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Developments of the Quarter: Comment and Chronology May 16, 1973-August 15, 1973

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Autumn, 1973), pp. 483-498
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:17

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On October 29, 1923, the Turkish Assembly, meeting at the new capital
in Ankara, abolished the Sultanate, declared a Republic and elected Gazi
Mustafa Kemal President. This year Turkey celebrates the fiftieth anniversary
of this event-fifty years of profound change in the history of a people.
For the next fifteen years, Mustafa Kemal, given the name "Atatiirk"-
"Fatherof the Turks"-by the Assembly, set about to build a nation out of
a sprawling and disparateempire. Strippedof its Balkan and Arab provinces,
reducedlargely to Anatolia with an overwhelming Turkish population, Turkey
after a decade of war was backwardand impoverished.
The pace of change was kaleidoscopic. The Caliphate, head and symbol of
Islam, was abolished in 1924. The turban and the fez, symbolically "oriental,"
were banned in 1925; in 1926 a Civil Code on Europeanmodels was promul-
gated; in 1927 Atatiirk's "GreatSpeech" set forth the further direction of the
Republic; in 1928 a Latinized alphabet was introducedand made mandatory;
in the same year the Constitution was purged of all its Islamic references.
Following his theme "peaceat home and peace abroad,"Ataturk had in the
'twenties established better relations with Russia and in 1934 and 1937,
respectively, made pacts of friendship with his Balkan and Middle Eastern
When he died in 1938, Atatiirk had begun a program of industrialization,
set up a national system of education and reconstituteda strong and respected
national army. Atatiirk was surely one of the most remarkable men of this
century. He pursued his twin goals of national security and modernization
with boundless energy and cool pragmatism and left a Turkey profoundly
different from that in which he came to power.
In the 'forties and 'fifties, Atatuirk'ssuccessors, largely his associates and
proteges, forged a policy of firm alliance with the Western powers and estab-
lished Turkey as the eastern anchor of NATO.
After a period of difficulties,Turkey has built a mature multiparty system;
free and democratic elections were held in October 1973, and the country
seems prepared, both politically and economically, for a period of continued
vigorous growth. Turkey's first fifty years as a republic have been an era of
exceptional achievement.


May 16, 1973 -August 15, 1973

ArabIsraeliConflict May 29: The US Ambassadorto the UN John Scali

said the SecurityCouncil "must avoid any action
which would have the effect of altering" Res-
1973 olution #242 in substanceor balance. Scali said
May 16: Soviet Ambassador to Lebanon Sardar he would take "whateveraction is necessary"to
Azimov met with Palestine Liberation Organi- prevent such a change. [NYT]
zation (PLO) ChairmanYisir 'Arafit and warned The JerusalemPost reportedthat Jordan'snew
of possible large-scale Israeli attacks on Pales- Cabinet had dropped "all restrictionsimposed by
tinian commandosin Lebanonand Syria. [CSMJ the previousCabineton Jordaniamcitizens travel-
May 18: Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban said ing to the West Bank and Israel." [JP)
he was assured by the US that American need May 31: Beirut's L'Orient-LeJour quoted a secret
for Arab oil would not alter US policy towards order from King Husayn of Jordan to his army
Israel. [NYTI saying Jordanwould not participatein a new war
May 21: The office of the UN SecretaryGeneral with Israel unless the chances of winning were
issued a reportsummarizingUN effortsto achieve "50-50." [JP)
peace in the Middle East. It said the problemwas Israeli Foreign Minister Eban said pending US
"extremelycomplex"but addedthat a "new effort" arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Kuwayt would
to arrive at peace "need not be futile." [NYT] "definitelyinfluence the balance of power in the
US Senate Foreign Relations CommitteeChair- Middle East." [NYT]
man J. William Fulbright warned the Senate June 3: Syria released 3 Israeli pilots in return
that he had apprehensions"that the US or its for 56 Syrianand Lebaneseprisoners. Israeli De-
militarily potent surrogates"might secure oil sup- fense MinisterMosheDayan said Israelwas willing
plies in the Middle East by militarymeans. [WP] to make a similar exchangewith Egypt. [NY']
May 22: Accordingto The New York Times, West June 5: Arab merchantsin Jerusalembegan a 1-day
German Foreign Minister Walter Scheel report- strike as a protest on the anniversaryof the June
edly told EgyptianPresidentAnwar Al-Sidit that 1967 war, but Israeli police forced open most of
the US and USSR were working to break the the shops. [WP]
diplomatic deadlock in the Arab Israeli conflict. The InternationalCivil Aviation Organization
[NYT) (ICAO) said its investigationfound no justification
May 23: A US spokesman,referringto the May 21 for Israel'sdowning of a Libyan jet on Feb. 21.
speech of Fulbright, said: "The idea of using Israeli observersat the ICAO meeting in Mon-
force . . . does not reflect in any way thought treal called the report "biasedand unjust." [WP]
within this Administration."[MEED] The New York Times reported that Israeli
May 28: The Organizationof AfricanUnity (OAU) Ambassadorto the US Simcha Dinitz had been
meeting in Ethiopia pledged "to effectively and meeting with US officialsin an effort to persuade
actively support the Arab Republic of Egypt and the US not to sell Phantom jets to Saudi Arabia
other Arab countries until the total liberation of and Kuwayt. [NYT]
the occupied territoriesresulting from the Israeli Sid-at inspected troops and positions held by
aggression in June 1967." [JP] Egypton the EastBank of the Suez Canal. [NYT]
Egyptian Foreign Minister Muhammadkfasan IsraeliChief of StaffDavid Elazardenied Syrian
al-Zayyit met with Soviet leaders in Moscow. chargesthat Syrianprisonersin Israelwere tortured.
Tass reported that the talks were warm and [NYT]
friendly and concentratedon the pending UN June 6: The UN SecurityCouncil opened a special
SecurityCouncil debate. UP] debate on the Arab Israeli conflict. Egyptian
Saudi Foreign Minister 'Umar al-Saqqafwarned Foreign MinisterZayyit said "Egyptaccepts talks
that Arab countries would deny their oil to with no prior conditions"but that Israel was im-
Western countriesthat "help our enemy." [MEES] posing a prior condition by refusing to discuss
complete withdrawal from occupied territory. June 20: Israeli Premier Golda Meir disclosed that
Israel AmbassadorYosef Tekoah said Israel took Israel had asked a neutral state to try to set up
note of Zayyit's comment on direct negotiations a meeting between Israel and Tunisia. [WP)
but that "much that Dr. al-Zayyit said after that June 25: Egypt's Al-Ahram said it was surprised
destroyedthe significanceof this." [NYT) by the "strangelynegative" attitude taken by the
June 7: Syriareportedthat Israeliplanes were driven US and USSR during Leonid Brezhnev'svisit to
off when they tried to enter Syrian airspacefrom the US. [NYT)
the Mediterranean.[CSM) June 26: TunisianForeignMinisterMuhammadMas-
Zayyat told the Security Council that there moudi said talks towardarrangingfor negotiations
could be no stability in the region until the with Israel were taking place through the good
Palestinians have an independent state whose officesof Switzerland.[MEED)
boundaries the Palestinians must help to deter- June 27: Israel'sKnessetapproveda bill to compen-
mine. Tekoah said Zayyat'sproposalwould mean sate Israeli Arabs for property abandonedinside
the dismembermentof Jordan and substantive Israel during the 1948 war and afterwards.[B)
changes in UN Resolution #242 which would June 28: An Algerian,MuhammadBoudia,who was
"shatter"the only "basisfor United Nations efforts alleged to be a high ranking member of Black
acceptableto both sides." [NYT) Septemberin Europe was killed when a bomb
June 8: Zayyat asked the Security Council to pass exploded in his car in Paris. [CSM)
a resolution "in basic English" saying "territory June 29: Israel reportedthat Egypt fired missiles at
cannot be acquiredby force." [NYTJ Israelijets on a routinepatrolover Israelioccupied
June 9: Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad said Syria territoryalong the Suez Canal and that no planes
would continue to be the "prime supporterand were hit. [NYT]
main sanctuaryof the Palestinianresistancemove- June 30: Israeli Foreign Minister Eban said Tunisia
ment" despite Israeli "threats."[NYT] failed to follow up on his proposal to meet an
June 12: Beirut's L'Orient-LeJour reported that Israelirepresentativeeven though Israel "expressed
Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Algeria and Saudi Arabia its willingness."[NYT)
were studying the possibility of establishing a July 1: An Israeli military attache in Washington,
Palestinianstate on the West Bank. [WPJ D.C., Yosef Alon, was assassinated.The Voice of
June 13: Israel's UN AmbassadorTekoah told the Palestine broadcast from Cairo said Alon was
SecurityCouncil: "The allegationsthat the Pales- executed in reprisal for the death of Boudia in
tinian Arabs have not yet vindicated their in- Paris. [NYT)
alienablerights to self-determinationand statehood July 2: Dayan said of the killing of Alon: "The only
are without foundation. The Arabs of Palestine lesson to be drawnis to go on hitting the terrorists
exercise these rights in the Palestinian state of whereverwe reachthem." [CSM)
Jordan."[NYTJ July 3: Speakingat Alon's funeral in Israel, Dayan
June 14: UN AmbassadorScali told the Security pledged that his death would be avenged. [NYT)
Council that an Arab Israeli agreementcould not July 10: AlgerianForeignMinisterAbdul Aziz Boute-
be reached"withoutan ongoing, serious negotiat- flika suggestedthat Mid East peace talks be held
ing process, either direct or indirect" and that directly between Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
Resolution#242 "is silent on the specificquestion [NYT)
of where the final border should be located." July 12: Israel reportedthat Syriantanks opened fire
[NYT) on Israeli positions in the Jawlan region. [NYT]
China's UN AmbassadorHuang Hua told the July 13: UN SecretaryGeneral Kurt Waldheim said
SecurityCouncil that Israel should withdrawfrom he would visit Egypt,Israeland Jordanin an effort
all occupied territoryand that the US and USSR to find commonground. [NYT]
were "colluding with each other" to "maniplate July 16: Sidat accusedthe US of trying to delay the
and dominate"the region. [NYTJ resumptionof UN SecurityCouncil talks on the
June 15: Israeli Defense Minister Dayan said Israel Mid East question in favor of promotingnegotia-
would have to harden her resistance to with- tions for the reopening of the Suez Canal. The
drawal from occupied land in response to new US denied the charge. [NYTI
arms purchasesby Arab governments.[NYT] July 17: A trial opened in Israel of 10 Palestinian
The Security Council suspended its Mid East guerrillas captured by Israel during a raid into
debatefor 1 month. [NYTJ Lebanonin Sept. 1972. They were chargedunder
June 19: Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba told Israeli law with belonging to "illegal" organiza-
the InternationalLabor Organizationin Geneva tions and possessionof arms. [WP]
that the Arabs and Israel should hold talks to July 19: A bomb exploded in a Jerusalemmarket
establish a "just and lasting peace" based on injuring 5 persons. [NYT)
Israel'sright "not to be exterminated"and on the An armed Palestinianseized 17 hostages in an
need for a Palestinianhomeland. [WPJ Athens hotel after an unsuccessfuleffort to enter

