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Chronology November 16, 1972-February 15, 1973

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Spring, 1973), pp. 191-206
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:23

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November 16, 1972 -February 15, 1973

An 8 hour battle was fought on the Israeli-

Arab IsraeliConflict Syrian line. Israel said fighting began when Israeli
jets struck at Syrian positions in retaliation for
1972 6 commando incidents in the previous few days.
Nov. 16. Israeli Ambassador to the UN Yosef Tekoah Israel claimed to have downed 6 Syrian jets and
warned the UN that any display of UN "help- destroyed 15 tanks. Syria said it shot down 2
lessness" and "confusion" on combating terrorism Israeli jets and lost 1 plane. [NYT]
would encourage "responsible states" to redouble Nov. 22: Syria called on all Arab governments to
their own efforts outside the UN. [NYTJ aid her in "repelling Israeli aggression." [JPI
Nov. 1.8: Beirut's L'Orient-Le Jour reported that An Israeli military officer said 6 Syrian villages
Egypt sent war planes to Syria and agreed to were shelled on the previous day as a warning
reopen the Suez front if a full scale attack is to Syria to stop shelling Israeli civilian settle-
launched by Israel against Syria. The paper said ments. {NYT]
the agreements were reached when Egyptian War
Nov. 24: The Arab Boycott of Israel Office ended
Minister Ahmad Isma-l1 visited Syria for 3 days
a 10 day meeting and announced that 21 com-
secretly "last week." [JP]
panies were dropped from the boycott list and
A 3 day conference of Arab League Foreign and 14 new companies added. [MEED]
Defense Ministers ended in Kuwayt after discuss- An Israeli patrol clashed with Palestinian com-
ing the adoption of unified plan of action against mandos on the Lebanese side of the Israeli border.
Israel. Lebanon's Foreign Minister Khalil Abiu
Hamad said the frankness of the talks "was the
most important thing at the meeting.... We Nov. 25: Syrian and Israeli artillery exchanged fire
cannot draw up a complete and coordinated plan in the Jawlfan region.
in 3 or 4 days." [AW] Israel asked the UN to inform Egypt that Syrian
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chair- reports that Israel started the firing were false.
man Yasir 'Arafat said commandos had suspended The request said Egypt should know that Syria
raids from south Lebanon against Israel to avoid opened fire first, "lest Egypt err by letting herself
endangering the local Lebanese inhabitants. [WP] be drawn into the Syrian provocation." [NYTI
Nov. 19: On a US television interview Israeli Premier Nov. 26. Syria reiterated its charge that Israel opened
Golda Meir said she did not expect US policy fire first on Nov. 25. ?NYTI
toward Israel to change in President Nixon's 2nd Nov. 29. The UN General Assembly opened debate
term but added that any help Henry Kissinger on the Arab Israeli conflict. [NYT]
could provide in getting peace talks started would
Nov. 30:. During and after talks with special UN
be welcome. [WPJ
envoy Gunnar Jarring, Israeli Ambassador to the
Nov. 21. Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban said UN Tekoah warned the UN against adopting a
he would not participate in the 1972 UN debate resolution which would destroy "the only agreed
on the Middle East because of the "almost auto- basis for United Nations peacemaking," UN Res-
matic repetition of the speeches." [JP] olution 242. [NYT]

List of Abbreviations
ARR, Arab Report and Record: AW, The Arab World: B, Brief: CSM, The Christian Science Monitor: CB,
Cyprus Bulletin, E, The Economist, FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Sertice Daily Report-Alliddle East and
Africa: G, The Guardian (weekly international edition); JP, The Jerusalem Post: KT, The Kabul Times. KI,
Kayhan (international edition); MEED, Middle East Economic Digest: MEES, lliddle East EconomzicSurvey:
LM, Le Mlonde (weekly English edition); NYT, The Nean York Times: WP, The Washington Post.


Dec. 2. Israeli Foreign Minister Eban said Jordan Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said
could gain "peace, population, territory and a $85m worth of oil had been taken out of the Sinai
special status for the Moslem places of Jerusalem" wells since 1967 and that $20m a year was the
in a peace agreement with Israel. [NYT) current annual rate of pumping. [NYT]
A pro-Arab conference in Paris was broken up Dec. 14: The meeting of 18 Arab Chiefs-of-Staff
by 12 masked youths, one of whom was arrested. ended in Cairo. The Egyptian Chief-of-Staff said a
[NYT] recommendation was adopted to found a joint
The New York Times reported the establish- Arab weapons manufacturing industry. The Neu
ment of an "Arab Front for Participation in the York Times quoted Arab diplomats as saying the
Palestinian Resistance" in Lebanon consisting of meeting, which was to plan for joint military
leftist Arab political parties seeking to protect the action, was "an exercise in futility." [NYT]
Palestine guerrilla movement from repression in Dec. 23: An Israeli spokesman said 1,610 Arabs
Arab states. Lebanese Member of Parliament had been convicted of sabotage and other illegal
Kamal Junblat was elected secretary general. activities since the June 1967 War and that 148
[NYTI were being held without trial under "administra-
Dec. 3" The Israeli government approved a $1OOm tive detention." [NYT]
plan to compensate some Arabs who lost land in Dec. 27: Israel reported that guerrilla bases in Syria
1948. [NYT] were raided by Israeli jets after an Israeli patrol
Dec. 5: The US told the UN General Assembly that was ambushed in Jawlan. [NYT]
an interim agreement was the most promising Dec. 28: Four members of Black September seized
approach to the Mid East problem and that the the Israeli Embassy in Thailand with 6 hostages
US had "publicly and privately" indicated its will- and demanded the release of 36 Palestinian pris-
ingness to play a r6le in helping the parties oners in Israel. [NYTI
negotiate such an agreement. The US also warned The 4 Arabs who held 6 Israelis hostage in
against upsetting UN Resolution No. 242, the Thailand were persuaded by Thai officials and the
"essential agreed basis" for UN peace efforts. Egyptian Ambassador to surrender the Israelis
[NYTI after Israel refused to meet their demand. The
Dec. 6. The Arab League Economic Council con- 4 were flown to Cairo. [NYT]
vened in Cairo to discuss ways of pressuring Dec. 31: Syria shelled Israeli settlements in Jawlan
Western states to stop supporting Israel. [CSMI and Israeli planes bombed an army camp north
Dec. 7. Israeli Premier Meir warned Israelis that of Damascus. (NYT]
arms shipments to Arab countries indicated that
war could be resumed. [NYT] 1973
Dec. 8. By a vote of 86 to 7 with 31 abstentions,
Jan. 1: Libya's head of state Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi
the UN General Assembly passed a resolution
said Egypt's President Anwar al-Sadat knew that
calling on states to avoid giving aid to Israel which
