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Chronology November 16, 1973-February 15, 1974

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Spring, 1974), pp. 155-170
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:15

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November16, 1973-February 15, 1974

Arab Israeli Conflict Egyptian and Israeli generals meeting at Kilo-

meter 101 on the Suez-Cairo road failed to reach
any agreementon the withdrawalof troops to the
lines of Oct. 22 [NYT]
1973 The New York Times quoted officials in Cairo
Nov. 16: Lebanon reportedthat an Israeli armored as saying Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddamtold
force crossed the border briefly and then pulled Egypt that Syria was willing to attend a peace
back after it came under artillery fire. [NYT] conference with Israel under UN auspices.
President Nixon said "real progress" in the [NYT]
Middle East might ease the Arab oil embargo in Nov. 21: The US reported that the USSR might
the near future. [NYT] have moved nuclear warheads into Egypt during
Nov. 18: The Organizationof Arab Petroleum Ex- the fighting in Oct. but Secretary of State Henry
porting Countries (OAPEC) decided to cancel Kissinger said there was no "confirmedevidence"
the 5% cutback in oil exports to western Europe of this. [NYT]
which were scheduled for Dec. The US and US Secretary of State Kissinger said the US
Holland were not includedin the reprieve. [NYT] would not alter its Middle East policy because
Syria's Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Ijalim al- of the Arab oil embargoand warned that the US
Khadd&mended a 2 day visit to Egypt for talks would consider counter measures if the embargo
on the Arab Israeli question. [NYT] continued "unreasonably and indefinitely." He
Nov. 19: A Palestinian delegation led by Yasir said a peace conferenceshould begin in Dec. con-
'Arafat flew to Moscow for talks. [JP] ducted by the US and Russia and attended by
The US said the military alert of the 6th fleet UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim. [NYT]
was ended. [NYT] Nov. 22: Japan urged Israel to withdraw from "all
The US said the Arab oil embargo had not territories occupied in the 1967 war" and said
altered US policy toward the Arab states and Japan, "dependingon future developments,may
that retaliation would not be taken for the time have to reconsider its policy toward Israel."
being. [NYT] [NYT]
Saudi Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad Zaki Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said
Yamani called on Japan to break relations with some Israeli POWs who were capturedby Egypt
Israel. [AW] and not returned in the prisoner exchange may
Iraq announced that it would not attend the have been "murdered" by Egyptian soldiers.
Arab summit conference in Algiers because the [NYT]
conference would not "achieve the Arab masses' The UN reported that the Egyptian Israeli
aims of liberation and continuationof the strug- POW exchange was completed. [NYT]
gle." [NYT] Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban said the

List of Abbreviations
ARR, Arab Report and Record; AW, The Arab World; B, Brief; CSM, The Christian Science
Monitor; CB, Cyprus Bulletin; E, The Economist; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Daily Report-Middle East and Africa; G, The uardian (weekly internationaledition); JP, The Jeru-
salem Post; KT, The Kabul Times; KI, Kayhan (international edition); MEED, Middle East Eco-
nomic Digest; MEES, Middle East Economic Survey;LM, Le Monde (weekly English edition);
NYT, The New York Times; WP, The Washington Post.


question of Israeli prisoners in Syria had to be Israel accused Japan of surrenderingto Arab
settled "before we can sit with Syria at a peace threats. [NYT]
conference" and that UN efforts to intercede Talks at Kilometer 101 failed to break the
had been unproductive. [NYT] deadlock. Egyptian and Israeli forces exchanged
The Shah of Iran urged the Arabs to end the automatic weapons fire for 10 minutes. [NYT]
oil boycott since a ceasefire had been achieved. Nov. 27: Jordan announced it would boycott the
[NYT] proposed peace conference with Israel if the
Saudi King Faysal said the oil weapon would Arab summit conference endorsed the Palestine
be used until 3 objectives were reached: the with- Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole
drawal of Israel from all Arab territory, the representative of the Palestinian people. [AW]
recognitionby Israel of the Arabism of Jerusalem The 3 Arab hijackers of the KLM jet freed
and the granting of self determination to the 247 passengers and 8 stewardesses in Malta in
Palestinians. [NYT] return for a pledge from the Dutch government
Saudi Oil Minister Shaykh Yamani warned not to assist Soviet Jews migrating to Israel.
that if the US, Europe and Japan take counter [NYT]
measures against the oil embargo production Swiss and Israeli postal authorities discovered
could be cut up to 80%owithout much loss of 8 letter bombs. [NYT]
oil revenue to the producing states. [NYT] The summit in Algiers passed a resolution
Syria said it would exchange POWs only when recognizing the Palestine Liberation Organiza-
Israeli troops withdrew completely from Arab tion (PLO) as the sole representative of the
territory. [NYT] Palestinian people. [AW]
The first "formal"talks between Egyptian and Belgium called on Israel to withdraw from
Israeli generals were held at Kilometer 101. Arab territory occupied in 1967. [NYT]
Nov. 23: Waldheim met with Kissinger and said Nov. 28: The hijacked Dutch airliner arrived in
afterward that the date, site and participants of Dubai. [NYTI
a peace conference were not yet decided. [NYT] The Arab summitconferenceendedafter adopt-
Nov. 23: Dayan said Israel's negotiators at Kilo- ing a resolution to halt the flow of oil to Portu-
meter 101 must resist pressures to vield territory gal, Rhodesia and South Africa and to continue
vital to Israeli security. [NYT] the embargo on oil sales to countries supporting
The commander of the UN force in Egypt Israel. [NYT]
reported that "many details have been clarified" Nov. 29: Kissinger said he still expected the
in a meeting at Kilometer 101. [NYT] Geneva peace conference to convene in Dec.
Al-Ahram's editor, MuhammadHaykal, urged despite the breakdown in talks between Egypt
the Arab world to acquire nuclear weapons to and Israel. [NYT]
counter what he said he believed was Israel's The talks at Kilometer 101 broke down and
nuclear weapons capacity. [NYT] both sides said they had no new proposals to
Nov. 24: Jordan announced that King I{usayn make and no new date for another meeting.
would not attend the summit meeting. [NYT] Machinegun and mortar fire were exchanged
After a meeting at Kilometer 101, Israeli between Egyptian and Israeli troops. [NYT]
spokesmen said there was "no meaningful prog- The Oil Ministersof Algeria and Saudi Arabia,
ress" toward agreeing on the disengagement of Belaid Abdesalamand Shaykh Yamani, met with
Egyptian and Israeli forces. [NYT] British leaders in London and assured them that
A conference of 16 Arab Foreign Ministers Britain, France and Spain would not be affected
and a Palestinian delegation led by Yasir 'Arafat by the 5% cuts in oil production in Dec. and
opened in Algiers in preparation for an Aral Jan. [NYT]
summit conference. [NYT] The 3 hijackers of the Dutch jet surrendered
Nov. 25: The Israeli Cabinetacceptedan American to police in Dubai. [NYT]
proposal to attend peace talks beginning Dec. Nov. 30: UN Peace Force commander Ensio
18 with Egypt, Syria and Jordan. [NYT] Siilasvuo met with leaders in Cairo and Jerusalem
Nov. 26: Arab hijackers took control of a Dutch in an effort to get the talks at Kilometer 101
airliner over Iraq and landedon Cyprus,demand- started again.
ing that the Cypriote government release 7 Japan announced that it would increase its
Arab terrorists. The plane later flew on to Libya. annual donation to UNRWA from $1m to $5m.
The Arab summit conference opened in Staou- Egyptian Foreign Minister Ism.'il Fahmi
eli, Algeria. The leaders of Iraq, Libya and called on the US and Russia to break the new
Jordan did not attend. [NYT] diplomatic deadlock by putting pressure on Is-
The Soviet TASS news agency said that PLO rael. [NYT]
leader 'Arafat was told during talks in Moscow Dec. 1: Egypt said it would not renew the talks
that the USSR would continue to give "assistance with Israel until it was certain that Israeli
and support" to the Palestinians. [NYT] "obstruction"was ended. [NYT]
Dutch Economy Minister Ruud Lubbers met a 5% cutback of production effective Jan. 1,
with Yamani and Abdesalam in Brussels. He 1974. [NYT]
said later that the conditions which the Arab Dec. 10: Dayan said Israel would not enter peace
states say Holland must fulfill to end the oil talks with Syria unless Syria disclosed the fate
boycott were "out of the question." [NYT] of Israeli POWs. [NYT]
Meir said the talks with Egypt broke down be- Israel accused Egypt in the UN of murdering
cause Egypt's terms "went beyond the purpose 28 Israeli POWs. Egypt denied the charge.
of preserving the ceasefire." [NYT] [NYT]
Jordan's King Ijusayn said he would need Israel expelled 8 West Bank Arabs into Jordan
"more clarification"of the Arab summit's recog- for allegedly undermining security. [NYT]
nition of the PLO as the sole representativeof Dec. 11: The UN General Assembly approved a
the Palestinian people before Jordan would at- plan to finance the peace keeping force for the
tend an Arab Israeli peace conference. [NYT] 1st 6 months at a cost of $30m. [NYT]
Dec. 2: Sporadic tank and artillery fire were ex- Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat met with
changed for 4 hours between Israel and Syria. Syrian President H.afi; al-Asad in Cairo to plan
[NYT] for the Geneva conference. [NYT]
Dec. 3: Syria reported that tanks and artillery Dec. 12: Italy's ruling coalition called for closer
exchanged fire for 3 hours along the front with ties with oil producing states. [NYT]
Israel. Israel said 4 soldiers were wounded in Syria reported tank and artillery clashes with
incidents on both fronts. [NYT] Israel. [NYT]
Dec. 4: Holland said the Israeli occupationof Arab An Arab threw a hand grenade in a crowded
territory taken in 1967 was "illegal." [NYT] street in Hebron wounding 8 persons. [NYT]
A grenade exploded in a Jerusalem shopping It was reportedfrom the UN that the US and
area wounding 18 persons. [NYT] USSR agreed that UN Secretary GeneralWald-
Yamani said in New York that the opening of heim would chair the Geneva conference. [NYT]
peace talks alone would not alter Arab policy Dec. 13: Kissinger met in Algeria with President
on oil but that if "there is any positive move- Houari Boumediennebefore flying to Cairo for
ment, which we think is of some significance, talks with Sadat. An Algerian spokesman said
we will immediately react favorably." [NYT] the Kissinger visit was "a turning point" in US-
Dec. 5: Syria denied that Israeli POWs were Algerian relations. [NYT]
executed during the war. [NYT] Egypt protested to the US against an alleged
Saudi and Algerian Oil Ministers Yamani and violation of Egypt's airspace on Dec. 10 by a US
Abdesalambegan talks in Washington to explain "spy plane." [NYT]
the Arab oil embargo.After talks with Kissinger, Japan issued a call to Israel to withdraw to the
Yamani said a Middle East peace was "now more lines of Oct. 22 as a first step toward "total with-
feasible than at any time in the past." [NYT] drawal" from all territory occupied in 1967.
Dec. 6: Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Zakariyya [NYT]
Isma'il said Syria would not attend the Geneva Dec. 14: Ellsworth Bunker was appointed US
talks unless there is some prior Israeli with- delegate to the Geneva talks. [NYT]
drawal toward the lines of Oct. 22 [NYT] A trial opened in Rome of 3 Arabs accused of
Israeli and Egyptian jets clashed over the Gulf plotting to shoot down an airliner with a ground
of Suez. Both sides claimed to have downed 1 to air missle. [NYT]
enemy plane. [NYT] Kissinger met in Riyadh with King Faysal to
Cyprus released 7 Arab terrorists who were discuss the oil embargo and the Geneva talks.
convicted of bombing the apartmentof the Israeli [NYT]
ambassador. [JP] Kissinger met with Sadat in Cairo before
Dec. 8: The Israeli military governor of Nablus flying on to Saudi Arabia. After the meeting
was wounded in a grenade attack on his car in Kissinger announcedthat its was agreed between
Nablus. [NYT] the 2 that the first stage of the Geneva talks
Israeli Defense Minister Dayan met in Wash- should focus on the disengagement of Israeli
ington with US Vice President Gerald Ford. and Egyptian troops. Sadat said Egyptians would
[NYT] "gather" in the same conference room with
Syria said it would discuss the release of Israelis but he ruled out "direct negotiations."
Israeli prisoners only in the frameworkof a total [NYT]
Israeli withdrawal from Arab land. [NYT] The Foreign Ministers of Sudan, Algeria,
Egyptian Deputy Premier 'Abd al-Qadir Hatim Tunisia and the Union of Arab Amirates arrived
said Egypt would attend peace talks with Israel in Denmark to tell a meeting of CommonMarket
in Geneva. leaders that Europe would have to do more to
Artillery exchanges were reported on the Suez achieve a settlement of the Middle East crisis
front. [NYT] before the oil embargo would be lifted. [NYT]
Dec. 9: A meeting of Arab Oil Ministers announced Dec. 15: Kissinger met with Syrian leaders in