the El Al office. He bargained with police for as a political weapon in the Arab Israeli conflict.
safe conduct out of Greece and was put on a plane [MEED]
to Kuwayt. [NYTI Aug. 1: Assistant Secretary of State Joseph Sisco told
July 20: The UN Security Council resumed its Mid an Israeli audience that American energy needs
East debate. Egypt charged that US aid to Israel were "a factor" in the Middle East situation.
was blocking meace. Scali said that a heated [MEES)
debate would diminish Waldheim's visit to the Aug. 5: Two Arabs who claimed to be members of
Mid East and that the US would veto anything Black September killed 3 people and wounded
less than a compromise resolution by the Council. 55 in an attack in Athens airport. After holding
[NYT) 35 peoDle hostage, they surrended to police.
July 21: A Janan Air Lines jet with 145 persons A PLO spokesman denied that the PLO had any
aboard was hiiacked over Europe by persons claim- connection with the incident. [NYTI
ing to be Palestinian commandos and members Aug. 6: The 2 Arabs held by Greek police said they
of the Jananese Red Army. The plane landed in had made a mistake in attacking US bound TWA
Dubai. [NYTI passengers instead of Israeli bound passengers.
The hijackers of a Japanese jet demanded in [NYTI
Dubai that Israel release Kozo Okamoto, a con- Aug. 7: US State Department officials confirmed that
victed terrorist who participated in an attack at the US began a "low key" effort to persuade Israel
Lod Airport in May 1972. Israel said it would not to come up with new ideas to break the Mid East
release him. [NYTI deadlock. [JP)
A Moroccan was killed in Norway by unknown A Turk, Faik Buluk, captured by Israel in a raid
gunmen. [NYT) on a Palestinian camp in Lebanon was sentenced
July 22: Cairo's Rose al-Yusuf quoted Palestine by an Israeli court to 7 years in prison for mem-
Liberation Organization Chairman 'Arafat as say- bership in a terrorist organization. [JP)
ing the PLO supported the freezing of Arab oil Aug. 8: The Jerusalem Post called the Buluk verdict
production levels as a means of pressuring Israel. the "first conviction under the law giving Israeli
[WP) courts jurisdiction over security offenses committed
July 23: An Israeli military tribunal ruled that abroad." [JPI
international law was not violated by the trial in A terrorist group calling itself "7th Suicide
Israel of 10 Arab commandos who had never been Squad" claimed credit through Beirut's Al-Nahar
in Israel but were seized during an Israeli raid on for the Aug. 5 attack at Athens airport. [JP)
Beirut. [NYT] Aug. 9: Egypt said its jet fighters hit an Israeli
July 24: The Japan Air Lines jet left Dubai and aircraft which violated airspace. Israel said all
flew to Libya where the passengers disembarked patrolling aircraft returned safely to base. [NYT)
and the jet was blown up by the hijackers. [NYT) Aug. 10: Israeli jets diverted an Arab airliner over
July 25: The New York Times reported that 2 of Lebanon bound to Baghdad from Beirut and forced
5 men arrested for the killing of an Arab in it to land in Israel where a check of the passengers
Norway had admitted that they were members was conducted. The plane returned to Beirut.
of an Israeli counterterrorist organization. [NYT) [NYTI
A resolution was submitted to the UN Security Aug. 11: Lebanon accused Israel of air piracy and
Council expressing "concern at Israel's lack of called for international sanctions. The US pro-
cooperation" with the mission of UN Envoy Gun- tested the action to Israel saying it was a violation
nar Jarring and "conviction that a just and peaceful of Lebanese sovereignty and "the rule of law."
solution" could only be achieved on the basis of [NYT]
respect for national sovereignty, territorial integrity An Israeli spokesman said that Israel had in-
and the "rights and legitimate aspirations of the tended to divert a different plane over Lebanon
Palestinian people." [NYT] believed to be carrying Palestinian guerrilla leaders.
July 26: The US vetoed the proposed UN Security [NYTI
Council resolution on the grounds that it "would Dayan said that the Lebanese airliner was di-
have done irrevocable and permanent damage" to verted to seize George Habash, the head of the
"the only agreed basis for a peaceful solution." Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
[NYTI (PFLP) and several other leaders but that they
Israel denied any connection with the men changed flights at the last moment. [NYT)
arrested for murder in Norway. [NYT) Aug. 13: Israeli and Egyptian gunboats exchanged
July 29: Libya said the 4 hijackers of the Japanese fire in the Gulf of Suez. [NYT)
plane, 3 Arabs and 1 Japanese, would be tried in At the request of Lebanon the Security Council
accordance with Islamic law. [AW] opened a debate on the Israeli diversion of the
Beirut's Al-Nahar reported that Algeria and Lebanese plane. [NYTj
Saudi Arabia arrived at a joint plan for using oil Aug. 15: Israel said 10 to 20 North Korean pilots
were flying jet fighters for the Egyptian air force. a 3 day official visit and talks on the international
[NYT) situation and on Soviet aid for the 4th 5 year
The UN Security Council passed a resolution plan. [MEED]
condemning Israel's interception of a Lebanese May 25: The New York Times reported that a
airliner. It warned that "if such acts are repeated, bumper crop of opium poppies would be harvested
the Council will consider taking adequate steps or in the Helmand valley on land developed with
measures to enforce its resolutions." [NYTJ American aid and that the US was urging stiffer
Israeli Chief of Staff David Elazar said of the penalties against poppy production. [NYT]
Lebanese airliner operation, that more such "op- May 26: Turkish Foreign Minister Haluk Bayulken
erations may be expected." [NYT] arrived for an official visit. [FBIS]
June 15: The only Christian church in the country
was demolished by the government after it was
General taken over by authorities on June 13 in Kabul.
[Washington Star News]
1973 July 8: King Zahir Shah arrived in Italy for a vaca-
May 26: The Organization of Petroleum Exporting tion. [NYT]
Countries (OPEC) began emergency meetings in July 17: Lieut. General Muhammad Daud Khan
Vienna to discuss the deadlock with oil companies deposed King Zahir and proclaimed a republic.
over compensation to be paid for devaluation of Daud said the coup would replace the "corrupt
the dollar. [JP] and effete" monarchy with "genuine democracy"
June 1: An agreement was reached between OPEC and would continue the nation's policy of non-
and the Western oil companies to raise the posted alignment in international affairs. Martial law
price of crude oil by 11.9% to compensate OPEC was put into effect. [NYTI
members for the devaluation of the US dollar July 18: Daud was proclaimed President and De-
in Feb. [MEES] fense Minister. [WPJ
June 4: The European Economic Community (EEC) Press reports in New Delhi said at least 36
imposed a ceiling on imports of refined oil products persons had been killed during the coup. [NYT]
from Algeria, Spain, Israel, Tunisia and Morocco July 19: The USSR and India extended diplomatic
for a 6 year period or until a comprehensive recognition to the new government. [WP]
energy policy could be drawn up. [MEED} July 20: The new government said that the members
June 6: The World Intercommunal Conference on of the royal family in Kabul were safe.
Pollution in the Mediterranean attended in Beirut West Germany recognized the new government.
by 1000 delegates warned that the Mediterranean [NYT]
could bcome a "dead sea" and appealed in a July 21: It was announced that Iran, Bangladesh and
"Beirut Charter" to states, cities, and individuals to Austria extended diplomatic recognition. [NYTI
prevent pollution. [JPJ July 22: Pakistan recognized the new government and
June 11: The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) the US said it would continue close relations and
concluded its 2 day annual conference in Tehran. that the question of announcing formal recognition
US Secretary of State Rogers told the meeting that did not arise. [NYTI
US arms sales in the region of the Persian Gulf Iraq announced full "de jure recognition" of
would be a "stabilizing influence for peace." the new republic. [FBIS]
[NYT)- July 23: Daud told reporters that no foreign power
June 23: The Organization of Arab Petroleum Ex- took part in the coup. He said it was not yet
porting Countries (OAPEC) ended its 10th ses- decided what form the new government would
sion in Damascus after approving a plan to build take but that it would be democratic in nature
a drydock in Bahrayn. [MEED] and that the people would have to forego some of
July 27: OPEC issued a statement saying that oil sales their personal freedoms "temporarily" for the
should be negotiated with a view to obtaining economic benefit of the country. Regarding the
conditions that would "effectively foster the per- territorial dispute with Pakistan, Daud said:
manent and diversified sources of income within "Pashtunistan is a reality which cannot be denied.
their territories." [MEED] In treating this reality with mutual goodwill, I
hope that both sides will be able to find a peace-
ful, amicable and honorable solution." [WPJ
July 27: Daud issued a declaration abrogating the
Afghanistan Constitution of 1964 and dissolving the Parliament.
1973 Aug. 2: A Cabinet was announced:
May 24: The first trade agreement with Poland was Muhammad Daud: Premier, Defense and Foreign
signed. [MEED) Muhammad Hasan Sharq: Deputy Premier
Soviet President Nikolai Podgorny concluded Abdul Majid: Justice

