Middle East Chronology - 1972-08-16 - 1972-11-15

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Chronology August 16, 1972-November 15, 1972

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Winter, 1973), pp. 55-70
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4325021 .
Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:23

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August 16, 1972 -November 15, 1972

Arab IsraeliConflict call for an Arab summit conference to discuss

Americaninterestsin the Arab world. [JP]
1972 Aug. 22: Israelsaid mortarfire was exchangedacross
Aug. 16: A bomb explodedin an Israelipassengerjet the cease-fireline with Syria.[NYT]
shortlyaftertakeofffrom Rome. The plane returned Aug. 26: A grenadewas thrown at an Israeli car in
safely to Rome with 4 persons slightly injured. Gaza killing 1 personand injuring 26. [JP)
[NYTI Aug. 29: The EconomyMinistersof Egypt, Lebanon
UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim met and Syria met in Beirut to discuss ways of using
brieflyat Cairo airportwith EgyptianInformation economic measuresto support "the Arab causes."
Minister Muhammadal-Zayyit. Zayyit told him [MEED]
that GunnarJarring'smemorandumof Feb. 1971 Aug. 31: The 4th grenadein a week explodedin the
was biased towardIsrael and that Egypt favoreda Gazastrip. [JPJ
revivalof the RogersPlan. [JP] Sept. 4: The Mayor of Gaza, Rashid Shawa escaped
Aug. 17: Italianpolice reportedthat the bomb which harmwhen shots were fired and a grenadethrown
explodedon an El Al jet over Rome was taken on at his car. The Palestine LiberationOrganization
board unknowinglyby 2 British women who ac- (PLO)claimedresponsibilityfor the attack.[NYTI
cepteda recordplayeras a gift from 2 men claim- Sept. 5: Eleven membersof the IsraeliOlympicteam
ing to be Iranians.[NYTI in Munichand 5 of 8 Arabcommandoswere killed
IsraeliDefense MinisterMosheDayansaid Israel after the Arabs held the Israelis hostage at the
had alwaysmaintainedthat she would not give up Olympicvillage and demandedthe releaseby Israel
the existing cease-firelines except for secure and of 200 Palestiniansheld in Israeli prisons. Israel
recognized boundaries but that now Israel was refusedthe demand.West Germanauthoritiesflew
ready for a "peaceby stages"with Egypt and he the Arabs and their hostagesto a inilitary airport
proposedan interimpeaceline acrossa depopulated where a shootout occurred.A German policeman
Sinai Peninsula.[NYT) was also killed and 3 Arabscaptured.[NYT)
Aug. 19: Italianpolice arrested2 Arabssuspectedof The Black SeptemberOrganizationclaimed re-
sabotagingthe El Al jet. [NYT) sponsibilityfor the Munichattack.
Aug. 21: A US spokesmansaid Secretaryof State A Lebanesespokesmansaid the PalestineLibera-
William Rogerstold rankingEgyptiandiplomatin tion Organization (PLO) denied any connection
WashingtonAhmadKhalil on Aug. 16 that the US with the operation.[NYT)
was againreadyto sponsor"proximitytalks"toward A West German spokesman said Chancellor
an interimagreementto open the Suez Canal. [JPJ Willy Brandt tried to contact Egyptian President
Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat called for Anwaral-Sa-ditbut that Sidat was either absentor
increasedaid to ArabcountriesfromwesternEurope did not want to answer.[NYT)
and said Egypt turneddown a US offer to mediate Jordan'sKing HIusayncabled ChancellorBrandt
in indirectnegotiations.He addedthat Egyptwould calling the Munich operation a "horriblecrime"

A Beginning in this issue, a sourcefor each entry into the Chronologywill be cited in bracketsat the end of
the entry.

List of Abbreviations
ARR, Arab Report and Record;AW, The Arab World; B, Brief; CSM, The ChristianScienceMonitor;CB,
CyprusBulletin;E, The Economist;FBIS,ForeignBroadcastInformationServiceDaily Report-Middle Eastand
Africa, G, The Guardian(weekly internationaledition); JP, The JerusalemPost; KT, The Kabul Times; KI,
Kayhan (internationaledition); MEED, Middle& East EconomicDigest; MEES,MiddleEastEconomicSurvey;
LM,Le Monde (weeklyEnglishedition); NYT, The New YorkTimes;WP, The WashingtonPost.


committedby sick minds. [NYT) George Bush said it was impossible to isolate
Sept. 6: West Germanauthoritiessaid the decisionto Israel's military operations from their cause, the
ambushthe Arabs at the airportratherthan to fly terrorist attack on the Israeli Olympic team in
them to an Arab capital with the hostages was Munich. [NYT)
necessarybecause"a flight out of the countrywould Sept. 11: An Israeli diplomat was shot and critically
have meant certaindeath"for the Israelis. [NYT) injuredin Brussels,allegedly by a Moroccanmem-
An Israeli government statement said Israel ber of al-Fath.[NYT)
would "persevere"against Arab terrorists and The bodies of 5 Arabs killed in Munich were
would "notabsolve their accomplicesfrom respon- flown to Libya.[NYT)
sibility for terroristactions."A governmentofficial Sept. 12: UN SecretaryGeneral Waldheim said the
said accomplicesincluded Arab countries,such as UN could not remaina "mutespectator"to terror-
Syria, Lebanonand Egypt, which harborand sup- ism and that it was the "dutyof the GeneralAssem-
port terrorists.He added that the Black September bly to deal with this matter."[NYT)
Organizationis a part of al-Fathwhich has the full Israelreportedthat severalbazookarocketswere
approvalof Egypt. [NYT] firedfrom Syria. [NYT)
Sept. 7: An Israeli force crossedinto Lebanon.Israel IsraeliPremierMeir said Israelwould engagethe
said the raid was to pursue Arab commandoswho commandos"whereverwe can" and with "every-
had crossed the border into Israel and killed 1 thing required for this far flung and dangerous
Israeli soldier while losing 2 of their own men. front."[NYT]
Israel said the raid was not in retaliationfor the Sept. 13: An Israelimilitarycourt sentencedto death
Munichoperation.[NYT] an Arab convictedof planting a grenadeon a bus
EgyptaccusedWest Germanyof trying to evade wounding2 persons.[NYT]
responsibilityfor the deathsin Munichby making Syriaclaimedto have downed an Israeli jet but
false chargesagainst Egypt and other Arab coun- Israel denied that any action had taken place.
tries. [NYT] [NYT]
Sept. 8: IsraeliPremierGolda Meir said that a peace Sept. 14: West Germanysaid the Arabs at Munich
agreementwith Jordancould include port facilities were using Soviet weaponsand that investigations
at Gaza or Haifa, open skies and free passagefor showedthat the Israeliswere shot by Arabsand not
Jordanbut that Jordanmust give up some territory. police.
[NYT] The Executive Committee of the PLO in Da-
Israeli planes bombed and strafedalleged Arab mascus said the PLO was not responsiblefor the
commandobases in Syria and Lebanon.An Israeli actionsof Black September.[NYTI
officialsaid the raidswere intendedas a messageto Sept. 16: A large force of IsraelitroopsenteredLeba-
both the "terroristsand the countriesthat harbor non on a "searchand destroy"mission against
them" and that Egypt was spared only because Palestineguerrillas.Lebanonreportedthat its troops
there were no operationalguerrillabases in Egypt. had haltedthe drive. [NYT]
[NYT] IsraeliForeignMinisterAbbaEbansaid the PLO
Sept. 9. Israel reported that 3 Syrian planes were and al-Fath "say they are at war with us. Very
downedin dogfightsover the Jawlanarea and that well, we owe them no indulgence,no immunity...'
no Israeli jets were lost. Syria said her planes in- [NYT]
flicted heavy damageon Israelipositionsin Jawlan Lebanonfiled a protestat the UN againstIsraeli
and shot down 3 Israelijets. [NYT] "aggression."A governmentspokesmansaid Israeli
After an emergency meeting of the Lebanese planes attackedmilitary installationsand refugee
Cabinet President Sulayman Franjiyyahsaid he camps.A militarycommuniquereported61 Leba-
would contact"friendlyheads of state"to propose nese soldiers were killed or wounded. [NYT]
"new approachesto the settlementof the Palestine Sept. 17: Israelitroopswithdrewfrom Lebanonafter
refugeeproblem."[NYT] penetrating 12 miles and remaining overnight.
Syriasaid the targetshit by Israeliraidson Sept. [NYT]
8 were "crowdedcivilian areas."[NYT] Sept. 18: Lebanese"sources"said the Army was set-
Sept. 10: The New York Times reported that an ting up new positions in the south to restrictthe
Israelimilitaryspokesman"gavethe strongimpres- activitiesof commandosalong the Israeliborder.
sion that Israel intendedto begin a sustainedmili- LebanesePremier Sa'ib Salam met "urgently"
taryand politicaloffensiveagainstthe guerrillas.. with PLO ChairmanYasir 'Arafat.[NYT]
[NYT] A Palestiniancommandostatementin Damascus
Israeli Chief of Staff David Elazarsaid Israel's said the Lebanesearmywas preventingcommandos
raids were "part of a continuous war" and not from returningto their positions and that "these
"beguntoday and gone tomorrow."[NYTI actionsmust be stopped."[NYT]
The US vetoed a proposedUN SecurityCouncil Sept. 19: SecretaryGeneral MahmuidRiyad of the
resolutioncalling for an immediatehalt to military Arab Leaguearrivedin Lebanonand began media-
operations in the Middle East. US Ambassador tion talks between the Lebanesegovernmentand