Damascus and then flew to Jordan. [NYT] The UN reported continuing violations of the
Syria reported clashes in the Jawlan region. cease fire. [NYT]
[NYT] In Geneva the Arab Israeli peace talks opened.
The UN Security Council approved a resolu- Egypt and Jordan said there could be no com-
tion saying Waldheim would "play a full and promise on the issue of territory. Israel said
effective r6le" at Geneva and that the talks there could be no return to the 1967 boundaries.
would be held under UN auspices. [NYT] [NYT]
Dec. 17: Arab guerrillas at Rome airport killed Dec. 22: The 1st round of the Geneva talks ended
31 people with grenades and gunfire and then with agreement to move the negotiations on a
hijacked a German jet to Athens with hostages disengagement of forces from Kilometer 101 to
on board. [NYT] Geneva and to form other committees to deal
Egypt's Foreign Minister Fahmi flew to Syria with other issues once the terms of disengage-
to discuss the Geneva talks. [NYT] ment would be settled. [NYT]
Israeli officials said Israel had agreed to attend Dec. 23: Kuwayt reported that the 5 hijackers of
peace talks in Geneva after Kissinger had as- the German jet who killed 31 people in Rome
sured Israel of firm US support at the talks. would be turned over to the PLO. [NYT]
[NYT] Syria charged that the results of the 1st
Kissinger met in Israel with Meir and de- session of the Geneva talks showed that the con-
scribed the talks as "very constructive." [NYT] ference set out to deal only with marginal issues.
Dec. 18: Syria said officially it would not attend [NYT]
the Geneva talks. [NYT] The UN reported 45 cease fire violations be-
The US and USSR announcedthat the peace tween Egyptian and Israeli forces. [NYT]
talks would begin in Geneva on Dec. 21. [NYT] Dec. 25: A meeting of Arab Oil Ministers of
The hijackers in Athens demandedthe release OAPEC in Kuwayt decided to increase by 10%
of 2 imprisoned Palestinians in Greece. The the flow of oil to Japan and Western Europe
demand was refused and the hijackers killed 1 effective.Jan. 1, 1974, and cancelled a scheduled
hostage before flying to Kuwayt where they 5% cut for the same period. [NYT]
surrenderedto police. [NYT] The UN reported 44 shooting incidents on the
Small arms fire was reportedbetween Egyptian Suez front. [NYT]
and Israeli forces. [NYT] Dec. 26: Talks opened in Geneva on the military
Iraq's Oil Minister Sa'dfin Hammadi said Iraq disengagement of Egyptian and Israeli forces.
was expanding its oil production because the [NYT]
indiscriminate use of the oil weapon was not French police arrested 3 Arabs and 10 Turks
sound policy. [NYT] for allegedly plotting terrorist attacks in Europe.
Japanese Deputy Premier Takeo Miki said [NYT]
during a visit to Egypt that Japan was ready Dec. 27: Kissinger said improved Soviet-American
to loan Egypt $140m for widening and deepening relations would be possible only if the USSR
the Suez Canal. [NYT] held to a "responsible course" in the Middle
A PLO spokesman said the PLO would "do East. [NYT]
everything"in its power to stop terrorist acts like Israel protestedto the UN that Egyptian forces
the one in Rome. [NYT] were attemptingto advancenear the Great Bitter
Dec. 19: UN observers reportedthat both Egyptian Lake. [NYT]
and Israeli troops had advanced positions during Dec. 28: Egypt accused Israel of having mistreated
clashes on the Suez front. [NYT] 43 Egyptian POWs. [NYT]
Jordan's King Ijusayn met in Damascus with Japanese Deputy Premier Takeo Miki com-
Asad. pleted a tour of 7 Arab countries intended to
Syria said it would attend the Geneva talks secure Japan's "full oil needs." [NYT]
when Israel shows it would negotiate "in good Beirut's al-Massa quoted Libyan Chairman
faith on the fundamental issues." [NYT] Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhdfias saying that it would
Dec. 20: Kuwayt said it was considering a request be a "crime" for any Arab state to conclude a
from the PLO that the hijackers be released to unilateral peace with Israel and that revolution-
the PLO for trial. [NYT] ary Arab states should back a revolution against
The UN force protested to Egypt and Israel any state which would try. [NYT]
over the steady increase of truce violations. Dec. 29: The UN reported a 5 hour small arms
[NYT] battle on the Egyptian Israeli front. [NYT]
The Shah of Iran urged the Arabs to end their Dec. 30: A prominent British Jew; Joseph Sieff,
oil embargo to avert the possibility of an inter- was shot in London in an assassination attempt.
national economic disaster. [NYT] [NYT]
Dec. 21: Israeli Foreign Minister Eban met with Dec. 31: The Popular Front for the Liberation of
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko in Palestine [PFLP] claimed responsibility for the
Geneva. attack of Joseph Sieff. [NYT]