Abdul Ellah: Finance Limassoland 3 bombsexplodedin Nicosia. Athens'

Faiz Muhammad:Interior daily Estia said the actions were carried out by
Nematollah Pazhwak:Education pro enosis guerrillas in retaliationfor the death
Pausha Gul: Border Affairs of one of their members.[NYT]
Abdul Kayeum: Industryand Mines June 24: Two bomb attacks were reported against
Abdul Hamid: Communications supportersof George Grivas' EOKA organization.
Nizir MuhammadSikander:Health [JP]
Abdul Rahim Navin: Informationand Culture June 25: The shops of 2 supportersof Grivas in the
Ghulam Jallani Bakteri: Agriculture town of Polis were bombed. [JPI
Aug. 5: It was announcedthat all sergeantsin the June 28: Two captains of the
National Guard, 6
army would be promoted to 3rd lieutenantsand policemenand 30 otherswere arrestedand charged
all officers,excluding generals, would be given a with conspiring to use armed force against the
year'ssenioritybonus. [JP) government.[CSM]
July 5: A synod of 13 senior prelateswas convened
by Makariosin Nicosia to consider charges that
Algeria the Bishops of Paphos, Kitium and Kyreniawere
holding illegal assembliesand plotting to create
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Morocco) a schism ?n the Church. [NYT]
1973 July 14: The synod of 16 prelates called into ses-
May 21: MoroccanPremier Ahmad Osman arrived sion by PresidentArchbishopMakariosdefrocked
for talks with President Houari Boumedienne. the Bishopsof Paphos,Kitiumand Kyrenia.[NYT)
[MEED] July 16: Health Minister Zenon Severis resigned
June 12: Saudi King Faysal ended a 2 day visit citing the crisis in the Church as his reason.
after extensive talks with President Boumedienne [MEED].
on the Arab Israel conflict. [WP] July 21: In a public declaration, Grivas denied
June 14: The World Bank agreed to 2 loans worth rumorsthat he was sufferinga seriousillness. [JP]
$24.5m for July 28: JusticeMinisterChristosVakis was abducted
highway constructionand educational
facilities. [MEED] from his home and over 40 bomb explosions
June 16: Boumedienne opened the country's 2nd were reported.[NYT]
oil refineryduring a celebrationin Arzew mark- July 29: Two newspaperssupportingGrivas,Ethinki
ing his 8th anniversaryas head of state. [MEED] and Gnomi, were attacked and their machinery
June 17: Boumedienne presented 82 farmers with damaged. A police station in Nicosia was blown
title deeds to the first land to be distributedin up. [NYT)
the second phase of the agrarianreform. [MEED] Police announced the arrest of more than 20
July 9: Foreign Minister Abdel Aziz Bouteflika persons,including8 journalists,in connectionwith
arrived in France for official talks on economic the kidnappingof Vakis. [JPJ
relations. [MEED] July 31: Makariossaid he would not barterfor the
July 18: It was announcedthat full diplomatic re- releaseof Vakis. [WPJ
lations would be establishedwith Qatar. [FBIS] Aug. 2: A pamphlet signed by Grivas named the
following conditions for the release of Vakis:
the holding of Presidentialelections,the incumbent
President must decide between "Church and
Cyprus politics," general amnesty for political prisoners
and reinstatementof dismissed police and civil
1973 servants. [JPJ
May 18: The OrthodoxChurchof Greece appointed Aug. 3: The constitutionalphase of the intercom-
3 bishops to mediate the dispute between Pres- munal talks was completed and the results sub-
ident ArchbishopMakariosand the other 3 bishops mitted to the Greek and Turkishexpertsfor their
of the Holy Synod of Cyprus. [NYT] analysis and suggestions. [FBIS]
June 1: UN SecretaryGeneral Kurt Waldheim re- Aug. 4: Grivas issued a statementto the press warn-
ported an $18.9m deficitin the UN peace keeping ing Makarios that 'there will be a civil war if
force and said he would reduce the size of the Grivas' terms were rejected. [JP]
force if it is extended for 6 months on June 15. A Cyprus BroadcastingCorporationstation at
[NYT] Maas was blown up by 4 men. [JP)
June 3: Bishop SuffraganChrysostoms,an aide to Aug. 5: Makarios said he rejected Grivas' black-
Makarios,was elected Bishop of Paphos. [CSM] mailing terms but accepted "with pleasure the
June 15: The UN SecurityCouncil voted 14 to 0, challengeof a democraticcontest"if Grivaswould
with China abstaining,to extend the peace keep- come out of hiding and abide by a democratic
ing force for 6 months. [NYT] vote. [JP)
June 23: Two men were killed by gunmen in Aug. 8: Government sources said Makarioswould
accepta proposalfrom Greecefor PresidentGeorge July 6: Middle East Economic Digest reportedthat
Papadopoulosto mediate the dispute with Grivas. China agreed to build 9 plants to manufacture
[NYTI sand brick. [MEED]
Aug. 9: Securityforces arrestedStavrosStavrou,the July 9: Qadhdhafileft after an 18 day visit. [JP)
military commanderof Grivas' EOKA organiza- July 14: Hafiz Ismi'il, special advisor to President
tion. [NYT) Sidat, returnedfrom a 3 day visit to the USSR
Aug. 11: The governmentsaid documentsplanning and said the 2 countries were in "total accord"
the assassinationof Makarioswere seized by police on their future relations and on the Mid East
when Stavrouwas arrested.[JP] situation. He added that the USSR was "deter-
mined to strengthenthe Egyptianand Arab capa-
bility to confrontthe Zionist occupation."[NYT]
Egypt July 16: Sidat said that Ismt'il was told in Moscow
that the US-USSRdetente was expectedto last 20
(See also Arab IsraeliConflict,Libya,Sudan)
to 30 years. Sidat said Egypt should rethink its
1973 policies in the light of that. [MEED]
July 19: The governmentdecided to send a delega-
May 19: Exxon Company concluded an agreement
tion to MarsaMatruhto meet with the leadersof a
to spend $50m over a 12 year period on offshore
Libyan demonstration traveling from Libya to
exploration.[MEES] Egypt to petition for union of the 2 countries.
May 22: West German Foreign Minister Walter
Scheel ended a 3 day visit and talks with President Cairo Radio said Egypt had proposeda plan to
Anwaral-Sadit. [NYT) Libyaunder which union would be postponedfor
June 12: SudaneseSocialistUnion SecretaryGeneral
at least a year. [CSMI
Abuial-QasimIbrahimiarrivedfor talks on closer July 20: Near Marsa Matruhsecurityforces blocked
cooperationwith the Arab SocialistUnion (ASU). the journey of 40,000 Libyans to Cairo. Five
[MEED] leadersof the marchwere taken to Cairo to meet
June 14: It was announcedthat Sidat returnedfrom
with governmentofficials.
an unscheduled 2 day visit to Syria where he talked
July 21: The EgyptianGeneral PetroleumCorpora-
with President Hafiz al-Asad about the situation tion announcedthat a recent oil find in the Gulf
in Lebanon. [JP) of Suez could raise Egyptianproductionby 50%.
June 18: A cooperationagreement was signed be-
tween the ASU and the SudaneseSocialist Union After an appeal from Qadhdhafi the Libyan
(SSU). SSU SecretaryIbrahimi said the agree- demonstrators began to withdrawto Libya.[NYT)
ment reflectedthe "magnificentaspectsof coopera- July 23: Sidat said union with
Libya should be
tion between the 2 countries."[MEED] carriedout in stages and that emotion was not a
It was agreed with Bangladesh to exchange firm foundation for unity. [NYT)
diplomatic liaison offices. [MEED1 July 24: In a speech to a joint session of the ASU
June 24: Libyan President Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhifi
and the People's Assembly Sidat called for the
arrivedin Alexandriafor talks with Sidat on the formulationof a national policy for 25 years and
Arab Israelisituationand plans to unify Libyaand 2 committeeswere establishedto study the ques-
Egypt. [JP)
tion. [MEED)
June 26: Libyan Chairmanal-Qadhdhifi met with
July 28: Deputy Premier 'Abd al-'Aziz Hijazi said
Sadat in Alexandriato discusseconomicaspectsof over $9 billion dollars were spent on rebuilding
the projectedLibyan Egyptian union. [NYT)
June 27: A British official told Parliamentthat a
the armed forces since 1967. [JPI
Aug. 6: Jordanian Special Envoy 'Abd al-Mun'im
?10Om loan was extendedto Egyptat 2% interestto
Rifa'i concludedtalks in Cairowith Egyptianlead-
provide goods and services for Egyptiandevelop-
ers and Arab League officials and said bilateral
ment projects. [MEED]
relationswere improvingtowardnormal.
June 28: Qadhdhifi told reportersin Cairo that he
Aug. 7: CairoRadiosaid Egyptand Libyahad reached
and Sadaithad differencesover the proposedunion
of Libya and Egypt. Qadhdhafi said Libya was agreementon the "stepsand manner"of declaring
union of the 2 on Sept. 1. [AW]
'prepared to sacrifice" its wealth but not its cul-
tural "revolution" in a union. He added that if
complete union was not achieved by Sept. 1, he
would resign his post in Libya. [NYT) Iran
June 30: Qadhdhifi answeredquestionsin the Parlia- (See also General, Afghanistan,Iraq, Jordan,
ment during a "heated"session on the proposed Pakistan,Saudi Arabia, Tunisia)
union. [NYT)
July 4: Al-Ahram reportedthat Ambassadorto Mos- 1973
cow Yahya 'Abd al-Qidir was recalled for "con- May 23: Pakistanimilitary chiefs began high level
sultation."[MEED] talks in Tehran. [CSM)
May 24: TIhe Consortium of Western oil companies
signed an agreement giving full ownership of the
southern operations to the National Iranian Oil (See also Afghanistan, Kuwayt)
