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Chronology May 16, 1974-August 15, 1974

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 28, No. 4 (Autumn, 1974), pp. 419-435
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:14

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May 16, 1974-August 15, 1974

ArabIsraeliConflict Israeli planes bombedvillages in eastern Leba-

non for the second day. Syria claimed to have
downed one Israeli plane; Israel denied the
May 18: Israel and Syria exchanged artillery fire
1974 along their front. Two Israeli soldiers were re-
ported wounded. One Israeli soldier was killed.
May 16: Israeli planes bombed and strafed Pales- [NYT]
tinian refugee camps and suspected guerilla Kissinger flew to Damascus on his fifth shuttle.
hideouts in Lebanon in reprisal for the Maalot He met with Syrian President Asad for 3Y2 hours
incident. More than 50 people were reported after which he said "significantprogress has been
killed and 170 injured. [NYT] made and the prospects for an agreement have
Egypt denounced Israel's bombing attacks on been advanced." [NYT]
Lebanon. [NYT] Kissinger returned to Israel and met for 2
Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat and For- hours with Israeli officials. [NYT]
eign Minister IsmA'll Fahmi met separately with May 19: Israel announcedthat it could accept the
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) compromisecease-fire line proposedby Kissinger,
leader Yasir 'Arafat. [NYT] and unofficiallyacceptedby Asad. The announce-
Nayif Hawatimah, head of the Popular Demo- ment came after a 3 hour meeting between Kis-
cratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine singer, Meir, and their top aides. [NYT]
(PDFLP), the group responsiblefor the raid on Israeli gunboats attacked the Palestinian ref-
Maalot, said the mission was aimed at disrupting ugee camp at Rashidiyah. Eight people were
US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's peace reported killed and 10 wounded. [NYT]
mission. [NYT] Fighting continued along the Israeli Syrian
US Secretary of State Kissinger flew to front. Israel reported3 soldiers wounded. [NYT]
Damascus where he met for nearly 8 hours with May 20: Kissinger flew to Damascuswhere he held
Syrian leaders. He reportedlyoffered some "new 4 hours of talks with Asad. He returnedto Jeru-
approaches"to Syrian President H.afiz al-Asad. salem in the evening. [NYT]
[NYT] Lebanonreporteda clash with an Israeli ground
Syria and Israel reported continued artillery patrol. Israel and Syria reported continued
clashes on the Golan Heights. [NYT] artillery and tank battles along the 40 mile cease-
May 17: PLO leader 'Arafat arrived in Damascus fire line. [NYT]
from Cairo. [NYT] May 21: Kissinger flew to Damascus and returned
It was reported that 2 Saudi soldiers were to Tel Aviv after 5 hours of talks with Syrian
killed and 4 wounded in fighting on the Golan officials.Kissinger authorizeda spokesmanto say
Heights. [MEED] that "the line is virtually set." [NYT]
Kissinger returned to Israel. He met with Israeli jets bombed targets in Lebanon. Leba-
Israeli Premier Golda Meir in the morning fol- non reported 3 children killed and 17 persons
lowed in the afternoon by a meeting of the top wounded. Artillery fire was exchanged between
aides of both. [NYT] Syria and Israel and Lebanonand Israel. [NYT]

List of Abbreviations
ARR, Arab Report and Record; AW, The Arab World; B, Brief; CSM, The Christian Science
Monitor; CB, Cyprus Bulletin; E, The Economist; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Daily Report-Middle East and Africa; G, The Guardian (weekly internationaledition); JP, The Jeru-
salem Post; KT, The Kabul Times; KI, Kayhan (international edition); MEED, Middle.East Eco-
nomic Digest; MEES, Middle East Economic Survey; LM, Le Monde (weekly English edition);
NYT, The New York Times; WP, The WashingtonPost.


May 22: Israel called a security alert in Jerusalem Fighting continuedon the Golan. [NYT]
and much of northern Israel to guard against Kissinger made an unexpected late night visit
terrorist attacks. [NYT] to Damascus. [NYT]
Artillery fire continued along the Golan front. May 29: Israel and Syria reachedagreementon an
Syria reported having hit an Israeli settlement. accord to separate their forces on the Golan
Israel reported no casualties. Jordan returned 62 Heights. [NYT]
Palestinian guerillas taken prisoner during the May 30: An American official said that the US had
October war to Syria. [NYT] agreed to conduct reconnaissanceflights over the
Reports on Kissinger's peace making efforts Syrian-Israeli disengagementarea to monitor the
indicated2 major issues remainedunresolved,the carrying out of the terms of the agreement.
size of the UN buffer force, and the limits on [NYT]
troops on either side of the buffer zone. Kissinger May 31: In spite of the agreementon a "separation
met with Meir in the morning and flew to Damas- of forces agreement" fighting continued for the
cus where he met with Asad for 3Y2 hours. He past week between Israel and Syria mainly in the
returnedto Israel in the evening. [NYT] form of tank and artillery exchanges. [JP]
May 23: Six Palestinian guerrillas were killed and Kissinger arrived back in Washington. [NYTI
2 were capturedby Israeli soldiers. Israel claimed It was reported that Asad had given Israel
the group was planning an attack similar to that verbal assurances that Syria would not allow
carried out on Maalot. [NYT] Palestinian guerrillas to infiltrate into Israel
Kissinger met with Israeli officials and then through Syria. [NYT]
flew to Damascus where he held 6 hours of talks The UN Security Councilapproveda joint US-
with Asad. [NYT] Soviet resolution establishing a UN force to
May 24: Kissinger returned to Jerusalem early in supervise the new Syrian-Israeli disengagement
the morning. The Israeli Cabinet approved Kis- agreement. The force will number 1250. [NYT]
singer's compromisedisengagementplan. [NYT] Syria and Israel signed the separationof forces
Israel and Syria reported aircraft encounters agreement in Geneva. Major General Herzl Sha-
and heavy artillery exchanges. Syria claimed to fir signed for Israel, and Brigadier General 'Ad-
have downed 3 Israeli jets. Israel denied the nan Tayyarrah signed for Syria. The agreement
report. [NYT] calls for a disengagementof forces, a UN policed
May 25: Kissinger met in the morning with top buffer zone and a gradual thinning out of forces.
officials. After a bomb threat which delayed his It also returned to Syria the town of al-Qunay-
departure, he flew to Damascus to meet with tirah. [NYT]
Syrian officials. He returned to Israel in the June 1: US President Richard Nixon and Kissin-
evening. [NYT] ger conferred with UN Secretary General Kurt
May 26: Four Syrian MIG-17s bombedIsraeli posi- Waldheim on the r6le of the UN observer force
tions; no casualties were reported. Shelling con- on the Golan Heights. [NYT]
tinued along the front. An Israeli soldier wounded More than 150 members of the Palestine Na-
May 25, died. [NYT] tional Council opened a 4 day meeting in Cairo.
Kissinger flew to Syria after a morningmeeting [NYT]
with Meir. He entered into talks with Syrian Syrian and Israeli military planners began
officials late in the evening. [NYT] drafting arrangementsfor carrying out the sepa-
May 27: Syria and Lebanon reported artillery ex- ration of forces. [NYT]
changes with Israel on Mount Hermon and along Israel and Syria exchanged wounded prisoners
the Golan Heights. of war. [NYT]
Kissinger met with Syrian officials into the June 2: The PLO presented a political platform
early morning hours and then again later in the that would bar Palestinian participation in the
morning. Hie returned to Jerusalem after a total Genevatalks unless they includedthe issue of "the
of 16 hours of meetings in Damascus. [NYT] legitimate rights of the Palestinian people."
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko ar- [NYT]
rived in Damascus for talks with Syrian officials. Israel reported killing 2 Palestinian guerrillas
[NYT] infiltrating into Israel from Lebanon. Guerilla
May 28: It was reportedthat 3 Israelis were killed leaders in Damascus reporteda 5 hour battle with
over the past 4 days of fighting on the Golan the Israelis in Upper Galilee. [NYT]
front. [JPJ June 3: The US State Department acknowledged
Kissinger met with Syrian officials and the that the US had agreed to support Israel in
governmentannouncedafterwards that agreement efforts to prevent guerilla incursionsfrom Syrian
had been reached on "most of the issues concern- territory. [NYT]
ing disengagement." [NYT] Israel and Syria completedwork on the details
'Arafat met with Asad and Soviet Foreign of a military accord for the disengagement of
Minister Gromyko. [NYT] forces. [NYT]