1974 a large exchange of tank and artillery fire erupted

on the Syrian line. [NYT]
Jan. 9: Kuwayt's Foreign Minister Shaykh $abah
Jan. 1: Fires broke out in 3 Israeli operated oil al-Ahmad al-$abah said Kuwayt was ready to
wells off the Sinai coast in the Gulf of Suez. blow up its oil installationsif any foreign powers
[MEED] should intervene on Kuwayti territory to secure
Jant.2: Geneva negotiators reported that military oil. [NYT]
disengagement talks had reached "an important A special Arab League representative, Clovis
stage." [NYT] Maksud, began a 19 day tour of the US to ex-
Sporadic skirmishing occurred on the Syrian plain the Arab position. [NYT]
and Egyptian fronts. [NYT] Egyptian and Israeli negotiators suspended
Jan. 3: The UN reported that Israeli troops ob- their talks in Geneva to await political decisions
structed the passage of nonmilitary supplies to in Cairo and Jerusalem and a new Middle East
the Egyptian 3rd Army. Israel said it would trip by Kissinger. [NYT]
continue to do so as long as Egyptian troops OAPEC denied reports that Libya was break-
continued harassing Israeli troops. [NYT] ing the Arab oil embargo against the US.
Jan. 4: Israel again permitted supplies to pass to [MEES]
Egyptian forces near Suez City after the UN Jant.10: The UN reported that tension was again
raised the issue with Israel "at all levels." [NYT] increasing near Suez City because of an attempt
The 4th round of talks in Geneva on military to advance by Egyptian troops. [NYT]
disengagementwas held and discussed "technical Jan. 11: Before flying to Egypt, Kissinger urged
problems." all oil producingand consuming nations to work
Dayan met in Washington, D.C., with Kis- for a long term, multinational agreement to
singer to discuss the disengagementof Egyptian solve the energy shortage. [NYT]
and Israeli troops and with Defense Secretary The UN reported that Egyptian forces opened
James Schlesinger to discuss arms supplies. fire on Israeli positions near Suez City. Syria
[NYT] reported artillery clashes in the Jawlan region.
Jan. 5: Army troops were called out to guard [NYT]
London's Heathrow Airport after police received Kissinger arrived in Aswan, Egypt, late in the
reports that Arab terrorists were planning an evening and met with Sadat. [NYT]
attack. [NYT] Jan. 12: UN Secretary General Waldheim called
Dayan concluded2 days of talks with Kissinger the Suez front "unstable and potentially explo-
and said that he hoped Israel was then ready sive" and urged a "substantial separation" of
to reach a troop disengagement agreement with forces so a UN force could be interposed.[NYT]
Egypt. [NYT] Kissinger met with Sadat in the morning and
The UN reported "intense fighting" around then flew to Israel and met with Meir. [NYT]
Suez City. [NYT] The UN reportedthat Israel halted the flow of
Jant.6: US Secretary of Defense Schlesinger said supplies to surrounded Egyptian troops in ap-
the Arab states would run the risk of violence parent retaliationfor Egyptian shelling of Israeli
if they used their oil "to cripple the larger mass positions. [NYT]
of the industrialized world." [MEED] Yamani warned that the formation of a block
Egyptian Ambassador-Designate to the US of oil consuming nations would lead to a con-
Ashraf Ghurbal said that if a troop disengage- frontation with producers that would be a "di-
ment agreement would be concluded then "we saster." [NYT]
are on the right road toward lifting the Arab Jan. 13: US SenatorJames Abourezkquoted Syrian
oil embargo against the United States." [NYT] President Asad as saying Syria would release
The UN reported a decrease in the number Israeli prisoners if Israel would allow 17,000
of clashes between Egyptian and Israeli forces. Syrians to return to their homes in land occupied
[NYT] by Israel in Oct. 1973. [NYT]
Jan. 7: Syria reported driving back an Israeli The UN reportedthat Israel lifted .its blockade
armored thrust. Israel said nothing unusual had of supplies to surrounded Egyptian forces.
occurred on the Syrian front. [NYT] [NYT]
Egyptian and Israeli negotiators met in Geneva After Israeli leaders approved a plan for dis-
to discuss "technical models" of disengagement. engagement of Egyptian and Israeli forces, Kis-
[NYT] singer flew to Egypt to present the plan to
US Defense Secretary Schlesinger said there Sadat. [NYT]
was a "risk" that the Arab oil embargo might Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmi declared
create pressure in the US for the US to show that Egypt would not concludea "separatepeace"
"force." [NYT] with Israel, but would insist on a return of all
Jan. 8: The UN reported a continuing decline in occupied Arab territory including the Old City
cease fire violations on the Egyptian front while of Jerusalem. [NYT]