a limited war against Israel would be fruitless
could help Israel consolidate control in the oc-
and that the Arab states should prepare for total
cupied territories. The US, who abstained, called
the resolution regrettable because it would not war. He added that Libyan volunteers would be
"render constructive assistance to the process of withdrawn from the Egyptian front "because they
diplomacy." [NYTj have been forbidden to carry out operations against
Dec. 10. Israel began a policy of issuing travel docu- Israel." [B]
ments to all Arab residents of the West Bank Jan. 2: Israeli and Syrian planes clashed over Tripoli
and East Jerusalem who wish them. The documents in Lebanon. Israel said 1 Syrian jet was downed;
would be good for 12 months and renewable. [JPJ Syria said 1 jet from each side was lost. [NYT]
The New York Times quoted "diplomatic Jan. 5: Thailand announced that Israel agreed to
sources in Beirut" as saying that Syria ordered release the bodies of 2 slain Palestinian hijackers
Palestinian commandos to halt their raids into to their families. The release was demanded by
territory occupied by Israel. [NYT] 4 Palestinians who occupied the Israeli Embassy
Dec. 12: Egypt's War Minister Isma'il opened a con- in Thailand. [NYT]
ference of Arab League Chiefs-of-Staff meeting Jan. 6: President Saddatsent a note to the opening
in Cairo to draw up a plan for joint military session of the Palestine National Congress in
action against Israel. [NYT] Cairo urging the guerrilla movement to strengthen
Dec. 13: The UN General Assembly adopted 3 reso- its ties to Arabs in the occupied territories. [JP]
lutions calling on Israel to provide adequate shelter Jan. 7: Jordan's King Hlusayn axed the US to take
for all residents of Gaza who had been evicted new initiatives toward ending the Arab Israeli con-
from their homes, to take in more than 100,000 flict. He said he was "optimistic" about the trends
refugees displaced since the June 1967 War and in the region. [NYT]
expressing "grave concern" that Palestinians had Jan. 8: Israel said it shot down 6 Syrian Migs in
not been granted self-determination. [WPI air battles and destroyed 6 tanks in artillery duels
in the Jawlan region. Syria said it lost 3 Migs Jan. 29: It was reported that Jordan had agreed
and destroyed 4 Israeli planes and 15 tanks. to reactivate the Jordanian front with Israel under
[NYTI the unified command of Isma-il. [NYTI
UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim said he Israeli postal officials said 8 letter bombs mailed
would "not hesitate to take the necessary initiative in Turkey were intercepted. [NYT]
as soon as I consider it useful" to promote a Jan. 30: Israel acknowledged that the Israeli slain
Middle East settlement. He added that he was in Madrid was a security agent. ?NYTI
waiting to see if the US could get "proximity Syria reported that Israeli warplanes attempt-
talks" started between the parties. [NYT) ing to penetrate Syrian airspace were driven off.
Jan. 9. Sadat met with Libya's head of state Qadh- [NYTI
dhiafi to discuss a joint plan "to confront Israel" Israeli Defense Minister Dayan said reports that
which would then be placed before the Arab Jordan had rejoined a unified Arab front were
League Defense Council. [JP] 'only an additional Arab statement and would not
Jan. 10:. Syria reported that 500 persons were killed affect Israeli troop deployments."
by Israeli raids on Jan. 8. Israel said the report Deputy Premier Yigal Allon warned Jordan not
was a "lie." [NYTI to "translate its bombastic words into disastrous
Jan. 11. Israel reported that 53 Israelis, civilian and deeds." [CSM]
military, were killed in combat and terrorist in- Jan. 31: Israel said a Syrian spy ring was discovered
cidents in 1972. [NYT] which had mailed letter bombs to President Nixon
Jan. 12. Yfasir 'Arafat was reelected as Chairman and 2 US Cabinet members in Oct., 1972. [NYT]
of the Executive Council of the 155 member Feb. 3" Amman's al-Masi' quoted Iranian Foreign
Palestine National Council meeting in Cairo. Minister Abbas Hoveyda as saying that an Arab
[NYT] country was supplying Israel with 12m barrels per
Jan. 14. The government warned of a new campaign day of oil. fJP}
of letter bombs after 3 bombs mailed in Israel to Feb. 4. King Husayn left Amman for official talks
Israeli citizens were discovered. [NYT] in the US on means of settling the Arab Israeli
Jani. 17. US Secretary of State William Rogers said dispute. [NYT}
1973 was "a favorable time for negotiations." Feb. 7: Dayan said any peace agreement with Jordan
He called for talks to open the Suez Canal as a should include as a minimum condition the right
"first step facilitating negotiations to carry out of Israelis to settle anywhere on the West Bank.
Security Council resolution 242 in its entirety." [NYT]
[JP] Feb. S:' Israeli sources told The Washington Post
Jan. 18': The New York Times quoted Jordanian that 8 or 9 Jews died in Iraqi jails in the previous
sources as saying King Ijusayn was prepared to few weeks. Iraqi embassies in Rome and Paris
open talks with Israel on a peace settlement if issued statements saying Iraqi Jews were not
Israel would indicate some flexibility on the issue subject to persecution. IWPJ
of Jerusalem. {NYT] Feb. 10.' Following a visit to Moscow by Egyptian
Jan. 23.' The New Yo'rk Times reported sources in envoy IHafizIsma&il,an Egyptian communique said
Damascus as saying that the Syrian army told Isma'il told Moscow that Egypt would reject any
Palestinian commandos to pull back from the "partial solution" to the conflict with Israel and
Israeli front and not to launch any action against that the USSR expressed understanding of this
Israel without Syrian approval. [NYT] position. [NYTJ
Jan. 27: Black September claimed responsibility for Feb. 1]. The elected head of the Shatr refugee
the killing of an "Israeli intelligence officer" in camp in Gaza, Habib Isma'il al-Arbiti, was as-
Madrid, Spain on Jan. 26. [NYT] sassinated. [JPI
Arab League Secretary General Mahmiud Riyad Feb. 12. The ex-mayor of Gaza RashId al-Shawa was
addressed the opening session of Arab Defense unhurt when his car was fired on by unknown
and Foreign Ministers (Arab Joint Defense Coun- men. (JPJ
cil) meeting in Cairo and said that "Arab negli- Egyptian Foreign Minister Muhammad al-Zayyat
gence has led to our failure to liberate Arab said Egyptian special envoys would tour Asian,
territories." [NYT] East European and Western capitals to explain
Jan. 28: Egypt's War Minister Isma'il was appointed the Egyptian position. [NYT]
Commander in Chief of the Syrian, Jordanian and Feb. 15. Israeli and Egyptian planes clashed over
Egyptian fronts by the Arab Joint Defense Council. the Gulf of Suez. Israel said 1 Egyptian plane
?NYTI was shot down. Egypt said 1 plane on both sides
Radio Cairo reported that Syria would receive was hit. [NYTI
$20m from Abiu Dhabi and $12m from Saudi The Soviet Communist Party paper Pravda said
Arabia to cover military losses in clashes with a "mediation" role by the US would be naturally
Israel. LAW] favorable to Israel. [NYT]