commandos. [NYT] negotiation" and he proposed the formation of a

An Israeli diplomat was killed by a booby- Palestinian government-in-exile. [NYT]
trapped letter at the Israeli Embassy in London. The New York Times reported that Israeli offi-
Seven more such letters were discovered and dis- cials said privately that Israel would not negotiate
armed in London and Paris. [NYTI with a "government" of Palestinian guerrillas.
Sept. 20: Arab League Secretary General Riyad said [NYTI
the commandos in Lebanon had "given assurances The head of the PLO office in Beirut, Shafiq
that they will continue their cooperation with the al-Hawt, said actions like those in Munich would
Lebanese government." [NYTI continue "all over the world." [NYT]
The total of letter bombs addressed to Israeli Sept. 29: A bomb exploded in a Jerusalem super-
officials in Europe, Israel and the US rose to 26. market injuring 3 persons. [NYT]
[NYT) Oct. 2: In response to Sidat's suggestion for a Pales-
Sept. 21: An Israeli official said that Israel was ad- tinian government-in-exile, PLO spokesman Kamal
vising friendly governments that his government Nasir said the Executive Committee had decided
would not participate in peace negotiations until that the Palestinian cause could best be served by
Arab terrorism was ended. [NYT) 'consolidating the existing organization." [NYTI
Sept. 22: Israeli Foreign Minister Eban met with US It was announced that Palestinian commandos
Secretary of State Rogers. Afterwards a spokesman had reached an agreement with the Lebanese gov-
said the 2 countries agreed that priority should be ernment to withdraw from southern Lebanese towns
given to fighting international terrorism while "op- and to take "measures that will deprive Israel of
tions must be kept open" for Middle East peace excuses to attack south Lebanon." [MEED]
talks. [NYT) Oct. 4: A bomb exploded in an Arab bookstore in
Sept. 25: Lebanese Premier Salim said Palestinian Paris. A group calling itself the "Masada Action
commandos had agreed to "avoid any harm to and Defense Movement" claimed responsibility.
Lebanon" which might "result from action against Israel disclaimed any knowledge of the group.
Israel." [NYT) [NYTI
Rogers told the UN that a "promising step" Oct. 5: Al-Hawidith of Beirut quoted Sadat as saying
toward peace would be proximity talks between that Egypt "would have accepted a peaceful settle-
Israel and Egypt "leading to an interim Suez Canal ment" if the USSR had provided Egypt with ad-
agreement." [NYT) vanced weaponry to counter Israeli power. [NYT)
Sept. 26: Israeli police said arms had been illegally Oct. 6: A UN spokesman said Gunnar Jarring would
shipped abroad for use against Arabs and that Israel return to his post in Moscow since his 3 weeks of
was cooperating with foreign governments in an talks with Israeli and Arab representatives had
effort to trace the weapons. [NYT) failed to yield any progress toward peace. [JP]
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko told Oct. 15: Israeli jets bombed 4 commando bases in
the UN that it was "impossible to condone the acts Lebanon and 1 in Syria. An Israeli spokesman said
of terrorism committed by certain elements from the raids were not in retaliation for a specific act
among the participants in the Palestinian move- but marked a new policy of striking at commandos
ment." The Jerusalem Post said the statement was "whenever a useful target presents itself" and to
received with "surprise" and "satisfaction" in Israel. keep up pressure on Arab governments that shelter
[JP] commandos. [NYTI
The Lebanese Parliament called for a meeting of Sadat said "the time has come for the Arabs to
Arab states to discuss joint action against Israel. make America pay for this mad support of Israel."
[AW] [NYT)
Sept. 27: Israeli military intelligence chief Aharon Oct. 17: Al-Fath's representative in Italy, an employee
Yariv said the USSR is "playing up" its airlift to at the Libyan embassy, was shot and killed in Rome.
Syria in order to strengthen its position in the [NYTI
Middle East. He added that there was no sign of Oct. 20: An Algerian mediator succeeded in ending
an increase in Soviet personnel in Syria and that an armed dispute with al-Fath in Lebanon. Dis-
the airlift may be aimed at strengthening Syria's sident leader Abui Yusuf al-Qaid who was chal-
weak air defenses. Yariv also said that Lebanon lenging al-Fath leader Yasir 'Arafat's agreements
had decided not to stop Palestinian commandos with the Lebanese government, was exiled to Al-
from operating in southern Lebanon. [NYT) geria ending a week of sporadic clashes between
Sept. 28: Eban told the UN General Assembly that the 2 groups. [NYT]
Israel regards Arab terrorism as "a new and massive Oct. 22: Israeli military authorities replaced Mayor
barrier to peace" which could not exist without Rashid Shawa of Gaza with an Israeli staff officer
"shelter, support, endorsement . . ." supplied by after he refused to extend municipal services to the
Arab states. [NYT) al-Shari refugee camp. [NYT]
Sadat said of Rogers' UN speech that there Oct. 24: A Palestinian was killed in a shootout in
would be "no partial settlement and no direct Gaza. Arab commandos attempted to blow up a