Jan. 14: Kissinger said there was "very good prog- he hoped troop disengagement talks with Israel
ress" in his talks in Egypt and he returned to would begin soon. [NYT]
Israel to present the Egyptian response to the Jan. 21: Kissinger left Israel for Washington.
proposed disengagementagreement. [NYT] [NYT]
Jan. 15: Israeli leadersmet with Kissinger and then Kuwayt said speculation that the Arab oil
postponed acceptance of a disengagement plan embargo would be lifted because of the Israeli-
until Kissinger could meet again with Egyptian Egyptian disengagementaccord was "premature"
leaders. [NYT] and that the embargo was "still linked to Israeli
A 2 hour battle between Egyptian and Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and the
forces again disrupted the flow of supplies to restoration of the national rights of the Pales-
Egyptian forces in and around Suez City. [NYT] tinian people." [NYT]
Jan. 16: Kissinger flew to Aswan, met with Sadat Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmi arrived in
and then returned to Israel. [NYT] Moscow to brief Soviet leaders on the new
Beirut's al-Sayyad quoted Syrian Deputy Pre- agreement with Israel. [NYT]
mier Khaddam as saying that a disengagement Sadat met in Algeria with Boumedienne to
of forces must be simultaneous on both fronts explain the recent accord. He later told reporters
and must be linked to total Israeli withdrawal. that there was "a significant, though not total,"
[NYT] change in US policy and "it is necessary for
Jan. 17: It was announced in Egypt, Israel and the Arabs to make an identical change toward
the US that an agreement was reached on the the United States." [NYT]
disengagementof Egyptian and Israeli forces. A Jan. 22: Kissinger said he expected that the suc-
second accord called the "United States proposal" cessful negotiations would result in an end to the
was also reached detailing the deployment of Arab oil embargo. [NYT]
Egyptian and Israeli forces. Israeli sources said After a bitter debate, Israel's Knesset approved
the 1st agreement carried a secret provision for the disengagement agreement with Egypt by a
the reopening of the Suez Canal. [NYT] vote of 76 to 35. [NYT]
The New York Times cited sources in Syria Jant. 23: Italy called on Israel to withdraw from all
as saying Syria might break diplomatic relations occupied Arab territory if it wished to continue
with Egypt in protest against the Egyptian- as a sovereign state. [NYT]
Israeli agreements. [NYT] After meeting in Morocco with King Hasan,
Jan. 18: In the evening Sadat met in Saudi Arabia Sadat said Syria was willing to discuss the sepa-
with King Faysal. ration of troops with Israel and that the Geneva
In separate ceremonies in Egypt and Israel, talks would not resume until such an agreement
Sadat and Meir signed the agreement on arms would be reached. Sadat then returned to Cairo.
control of the new Sinai front. [NYT]
Sadat and Kissinger said they would press Israeli forces began to withdraw from the
Syria to reach similar agreements. [NYT] west bank of the Suez Canal. [NYT]
Meeting at Kilometer 101, the Chiefs of Staff Libyan Premier 'Abd al-Salam Jalluid said
of Egypt and Israel, Muhammadal-Gamasi and American policy had not shifted sufficiently to
David Elazar, signed the agreement for the dis- warrant lifting the Arab oil embargo. [NYT]
engagement of their forces. The accord called Jan. 24: An official Jordanian spokesman said
for Israeli forces to pull back into the Sinai Jordan would not be opposed to the participation
about 20 miles and for a limited Egyptian force of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the
to occupy the east bank of the Suez with a UN Geneva talks. [JP]
truce force stationed in between. [NYT] A detailed agreement on a timetable for the
Jan. 19: Sadat met in Damascuswith Syrian leaders troop withdrawal was reached at Kilometer 101
and then flew to Kuwayt to explain the new and signed by Elazar and Gamasi. [NYT]
agreement. [NYT] Two Arabs convicted of a grenade attack at
An American official said that Israel and Athens airport in Aug. 1973 were sentenced to
Egypt informallyagreed to suspendfurther peace death by a Greek court. [NYT]
negotiations until the military disengagement Jan. 25: Israeli forces began to withdraw from the
would be complete. west bank of the Suez Canal. [NYT]
Kissinger met in Jordan with King Ijusayn to Jan. 26: Minor skirmishes were reported by botl
discuss the possibility of talks between Jordan sides along the Israeli Syrian line. [NYT]
and Israel. [NYT] Jant.27: The New York Timies reported that Jordan
Jan. 20: Kissinger met with Asad and said Syria and Israel had begun secret talks on a disengage-
offered "very constructive suggestions" on ways ment of forces along the Jordan River. [NYT]
to begin military disengagementtalks with Israel. Israel denied that any talks were taking place
He then flew to Israel for further discussions. with Jordan. [FBIS]
[NYT] Artillery duels broke out on the Israeli Syrian
Jordan's Premier 'Abd al-Mun'im Rifa'i said front. [NYT]
Jan. 28: The Israeli siege of Suez City ended. with Nixon focusing on the Middle East and
[NYT] detente. [NYT]
Jan. 29: Israeli and Syrian troops clashed in the Feb. 5: The UN announced that its forces had
Jawlan region for the 4th straight day. [NYT] began to move into the area of the east side of
Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmi said Egypt the Suez Canal that will serve as a buffer zone.
was willing to sign a peace treaty with Israel if [NYT]
Israel would withdraw from land captured in Israel accused Syria of opening artillery fire
1967 and recognize "the national rights of the in the Jawlan region. [NYT]
Palestinians." [JP] Feb. 6: Kissinger said that in the light of American
Jan. 30: Nixon said an "urgent meeting" of the efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East, the
Arab oil producingstates would be held to discuss maintenance of the oil embargo would be "a
lifting the oil embargo. [NYT] form of blackmail"which would affect the "atti-
Jant.31: Kissinger said that several Arab leaders tude with which we will have to pursue our
would urge the lifting of the oil embargo when diplomacy."[NYT]
the Arab oil producing states would meet in Feb. 7: Terrorists seized control of the Japanese
Libya on Feb. 14. [NYT] embassay in Kuwayt and threatened to kill all
UN Peace Force commander Gen. Siilasvuo hostages unless 4 terrorists besieged on a ferry-
said the 1st phase of the troop disengagement boat in Singapore were flown to Kuwayt. Japan
went smoothly. [NYT] sent a plane to Singapore but Kuwayt said it
would not allow the plane to land with the 4
Feb. 2: Syrian President Asad flew to Saudi
men on board. [WP]
Arabia for "crucial" talks on the Arab Israeli
Kuwayt accepted an appeal from Japan to al-
conflict. [NYT] low 4 terrorists to land in Kuwayt. [NYT]
Feb. 3: Three armed men seized control of a Greek US officials said Egypt and Israel agreed to
ship in Karachi, Pakistan, and threatenedto blow permit US plans to fly reconnaisanceplanes over
it up and kill 2 hostages if Greece would not the Suez region to monitor troop disengagement.
release 2 Arab guerrillas sentenced to death in [NYT]
Athens. [NYT] Feb. 8: A Japan Airlines jet carrying 4 terrorists
Tank and artillery fire was exchanged along from Singapore landed in Kuwayt and picked up
the Syrian front. [NYT] 5 terrorists who were holding hostages in the
The 3 terrorists on a Greek ship in Karachi Japanese embassy. The hostages were released
surrendered their hostages and were flown to and the 9 terrorists flown to South Yemen.
Egypt after reportedly receiving promises that [NYT]
2 Arab terrorists in Greecewould not be executed. Meir told Israeli settlers in the Jawlan region
[NYT] that she considered the heights to be an "insep-
Asad flew to Kuwayt for talks on the Middle arable part of Israel." [NYT]
East situation. [NYT] Feb. 10: Artillery skirmishes resumed on the
Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam said Syria Syrian front after 4 days of quiet. [NYT]
would accept a military disengagement only "as Feb. 11: A 3 hour artillery duel was fought in the
part of a plan for a total Israeli withdrawal from Jawlan region. [NYT]
Arab territories conqueredboth in the 1973 and Feb. 12: Israel said it had completedthe 3rd stage
1967 wars. A disengagement by itself without of withdrawal from the west bank of the Suez.
an Israeli commitmentfor total withdrawal and [NYT]
an assuranceof Palestinianrights is not acceptable Syrian diplomat, Sabah Kab&ni,arrived at the
to Syria under any circumstances." [NYT] Italian embassy in the US to represent Syria's
Khaddam told the Saudi paper al-Riyadh that position on a JawlAndisengagement.[NYT]
Syria was waging a war of attrition to keep Feb. 13: A meeting of Arab oil producingstates to
Israeli reserves mobilized and to "paralyze its discuss in Libya the lifting of the oil embargo
economy." [B] was "postponed indefinitely at the request of
Feb. 4: The New York Times cited Beirut press Saudi Arabia and Egypt." [NYT]
reports as saying Saudi Arabia and Kuwayt The heads of state of Algeria, Egypt, Saudi
gave Asad "firm pledges" to continue the Arab Arabia and Syria began meeting in Algiers to
oil embargo until a disengagement agreement discuss the situation with Israel. [NYT]
could be worked out between Syria and Israel. Feb. 14: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Algeria
[NYT] ended a 2 day summit conference after announc-
Israeli troops completed the 2nd phase of their ing that "unanimity"was reached on all topics
troop withdrawal from the west bank of the and deciding to send the Foreign Ministers of
Suez Canal. [NYT] Egypt and Saudi Arabia to Washington for talks.
Artillery duels broke out on the Syrian front [NYT]
for the 9th consecutive day. [NYT] Feb. 15: Artillery duels broke out on the Syrian
Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko began talks front after a 2 day lull. [NYT]