June 4: Lebanon reported Israeli shelling of parts Liberationof Palestine (PFL,P) claimed respon-
of southern Lebanon.No casualties were reported. sibility. [NYT]
[FBIS] Israeli artillery hit 3 Lebanese villages on the
Israeli security officials reportedthe capture of eastern slope of Mount Hermon in apparent
2 armed infiltrators from Lebanon. [NYT] retaliation for the guerilla raid on Kibbutz Sha-
Jtne 5: 'Arafat told representativesattending the mir. [NYT]
meeting of the PLO that he was willing to go to June 14: Israel evacuated about 1/3 of the salient
the Middle East peace conferencein Geneva if he captured from Syria during the October war.
were given a mandate. [NYT] The UNDOF set up its headquartersnear Tel
Israel and Syria signed documents which set Shams. [NYT]
forth the technical arrangementsfor carrying out June 15: Syrian forces returned to the portion of
the trool) separation. [NYT] land evacuated by Israel. [NYT]
June 6: Israel and Syria exchanged prisoners from Jtune 18: Israeli planes struck purported guerilla
the Octoberwar. Israel returned382 Arab prison- targets inside Lebanonin 2 separate raids. [WP]
ers and Syria returned 56 Israelis. [NYT] Junie 19: For the second day in a row Israeli jets
June 7: RepatriatedSyrian and Israeli prisoners of struck inside Lebanon.Beirut reportedno casual-
war exchanged accusations of mistreatment and ties. [WP]
brutality during their incarceration. [NYT] 'Arafat said Nixon committeda "flagrantinter-
June 8: Israeli security forces killed 4 guerrillas vention"in the domestic affairs of Arab countries
near the Lebaneseborder. [NYT] when he urged them to restrain terrorist activi-
Palestinian guerrillas claimed to have killed or ties. [JP]
wounded several Israelis in battle in northern Junie 20: Israel sent dozens of warplanes into Leb-
Israel. [NYT] anon to bomb purportedguerrilla bases. It was
Lebanon released 2 Israeli pilots downed in the third consecutive day of such raids. Twenty
April. [NYT] persons were reported killed. [WP]
The Palestinian National Council voted for a June 21: Sadat called upon Nixon to take a "firm
policy platform which would enable its leaders to stand against Israel's repeated aggressions on
participate in the Geneva peace talks. The basic Lebanon." [NYT]
requirementfor participationwas that the Pales- Lebanon called for UN economic sanctions to
tinian question be regarded as one of a "national stop Israeli raids inside Lebanon.It also reported
cause" and not as a "refugee problem." [NYT] that the raids ove. the past days had claimed 80
June 9: The Commanderof the UN Disengagemenit lives and wounded 130. [WP]
Observer Force (UNDOF) reported that the Jutne 22: US State Department officials said that
separation of the Syrian and Israeli armies was Israel had been assured that the US had no plans
"going smoothly." [NYT] to sell weapons to either Egypt or Syria. [NYT]
It was reported that guerilla activity had beeni June 23: Israel evacuatedthe last strip of the Golan
reduced considerably since the May 15 Maalot Heights territory captured in the October war.
incident. [NYT] [NYT]
Egyptian President Sadat, speaking before the Junie 24: Three Arab guerrillas killed 3 Israeli
executive committee of the PLO, said he would civilians and 1 soldier and wounded 5 others,
attemptto set up a meeting between King Ijusayn before being killed themselves. The attack took
of Jordan, 'Arafat, Asad of Syria, and himself. place in the Israeli town of Nahariya. [NYT]
[NYT] Lebanese Premier Taqi al-din al-Sulh an-
The Palestine National Council ended its 9 day nouncedthat he had asked other Arab states for
session in Cairo. The executive was enlarged to assistance in strengtheningLebanon'sair defenses
14 members which gave the moderates, led by against Israel. [NYT]
'Arafat, a stronger position. [NYT] June 25: Israeli artillery shelled Arab guerilla tar-
Juntle 10: The UNDOF said it had been meeting gets in retaliation for the raid on Nahariya. The
with Syrian and Israeli officers inside the salient PLO claimed responsibilityfor that raid. [WP]
of Syrian land capturedby Israel in the October Four Austrian soldiers were killed and 1 in-
war. [NYT] jured, all members of the UNDOF, when their
It was reported that a split had developed be- jeep hit a land mine on Mount Hermon. [WP]
tween Syria and the Soviet Union on the one Junze 26: Sadat revealed that he had offered Egyp-
hand and Israel, Egypt and the US on the other tian jets to Lebanon to protect it from Israeli
over when the Geneva talks should start. The attacks. [WP]
former desire an early summer start while the Junze28: It was reportedthat as many as 30 Syrian
latter desire an early fall start. [NYT] soldiers and civilians had been killed by mines
Jmie 13: Four Arab guerillas killed 3 Israeli women since Syria took over Israeli positions on the
before being killed themselves in an attack on Golan Heights. [TDN]
Kibbutz Shamir. The Popular Front for the Julj 7: It was announcedin Cairo that Sri Lanka