bridgein JawlIn. [JP) participationof the statesin the oil industry.Saudi

Oct. 29: Palestinian commandos hijacked a West Minister of Oils Shaykh Ahmad Zaki Yamani,
German airliner to Yugoslavia after it took off representingthe 5 governments,said the companies
from Beirut.They threatenedto blow up the plane "have now realized that we are serious"and that
and 20 passengersunless West Germanyreleased the meeting was 'more useful than any of the
the 3 commandoscapturedafter the attackat the previousrounds of talks." [MEEDI
Olympics in Munich. The 3 were released and Aug. 29: Arthur Palmer, a spokesmanfor the oil
flown to Libya. Israel said it would protest with companiesnegotiatingwith ShaykhYamani on the
"all urgencyand gravity"Germany's"capitulation participationissue, said the "overallclimate of the
to the hijackers."[NYT) talks remainsencouraging"and that the companies
Oct. 30: Israeli planes raided 4 alleged commando would stay at the talks "as long as necessaryto
bases near Damascusand a Syrian armed camp. reacha lasting settlement."[MEED]
Syrian artillery shelled Israeli positions in the Sept. 9: A cQnferenceof Arab LeagueForeignMinis-
Jawlin region and Syria reportedthat the Israeli ters openedin Cairo.[NYT]
raids killed more than 60 persons and wounded Sept. 11: The Trade Ministersof Morocco,Tunisia
70, including women and children. [NYT) and Algeriamet in Algiersto discusstheir relations
Nov. 1: Libyanofficialstold newsmenthat Libyawas with the EuropeanEconomicCommunity (EEC).
opposed to hijacking in principle "but in some [MEEDI
cases hijackingmay be righteous"and "the cause Sept. 13: The conference of Arab League Foreign
of the Palestiniansis a righteousone." They said Ministers ended in Cairo after discussing the
the 3 men who hijackeda Lufthansajet on Oct. 29 Yemeni borderdisputeand the conflictwith Israel.
would soon leave Libyato resumethe fight against [FBISJ
Israel.[NYT] Sept. 14: The oil participationtalks were transferred
Nov. 9: Israeli jets attacked targets in Syria and from Lebanonto Jiddah,SaudiArabia.[MEED]
downed 2 Syrian Migs. Syria shelled Israeli posi- Sept. 18: After 3 daysof talksin Libyathe Presidents
tions in Jawlan. The Israeli action followed 2 of Egypt and Libyaagreedthat the union between
guerrilla encountersin the Israeli occupied terri- the 2 countries would have a single president
tory and an Israeli spokesmansaid if the Syrians electedby popularvote, a single partyand a single
would "close their border to guerrillas,they will governmentand that the capital would be Cairo.
have no troublefrom us." [NYTI [NYTJ
Nov. 10: Syria said aid to the Palestinianguerrillas Sept. 19: SaudiMinisterof Oils Yamanisaid oil nego-
would continue "regardlessof Israeli reprisals." tiations for participationof producingcountriesin
[NYTI the industryhad settledthe "mostcriticaland diffi-
An Israeli military officialannouncedthe adop- cult problem"of how the state'sshareof crudeoil
tion of a new policy of striking at Syrian regular would be disposedof and that he expecteda final
military bases and not just commandobases. [JPJ agreementby earlyOct. [MEEDJ
Nov. 14: Israeli Defense Minister Dayan met with Oct. 4: West Germanyoutlawed the General Union
Rogers. He said afterwardthat he had no new of Palestine Students (GUPS) and the General
proposals but came to emphasize that Israel was Union of Palestine Workers (GUPW) and con-
readyto negotiate"for a completepeace treaty,for fiscatedtheir assets. [JP]
interim,partial,or any kind." [WP) Oct. 5: It was announcedin New York that Yamani
At the opening of the Arab Boycott of Israel and major oil companieshad reached agreement
conferencein Cairo SecretaryGeneral Muhammad on the terms of participationincluding provision
Mahjubproposedthat Arab stateslevy a tax on the for the producingcountriesto obtain 51% owner-
oil companies whose home countriesgive aid to ship by a future date. [MEED]
Israel. [MEED] The Presidentsof Egypt, Syriaand Libya began
Nov. 15: Foreign and Defense Ministersof 11 Arab meetingsin Cairo.
countries began meetings in Kuwayt to discuss a West Germanyconductedwidespreadraids for
commonstrategyagainstIsrael. [WP) 1800 Arab members of the GUPS and GUPW
Following arms talks with LibyanPremier'Abd and orderedthe expulsionof 46 Arabs.An official
al-Salim Jalluid,a French governmentspokesman said there was concreteevidencethat new terrorist
said France's policy of arms embargo on com- attackswere being planned in Germany.[JP)
batants in the Arab Israeli dispute had not been The New York Times reported a new US policy
altered.[JPI of screening all Arabs entering the country in an
effortto preventterrorism.[NYT]
General Oct. 6: A meeting of Arab Foreign Ministersat the
UN announcedthat "actions would be taken to
1972 counter"policies of foreign states which restrict
Aug. 20: Talkswere resumedbetween5 PersianGulf Arab nationalssimply for being Arabs. [NYT)
states and maior oil companieson the terms for Egypt,Libyaand Syriasaid they would retaliate
against West Germany's "arbitrary and inhuman Oct. 6: UN World Food Program Director Francisco
measures" taken against Arabs in West Germany. Aquino arrived for talks on increasing aid. [MEED]
[NYTI Oct. 13: Middle East Economic Digest reported 24,000
Oct. 9: The Foreign Ministers of the EEC met to acres of land were being distributed to landless
discuss plans to set up a free trade area between farmers by order of Premier Zahir. [MEED)
the EEC and Mediterranean countries. [MEED] Nov. 3: King Zahir Shah, returning from a visit to
Oct. 25: Letter bombs exploded in Lebanon, Libya, Turkey and a medical checkup in Europe, stopped
Algeria and Egypt injuring 4 members of Pales- over for a day of talks in Kuwayt on ways of
tinian organizations. [NYT] increasing trade. He then flew to Kabul. [MEED,
Oct. 26: Following a meeting in Kuwayt the Oil FBIS)
Ministers of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, 'Abui Dhabi, Iraq
and Kuwayt issued a statement saying Yamani was
asked to seek a new round of negotiations with the Algeria
oil companies on the issue of participation. The (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General.
meeting did not approve the provisional agreement
South Yemen)
announced on Oct. 5. [MEED]
Oct. 27: The Organization of Petroleum Exporting 1972
Countries (OPEC) ended a 2 day meeting in Aug. 16: Mauritanian President Moukhtar Ould Dad-
Riyadh with a statement which said the Organiza- dah arrived for a visit of several days. [MEED]
tion recognized that the agreement obtained by Aug. 23: The US State Department said Algeria re-
Yamani "secures effective participation by the states turned $1m in ransom confiscated from American
concerned" in the oil industry and wished them plane hijackers. [NYT)
"success in implementing it." Iraq did not approve President Houari Boumedienne met with Pales-
the statement. [MEED] tine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasir
Nov. 4: Libya, Tunisia, Malta and Italy ended talks 'Arafat. [MEED]
after stating that the 4 recognized the "special Sept. 1: Boumedienne attended the opening of the
interest" in establishing cooperation in all economic 9th International Trade Fair in Algiers. [MEED]
matters including pollution problems. [MEED] Sept. 7: South Yemeni Interior Minister Muhammad
Nov. 6. A meeting in Brussels of the Foreign Minis- SalTahal-Mu'ti arrived for a meeting with President
ters of the EEC and its 3 prospective members Boumedienne. [MEED]
Ireland, Britain and Denmark approved in prin- Oct. 5: Finance Minister Ismail Mahroug returned
ciple the liberalizing of industrial imports from from the US where he held talks with the Inter-
Mediterranean countries by July 1977. [MEED] national Monetary Fund and Canadian officials on
Nov. 11: A submarine and land cable linking Da- Algerian development projects. [MEED)
mascus, Beirut and Alexandria was opened. Oct. 31: Boumedienne said changes would be needed
[MEED) in "the methods of leadership and the style of
management" of the National Liberation Front and
Afghanistan that educated youth must be drawn into the party
to preserve the aims of the revolution. [MEED)
(See also Pakistan, Persian Gulf, Turkey)
Nov. 8: Agriculture Minister Tayebi Larbi said the
1972 1st phase of the land reform, including the assess-
Aug. 25: The Middle East Economic Digest reported ment of public land and the distribution of Im
a natural gas discovery at Jarakduq which was hectares, was complete. [MEED]
estimated to be the 2nd largest in the country. Nov. 11: China signed a trade protocol and an agree-
[MEED] ment to cooperate on agricultural and industrial
Sept. 15: Middle East Economic Digest reported that projects in Algeria. [NYT]
a Japanese delegation was in Kabul to discuss
cooperation in developing mineral resources.
Sept. 16: Premier Abdul Zahir returned from talks in
West Germany on economic cooperation. [MEED]
Sept. 20: The Kabul Times reported that the 1st 1972
round of talks with Iran on the use of Hilmand Aug. 24. Clashes were reported between civilians and
waters was completed with success, and that more the National Guard at Yeroskipos. The National
talks would follow. [KT] Guard was placed on alert. [FBIS]
Sept. 25: Premier Zahir tendered his resignation but Aug. 25: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
it was refused by the King. [LM) Zahir said his UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim appealed
action resulted from the problems which were for $6.9m in donations to cover the costs of the
hindering his economic development program. peace force on Cyprus through December 1972.

PresidentMakariossaid the Yeroskiposincident

was regrettablebut added that it did not mean a
lack of cooperationbetween military and civilian (See also ArabIsraeliConflict,General,Kuwayt,
authorities.[FBIS) Libya,South Yemen, Sudan,Yemen)
Sept. 1: The last meeting of the 2nd phase of the
expandedintercommunaltalks ended and the 3rd 1972
phasewas scheduledto begin Sept. 26. Alithia cited
Aug. 19: The new West GermanAmbassadorarrived.
"authoritativecircles"as being optimistic "for the
first time" on the chancesof the talks succeeding. [MEED]
[FBISJ Aug. 20: Speakingon Radio Luxembourg,President
Anwaral-Sadatappealedfor greaterWesternEuro-
Sept. 12: ForeignMinisterJohn Khristofidhisarrived
in Britain for talks as part of a tour of Western pean aid to Egypt saying the departureof Soviet
Europeancountries.[MEED) personnelshould lead to a greater understanding
of Egypt. [MEEDI
Sept. 20: 0 Filelevtherosreportedthat Makariosre-
Aug. 21: Le Figaroof ParisquotedPresidental-Saidat
fused to receive a documentfrom the Holy Synod
as saying that he was reevaluatingSoviet Egyptian
calling for a meeting to discuss the President's
resignation.[FBIS) relationsthroughout1971 and that the last straw
was the Nixon visit to Moscow in May 1972.
Sept. 22: ForeignMinisterKhristofidhissaid in Lon-
don that the governmentwas readyto offer to the [NYT]
Turkish side in the negotiationslocal administra- Aug. 24: The Soviet Communist Party newspaper
tion as long as the centralgovernment,with Turks SovetskayaRossiyawarnedthat the "friendshipof
participating,maintained control over local au- Arab countrieswith the Soviet Union is not like
thorities.[FBIS] an ornamentwhich can be changedwhen one feels
Sept. 26: The 3rd phase of the intercommunaltalks like it. . . . It is vitally important to both sides."
began. [FBIS] [NYT]
Sept. 27: The government refused to comment on Aug. 28: Editorof al-AbramMuhammadHaykalmet
press reports that large quantities of arms were in Munich with West German ChancellorWilly
being smuggledinto the country.[FBIS] Brandt.[JPJ
Sept. 29: Makariossaid the governmentwas aware The Soviet paper Izvestiaaccused the editor of
of the illegal smuggling of arms by supportersof Akhbairal-Yawm,'Abd al-Quds,of making"absurd
GeorgeGrivas. [FBIS) allegations"againstthe USSR which would "glad-
Oct. 2: Civil servantswent on a 24 hour "warning" den the heartsof imperialists."It said al-Qudshad
strikeclosing down airportsand post offices.[FBIS] "the cheek to malign the Soviet Union, alleging
Oct. 4: Zinon Severiswas appointedHealth Minister that it has failed to honor the clause of the treaty
replacingMikhail Glikis who resigned. [FBIS] referringto cooperationbetweenthe USSR and the
A strike was averted when agreement was ARE in the militaryfield." [NYTI
reached between the government and the Public Aug. 30: Minister of Power Ahmad Sultan flew to
Servants'Union for a 12% pay increase.[MEED] Moscowfor 10 daysof talks. [MEEDI
Oct. 10: The Holy Synod issued a statementcalling Sept.8: Ministerof InformationMuhammadal-Zayyat
for a plebiscite to determinethe island'sfuture. It was appointedMinisterof ForeignAffairsreplacing
said enosis was the "legitimate" will of 82% of Murid Ghalib. [NYT)
the population.[FBIS] Sept. 17: Foreign Ministeral-Zayyatarrivedin Lon-
Oct. 11: It was announcedthat West Germany in- don at the beginning of a tour of West European
creasedits contributionto the UN peace keeping capitals in a diplomaticeffort to gain support of
force from $500,000 to $1m. [MEED] Egypt'sposition in the Middle East. [MEED]
Oct. 18: Makarios issued a statement calling the Sept. 20: CairoRadio reportedthat Sudanhad closed
Bishops' demand of Sept. 18 for an extraordinary down the offices of 2 Egyptianfirms, Nasr Com-
sessionof the Holy Synodillegal. FBIS] pany and Middle EasternAgriculturalCompany,in
Oct. 28: Clashesoccurredin Nicosia and Famagusta Khartoum.[MEED]
between supportersof Makariosand Grivas and Sept. 23: Zayyat returned from visits to Britain,
several injuries were reported.[FBIS] Belgium and Italy and said his talks were "pro-
The New York Times reportedthat diplomatic found and fruitful."[MEED]
sourcessaid a breakthroughhad been achieved in Sept. 25: The ChristianScienceMonitorreportedthat
the intercommunaltalks after the Turkish side Soviet naval vessels had resumed making regular
reduced its demands for constitutionalguarantees calls at Egyptianports. [CSM]
if the Greekside would renounce"enosis."[NYT] Sept. 28: Sidit said he had sent a "cordial"letter to
Nov. 10':Two NationalGuardofficersand 2 civilians, the USSR in August and was waiting for a re-
all Greek Cypriotes,were arrestedand large quan- sponse. Ambassadorto the USSR, Yahya 'Abd
tities of arms and documentsof an "underground al-Qadir, returned to Moscow after a 2 month
organization"seized. [MEED] absence.[NYT]

