from the list of acceptable candidates.
and said US naval forces in the Indian Ocean would It was announced in Jiddah that Yemen, Ethi-
be improved. opia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Sudan agreed at a
June 3: The 8th Arab Petroleum Congress in Algiers conference on the Red Sea to cooperate in exploit-
ended after passing resolutions calling for Arab ing the seabed.
countries to boycott oil companies opposing Iraqi July 18. The London Times reported that talks had
nationalization of IPC, to prevent oil companies been held over the last 6 months between West
on their territory from "compensating a possible German and Japanese oil companies on the pos-
reduction of their production in Iraq" and to aid sibility of forming a "third force" to operate along
Iraq and Syria to cover their loss of revenue re- with OPEC and the major oil companies. The
sulting from nationalization of IPC. group would offer capital investment to producing
June 5. The Secretary General of OPEC, Nadim countries in return for direct supplies of crude oil.
Pachachi, warned the major oil companies to July 20. The European Economic Community (EEC)
come down from their high horse and negotiate agreed to offer a comprehensive economic agree-
seriously" the terms for 20% participation by ment to Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia and called
OPEC members in the oil industry. He said for a plan by the Executive Commission by Sept. 26.
OPEC's ultimate aim was 519% ownership but if Aug. 2. After 3 days of talks in Libya, President
the 20%7odemands were not met, OPEC members Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt and Revolution Command
might nationalize the oil industries. Council Chairman Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi of
June 9: OPEC decided at a special meeting in Beirut Libya announced an agreement "to establish a
to support Iraq's nationalization of IPC. complete unity" between 2 countries "as soon as
June 11: The Organization of Arab Petroleum Ex- possible." The agreement called for the formation
of 7 committees to draw up plans for a "unified
porting Countries (OAPEC) voted in Beirut to
political leadership" to be submitted for national
support Iraq "fully" in its dispute with IPC and
referendums by Sept. 1, 1973.
to extend financial aid to Iraq, Syria and Lebanon
for the loss of oil revenues.
June 20: OAPEC voted to loan Iraq $151m and Afghanistan
Syria $18m over a 3-month period to ease the 1972
burden of losses resulting from the nationaliza-
May 17: India's Delhi Radio reported that Kabul
tion of the IPC.
Radio broadcast on May 16 a demand for Pakh-
June 23: The Presidents of the Federation of Arab
tunistan's independence from Pakistan.
Republics (FAR) ended a 3-day meeting in Mersa
May 22: The first trade agreement was reached with
Matruh after resolving to unify trade unions and
Iraq calling for Afghanistan to export raw cotton,
news agencies and to create a land transport
dried fruit, wool and carpets and to import oil,
tobacco, dates, grains and electrical equipment.
June 27: OPEC ended a meeting in Vienna with a It was announced that China would grant $44m
decision to grant Shaykh Yamani more time to in interest free aid for the 4th 5-year plan.
negotiate with major oil companies the terms May 26. Middle East Economic Digest reported that
of national participation in oil production. OPEC wheat was being distributed in the western prov-
warned that the companies would be held "respon- inces to save thousands from starvation resulting
sible for any consequences resulting from a failure from a 2-year drought.
to reach a negotiated settlement." May 30. Iran's Civil Adjutant to the Shah Ardeshir
July 3" OPEC said Western oil companies would Zahedi left after a 5-day visit and talks with
have until December to accept OPEC's participa- King Muhammad Zahir Shah and Foreign Minister
tion terms or else they would face possible na- Musa Shafiq. Zahedi said he was "extremely satis-
tionalization or boycotts. fied" with the meeting.
July 6: Athenagoras I, the Ecumenical Patriarch of June 29: Iraq signed a cultural exchange agreement
the Eastern Orthodox Church, died in Istanbul providing for Iraqi teachers to teach in the country.
at the age of 86. July 5. British Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-
July 8. The Turkish government vetoed the candi- Home paid a 1-day official visit.
dacy of New York's Archbishop lakovos to be July 21: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
the Eastern Patriarch in Istanbul. A Turkish US special envoy John Connally told the govern-
spokesman said the treaty between Greece and ment that the US could not make any further
Turkey of 1923 allowed only Turkish subjects to commitment of aid.
become the Patriarch in Istanbul. July 22: An Iraqi delegation headed by Foreign
July 16. Metropolitan Dimitrios, Archbishop of Minister Murtada al-Hadithi arrived for an official
Imbros and Tenedos Islands, was elected Patriarch 5-day visit.
Aug. 11: Middle East Economic Digest reported that Aug. 2: Canada agreed to a loan of $33m to be repaid
Deputy Premier Abdul Samad Hamed returned over 50 years.
from the USSR after negotiating a loan of Im Aug. 11: UPI reported that police sealed off the
roubles for the 4th 5-year plan and a postponement American Black Panther party headquarters in
of payment of previous loans. Algiers after the Panthers demanded that the $1m
hijacked ransom be turned over to the Panthers.

(See also General, Morocco, South Yemen, Cyprus
Tunisia, Yemen)
(See also Turkey)
May 17: Cuban Premier Fidel Castro ended a 10-day 1972
visit. A joint statement said talks covered world May 19: A 7-week bank strike ended after an agree-
problems and the right of states to exploit their ment on May 17 to raise salaries by 16% over a
own natural resources. 3-year period.
May 22: Tunisia's President Habib Bourguiba arrived May 30: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim said
for his first official visit and talks with President the tension on Cyprus made the UN peace keeping
Houari Boumedienne. force essential and recommended that it be extended
May 28: Tunisian President Bourguiba ended his visit for 6 months more.
and said economic cooperation had been strength- May 31: A cultural exchange agreement was signed
ened. with the USSR.
June 2: Tunisia signed an agreement for the joint June 1: The Holy Synod of Bishops demanded the
exploitation of the El Borma oil field. resignation of President Makarios by June 10 and
June 3: A US jetliner was hijacked to Algiers by 2 threatened "sanctions" if he refused.
persons carrying $500,000 which they had obtained June 6: UN Secretary General Waldheim arrived for
as ransom. talks on the Cyprus problem.
June 8: The US said Algeria had agreed to return June 8: The intercommunal talks were resumed and
$500,000 in ransom taken by 2 plane hijackers to expanded to include a UN representative and 2
Algeria. constitutional law experts representing Greece and
June 17. Boumedienne handed over 100 hectares of Turkey.
land to landless farmers in a ceremony marking the June 10: Makarios rejected the Synod's renewed
beginning of redistribution under the agrarian demand for his resignation.
reform. June 15: The UN Security Council voted to extend
June 19. Ceremonies were held marking the 7th the peace force on Cyprus for 6 months.
anniversary of Boumedienne's Presidency. Boume- June 16: A new Cabinet was announced:
dienne opened a gas liquefication plant at Skikda loannis Khristofidhis: Foreign Affairs
and announced new discoveries of uranium and tin. Andreas Patsalidhis: Finance
June 26: Foreign Minister Abdel Aziz Bouteflika flew Yeoryios Ionnidhis: Defense and Interior
to Spain for talks on bilateral cooperation, Medi- Andreas Kouros: Education
terranean policy and the Spanish Sahara. Khristos Vakis: Justice
June 28. Foreign Minister Bouteflika flew to Belgium Mikhail Glikis: Health
from Madrid after Spain agreed to grant $40m in Mikhail Kolokasidhis: Commerce & Industry
credits to stimulate bilateral trade. Odhissevs loannidhis: Agriculture & Natural
July 10: The first round of negotiations began with Resources
the EEC for a treaty of association. Markos Spanos: Labor
July 11: The 1st phase of talks with the EEC ended. Yiangos Zambarloukos: Communications &
It was announced that there was little progress but Public Works
that the talks would be resumed in the fall. June 17.' Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Xantho-
July 25: China signed a protocol to help in water poulos-Palamas said the new Cypriot Cabinet
development. marked the "outset of normalization of relations"
July 31. Moroccan Minister of Trade Abdel Aziz ben between the 2 countries.