had decided to recognize the PLO as the sole a movement toward a Middle East settlement.
legitimate representativeof the Palestinian people. [NYT]
[WPJ Aug. 2: Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres
July 8: The Lebanese government issued a state- charged that Egyptian military units had broken
ment that the country's security was of foremost the troop disengagementagreementby conducting
importanceand that the governmentwould accept exercises in crossing the Suez and by erecting
no challenge to its sovereignty over all Lebanese ground to air missile launching sites. [NYT]
territory. [NYT] Aug. 3: LebaneseMinisterof State Albert Mukhay-
July 9: Israeli commandosraided 3 ports in south- bir said that his government would not allow
ern Lebanon. Thirty fishing boats were reported terrorist organizations to bring Soviet arms into
sunk. [NYT] Lebanon. [JP]
July 10: 'Arafat was reported to have said that Jordanian Prime Minister Zayd al-Rifa'i left
Syria had shipped "sophisticated weapons" di- for talks on a Middle East settlement. [NYT]
rectly to Arab guerillas in Lebanon. [WP] Aug. 4: The Soviet Union announcedthat it had
July 12: Israeli InformationMinister Aharon Yariv consentedto the opening of an office of the PLO
said that negotiations between Israel and the in Moscow. [NYT]
PLO could be held if the PLO would acknowledge Aug. 5: Abui 'Iyad, second in command of the
the existence of Israel as a Jewish state and PLO, criticized Saudi King Faysal's praise of
terminate hostile action against her. [NYT] S,dat's joint communiquewith Husayn. [NYT]
July 13: Israeli Premier Yitzhak Rabinclarified the Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmi said Cairo
government's statement concerning negotiations supported Palestinian claims to the Israeli oc-
with the PLO. He rejected direct talks and said, cupied West Bank of the Jordan River. [WP]
"The only partner with whom a solution of this Aug. 6: Kissinger met with Jordanian Premier
problem could be reached is Jordan." [NYT] Rifa'i on the Israeli-Jordaniansituation. [NYT]
July 14: Israel was reported to have shelled a Aug. 7: Israel reported that her warplanes had
numberof villages in southern Lebanon. [AW] attacked southeast Lebanonafter 4 Syrian Druse
July 15: Sadat said he was confidentthat he would workers were abducted. [NYT]
be able to arrange a meeting soon between King Aug. 9: The Israeli commandreportedan air strike
Ijusayn and 'Arafat. [NYT] on southern Lebanon. [NYT].
July 18: King Ijusayn recognized the PLO- as the A Canadiantransportplane on loan to the UN
representative of the Palestinian people outside was downed by a missile over Syria. The 9
of Jordan. Recognition was contained in a joint Canadianson board were killed. [NYT]
communiquewith Sadat at the end of Husayn's Aug. 10: An Israeli patrol boat blew up a motor
visit to Egypt. [NYT] boat carrying guerrillas to Israel. The incident
July 19: The PLO rebuffed the policy declaration occurredoff of Nahariya. Palestinian sources con-
of King Ijusayn in regard to recognition of only firmed the loss. [NYT]
Palestinians outside Jordan. [NYT] Aug. 11: Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmi arrived
July 21: Israel declared that it would seek to nego- in Washington for talks with Kissinger and US
tiate a peace agreement with Jordan "based on President Gerald R. Ford on prospects for peace
the existence of 2 states only; Israel with its in the Middle East. [NYT]
capital united Jerusalem,and an Arab Jordanian- Aug. 13: Israeli gunboats shelled Rashidiyah, a
Palestinian state east of Israel, its borders to be Palestinian refugee camp on the coast of southern
determined by negotiations between Israel and Lebanon. One civilian was reported killed and 5
Jordan." [JP] wounded. [NYT]
July 23: Israeli warplanes bombed "terrorist tar- Aug. 14: Lebanon reported that Israel had shelled
gets" in southern Lebanonfor the first time since areas of southern Lebanon but only crops were
June 20. [WP] reported damaged. [NYT]
Sadat warned that civil war among the Arabs
was the only alternative to coordinating their
attitudes toward a Middle East settlement.
[NYT] General
July 25: It was reported that Syria was moving
to disarm radical Palestinian guerrillas inside
Syria and to cooperate with the UN in prevent- 1974
ing guerrilla raids from Syria into Israel. [NYT]
July 30: 'Arafat flew to Moscow from Damascus. May 20: Egyptian Chief of Staff General Muham-
FAW] mad 'Abd al-Ghani al-Jamtsl announced the
Aug. 1: Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon said decision by the Arab defense and foreign minis-
in Washington that Israel was ready to nego- ters meeting in Cairo to develop an Arab owned
tiate "a fair compromise"with Jordan as part of arms industry. [NYT]