Sept. 29: Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad met with Oct. 28: Sidit accepted the resignation of the com-
Sadit in Cairo after an unannounced 2 day visit to mander of the navy Mahmiud 'Abd al-Rahman
Moscow. [MEED] Fahmi and named Fu'id Zikri to replace him.
Sept. 30: It was announced that Premier 'Aziz Sidqi [NYT)
would visit Moscow for talks on Oct. 16. The Nov. 1: Beirut's al-Nahar reported that the Soviet
decision was taken after a secret mediating visit to Union agreed to strengthen Egypt's air defenses by
Cairo by Syria's President al-Asad on Sept. 28. returning SAM-6 missiles which were withdrawn
[NYT) in July. [NYT)
Oct. 2: The government announced a Presidential Nov. 5: The new West German Ambassador Georg
decree under which confiscation of private prop- Steltzer presented his credentials after a 2 month
erty by executive decision would cease and a 3 delay. [MEED]
judge court with a jury of 12 laymen would review The Treasury Ministry reported that the Cabinet
all seizures since 1964 and would determine the had approved a record budget of LE 450m for
legitimacy of any future seizures. [NYT) 1973, up 11% from 1972. [MEED]
Oct. 3: Soviet Ambassador Vladimir Vinogradov Nov. 6: A crowd set fire to a Coptic church in
returned to Cairo after 2 months in Moscow. [JP] Khanka. [WP)
Oct. 5: War Minister Muhammad Sadlq ended a 1 Nov. 12: About 100 Coptic priests went to Khanka
week visit to Yugoslavia and talks with President to demonstrate against the burning of the church
Tito. [NYT) on Nov. 6. [WPJ
Zayyit met with West German Foreign Minister Nov. 13: Sidit ordered an investigation into the
Walter Scheel at the UN. Scheel said a new Ger- Khanka incident. [WPJ
man ambassador would "soon" present his creden- Nov. 14: Sidat told a meeting of the ASU that any
tials in Cairo. [MEED] attempt to promote domestic strife would not be
Oct. 9: It was announced the Sudan had been asked tolerated. [WP)
to withdraw its troops from the Suez Canal and
was complying with the request. [NYT)
Oct. 10: A new 5 year preferential trade agreement
was signed with the European Economic Com- (See also Afghanistan, Kuwayt, Persian Gulf,
munity. [MEED] Sudan, Turkey)
Oct. 13: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
trade talks with West Germany scheduled for mid 1972
October were postponed due to the poor relations Aug. 23: London's Daily Express reported that Iran
following the Arab terrorist attack in Munich on placed an order for L1Om worth of military equip-
Sept. 5. [MEED] ment during the Shah's latest visit. [MEED)
Oct. 15: Sadat said Egypt would do its utmost to Aug. 27: The Shah said Iran planned to have a "very
overcome the strain in relations with the USSR. substantial tanker fleet" and would construct a
[NYT] drydock to service it. [MEES]
Oct. 16: Premier Sidqi flew to Moscow for official Aug. 29: Talks were concluded with a Japanese eco-
talks. [NYT] nomic delegation and a joint communique said
Oct. 18: Sidqi returned from Moscow. A joint com- plans would be drawn up for Japan's projected
munique said talks were "frank" and that Soviet investment of $1.5 billion in the 3rd 5 year plan.
leaders Leonid Brezhnev, Nikolai Podgorny and [MEED)
Aleksei Kosygin would visit Cairo. [NYT) Sept. 6: Qazvin Glass, Kermanshah Sugar, Iran Na-
Oct. 20: The New York Times reported that the vard Mill, Tehran Cement and Shomal Cement
USSR had given Sidqi a promise during recent fulfilled their promise to offer shares to the public.
talks that the deliveries of military spare parts Three other major companies did not meet the
would be resumed. [NYT) deadline. [MEED]
Oct. 21: The BBC reported that 200 to 300 military Sept. 18: Empress Farah arrived in China for a 10
officers were arrested for an attempted coup a week day visit "to establish a closer understanding" be-
earlier. Egypt denied the report. [JP] tween the 2 countries. [MEED]
Oct. 22: Government officials said reports of an at- Sept. 27: Empress Farah left China for Hong Kong.
tempted coup were "pure invention" which origi- [NYT)
nated with the arrest on Oct. 19 of a "deranged" Oct. 2: Empress Farah returned after 10 day visits
officer who was urging a jihad against Israel. [JP) to China and Hong Kong. [JP)
Oct. 25: Sadit met with 600 political leaders to dis- Oct. 10: The Shah flew to the USSR for official talks.
cuss relations with the Soviet Union. [NYT) [JP)
Oct. 26: S-adataccepted the resignation of Muhammad Oct. 12: The USSR signed an agreement to increase
$adlq from his posts of War Minister, Commander- trade tenfold by 1978. [MEED]
in-Chief of the armed forces and Vice Premier. Oct. 21: Kayhan International reported that 5.6m
Ahmad Isma'il was appointed to the posts. [NYT) persons voted in township and provincial elections,

an increase of 300% over 1970. Iran Novin Party at resolvingtheir differences.[MEED]