General Feb. 13: A meeting in Washington, D.C., of 13

oil consuming countries agreed to prepare ma-
chinery for a meeting with oil producing states
1973 to discuss the energy shortage. France dis-
Nov. 30: Middle East Economic Digest reported sented from the decision. [NYT]
that Algeria raised the price of low-sulfur crude
oil from $4.80 to $9.25 per barrel, the highest
price in the Middle East. [MEED] Afghanistan
Dec. 8: The Council of Ministers of the Orga-
nization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OAPEC) signed an agreement to build a 1973
tanker drydock in Bahrayn. [MEES]
Dec. 11: Iran announcedthat prices for crude oil Nov. 27: The Christian Science Monitor reported
had reached $17.40 per barrel in a recent auc- that the government concluded a narcotics con-
tion. [NYT] trol agreement with the UN providing $5m for
Dec. 16: The Finance Ministers of 25 members of a 5 year program to combat the narcotics trade.
the Islamic Congress meeting in Jiddah agreed [CSM]
to form an Islamic DevelopmentBank. [MEED] Dec. 12: The Supreme Council of Ministers estab-
Dec. 22: The Oil Ministers of the Persian Gulf lished a Supreme Economic Council, headed by
region began meeting in Tehran to discuss rais- Premier Muhammad Dawud, to oversee eco-
ing oil prices. [NYT] nomic development.[FBIS]
Dec. 23: The posted price of Persian Gulf crude
oil was doubledto about $11.65 per barrel, effec-
tive Jan. 1, 1974, by the meeting of 6 Gulf Oil Algeria
Ministers. [NYT]
Nov. 21: The government announcedgifts of 2m
Jan. 3: US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger tons of oil to Egypt and lm to Syria "to meet
said the US would begin a major effort to their oil needs." [MEED]
achieve a united front among oil consuming Nov. 22: Foreign Minister Abdel Aziz Bouteflika
states in their dealings with oil producing states. returned from talks in Saudi Arabia with King
[MEED] Faysal. [MEED]
Jan. 21: US Pentagon officials said preliminary Dec. 3: Rumanian President Nikolai Ceausescu
talks were being held with Britain on expanding met with President Houari Boumedienneduring a
the small naval station on Diego Garcia so that 1 day visit. [MEED]
it could support naval operations in the Indian
Ocean. [NYT] 1974
Jan. 23: Arab oil ministersmeeting in Cairo recom-
mended that a fund of $200m be established to Jan. 11: Foreign Minister Bouteflika concluded 2
compensate African nations for the rise in oil days of talks in France on bilateral relations and
prices. [NYT] said the Algerian ban on emigration of workers
French Foreign Minister Michel Jobert began to France would remain in effect until condi-
a Middle East tour to explain French policy to tions of dignity and security for the Algerians
the Arabs and to seek long term oil supplies. in France could be established. [MEED]
[NYT] Jant.17: The governmentraised the posted price of
Jan. 27: Saudi Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad Zaki crude oil by 75% from $9.25 to $16.21 per
Yamani said in Japan that King Faysal would barrel. [NYT]
take "importantsteps" toward reducing the price
of crude oil. He said the price was "fair and
reasonable"but that Faysal was concerned over
the impact of the price in the world economy. Cyprus
Jan. 28: Yamani said Saudi Arabia would lower 1973
oil prices only in cooperationwith other Persian
Gulf oil producing states. [NYT] Nov. 16: The intercommunaltalks resumed after
Feb. 6: The Shah of Iran warned oil consuming a 25 day recess. [FBIS]
countries that they would get less oil if they Nov. 25: President Makarios warned that the
applied too much pressure for lower prices. intercommunaltalks would reach an impasse if
[NYT] the Turkish side "insists on its present, extreme
position." He said the Greeks could make no Oct. 6, 1973, was appointed Ambassador to
more concessions and "must be ready to con- London. [NYTI
front any unpleasant developments."[MEED] Jan. 27: The government announced amnesty for
Dec. 14: The UN Security Council voted to extend 6 men who had held high positions and then been
the Peace Keeping Force for 6 months. [MEED] imprisoned or exiled including journalists Mus-
tafa and 'Ali Amin and General Sidqi Mahmfid.
1974 Jan. 31: It was announcedthat nationalizedmovie
theaters would be returned to private owners.
Jan. 6: Commerce Minister Michael Colocassides [NYT]
left for Libya to discuss securing oil supplies. Feb. 1: It was announcedthat MuhammadHaykal
[MEED] was relieved of his post as editor of al-Ahram
Jan. 25: Princess Margaret of Britain left after a and appointed "Presidential press advisor." 'All
4 day official visit. [MEED] Amin was named managing editor and Informa-
Jan 27: Gen. George Grivas died of a heart attack.
tion Minister Hatim was appointedchairman of
His organization, EOKA, said that a successor al Ahram. [NYT]
was chosen by Grivas before his death and that Feb. 5: A governmentspokesmansaid Haykal was
the struggle for enosis would continue. [WP] fired because he tried to turn al-Ahram into "a
Jan. 28: Makarios freed from prison 100 members
power center that was tantamount to a state
of EOKA and declaredan amnesty giving EOKA
within a state." [NYT]
members 5 days to surrender. [WP]
Feb. 8: Al-Ahram reported that Sadat shelved
The government declared 3 days of mourning
plans to appoint a new Cabinet and would re-
for Grivas. [NYT]
main as Premier himself, all but military censor-
ship would be lifted from the press effective Feb.
Egypt 9 and preparationsfor partial military demobili-
zation would begin. [NYT]
Feb. 12: Sudan's President Ja'far al-Numayri
1973 concludedan official visit after talks with Sadat.
Nov. 19: West Germany's Economic Cooperation [FBIS]
Minister Erhard Eppler arrived for talks with
President Anwar al-Sadat on expandingrelations
and aid. [MEED]
Dec. 1: It was reported in Cairo that the Libyan
embassy was closed down by the Libyan govern-
ment. A Libyan diplomat said that the entire Iran
staff was recalled for "consultation."[NYT]
Dec. 3: InformationMinister Ashraf Marwan went
to Libya for talks on the deteriorating relations 1973
between the 2 countries. [MEED]
Nov. 16: The first meeting of the Joint Ministerial
Dec. 8: Deputy Premier 'Abd al-Qadir Ratim told
the People's Assembly that the postwar economic Commissionwith Pakistan concluded a protocol
calling for 5 joint industrialprojects. [MEED]
policy would continue along the lines of the
Nov. 20: Jordan's King IIusayn concludeda 3 day
April policy of greater flexibility and fewer gov-
ernment restrictions. [MEED] visit and talks with the Shah on the Middle
Dec. 10: Syria President IHafizal-Asad arrived in East situation. [MEED]
Cairo after a visit to Libya. [AW] Nov. 27: Premier Amir Abbas Hoveyda introduced
Dec. 12: General Muhammad 'Abd-al-Ghani al- to the Majlis a new budget of $11.7 billion, up
Gamasi was appointed chief of staff replacing 35% over the previousbudget. [MEED]
Dec. 16: Foreign Minister Abbas Ali Khalatbari
Sa'ad al-din al-Shazli. [NYT]
Dec. 17: Libyan Premier 'Abd al-Salam Jallfid concluded a 1 week visit to India after meeting
concludeda visit to Cairo to discuss the worsen- with Premier Indira Gandhi and signing a cul-
ing of bilateral relations. [MEED] tural exchange agreement. [MEED]
Dec. 20: Economy Minister 'Abd al-'Aziz Hijazi Dec. 26: The Shah ordered a 10% wage increase
announcedto the People's Assembly a new bud- for all workers in the oil industry. [NYT]
get totalling ?E4,187m with increases in military Economic Minister Hushang Ansari warned
and developmentspending. [MEED] visiting Japanese Deputy Premier Takeo Miki
that continued economic cooperation would de-
pend on Japan's measures to provide Iran with
1974 raw materials for industry. [NYT]
Dec. 28: The Shah arrived in Austria to discuss
Jan. 6: Gen. Shazli, who planned the assault of bilateral cooperation. [MEED]