Company in return for a guarantee of receiving
"substantial quantities" of crude oil for 20 years. 1973
[MEES] May 18: It was announced that the World Bank
May 28: Eight terrorists convicted as "spies and agreed to a loan of $40m for a grain storage
traitors" were executed. [JPJ project after a 17 day visit to Washington, D.C.,
May 29: The Shah began a 10 day tour of Yugo- by Economic Bureau Chief Fakhri Khaddurl.
slavia, Romania and Bulgaria. [MEED]
May 25: Indian Foreign Minister Swaran Singh con-
June 2: An American military advisory, Col. Lewis
cluded a 3 day visit after contracting to purchase
Hawkins, was assassinated near his home in
an additional 2m tons of crude oil in 1973/74.
Tehran. [NYT)
June 3: During a visit by the Shah, Romania signed
June 22: The Washington Post reported that an
a long term economic and technical cooperation
Indian air force mission was in Iraq to train Iraqi
agreement. [MEED] pilots to fly Russian built Mig jets under a secret
June 4: Economy Minister Hushang Ansary flew to agreement. signed 2 months previously. [WP)
Bonn to discuss West Germany's plan to purchase June 23: India denied reports that Iraqis were being
crude oil directly from Iran. [MEED] trained in India to fly Mig 21s. A spokesman said
June 6: Premier Abbas Hoveyda said the courts that a small Indian air force team had been in
would "not be lenient" with the assassins of Iraq for 14 years. [JP)
Hawkins if they were caught. [WP) June 25: President Hasan al-Bakr flew to Bulgaria
June 14: Economy Minister Ansary ended a 4 day for a 4 day official visit. [MEED]
visit to Britain and it was announced that 8 joint An agreement was reached with the USSR to
projects in Iran worth $600m had been agreed form a joint planning committee to aid in Iraq's
on. [MEED] economic development. [MEES)
June 16: Police announced that they killed Reza June 27: Iran's Tehran Journal reported that Kurdish
Rezai, who allegedly took part in the assassination leader Mustafa Barazgni warned the government
of Hawkins, when Rezai refused to surrender. to pull its troops out of Kurdish regions or face
[NYT] "total war." The report added that 11 men were
June 17: Chinese Foreign 1linister Chi Peng-Fei killed and 22 wounded in 2 days of clashes be-
ended a 3 day visit. [MEED] ginning June 24. [JP)
Bakr flew to Poland for an official visit. [MEED]
June 27: King Husayn of Jordan arrived for a
"private" visit to Tehran. [MEED] June 28: Press reports in Tehran said fighting be-
tween the army and the Kurds had spread to
June 30: A severe earthquake struck Tehran but no mountainous areas near the Iranian border. [JPI
casualties were reported. [NYT] June 30: The Christian Science Monitor reported
July 22: Indian Foreign Minister Swaran Singh con- that clashes between Kurdish forces and army
cluded a 3 day visit and talks with the Shah. troops in the Kirkuk region entered the 3rd day
[FBIS] on June 27. [CSM]
July 23: The Shah arrived in the US for talks with Bakr returned from visits to Poland and Bul-
President Nixon. [NYT] garia where he reached agreements to sell crude
July 24: The Shah met with Nixon to discuss Mid oil. [NYTJ
East questions and arms sales. [NYTI July 1: Defense Minister Hamad Shihab was as-
sassinated and Interior Minister Sa'duin Ghaydan
July 25: The Shah said Iran was planning to purchase
was wounded after being abducted from Baghdad
US F14 jet fighters and to "look at" F15's.
to Zarbatiya. Baghdad Radio said the leader of
He also announced that Iran had signed an
the plot, Security Chief Nazim Kazzar, was ar-
agreement with Ashland Oil Company for joint
rested. [NYT]
operation of refineries and filling stations in the
US using Iranian oil. [NYT] July 2: The army was put on alert and many arrests
were made following the death of Shihab. [WP]
July 29: The Shah returned from the US. It was announced that Kazzar and his accom-
July 31: The US announced that Iran agreed to take plices would be tried by a special tribunal. [NYT]
Canada's place on the 4 nation truce commission July 7: Kazzar and 22 others were executed for par-
in South Vietnam. [NYT] ticipating in the attempted coup d'etat. [NYT]
Aug. 12: Premier Hoveyda ended a 6 day visit to July 11: An agreement was reached between the
the USSR. A joint communique called for the Ba'th Party and the Communist Party under which
resolution of Persian Gulf issues "without foreign the Communists would be permitted to partici-
interference." [WP] pate in a ruling Council of Ministers. [NYT]
July 13: The New York Times reported that nego- military officials as saying the US agreed to sell
tiations were resumed between the government Israel an additional 48 Phantom jets and 36 Sky-
and Kurdish leaders to settle their differences. hawks. [CSMJ
[NYT] June 24: The government announced a 3 month price
Vice President Siddam Husayn al-Takriti said freeze on imported and manufactured goods and
Iraq would welcome moves by Britain or the US promised not to raise taxes and to grant a 5%
which could lead to the normalization of diplo- cost of living increase to workers beginning in
matic relations. [NYTJ July. [NYT]
July 14: President Bakr amended the Constitution to An Israeli, Rami Livnem, was found guilty of
name himself President, Premier and Commander spying for Syria and sentenced to 10 years in
in Chief of the armed forces with the power to prison. [NYT]
appoint or dismiss any official including the Vice June 28: The New York Times reported that the
Preisdent. [CSMI government barred the import of Soviet cement
July 15: Muhammad Rifa'i was appointed Acting for reasons other than economics. [NYT]
Minister of Defense. [NYTJ
June 29: Jewish Defense League leader Rabbi Meir
JuLy 16: Bakr said the nation's annual economic
Kahane was indicted on charges of conspiring to
growth rate had reached 10% a year. [MEED]
abduct and kill foreign officials in the US. [NYTI
July 17: Bakr said the terms of the March 11 declara-
tion to the Kurds would be fulfilled in 1974. June 30: Reuters reported that the Cabinet voted to
[CSM] set up a committee to seek ways to promote op-
The Revolution Command Council (RCC) is- portunities for the rapid influx of immigrant
sued a decree which would establish a parliament, scientists. [NYTI
to be called the National Council, whose 100 July 4: A month long strike by 6000 doctors ended
members would meet by October after being ap- after higher pay scales and more rapid negotia-
pointed by the RCC. [NYTI tions. [JPJ
July 26: President Bakr assumed the duties of De- July 12: Ashdod port and many public offices were
fense Minister. closed down by 2000 immigrants from Soviet
Georgia who were demonstrating against the firing
of 47 Georgian port workers. [JPJ
Israel July 15: The government announced that compulsory
military service would be reduced by 3 months.
See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General) [NYT]
Archbishop Joseph Raya said he would begin a
1973 fast to protest the government's refusal to allow
May 24: Ephraim Katzir was sworn in as Israel's villagers of Berem and Ikrit to return to their
4th President. [JPJ homes. [NYT]
The Executive Bureau of the Labor Party de- July 16: Kahane said he proposed to American
cided by a vote of 14 to 1, with 3 abstentions, friends that they blow up the vacant Iraqi em-
to open party membership to Arabs. [NYTJ bassy in Washington, D.C. to dramatize the plight
May 29: The country's 2nd oil refinery was inaugu- of Iraqi Jews. [NYT]
rated at Ashdod. [JP] July 18: It was announced that the USSR agreed to
June 6: A doctors' strike for higher wages and better deliver 100,000 tons of cement to help alleviate
working conditions began at government hospitals the housing shortage. [WP]
and Kupat Holim clinics. [NYTI July 23: Defense Minister Moshe Dayan told the
June 7. West German Chancellor Willy Brandt ar- Labor Party that he would be unable to appear
rived for an official visit. He said at the airport on its list in the fall election unless a clear pro-
that Germany's special relationship with Israel gram for the occupied territories would be adopted.
would "be apparent in the talks we will be having [JP]
in the next few days." [NYT} Aug. 5: Jerusalem's Mayor Teddy Kollek called for
June 8: Brandt announced that Premier Golda Meir the expansion of the city's boundaries to the
had accepted an invitation to visit Germany in north and east. [JP]
1973. [NYT] Aug. 6: The Seaman's Union called a general strike
Brandt said Germany was seeking a "balanced in all 100 merchant marine ships for higher pay.
relationship with Israel and the Arab world" and [JP]
that "normal relations" with Israel would have a Aug. 7: The seamen of the merchant fleet began a
"special character" as a result of the "National general strike for higher wages. [NYT]
Socialist reign of terror." [JP] Aug. 11: The Seaman's Union agreed to return to
June 11: Brandt concluded his visit. [NYTI work while negotiations were continuing. [JP]
June 17: Meir announced that she would run for re- Aug. 14: Norway expelled an Israeli Embassy security
election in Oct. [NYT] official for allegedly hiding 2 men sought for the
June 18: The Christian Science Monitor reported US killing of an Arab on July 21. [NYT]