won over 80% of the 3,807 contested seats while Yemeni Economy Minister 'Abdallah al-Asnaj
the Mardom Party showed losses in all categories. ended 4 days of talks on the dispute between
[KI] Yemen and SouthYemen. [MEED]
Oct. 28: Kayhan International reported that 6 more Sept. 23: Saudi Foreign Minister 'Umar al-Saqqaf
major private companies announced plans to put arrived for 3 days of talks on bilateral relations
shares on the public market. [KIJ and the commonborder.[Saudi paperal-Riya
Nov. 11: Kayhan International reported that the Shah Oct. 15: The governmentsaid it had agreed to pay
said the GNP would double in 5 years and that Syriatransitfees for Iraqi oil in advancebut "dis-
Iran's naval power would be increased "several agreed"with the doublingof the fee and offeredto
times" because Iran's "defensive frontiers" extend pay the same fee which the Iraq PetroleumCom-
beyond the Gulf and into the Indian Ocean. [KI) pany had paid. [MEEDI
Oct. 17: Al-Thawrah reported that talks to discuss
grievancesbetween the Kurdish DemocraticParty
Iraq (KDP) and the government had begun in an
atmosphereof "clarityand frankness."[FBIS]
(See also General, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey) Oct. 20: Middle East Economic Digest cited reports
in Moscow that Iraq had applied for Comecon
1972 membership.[MEED)
Aug. 20. Foreign Minister Murtada al-Hadithi flew Oct. 23: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim
to India for 6 days of talks on economic coopera- Khaddamlert after 3 daysof talkson the oil transit
tion. [MEED] paymentproblem.[MEED]
Aug. 24: India signed a 3 year trade agreement to Oct. 25: The Iraqi delegation withdrew from an
purchase Iraqi oil and sulfur and to export indus- OPECmeeting in Riyadh to approve the "partici-
trial goods. [MEED] pation"agreementreachedbetweenmajoroil com-
Aug. 27. Minister of Oils Sa'dun Hammidi returned panies and Saudi Ministerof Oils ShaykhAhmad
from a visit to Warsaw after Poland agreed to Zaki Yamani. [MEEDI
loan Iraq $100m to be used for industrial projects Nov. 1: Beirut'sLe Petrole et Le Gaz Arabes quoted
and repaid in oil over a 10 year period at 2.5% Vice PresidentSiddamHusaynal-Takritias saying
interest. [MEED] any settlement with IPC would depend on the
Aug. 28: The Foreign Minister of Bangladesh Abdus terms for compensationand that the participation
Samad Azad arrived for talks. [FBIS] agreementnegotiated by Yamani "could perhaps
Aug. 31: Hungary agreed to loan the government allow us to see the mattermore clearly."[MEED]
$50m and to accept payment of past debts in crude Nov. 2. Al-Thawrah accusedthe Kurdsof collaborat-
oil. [MEEDI ing with Iranianintelligenceand importingillegally
Sept. 4: Iraqi News Agency reported that the govern- Iranianarms. [FBIS]
ment was studying the possibility of joining the Nov. 5: Al-Thawrah said the criterionof loyalty for
Council of Mutual Economic Aid (Comecon). officialsof the KDP was how much they challenge
Moscow Radio praised Iraq's relations with Come- the governmentand the law and that there were
con. [MEED] Kurdishplans to blow up army bases. [JPI
Sept. 8: Turkish Foreign Minister Haluk Bayulken Nov. 9: Beirut'sal-Hayat reportedthat 90,000 army
ended a 5 day visit. A joint communique said troops were moved to the north on "specialma-
efforts to cooperate "on the question of oil" would neuvers."[AW]
be increased and that trade and tourism would be Nov. 15. Al-Thawrah said "suspectedreactionaryele-
expanded. Turkey agreed to safeguard Iraq's rights ments"within the KDP would have to be removed
with respect to the construction of the Keban Dam if peace were to be insuredin Iraq. [AW]
on the Euphrates River in Turkey. [MEED]
Sept. 14: President Hasan al-Bakr flew to Moscow for
official talks. [NYT]
Sept. 19: A joint communique ending Bakr's visit to
Moscow said the 2 sides were "satisfied with the (See also Arab IsraeliConflict,Libya,Syria)
development of their cooperation" and that agree-
ment was reached on "concrete measures" to rein- 1972
force Iraq's "defenses." [MEED]
Sept. 21: Minister of Oil Hammad1 ended talks in Aug. 16: AbsorptionMinister Natan Peled said the
Moscow after an agreement was signed by which government would begin a worldwide campaign
the USSR would accept payment for all debts up to against the Soviet decision to demand "ransom
1980 in crude oil. [MEED) money"in the form of emigrationtaxes from Jews
Sept. 22: Talks began in Baghdad between the Kurd- going to Israel. [JP)
ish Democratic Party and the Ba'th Party aimed Aug. 18: US Secretaryof State William Rogers said
the US had expressed concern to the USSR over the Oct. 13: Meir said she would definitely not run for
levying of education fees on Jews wishing to reelection in 1973. [JP]
emigrate to Israel. [NYTI Oct. 15: The chief rabbis of the Ashkenazic and
Aug. 21: Israeli Ambassador to the UN Josef Tekoah Sephardic communities failed to win reelection to
submitted a protest to Secretary General Kurt their posts. Isser Unterman was defeated by Shlomo
Waldheim against the levy of "exorbitant" taxes on Goren and Yitzhak Nissim lost to Ovadia Yosef.
Soviet Jews wishing to emigrate to Israel. [NYT] [NYT]
The head of the Jewish Defense League (JDL), Oct. 16: Meir said 3 senior security officials were
Rabbi Meir Kahane, warned that JDL members dismissed for failure to take adequate security
would kidnap Soviet officials in the US if the taxes measures at the Munich Olympics. [NYT)
on Jewish emigrants were not dropped within a Oct. 18: The USSR waived the education tax on 19
month. [NYTI families wishing to emigrate to Israel. [JPJ
Aug. 23: Three thousand demonstrators marched Oct. 20: The New York Times reported that Moscow
through Jerusalem to protest the government's re- sources reported 60 more families would be per-
fusal to permit the Arab villagers to return to Ikrit mitted to leave for Israel without paying the exit
and Berem. [NYT] tax. [NYT]
Aug. 27: Rabbi Kahane and 8 JDL members avoided Oct. 25: Police intercepted letter bombs mailed in
army roadblocks and entered Hebron to demon- Israel and addressed to President Nixon, US Secre-
strate for Jewish settlement in the city. [JPI tary of Defense Melvin Laird and Secretary of State
Aug. 29: A meeting in Jerusalem of Zionist fund William Rogers. [NYT]
raisers voted not to pay to the USSR the large fees Oct. 30: The government issued a protest to West
required for Jews to emigrate to Israel and accused Germany over the release of 3 Palestinian com-
the Soviets of blackmail in levying the fees. [NYTI mandos after a West German airliner was hijacked.
Sept. 7: The bodies of 10 slain Olympic team mem- A West German spokesman said Bonn approved
bers arrived in Tel Aviv from Munich. [NYTJ the release to save the lives of the plane's passengers
Sept. 11: A petition signed by 20,000 persons was and crew. [NYT]
announced calling for the death penalty for Arab Kahane and 9 other JDL members were arrested
guerrillas found guilty of killing civilians. [NYT3 after attempting an attack on a "holy object" at the
The Supreme Court ruled that American Meyer Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. [WP]
Lansky would not be permitted to settle in Israel. Oct. 31. Ambassador to West Germany Elyashiv Ben-
The Court invoked a clause permitting exclusion Horin was recalled to Israel for a review of Israeli-
of Jews with criminal pasts likely to endanger the German relations. [WP]
public order. [NYT] Kahane was released on bail pending a trial on
West Germany announced that it would grant charges of disturbing the peace. [JP]
$1m to the relatives of the Israelis killed in Munich. West German Chancellor Willy Brandt said the
[NYTI Israeli protest against Germany's release of Arab
Sept. 12: Defense Minister Moshe Dayan flew to prisoners as ransom for airline passengers was
Canada for a 1 day visit. [NYTI understandable but that Germany was not at war
Uganda's President Idi Amin sent a message to and human life must be protected above all else.
the UN and Israel proposing that all Jews be moved [NYT]
from the Middle East to Britain and saying he Nov. 1. Kupat Homin's 3000 doctors began a strike
understood why Hitler "burned" the Jews. [NYT] to protest the appointment of a non-doctor to head
The Knesset approved the reappointment of the organization. [JPJ
Yacov Shapiro as Minister of Justice. [FBISJ Nov. 4: Agreements for wage increases were reached
Sept. 14: The US said it was holding up a $3m loan ending strikes by customs officials, flour mill work-
to Uganda in protest against President Amin's ers and cinema workers. [JP]
message to the UN and Israel. [NYTJ Nov. 5: The Cabinet released a second statement con-
Sept. 23: An injunction was issued to Rabbi Kahane demning West Germany's release of 3 Arab terror-
and 19 members of the JDL ordering them to stay ists. [NYT]
out of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. [NYT] Nov. 9: At the Labor Party Secretariat meeting Fi-
Sept. 26: The 4 Yohanan Ben Zakkai synagogues in ance Minister Pinhas Sapir denounced Dayan's
the old city of Jerusalem, closed since 1948, were policy of "creeping annexation" of the occupied
reopened after 5 years of restoration work. [NYT] territories saying it was an economic burden and
Sept. 27: Kahane said the JDL would form a political that Arabs would become 48.5% of the population
party and enter the parliamentary elections in 1973. within 20 years. [NYT]
[NYTI Nov. 12: Eban said talks were being held with South
Oct. 1: Kahane was arrested for alleged smuggling of Vietnam on the possibility of establishing diplo-
arms out of Israel. He said the government has matic relations. [NYT]
begun a campaign to "outlaw me and the Jewish Nov. 13: A government official said the decision not
Defense League." [NYT] to permit villagers to return to Berem and Ikrit was

final. [JP] ning approachwhich concentrateson the develop-

Nov. 14: Dayan met with US officialsto discussarms ment of the East Bank at this stage." [NYTI
deliveriesand the Middle East situation. [WPI Nov. 15: The governmentdenied reportsby the Iraqi
News Agency that a coup had been attemptedby
militaryofficerson Nov. 5. [MEED]
(See also ArabIsraeliConflict,Kuwayt,Lebanon) Kuwayt
1972 (See also ArabIsraeliConflict,Afghanistan)

Aug. 17: A decreewas announceddosing the border 1972

crossingon the road to AbuiShamatin Syriato all Aug. 21: Arab League SecretaryGeneral Mah,muid
commercialtrafficeffectiveAug. 22. [FBIS] Riyid left after 3 days of talks. He said he was
Aug. 21: The following Cabinetwas appointed: satisfiedwith Kuwayt'spositions on Arab League
Ahmad al-Lawzi: Premier and Defense questions.[FBIS)
Subhi Amin 'Amr: Reconstruction & Develop- Sept. 5: Foreign Minister Shaykh $abah al-Ahmad
ment al-Jibir returnedfrom a 2 day mission to South
SalaihAbil Zayd: Foreign Yemen and Yemen in an attempt to mediate be-
Rashid al-Khatib:State tween the 2. [FBIS]
Khalidal-HajjHasan: Agriculture Sept. 9: Foreign Minister al-Jibir said Kuwayt was
Faridal-'Akshah:Health anxiousto hold a summitconferenceof Arab states
Ya'quib Abui Ghawsh: Municipal & Ru-ralAffairs but addedthat the "atmosphere"in Arab relations
'Adnin Abiu 'Awdah: Culture & Information would have to be improvedif a summit were to
Muhammadal-Bashir:Communications succeed.[FBIS]
Ishaq al-Farhin: Education and Waqf & Islamic Sept. 25: A Kuwayti delegation in Rome criticized
Affairs the US and Britain for supplying Iran with large
Salim al-Mas'adih:Justice quantitiesof advancedmilitaryequipment. [FBIS)
Ghilib Barakit: Tourism & Antiquities Oct. 3: It was announced that diplomatic relations
'Ali Inad Khurays: Labor & Social Affairs would be establishedwith Malta. [FBIS]
Sa'idal-NabIlsil:Economy Oct. 13: Al-Nahar quoted Defense Minister Shaykh
Ahmadal-Shawbaki:Public Works Sa'd al-'Abdallih al-Sabah as saying discussions
Faridal-Sa'd:Finance were open with a number of sourcesfor military
Nadim al-Zaru:Transport arms. [FBIS]
[FBIS] Oct. 29: Al-Ra'yAl-'Amm reportedthat Kuwaytwas
Aug. 30: Electionsbeganfor 240 membersof the 360 attemptingto mediate the disputes between Egypt
memberJordanianNational Union Congress.[JP) and Jordanand Egyptand Sudan.[FBIS)
Sept. 23: An officialsaid 4 bombs addressedto gov- Oct. 30: The New York Times reportedthat Kuwayt
ernmentofficialsand mailed in Holland were inter- had begun an effort to end the differencesbetween
cepted by the Post Officein Amman. [NYT) Egypt and Jordan on the strategy toward Israel.
Oct. 3: A decree was issued freeing 25 political de- [NYT)
tainees. [FBIS]
Oct. 4: It was announced that an agreement was
reachedwith Iraqexemptingmutualtradefrom all Lebanon
customsduties. [MEED] (See also Arab IsraeliConflict,General,Libya,Syria)
Oct. 10: King Husayn addressedthe first meeting of
the 360 memberCouncilof the newly formedArab 1972
National Union. [JP]
Oct. 14: Mi'an AbuiNuwwir was appointedMinister Aug. 25: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat
of Informationand Culturereplacing'Adnan Abi Iraqhad expressedsatisfactionwith Lebanon'sposi-
'Awdah who was made SecretaryGeneral of the tion regarding Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC)
National Union. [FBISJ holdings in Lebanonand Iraq's nationalizationof
Oct. 24: The ExecutiveCommitteeof the Arab Na- IPC in Iraq. [MEED)
tional Union held its first meeting. [FBISJ Sept. 1: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat
Nov. 13: A 3 day economic developmentconference the governmentwas "protestingstrongly"to Jordan
conduded after the governmentdiscloseda 3 year, over the closure of the AbudShamat road which
JD 179m development plan to begin in 1973. was the route of trucktradepassing through Syria
[MEED] The plan states that: "As long as the and Jordan on the way to Saudi Arabia and the
West Bank is under occupation,planning for the PersianGulf. [MEED]
Kingdomas a whole would not be possible.There- Sept. 4: EconomyMinister Anwar al-Sabih said he
fore, the 3 year plan will follow a regional plan- and SyrianEconomyMinister MustafaHallij had