1974 Feb. 10: The governmentreportedthat an artillery

and armor clash with Iran resulted in 70 Iranian
Jan. 10: The New York Times cited US sources as and 24 Iraqi casualties. It charged Iran with
saying Iran agreed to buy 30 US F-14A jet overflying Iraqi airspace and with provoking a
fighters for $900m. [NYT] smaller skirmish on Feb. 4. [NYT]
Jant.11: Tunisian Premier Hadi Nouira ended a 4 Feb. 11: Iran accused Iraq of "aggression"in the
day visit after discussions on the possibility of border clash and demandedcompensationfor the
Iranian investment in Tunisia. [MEED] victims. [NYT]
Jan. 25: Britain signed an agreement to provide Feb. 12: The governmentrequestedan urgent meet-
$240m in industrial goods in exchange for 5m ing of the UN Security Counciland accused Iran
tons of crude oil in a 1 year period. [NYT] of massing troops along the border.
Jan. 29: Afghani Deputy Foreign Minister Wahid Iran said it sent a "strong note of protest" to
Abdallah arrived for talks. [MEED] Iraq. [NYT]
Feb. 9: It was announced that a $5 billion oil Feb. 15: The UN Security Council opened debate
agreement was reached with France. [NYT] on the border clash with Iran. Both sides ac-
Feb. 10: Finance Minister Jamshid Amuzegar said cused the other of initiating the fighting. [NYT]
Iran was willing to allocate a "considerable
amount" of her surplus funds at the disposal of
the InternationalMonetary Fund. [JP]
Feb. 11: Premier Hoveyda concluded a visit to Israel
Senegal after talks on developing economic co-
operation and Iranian investment in Senegal.
[MEED] 1973
Nov. 17: A delegation of 22 US Congressmen
arrived to view the US arms program with
Iraq Israel. [NYT]
Nov. 18: Former Premier David Ben-Gurion was
1973 hospitalizedafter a cerebral hemorrhage.[NYT]
Nov. 20: A technical and economic cooperation The Cabinetordered a judicial inquiry into the
treaty was signed with Austria. [MEES] nation's military preparednesson the eve of the
Dec. 2: It was announcedthat diplomatic relations October campaign. [NYT]
would be established with Australia. [MEED] Chairmanof the United Jewish Appeal Edward
Dec. 16: French Industry Minister Jean Char- Ginzberg said $2.25 billion would have to be
bonnel arrived for 2 days of talks on expanding raised outside Israel to relieve Israel of the
oil purchases. [MEED] financialburdenof the Octobercampaign.[NYT]
Dec. 20: The GulbenkianFoundation's5% interest Histadrut leader Yitzhak Ben-Aharon resigned
in the Basrah Petroleum Companywas national- charging that the Labor Party "plotted my
ized. [MEED] ouster." [JP]
Dec. 24: Unity Minister 'Abdahhalal-Khudayrwas Nov. 21: A 5 man commission was established,
appointed Acting Justice Minister replacing headedby the President of the SupremeCourt, to
Husayn Muhammadal-Safl. [FBIS] investigatethe state of preparednesswhen fighting
Dec. 27: Japan's Deputy Premier Takeo Miki con- with Egypt and Syria broke out on Oct. 6. [NYT]
cluded 3 days of talks on expanding economic Nov. 28: The Labor Party drafted a compromise
cooperation. [MEED] election platform calling for a peace with the
Arabs based on "defensibleborders" and "terri-
torial compromise."[NYT]
1974 Dec. 1: The New York Times reported that a
Jan. 12: The National Command of the Ba'th record 3,660 Jewish immigrantsarrived from the
Party concludedits 8th Congress after reelecting USSR in Oct. [NYT]
President Hasan al-Bakr Secretary General. Former Premier David Ben-Gurion died.
[AW] [NYT]
Jan. 17: Japan's Industry Minister Yasuhiro Naka- Dec. 4: The Knesset passed a bill granting the
sone concluded a visit after agreeing that Japan right to vote to 18 year olds by the time of gen-
would supply $1 billion in credit to the private eral elections on Dec. 31. [JP]
sector in exchange for 160m tons of oil and Dec. 5: The Labor Party adopted a revised elec-
petroleum products. [MEED] tion platformauthorizingthe governmentto enter
Feb. 9: French Foreign Minister Michel Jobert peace talks with the Arabs and to seek a settle-
concluded a 3 day visit after announcing that ment on the basis of territorial compromise.
France was seeking closer ties with Iraq and [NYT]
would offer technical assistance to help Iraq's Dec. 6: Premier Golda Meir won a vote of confi-
economic development. [AW] dence in the Labor Party Central Committee by
a count of 291 to 33 with 15 abstentions. [NYT] Jatn. 29: King Ijusayn paid an official visit to
Dec. 8: The death toll of the October campaign Rumania. [MEED]
and related incidents was announced to be Feb. 5: Ijusayn cut short a visit to London and
2,412. [NYT] flew to Amman. [NYT]
Dec. 11: The US House of Representativesauthor- Feb. 6: Diplomatic sources in Beirut reported that
ized, by a vote of 362 to 54, the President to army troops in Zarqa mutinied on Feb. 3 de-
extend $2.2 billion in emergency aid to Israel. mandinghigher pay and the dismissal of corrupt
[NYT] Cabinet Ministers.
Dec. 20: The US Senate passed the $2.2 billion aid The Jordanian News Agency announced that
to Israel bill. [JP] the military pay scales were raised. [WP]
Dec. 31: Generalelections were held. [NYT] Feb. 7: I;usayn met with army officers in Zarqa to
discuss the grievances of military personnel.
1974 Feb. 8: The New York Times reported that the
Jant.1: Preliminary election results indicated that "mutiny"in the army was apparently a "street
the Labor Alignment won 39.9%of the vote com- demonstration"which lasted only a few hours and
pared with 46.2% in 1969, while the largest oppo- was dispersed without violence. [NYT]
sition group, Likud, won 27.4% compared with Feb. 9: It was announcedthat Rumaniawould co-
25.9% in 1969. [NYT] operate in prospectingfor oil in Jordan. [MEED]
Jan. 4: Likud, which won 14 of the 31 seats in the Feb. 10: The WashingtonPost reportedthat Jordan
Tel Aviv City Council elections, formed a gov- was assuredby the US that Jordan'sarmy would
erning coalition ending Labor's 18 year rule of be supplied with sophisticated, wire-guided anti-
the city. [NYT] tank (TOW) missiles. [WP]
Jan. 8: Election results were made official con-
firming that Labor won 51 seats in the 120 seat
Knesset and Likud won 39. [NYT]
Jan. 18: Gen. Ariel Sharon,who directedthe attack Kuwayt
across the Suez Canal in Oct., said he would re-
sign from the army to protest the agreement 1973
signed with Egypt for the pullback of Israeli Dec. 3: The Finance Ministry began talks with the
forces. [NYT] oil companies on a new participationagreement.
Jant.23: It was announcedthat a record $1 billion [MEED]
worth of Israel Bonds would be issued to help pay Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto con-
for the October campaign. [NYT] cluded a 24 hour visit after talks with the Amir
Jan. 27: The Cabinetexpressed confidencein Chief on the possibility of Kuwayti investment in
of Staff David Elazar. [NYT] Pakistan. [MEED]
The Cabinetannounceda cut in subsidies which Dec. 9: Minister of State 'Abd al-'Azir Husayn
would cause large food price increases. [JP] told the National Assembly that an agreement
Jan. 30: Meir formally accepted President Ephraim was reachedwith BP and Gulf on a Kuwayti par-
Katzir's request to form a new Cabinet. [NYT] ticipation of at least 50%. [MEED]
Feb. 13: The National Religious Party broke off Dec. 21: Middle East Economic Survey reported
talks on entering the Cabinet with the Labor that the National Assembly, in a reply to the
alignment after demanding that persons con- Amir's state-of-the-nation message, urged the
verted to Judaism by Rabbis abroad not be listed government to nationalize the oil industry com-
in Israel as Jews unless the conversions would pletely. [MEES]
be approved by the rabbinical courts. [NYT]
Jan. 8: BP denied reports that agreementhad been
Jordan reached in talks with Kuwayt for an immediate
60% participation in the Kuwayt Oil Company
Jan. 29: British Petroleum and Gulf Oil signed an
1974 agreement giving Kuwayt 60% ownership of
Jan. 4: The Middle East Economic Digest reported KOC retroactive to Jan. 1. [MEES]
that Iran agreed to a $5m loan at 2% interest. The New York Times reported that Kuwayti
[MEED] officials said French Foreign Minister Michel
Jan. 28: Abu Dhabi announcedthat it would grant Jobert during a visit to Kuwayt offered military
loans for development projects in the Jordan arms and industrial investments in exchange for
valley. [MEED] oil. [NYT]

Lebanon Dec. 2: Tunisia's La Presse de Tunisie reported

that Qadhdhifi gave orders that the 100,000
Egyptians working in Libya be preparedto leave
1973 Libya. [NYT]
Dec. 9: Syrian President Hifi? al-Asad arrived for
Nov. 30: The governmentannouncedit was break-
ing diplomatic relations with Portugal because an unannouncedvisit and talks with Qadhdhafi.
of Portugal's policy in the October campaign. [AW]
Dec. 5: The editor of al-Nahar Ghasan Tuwayni 1974
was arrested for publishingthe secret resolutions Feb. 10: Qadhdhifl denounced Arab leaders who
of the Arab summitconferencein Algiers. [NYT] pay only lip service to Arab unity and said
Dec. 14: The editor of al-Nahar was released from Libya was ready to train revolutionaries to im-
jail. [NYT] pose unity on Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt. [NYT]
Dec. 19: The army was ordered to maintain order A total of 588 title deeds to lands confiscated
in Tripoli after 2 persons were killed and 20 from Italian owners were distributed to Libyan
arrested during demonstrationsprotesting rising farmers. [JP]
prices. [NYT] Feb. 11: The government announced the full na-
Dec. 20: Riots occurred in Beirut, Tripoli and tionalizationof 3 Americanoil companies,Texaco,
Sa'ida as demonstrators protested rising prices CaliforniaAsiatic and Libyan American. [NYT]
and Arab Israeli peace talks. [NYT] Feb. 14: Premier 'Abd al-Salam Jalluid met in
Dec. 21: Rioting and demonstrationscontinued in Paris with President Pompidou to discuss oil
Beirut. [NYT] supplies to France. [NYT]
Dec. 22: No riots or demonstrationswere reported
and a general strike was called off after the
governmentpledgedto fight rising prices. [NYT]
Feb. 5: Saudi Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad Zaki 1973
Yamani met with Oil Minister Tawfiq Assaf to Nov. 16: Egyptian Special Envoy Muhammadal-
discuss Lebanon's request for crude oil at re- Zayyat left after talks with King Hasan on the
duced prices. [NYT] Middle East situation. [MEED]
Feb. 9: Rumanian President Nicolai Ceausescu Nov. 17: Saudi Foreign Minister 'Umar al-Saqqaf
concludedan official 3 day visit. [MEED] departedafter talks with King Hasan. [MEED]
Dec. 23: A charteredairliner carrying 106 Moroc-
cans home from France crashed in the Rif
Mountainskilling all on board. [NYT]
Jan. 24: University students staged a 1 day strike
1973 to protest the banning of the student union.
Nov. 18: Revolution Command Council Chairman [MEED]
Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi arrived in Yugoslavia Jani.28: A military court condemnedto death, in
for a 5 day visit, his 1st outside the Arab world absentia,62 men accused of plotting to overthrow
since coming to power. [MEED] the King. [NYT]
Nov. 20: Chairman Qadhdhifi concluded a 3 day Feb. 11: King Hasan accepted the resignation of
visit to Yugoslavia saying the visit markeda new his brother Prince Moulay Abdallah from his
phase in even closer relations. [NYT] post of personal representative of the King.
Nov. 21: Yugoslavia signed an agreement to pur- [FBIS]
chase 2m tons of crude oil, build 6 oil tankers for Feb. 13: Ahmad Ramzi was appointedMinister of
Libya and begin joint fishing projects. [NYT] Health. [FBIS]
Nov. 23: Qadhdh&fiarrived in Paris for talks with
President Georges Pompidou. He told reporters
that Libya had taken steps to persuade France
to lift the ban on Libya's passing French built Pakistan
weapons to the Israeli front and that the initial
response was encouraging. [NYT] 1973
Nov. 26: Qadhdhifi returned from France after a Nov. 17: Iran's Economy Minister Hushang Ansari
stopover in Malta for a meeting with Premier ended 2 days of talks on ways to expand trade.
Dom Mintoff. [MEED] [MEED]