Jordan suspendedin Aug. 1971. [MEED)

Aug. 3: Middle East Economic Digest reportedthat
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Egypt) the governmentlifted a 10% tax on importsfrom
1973 the West Bank. [MEED)
May 24: West German Foreign Minister Walter
Scheel concludeda 2 day visit after meeting with Kuwayt
King Husayn. [JPJ
May 26: A new Cabinet was announced: (See also Arab IsraeliConflict,Jordan,PersianGulf,
Zayd al-Rifi'i: Premier,Defense and Foreign Turkey,Yemen)
Nadim al-Zaru:Transport 1973
'Adnan Abu 'Awdah: Culture and Information May 23: The WashingtonPost reportedthat Kuwayt
$ubhi Amin 'Amr: Development and Recon- was "aboutto order"$500m worth of US military
struction armamentsincluding 160 tanks, 32 Crusaderjet
'Um.aral-Nabilsi: Agriculture fightersand anti-aircraftmissiles. [WP]
Ishaq al-Farhin: Waqf and Islamic Affairs June 4: The government said its projected $500m
Salim al-Mas'adih:Justice worth of arms purchasesin the West were for
Ghilib Barakat: Tourism and Antiquities defensive purposesonly. [NYT)
Ahmad al-Shawbaki:Public Works June 8: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat
MuhammadNunr Shafiq: Finance an agreementwas signed with Iraq under which
Zuhayr al-Mufti: State for Foreign Affairs Iraqwould increasewatersuppliesto Kuwaytfrom
Fu'id al-Khaylani:Health the Shatt al-Arab waterway. [MEED]
'Abd al-Karimal-Tarawinah:Interior June 9: Al-Tali'ah reported that a series of arrests
Muhyi al-Din al-Husayni: Communications was carriedout against citizens of South Yemen,
TThiral-Masri: State for OccupiedTerritory Oman and the Gulf states. [FBIS)
KiamilAbuiJabir: Economy June 11: Foreign Minister Shaykh $abah al-Ahmad
Yusuf Dhihni: Labor and Social Affairs al-Sabahreturnedfrom a 10 day tour of the Gulf
Marwan al-Hammud: Municipal and Rural stateswhich he said had "positiveresults."[MEED]
Affairs June 12: The National Assemblyapproveda gift of
MudarBadran:Education KD 1Omto Syriafor use in the confrontationwith
June 11: The Chamberof Deputies gave a vote of Israel. [MEES]
confidenceto Premieral-Rifa'iafter he said Jordan June 13: Oil Minister'Abd al-Rahmin al-'Atiqi said
would not sign a separatepeace treatywith Israel. the governmentwould seek a revision of the par-
[MEED] ticipation agreement signed with the oil com-
June 14: Britain signed an agreementto loan ilOm panies on Jan. 8 but never ratifiedby the National
for the 3 year plan. [MEED) Assembly. [MEES)
June 22: Iranian Premier Amir Abbas Hoveyda ar- June 16: US DeputyAssistantDefenseSecretaryJames
rived for 3 days of talks on Jordan'sdevelopment Noyes arrived to discuss arms purchases.[CSM]
plans. [JPJ June 30: The United Arab Amirates (UAA) signed
June 25: Iranian Premier Hoveyda ended his visit an economic and cultural cooperationagreement
after talks with King H.usayn.[JP) which -Foreign Minister Sabah al-Ahmad al-
June 30: A SovietTupolevairlinercrashedin Amman, Sabah called "the cornerstoneof the fruitful co-
killing 8 and injuring 79. [JP) operation to which we aspire." [AW]
July 3: Husayn'sSpecialEnvoy'Abdal-Mun'imRifi'i July 3: The National Assembly ratifieda bill pro-
returnedfrom a visit to Kuwayt. [MEED] viding $1.43 billion for defense spending over a
July 10: Husayn flew from Iran to London for talks 7 year period.
with Prime Minister EdwardHeath. [JP) Parliamentapproveda governmentrequest for
July 15: Husayn returned after a 5 day visit to ?575m for defense purposes. [JP)
Britain. [JP} July 9: Acting Oil MinisterHammiudal-Nusfi con-
July 16: Beirut's Al-Anwar reported that Kuwayt firmedthat Kuwaytwould reopennegotiationswith
told Special Envoy Rifa'i during his visit that the the oil companiesand seek 519%participation.He
annualsubsidyto Jordanof 16.3m KuwaytiDinars said the Amir had renderedthe previous partici-
would remain suspendedbecause"the reasonsfor pation agreement "null and void." [MEES]
freezing the funds still exist...." [MEED)
July 17: The governmentbroke off diplomaticrela-
tions with Tunisia in protest against Tunisian Lebanon
PresidentHabib Bourguiba'scall for replacingthe (See also Arab Israeli Conflict,General,Syria)
Jordanian monarchy with a Palestinian state.
[NYT) 1973
July 23: Middle East Airlines announced it would May 17: The government and Palestinian leaders
resume daily flights to Amman which were ended 2 days of negotiations and reported that
they had reached "identicalviewpoints." [NYT] Fu'adNafa: Foreign
May 19: At the request of President Sulayman Michel Sassin: Housing
Franjiyyah,Amin Hifiz withdrew the resignation Edmund Rizq: Education
he offered on May 8 and resumed the duties of Tony Franjiyyah:Telecommunications
Premier. [NYTI Emile Saqr: Labor
May 22: Syria accusedLebanonof imprisoningand 'Ali al-Khalil: State
deportingSyrian citizens "for no reason."Foreign Hasan al-RifiVi:Planning
Minister Khalil Abu Hamad denied the charge. Souren Khanamirian:Tourism
[JP] Nasri al-Ma'laf: Defense
May 23: The Cabinetvoted to terminatethe state of Joseph Shadir:State
emergencydeclaredon May 7. [NYTI 'Uthman al-Dani: Health
May 25: West German Foreign Minister Walter
Fahmi Shihin: Information
Tawfiq 'Assaf: Oil and Industry
Scheel ended a 2 day visit after signing an agree-
ment for a German loan of $7.5m to Lebanon July 9: A member of the Soviet CommunistParty
at 2% interest. [NYT) Politburo,Andrei Kirilenko,arrivedfor an official
It was announcedthat SaudiArabiareducedand, visit. [AW]
in some cases,eliminatedimportdutieson Lebanese July 10: SyrianPremierMahmudal-Ayiibitelephoned
goods "to help Lebanon compensate for losses his best wishes to PremierSulh. [AW]
sustained"duringcivil strife in earlyMay. [MEED) July 12: Soviet CommunistPartyCentralCommittee
May 31: Arab League SecretaryGeneral Mahmfid SecretaryKirilenkoended a 3 day visit after talks
Riyad left for Damascusafter talks with President with Franjiyyah.[AW]
Franjiyyah.Riyid said in Damascusthat the situ- July 31: The government announcedit was taking
ation in Lebanonwas returningto normal under over the operationof the MEDRECOrefineryat
the cease fire between the governmentand Pales- Zahrayniafter MEDRECOthreatenedto close the
tinian commandos. [JP) plant because the government refused to allow
June 1: PresidentFranjiyyahmet with PalestineLib- price increasesfor the processedoil. [MEED]
eration Organization Chairman Yasir 'Arafat. Aug. 1: The Parliamentgave a vote of confidenceto
Premier al-Hifiz said the talks were a "greatde- the new government after 33 hours of debate.
velopment that is the fruit of efforts to normalize [AW]
relations." [NYT)
June 2: Middle EastAirlines beganan airlift of trade
goods to easternArab states to compensatefor the
borderclosure with Syria. [MEED]
June 11: Sunni Muslim membersof Parliamentde- (See also Arab IsraeliConflict,Egypt)
cided to boycott a vote of confidencefor Premier
Hafiz scheduledfor June 12 on the grounds that 1973
a stronger premier should be appointed. [NYT] May 30: The government told the UN Security
June 12: EconomyMinisterBahij Tabbirah and Oil Councilthat the US naval presencein the Mediter-
Minister Zakariyyi Nasfili resigned in solidarity raneanwas a"manifestationof terrorism"creating
with the boycott of Hafiz's call for a vote of "a state of tension which could explode at any
confidence.Hafiz obtained a postponementof the moment." [WP]
vote when only .61 members of Parliament at- May31: The US deniedto the UN that it had violated
tended the day's session. [NYT) Libyan air space and said "we do not accept the
June 14: Hafiz submitted his resignation to Fran- special zone they have declaredin a radiusof 100
jiyyah. [NYT) nautical miles from Tripoli as consistent with
June 21: Franjiyyahasked Taqi al-Din Sulh to form internationallaw or as constitutingsovereign ter-
a new government. [WP) ritorial water or air space." [NYT]
July 2: Premier Designate Sulh said he had chosen June 3: Revolution Command Council Chairman
a Cabinetbut he did not releasethe names. [NYT) Mu'ammar Qadhdhifi announced that "people's
July 8: A new Cabinet of "nationalcoalition" was committees"took over the radio stationsin Tripoli
formed: and Benghazi as part of the cultural revolution.
Taqi al-Din Sulh: Premier [NYT)
Bahij Taqi al-Din: Interior June 4: The New York Times reported that 450
Fu'id Ghusn: Deputy Premier and Public Works "people'scommittees"had been formed and had
$abri Hamadah:Agriculture taken over control of the national administration,
Majid Arslin: Defense universities,hospitals,schools, factoriesand farms.
Kazim Khalil: Justice [NYT]
Joseph Sakaf: Water and Electricity June 10: EgyptianPresidentAnwar al-Sidit arrived
Nazih al-Bizri: Economy for "intensive"talks with Qadhdhifi. [JP)
Albert Mukhaybir:State June 11: Qadhdhifi announced the nationalization