agreedto meet monthlyto discusseconomicmatters. troops to help defend Lebanonagainst Israeli at-
[MEED) tacks.[FBIS)
Sept. 23: The New York Times reportedthat "in- Sept. 17: Yemeni Premier Muhsin al-'Ayn; arrived
formed"Lebanesesourcessaid a joint government- for talks on the Yemen borderstrife. [MEED)
commandoliaison committeewas formedto oversee Sept. 18: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sidat left
Palestinian-Lebaneserelations.[NYT) Tripoli after 4 days of talks on the proposedunion
Oct. 2: EducationMinisterHenri Iddih was dismissed of the 2 countries.[MEEDI
by Premier Sa'ib Salim for failing to obtain the Sept. 30: Italy signed an agreement under which
Premier'sapproval of education policies. Deputy Libyawould acquire50% participationinterestin
Premier Albert Mukhaybirwas appointed acting 2 concessionsof the Italian national oil company
Minister.[MEED] ENI. [MEES)
Oct. 17: KamalAsad was reelectedSpeakerof Parlia- Oct. 8: QadhdhafireaffirmedLibya'ssupportfor the
ment. [JPJ struggles of all oppressed people, including the
Oct. 18: The governmentapproveda decreecreating Irish and Ugandans, and urged the Palestinians
a Ministryof Industryand Oil and a Ministryof and Arab governments to unite their efforts.
Economyand Tradeto replacethe Ministryof Na- [MEED)
tional Economy.[MEES] Oct. 11: The governmentrefusedentry to a group of
Oct.21: The governmentdecidedto introducea series West German tourists in retaliation for what it
of reforms to Parliamentincluding plans to "de- called Germany's"arbitrarypolicy" against Arabs.
confessionalize"the administration,merge religious [JP]
holidays,and introducea 5 day work week for civil Oct. 30: Ministerof Oil 'Izz al-din Mabruiksaid the
servants.[MEED] agreementnegotiatedby SaudiOil MinisterShaykh
Oct. 26: PremierSalamannouncedthat the reformof Ahmad Zak! Yamani naming the terms for Gulf
civil service working hours had been droppedbe- Statesparticipationin the oil industrywas a "step
cause objections to the reform would "threaten forward"for the Gulf States but did not meet
nationalunity." [MEED] Libya'srequirementand would not be binding on
Nov. 11: Two striking workerswere killed and 18 Libya.[MEED]
injuredby police during a strike for higher wages Nov. 1: Foreign Minister Mansur Kikhya said that
at GhandurConfectioneryPlant in Beirut. [NYTI the Palestinianswho hijackeda Lufthansajet, and
Nov. 12: The Cabinet called out the army to keep the 3 hostageswho were releasedby West Germany
order in Beirut and banned all demonstrations. as a result,would not be extradited.[AW]
[NYT) Nov. 2: The following Cabinet appointmentswere
Nov. 13: Acting on ordersfrom the government,the announced:
army took over the responsibilityfor public order Khuwaylidial-Humaydi:Interior
and enforcing the restrictionson demonstrations. 'Abd al-KarimBilluh: Planning
[NYT) 'Abd al-Najid al-Ja'iud:AgriculturalDevelop-
Nov. 14: Strikeswere held in Beirut, Tripoli, Sidon ment
and other large towns to protestthe shooting of 2 Nov. 4: Oil MinisterMabruiksaid Libyawould press
strikingworkerson Nov. 11. [MEED] for 50% participationin the operationsof all oil
A bomb explodedin the officesof al-Nahar.[JP) companiesin Libya.[MEED]
Nov. 7: It was announcedthat Jallud was in France
discussingfuture arms purchaseswith FrenchDe-
Libya fense MinisterMichel Debre. [MEED]
Nov. 11: Tunisian Premier MuhammadMasmoudi
(See also ArabIsraeliConflict,General,SouthYemen, met with Qadhdhaf;duringa 1 day visit. [MEED)
Sudan,Tunisia) Jallud returnedafter 8 days of talks in France.
1972 [MEED]

Aug. 19: Premier 'Abd al-Salim Jalluidsaid Libya

would continue to support the Moroccanpeople's Morocco
attemptsto overthrowKing Hasan. [FBIS]
(See also General,Libya)
Demonstratorsattackedthe British embassy in
protestagainstthe British decision to deny asylum 1972
to 2 Moroccanofficerswho escaped to Gibraltar Aug. 16: Royal Air Force jets fired on King Hasan's
afterthe attemptto assassinateKing Hasan. [NYT) plane as it returnedfrom Francewith Hasan on
Aug. 21: PremierJallud was injuredin an auto acci- board.Hasanwas not injuredand his plane landed
dent. [MEED] safely in Rabat. The jet fighterslater strafed the
Sept. 16: Tripoli Radio reported that Revolution airportand the King'spalace.Armytroopsoccupied
Command Council Chairman Mu'ammar al- the air base at Kenitrawhere the jet fighterswere
Qadhdhifi sent a cable to Lebanonofferingto send based.[NYT)