May 29: The following donations by Middle East Algeria

states to the World Bank were reported: Iran,
$200m; Libya $101m; Kuwayt $85m; Abui Dhabi (See also Egypt and Petroleum Affairs)
$76m; Oman $30m; and Middle East central
banks, $65m. [NYT] 1974
May 31: It was reported that during the second
quarter of the 1974 fiscal year, the World Bank May 27: Soviet Defense Minister Grechko arrived
group had approved loans for the Middle East in Algiers for 5 days of talks. [NYT]
totalling $71.3m. The money was earmarked for Jutne 1: Soviet Defense Minister Grechko left Al-
projects in Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan geria. A joint communique mentioned "mutual
and Morocco. [MEED] confidence"in Soviet-Algerian relations. [JP]
Junze3: US President Richard Nixon announced Jlne 3: The World Bank announcedthe approval
tentative plans for a trip to the Middle East. of 3 loans totalling $157.5mto Algeria. [MEES]
Stops would be made in Egypt, Israel, Jordan, June 26: Vice President of Iraq's Revolutionary
Saudi Arabia and Iran. [NYT] CommandCouncil, Saddam Husayn, arrived for
Jiune 4: Muhammad Riyad, Secretary General of talks with President Houari Boumedienne.
the Arab League, left Cairo for a 6 day visit to July 8: It was announcedthat diplomaticrelations
Rumania. [NYT] at the ambassadoriallevel would be established
Juic 10: The 9 EEC foreign ministers decided to with Australia. [FBIS]
make an offer of broad economic, technical and Jutly17: PLO ChairmanYasir 'Arafat arrived in
cultural cooperationto 20 Arab countries. [NYT] Algiers. [FBIS]
Jtte 18: A delegation from the EEC began talks Aug. 9: It was reported that Algeria had signed
in Cairo with an Arab League representativein new trade agreements with Bulgaria and Ru-
preparation of a meeting between the foreign mania. [MEED]
ministers of the two groups. [MEED]
Jhtmte21: The fifth Islamic Conference opened in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [NYT] Cyprus
JIne 28: It was reported that US exports to the
20 Arab League states increased91% in the first (See also Turkey)
quarter of 1974 comparedto 1973. The total was
$714m. At the same time imports from those 1974
countries fell 79%oto $46.4m. [MEES] May 17: President ArchbishopMakariosleft for an
Juily3: An emergency session of the Arab Defense official visit to the Peoples Republic of China.
Council opened in Cairo. [CB]
July 4: The Arab League members agreed to give It was reportedthat UN special representative
Lebanonand the PLO financialhelp to strengthen in Cyprus Osorio Tafall would be replaced by
defenses against Israeli attacks. [NYT] Luis Wechman. [MEED]
July 31: The EEC and the Arab League held a May 21: As a result of efforts by UN Secretary
one day conference to lay the basis for closer General Kurt Waldheim negotiations between
cooperation between the 2 blocs. [JP] the Greek and Turkish communitieswere sched-
uled to reopen June 4. [NYT]
Afghanistan May 24: President Makarios concludedhis visit to
(See also Pakistan) China after talks with numerous high Chinese
officials.He then flew on to Thailand for a 5 day
1974 visit. [CB]
May 29: The UN Security Council approved a 6
Junie11: The Hungarian Deputy Foreign Minister month extension of the peace keeping force on
arrived in Kabul for talks with President Daud. Cyprus. [NYT]
[FBIS] May 30: Makarios returned to Cyprus after his
Jucly7: A trade protocol was signed with India. official visits to China and Thailand. He termed
[FBIS] the visits beneficial to Cyprus in many respects.
July 19: Soviet assistance in the development of [CB]
the Jeraqduqnatural gas field and in oil explora- June 10: It was reportedthat Makarios had begun
tion was reported. [MEED] a campaign to rid the island of EOKA-B, the
July 24: Iran and Afghanistan signed a protocol terrorist group advocatingunion with Greece. He
for cooperationin a large scale developmentpro- announceda purge of sympathetic Greek officers
gram in the "joint region of the Hirmand River." from the National Guard. [NYT]
The protocol also provides for Iranian aid in the June 11: The Cyprus peace talks resumed in Ni-
development of joint ventures in Afghanistan cosia. [TDNJ
worth $10m. [MEED] June 14: Ten bombs exploded in Famagusta which

damaged government offices and cooperative The UN disclosed that the peace keeping force
shops. [NYT] on Cyprus was $20m in debt. [NYT]
June 16: A Greek Cypriote was killed and 2 cri- July 20: Turkish Premier Ecevit announced that
tically wounded. The dead man was a supporter Turkey had invaded Cyprus by sea and air.
of Makarios and the government accused the [NYT]
EOKA-B of the shooting. [NYT] The UN Security Council called for a halt in
July 3: It was reportedthat Makarios had written the fighting on Cyprus,an end to foreign military
Greek President Gizikis asking that the number intervention there, and an immediate start on
of Greek officers in the Cyprus National Guard peace negotiations. [NYT]
be reduced from 650 to 50. [FBIS] Turkish forces landed at Kokkina, Kyrenia,
July 12: Greek Ambassador Lagakas and National Lapithos and Limassol and paratroopersdropped
Guard CommanderDenisis left for Athens on an into Nicosia. Turkish warplanes bombed and
official visit. [FBIS] strafed numeroustargets while warships pounded
July 15: Cypriotetroops led by Greek Army officers Greek-Cyprioteshore installations. [NYT]
overthrew the Makarios government of Cyprus. Greece ordered general mobilization and
Violence was reported. [NYT] pledged to meet "expansionist Turkish acts" at
July 16: The Greek government in its first official any cost. [NYT]
statement on the coup in Cyprus said the conflict July 21: Fighting raged as Turkish troops es-
was "an internal affair of an independentstate," tablished a beachhead on the northern coast.
and that Athens would respect "the principle of Clashes occurred in Nicosia between Turkish
noninterference."[NYT] and Greek Cypriotes. Greek Cypriotes were re-
Fighting was reportedto be continuingbetween ported in control of Nicosia airport and Cyprus
supporters of Makarios and the rebellious Na- radio. [NYT]
tional Guard. [NYT] Escorted by British armoredcars, 4,000 foreign
Ousted President Makarios flew to Malta refugees left Nicosia in a 5 mile long convoy.
aboard a British air force plane after Paphos, [WP]
the last bastion of Makarios forces, fell to the The US government announced that Greece
rebels. [23] and Turkey had agreed to a cease-fire between
The rebel forces announced installation of a their forces on Cyprus to begin at 2 pm GMT,
new government under former guerrilla leader July 22. [NYT]
Nicholas Sampson. Continued clashes were re- Turkey reported a naval clash off the western
ported on the island. Cyprus coast with Greek naval units attempting
July 17: It was reported that according to NATO a landing. [NYT]
diplomats, the recent coup in Cyprus was carried Julfy 22: Fighting continued beyond the cease fire
out with the approval of the Greek junta. [WP] deadline. Heaviest fighting was reported around
The US maintained an uncommitted position Nicosia airport, Kyrenia, and the road between
in regard to recognition of the new government the two cities. [NYT]
of Cyprus. However, US Ambassador in Cyprus It was reportedthat 14 Greek transport planes
Rodger P. Davies did receive the newly desig- had managed to land reinforcementsat Nicosia
nated foreign minister for consultation. [NYT] airport and that Turkish reinforcements landed
Ousted President Makarios won British back- near Kyrenia.
ing in his diplomatic effort to regain control of British Foreign Secretary James Callaghanan-
Cyprus. nounced that Britain, Greece and Turkey would
Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit arrived begin talks on the Cyprus situation in Geneva
in London to press Britain for joint action possibly on July 24th. [NYT]
against the rebels. [WP] UN Secretary General Waldheim acted to bol-
Makarios arrived in New York to address the ster the 2300 man peace keeping force on Cyprus
UN. [NYT] to 5000 men. [NYT]
July 18: Sampson, the new President of Cyprus, July 23: Sporadicfighting was reportedthroughout
held his first press conference and denounced the island. It was reportedalso that Turkey con-
former President Makarios. [NYT] trolled Kyrenia. The British continued to evacu-
Greece agreed to replace in stages the 650 ate civilians from the island. [WP]
Greek officers in the Cypriote National Guard. Glafkos Clerides, Speaker of the Cyprus House
[NYT] of Representatives, replaced Sampson as Presi-
July 19: US Undersecretaryof State Joseph Sisco dent of Cyprus. [WP]
met with Greek and Turkish leaders in an effort Jutly 24: President Clerides said that it would be
to avoid an armed clash between the 2 NATO "a very unwise move under present conditions"
powers. [NYT] for Archbishop Makarios to return to Cyprus.
Makarios addressed the UN Security Council. [WP]
[NYT] July 25: Britain, Greece,and Turkey began a major