Nov. 19: Indian officials reported that $2m worth Dec. 4: Oman signed an agreementwith Petroleum
of damage was caused in the previous 2 weeks DevelopmentOman giving the governmenta 25%
by pro-Pakistan demonstrations in Kashmir share in PDO effective Jan. 1, 1974. [MEES]
Valley. [NYT] Dec. 7: General elections were held in Bahrayn for
Nov. 22: The government issued a decree granting 30 members of the first National Assembly.
itself power to ban groups or arrest individuals [AW]
which threaten the nation's sovereignty or inter- Dec. 15: A new Cabinetwas appointedin Bahrayn:
nal peace through secessionist, regional or racial Khalifah ibn Salman al-Khallfah: Premier
groups or programs. [NYT] MuhammadHasan Humaydan: Defense
Dec. 2: The head of the National Awami Party in Jawad Salim al-Urayyid: State for Cabinet
Baluchistan, Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai was Affairs
killed by a grenade thrown into his home. [CSM] Husayn al-Baharanah: State for Legal Affairs
Dec. 3: Kashmiri Muslim leader Sheikh Muham- Khalid ibn Muhammadal-Khalifah: Justice
mad Abdullah warned Pakistan not to interfere Tariq 'Abd al-Rahman al-Mu'ayyad: Informa-
in the "internalaffairs" of Kashmir. [NYT] tion
Dec. 6: Bangladesh began releasing from prison 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Khalifah: Education
the Cabinet members of the last Pakistani gov- 'Abdallahibn Khalid al-Khalifah: Interior
ernment of East Pakistan including the former 'Ali Fakhrft: Health
Premier Dr. A.M. Malik. [NYT] Muhammadibn Khalifah al-Khalifah: Foreign
Dec. 23: Political Affairs and Communications Affairs
Minister Mustafa Jatoi resigned. His Communi- MahmuidAhmad al-'Alawl: Economy & Fi-
cations portfolio was assigned to Hasan Mir. nance
[FBIS] Yfisuf Ahmad al-Shirawi: Development
Dec. 18: Bahrayn'sfirst National Assembly elected
1974 Ilasan Jawad al-Jashi to be the Speaker. [AW]
Dec. 23: A single federal Cabinet was announced
Jan. 5: Reuters reported that the government na- in the United Arab Amirates and the local
tionalized the banking, shipping and oil dis- Cabinet was abolished.
tributing industries. [NYT] Maktfimbin Rashid al-Maktfim: Premier
Jan. 6: President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto called on the Khallfah bin Zayd al-Nuhayyan: Deputy Pre-
US to end its arms embargo and supply Pakistan mier
with up to date equipmentbecause "the stability Hamdan bin Rashid al-Maktuim:Finance
of Pakistan remains a cornerstone of American Hamdan bin Muhammad al-Thani: Public
foreign policy." [JP] Works
Feb. 13: Bhutto accepted the resignation of the Mubarak bin Muhammad al-Nuhayyan: In-
following Ministers: terior
Ghaus Raisani: Agriculture Muhammadbin Rashid al-Maktfim: Defense
Mohammad Sherpao: Power & Natural Re- Ahmad Khalifah al-Suwaydi: Foreign Affairs
sources Sultan bin Ahmad al-Mu'lla: Economy
MohammadAli: National Affairs Sayf bin Muhammadal-Nuhayyan: Health
MohammadHanif was named Acting Minister Muhammadbin Sultan al-Qasimi: Labor
of Agriculture. [FBIS] 'Abdallah bin 'Imran Taryam: Education
Feb. 15: It was announced that King IHusayn Man!' Sa'id al-Utaybah: Oil & Minerals
would not take part in the Islamic Conference Muhammad Sa'id al-Mulla: Comnmunications
opening in Lahore on Feb. 16. [JP] 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Nu'aymi: Social Affairs
'Abdallah bin Ilamid al-Qasimi: Electricity
& Water
Ahmad bin Sultan al-Qasimi: Justice
Persian Gulf Ahmad bin I{amid: Information
IHamadbin Muhammadal-Sharqi: Agriculture
& Fisheries
1973 Sa'id bin 'Abdallahbin Salman: Housing
Nov. 18: The Bahrayni dinar ceased to be legal Thani bin 'Isa bin Harib: Islamic Affairs
tender in the United Arab Amirates. [MEED] Rashid bin Hlumayd al-Nu'aymi: Youth &
Oman charged that South Yemeni aircraft Sports
bombed a military post in Oman. [MEED] MuhammadKhalifah al-Kindi: Planning
Nov. 23: Oman appealedto the UN to halt South 'Abdallahbin Kayid al-Qasimi: Supreme Coun-
Yemeni aggression. In a letter to UN Secretary cil Affairs
General Kurt Waldheim Oman said units of Muhammad al-Jarfishi: State for Financial
South Yemen's regular army were penetrating Affairs
Omani territory. [JP] 1.ammfidahbin 'All: State for Internal Affairs

Sayf Sa'id al-Ghabbash: State for Foreign crude oil over a 20 year period in exchange for
Affairs military armaments,includingMirage jet fighters.
Sa'id al-Ghayth: State for Information [NYT]
Dec. 29: A spokesman for the Popular Front for Jan. 25: Beirut's al-Nahar reported that France
the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf agreed to supply military arms, including
(PFLOAG) said Iran had sent additionaltroops "highly developed missiles," to Saudi Arabia in
to fight rebel forces in Oman's Dhufar province return for oil. [NYT]
and that an estimated 30,000 Iranian troops were Feb. 8: Uganda announcedthat Saudi Arabia gave
then in Oman. [NYT] $11m to Uganda's armed forces. [JP]

Jan. 4: Middle East Economic Survey cited re- South Yemen
ports that France and Abu Dhabi concluded an
agreement to exchange 35 Mirage jets for oil
supplies. [MEES]
Jan. 8: Three members of the Kuwayt Parliament 1973
charged that Iran had put a force of 1,500 men
and 25 helicopters into Oman to attack South Nov. 20: Price controls were introducedon locally
producedfood products. [MEED]
Yemen. [JP]
Dec. 6: The embassy in Beirut reported that mili-
Jan. 9: British Minister of State Lord Balniel left
London for a tour of the Gulf states to discuss tary forces were being massed on the Oman side
of the border and that Iranian troops, air and
securing oil supplies. [MEED]
Feb. 15: Middle East Econotnic Digest reported naval units were participating. The statement
also denouncedUS 7th Fleet movementsnear the
that Oman established diplomatic relations with
straits of Bab al-Mandeb and called on all pro-
Canadaand Rumania. [MEED]
gressive Arab forces to support South Yemen
against these threats. [JP]