Official sources reported that Minister of Defense Aug. 24: The government announced that troop with-
Muhammad Oufkir committed suicide. [NYT] drawals from territory occupied by India and
Aug. 18: Interior Minister Muhammad Ben Hima Pakistan in Dec. 1971 would take place on schedule.
said Oufkir had led the attempted coup against [NYT)
Hasan on Aug. 16. [NYT) China said it would veto the UN Security Coun-
Aug. 19: Hasan said Oufkir had organized the assas- cil resolution for Bangla Desh's membership unless
sination attempt and planned to rule Morocco as Bangla Desh abided by previous UN resolutions
the head of a regency council in the name of 9 year calling for the repatriation of prisoners of war.
old Prince Sidi Muhammad. [NYT) [NYT3
Hasan took direct charge of the armed forces. Aug. 25: Special Envoy Aziz Ahmed met with Indian
[NYT) officials in New Delhi in an effort to determine an
Aug. 21: Hasan said there would be elections in 1973 armistice line in Kashmir.
and invited the opposition parties to participate. Indian Foreign Minister Swaran Singh said
[NYT) Pakistan's position was not consistent with the
Aug. 22: The day's issues of L'Opinion and al-Alam spirit of the Simla accord. [NYT]
were confiscated after printing a statement by the China vetoed Security Council approval of Bangla
Istiqlal Party charging that the political situation Desh membership in the UN and charged the USSR
was the result of "the antidemocratic and anti- with trying to establish spheres of influence in
popular path taken by the authorities since the India and Bangla Desh and to "bully Pakistan at
elections of 1963." [NYT) will." [NYT]
Hasan dismissed the commander of the Navy Aug. 26: Officials reported "satisfactoryprogress" after
Driss Abaroudi. Hasan said no more than 15 per- the 2nd day of talks in New Delhi which included
sons were involved in the latest plot and would an agreement to leave the demarcation of the
be dealt with harshly. [NYT) Kashmir cease-fire line to local military com-
Sept. 26: The trial began of 12 men, including 6 manders. [NYT]
former government ministers, on charges of corrup- Aug. 29: An agreement was signed with India after
tion. [MEED] 5 days of talks in New Delhi. It reaffirmed that the
Sept. 29: King Hasan announced plans for an "agra- Simla accord of July 3 would be fully carried out
rian revolution" under which 90,000 hectares of and laid down guidelines for the demarcation of
land appropriated from French farmers would be a cease-fire line in Kashmir. [NYT]
distributed to about 3,800 farmers who would be Aug. 30: Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Chiao
organized into 140 cooperatives. [MEED] Kuan-hua ended a 2 day official visit and talks with
Oct. 17: A court martial began for 220 officers ac- President Bhutto. [FBISJ
cused of taking part in the attempt on King Hasan's Sept. 1: The government announced the nationaliza-
life on Aug. 16. [NYTI tion of 176 private colleges. [NYT]
Nov. 3: King Hasan asked his brother-in-law, Ahmad Sept. 4: India announced that negotiators were unable
Osman, to form a government. [FBISJ to meet the Sept. 4 deadline for agreeing on a
Nov. 4: The Istiqlal Party issued a statement after Kashmir cease-fire line but that "substantial prog-
talks with Premier-designate Ahmad Osman saying ress" had been made and the talks would continue.
the country's political crisis required a homogene- [NYT]
ous government under a political leader capable of Sept. 30: A military official charged that Indian
satisfying "the profound aspirations of the popular artillery fired across the line in Kashmir killing 1
masses." The New York Times said the other soldier. [NYT]
major parties had rebuffed Osman as well. [NYTI Oct. 1: India said local military commanders in Kash-
Nov. 7: Eleven officers were sentenced to death for mir were unable to settle a demarcation line "in a
their parts in a coup attempt in Aug.; 33 defend- few small areas" but that the "bulk of the job" was
ants were given prison terms and 177 were ac- completed. [NYT]
quitted. [NYTI Oct. 14: The government protested to India over the
treatment of Pakistani prisoners after it was re-
ported that 6 prisoners were shot in Uttar Pradesh
on Oct. 13. [NYT]
Pakistan Oct. 18: Military spokesmen for India and Pakistan
said in a joint statement that "decisions" were
1972 reached on a Kashmir line and were submitted to
suveyors for "processing." [NYTI
Aug. 20: Indian Foreign Minister Swaran Singh re- Oct. 20: The leaders of parties represented in the
iterated that 91,000 Pakistani prisoners of war National Assembly agreed on a new constitution
would not be repatriated except with the direct providing for a 2-chamber federal parliament, a
participation of Bangla Desh and urged Pakistan president and a premier responsible to the parlia-
to recognize Bangla Desh. [NYTI ment. [NYT]
Nov. 7: The governmentannounceddiplomaticrecog- Ministerof State'Umaral-Saqqafmet in London
nition of North Vietnam. [NYT) with Britishofficialson the situationin the Persian
Nov. 8: The governmentannouncedthat it was with- Gulf. [MEED)
drawingfrom the South EastAsia TreatyOrganiza- Sept. 30: Minister of Oils Shaykh Ahmad Zaki
tion (SEATO) fulfilling a promise made by Yamani proposedin a speech to the Middle East
Bhutto. Institute in Washington that the US give Saudi
The US said Pakistanwas merely "formalizing Arabiaan exemptionfrom the oil import quota in
what has been realityfor some time." [NYTI exchangefor Saudi investmentin the US. [NYT)
Nov. 9: The governmentannounceddiplomaticrecog- Oct. 3: The New York Times quoted a US officialas
nition of North Korea. saying the US was studyingYamani's"interesting
Militarycommandersmet with Indian personnel suggestion"althoughit was not proposedformally.
but reportedthat no agreementwas reachedon the [NYT)
demarcationline. [NYT} Oct. 5: Sudansigned an aviationagreementfor regu-
Nov. 11: The New York Times reported that "hun- lar air servicebetweenthe 2 countries.[MEED]
dreds"of Bengaliswere fleeing illegally to Afghan- Oct. 30: The Ruler of Ras al-KhaymahSaqr ibn
istan each week. [NYT) Muhammadal-Qasimi met with King Faysal in
Indian Premier Indira Gandhi said Pakistan's Riyadh.[Radio Riyadh]
attitudehad hardeneddue to the influenceof "some Nov. 14: King Faysalflew to Ugandafor a state visit
foreign powers."[NYT) at the beginningof a 5 nation Africantour aimed
Nov. 13: Bangla Desh put the former governor of at "strengtheningrelationsbetweenMuslim Africa
East PakistanA. M. Malik on trial for waging war and the Arabworld."[MEED]
against Bangla Desh and collaboratingwith the
Pakistaniarmy. [NYT}

PersianGulf South Yemen

(See also General,Algeria,Kuwayt,Syria,Yemen)
(See also General,Lebanon,Libya,SaudiArabia,
Sudan) 1972
1972 Aug. 22: An al-Yemdaairlines plane with 56 pas-
Sept. 26: Bahrayn announced diplomatic relations sengerson boardwas hijackedto Libyawhile on a
would be establishedwith Afghanistan.[FBIS] flight from Beirutto Cairo.The 2 hijackersclaimed
Oct. 3" Presidentof the United ArabAmiratesShaykh to be membersof a group called the Organization
Zayd Bin Sultin ended a 3 week visit to Britain. of Unity of SouthYemen. [NYT)
[MEED] Sept. 5: KuwaytiForeign MinisterShaykhSabah al-
Oct. 9: The ruler of Sharjahannounceda new oil Ahmad al-Jabir left Aden after talks mediating
strikeoff the coastof Abu Muisaby ButtesGas and between North and South Yemen. He said the 2
Oil. [MEES) sides agreedto negotiationsto be held at the Arab
Oct. 22. SultanQabuisof Oman issueda decreeestab- Leaguemeeting in Cairoon Sept. 9. [MEED]
lishing a Supreme Planning Council, headed by Sept. 6: Aden Radio reportedthat peasantsin Awlaka
Qabus.[FBIS] region seized land from the "feudal landowners."
Nov. 4: Kayhan International reported that the UAA [MEED]
had decided to establish diplomaticrelationswith Sept. 29: The governmentsaid Yemeni regulartroops
Iranat the ambassadoriallevel. [KI) supported a "mercenaryforce" which killed 25
Nov. 11: Oman'scurrencywas renamedRiyal Omani people and occupied 4 South Yemeni villages.
from Riyal Saidi. [MEED] [MEED}
Nov. 12: SyrianPresidentHIfiz al-Asadarrivedin the Oct. 4: The governmentreportedthat Yemeni planes
Union of Arab Amirateswith a high level delega- bombed 2 villages in South Yemen. [NYT)
tion of 5 ministersfor officialtalks. [MEED] An Arab Leaguedelegationarrivedin Aden to
mediate the dispute with Yemen. [NYT)
Oct. 6: Beirut'sL'Orient-LeJour quoted Premier'Ali
Saudi Arabia Nasir Muhammadas saying the USSR would "not
standwith folded armsin the event of an invasion
(See a/so General,Lebanon,South Yemen, Tunisia)
of SouthernYemen." [NYT)
1972 Oct.8: It was announcedthat Yemeni troopsoccupied
the island of Karaman.Yemen said the occupants
Sept. 29: Middle East Economic Digest reported that of Karamanhad requested"liberation."[MEED]
the Ministry of Agriculture announced 350,000 Oct. 12: Arab LeaguediplomatSalim al-Yafi arrived
hectares would be distributedto nomads in the in Aden after talks with the governmentof Yemen
coming year. [MEED] in San'a'.[NYTI