Jalloun ended a 4-day visit after opening a July 3: The 1st negotiating session of the expanded
Moroccan-Algerian Chamber of Commerce in intercommunal talks opened in Nicosia.
Algiers. July 8: Indian President Shri Giri arrived for a 2-day
Aug. 1: An American jetliner was hijacked to Algiers state visit.
with $lm in ransom on board. The 7 hijackers July 14.' Middle East Economic Digest reported that
requested political asylum and authorities took the Vice President Fazil Ku,cuk said he regarded the
money pending a decision on a US request that new Cabinet appointments as invalid because they
the money and the hijackers be returned to the US. were made without his approval.

July 22: The 1st session of the expanded intercom- July 3: Al-Ahramdenounced Yemen's resumption of
munal talks ended. relations with the US and Sudan's hints that it
Aug. 9: A new Greek ambassador, Efstathios Lagakos, would do the same.
presented his credentials to Makarios. July 5: Special Jordanian Envoy Rifa'l ended talks
on resuming Jordanian-Egyptian relations.
July 7: Saudi Minister of Defense Sultan bin 'Abd
Egypt al-'Azlz arrived for official talks.
July 9. Syrian President Hafiz al-As'ad arrived in
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iraq, Libya, Cairo to brief President Sadat on his 3-day visit to
Syria, Tunisia, Yemen) Moscow.
1972 July 13. Premier 'Azlz $idqi flew to Moscow for a
May 16: Foreign Minister Murad Ghalib began a 5-day official visit.
2-week official visit to France. July 14.' Sidqi cut short his visit to the USSR and
May 18: Soviet Defense Minister Andrei Grechko returned to Cairo.
ended a 4-day visit. July 17: Spain signed 3 trade protocols, for Egyptian
May 23: Saudi Deputy Premier Fahd Bin 'Abd al-'Aziz purchase of $64m worth of capital goods and raw
told troops at the Suez Canal that his country would materials.
contribute "men, money and weapons" to the battle July 18.' President Sadat announced to the Central
with Israel. Committee of the ASU that all Soviet "military
May 26: Saudi Deputy Premier Fahd ended a 5-day advisers and experts" were ordered to leave the
visit. country and Soviet bases and equipment placed
May 27. Foreign Minister Ghalib returned from talks under Egyptian control.
in Paris, London and Belgrade. July 19. The official Soviet news agency Tass said
After 3 days of talks in Cairo the heads of the the withdrawal of Soviet personnel from Egypt was
Libyan and Egyptian Arab Socialist Unions (ASU) being carried out under a joint agreement.
announced that the 2 ASU's would soon merge into France announced that the embargo on sales of
a single organization. arms to the Middle East would not be altered by
May 29: The first Egyptian built tanker was launched the Soviet withdrawal from Egypt.
at the Alexandria shipyard.
July 20: Beirut's al-Nida reported that Sadat ordered
May 31: Denmark agreed to an interest free loan of
the Soviet withdrawal in response to demands of
$4.3m for poultry projects.
the military leadership under Commander-in-Chief
June 3: Abiu Dhabi's Premier Shaykh Khallfah bin Muhammad Sadiq.
Zayd left after a 1-week visit and talks on economic The government cancelled the military parade
relations and the Arab Israeli problem.
scheduled for July 23, the anniversary of the 1952
Agriculture Minister Mustafa al-Ja'bili reported
that agricultural problems had caused "cultivation
July 22: Minister of Information Muhammad al-
to lag behind" but added that state measures such
Zayyat said the withdrawal of Soviet advisers was
as higher cotton prices would result in benefits to
based on Egypt's policy of nonalignment but that
farmers worth LE 47.3m.
Soviet experts on contract with Egypt would work
June 8: Diplomatic relations with West Germany
out the terms of their contracts.
were restored.
War Minister Muhammad Ahmad $adiq flew to July 24: Sadat blamed the Soviet Union's "excessive
Moscow for talks. caution" as an ally for the decision to ask Soviet
June 12. The Soviet Union signed a "long term personnel to leave, and denied that Egypt had con-
economic cooperation agreement." tacted the US prior to the decision.
June 13: War Minister Sadiq returned to Cairo after July 26. The New York Times cited American in-
his scheduled 4-day visit to Moscow was extended telligence sources as saying the USSR was possibly
2 days. He said the talks were "important" and withdrawing most of the Soviet operated planes
"successful." including 18 TU-16 Jet bombers, 70 Mig 21s and
June 30: Middle East Economic Digest reported an 6 Mig 23s.
Egyptian official, Tahir Amin, as saying the eco- July 31: Al-Ahramreported that Yasir 'Arafat, chair-
nomic protocol signed with the USSR on June 12 man of the Palestine Liberation Organization
was a turning point in economic relations because (PLO) was hospitalized in Alexandria for "ex-
it calls for the Soviets to help develop industries in haustion."
Egypt which would supply the Soviet market with Aug. 2: Britain acknowledged that Egypt had ex-
textiles and ceramic products. pressed interest in purchasing military arms from
July 1: Former Jordanian Premier 'Abd al-Mu'nim Britain during a meeting on July 31 between
Rifa'i arrived for talks on resuming diplomatic Foreign Minister Ghalib and UK Ambassador
relations. Richard Beaumont.

Aug. 6: The government announced that the departure new price agreement linking prices to a constant
of Soviet personnel was complete. purchasing power in Western markets.
Aug. 7: Al-Ahram reported that Leonid Brezhnev July 11: Turkish Foreign Minister Haliuk Bayulken
sent a message to Sadat seeking high level talks on left after a 5-day official visit. He told reporters
Soviet Egyptian relations. Minister of Information Turkey was seeking to expand bilateral ties "in all
al-Zayyat said the message deserved serious study directions."
but was not a "new breakthrough." July 13: Jewish Observer of London reported that the
US agreed to sell Iran F-14 and F-15 fighters and
laser guided bombs.
Iran July 14. Middle East Economic Digest reported the
World Bank agreed to a loan of $29m for the ex-
(See also Afghanistan, Iraq) pansion of ports whose inadequacy was "hamper-
1972 ing" development.