Nov. 16: The New York Times reportedthat King
Faysal sent a message to Soviet President Nikolai 1973
Podgorny congratulating the USSR on the 56th
Nov. 27: Britain signed an agreement to loan
anniversaryof the Nov. 7 revolution. [NYT]
i14m to Sudan. [MEED]
Nov. 17: Lebanese Premier Taki al-din Sulh ar-
Dec. 13: A court inquiry into the March killing of
rived for talks with Faysal. [AW]
3 foreign diplomats in Khartum was suspended
Nov. 19: The US State Department said the US
was ready for talks on the possible sale of F4 indefinitely after an appeal by the 8 defendants.
Phantom jets to Saudi Arabia despite the oil [NYT]
Dec. 15: President Ja'far al-Numayri opened the
embargo. [JP]
Beirut's al-Nahar reported that the USSR and 1st People's Regional Assembly in the South.
Saudi Arabia had been in secret diplomatic con- [MEED]
tact since the Octoberwar. [MEED] Dec. 23: President Numayri returned from Rome
Nov. 22: Sudan's President Ja'far al-Numayri con- where he met with the Pope. [FBIS]
cluded a 1 day visit after talks with King Faysal.
[MEED] 1974
Dec. 11: Japan's Deputy Premier Tekeo Miki ar-
rived for talks on improving bilateral relations. Feb. 8: An official of Khartum University an-
[AW] nounced that the University was shut down
Dec. 24: Official French radio reportedthat France because "incidentsand unrest have weakenedhope
had concludedan agreement to purchase3m tons for stability and continuationof educationtill the
of crude oil a year. [NYT] end of this academicyear." [JP]
Feb. 12: It was announcedthat plans were under
way with Egypt for "a rational unity, away from
1974 emotionalism and impulsive actions." Plans in-
Jan. 7: Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad Zaki Yamani clude an increase in economic and political co-
said it was agreed to sell France 800m tons of operation. [MEED]

Syria 1974
Jan. 12: Following talks between Bourguiba and
Libyan Chairman Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi on
1973 Djerba Island, it was announcedthat the 2 coun-
tries would merge into the "Arab Islamic Re-
Dec. 4: Economy Minister Muhammad al-Imadi
public"and that referendawould be held in both
said the war damage to Syria's infrastructure countries on March 20 to confirm the union.
was estimated to be $1.8 billion. [MEED] [NYT]
Dec. 23: Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Ijalim al-Khad- Premier Hedi Nouira returned late in the
dam met with Japanese Deputy Premier Takeo
evening from a visit to Iran. [NYT]
Miki. [NYT] Jan. 14: Foreign Minister MuhammadMasmoudi
Dec. 26: Jordan's Premier Zayd RifA'ipaid an un-
was replacedby Habib Chatti and Defense Minis-
announced2 hour visit to Syria to discuss "po- ter Abdallah Farhat was moved to the Industry
litical cooperation."[JP]
Ministry. The New York Times cited Tunisian
officials as saying the changes could delay the
merger with Libya. [NYT]
1974 Jan. 15: Premier Nouira announcedthat the refer-
endum on union with Libya would be delayed
Jan. 5: Two American diplomats arrived in Da- until changes could be made in the Tunisian Con-
mascus to be attached to the Italian embassy and stitution. The New York Times quotedan official
look after American interests, the first Americans as saying one could assume the merger was
to do so since 1967. [AW] "buriedas long as the foreseeable future is con-
Jan. 22: The US Secretary of State, Henry Kis- cerned." [NYT]
singer, said Syria agreed to release a 32 year old Jan. 16: Foreign Minister Chatti said the merger
American, Jonathan Bates, who was in prison agreement with Libya was a declarationof prin-
for 2 years on espionage charges. [NYT] ciple rather than a program of action and that
Jan. 29: French Foreign Minister Michel Jobert the merger could never take place over the ob-
endeda 1 day visit in Damascus. [NYT] jection of Morocco or Algeria. He added that
Feb. 8: A new budget of ?S6.4 billion, up 33% talks would take place to work out the details of
over the previous budget, was approvedby Asad. the union. [NYT]
[MEED] Jan. 18: Nouira said talks would be sought with
Libya to remove the obstacles to union and
indicated that it would be 4 or 5 months before
the Constitutioncould be amended. [NYT]
Tunisia Jan. 22: MauritanianPresident Moktar Ould Dad-
dah said Bourguiba invited Mauritania to join
the proposed Tunisian-Libyanunion on Jan. 12
and that his government was considering the
1973 offer. [NYT]
Jan. 25: Qadhdhifi arrived in Geneva to discuss
Nov. 17: Saudi Foreign Minister 'Umar al-Saqqaf with Bourguiba the proposedunion of Libya and
left after talks with President Habib Bourguiba Tunisia. [NYT]
on the Middle East situation. [MEED] Foreign Minister Chatti said the referendum
French Foreign Minister Michel Jobert ended on unity with Libya would not be held for 3 or
2 days of talks on Tunisia's association with the 4 months. [MEED]
Common Market and development projects. Feb. 11: Bourguiba suspendedMasmoudi from the
[MEED] Destour Socialist Party pending an inquiry into
Nov. 30: Bourguiba made the following Cabinet his "acts of indisciplineand behavior incompatible
changes: with the policy of the government."[JP]
MahmudMessadi: Culture
MuhammadHedi Khefacha: Equipment
Lassaadben Osman: Transport& Communica-
tions Turkey
Fuad Mbazaa: Youth & Sports
Dec. 7: Middle East Economic Digest reported
that the governmentraised the price of phosphate 1973
exports from $13 to $39 because of increasing
demand and rising world prices. [MEED] Nov. 17: Justice Party leader SuileymanDemirel
Dec. 11: Bourguiba arrived in France to discuss abandonedefforts to form a government. [NYT]
the supply of oil to Europe. [NYT] Dec. 4: President Fahri Koruturk called on the

Republican People's Party and the Justice Cahit Kayra: Power & Natural Resources
Party to form a coalition government as the Orhan Birgit: Tourism
best solution to the political stalemate. [FBIS] Ali Topuz: Housing
Dec. 15: President Korutiirk asked caretaker Pre- Mustafa Ok: Rural Affairs & Cooperatives
mier Naim Talu to form a national coalition Ahmet Sener: Forests
government. [NYT] Yilmaz Mete: Youth & Sports
Dec. 18: Republican People's Party deputy Kemal Jan. 26: A Turkish airliner crashed in Izmir
Giiven was elected President of the National killing 63 persons. [NYT]
Assembly. [FBIS] Feb. 7: Premier Ecevit's government received a
Dec. 25: Former Premier and President Ismet vote of confidencein the National Assembly by a
In6nil died of a heart attack. He was 89. [NYT] poll of 235 to 136 with 2 abstentions. [FBIS]
A military court sentenced151 leftists to prison Feb. 9: Milliyet reported the government received
terms for subversive activity. Another 84 were assurancefrom Saudi Arabia that Turkey's needs
acquitted. [JP] for oil would be met. [FBIS]
Premier Designate Talu reported to President Feb. 14: The Foreign Ministry reported that the
Korutiirk that he was unable to form a govern- US was notified that Turkey would resume the
ment. [FBIS] cultivation of opium poppies. [NYT]
Dec. 28: Three Americans were sentencedto life in
prison for smuggling hashish into Turkey from
Syria. [NYT]
Dec. 29: At the urging of Koruturk Talu agreed Yemen
to continue his efforts to form a national coali-
tion Cabinet. [FBIS]
Nov. 19: Ahmad MuhammadNu'man was elected
1974 to the 3 man Republican Council by the Con-
Jan. 15: Korutiirk asked RPP leader Bulent Ecevit sultative Assembly. [FBIS]
to resume his efforts to form a coalition govern- Nov. 20: A new round of unity talks with South
ment. [CSM] Yemen began at the Arab League headquartersin
Jan. 25: A new Cabinetwas approvedby Koruturk: Cairo. [MEED]
Bulent Ecevit: Premier Nov. 21: An agreement was signed with Shell Oil
Orhan Eyuboklu: State to prospect for petroleum. [MEES]
Ismail Hakkibirler: State Dec. 6: Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister
Necmettin Erbakan: Deputy Premier Ahmad Muhammad Nu'man resigned to avoid
Suleyman Emre: State "favoritism and embarrassment"because of the
Sevket Kazan: Justice election of his father to the RepublicanCouncil.
Hasan Isik: Defense [FBIS]
OkuzhanAsilturk: Interior Dec. 13: Eight people were executed for the as-
Turan Guine?:Foreign Affairs sassination of Shaykh Muhammad'All 'Uthman,
Deniz Baykal: Finance in May 1973. [MEED]
Mustafa tYstundak:Education
Erol Cevlikse: Public Works 1974
Fehim Adak: Trade
Selahattin Cizrelioklu: Health Feb. 10: Premier 'Abdallah Hajari resigned at the
Mahmut Tiirkmenoklu: Customs & Monopo- request of President Abd al-Rahman al-Iryani
lies who decreed that a member of the Presidential
Korkut Ozal: Agriculture Council should not hold any other post in the
Ferda Guley: Communications government. It was announcedthat Deputy Pre-
Onder Sav: Labor mier for Economic Affairs, HIasanMaqi, would
AbdulkerimDokru: Industry & Technology be named Acting Premier. [MEED]

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