General Dec. 13: Kabul Radio quoted Premier Musa Shafiq's

policy statement as saying the government would
1972 draft a program to regulate the production of
Nov. 18: The Organization of Arab Petroleum Ex- opium poppies. [FBIS]
porting Countries (OAPEC) approved a plan to 1973
build a drydock for oil tankers in Bahrayn. Jan. 5:. Middle East Economic Digest reported the
[MEED] signing of a trade agreement with Czechoslovakia
Nov. 30: The Organization of Petroleum Exporting for 1973 providing $4.5m exchange of goods.
Countries (OPEC) announced plans to establish [MEED]
a $220m "guarantee fund" to help members seek- Jan. 17: It was announced that diplomatic relations
ing participation in the oil industry. [MEED] would be established with East Germany. [FBIS]
A former Algerian Public Works Minister, 'Abd Jan. 26: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
al-Rahman Khani, was elected Secretary General diplomatic relations would be established with
of OPEC replacing Nadim Pachachi. [MEES) Qatar. [MEED]
Dec. 9: The Arab Economic Unity Council ended
a 3 day meeting in Cairo to discuss an Arab League
report on Arab economic interests in non-Arab
countries. [MEED] (See also General, Iraq, Syria)
Dec. 22: Abui Dhabi and Saudi Arabia signed parti- 1972
cipation agreements with Western oil companies, Nov. 25: President Houari Boumedienne returned
raising the operating share from 25 to 51 per cent from a 1 week tour of the eastern provinces where
by 1982. [MEED] he inaugurated a number of agricultural devel-
Dec. 26: Kuwayti Minister of Oil 'Abd al-Rahman opment projects. [MEED]
al-'Atiqi said Dubai withdrew from OAPEC. Dec. 1: South Yemen's Presidential Council Chair-
[AW] man Salim Rubay 'Ali left after 2 days of talks
with President Boumedienne on the unification
1973 of the 2 Yemens. [MEED]
Feb. 2: Egypt submitted ratification of membership Dec. 6: Chile's President Salvador Allende ended
to OAPEC and was declared an official member. a 2 day visit. President Bourguiba said their
IMEED] talks stressed the 2 countries' solidarity on Third
World issues, especially the control of natural
resources. [MEED]
Dec. 14: Sudanese Foreign Minister Mans-UrKhalid
Afghanistan ended a 3 day visit after signing a 4 year cultural
exchange agreement. [FBIS]
1972 Dec. 26: Mauritanian Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Ould Mouknas, ended a 4 day visit to Algeria.
Dec. 5: King Muhammad Zahir Shah accepted the
resignation of Premier Abdul Zahir who agreed [MEED]
to remain in office until a new premier could be 1973
appointed. [FBIS] Jan. 5: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
Dec. 8: Middle East Economic Digest reported that Ait Messaoudene was appointed Minister of Posts
distribution of famine relief supplies was begun & Telecommunications. [MEED]
in Badakhsan province. [MEED] Jan. 12: President Boumedienne opened a 2 day
Dec. 9: Musa Shafiq was appointed to form a new meeting of the first Algerian National Emigration
government. [MEED] Conference. [MEED]
Dec. 11: A new Cabinet was announced: Jan. 19: Syrian Deputy Premier 'Abd al-Halim
Muhammad Musa Shafiq: Premier and Foreign Khaddam met with President Boumedienne to
Affairs discuss the "Syrian front"' with Israel. [FBIS]
Khan Muhammad: Defense Feb. 7: Tunisian Foreign Minister Muhammad Mas-
Nematollah Pazhwak: Interior moudi visited Algiers. Middle East Economic Digest
Muhammad Khan Jalallal: Finance reported that it is believed he discussed the position
Khwazak Zalmai: Public Health of former Minister of National Economy Ahmad
Sabahoddin Kushkaki: Information Ben Salah. [MEEDI
Nosratollah Malekyar: Communications
Gholam Dastegir Azizi: Industry
Abdul Vakil: Agriculture 1972 Cyprus
Abdul Vahed Serabi: Planning Nov. 24: The Council of Ministers approved a budget
Dec. 12: The Parliament approved the appointment for 1973 increasing expenditure from ?C36m to
of Shafiq to organize a cabinet. [MEED) ?C43.6m. [MEED]
The Turkish and Greek representatives to the stole large quantities of arms. [JP]
intercommunal talks said "substantial progress" Feb. 7.' Twenty police stations were raided by armed
was made during the day's session. [MEED] men who took radios and small arms. No casual-
Dec. 1: President Archbishop Makarios said there ties were reported. [NYTI
was no reason to postpone the elections scheduled Feb. 8: Makarios, the only Presidential candidate,
for February 1973. [MEED] was renamed President when the deadline passed
Dec. 8: An Association Agreement was reached with for the nomination of other candidates. Makarios
the European Economic Community (EEC) pro- told a rally in Nicosia that terrorist acts were
viding for tariff reductions of 70% on Cypriot "threatening disaster" and urged the armed groups
industrial products and 40% on citrus fruits by to enter a dialogue with the government. [WP]
1977. [MEED] Feb. 12: Associated Press reported that spokesmen
Dec. 12. The UN voted to extend the peace keeping for Grivas said Grivas had suspended military
force through June 15, 1973. [MEEDI operations to see if an agreement could be reached
Dec. 18: Nine Foreign Ministers of the EEC signed with the government. [JP]
an 'Association Agreement" for Cyprus sherry
exports to Britain. [MEED)
Dec. 29. The Cabinet decided to hold general elec-
tions on Feb. 18 and Makarios said he would run
for reelection. [JPJ (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Kuwayt,
Libya, Persian Gulf, Sudan)
1973 1972
Jan. 11' The intercommunal talks, adjourned in
Nov. 20: The Washington Post cited Beirut sources
Dec., resumed. [CB]
as saying a plot by military officers to overthrow
Jan. 15. Police clashed with student demonstrators
President Anwar al-Saddatwas foiled on Nov. 11.
supporting enosis in Nicosia. [FBIS]
An Egyptian government spokesman denied the
Jan. 18: Clashes occurred in Limassol between sup-
report. [WPJ
porters of Makarios and supporters of enosis.
Nov. 21: Referring to reports of coups in Egypt,
Middle East News Agency said Egypt would boy-
Jan. 21. Bombs exploded in Nicosia and Paphos.
cott the British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) and
Jan. 22: A mine near Limassol was raided by 30 "hireling newspapers" if they did not halt their
armed men and 1/Y ton of dynamite was stolen. "hostile propaganda." [JPJ
Nov. 25. A former diplomat, Muhib 'Abd al-Ghaffar,
was sentenced to 10 years in prison for passing
Jan. 23: Foreign Minister Khristofidhis flew to Athens
for talks on the Cyprus problem. [FBIS] information to a "western power." [WP]
Dec. 2: Oman's head of state Sultan Qabus left
Jan. 25: A Palestinian Arab was killed by an ex-
after a 5 day official visit and talks with Sadat.
plosion while handling explosives in his hotel
room in Nicosia. [NYT]
Dec. 5: Students at Alexandria University held a
Jan. 27: Makarios said the followers of General 1 day sit-in to protest the confiscation of student
George Grivas were "shopping for arms from newspapers which criticized the government. [WPJ
neighboring countries" but that Grivas was not Dec. 9: Fights broke out between left and right
getting any arms from official Arab or Israeli wing students at Cairo University. [NYT]
sources. [JP] Dec. 10.' Reuters reported that a committee report
Makarios said General Grivas' armed activity read to Parliament on Dec. 9 criticized the gov-
would be met by popular reaction and an unyield- ernment's claim that Egypt was ready with a plan
ing government. [CD] for a new round of fighting with Israel. The report
Jan. 30: An Egyptian airliner crashed in the moun- said that Parliament "heard these assertions without
tains near the north coast killing all 38 aboard. being convinced that such a plan had, in fact,
[NYT] been realized." [NYT]
Feb. 1: An official Greek spokesman said violence Dec. 12. The Parliament voted approval of the
would "serve only the enemies of Cyprus, while the government's foreign and defense policy after a
national interest calls for the unification of all 2 day debate. [NYT)
the forces of the country for the implementation Dec. 17: The press syndicate and Al-Ahram called
of the line charted jointly with the Greek govern- on the government to end press censorship on all
ment for the solution of the Cyprus problem." subjects except military affairs and national se-
[CB] curity. [NYTJ
A bomb was thrown at a police station in Dec. 188: A 5 year, preferential trade agreement was
Nicosia for the 2nd time in 2 days. [FBIS] signed with the European Economic Community
Feb. 3. Armed men raided 2 police stations and (EEC). [MEED)

Dec. 19: The Times of London reported that Egypt Feb. 4: Italian Foreign Minister Giuseppe Medici
received pledges of ?lOOm in loans from Persian ended a 5 day visit after telling Sadat that Italy
Gulf states following the Gulf tour of Premier would act as Egypt's "advocate" within the EEC.
'Aziz $idqcf. The report said the loans were for [MEED]
arms purchases in Western Europe. [MEED] Feb. 5: The heads-of-state of Syria and Libya met
Dec. 27: Sfadat paid visits to 5 Muslim and Coptic with Sddat in Cairo for official sessions of the
religious leaders in an attempt to 'ease" communal Presidency Council of the Federation of Arab
tensions. [JPJ Republics. [FBIS]
Dec. 28: Safdat said he had ordered the government Feb. 6: Special envoy Ijafiz Isma'il flew to the
to prepare for a possible outbreak of fighting with USSR for official talks. [NYT]
Israel. He also said students would be allowed Feb. 8: Al-Ahram quoted Asst. Secretary General
to continue political "discussions" on the campuses of the ASU Muhammad Mahmiud as saying the
but warned against outside elements stirring up government had foiled a plot to overthrow the
the students. [NYT] government by followers of former Vice President
After talks in Moscow, by Egyptian Deputy 'All Sabri. [WPJ
Premier and Minister of Economy & Foreign Trade, Feb. 9: Special envoy Isma'il met with Communist
Muhammad 'Abdallafh Marzaban, Egypt and the Party leader Leonid Brezhnev and with UN special
Soviet Union signed a trade protocol for 1973. envoy Gunnar Jarring in Moscow. [NYTJ
[MEED} Feb. 10: Ismalil returned from Moscow.
Dec. 30: Demonstrations were held on the Cairo Student demonstrators clashed with police out-
University campus by 500 students protesting the side Cairo University. [NYT]
arrest of fellow students. [NYT] The government announced a "war budget" to
replace the annual budget. It planned for a freeze
1973 on government wages, a "postponement or re-
Jan. 3: Student demonstrators clashed with police scheduling" of foreign debts, a reduction of im-
who prevented the students from marching on ports, new taxes, and an end to some industrial
downtown Cairo. The government closed the uni- projects. [NYT]
versities for the remainder of the semester. [NYT] Feb. 15: Lebanese President Sulayman Franjiyyah
ran. 11: Sadat flew to Yugoslavia for talks with ended an official 3 day visit and a joint com-
President Tito. [NYT] muniqu6 said the talks dealt with the Palestine
[an. 19: UNICEF was reported to be financing Egypt's question. [AW]
application for a $15m loan from the World
Bank to extend state-operated health service.
[MEED] Iran
According to Al-Abram, Egypt contracted to
(See also Pakistan)
import $37m worth of wheat from France.
Jan. 24: Sadat met with Soviet Ambassador Vladimir 1972
Vinogradov in Cairo. [AW] Nov. 26: Yugoslav Premier Dzemal Bijedic arrived
Jan. 28: The National Assembly endorsed a commit- for a 6 day visit and talks with Premier Abbas
tee report saying the recent student demonstrations Hoveyda on ways to increase trade. [MEED]
were caused mostly by leftists connected with Dec. 4: Negotiations resumed between the National
former Premier All $abri. The report also criti- Iranian Oil Company (INOC) and the Consortium
cized the government for canceling the student of foreign companies on the terms by which the
elections in November. [NYT] Consortium will sell oil to INOC. [MEED]
Jan. 31: Speaking to a special session of the Na- On an official visit in Tehran Mauritian Premier
tional Assembly, Sadfat accused leftists of causing Seewoosagar Ramgoolam said his country would
the student unrest to undermine the government give naval facilities to Indian Ocean states, "in-
and said he would not tolerate renewed student cluding Iran," to preserve the peace of the region.
agitation. [WPJ [KI]
Feb. 1: Mario Gibson Barboza, Foreign Minister of Dec. 7: Diplomatic relations were established with
Brazil, held talks with Foreign Minister Muham- East Germany. [FBIS]
mad al-Zayyat. [AW] Saudi Foreign Minister 'Umar al-Saqqaf arrived
A Soviet military delegation arrived for of- for 4 days of talks on ways to promote stability
ficial talks. [CSM] in the Gulf region. [MEED]
Feb. 3: The Arab Socialist Union (ASU) expelled Dec. 9: Bulgaria signed an agreement for trebling
64 of its members for "inciting against national trade to about $65m by 1977. [MEED]
unity and spreading false rumors to create tension." Dec. 10: Saudi Minister al-Saqqfaf said in Tehran
[NYT] that he had met with the Shah and the talks
The universities were reopened. [NYT] were specific and no differences existed between