May 17: A new oil refinery at Kermanshah was July 15: Kayhan International reported that Mardom
opened. Party leader Holaku Rambod accused the govern-
May 20: Kayhan International quoted the Shah as ment "this week" of trying to rig forthcoming local
urging industry to offer shares to the public to elections.
spread profits more evenly and make possible more July 22: Kayhan International reported that the gov-
massive capital investment in large industry. The ernm-ent was studying "with some degree of inter-
report also said that several firms, including Iran est" an Iraqi bid to improve relations indicated by
National, had responded to the Shah's suggestion the speech of Iraqi President Hasan al-Bakr on
by setting up "public" subsidiaries with about July 18.
45% of the shares up for public sale. July 23: Negotiations began between the National
May 29: British Secretary of State for Trade and In- Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and the Consortium
dustry John Davies ended a visit after signing an on increasing NIOC's share of crude oil, increasing
agreement to expand trade and grant a ?50m loan oil production, and maintaining parity of the price
for projects in the next Iranian 5-year plan. of crude with the price of Iranian imports.
May 30: President Nixon arrived in Tehran for talks July 25: Jordan's King Hyusayn arrived for a 2-day
with the Shah on an official 1-day visit. visit and talks with the Shah.
June 3: Officials reported 3 Iranians and 6 Iraqis were July 26: The NIOC-Consortium negotiations were
killed in border clashes on June 2. concluded but the signing of the agreement post-
June 9: A Polish trade delegation ended a 6-day visit poned and no details were announced.
after offering $75m in credit at 2.5% interest for Aug. 5: King Husayn left after a 10-day private visit
Iranian purchases of Polish goods. Iran offered and talks with the Shah.
Poland credits to buy cars, refrigerators and ma- Aug. 13: Police Brigadier General Said Tahiri was
chine tools. assassinated by 2 terrorists who escaped.
June 13: The Shah arrived in Geneva to address the Aug. 15. It was announced that diplomatic relations
International Labor Organization (ILO). Strict would be established with Sudan.
security measures were put into effect after bombs
were discovered at the airport and in the hall where
the Shah made his address. Iraq
June 14: The Shah told the ILO that Iran was ready (See also General, Afghanistan, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon,
to aid other developing countries. Libya, South Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia)
June 21: The Shah flew to London from Geneva.
June 22: The Shah met with British Prime Minister 1972
Edward Heath. May 17: In response to a reduction of oil production
June 23: Middle East Economic Digest reported at Kirkuk, the government issued an ultimatum to
Economy Minister Hushang Ansary as saying 86 the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC) demanding a
of the largest companies would offer shares for restoration of maximum output or else the govern-
public subscription by June 1974. ment would take all "legislative measures it may
June 24: The Shah returned from a 4-day visit in deem necessary."
London. During a press conference in London he A government austerity campaign was announced
said Iran would purchase the Anglo-French Con- to compensate for the loss of revenue resulting
corde supersonic jet liner and that Iran was shop- from the decrease in oil offtake from Kirkuk.
ping for arms, "millions" of dollars worth of "the May 23: The government called for a special meeting
best we can find short of atomic weapons." of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun-
He also said that Iran was "not pressing for par- tries (OPEC) to discuss the dispute with IPC.
ticipation at all" in the oil industry but was seeking May 30: Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto ar-
terms for getting more oil for its own purposes, rived on a brief visit as part of a tour of Arab
such as refining and marketing abroad, and for a capitals.

May 31: The government and IPC met for negotia- a Kurd, died of injuries received in a car crash
tions but failed to reach any agreement. Baghdad while en route to the north to investigate the
Radio warned that IPC had 12 hours to come up Kurdish incident of July 3.
with new proposals or "face the consequences." July 11: Minister of Transport Khalld al-Mashimi
June 1: President Hasan al-Bakr announced the na- was relieved of his post and appointed to the
tionalization of IPC. The French shareholder, Foreign Ministry.
Compagnie Franfaise des Petroles, with 23 % of July 18. President Bakr stressed in a speech Iraq's
IPC, was offered the option to negotiate an agree- "sincere desire to establish neighborly relations
ment in "appreciation" of France's support of the with Iran."
Arabs against Israel. July 20. The 15-year Treaty of Friendship with the
Foreign Minister Murtad.a al-Hadithi arrived for USSR, signed on Apr. 9, went into effect.
talks in Moscow. The Kurdish paper al-Taakhi reported that a plot
June 2: Britain asked the members of the Central to assassinate Kurdish leader Mulla Mustafa Bara-
Treaty Organization (CENTO) to put pressure on zani was uncovered on July 15, and that the would
Iraq to pay just compensation for the nationaliza- be assassin was an Iraqi newsman working for
tion of IPC. national security agents.
June 7. The USSR signed an agre&ment calling for July 21: Al-Thawr,ih accused the Kurds of maintain-
the development of economic relations "especially ing clandestine detention camps for their political
in the oil domain." Foreign Minister Hadithi ended opponents and of reactivating their army, the Pesh
a 5-day visit to Moscow after a joint communique Merga.
said the USSR "expressed support for the daring July 24: It was announced that the RCC issued a
step" by Iraq against IPC. decree saying Iraq would issue travel documents to
June 8: Economy Minister Hikmat al-'Azzawi said Palestinians requiring them wherever the Pales-
tinians may be living.
funds allocated for imports in 1972/73 would be
July 28: Negotiations opened in Baghdad between
reduced from ID254m to ID200m.
IPC and the government on the terms of compen-
June 12: An official announced that ambassadorial
sation. Secretary General of OPEC Nadim Pachachi
relations with Libya, suspended since April, would
and Director of Compagnie Frantaise des Petroles
be resumed.
Jean Duroc-Danner were acting as mediators.
June 13.' Minister of Oil Sa'diun Hammad1 appealed July 29: The Foreign Ministry said the appointment
to Iraqi oil experts abroad to return and help of 2 US diplomats to Baghdad would not alter
"confront the oil companies." US-Iraqi relations.
June 14: Vice President Siddafm Husayn al-Takriti Aug. 7: Unity Minister 'Abdallah al-Khudayr said the
led a high level delegation to Paris for talks on government welcomed the "unionist step" between
the nationalization of IPC. Egypt and Libya.
June 16. Middle East Economic Digest reported that
the Revolution Command Council (RCC) author-
ized the planning board to cut planned investments
for 1972/73 by at least IDlOOm or 40% and the (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Yemen)
Minister of Finance to cut administrative costs by 1972
20%. May 17. The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox
June 18. A joint communique issued at the end of Church arrived on his first pilgrimage to Jerusalem
al-Takrlti's talks in Paris said Iraq agreed to sell since before the June 1967 war.
France 23.75% of the output of the Kirkuk oil Alay 28. The Cabinet voted to block payment of fees
fields over a 10-year period and that France would to lawyers who participated in the Kitkon Com-
increase loans to Iraq. mission's investigation of the Netivei Neft Oil
June 21.' Spanish Foreign Minister Lopez Bravo left Company. The Cabinet agreed to investigate fees
after a joint communique said Iraq welcomned paid by the government to the private sector and
Spanish cooperation in the oil industry. said the lawyers' fees "exceed all reasonable bounds
June 22. The World Bank approved a loan of $1 2.9m consonant with the economy and the society of
for education projects despite US opposition to any Israel."
loan while compensation to IPC remained unsettled. May 30: Jerusalem court workers ended a week long
July 3. A local governor was killed in Sinjar during strike after Histadrut agreed to negotiate for their
clashes between local Kurdish and Arab inhabitants. demands with the government.