conference in Geneva on the Cyorus situation. Aug. 5: A UN spokesman reported that Turkish
[WP] and Greek military officers reached tentative
The Turkish army mounted a major landing agreement on the location of cease-fire lines
of supplies for its forces on the northernbeaches. in Cyprus. [WP]
[WP] Special US Envoy Hartmann met with Cler-
Turkey assured the UN that it would not use ides. [NYT]
force to take over Nicosia airport. [NYT] Aug. 6: Turkish troops occupied the villages of
Turkey announcedthat it had taken 783 Greek Lapithos and Karavas while negotiations con-
and Greek Cypriote prisoners. [NYT] tinued between Turkish and Greek military
It was reported that Greek Cypriote troops representatives on a cease-fire line. [NYT]
held 1750Turkish Cypriotesprisonerin Limassol. Aug. 7: Turkish troops continuedtheir drive east-
[NYT] ward along the north coast shelling the village
Ju2ly 26: Scattered new fighting erupted between Vasilia on the road to Mytron. [NYT]
Greek Cypriotes and Turkish forces. [NYT] Aug. 8: The foreign ministers of Greece, Turkey
July 27: The UN Security Councilheld a 96 minute and Britain resumed talks in Geneva on the
meeting on the Cyprus situation. [NYT] political future of Cyprus. [NYT]
July 28: Ecevit said that Turkey would not sign a Clerides announceda new Cabinet:
cease-fire agreement unless "real security" was Glafkos Clerides: Premier, Foreign Affairs and
established for Turkish Cypriotes. [NYT] Interior
July 29: The Foreign Ministers of Britain, Turkey Evagoras Lanitis: Agriculture & Natural Re-
and Greece met in Geneva but did not reach an sources
agreement on a Cyprus cease-fire. [NYT] Panilos Sivitanides: Labor & Social Insurance
Makarios conferred with Kissinger in Wash- Nikos Pattichis: Communications& Works
ington. [NYT] Andreas Mikellides: Education
Turkish troops continued to expand their area Lefkos Clerides: Justice
of control eastward from Kyrenia. [NYT] Andreas Patsalides: Finance
July 30: Fighting continued as Turkish forces at- Zenon Severis: Health
tempted to expand their beachhead eastward Georghios Christofides: Commerce & Industry.
from Kyrenia. [NYT] [FBIS]
Greece, Turkey and Britain signed a declara- Aug. 9: Talks continued in Geneva. [NYT]
tion in Geneva which imposed a new cease-fire In Nicosia, Turkish, Greek and British military
and provided for further negotiations to start delegates agreed on a technical report which es-
August 8 on the political problems. [NYT] tablished the basis for a cease-fire line. [NYT]
July 31: Turkish forces violated the one day old Aug. 11: Some progress was reported in Geneva.
cease-fire by shelling and advancing upon the Greek Foreign Minister Mavros said that Greek
town of Lapithos, west of Kyrenia. [NYT] Cypriote forces would begin evacuating Turkish
Aug. 1: The UN Security Council adopted a reso- villages and enclaves occupiedat the outbreak of
lution that enabled the UN peacekeepingforce to fighting. [NYT]
assume an expanded r6le under the Geneva According to UN sources, Greek Cypriote
Agreement. [NYT] forces began to withdraw from occupied Turkish
Turkish artillery drove Greek forces out of Cyprioteenclaves. The Greek forces also released
Ayios Ermolaos and Siskipos, west of Kyrenia. 13 Turkish prisoners in a gesture of goodwill.
Aug. 2: Greek and Turkish military delegates met Aug. 12: The Geneva talks came to a standstill
to agree on buffer zones on Cyprus. [NYT] after a Turkish proposal that Cyprus be divided
Fighting was reportedin northwesternCyprus. into a number of separate communities under
[NYT] Greek or Turkish Cypriote administration.
Turkey released a group of 120 Greek Cyp- [NYT]
riotes, women, children and old men captured Aug. 13: Ecevit gave Greece 24 hours to accept
around Nicosia. [NYT] Turkish proposals for the future of Cyprus.
Aug. 3: Turkish forces continued their attempt to [NYT]
consolidate their control of Lapithos and the The US State Department announced support
hill above it. [NYT] of Turkey's desire for "a greater degree of
Aug. 4: Turkish troops forced their way past UN autonomy"for the Turkish communityon Cyprus.
military personnel in Bellapaise. They arrested [NYT]
the able-bodiedmen includedin the group of 2000 Aug. 14: The Geneva peace talks broke down as
refugees and expelled the remainderfrom Turk- a result of Turkish refusal to allow a recess.
ish occupied territory. [NYT] [NYT]
President Clerides met in Athens with Greek Aug. 15: Fighting resumed on Cyprus after the
leaders. [NYT] breakdown of the Geneva talks. Turkey staged