the 2 countries. Saqqaf said Gulf states should Jan. 16: The 2nd round of talks to determine Iraqi
unite to defeat "conspiracy" in the region. [KIJ oil transit dues to Syria was led by Iraqi Foreign
Dec. 16: Japan signed an agreement to build a $40m Minister Murtada al-Hadithi in Damascus. [MEEDI
petrochemical plant at Bandar Shahpur. [NYT) Jan. 19. Syria signed a 15 year agreement regulat-
ing the transit fees for Iraqi oil piped through
1973 Syria to the Mediterranean. [MEEDI
Jan. 5. Middle East Economic Digest reported that Jan. 31: President al-Bakr met with Palestine Lib-
Richard Helms, former head of CIA, was appointed eration Organization Chairman Yasir 'Arafat to
the new US Ambassador. [MEED] discuss the "Palestinian situation." [FBISI
Jan. 6. Le Alonde of Paris reported that the Shah Feb. 5. Compagnie FranVaise des Petroles (CFP)
informed British Petroleum on Dec. 14 that Iran concluded a 10 year agreement to purchase 23.75%
would take full control of the oil industry when of the annual oil production of the Iraqi Oil
existing agreements expired. [NYT] Company's former field at Kirkuk. [MEED]
Jan. 7: Premier Abbas Hoveyda presented the fifth Feb. 12: Iraqi Ambassador to Pakistan Hikmat
5 year plan, 1973-78, to the Majlis. The plan Sulayman was declared persona non grata by the
called for an investment of S32.2 billion toward Pakistani government and he returned to Baghdad.
doubling GNP to $28 billion by 1978. [KIU
Jan. 13. Kayhan International reported that Abdul
Majid Majidi was appointed Minister of State and
head of the Plan and Budget Organization. [KII
Jan. 23: The Shah announced that Iran would take (See also Arab Israeli Conflict)
over all domestic oil operations in 1979. [CSMJ
Feb. 133: Tunisia's Action quoted Premier Hoveyda 1972
as saying that Iran was not exporting any oil to Nov. 19. Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren announced a
Israel. [JP: ruling that would permit marriage by 2 people
who had previously been ruled ineligible under
rabbinical law because their parents were not
Iraq legally married. [NYT]
Nov. 20. Four men tried unsuccessfully to assault
(See also Jordan, Lebanon, Syria) Rabbi Goren in protest against the marriage rul-
ing. [NYT]
1972 Nov. 28. Post office technicians went on strike for
Nov. 18': East German Minister of Foreign Economic higher wages closing down television service and
Relations Horst Solle ended an official visit after interrupting phone service. [JPI
signing a trade agreement exchanging German Chad severed diplomatic relations. President
industrial equipment for 500,000 tons of crude FranSois Tombalbaye said the presence of Israeli
oil annually. [MEED] representatives in Chad "jeopardized the security
Nov. 24: Algerian Foreign Minister Abd al-Aziz of the country." [JP]
Bouteflika ended a 3 day visit after meeting with Nov. 29.: Deputy Premier Yigal Allon said Libya
Presicdent Hasan al-Bakr. [MEED] paid Chad to break relations with Israel. [JPJ
Dec. 3. Kuwayt's al-Siya-sah quoted Minister of In- The Cabinet approved the appointment of Simha
dustry T-aI:aal-Jazrawi as saying Iraq would begin Dinitz as Ambassador to the US. [JP]
cooperation soon with the Council for Mutual Nov. 30. Talks between Histadrut and the govern-
Economic Aid (Comecon) and that Iraq would ment failed to prevent the beginning of a strike
welcome outside Arab capital investment in de- by 1000 aviation workers which closed down the
velopment projects. [MEED] airports. [JPI
Dec. 2: Airport workers ended a 3 day strike for
1973 higher wages after partial agreement was reached
Jan. 2: Iraqi News Agency reported 2 Iraqi soldiers with the government. Airports were reopened. [JP]
were killed and 4 wounded in a clash with Iranian Dec. 4. The strike by communications workers ended
troops on the border at Mondali. [JP] with an agreement for further negotiations with
Jan. 8.' The Revolution Command Council announced the government on the strikers' wage demands.
that a special committee was formed to plan a [JP]
pipeline to carry oil from the north to the Gulf Dec. 7. It was announced that diplomatic relations
as an alternative to the pipeline crossing Syria would be established with South Vietnam. [NYT]
and Lebanon. [MEED] Police said 20 suspects, including 2 Israeli Jews,
Jan. 12.' Middle East Economic Digest reported that were in custody after an investigation uncovered
the World Bank approved a loan of $40m to a spy ring working for Syria. [NYT]
finance a 57,000 hectare irrigation project in the Dec. 9: Deputy Premier Allon said Israel was pre-
Diyalah Basin. [MEED] paring to "integrate no less than Im Soviet Jews"

in the next 10 years and urged the USSR to "re- Jan. 17: Meir returned to Israel. [NYT]
move all obstacles" to Jewish emigration. [NYT] Jan. 30. Defense Minister Dayan said he would ad-
Dec. 10: Police said 4 Israeli Jews would be tried vise against any peace settlement which would
as members of a Syrian espionage ring. The 4 leave Jewish settlements under Arab rule. [NYT)
were described as Sabras and members of a radical Feb. 4: The Navy announced that Israel was building
leftist group called the Revolutionary Communist a fleet of missile boats called "Reshefs." [NYT]
Union. [NYT) Feb. 10: Finance Minister Sapir said Israel bought
Dec. 11. The Cabinet approved a budget of LE 20 $476m worth of arms from the US in 1972.
billion for 1973/4. [JP} [NYTI
Dec. 20: The Interior Ministry agreed to grant citi- Feb. 11.: The trial began of 2 Jews and 4 Arabs
zenship to Rabbi Meir Kahane, head of the Jewish accused of spying for Syria. [NYT)
Defense League. [NYTI