July 8: The government announced diplomatic recog- Civil aviation workers threatened a national
nition of Bangla Desh, formerly East Pakistan. strike for better working conditions.
Soviet tankers were loaded with the first crude June 6. The government said it would pay stipends
oil to be exported from the nationalized Kirkuk equal to about $120 per month to the families of
fields. the victims of the terrorism at Lod Airport on
July 10.' Minister of Agriculture Nafiz Jalal Huwayzi, May 30.

June 11: Justice Minister Yakov Shapiro resigned Aug. 8: Meir rejected a personal appeal of Arch-
after coming under public criticism for approving bishop Joseph Raya to permit villagers to return
high legal fees paid to private lawyers by the to Berem and Ikrit.
government for serving on a board of inquiry into Aug. 10: New York's Governor Nelson Rockefeller
the Netivei Neft Oil Company. arrived for a 4-day "private" visit and a message
June 20: Premier Golda Meir said she would resign from President Nixon to Meir.
if the Independent Liberal Party pushed its bill to Aug. 13: New York's Governor Rockefeller said Presi-
permit limited civil marriage in Israel to a vote dent Nixon "secured an agreement" with the USSR
in the Knesset. in May permitting 35,000 Soviet Jews to emigrate
June 21: The Knesset postponed a vote on the civil annually to Israel.
marriage bill to avert a Cabinet crisis. Rockefeller said the 'agreement" between Nixon
June 23: Premier Meir flew to Vienna for the 12th and Soviet leaders had been a "meeting of the
Congress of the Socialist International. minds" rather than a formal document.
June 26. The Gahal Party criticized Deputy Premier Aug. 14: A US administration statement said there
Yigal Allon for saying on June 25 that the bomb- was no secret deal in May between Nixon and
ing of Hasbayah village in Lebanon was a mistake. Soviet leaders on the number of Soviet Jews to be
allowed to go to Israel.
Gahal said the statement undermined Israel's posi-
tion at the UN and infringed on the duties of the Aug. 15. Jerusalem Radio reported that the USSR
issued an order imposing "diploma fines" on Jews
Defense Ministry.
emigrating to Israel. The fines would range from
July 7. The New York Times reported that immigra-
6,000 to 14,000 roubles depending on the emi-
tion from the USSR reached 14,000 in the first
grant's level of education.
half of 1972, exceeding the total in all of 1971.
July 10: The trial of Kozo Okamoto opened. He
admitted his role in the killing of 26 persons at
Lod Airport on May 30. Jordan
July 11: Giora Neumann was sentenced to 8 months (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Egypt, Iran)
in prison for refusing induction into the armed
forces. 1972
May 18. The government denounced an alleged attack
July 14: President Nixon signed a bill authorizing
up to $85m for the settlement of Russian immi- by Palestinian commandos against Jordanian trucks
carrying phosphates in Lebanon on May 16.
grants to Israel.
May 22: A cultural and technical cooperation treaty
July 16: The Cabinet dismissed Deputy Minister of
was signed with the USSR which included scholar-
Education and Culture Avner Sciaky of the National
ships for students to study in the Soviet Union.
Religious Party for breaking party discipline by
May 31: Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto ar-
voting for a law which would make conversions to
rived for 1 day of talks on a tour of Middle East
Judaism valid only when performed by an Ortho-
dox rabbi.
June 3: The government declared support for Iraq's
July 17.' Kozo Okamoto was found guilty of the kill-
nationalization of the Iraq Petroleum Company.
ings at Lod Airport on May 30 and sentenced to June 4: In a message to Premier Ahmad Lawzi, King
life in prison.
Husayn said it was time to "completely reorganize"
The Knesset voted 60 to 6 against a no-confidence the administration and that Prince Hasan would be
motion introduced by the New Communist Party
entrusted with the task.
to protest the government's handling of Arab
June 6: The Financial Times of London quoted King
Husayn as saying that "military missions" had been
July 23. The government rejected an appeal from the sent to Oman to help against guerrillas in Dhofar,
Arab former inhabitants of the villages of Ikrit although no troops "as such" had yet been sent.
and Berem near the Lebanese border to return to June 9. An official spokesman reported that Syria
their homes seized by the army in 1948. agreed to allow a resumption of trade in fruits and
July 30: Dayan said the Labor Party must go to the vegetables.
1973 elections with a "platform plank proposing June 11: Husayn ordered the release of 200 prisoners
to drop the religious status quo." detained since the civil strife of Sept. 1970.
Aug. 1: The trial opened of 2 women accused of June 22. Spanish Foreign Minister Lopez Bravo ended
taking part in the hijacking of a Sabena jet to Tel official talks with Foreign Minister 'Abdallah Salah.
Aviv on May 8. A joint communique said Spain reiterated its call
Aug. 5: Demonstrations were held at Berem and Ikrit for Israel's withdrawal from all territory occupied
protesting the government's decision not to allow in 1967.
the former inhabitants to return to the villages. June 24. The ruler of Oman Sultan Qabuts bin Satid
Aug. 7. Police arrested 17 people during demonstra- arrived for an official visit. The New York Times
tions at Berem and Ikrit. reported "diplomatic sources" as saying Husayn

agreed to the marriage of his daugther, Princess Sulayman al-'Ali: Agriculture

Aliya, to Sultan Qabus. Bashir al-A'war: Justice
July 8: Former King Talal ibn 'Abdallah, the father Kazim Khalil: Labor
of Husayn, died in Istanbul at the age of 63. Joseph Sakaf: Water & Electricity
July 9: Former King Talil was buried in Amman. Nazih al-Bizri: Public Health
Aug. 2: The deadline was extended to Sept. 9 for Edward Hunayn: Education
persons who left the country during the civil strife Jamil Kibbih: PTT
of Sept. 1970 to return with legal immunity. Khalil Aba Hamad: Foreign Affairs
Aug. 4: Middle East Economic Digest reported that Fu'ad Nafa': Finance
Husayn announced a military mission would be Anwar al-Sabah: National Economy
sent to Oman to help fight leftist guerrillas in Michel Sassin: Tourism
Dhofar province. Pierre Hilii: Petroleum and Planning
Aug. 13: A 45-man delegation from the Gaza Strip Albert Mukhaybir: Information, Housing, and
arrived in Amman for talks with Husayn. Deputy Premier
May 30: Premier Salim declared Lebanon's support
Kuwayt for Iraq in its dispute with Iraq Petroleum Com-
pany (IPC).
(See also Lebanon, Sudan) May 31: Pakistanr-President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto left
1972 after a 2-day visit as part of a Middle Eastern tour.
May 17: Reuters reported that a "secret session" of June 3: A Presidential decree named George Sa'adah
the National Assembly approved a grant of KDlOm Minister of Planning and Khatchig Babigian Min-
to Syria for military spending. ister of Information.