The government accused Saudi Arabia and Bashir'Abbadi:Communications

Yemen of plotting to seize the island of Perim. IbrahimMansuir:National Economy
[JP] 'AwadKhalaf:Industry
Oct. 13: The Arab Leaguemediationteam announced LawrenceWol: Planning
that both sides had agreed to a plan including an Ibrihim Ilyas: Treasury
immediatecease-fire,a mutualwithdrawalof troops Ahmadal-Amin: Transport
to 6 miles from the borderand preparationsfor a Wadi Habashi:Agriculture
conferenceto discussunity betweenthe 2 countries. Yahya'Abd al-Majid:Electricity
[NYT) 'AbdallihAbd al-Rahman:NaturalResources
Oct. 14: Middle East News Agency reported that 'Umaral-HajjMuTsa: Information& Culture
Yemen accused South Yemen of continuing to Salah'Abdal-'AlMansur:Youth,Sports& Social
shell Yemeni villages despite a cease-fire.[MEED] Affairs
Nov. 3: The United Frontfor the Liberationof South Sirr Khalifah: Higher Education & Scientific
Yemen said it attackedand defeateda government Research
force in the Abr region. [MEED] 'Awn al-Sharif:ReligiousAffairs
Nov. 4: Premier 'Ali Nasir returned from Egypt, Muhammad'Uthman:Education
Libya and Algeria. He said the 3 countries had Mustafaal-Hadi:Statefor PresidentialAffairs
expressed support for the unity agreement with MuhammadIdris:Statefor CabinetAffairs
Yemen and had promisedto help defeat any forces SamuelLawby:Statefor LocalGovernment
which might threatenunity. [MEED] Oct. 12: The inauguralmeeting of the Provisional
Nov. 7: The Arab LeaguePeace Keeping Committee People's Council was held. Al-Nasr Dafalla was
arrivedin Aden. [MEED)] electedPresidentof the Council. [MEED]
Nov. 11. The Iraqi News Agency reported that air Oct. 21: Numayri said that Communists,Arab Na-
servicesto Yemen were resumed.[MEED] tionalistsand the MoslemBrotherhoodwere organ-
izing anti-government activity and that some
countries "which are supposed to be Sudan's
Sudan friends"were interferingin the country'sdomestic
(See also Egypt,SaudiArabia) affairs.[AW]
Numayrisaid that taxes levied to raise revenues
1972 for defense would be abolished since the country
Aug. 22: The UN Commissionerfor Refugees,Prince had establishedpeace. [MEED]
SadruddinAgha Khan, arrived for a tour of the Oct.24: Egyptofferedits militarycollege in Khartum
south and appealed to foreign states to donate an to the Sudanesearmy after withdrawingits per-
additional $1Om for resettlement of refugees. sonnel. [NYT]
[MEED] Oct. 26: Beirut'sAl-NaharquotedNumayrias saying
It was announcedthat diplomaticrelationswould diplomatic relations would be restored with the
be establishedwith Bahraynand Iran. [FBIS) USSR before 1973. [NYT)
Aug. 26: Heavy rain and floodingdestroyed3 villages Nov. 1: Beirut's Al-Nahar reported that 3 leading
near Khartumand the army was orderedon alert Communists,'Ali Jazuli Satid, Al-Sirr Ja far and
to help in rescueoperations.[NYT) KhaderNasr, were arrestedin Khartum.[AW]
Sept. 20: The governmentforced 5 Libyan military Nov. 3: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat
planes carrying arms and men over Sudan to Numayri lifted confiscation orders which were
Uganda to land. An official announcementsaid issued against 3 large companies.[MEED]
Sudan would not take part in any action which Nov. 13: Presidentof the World Bank Robert Mc-
might increasetensionin Africa. [NYT) Namara ended a 3 day visit and discussionsof
Sept. 22: Elections began for a provisionalPeople's financialaid. [MEED]
Assemblyto drafta constitution.[MEED)
Sept. 27: The government recalled the Ambassador
to Cairo and asked the Ministersof Industryand
Education to cut short planned visits in Egypt. [JP)
Oct. 9: The following Cabinetwas announced: (See also ArabIsraeliConflict,Egypt,Iraq,Jordan,
Ja'far al-Numayri: Premier and Defense
Muhammadal-BaqirAhmad: Interior
Mans-urKhalid: Foreign Affairs 1972
Abd al-Rahman'Abdallah:Public Service Aug. 19: Ending a 3 day visit to Greece, Foreign
AbuiMuhammadIbrihim: Health Minister'Abd al-HalimKhaddamsaid "a complete
Mubarak Sinadah: Housing and Public Utilities identity of views" was established with Greece.
Ja far Muhammad'All Bakhit: Local Govern- Agreementswould soon be signed providing for
ment bilateral economic cooperation. [MEEDI
Sept. 10: South Yemeni InformationMinister'Abdal- Aug. 28: Masmoudiarrivedin North Vietnamfor an
lah Khamri arrived for a meeting with President officialvisit. [MEED)
Hifiz al-Asad. [MEED) Aug. 30: Al-Sabahreportedthat diplomaticrelations
Sept. 13: The US said the USSR had just concluded might be establishedwith North Vietnam.[MEED)
an agreementwith Syria which would allow the Sept. 22: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat
USSR to build up naval facilities in Tartus and China had agreedto aid worth $40m during Mas-
Latakiain return for supplying advancedjets and moudi'svisit. [MEED]
missiles. [NYT) Sept. 23: Masmoudi concluded 3 days of talks in
Sept. 19: The US Embassyin Beirut reportedthat France.[MEED]
Syria arresteda US militaryattachefrom Amman, Oct.20: PremierNouira told the PlanningCommittee
Jordan, who was traveling to Lebanon. The US that the 1973-76 plan would aim at a 5% annual
protestedto Syriaon Sept. 10. [NYT) growth rate. [MEED]
Sept. 24: US Defense SecretaryMelvin Lairdsaid the Oct. 31: FirjaniBil Hajj Ammarwas made Director
USSR had begun an airlift of military men and of the DestourianSocialistParty. [FBIS]
equipmentto Syria. [NYI] Nov. 12: Foreign MinisterMasmoudireturnedfrom
Oct.2: Israelimilitarysourcesreportedthat the Soviet talks in Libya and said relationswith Libya were
arms airlift to Syriahad ended. [MEED] "at their best." [FBIS]
Oct. 5: The US State Departmentsaid an American
graduatestudent, JonathanBates, was arrestedin
Syria on chargesof espionage. Turkey
The US barreda Syrian diplomat, Diya Fattal, (See also Afghanistan,Cyprus,Iraq)
from enteringthe US to attendthe UN sessionsin
NY. [NYTI 1972
Oct. 13: Vice PresidentMahmiudAyyuubi warnedthat Aug. 19: FarukGurler was appointedChief of Staff
further delay in the payment of transit royalties of the armed forces to succeed Memduh Takmas
for oil passing from Iraq through the former Iraq effectiveAug. 29. [FBISJ
PetroleumCompanypipeline would harm the in- Sept. 4: A new political party,the Republican[Cum-
terestsof both countries. [MEED) huriyet] Party,was establishedby 18 formermem-
Oct. 24: Health Minister MahmuidSa'dah said 432 bers of the RepublicanPeople'sParty. [FBIS]
cases of cholera had been reported in Syria and Sept. 13: IranianForeignMinisterAbbas Ali Khalat-
called on Lebanonand Jordan to coordinateanti- bari arrivedfor 5 daysof talks. (MEED)
cholerameasures.[JP) Sept. 19: The RPP announcedthat it would not sup-
Oct. 31: US military attacheto JordanRichardBar- port proposed"radical"reformsof the constitution
ratt was releasedfrom custody. [NYT) dealing with the judicialsystemand higher educa-
Nov. 11: Health MinisterSa'dahwas killed in an auto tion. [FBIS)
accidentin Maylasia.[JP] Iraqi President Hasan al-Bakr arrived for a 2
Nov. 12: James Craig, head of the British Foreign day visit. [MEED]
Office'sMiddle East section, met with government Sept. 25: The National Assembly approvedthe ex-
officialsin Damascus.[MEED) tensionof martiallaw in 11 provincesfor 2 months.
An Iraqi delegationarrivedfor talks on the oil [FBIS]
transitpaymentsdispute. [MEED) Sept. 26: Afghani King Muhammad Zahir Shah
Nov. 13: EgyptianWar MinisterAhmadIsmi'itlended arrivedfor a 6 day officialvisit. [MEED]
3 days of talks with President Asad and Foreign Oct. 17: A martiallaw court sentenced13 leadersof
MinisterKhaddam.[MEED] the Turkish Labor Party, including chairwoman
Behice Boran, to 15 years in prison for "under-
Tunisia mining the administrationof the nation." [JP]
Oct. 22: Four men hijacked a Turkish airliner to
(See also General,Libya) Bulgariaand threatenedto blow it up along with
1972 69 passengersif Turkeydid not release 12 terrorist
prisoners,restorethe right of workersto strikeand
Aug. 19: Chairmanof the Palestine LiberationOr- reorganizethe universities.[NYT]
ganizationYasir 'Arafit met in Tunis with Presi- Oct. 23: The 4 hijackerssurrenderedto Bulgarian
dent Habib Bourguibato discuss the Middle East authoritiesafter Turkey refused to meet their de-
situation.[FBIS] mands. [JP]
Aug. 20: ForeignMinisterMohammadMasmoudileft Oct.26: The National Assemblypassedthe 3rd 5 year
for an officialvisit to China. [MEED) plan. [FBIS)
Aug. 22: Saudi InteriorMinister Fahd Ibn 'Abd al- Nov. 4: The RepublicanPeople'sParty (RPP) voted
'Aziz al-Sa'uidleft aftera 3 day officialvisit. [FBIS) to withdrawits 5 membersfrom the Cabinetcharg-
Aug. 27: China signed an economic and technical ing that the governmentwas a "right wing coali-
treaty.[MEED] tion." [NYT]

Nov. 5: Ismet Inonu resigned from the RPP along Oct. 2: The governmentannouncedthat it had re-
with 25 other party membersincluding 4 Cabinet jected a cease-fireproposal from South Yemen
Ministers.[NYT, FBIS] that was allegedlymade after South Yemeni troops
Nov. 6: After a meeting of the Armed ForcesCom- capturedthe town of Qataba on Oct. 1. Yemen
mand Council, a statementsaid it was hoped that Radio said fighting would continue until Qataba
"the necessaryplans and measureswould be imple- was retaken. South Yemen denied capturing the
mented by the responsibleorgansfor the continua- town. [NYT]
tion of peace and stabilityand the implementation Oct. 5: An Iraqi delegationarrivedin Santa'for talks
of the reforms."[MEEDI on the bordersituationwith SouthYemen. Officials
said South Yemeni planes strafedand bombedthe
Mawiyaregion. [NYT)
Yemen Oct. 18: Premieral-'Aynisaid agreementwas reached
(See also General, Iraq, Kuwayt, Libya, South Yemen) over the telephonewith SouthYemeni Premier'All
Nasir Muhammadfor a mutual cease-fire.[NYT]
1972 Oct. 21: The embassyin Beirutreportedthat govern-
ment troopsshot down 2 South Yemeni jets which
Aug. 19: Premier Muhsin al-'Ayni ended a 10 day crossedthe borderand bombedvillages in Yemen.
visit to India and a joint communiquesaid India Talks began in Cairo with South Yemen under
would provide aid and technicaladvice for irriga- the auspicesof the Arab League on ways to end
tion projectsand that "Yemenrecognizedthe reality the dispute.[JPJ
of the emergenceof a new nation on the subcon- Oct.23: MiddleEastNews Agencysaid negotiatorsin
tinent." [MEED) Cairo had reachedan agreementto set up 7 com-
Sept. 27: Premieral-'Aynisaid over 100 personshad mittees to draw up plans within a year for the
been killed in recent border clashes with South unificationof North and South Yemen. [NYT}
Yemen. [JP) Oct. 28: 'Ayni and Premier 'Ali Nasir Muhammad
Sept. 30: An officialsaid 2 South Yemeni planes were signed agreementsin Cairo to plan the unification
shot down after bombing a village in Yemen for of North and SouthYemen and to withdrawtroops
4 days. South Yemen chargedthat Yemeni forces from the border and from areas occupied since
supportedrebels who capturedseveral villages in Sept. 26. All subversiveactivitywould be stopped
SouthYemen. [NYTI and refugeesrepatriatedwithin 1 month. [NYT]

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