1973 Jordan
Jan. 1: Workers in most sectors of the economy (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Lebanon,
staged a 2 hour strike to protest the lifting of Saudi Arabia, Syria)
price controls from 2000 goods and services.
[NYT] 1972
Jan. 3: The Tourism Ministry reported that Arab
terrorism had cut into the expected increase of Nov. 18: West Germany signed a loan agreement
tourism in 1972. [NYTI providing funds to reactivate the Hijaz railway
Jan. 4: Niger announced that diplomatic relations and to build a spur linking it to the port of
with Israel were terminated because of Israel's Aqaba. [MEED]
closing of its embassy in Niamey. [FBISJ King Husayn entered a hospital in Amman for
Jan. 7: Rabbi Meir Kahane apologized to Druzes a checkup and a rest. [WP]
in Haifa for sending them letters urging emigra- Nov. 19: Doctors reported that Husayn was in
tion from Israel. He said his organization, the good health." [WP]
Jewish Defense League (JDL), was ready to help The government cancelled a ban on Syrian
financially any Arab who wished to leave Israel. trucks crossing Jordanian territory on their way
[NYT] back from deliveries to Saudi Arabia by way of
Jan. 8: Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir presented a Iraq and Kuwayt. [JP]
$4.7 billion budget for 1973/74 to the Knesset Nov. 20: Amman Radio said Husayn resumed his
and said it was the first budget since the June normal duties. [JP]
1967 War which allocated more to social services Nov. 26: It was announced that Jordanians would
than to defense. [NYT] be permitted to visit the West Bank only once
Jan. 9. France's President Georges Pompidou charged every 2 years to stem the flow of Jordanian dinars
that Premier Golda Meir would be interfering in to Israel. [MEED]
French politics if she attended the Socialist In- Beirut's al-Nahar reported that Husayn was
ternational meeting in France during the French wounded in an assassination attempt on Nov. 18
election campaign. [NYT] when he went into hospital. [NYTI
Dock workers ended a slowdown when a partial The New York Times reported "Jordanian
agreement was reached on wage raises. [JP] sources in Beirut as saying a Libyan financed
Jan. 10: Meir's office said the Premier's plans to coup against Husayn, planned for Nov. 7, was
visit France would not be altered. [NYT] foiled and that Colonel Raflq Hindawi and a
Jan. 12: Meir flew to France to attend the Socialist prominent banker, Sa'id Dajdni, were under arrest.
International conference. [NYT] [NYT]
Jan. 13: The Christian Science Monitor reported Nov. 27. Al-Nahar quoted Husayn as saying that
that Israel had begun a "major international effort" Palestinian guerrillas and Libya had plotted to
to pressure East Germany into paying reparations overthrow him and had paid a Jordanian army
to Jewish victims of World War II. [CSM] officer, Rafiq Hindawi, $50,000 to participate. The
Police in Paris dispersed demonstrators protest- report added that Hindawi had confessed his part
ing the arrival of Premier Meir. [NYT] to Jordanian authorities. [NYT]
Jan. 14: Meir left Paris for talks in Rome with Pope The government said that Hisham Lutfi, a
Paul VI. [NYT] Jordanian diplomat who was expelled from Leb-
Jan. 15: Meir met with Pope Paul and discussed anon on Nov. 22 for carrying explosives, was
the status of Jerusalem. [NYT] working for al-Fath. lAW]
Jan. 16: Meir flew to Geneva to meet with Felix Nov. 30: Amman Radio said Syria reopened its air-
Houphouet-Boigny, President of the Ivory Coast. space to Jordanian civil aircraft. [FBIS]
[NYT] Dec. 1: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
an agreement was concluded with an Egyptian Chairman William Fulbright arrived for a 3 day
company to import goods via Alexandria, Suez visit and met with Ruler Shaykh Sabah al-Salim
and Aqaba to circumvent the closure of the Syrian al-Sabah. [MEED]
border. [MEEDI Dec. 8: Egyptian Premier 'Azlz Sidqi left after a
Dec. 8: Middle East Economic Digest reported that 3 day visit and talks with Ruler Shaykh Sabah.
the government levied a 12% tax on goods from {FBIS}
the West Bank because Israel had been subsidizing YMiddleEast Economic Digest reported that full
West Bank exports in an effort to improve Israel's diplomatic relations with Iran were restored with
balance of payments problem. [MEED] the return of the Iranian Ambassador. [MEEDJ
Dec. 14: An official spokesman said 3 men were Dec. 9: Commerce Minister Khalil al-'Adasani re-
convicted of plotting against Husayn. The 3 were turned from talks in Pakistan and China on ways
former Palace Guard Commander Hindawi, former to expand trade. [MEED]
Bank of Jordan President Sa'id D-ajani and Mah- Dec. 23: Saudi Defense Minister Sultan 'Abd al-'Aziz
mud Khalil1. [NYTI left after talks with Defense Minister Sa'd bin
Dec. 24. Husayn 'married 'Aliyah Tuqan. An an- 'Abdullah. IIFBIS]
nouncement said Husayn had divorced his second
wife, Princess Muna. [NYT] 1973
Jan. 6: The Parliament passed a resolution urging
1973 the government to freeze all commitments to
Jao. 7: The government announced that Husayn foreign oil companies if fighting resumes with
commuted the death sentences on 3 men convicted Israel. [AW]
of a plot to overthrow the King in Nov. 1972. Jan. 8: The government signed the oil industry par-
[NYTI ticipation agreement negotiated by Saudi Oil Min-
Jan. 19: Ilfiddle East Economic Digest reported that ister Shaykh Ahmad Zaki Yamani in Oct. on behalf
Jordan will import 100,000 tons of wheat from of 5 Gulf states. [AWI
the US this year. [MEEDI Jan. 20: Finance Minister 'Abd al-Rahma-n al-Atiql
Jan. 20. Saudi Defense Minister Sultan 'Abd al-Aziz said Kuwayt would receive an additional $l oom
arrived for a 4 day official visit. [MEEDI in revenue by 1976 as a result of the participation
Feb. 3: Husayn said Jordan had rejoined the Arab agreement signed with the oil companies. [MEEDI
front against Israel on the condition that a strategy
be devised to avoid a defeat such as the 1967 War.
He added that Jordan would not return to "the
hell" which existed before the ouster bf the Lebanon
Palestinian commandos in 1970. [JPI (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Egypt, Jordan)
Feb. 6: Husayn met in Washington with President
Nixon and was assured by Nixon that US military 1972
and economic aid would continue. [NYT]
Feb. 7: Husayn said the US agreed to supply 2 Nov. 19: Police arrested a man they said was a
squadrons of F-5E jet fighter planes to Jordan. Jordanian Embassy official with a quantity of
Feb. 8: A Palestinian commando leader, Abiu Dawud, plastic explosives. [AWI
and 16 of his men were arrested by security forces Nov. 20: Foreign Minister Khalil AbCuHamad left
after entering the country illegally. [AW] for official visits to the People's Republic of China
and India.
A Chinese trade fair opened in Beirut. [MEED]
Nov. 22. The government ordered the arrested
Kuwayt Jordanian flown to Amman as persona non grata.
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Jordan) Al-Nahar said the man's diplomatic immunity was
null and void because the charge against him was
that he organized a series of bombings. [AW]
1972 Dec. 4: Iraqi Minister of Oils Sa'duin Hamm-adi met
Nov. 25: The government reached agreement with with Economy Minister Anwar al-Sabah to discuss
the Kuwayt Oil Company (KOC) on the "buy the resumption of pumping Iraqi crude oil to
back price" KOC will pay for Kuwayt's share of Tripoli. [MEED]
the crude oil after Jan. 1. [MEED] Dec. 6. Foreign Minister Hamad ended a visit to
Nov. 29: KOC workers went on strike for 1 day to China after signing a trade agreement. [MEED]
protest the layoff of men. [MEEDJ Dec. 8. Army troops clashed with Palestinian guer-
Nov. 30: The KOC Labor Union threatened to re- rillas who allegedly had refused to withdraw from
sume its strike on Dec. 13 if the Labor Ministry restricted areas in the south near the Israeli border.
failed to settle the dispute. [MEEDI An army spokesman said all measures "required
Dec. 1. US Senate Foreign Relations Committee by the situation" had been taken. [NYT]

Dec. 10: Chairman of the Palestine Liberation visit with Aba Hamad. [AW]
Organization (PLO) Yasir 'Arafat met with Feb. 2: Middle East Economic Digest reported the
Premier Sa'ib Salam for talks "to remove the creation of two government departments, Ministry
consequences of the minor incidents" of Dec. 8. of Oil & Industry and Ministry of Housing &
EWPI Co-operatives. [MEED]
Dec. 11: Premier Salam met again with Palestinian Feb. 3: Students demonstrating in support of strik-
commando leaders. A Palestinian spokesman, Abiu ing teachers clashed with police and 15 were
Yiusuf, said "everything has been settled and we reported to have been arrested. [JPj
hope that this will be for good." CWPI Feb. 4: The teachers ended their strike and President
Dec. 16: A preferential trade agreement was signed Franjiyyah said he welcomed the chance for posi-
with the European Economic Community (EEC). tive dialogue. [FBIS]
[ MEEDI Feb. 9: Robert McNamara, President of the World
Dec. 20.: Four rockets were fired at the US embassy Bank, concluded a 3 day visit to Lebanon during
causing damage to the building but no casualties. which he told the Lebanese President: "You have
[JPI been able to foster political, economic, and social
Dec. 24: In response to charges that recent arms freedom which in many ways is an example to
purchases included obsolete weapons, the govern- the rest of the world." [MEED]
ment released a list of arms purchased in 1971 Feb. 10: Syria's Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim
from France, Yugoslavia, the US and the USSR. Khaddam confirmed that Lebanon's former Chief-
ENYTI of-Staff Emile Bustani was given political asylum
after he fled to avoid appearing before a court
of inquiry on corruption charges. [AW]
Jan. 5: Middle East Economic Digest reported the
World Bank approval of a $6.6m loan for a Libya
primary and secondary education reform and de- (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Egypt, Israel,
velopment program. [MEED] South Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia)
Jan. 7. The government suspended the deportation
of an American student whose passport was re- 1972
voked by the US for draft evasion. The student, Dec. 2: Oman's head-of-state Sultan Qabius arrived
Kenneth Meyercord, was active in Lebanon against for an official 3 day visit. [MEED]
US policy in the Middle East. [NYT] Dec. 18: Foreign Minister Mans-ur al-Kikhya left
Jan. 13: Agreement was reached with Iraq on the for visits to North and South Yemen. [FBIS]
terms for reopening the section of the Iraq Dec. 20.' The President of Chad FranSois Tombalbaye
Petroleum Company's pipeline in Lebanon. [NYT] arrived on a 3 day official visit. [MEED]
Jan. 16: The Interior Ministry reported that a secret Dec. 25: Chad's official news agency announced
leftist organization which had robbed several that Libya had agreed during President Tombal-
banks and was plotting to overthrow the govern- baye's visit to loan ?38m for development projects
ment was uncovered. [AW] in Chad. [JPJ
Jani. 19: A group of 30 banks signed an agreement
to loan the World Bank ?Leb 75m. [MEED] 1973
The Lebanese government has authorized Mid-
dle East Airlines (MEA) to begin regular flight Jan. 8: Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat arrived in
Tripoli for talks with Revolution Command Coun-
service to Soviet Armenia and San'a (YAR).
cil Chairman Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi.
Jan. 21: Foreign Minister Abui Hamad returned from Jan. 29: Tunisian Premier Hadi Nouira arrived to
visits to India and Pakistan. [MEED] attend the first session of the joint Libyan-Tunisian
Commission on bilateral cooperation. [MEED]
Jan. 23: A strike was begun by 16,000 government
Feb. 1: The New York Times reported that Libyan
teachers seeking higher pay. [JP]
Jan. 24. Two farmers and 35 soldiers and civilians and American sources said Libya loaned American
Black Muslims $3m in 1972 but turned down a
were killed in clashes between security forces
and tobacco growers demanding higher prices in request for another interest free $3m in 1973.
Nabatiyah district. [AW] INYTJ-
Jan. 27: A government decision was issued saying
266 leaders of the teachers' strike were "con- Morocco
sidered as resigned." [FBIS] (See also Persian Gulf, Tunisia)
Feb. 1: Students and police clashed in street dem-
onstrations in Beirut. [AW] 1972
Al-Nahar reported the arrival of the Czecho- Nov. 19: The following Cabinet was announced:
slovakian Foreign Minister in Beirut for a 3 day Ahmed Osman: Premier