May 20: Syrian Minister of Supply 'Abd al-Karim June 8: In presenting his government's program to
Adi arrived for talks. Parliament, Salim said the "highest priority"
May 28: The government announced that it would would be given to defending the country against
not permit Palestinians to settle in Kuwayt perma- "Israeli ambitions and aggression." He also prom-
nently and expected to see all Palestinians "return ised financial reform and a campaign against tax
home eventually.' evasion.
May 30: Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto con- June 13: The new Cabinet won a vote of confidence
cluded a 1-day visit and talks with the Amir, in the Parliament by 77 votes to 15.
Shaykh Sabih al-Salim al-Sabah. June 15: Greek Deputy Premier Stylianos Pattakos
June 20: A Southern Yemeni delegation arrived for ended 2 days of official talks.
talks on Kuwayt aid for irrigation projects. June 18: Spanish Foreign Minister Lopez Bravo ended
June 24: The Cabinet met in emergency session to 2 days of official talks on increasing bilateral trade.
discuss the "floating" of the British pound. Kuwayt
June 22: An economic agreement was signed with
Times said Kuwayt would withdraw from the
Kuwayt, the first of a series sought by the govern-
sterling area if the pound continued to float over
ment to keep trade with Arab Common Market
a period of time.
countries at a constant level.
July 4: US Secretary of State Rogers left after a 2-day
visit. July 8: The editor of al-Hadaf, a leader of the Popular
July 23: It was announced that diplomatic relations Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Ghassan
would be established with Uganda. Kanafani, was killed in Beirut when a bomb ex-
Aug. 8: Finance Minister 'Abd al-Rahman al-'Atiqi ploded in his car.
announced the formation of a committee to "exer- July 17: The government announced the cancellation
cise strict control and supervision" over Kuwayti of a FF64m contract for French "Crotale" ground-
investments in the US and Europe. to-air missiles charging the French company
Thomson-CSF with breach of contract and delays.
July 18: Minister of Oil Hilfu said the government
Lebanon would take any measures short of nationalization
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Saudi Arabia) to get oil flowing again through the IPC pipeline
from Iraq to Tripoli.
1972 July 19: Anis Sayigh, the director of the Palestine
May 22. President Sulayman Franjiyyah accepted the Research Center in Beirut, was injured by a "letter
resignation of the Cabinet and asked the ministers bomb." Police said it was the second such explosion
to remain in office until a new government could in 2 days.
be formed. July 24: It was announced that an agreement was
May 27: A new Cabinet was announced: reached with Syria distributing the water of the
Sa'ib Salim: Premier Orontes River so Syria will get 320m cubic meters
Sabri Hamadah: Public Works & Transport and Lebanon will get 80m annually.
'Amir Majld Arslan: Defense July 25: A parcel bomb injured Bassam Abui Sharif,
the successor to Ghassan KanafanI as editor of the A special envoy from Egypt, Ashraf Marwan, left
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine's after delivering a message from Egyptian President
(PFLP) weekly al-Hadaf. Anwar al-Sadat to Qadhdhafi.
Aug. 7: Education Minister Edward Hunayn submitted July 17: Marwan returned with a second message to
his resignation. Qadhdhafi.
Aug. 9: Henri Iddih was appointed Minister of Edu- July 22: The Libyan News Agency reported that
cation. police in Tripoli began a campaign against "long
hair" and foreign "narrow clothes." Youths who
resist would be put through several weeks of "train-
Libya ing in popular resistance" to give them a "spiritual
and moral education within Islam."
(See also General, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, South Yemen, July 23: Qadhdhafi denied rumors that there was a
Sudan, Syria, Yemen) crisis in the government and said the delay in ap-
1972 pointing a new Cabinet was due to Jalud's reluc-
tance to be Premier. He also warned that the Arab
June 4: An official spokesman said the USSR, US and
countries were losing their independence to the
Britain were asked to limit the size of their embassy
great powers as "preparations are being made for
staffs to equal the size of Libyan embassies in those
Arab-American" treaties in return for Arab-Russian
treaties already concluded.
June 11: Revolution Command Council (RCC)
Qadhdhafi said Libya offered in February to
Chairman Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi said Libya was merge with Egypt and that Egypt asked for 5
supplying arms to Irish revolutionaries and sup- months to consider the proposal.
ported American blacks against "American arro- July 25: Uganda signed an economic cooperation
gance." The US and British Ambassadors walked
out during the speech marking the anniversary of
July 29: Ugandan President Idi Amin said the eco-
the US evacuation of Wheelus Air Base. nomic agreement of July 25 would establish bi-
June 12.' It was announced that diplomatic relations lateral trade worth ?15m annually and that Libva
with Iraq would be resumed. Iraqi Interior Min- was "ready to finance Uganda in all ways."
ister Sa'd-unGhaydan departed after a meeting with Aug. 3: Official French spokesmen said Libya had
Chairman Qadhdhafi. not yet become a combatant in the Arab Israeli
June 17: A new press law was announced which per- conflict and, therefore, deliveries of Mirage aircraft
mitted only Libyan citizens "who believe in the to Libya would continue.
Arab revolution" to own newspapers and periodicals.
June 21: Bulgarian Minister of Supply Nikolai
Zhisher left after signing an agreement to purchase
crude oil from the Arab Gulf Exploration Company.
July 13: The Foreign Minister of the United Arab (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General,
Amirates Ahmad Suwaydi left after a 4-day official Algeria, Tunisia)
visit. 1972
July 16: A new Cabinet was announced: May 20: Algerian Foreign Minister Abdelaziz Boute-
'Abd al-Salam Jaliud: Premier flika left after a 1-day visit and consultations with
'Abd al-Mun'im al-Tahir al-Huini: Interior King Hasan.
Muhammad 'All al-Jadi: Justice May 26: Ahmad Taibi Benhima was appointedl Min-
Miftah al-Usta 'Umar: Health ister of Foreign Affairs.
'Abd al-'Ati al-'Ubaydi: Labor May 29: Premier Karim Lamrani met with Iraqi
'Izz al-Din al-Mabriuk: Oil special envoy and Minister of Education Ahmad
Muhammad 'All Tabu: Agriculture al-Juwari to discuss Iraq's dispute with the Iraq
Muhammad Ahmad al-Manqiush: Housing and Petroleum Company.
Utilities June 4: Premier Karim Lamrani returned from an
TTha Sharif bin 'Amir: Communications and official visit to France.
Electricity June 5: King Hasan opened the 19th Council of
Mans-urRashid al-Kikhya: Foreign Ministers meeting of the Organization of African
Abiu Bakr 'All al-Sharif: Economy Unity (OAU) in Rabat. He called on Libyan Pre-
Jadallih 'Azzuiz al-Talhi: Industry mier Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhifi to come to Rabat to
Muhammad al-Zar-uqRajab: Treasury resolve the dispute between their 2 countries.
Muhammad Ahmad al-Sharif: Education June 6: Algerian President Houari Boumedienne
Abiu Zayd 'Umar Durdah: Information & Culture made an unannounced 1-day visit after whidh it
'Isa al-Qiblawi: Planning was announced that 2 agreements would soon be
'Abd al-Hamid al-Zayd al-Zintgni: Youth signed that would end all traces of strained rela-
Muhammad Abu- Bakr bin Yuinis: Civil Service tions between the 2 countries.