of an American oil company, Bunker Hunt, saying

the US "deserved a strong slap in the face" and
that US companies were an instrument of a "policy (See also General, Algeria)
of domination." A company spokesman said Bunker
Hunt would "pursue all available legal remedies." 1973
[NYT) May 30: King Hasan appointed Mohamed Benhima
June 13: Egyptian President Sadat concluded 3 days to be Minister of State for Cadre Training. [FBIS)
of talks on the projected union between Libya and June 6: Saudi King Faysal arrived for a 2 day official
Egypt. [MEED] visit. [JP]
June 21: The US told the UN Security Council that June 8: It was announced that Saudi Arabia agreed
the US Sixth Fleet neither "constitutes aggression, to aid in the projects of the 1973/77 5 year plan.
nor reflects an agressive intent" in the Mediter- [MEED]
ranean and charged that Libya's claim to a restricted June 13: An agreement was signed with the USSR
territory of 100 nautical miles radius from Tripoli calling for cooperation in fishing and ocean re-
was "inconsistent with the Convention on Inter- search. [MEED]
national Civil Aviation to which the Libyan Arab June 25: A trial opened for 157 persons charged with
Republic is a party." [NYT) carrying out guerrilla operations in a Libyan plot
June 26: Associated Press reported that 2 Greek ships to overthrow the government. [JP)
had struck mines in Tripoli harbor and one of the July 21: King Hasan opened the new 155km highway
ships sank. The report said the harbor was mined between Casablanca and Agadir. [MEED]
to protect it against Israeli attack. [AW]
July 23: King Hasan opened a conference in Agadir
June 30: It was announced that full diplomatic rela- with President Houari Boumedienne of Algeria
tions would be established with East Germany. [JPJ and President Moktar Ould Daddah of Mauritania
July 2: Japan became the 25th country to agree to on the future of the Spanish Sahara. [MEED]
issue passports in Arabic for those Japanese who July 24: The tripartite summit meeting between King
would travel to Libya. [NYT) Hasan, Algerian President Boumedienne and
July 8: Negotiations with the 3 major oil companies, Mauritanian President Ould Daddah concluded
Amoseas, Oasis and Occidental, resumed to discuss after talks on the Spanish Sahara question. [FBIS]
Libya's demand for 100% ownership. [MEED] July 28: Omani Foreign Minister Fahd Ibn Sa'id
July 10: The government declared that it reserved arrived for talks on bilateral relations. [MEED]
the right to restrict and control oil production and
July 30: A trial of 80 persons accused of plotting
exports in times of hostilities. [WP) to overthrow the government to set up a "socialist
July 18: A demonstration by 20,000 Libyans set out
republic" began. [NYT]
in trucks for Egypt to pressure Cairo into agreeing
to a full merger between the 2 countries. Egypt's
President Sadat warned Libya that the march could
lead to "risks and dangers." [WP) Pakistan
July 21: It was announced that Qadhdhafi resigned
on July 21 but that the Revolution Command (See also Afghanistan, Iran)
Council refused the resignation. [NYT) 1973
July 23: Qadhdhafi said he was withdrawing his
resignation and would remain in his post until May 22: It was announced that troops were moved
unity with Egypt would be achieved. [NYT) into Baluchistan Province to combat tribal unrest.
Aug. 5: Talks on the proposed merger with Egypt [NP]
resumed in Tripoli with Egyptian Deputy Premier May 28: President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto warned that
'Abd al-Qadir Hatim. [JP) Bengalis in Pakistan would be put on trial if
Aug. 7: The US State Department said the US did Pakistanis are tried for war crimes in Bangladesh.
not accept the validity of Libya's nationalization [NYTI
of Bunker Hunt Oil Co. and was informing other June 5: In a hearing before the World Court, At-
governments in an effort to discourage the sale torney General Yahya Bakhtiar accused India of
of the oil. [NYT) detaining illegally the 92,000 Pakistani prisoners
Aug. 10: Egyptian Deputy Premier Hlatim concluded of war captured in Dec. 1971. [NYTu
a week of talks on the proposed merger. [MEED] June 8: Bangladesh Premier Shaykh Mujib al-Rahman
Aug. 11: Middle East News Agency reported that said 195 Pakistani prisoners would soon go on trial
the government had issued a decree nationalizing for planning a policy of genocide and he criticized
51% of the Occidental Oil Company. [NYT) Pakistan for "refusing to accept the realities of the
Aug. 13: Occidental accepted the terms of the na- subcontinent." [NYT]
tionalization which included compensation totaling June 19: Chinese Foreign Minister Chi Peng-fei ended
$135m and the right of Occidental to buy Libya's a 2 day visit and talks with President Bhutto. An
51% of the oil. [MEED] official announcement said the 2 sides "share a
complete identity of views."
[Pakistan Affairs PersianGulf
June 20: National Awami Party (NAP) leader Abdul (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Algeria,
Wali Khan told Parliament that Iran was directly Iran, Kuwayt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia)
involved in suppressing the NAP in Baluchistan 1973
and that Iran's "direct intervention" could en-
courage other neighbors to do likewise. [CSM] May 20: The United Arab Amirates (UAA) intro-
duced its new currency, the dirham, to replace the
July 2: Baluchi tribesmen clashed with government Bahrayni and Qatari currency in use in the UAA.
troops in Sorb. [JP] [MEED]
India said it would repatriate 440 Pakistani
June 5: Kuwayti Foreign Minister Shaykh Sabah al-
prisoners for medical reasons. [NYT)
Ahmad al-Sabah concluded a 2 day visit to
July 4: India agreed to hold talks with Pakistan to Bahrayn. A joint communique said "preservation
discus the problem of peace. [CSMJ of the region's security and prosperity calls for
July 5: Bhutto told American correspondents that the continuous cooperation and effective solidarity be-
US was supplying arms to the Middle East and tween its states, away from foreign intervention."
asked why Pakistan should be "an exception." [AW]
[NYT] June 9: Kuwayti Foreign Minister Shaykh Sabah ar-
July 6: The US State Department said American rived in Oman for a 3 day visit and talks with
policy on arms sales to Pakistan was unchanged. Sultan Qabus. [MEED]
[NYT) June 11: Sharjah's ruler Shaykh Sultan bin Muham-
July 10: The National Assembly approved a resolution mad Qasimi arrived in the US after a 2 day visit
giving President Bhutto the authority to grant to Britain. [MEED]
diplomatic recognition to Bangladesh. Bhutto said June 19: Bahrayn and Kuwayt signed a long range