Muhammad Bahnini: State other faculties and that the student unrest "ap-
Bechir Ben Abdes: Justice pears to be dying down." [MEED]
Muhammad Benhima: Interior
Ahmad Taibi Benhima: Foreign Affairs
Bensalem Guessous: Finance Pakistan
Haddou Echiguer: Education
Drise Ben Omar al-Alami: Post (See also Iraq, Persian Gulf)
Ahmad Majid Benjelloun: Information
Hasan Zemouri: Housing & Construction and
National Environment Nov. 17: Cease-fire violations occurred in Kashmir.
Arsalane al-Jadidi: Labor and Youth & Sports [NYT]
Abdarrahmane Touhami: Health Nov. 18. Military authorities reported that an agree-
Muhammad Nasir: Waqf & Religious Affairs ment was reached to prevent cease-fire violations.
and Culture [NYT]
Abbas al-Kaissi: Administrative Affairs Nov. 20. India and Bangladesh announced that 6,000
Abdarrahmane al-Kouhen: Tourism Pakistani members of families of Pakistani pris-
Abdeselam Berrada: Agriculture oners of war would be repatriated "as a humani-
Abdelkader ben Slimane: Industry & Trade tarian gesture" and expressed the hope that Pakistan
Salah M'zili: Public Works would reciprocate. [NYT]
Abdelatif Imani: State for Planning A court in Bangladesh sentenced A. M. Malik,
Abdullah Gharnit: State for National Develop- the former governor of East Pakistan, for collab-
mnent& Handicrafts oration with the Pakistani army during the war
Dec. 15: Prison terms from 4 to 12 years were given in Dec. 1971. [NYT]
to 4 former Cabinet ministers and 8 others for Nov. 27: President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto freed all
accepting bribes. [NYTI 617 Indian prisoners captured in 1971. He said
Rabat secondary school teachers went on strike he was complying with "the letter and spirit" of
for 1 day to protest the expulsion of university UN resolutions and the Geneva Convention and it
students from campuses. was up to India to reciprocate. [NYT]
Students at Muhammad V University ended a 72 India announced it would release 540 Pakistani
hour strike protesting police brutality. [MEED] prisoners captured on the western front in 1971.
Noz.%28.' After 3 hours of talks in Lahore Generals
1973 Tikka Khan of Pakistan and S.H.F.J. Manekshaw
Jan. 6. Students at Muhammad V University began of India announced that no agreement had been
a 2 day strike to protest new government regula- reached on the Kashmir cease-fire line at Thako
tions on campus. [JP] Chak and that the matter would be referred "back
Jan. 9: Police reportedly arrested 300 student dem- to the Governments." [NYT]
onstrators. [MEED] Dec. 1. President Bhutto said he wanted to continue
Jan. 13: Former Air Force Deputy Chief Muhammad conciliation talks with India. [NYT]
Amokrane and 10 others were executed for par- Dec. 7. The government announced that agreement
ticipating in the attempted coup in August. [NYT] was reached with India on the cease-fire line in
Jan. 18: Syrian Deputy Premier Abd al-Halim Kashmir. [NYT]
Khaddam arrived for official talks. [MEED] Dec. 11: Troop withdrawals began along the cease-
Jan. 19: Chairman Yasir 'Arafat of the Palestine fire line in Kashmir after a final demarcation
Liberation Organization arrived for official talks. agreement was initialed by Gen. Abdul Hamid
[MEED] Khan for Pakistan and Gen. P. S. Bhagar for
Jan. 24: The Moroccan government dissolved the India. [NYT]
Moroccan National Union of Students (UNEM). Dec. 13. India said it had begun withdrawing troops
[MEED] from 5,139 sq. miles of Pakistani territory in
Jan. 2-5: Foreign Minister Ahmad Taibi Benhima Sind and Punjab and that the withdrawal would
concluded talks with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei be completed in 1 week. [NYT]
Gromyko and Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin Dec. 20. A leader of the Istiqlal Party, Khawaja
held during a 4 day visit to Moscow. [MEED] Muhammad Rafiq, was assassinated after partici-
Jan. 31: Spain announced that Morocco had seized pating in a demonstration protesting Bhutto's
3 fishing vessels after announcing a ban of foreign presicdency. [NYT]
fishing vessels within 70 miles of the coast. [WP] A joint Indian-Pakistani statement said all troop
Feb. 5: The government closed the Arts Faculty of withdrawals from occupied territory Nwere com-
Muhammad V University after the students refused pleted. [NYT]
to end a strike. Middle East Economic Digest Dec. '1.- A new draft Constitution was submitted to
reported that students had ended strikes at the the National Assembly. ENYTJ

1973 Kuwayt and Qatar to Bahrayn to help fight a fire

at the Bahrayn Petroleum Company. [WP]
Jan. 3. President Bhutto told a rally that unless Dec. 1: US Senate Foreign Relations Committee
the government recognizes Bangladesh the 90,000 Chairman William Fulbright ended a 2 day visit to
Pakistani prisoners of war would not be released the UAA. [MEED]
and Pakistan would have $80m annually in foreign Elections were held in Bahrayn for the 22 elec-
debts on behalf of Bangladesh. [NYT) tive seats of the Constituent Assembly. [MEED]
Jan. 6: The Foreign Ministry said that peace with Premier 'Aziz Sidqi of Egypt arrived in Abiu
India was being stalled by a hardening of India's Dhabi for the beginning of a Gulf tour including
policy. It added that on Dec. 21 Bhutto requested Qatar, Bahrayn and Kuwayt. [MEED]
a meeting with Indian Premier Indira Gandhi to Dec. 2. The UAA celebrated its 1st anniversary.
discuss the prisoner of war issue, but that no Foreign Minister Ahmad Khalifah al-Suwaydi said
answer was received. [NYT] the UAA continued to leave the door open for new
Jan. 13: Bangladesh offered to repatriate 10,000 members. [MEED]
Pakistanis in return for 10,000 Bengalis. [NYTI Dec. 5: Egyptian Premier 'Azlz Sidql ended a 1 day
Jan. 14: Agha Kashmiri, the editor of the conserva-
visit to Qatar and flew to Bahrayn. [MEED]
tive weekly Chatan, was released from prison after
Dec. 8: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
a 6 month detention. [NYTJ
Jan. 17: The government protested to India the the UAA would pay Syria ?iOm annually to help
in the conflict with Israel and that $19m was
"slaughtering" of Pakistani POWs. [NYT]
Jan. 18: The Shah of Iran left after a 2 day visit granted to Yemen. [MEED]
for talks with Bhutto. [KIl Dec. 10: Qatar announced the appointment of Shaykh
Feb. 7: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim arrived 'Abd al-'Azlz ibn Khalifah as Minister of Finance
for a 2 day visit and met with Bhutto to discuss & Petroleum. [MEES]
the prisoner of war issue. [NYT] Dec. 12: A Cabinet reshuffle was announced in
Feb. 8. The Christian Science Monitor cited "in- Bahrayn:
formed sources" in Pakistan as saying Iran was 'Abd al-'Azlz Muhammad al-Khalifah: Education
attempting to mediate between Pakistan and India Ahmad al-Amrani: State
on the prisoner of war impasse. [CSM] Ibrahim Khulaydan: Labor
Feb. 9: Waldheim said he hoped to bring the lead- Jawad Salim al-'Urayyad: State for Cabinet
ers of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan together Affairs
soon for talks. [CSM] Husayn al-Baharna: Legal Affairs
Feb. 10. Police seized Soviet arms and ammunition Dec. 16: Ruler of Bahrayn Shaykh 'Isa bin Sulayman
which the government said were smuggled into the al-Khalifah opened the first session of the Con-
country by diplomatic pouch to the Iraqi embassy. stituent Assembly. [NYT]
The Iraqi ambassador was declared persona non Dec. 30: Bahrayni Minister of Defense Shaykh
grata and it was announced that the Pakistani Hamad bin 'Isa al-Khalifah arrived in Qatar for
ambassador to Iraq would be withdrawn. [NYT) talks on inter-state relations. [MEED]
Feb. 15: Bhutto declared Presidential rule in Baluch-
istan and dismissed the governor. He also dis- 1973
missed the governor of Northwest Province. [JP]
Jan. 5: Middle East Economic Digest reported an
agreement signed by Bahrayn and Pakistan provid-
ing reciprocal air traffic rights for Gulf Aviation
PersianGulf and P.I.A. [MEED]
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Afghanistan, Jan. 13: Bahrayn's Weekly Mirror reported that
Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria) Oman had captured large caches of Chinese made
weapons in a week-long sweep in Dhofar. [NYT]
Jan. 19: Kuwayti Minister of Commerce & Industry
1972 Khalld al-'Adasani ended a 4 day visit by announc-
Nov. 16: Following a visit by Syrian President ing plans to establish a flour mill in Oman.
Hafiz al-Asad to the Union of Arab Amirates [MEED]
(UAA), a joint communique was issued calling Jan. 26: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
for the unification of Arab guerrilla organizations the Amir of Qatar, Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad
against Israel. [MEED] al-Thani, proposed the formation of a common
Nov. 22: Moroccan Foreign Minister Ahmad Ben- market of Arab Gulf countries to have a single
hima ended a 4 day visit to Qatar after a joint currency which would, he said, rival the dollar or
communique stressed the good relations between pound sterling in the future. [MEED]
the 2 countries. [MEED] Jan. 31: Beirut's al-Nahar reported that a plot to
Nov. 25: Firefighting equipment was sent from assassinate Sultan Qabus of Oman was broken up