an early morning air attack on Nicosia. [NYT] invitation to visit the US in 1974. The two men
Turkish troops were reportedmoving eastward also disclosed agreement on plans for more bi-
towards Famagusta and westward towards Lefka. lateral discussions before a major Middle East
[NYT] summit in Geneva. [NYT]
Three UN soldiers from Austria were re- Juitne14: Nixon and Saddt signed a joint com-
ported killed and 23 wounded when caught in a munique prior to Nixon's departure for Saudi
crossfire. [NYT] Arabia. The communiquecalled for expansion of
The US officially"deplored"the Turkish resort economiccooperation,for the granting of US aid
to force. [NYT] in the development of nuclear technology for
The UN Security Council adopted a cease-fire Egypt, and for intensive efforts by both countries
resolution unanimously.[NYT] towards achieving peace in the area. [NYT]
The US offered to play an active mediating June 15: Sadat met with Algerian President Houari
role in ending the crisis. [NYT] Boumedienneand PLO leader Yasir 'Arafat in
talks on the outcome of Nixon's visit. [JP]
Egypt June 17: Thirty-five Israeli pediatricians ended a
week's stay at an Egyptian hospital in the Gaza
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Iran and
Iraq) Strip. [WP]
Libyan Premier 'Abd al-Salam Jallfid had
1974 talks with Sadat. [MEED]
May 17: It was reported that 99.5% of the voters June 20: It was reported that a team of hiigh
in a national referendumapproved of President ranking American military officers would go to
Anwar al-Sadat's postwar liberalizationprogram. Egypt in a further expansion of ties between
May 19: President Sadat said he receiveda friendly the 2 countries. [WP]
message from Soviet party leader Leonid Brezh- A 4-man Egyptian team arrived in Washingtoin
nev. [NYT] to begin negotiations on a contract for the supply
May 24: It was reported that the Soviet Union of nuclear fuel. [WP]
had resumed limited shipment of arms to Egypt. June 21: It was reported that the United Arab
[NYT] Amirates (UAA) had agreed to loan Egypt
May 28: Sadat declared in a message to Soviet $100m towards reconstructionof the Suez Canal.
party leader Brezhnev that Egypt regarded the [MEED]
friendshipof the Soviet Union as a mainstay for The $80m loan for the SUMED pipeline was
peace loving people. [NYT] signed in London. [MEED]
May 30: US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger June 26: The US said that it had questionedEgypt
arrived in Cairo enroute to the US. He received oni its having given haven to the 8 Palestinian
praises from Sadat for his successful mediation guerrillas who were releasedfrom Sudan. [NYT]
of a Syrian-Israeli disengagement. [NYT] June 27: Minister for Electric Power Ahmad Sul-
May 31: It was reported that Egypt and Zambia tan Isma'il signed a contract in Washington for
had formed a joint company to set up a factory $39m worth of uraniumfuel for the atomic power
for copper goods in Egypt using Zambiancopper. plants promisedby Nixon. [WP]
[MEED] Sadat flew to Rumania for four days of talks
Egypt and the US announcedthe formation of with President Nicolae Ceausescu. [NYT]
a joint cooperative committee to improve eco- June 28: The US State Department said that it
nomic, scientific and cultural relations. [NYT] had been informed that the 8 Palestinian guer-
June 7: It was reported that Muhammad Sami rillas released by Sudan were in jail in Cairo.
Anwar vwas appointed Minister of State for [NYT]
Foreign Affairs. [MEED] July 1: Sadat flew on to Bulgaria after his visit
June 9: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim to Rumania. [NYT]
ended a 3 day visit. [MEED] July 2: Sadat returnedto Cairo after his visits to
June 12: US President Richard Nixon arrived in Rumania and Bulgaria. [AW]
Cairo from Salzburg. He was greeted at the Jutly 5: Three agreements worth DM 750m were
airport by Sadat and other Egyptian leaders, and signed with Germany for implementationof in-
travelled through Cairo in an open car along dustrial and land reclamation projects and the
streets lined with millions of well wishers. Qattara depression project.
[NYT] July 6: Egypt's director of nuclear energy said
June 13: A cooperation pact was concluded with that the US would build a nuclear power station
Kuwayt under which a numberof projects would at Sidi-Krer for desalination of sea waters.
be undertaken in Egypt with joint Egyptian- [MEED]
Kuwayti capital. [MEES] July 9: YAR leader Lt. Col. Ibrahim al-Hamdi
US President Nixon travelled by train to Alex- arrived in Alexandria for a day of talks with
andria. He announcedthat Sadat had acceptedan Saddat.[FBIS]
July 10: Qatar ruler Shaykh Khalifah bin Hamad their common borders. They also agreed to re-
al Thani arrived on an official visit.- [FBIS] sume talks on bilateral issues. [NYT]
Soviet party leader Brezhnev asked for a 3 May 24: It was reported that the ruler of Sharjah
month postponementof the plannedvisit to Mos- Shaykh Sultan ibn Muhammad al Qasimi paid
cow by Foreign Minister Ismi'll Fahmi. [WP] a 5 day visit to Iran. [MEED]
Jutly13: US Treasury Secretary William E. Simon Prime Minister Hoveyda arrived in Yugoslavia
arrived in Cairo for 3 days of talks on the US for a 2 day state visit. [MEED]
r6le in helping Egypt strengthen its economy. May 25: An agreement was signed with Egypt
[NYT] described by Minister of the Economy Hushang
July 14: A US military mission arrived in Cairo Ansary as a "billion dollar plus venture which
on an 8 day visit. [MEED] will embrace not only Iran and Egypt but also
July 16: King IHusaynof Jordan arrived in Alex- other nations." [MEED]
andria on a 3 day visit with Sadat to explore Dixie Lee Ray, Chairman of the US Atomic
means of reconciling Jordan and the Palestinian Energy Commission,arrived with 5 top officials
commandos. [NYT] for discussions on cooperation between the two
US Treasury Secretary Simon left Egypt for countries in plans to develop a major nuclear
Israel. Egypt agreed to let 4 large American energy program in Iran. [KI]
banks open offices in Cairo. Other cooperative It was reportedthat an agreementfor expanded
agreements were signed as well. [WP] trade and economic relations was signed during
July 17: King Husayn and Sadat agreed to set up the visit to Tehran by the Syrian Minister of
a military committee to work out joint Arab Economy and Foreign Trade MuhammadImAdi.
policies for the Middle East peace conference in [KI]
Geneva. Other joint committees were agreed May 28: The UN Security Council approved an
upon as well. [NYT] agreement between Iraq and Iran to end their
Juily 30: King Faysal of Saudi Arabia arrived for border dispute and to negotiate a comprehensive
a 9 day visit. [NYT] peace settlement. [NYT]
Aug. 2: It was reportedthat the USSR had agreed May 29: A trade protocol was signed with Poland
to carry out industrial projects in Egypt worth under the terms of which the 2 countries agreed
$70m. in principle on the establishment of an oil re-
A $50m World Bank loan for work on the finery and petrochemical complex in Poland.
Suez Canal was reported. [MEED] [MEES]
.4tug. 6: Al-Ahram reported that the World Bank MaY 31: Three loans made by Iran were reported.
had agreed to loan Egypt $200m. [MEED] Egypt received ?354m in credit and investment.
Aug. 7: Sadat unleashed a strongly worded attack Syria received $150m in low interest credits.
on President Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi of Libya Morocco received a $30m low interest loan.
in regard to plots against the President and the [MEED]
recall of Libya's Mirage jets loaned to Egypt's June 7: A multibillion dollar series of agreements
air force. [NYT] involving cooperationin steel, oil, petrochemicals,
King Faysal announced that Saudi Arabia rubber, textiles, aluminum,housing construction,
would give $300m in immediate financial aid to agriculture and capital goods manufacture,were
Egypt. [NYTl signed with Italy. [MEES]
Aug. 8: Reuters reported that Egypt had called Jwue 10: Lebanese Premier Taqi al-din al-Sulh
up some military reservists. [NYT] ended an official visit to Iran and announcedthat
Iran would finance a number of projects in
Lebanon. [MEED]
Iran It was reported that Iran had increased from
(See also General and Afghanistan) 30 to 80 the number of F-14A fighter planes
ordered from Grumman Aircraft of the US.
1974 [NYT]
Jutnie17: An Iranian loan of $8.5 to Senegal was
May 17: It was reported that the government had announced. [WP]
approved a $360m, 5 year developmentprogram June 20: Saudi Foreign Minister 'Umar Saqqaf
for Iranian Kurdistan. [MEED] ended talks with the Shah. [MEED]
May 19: Egyptian First Deputy Premier 'Abd Jutne 23: In response to the question of whether
al-'Az1z Hijiz! arrived for a 6 day visit. Iran would someday have nuclear weapons, the
May 20: Prime Minister Amir Abbas Hoveyda Shah said, "Without a doubt, and sooner than
arrived in Hungary for a 4 day visit. [MEED] one would think." [WP]
May 21: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim Jute 24: The government denied reports that the
said Iraq and Iran had agreed to prompt, simul- Shah had stated Iran would develop nuclear
taneous withdrawal of troop concentrationsalong weapons.