that the time to grant recognition had not yet economic agreement. Kuwayti Foreign Minister
come. [NYT] Shaykh Sab-ah al-Ahmad said it was a "decisive
step" toward Gulf unity and that similar agree-
July 11: India repatriated 438 Pakistani POW's for
ments would be signed with Oman and the
medical reasons. [CSM]
July 12: The Christian Science Monitor reported that
June 21: Oman announced that 10 men were executed
India was planning to hold negotiations on the
and others sentenced to long prison terms for plot-
POW issue. [CSM)
ting to overthrow the government. The charges
July 23: Bhutto met with British Prime Minister said the men were members of the Popular Front
Edward Heath and the Shah of Iran in London. for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf
July 24: Bhutto said a strict new British immigration July 3: Sultan Qabus of Oman flew to London for a
law would not inconvenience Pakistani nationals "private visit" and talks with British leaders.
in Britain. [WP] [MEED]
Talks on the POW question opened in Rawal- July 20: Middle East Economic Digest quoted UAA
pindi with an Indian delegation. A statement said Foreign Minister Ahmad Khalifah Suwaydi as say-
there was some "progress" at the meeting. [WPJ ing the UAA "was looking forward to expanding
July 25: The talks with India were postponed until the base of the federation so that other states will
Bhutto could return from a visit to Europe. [NYT] join it, led by Bahrayn and Qatar." [MEED)
July 31: Talks with India were adjourned and a
statement said "certain issues" required further
discussion which would resume on Aug. 18 in New Saudi Arabia
Delhi. [NYT]
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Lebanon,
Aug. 10: Kashmiri Muslim leader Shaykh Muham- Morocco, Tunisia)
mad Abdullah said he would enter Indian politics
"to serve the entire country" but would not com- 1973
promise his "basic mission, namely the uplift of May 26: US Pentagon officials reported that nego-
the people of Kashmir." [NYT) tiations were underway to sell Saudi Arabia $500m
Aug. 12: Bhutto was elected Premier in the National worth of military arms. [NYTI
Assembly by a vote of 160 to 28. [NYT] The Washington Post reported that Saudi Arabia
Aug. 13: The Christian Science Monitor reported was negotiating to purchase up to 19 warships
"informed sources" as saying that agreement was from the US. [WP)
reached after 9 days of talks with India on the May 31: The State Department said the US was
repatriation of 90,000 Pakistani POW's. [CSM] willing to sell Saudi Arabia a "limited number"

of F-4 Phantomjets and that Kuwaytwas seeking Hasan Yahyi: Transport

to buy Phantomsalso. A spokesmansaid the coun- $alih Muslih: Interior (Acting)
tries of the region would have to take on "more 'All Salim al-Bayd:Planning (Acting)
of their own security procedures" following Rashid MuhammadThibit: Information (Act-
Britain's withdrawalfrom the region. He added ing)
that the US would not make sales which would May 28: The USSR signed an agreementto build
put Israel in jeopardyand that "oil is one of the a 300 bed pediatrichospital. [MEED]
considerations."[WP] June 25: The WashingtonPost reportedthat Cuba
June 7: The New York Times reportedUS officials "has begun training"South Yemeni pilots to fly
as saying Egypt was urging Saudi Arabia to buy Soviet built Mig 21 aircraft.[WP]
French Mirage jet fighters instead of US Phan- July 15: Arab League RepresentativeMunib al-
toms so that the Saudi air force would be com- Rift'i said the unity talks with Yemen, which
patible with the Libyanair force in the event of were suspendedafter the assassinationof
hostilities with Israel. [NYT] mad 'All Uthmanin Yemen on May 30, would be
June 8: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat resumedon July 21. [JP]
the US State Department'sDirector of Oil and July 24: 'Abdallih Ahmad Ghanim was named Act-
Energy James Akins announcedthat the US and ing Minister of Waqf and Justice. [FBIS]
Saudi Arabia had arrived at an understanding
under which the Saudi state petroleum company
Petromin could invest in the US on a private
basis., [MEED] Sudan
July 5: King Faysal met in Riyad with Iranian
Foreign Minister Abbas Khalatbari.[AW] (See also Egypt)
July 6: The ChristianScience Monitor quoted King
Faysalas saying Saudi Arabia "would like to con- 1973
tinue friendly ties with the United States" but
that this would be difficult unless the US takes May 21: The Ministryof Financeraisedthe prices of
"a more even-handed . . . policy" in the region. some commodities including gasoline, sugar and
Petroleum Minister Ahmad Zaki Yamani was cigarettes.[AW]
quoted as denying the report that an agreement May 23: OmdurmanRadio reportedthat President
was reachedwith the US on investmentby Petro- Ja'faral-Numayriofferedto resign after opposition
min in the US. [CSM] to the price rises was expressedin a meeting of the
July 14: Qatar signed an economic agreement "to Sudan Socialist Union's Political Bureau on May
facilitate trade and the movement of citizens." 22. According to the report, Numayri withdrew
[FBIS] his resignation in response to popular demand.
July 16: Bahrayn'sruler Shaykh'Isa bin Sulm-anal- [AW]
Khalifah completed a 2 day visit and talks with May26: Numayrimet with EgyptianPresidentAnwar
'Faysal. [MEED] al-Sadit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, during the
July 18: Foreign Minister 'Umar al-Saqqafflew to conferenceof the Organizationof African Unity
Ethiopiafor an officialvisit. [MEED] (OAU). [MEED]
May 27: InformationMinister 'Umar al-Hajj Muisa
July 28: Faysal met with Jordanian Premier Zayd
al-Rift'i who paid a brief 1 day visit. [FBIS] denied reports that the 8 Black September as-
sassins of a Belgian and 2 American diplomats
July 30: A record budget was announced to be would not be tried. He said the trial would begin
SR 22,810m, an increaseof 72.8% over the pre- "soon." [JP]
vious budget. [MEED] June 15: A magistrate'shearingfor Palestinianguer-
rillas who killed 3 foreign diplomatsin Marchwas
postponed. [NYT]
July 6: EconomyMinister Ibrihim Mansuirended a
South Yemen visit to China after signing a trade agreement.
(See also Yemen) July 16: EgyptianWar Minister Ahmad Ismi'll 'All
ended an official visit. [MEED]
1973 July 30: PresidentNumayricompleteda 19 day tour
of the provincesincluding the south. [MEED]
May 18: A Cabinet reshufflewas announced: July 31: Information Minister Muisi said a pre-
Muhammad$alih Muti: Foreign liminary hearing for 10 Palestinians accused of
'Abdallih Khamiri: State for CabinetAffars killing 3 foreign diplomats in March would be
'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-Wali Nashir: Economy held on Sept. 25. [NYT]