by security police. [AWI Hasani said Saudi Arabia had not ceased to oppose
Feb. 2: Indian Foreign Minister Swaran Singh ended the "Yemeni people" but had begun to operate
an official 4 day visit to the UAA. [FBISJ through Oman so as to appear friendly to Yemeni
unity. [FBIS]
Dec. 15. The government announced that it had
uncovered a plot by Saudi Arabia and the US to
Saudi Arabia capture the 5th and 6th governorates of al-Mahra
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iran, and Hadramawt. [MEED]
Jordan, South Yemen)
1972 Jan. 5: AIiddle East Economic Digest reported a
Dec. 4. US Senate Foreign Relations Committee technical and economic cooperation agreement
Chairman William Fulbright met with King Fay- signed by the Minister of Economy, AnTs Hasan
sal. {MEEDJ Yahya, during a visit to Rumania. [MEED]
Dec. 5. Oman's Sultan Qabus met with King Faysal. Jan. 8: Premier 'Ali Nasir Muhammad Hasani met
[AW] with Y'emeni Special Envoy 'Abdallah al-Humran
Dec. 11. Jordan's King Husayn ended a 2 day visit to discuss the implementing of the unity agree-
and talks with Faysal. A joint communique called ment. [MEED]
on Arab states to increase their support for Jordan. Jan. 12. The Central Committee of the National
[MEED] Liberation Front (NLF) concluded a 2 day meeting
Dec. 26: The Defense Ministry denied that Saudi to discuss economic independence and development.
Arabia was trying to organize an alliance in [MEED]
the Persian Gulf region. [AW}

1973 Sudan
(See also Algeria)
Jani. 20. The Trans Arabian Pipeline was cut by an
explosion near the northern border. Officials said
it would be repaired by Jan. 23. [FBIS]
Jan. 22. Syrian Deputy Premier 'Abd al-Halim Khad- Dec. 8: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
dam met with King Faysal to discuss the "Syrian a new jurisdiction, "Red Sea Province," would be
front" with Israel. [FBIS] established effective Jan. 1, 1973. [MEED]
Jan. 25: Prince Fahd Bin 'Abd al-'Azlz, Second Dec. 15. President Ja'far al-Numayri was quoted by
Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior, met in Le Afonde as saying Sudan was not planning to
London with Sir Alec Douglas-Home, British join a federation with Egypt and Libya in the near
Foreign Secretary. [AW] future because economic and political integration
Jan. 27: Yemeni Foreign Minister Muhammad could only be achieved in the long run. [MEED]
Ahmad Nu'man ended an official visit. [FBIS] Dec. 18. China signed an agreement to loan the
Feb. 4: Italian Foreign Minister Giuseppe Medici Bank of Sudan ?S14m. IMEED]
arrived for a 4 day visit. [FBISI
Feb. 6.: Middle East Economic Digest reported that 1973
Saudi Arabia and Italy signed a cultural exchange Jan. 22: A Presidential decree rescinded orders of
agreement during the visit of Foreign Minister Jan. 14, 1970, which expropriated a number of
Medici. [MEED) private companies. [MEED]
Jan. 23: Syrian Deputy Premier 'Abd al-Halim
Khaddam arrived for official talks. [MEED]
South Yemen Jan. 25: Al-Ayyam reported the arrest of 12 army
(See also Algeria, Yemen) officers who plotted to assassinate President
Numayri, describing the plot as a "naive and
low-level attempt." [MEED]
1972 Jan. 26. The Interior Ministry said retired General
Nov. 27: Presidential Council Chairman Slim Muhammad Shanan and 11 noncommis-
Rubay 'Ali and Yemeni Republican Council Chair- sioned officers were arrested for plotting to kill
man 'Abd al-Rahman al-Iryani arrived in Libya President Numayr1. The report said the plotters
for summit talks on unifying the 2 countries. did not receive any foreign support. [NYT]
Iryani said: "We are determined . . . not to leave Jan. 30: Numayri said industries based on local
Libyan soil before achieving the unity of Yemen." resources would be established in the next 5 years
Dec. 7: A delegation headed by Chairman Rubay to produce exports. He said the goal was reduce
'All returned from talks in the USSR. [FBIS] the share of cotton in exports from 75% to 25%
Dec. 14. Defense Minister 'All Nasir Muhammad by raising the level of industrial exports. [MEED]