The Shah arrived in Paris and was welcomed as a "war of genocide"being waged by the Iraqi
at the airportby French President Valery Giscard governmentagainst the Kurdishminority. [NYT]
d'Estaing. [NYT] June 14: An economic and technical cooperation
June 25: An agreement for technological coopera- agreement was signed with Yugoslavia as Vice
tion was signed with France. President Saddam Husayn ended his 6 day visit
June 27: A 10 year development agreement was to that country. [MEES]
signed with France valued at $4 billion. The Junte19: Four Kurdish nationalists were executed
agreement included provisions for the sale of 5 by the government. [NYT]
nuclear reactors. [NYT] June 23: Shadhil Taqah was appointed Foreign
June 30: A 10 year agreement for the supply of Minister. He replaced Murtada Sa'id 'Abd al-
uraniumfuel was signed with the US. [NYT] Baqi. [FBIS]
July 5: It was reported that agreements had been Junse28: It was reported that Iraq had set up a
concluded with South Africa for cooperation in Fund for External Development with a capital
nuclear power generation and the expansion of of $169m. [MEED]
trade. [MEED] Jutly5: A UNESCO grant of $36m for the recon-
July 7: Senegal Prime Minister Abou Diouf arrived struction of Babylon was rported. [MEED]
in Tehran on an official visit. [FBIS] July 25: Heavy fighting was reported between
July 12: Iran asked the UN to take action to keep Kurdish rebels and government forces in the
nuclear weapons out of the Middle East. [NYT] Esbil area of northern Iraq. Twenty-one soldiers
July 17: The government announcedthat it would were reported killed. [NYT]
acquire 25% of the shares in the giant West Jutly27: Reuters reported that Kurdish rebels had
German steel interests of Krupp. [WPJ launchedan offensive aimed at capturing Kirkfik.
July 18: Dutch Foreign Minister Max Van der The rebel force reported killing 63 government
Steel arrived in Tehran for 2 days of official soldiers and taking 200 prisoners. [FBIS]
talks. [MEED] July 29: UAA Premier Shaykh Khalifah ibn Zayd
July 19: It was reported that diplomatic relations arrived in Iraq on a 3 day visit. [MEED]
with Ghana would be established at the ambas- Auig. 5: An industrial and economic pact was con-
sadorial level. [MEED] cluded with Egypt providing for joint projects in
July 22: An Iranian loan of $1.2 billion to Great a numberof fields. [MEES]
Britain to bolster its economy was announced.
July 25: Two agreements were signed with Oman.
One delineatedthe continentalshelf between Iran
and Oman,and the other was a cultural exchange Israel
agreement. [FBIS]
July 28: Iran and Syria signed their first long term (See also Arab Israeli Conflict)
commercial agreement to increase the value of
trade between the two countries. [KI] 1974
Aug. 1: A definitive agreement was signed with
France under which Iran would pay $1 billion May 19: Premier designate Yitzhak Rabin received
into the Bank of France as an advance against a mandate from his Labor Party to form a
future delivery of French goods. [NYT] governing coalition consisting of Labor, Mapam,
Aug. 13: The GrummanCorporationdisclosed that and Arab groups, the independent liberals in
Iran had offered to lend it enough money to Prime Minister Golda Meir's government, and
continue production of the F-14 fighter plane. the Civil Rights Movement members. The vote
[NYT] was 302 to 36 with 6 abstentions. [NYT]
A continentalshelf agreement was signed with May 22: The IndependentLiberal Party's Central
the UAA which defined the boundaries of the Committee decided to join Premier designate
two countries along the median line. [MEES] Rabin's coalition. [JP]
May 23: The Labor Mapam Alignment, the Inde-
pendent Liberals and the Citizens Rights Move-
Iraq ment signed an agreement to form a coalition.
(See also Algeria, Iran, Libya, Morocco, Turkey [JP]
and Petroleum Affairs) Premier designate Rabin gained the approval
of the 3 parties of his coalition to form a govern-
ment. Moshe Dayan announced he would not
1974 serve in the new Cabinet. [NYT]
May 24: Abba Eban announcedhe would not take
June 7: Kurdish leader Gen. Mustafd al-Barazani a post in the Rabin government. [NYT]
asked for UN intervention in what he described May 28: Premier designate Rabin announced the
formation of a new Cabinet around a 3 party July 16: US Treasury Secretary William Simon
coalition. [NYT] arrived from Cairo for a 3 day visit. [JP]
June 3: The new Cabinet as presented to the July 25: Foreign Minister Allon flew to Washing-
Knesset: ton for talks on peace in the Middle East and
Yitzhak Rabin: Premier long-term US military aid. [NYT]
Yigal Allon: Deputy Premier and Foreign Affairs Juily 29: Israeli soldiers broke up an encampment
Shimon Peres: Defense of Jewish nationalists squatting in occupied Jor-
Aharin Yadlin: Education dan. [NYT]
Yehoshua Rabinowitz: Housing Aug. 15: The Knesset rejected a Likud motion
Gad Yaacobi: Transportation calling for a national referendum on the future
Haim Zadok: Justice and Religious Affairs of the West Bank. [NYT]
Haim Bar-Lev: Commerce & Industry
Shlomo Hillel: Police and Interior
Victor Shemtov: Health and Welfare Jordan
Shlomo Rosen: Immigrant Absorption
Moshe Baram: Labor (See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Egypt, Morocco
Avraham Ofer: Communications and Persian Gulf)
Aharon Uzan: Agriculture
Aharon Yariv: Information
Moshe Kol: Tourism June 17: US President Richard Nixon arrived in
Shulamit Aloni: WithouitPortfolio Jordan on the final leg of his Middle East tour.
Israel Galili: Without Portfolio [WP]
Gideon Hausner: Without Portfolio [FBIS] June 18: US President Nixon left Jordan. The
June 7: US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger formation of a joint Jordanian American Com-
said to the US Senate Foreign Relations Com- mission to promote and review cooperation was
mittee that the US had agreed to negotiate future announced.[NYT]
US military assistance to Israel on a long-term June 29: Syrian Deputy Premier and Foreign
rather than yearly basis. [NYT] Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddahmarrived for a
Jutne16: US President Richard Nixon arrived in 24 hour visit. [MEED]
Israel. He met with top government leaders as July 5: An InternationalDevelopment Association
well as former Premier Golda Meir. [NYT] loan of $7.5m to finance the Northeast Ghor
June 17: US President Nixon promised Israel an Irrigation and Rural Development project was
agreement on nuclear technology similar to that announced. [IDA newsletter]
promised to Egypt. [WP] July 8: It was reported that King Ijusayn had left
June 23: An Israeli team led by Defense Minister Amman for short visits to Oman, Abil Dhabi and
Shimon Peres arrived in Washington to work Kuwayt. [TDN]
out a multi-billiondollar programfor US military July 8: Qatar ruler Shaykh Khalifah ibn Hamad
and economicassistance. [WP] al-Thani arrived for a 3 day visit. [FBIS]
June 25: Defense Minister Shimon Peres said in July 27: The government lifted the censorship of
Washington that Israel did not have tactical the country's 4 daily and 6 weekly newspapers
nuclear weapons. imposed just before the October war. [NYT]
It was reported that Israel had borrowed
$300m in the US over the last 3 weeks through
an unusual issue of securities guaranteedby the Kashmir
US government. [NYT]
June 27: A contract was signed with the US for 1974
$39m worth of uraniumfuel for the atomic power
plant promised by Nixon. [WP] June 10: Indian Foreign Minister Swaran Singh
June 28: Premier Rabin arrived in London for the ended a 2 day visit to Kashmir which included
Socialist International Conference. Later in the talks with Shaykh Abdallah. [FBIS]
day he met with Prime Minister Harold Wilson.
June 30: Nixon converted another $500m in loans Kuwayt
to Israel into outright grants bringing the total (See also General, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Pe-
amount converted to $1.5 billion out of a total of troleum Affairs)
$2.2 billion loaned. [NYT]
July 10: A commissionthat investigated the killing 1974
of students at Maalot on May 15 criticized Dayan
and Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur for their May 24: It was reported that diplomatic relations
handling of the incident. [NYT] had been established with Cuba. [MEED]