June 15. Algeria's President Boumedienne signed 2 June 24: Indian Premier Gandhi urged that "no far
agreements settling a border dispute and providing reaching or immediate results" should be expected
for joint development of iron deposits at Tindouf. from the planned Pakistani-Indian peace talks.
King Hasan said the agreements would mean peace June 25. Bhutto said he was willing to meet with
and security in exchange for a parcel of land "15 Shaykh Mujib al-Rahnan of Bangla Desh to discuss
or 20 kilometers wide." the "destinies of our peoples," but he criticized
July 17. L'Opinion reported that the workers of the al-Rahman's insisting on diplomatic recognition as
Moroccan Transport Company began a strike on a precondition for such talks.
July 16 and that police raided the union head- June 28. Bhutto met briefly with Premier Gandhi at
quarters and arrested strikers. the opening of peace talks in Simla, India.
July 18: Le Monde of Paris reported that a clandestine July 1: The talks in Simla were extended as progress
organization, Moreheb, was formed in Morocco to in the talks was stalled.
work for the independence of the Spanish Sahara July 3. Bhutto and Gandhi ended their talks in Simla
from Spain. after signing an agreement which called for re-
Aug. 3: A faction of the National Union of Popular solving disputes by peaceful means, withdrawing
Forces issued a communique saying it was deter- troops from mutual borders except in Kashmir,
mined to "get rid of the tutelage imposed by the respecting the cease fire line of Dec. 17, 1971, in
party leadership" and reaffirming its "loyalty to the Kashmir and Jammu pending further discussion
militancy" of the party's martyrs. and normalizing relations "step by step."
July 7: The Provincial Assembly of Sind passed a bill
making Sindhi the official language of the province.
Pakistan Violence broke out in Karachi during demonstra-
tions urging that Urdu also be made an official
(See also Iraq, Jordan, Kuwayt, Persian Gulf, language.
Sudan, Turkey) July 8. Troops were called out to restore order in
1972 Karachi as demonstrations on the language question
May 23: A convoy of cars accompanying National continued.
Awami Party leader Abdul Wali Khan was am- July 10: A 24-hour curfew was imposed in Karachi as
bushed in Peshawar. Two men were killed and 6 the death toll in language riots reached 47.
injured but Wali Khan was unharmed. July 14. The National Assembly ratified the peace
May 26. Officials in India said President Zulfikar Ali agreement with India.
Bhutto would meet Indian Premier Indira Gandhi July 15. Bhutto said a compromise was reached on the
on June 23. language problem in Sind Province permitting
June 2: The New York Times reported diplomats in Urdu speaking people 12 years to learn the official
Islamabad as saying China was delivering $300m language, Sindhi.
worth of planes, tanks and other military equip- Reuters reported that Bhutto announced to Par-
ment under an agreement worked out when Bhutto liament that Pakistan had withdrawn from the
visited Peking in February. South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO).
June 5: Shaykh Muhammad Abdallah was permitted Aug. 7: The government announced it would release
to return to Kashmir from India where.he was in all Indians interned or stranded during the war of
exile since January 1971. Dec. 1971.
June 7. The US General Accounting Office told Con- Aug. 9. The government arrested 7 leaders of Urdu
gress that $10m granted to Pakistan for emergency and Sind factions feuding over the language ques-
relief in East Pakistan was diverted to military tion in Sind Province.
June 9. Industry in Karachi was closed down after 2
days of labor demonstrations for higher pay and PersianGulf
clashes with police in which 16 persons were killed. (See also General, Egypt, Jordan, Libya)
Eight labor federations called for a 1 day, nation-
wide general strike to protest the killings. 1972
June 14: The Indian Foreign Ministry said 150 May 18: An Omani delegation flew to Beirut at the
Pakistani prisoners of war, including Gen. A. A. K. beginning of a tour to explain Oman's position in
Niazi, would be delivered to Bangla Desh for trial the border dispute with South Yemen.
on war crimes charges. May 25: Oman requested that Arab League observers
June 17: A new budget of 7.43 billion rupees was be stationed on the border with South Yemen to
announced. Defense was to receive 4.46 billion of reduce border tension, according to Beirut's al-
the total. Hawadith.
June 19: The US announced that it would resume May 28: Oman said 10 rebels were killed in attacks
non-military aid with a $60m loan for industrial on supply lines in South Yemen and that Oman
raw materials and spare parts. would meet aggression with aggression.

Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto arrived June 6: Yemeni Premier al-'Ayni departed after offi-
in Abui Dhabi on the beginning of a Middle East cial talks which he said were "good and fruitful."
tour. Defense Minister Sultan 'Abd al-'Azlz left for an
June 4: The following Cabinet appointment was made official visit to the US by way of Britain.
in Oman: June 10: Defense Minister Sultan met in London with
Nasir al-Wahhabi: Labor and Information British Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-Home.
June 9: Fighting broke out between tribesmen of June 15: Sultan met with President Nixon and Secre-
Sharjah and Fujayrah and 22 persons were reported tary of State William Rogers.
killed. June 26: Ugandan President Idi Amin ended a 2-day
June 11. The Defense Ministry of the Union of Arab visit and it was announced that diplomatic relations
Amirates (UAA) reported that the Defense Force would be established between 2 countries.
supported by units of the army of Abui Dhabi had
July 1: Sultan returned from a 2-week visit to the US
restored order on the borders of Fujayrah and
and said the 2 countries would continue to cooper-
ate in building Saudi armed strength.
June 22.' Bahrayn's Official Gazette announced that a
July 10. The Cabinet issued a statement expressing
constituent assembly would be established by the
end of the year as a first step toward popular concern over delays in negotiations for government
participation in the oil industry and warned that
July 2: US Secretary of State William Rogers arrived "all necessary measures" would be taken to obtain
in Bahrayn for a 2-day official visit. a 20% share in the industry.
July 3: After Rogers met with Bahrayn's leaders he Aug. 2: An agreement was signed to supply Uganda
said facilities for the US Navy were discussed and with a ?6.1m loan.
that such facilities pose no threat to any state in- Aug. 4: Faysal was quoted in Cairo's al-Mussawwar
cluding the USSR. as saying the proposal to use Arab oil as a political
July 13: The Council of Ministers of the UAA issued weapon against the US "should be ruled out." He
a statement requesting the major oil companies to said an oil boycott would be feasible but "very
"immediately comply" with the demands of the oil complex," but he warned that US interests in the
producing states for participation in the oil industry. region "are in for a long hot summer."
July 18.' Sultan Qabius of Oman issued a decree ex- Aug. 9: A record budget for 1972/73 of SR13.2
tending Oman's territorial waters to 12 miles. billion was announced.
July 20: Bahrayn's Official Gazette said the 22-member
Constituent Assembly would be elected on Dec. 1.