Syria Al-Hadi al-Qashah:Public Works

Mohamed Sayah: Youth & Sport
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict,General, Egypt, June 12: Saudi King Faysalarrivedfor officialmeet-
Kuwayt, Lebanon,Turkey) ings with PresidentHabib Bourguiba.[WPJ
June 15: Middle East Economic Digest reportedthat
1973 a joint commission with Libya had concluded 9
May 26: Elections began for the People's Council. agreementsincludingthe founding of a joint bank
[CSMJ in Lebanonand Libyan aid for a water resources
May 27: Voting continued in the general elections. study in southernTunisia. [MEED]
The Interior Ministry announced that the Ba'th June 19: FormerEconomyMinisterAhmadBen Salah
Party won I 11 seats out of 164 but that an and 11 others on trial were found guilty of plan-
additional 22 in Aleppo were undecided because ning the successful escape of Ben Salah from
of voting irregularities.[CSM) prison in Feb. Ben Salah and 3 others were sent-
May 28: Full diplomatic ties were resumed with enced in absentia. [NYT]
Britain. [JPJ Aug. 4: It was announcedthat PresidentBourguiba
June 9: PresidentHifiz al-Asadspoke to the inaugu- granted pardons to political refugees abroad, in-
ral session of the People's Council and warned cluding former Economy Minister Ben Salah, if
that another war with Israel was "inevitable" they would return home before 1974 and refrain
despite the US-USSRdetente. [AWl from political activity. [NYT)
June 13: Yemeni Deputy PremierMuhammadAhmad Aug. 7: Turkish Foreign Minister Haluk Bayiulken
Nu'man concludeda 1 day visit after talks on the arrivedfor talkson increasingbilateralcooperation.
situation between Yemen and South Yemen. [FBIS]
[FBISJ Aug. 9: Bourguibaannouncedthat a sweeping ad-
June 28: Defense Minister MustafaTalas held talks ministrativereform law would be introducedto
in Moscow with Soviet Defense Minister Andrei the assembly when the Premier returned from
Grechko. [NYTI holiday. [MEED]
June 29: The delegationheadedby Defense Minister Aug. 13: Bourguiba accused a "clique . . . manipu-
MustafaTalas arrived in North Vietnam to seek lated by big hands"of corruptingyouth by "brag-
military advisors for the Syrian armed forces. ging about socialism"while the state worked for
[NYT) the "applicationof socialism."[MEED]
July 5: President Asad inauguratedthe Euphrates
Dam. [NYT)
July 18: Omani Ministerof Foreign AffairsFahd al-
Said arrived for talks on bilateral relations. Turkey
July 19: Beirut's L'Orient-Le Jour reported that Asad (See also Afghanistan)
survived an assassinationattempt by high ranking
militaryofficerson July 10. [WPJ 1973
July 22: A delegationof the Union of ArabChambers June 25: Kuwayti Foreign Minister Shaykh Sabah
of Commercearrived in Damascusto discuss the al-Ahmad al-Sabah arrived for official talks.
effects of the border closure against Lebanon.
Aug. 9: LebaneseForeign Minister Fu'ad Nafa' ar- June 26: A Soviet pilot landed a small plane near
rived for negotiationsto reopen the border. [JP] Trabzonand requestedpolitical asylum. [NYT]
June 30: A supplementaryprotocol was signed with
the EuropeanEconomicCommunitylowering EEC
tariffs on some Turkish agricultural goods.
Tunisia [MEED]
July 2: An Armenianimmigrantto the US, Gourgen
(See also Arab IsraeliConflict,General) Yanikian, was found guilty of the murder of 2
Turkishdiplomatsin Californiaon Jan. 27. [NYT]
1973 July 19: The new land reform law went into effect.
May 25: Iranian Premier Abbas Hoveyda ended an [JP]
official visit after a joint communique said eco- July 21: Foreign Minister Haluk Bayulken ended
nomic cooperationwould be increased and that an official visit to Bulgaria after agreementwas
Iran would participatein the constructionof the reachedto form a commissionto study the pros-
Wadi Zurud Dam. [MEED] pects for greater economic cooperation. [MEED]
June 5: The following Cabinet appointment were July 26: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim
announced: Khaddamarrived for an official 4 day visit and
Salah al-Din Bali: Justice talks on bilateral relations. [JP)

July 27: It was announced that martial law was May 30: Sana'aRadio said ShaykhMuhammad'Ali
ended in Diyarbakirand Siirt. [FBIS] Uthmanwas assassinated.The governmentblamed
Aug. 5: Agreement was reached with Syria to co- the killing on "men from across the southern
operate in efforts to combat smuggling across the border."[NYTI
border. [JPI June 6: The governmentdispatched2 delegationsto
Aug. 14: It was announcedthat 66 generalsincluding Arab capitals to explain the situation with South
Air Force Commander Muhsin Batur and 130 Yemen. [MEED]
colonels were being retired and 30 generals and June 8: Kuwayt signed an agreement to loan
admiralswere being promoted. [MEED] KD 1.9m for agriculturalprojects in the Tihama
coastal region. [MEED]
June 21: The governmentannouncedthat 8 "sabo-
teurs" were executed. [WP)
Yemen July 18: Ten personsfound guilty of planting mines
and undertakingoperationsagainst the army were
(See also Syria) executed. [JPJ
July 22: A special envoy of South Yemen met with
1973 President'Abd al-Rahmanal-Iryanito discuss the
May 26: Middle East News Agency reportedthat 30 unificationof the 2 countries.[MEED]
persons were killed in 4 days of fighting near Aug. 9: Middle East News Agency reportedthat 1
Bayda when securityforces tried to arresta band man was killed and another wounded when a
of men who were planting mines near the South group attemptedto smuggle arms into the country
Yemen border. [NYTJ from acrossthe borderin South Yemen. [JP]

ARR, Arab Report and Record (84-86 ChanceryLane, London WC2A 1DL, England). AW, The Arab
World (P.O. Box 3045, Beirut, Lebanon). CSM, The ChristianScience Monitor (1 Norway St., Boston,
Mass. 02115). CB, CyprusBulletin (Public InformationOffice, Nicosia, Cyprus). E, The Economist (54
St. James's Street, London, SWlA 1JT, England). FBIS, Foreign BroadcastInformation Service Daily
Report-Middle East and Africa (Washington, D.C.). G, The ManchesterGuardianWeekly (164 Deans-
gate, Manchester,M60 2RR, England). JP, The JerusalemPost (6 Rehov Aristobulus,Jerusalem). KI,
Kayhan International(Ave. Ferdowsi,Tehran, Iran). MEED, Middle East EconomicDigest (84-86 Chan-
cery Lane, London,WC2A 1DL, England). MEES,Middle East EconomicSurvey (P.O. Box 1224, Beirut,
Lebanon). LM, Le Monde (English Section, 5 rue des Italiens, 75 Paris 9E, France). NYT, The New
York Times (229 W. 43 Street,New York, N.Y. 10036). WP, The WashingtonPost (1515 L St., N.W.,
Washington,D.C. 20005).

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