Syria N-urallah N-urallah: Finance

Fawzl al-KayydlM:Culture and Guidance
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Mustafa al-Hallaj: Planning
Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Adib al-Nah,wl: Justice
Sudan, Tunisia) 'Umar as-Siba-i: Communications
Munir Wann-us: Euphrates Dam
1972 Ahmad Qablan: Supply & Internal Trade
Nov. 16: Premier 'Abd al-Rahman al-Khulayfawi 'Abd al-Sattar al-Sayyid: Auqaf
announced that the national income rose by 13.1% Fayiz al-Nasir: Petroleum. Electricity & Alineral
in 1971 and was expected to increase 16.3%o in Resources
1972. [MEED] 'Alu Zaiza: Ioterior
Nov. 199: Beirut's L'Orient-Le Jour reported that Marwan al-Sabbagh: Cabinet Affairs
Russia was airlifting military supplies to Syria Hasan Muhammad 'All al-Khatib: Industry
for the 2nd consecutive day. [JPJ Ahmad Hasan al-As'ad: Information
Nov. 24.: Premier Khulayfaw1 was admitted to a Muhammad al-'Imadi: Economy & Foreign Trade
hospital in Damascus. [NYT] 'Abd al-Majld Manjuinah: State
Nov. 30. The government announced that it would Mu'ayyad Jazzan: Frontline Village Affairs
reopen the border with Jordan on Dec. 1 to Husayn Ahmad Kunaydir: Social Affairs & Labor
improve Arab relations and enable Jordan to Madani al-Khiyami: Health
participate in a new eastern front against Israel. 'Abdallah al-Kha-ni: Tourism
[NYT] Hafiz al-Majili: Education
Dec. 1: The border with Jordan was reopened. Abd al-Hashim: State
[MEED] Razz-aq'Abd al-Baqi: Municipal & Rural Affairs
Dec. 4. Algerian Foreign Minister Abdul Aziz Zuhayr 'Abd al-Samad: State
Bouteflika arrived for a 2 day visit. [MEED]
Dec. 6.' Defense Minister Mustafa Talas flew to Mos-
cow for talks with Soviet leaders. [AW] Jan. 6. Foreign Minister of the Union of Arab
Dec. 8.' Algerian Foreign Minister Bouteflika con- Amirates Khalifah al-Suwaydi met with Deputy
cluded talks with Deputy Premier 'Abd al-Halim Premier Khaddam in Damascus. [MEED]
Khaddiam.A joint communique said the 2 countries Jan. 8: The People's Assembly passed a bill almost
rejected "all partial solutions" to the Palestine doubling the transit fees for Iraqi oil crossing
problem and that Algeria confirmed its moral and Syrian territory. [MEED]
material support for Syria. [FBIS] Jan. 9: Britain announced that it was hoped Syrian
Dec. 10.' Italy signed a technical cooperation agree- and British diplomats would soon be exchanged.
ment. [MEED] [MEED]
Defense Minister Talas returned from Moscow. Iraqi Foreign Minister Murtad. 'Abd al-Baqi
{MEEDJ al-Hadithi arrived to renew negotiations on the
Dec. 14. Beirut's al-Nahar reported that Syria was transit price of Iraqi oil through the Syrian pipe-
being provided with advanced weapons by the line. [MEED]
USSR which were denied to Egypt. [JP] Jan. 11. Minister of State Fayiz IsmaIil resigned for
Dec. 17.' Iraqi negotiators ended 12 days of talks health reasons. [AW]
on transit prices for Iraqi oil through the Syrian Jan. 25. Syrian Arab News Agency reported a meet-
oipeline formerly owned by the Iraq Petroleum ing between President Hafiz Asad and Soviet Am-
Company (IPC). A statement said the talks would bassador Nureddin Mohieddinov in Damascus.
be resumed at a later date. [MEED] [AW]
Dec. 18.' Turkish Foreign Minister Haluk Bayilken Jan. 31: The Parliament approved a draft constitu-
arrived for official talks. [MEED] tion to be submitted to a national referendum.
Dec. 24.' A new Cabinet was announced: [WPI
Feb. 9: President Asad returned from a meeting in
Mahmiud al-Ayyubi: Premier
Cairo of the Presidency Council of the Federation
'Abd al-Halim Khadd-am: Deputy Premier and
of Arab Republics. [MEED]
Foreign Affairs
Muhammad Haydar: Deputy Premier and Agri-
culture & Agrarian Reform Tunisia
Mustafa Talas: Defense
Adib Milhim: Local Government (See also Algeria, Libya)
'Abd al-Ghani Qannliut:Public Works & Water
Shakir al-Fahham: Higher Education Nov. 16: Dock workers in Tunis and La Goulette
Fayiz Isma'il: State ended a 2 day strike for higher wages. [MEED]

Nov. 19: Premier Hadi Nouira returned from Egypt 1973

where he negotiated a $6.4m trade protocol and a
cultural exchange agreement. [MEED] Jan. 10: A trial opened in Ankara of 188 accused
Nov. 28: Foreign Minister Muhammad Masmoudi of illegal leftist activity against the state. [JP}
met in Rome with Italian Foreign Minister Giu- Jan. 19: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
seppe Medici. [MEED] the US Defense Department is supplying Turkey
with thirty-eight Phantom F-4 jet fighters. [MEED1
Dec. 3: Turkish Industry Minister Mesut Erez ended
a 5 day visit and talks with Economy Minister Jan. 25. Military officials reported the arrest of 39
Chedli Ayari on bilateral trade in phosphates, members of the Turkish People's Liberation Army
sugar and cement. [MEED] near the Syrian border. [WPI
Dec. 13: Libyan Revolution Command Council Jan. 28.' An Armenian immigrant in the US was
Chairman Mu'ammar al-Qadhdh-afi arrived in arrested and charged with the murder of 2 Turk-
Tunis for a 5 day official visit. [JPJ ish consular officials in California. Foreign Minister
Haluk Bayiilken said the US was being asked to
Dec. 16: President Bourguiba said Libyan Revolution protect the lives of other Turkish diplomats.
Command Council Chairman al-Qadhdhafi pro- [NYTI
posed a union of the 2 countries with Bourguiba
Jan. 29.' Republic People's Party Chairman Bulent
as head of state. He said he refused the offer and
Ecevit called for an end to martial law and a
that Qadhdhafi was "considerably lacking in ex-
return to normal government. He said the govern-
perience." [NYTI
ment's denial that political prisoners were being
tortured was "unconvincing." [NYT]
1973 Feb. 1.' A joint trade commission with Iraq ended
Jan. 5: Aildidle East Economic Digest reported the talks after signing a protocol agreeing to plan for
return of Habib Chatti, Director of Presidential increased trade. [MEED]
Affairs, from visits to Algeria and Morocco. Two students were sentenced to death and 26
[MEED] others to long prison terms for trying to over-
Jan. 12: Moroccan Foreign Minister Ahmad Ben- throw the government. FJP]
hima left after a 3 day visit. [FBIS}
Jan. 15: Syrian Vice Premier 'Abd al-Halim Khad-
dam arrived for an official visit. [AW]
Jani. 26: Foreign Minister Muhammad Masmoudi met,
(See also Saudi Arabia, South Yemen)
with French Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann.
Feb. 5: Former Economy and Planning Minister 1972
Ahmad Ben Salah, who was convicted in 1969 of
mismanaging the economy, escaped from prison Nov. 28: Yemen and South Yemen officially signed
where he was serving a 10 year sentence. [CSM] a unification agreement after talks in Libya be-
tween the 2 heads of state 'Abd al-Rahmian al-
Iryani and Salim Rubay 'Al1.
Dec. 2. A decree was issued banning popular dem-
Turkey onstrations. [AW]
(See also Tunisia) Dec. 10: The Consultative Council approved the unity
agreement with South Yemen which was signed
1972 on Nov. 28. [AW]
Dec. 28: Premier Muhsin al-'Ayni announced his
Nov,. 30.' National Assembly President Osman Sabit
resignation, demanded a reorganization of the
announced that party leaders had reached a "gen-
tlemen's agreement" to work together in planning government and accused the Consultative Council
of obstructing the unity agreement with South
reforms. [CSMJ
Yemen. [AW]
Dec. 1. West Germany agreed to loan Turkey ?21.2m Dec. 30: The following Cabinet appointments were
for development projects. [MEED]
Dec. 23. Foreign Minister Haluk Bayuilken ended a 'Abdallah al-Hajari: Premier
5 day visit to Syria with formation of a joint com- Ahmad Muhammad Nu'man: Foreign Affairs
mittee to handle property matters. [MEED] 'Ali al-Akwa': Interior
A martial law court sentenced Ugur Alacakaptan, 'Ali 'Abdalliahal-'Umar1: Auqaf
a former dean of Ankara University Law Faculty, Ahmad Abduh Sa'id: Development
to 6 years in prison for supporting illegal activi- Muhammad al-Junayd: Treasury
ties. [JP] 'Abd al-Karim al-'Arshl: Local Government

1973 visits to Lebanon, France and Britain. [MEED]

Jan. 28: South Yemeni Premier 'All Nasir Muham-
Jan. 12: North Yemeni Deputy Premier and Foreign mad Hasani opened the joint Yemeni constitu-
Minister, Ahmad Muhammad Nu'min, held talks tional committee session in Aden describing the
with the Lebanese Foreign Minister enroute to meetings as "a decisive period in Yemen's history."
London for the opening of Arab Bank, London [MEEDJ
Branch. [MEED] Jan. 30: Premier 'Abdullah al-Hajari said in a policy
statement that Yemen would encourage foreign
Jan. 21: Egypt's al-Ahram reported that Yemen had
investment, especially in oil and mineral ex-
appealed to the Arab League to intervene in the ploration. [MEED]
unity agreement with South Yemen to help over- Jan. 31: Al-Sayyadd reported that North Yemen's
come "problems" delaying unity. [JPI former Premier Lt.-Gen. Hasan al-'Amri was
Jan, 22: Foreign Minister Nu'man returned from recalled. [AW]


Winter 1973 Vol. II, No. 2
Also in this issue:
FUAD JABBER: The Arab Regimes and the Palestinian Revolution, 1967-1971
HISHAM SHARABI: Liberation and Settlement: The Dialectics of Palestinian Struggle
W. T. and S. V. MALLISON: The Juridical Characteristics of the Palestinian Resistance: An
Appraisal in International Law
NATHAN WEINSTOCK: The Impact of Zionist Colonization on Palestinian Arab Society before
ARNOLD KRAMMER: The Soviet Union and the Partition of Palestine 1947-1948
Annual subscription US$8.00, Student rate US$5.00, Single copies US$2.00,
Pre-payment required
P.O. Box 7164 Box 329A, R.D. No. 1
Beirut OR Oxford, Pa. 19363
.Lebanon U.S.A.

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