July 21: An Omani army communique reported 28 South Yemen
guerrillas were killed in Dhofar during an attack
on an army post. British piloted planes helped (See also Kuwayt, Persian Gulf, Algeria,
drive off the attack, according to the report. Syria, Yemen)
Aug. 2: The Popular Front for the Liberation of the 1972
Arabian Gulf (PFLOAG) reported that its forces
May 23: Foreign Minister Muhammad 'Awlaqi left
occupied the town of Mirbat in Oman for some
for talks in Algeria, Libya and Iraq on the border
time after shooting down 3 British helicopters and
disputes with North Yemen and Oman.
killing 125 British and Jordanian soldiers.
Aug. 9.' The Conference of Non-Aligned Nations in May 26: Algeria signed a loan of $4m to be used for
Georgetown, Guyana, voted to seat representatives oil exploration and the purchase of Algerian hydro-
of Bahrayn and the UAA and to admit Oman with carbons and consumer goods.
observer status. May 31: Iraqi Minister of State Amir 'Abdallah met
with Premier 'Ali Nasir Muhammad Hasani.
June 10: Aden News Agency reported that an attempt
Saudi Arabia to assassinate Premier Hasani failed on May 22. It
said the assailant was a member of a group armed
(See also General, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen) by Saudi Arabia.
1972 June 14: Foreign Minister 'Awlaqi reported on his
May 22. Lebanese Minister of Defense and Finance tour of Algeria, Libya, Iraq and Syria. He said
Ilyias Saba ended a 7-day visit and talks with King Libya promised material aid and Algeria signed a
Faysal. $4m loan agreement for oil exploration.
June 1: Yemeni Premier Muhsin al-'Ayni arrived for July 9: Iraq News Agency reported 6 men were sen-
an official visit and meetings with King Faysal. tenced to death for attempting to overthrow the
June 3: Pakistani President Zulfikar All Bhutto left government.
after a 3-day official visit. A joint communique July 12: China signed an economic and technical co-
expressed satisfaction with developing relations be- operation agreement.
tween the 2 countries. July 26. Arab League Secretary General Mahmud

Riyad arrived for official talks after a 1-day visit to July 13: The Pakistani Ambassador Ahmad Hasan
Yemen. said a 5-nation consortium would be set up to
July 28: Middle East Economic Digest quoted Aden finance industrial projects. Hasan said the 5, Libya,
Radio as saying peasants in the Hadramawt valley Kuwayt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Pakistan agreed
revolted against their "exploiters" and seized 520 on the consortium after Numayri promised not to
hectares of farmland. nationalize foreign investments.
Aug. 2: It was announced that civil servants' wages July 17. Negotiations began in Ethiopia to settle
would be cut as of Aug. 1 by 15 to 50% to help conflicting border claims.
overcome the financial crisis. The New York Times reported Sudanese officials
Aug. 5. All residential and commercial buildings ex- as saying Numayri would soon ask for Cabinet
cept private homes were nationalized. A Ministry endorsement of resuming relations with the US.
of Housing was established under Nasir Muham- July 22: Numayri reported that a plot to overthrow
mad Yassin to oversee the measure. the government was discovered among "former
politicians" and a unit of the armed forces.
July 25: Diplomatic relations were resumed with the
Sudan US.
July 30: Foreign Minister Mans-urKhalid announced
(See also General, Iran) that the 70-year-old border dispute with Ethiopia
1972 was solved.
May 27: Libyan Revolution Command Council Chair- Aug. 1: It was announced that diplomatic relations
man Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi left after a 2-day visit were resumed with Iraq.
and talks with President Ja'far al-Numayri. Aug. 10: Ambassador Sayyid Salah Hashim presented
China signed an agreement for trade amounting his credentials to the Vatican.
to ?Sud28m for 1972.
May 29: The Secretary General of the Sudanese So-
cialist Union (SSU) 'Awad Abiu Zayd was dis- Syria
missed from his post and from the Political Bureau (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Egypt,
of the SSU. Kuwayt, Lebanon, Turkey, Yemen)
May 30. Interior Minister Muhammad al-Bakr Ahmad
was appointed Vice President in place of Babakir 1972
Awadallah. May 21. Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
June 1: President al-Numayri was quoted by Beirut's arrived for talks in Peking.
al-Hawadith as saying China provided Sudan with May 25: Foreign Minister Khaddam ended his visit
8 Mig 17's and heavy tanks under an agreement to China after signing an economic and technical
reached in 1970. Numayri praised China for with- agreement which included a ?1 7m interest free
drawing its advisers as soon as training in the loan from China.
weapons was complete. May 29: The Foreign Ministry released a statement,
June 4: Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto ended which was sent to the European Consultative Coun-
a 1-day visit and talks with Numayri. cil, denying the Council's charge that Syrian Jews
June 28. Uganda's President Idi Amin ended a 2-day are mistreated and said the Council's charge inter-
visit and announced that a mutual defense agree- fered in Syria's internal affairs.
ment was signed. May 30: Syria announced that a "joint action pro-
July 1: Omdurman Radio reported that Numayri had gram" would be worked out between the Syrian
thanked the US for $18m in aid for southern re- Ba'th Party and the Egyptian Arab Socialist Union
habilitation and that he was "reconsidering diplo- (ASU) until a Syrian ASU could be formed to
matic relations with the US." join the Egyptian and Libyan ASU's.
July 3. UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim ap- June 1: The government nationalized the holdings of
pealed for $22m in aid for Sudan's southern recon- the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC), notably the
struction. pipeline from Iraq's Kirkuk fields.
The US announced it would supply $4.45m as June 2. Middle East Economic Digest reported that a
an "initial" commitment toward resettling refugees decree was issued permitting foreigners to buy and
in the south. sell land in Syria.
July 7: It was announced that a settlement was reached June 5. South Yemeni Foreign Minister Muhammad
with Credit Lyonnais to pay compensation for the 'Awlaqi arrived for official talks.
nationalization of the bank in 1970. June 11. Greek Deputy Premier Styliano Pattakos
The US announced a $4.5m contribution for arrived for 3 days of talks on improving bilateral
southern reconstruction. relations.
July 8.' Numayri flew to Somalia after a 5-day visit in June 12: The IPC representative in Damascus, R.
Tanzania resulted in agreements to end visa require- Codrai, left for London after submitting a note
ments and to study ways to increase trade. protesting the nationalization of IPC interests and
saying IPC "reserves all its rights under the agree- Gabes and Sfax, would turn the region into "an
ment concluded with the Syrian government." oil province."
June 5: President HIafiz al-Asad arrived in the USSR July 17: An Egyptian delegation led by National
for official talks. Assembly Speaker Hafiz Badawi left after a 5-day
July 8: President Asad left Moscow after a joint visit and talks with President Bourguiba. A joint
communique said the USSR would provide more communique said the 2 sides stressed the need for
economic and military aid. cooperation "in all spheres."
July 17: It was announced that an agreement was July 20: Bourguiba told Cairo Radio of his "esteem
reached with Iraq regulating the flow of oil through for the important initiative" of Egypt in asking
the nationalized IPC pipeline. Iraqi Foreign Min- Soviet advisors to leave Egypt and said the time
ister Murtada al-Hadithi left after 5 days of talks. had come for a summit, including the US and
A protocol was signed with Iraq increasing the USSR, to discuss Mediterranean security.
value of bilateral trade from ID4.5m to ID6m in Aug. 5: Bourguiba warned that "traces of selfishness
1972. still exist" in the Destour Party and tribal alliances
July 31: Newsweek quoted Egypt's President Anwar persist in some villages.
al-Sadat as saying Asad signed a long term agree- Aug. 9: Abdallah Farhat was appointed Defense
ment during his Moscow visit for $700m worth of Minister.
Soviet armaments.
Aug. 10. Asad told Beirut's Al-Anwar that Soviet
personnel in Syria would continue their work "in
accordance with agreements in force" and that the Turkey
Soviet withdrawal from Egypt was "a purely
Egyptian domestic affair." (See also General, Cyprus, Iran)
May 22: A new Cabinet was announced:
Tunisia Ferit Melen: Premier
(See also General, Algeria, Turkey) Dogan Kitapli: State
Ismail Arar: State
Zeyyat Baykara: State
May 27: Iraqi Minister of State $alih al-Yu-sufi met Ilhan Oztrak: State
with Premier Hedi Nouira to explain Iraq's dispute Fehmi Alpaslan: Justice
with the oil companies. Mehmet Izmen: Defense
May 28: Foreign Minister Muhammad Masmoudi said Ferit Kubat: Interior
that, together with his Egyptian, Yugoslav and HaluhkBayuilken: Foreign Affairs
Algerian counterparts, he would canvass the govern- Ziya Muezzinoglu: Finance
ments of the Mediterranean on the possibility of Sabahattin Ozbek: Education
holding a Mediterranean congress to discuss security Mukadder Oztekin: Public Works
in the region. Naim Talu: Trade
President Habib Bourguiba returned from Al- Kemal Demir: Health
geria and said the visit achieved a change in the Haydar Ozalp: Customs & Monopolies
"climate of relations" with Algeria which joint Ilyas Karagoz: Agriculture
projects would soon demonstrate and that these Rifki Dani,man: Communications
would be the "cornerstone in the establishment of a Ali Riza zYzuner:Labor
greater Arab Maghrib." Mesut Erez: Industry & Technology
June 14: France signed 2 agreements providing grants Nuri Kodamanoglu: Power & Natural Resources
of 25,000 tons of wheat and FlOm for a phosphoric Erol Yilmaz Akcal: Tourism
acid plant. Turgut Toker: Construction & Housing
June 26: Morocco signed agreements for cooperation Necmi Sonmez: Rural Affairs
between the national banks and the establishment Selahattin Inal: Forestry
of common motor vehicle insurance. Adnan Karakudik: Sports
July 1: President Bourguiba ended a 5-day official visit May 24: Military authorities reported arresting 25
to France. A joint communique said bilateral rela- alleged terrorists and capturing large quantities of
tions and Mediterranean security were discussed. arms during raids in Istanbul.
France agreed to support Tunisia's request for a Martial law in 11 provinces was extended for 2
treaty of association with the European Economic months.
Community and to increase economic aid to May 29: Premier Melen presented his program to
Tunisia. Parliament promising reform in justice, education,
July 7: Premier Hadi Nouira inaugurated oil produc- tax, agriculture and petroleum development. He
tion at the Bir Litayem field and said new finds, in also said Turkey would continue its role in NATO

and emphasize its relations with the European 1972

Economic Community.
June 3: Foreign Minister HalCukBayulken said he May 20: Premier Muhsin al-'Ayni ordered the de-
hoped the efforts of Cypriot President Archbishop struction of all qat trees on state land and instructed
Makarios to obstruct the new communal talks on civil servants not to chew qat.
Cyprus would be "thwarted." May 27: A Saudi military delegation ended a 1-week
June 5.' The government of Premier Melen received visit.
a vote of confidence in the National Assembly. June 13: 'Abdallah al-Hajari was elected to the Re-
June 8.' President Cevdet Sunay met with Pakistani publican Council to replace Hasan al-'Amri who
President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto who was visiting the went into exile in Sept. 1971.
Middle East states. June 30. Aliddle East Economic Digest reported that
June 23. A military spokesman reported that 14 the International Development Association granted
Turkish anarchists were arrested in Adana after a loan of $7.7m for roads and West Germany gave
being landed on the Turkish coast by the Pales- DM2m for strengthening the military.
tinian commando group al-Fath on June 13. July 1: US Secretary of State William Rogers arrived
The leader of the Turkish Labor Party, Behice for a 1-day visit and talks with Republican Council
Boran, and 19 colleagues were arrested and charged Chairman 'Abd al-Rahman al-Iryani. It was an-
with making "communist and separatist propa- nounced that diplomatic relations would be re-
ganda." sumed with the US.
Middle East Economic Digest reported West July 2. Reuters reported that diplomatic notes were
Germany agreed to a loan of $70m. sent to Egypt, Algeria, Libya and Syria explaining
June 27: Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister 'Abdallfah the resumption of relations with the US and point-
al-Khani ended a 1-week visit on bilateral relations. ing out that Yemen's appeals for aid in her eco-
July 6: Ankara Radio reported that official investiga- nomic crisis had gone unheeded in the Arab states.
tions were begun of speeches given by Republican July 4. Republican Council Chairman al-Iryani said
People's Party leader Bulent Ecevit which could the normalization of relations with the US was
contain "elements that constitute an offense under "inspired" by national interest and that relations
the law . . ." with socialist states would continue to develop.
July 14.' The government released a memorandum to July 12. It was announced that 2 South Yemeni sabo-
political parties proposing Constitutional amend- teurs were executed in Sana'a'.
ments including the establishment of security july 14. The US announced that aid would be re-
courts, reducing the quorum of Parliament, and sumed "patterned on previous programs" including
clarifying the parties' accountability to the courts. water development projects, road engineering
July 19. An extension of martial law in 11 provinces studies, food distribution through voluntary agen-
was approved by the National Assembly. cies and scholarships for Yemeni students.
July 28. A Preliminary Measures Law concerning land July 16. Premier 'Ayni arrived in Peking on an official
reform was signed by President Sunay. visit.
July 30. Melen said general elections would be held July 19. Interior Minister 'Ali al-Khulani charged
in Oct. 1973. that Israel occupied 5 Yemeni islands.
Tunisian Foreign Minister Muhammad Mas- July 21. 'Ayni signed an economic cooperation agree-
moudi ended 6 days of talks on bilateral relations ment with China which he said opened up "new
and "Mediterranean security." Masmoudi said prospects" for cooperation.
Tunisia continued to support Turkey on the Cyprus July 27: 'Ayni flew from China to North Korea for
issue. an official visit.
Aug. 10. The US signed an agreement to sell 40 The government announced that 8 saboteurs were
Phantom jets. executed after they crossed the border from South
Aug. 15. Melen said peace had been restored to the Yemen and killed 30 persons in Bayda.
universities and that the government planned to July 31. Middle East News Agency (MENA) re-
develop more universities in all parts of the country. ported that the situation on the border with South
Yemen was explosive.
Yemen Aug. 1.' 'Ayni flew to Moscow from North Korea.
Aug. 2. 'Ayni left Moscow for talks in Egypt.
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Aug. 6. Air and road links with South Yemen were
Egypt, Saudi Arabia) cut.

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