June 29: An agreement on cultural and scientific May 20: At the end of Premier 'Abd al-Salam
cooperation was signed with the Soviet Union. Jalluid'sweek long visit to the Soviet Union, a
[MEED] trade agreement "to widely promote the develop-
July 21: US Treasury Secretary William Simon ment of mutuallybeneficialtrade"was announced.
met with Acting Amir Crown Prince Shaykh Details were not disclosed. [NYT]
Jabir al-Ahmad al-Sabah. [NYT] May 24: A report in Al Fatih was cited which
Aug. 13: A loan of $25m to Syria was announced. gave Libya's total contribution to the October
[MEES] war effort as $700m. [MEED]
May 29: A report in the Daily Mail was cited
which stated that a massive amount of Soviet
Lebanon military hardware was being shipped into Libya.
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Iran, Persian Gulf [JP]
and Syria) June 12: President Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhdfi met
with PLO leader Yasir 'Arafat in Tripoli. [JP]
1974 June 18: GambianPresident Dawda Jawara arrived
on a 3 day visit. [FBIS]
June 10: The first conference of Lebanese Muslim June 29: Vice President of Iraq's Revolutionary
leaders ended in Beirut. The conference lasted Command Council Saddam Husayn arrived in
one week and dealt with the status of Islam in Tripoli to begin a 3 day official visit. [FBIS]
a changing world. [AW] July 17: PLO chairman 'Arafat arrived for talks
June 28: One man was killed and several wounded with Libyan leaders. [FBIS]
in a clash between rival Palestinian guerrilla July 20: An agreement was signed with the Soviet
factions at the Shatila refugee camp. [NYT] Union which provided for technical, economic,
Former Yemeni Foreign Minister Muhammad trade and scientific cooperation. [MEES]
Numan was assassinated in Beirut. [JP] Aug. 6: President of the UAA, Shaykh Zayd of
June 29: It was reported that as many as 20 people Abui Dhabi arrived in Tripoli with a 44 man
had been killed and 17 wounded in clashes be- delegation. [MEED]
tween rival Palestinian guerrilla factions. [NYT]
July 1: It was reported that the leadership of the
Palestinian guerrilla movement had notified Pre-
mier Taqi al-din al-Siilh that it would assume (See also General and Irani)
responsibility for keeping terrorists from attack-
ing Israel from Lebanon. [NYT]
July 3: Lebanon and the PLO appealed to Arab 1974
countries for help in protecting Palestinian refu-
gee camps from Israeli attacks. [NYT] May 16: King IHusaynof Jordan left after a 3 day
July 4: Kuwayt's ruler Shaykh Sabah at-Salim al- visit. [MEED]
Sabah arrived in Beirut. [FBIS] May 31: It was reported that Saudi Arabia had
July 11: Diplomatic sources reported that the So- agreed to loan Morocco $50m to finance several
viet Union had offered support and assistance to economicdevelopmentprojects. [MEED]
Lebanonto strengthen its defenses against Israel. June 27: Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba ar-
[NYT] rived in Rabat. [FBIS]
July 29: Fighting was reportedbetween supporters Jutly 5: It was reported that agreements on eco-
of the Lebanese Phalangist party and Palestinian nomic and technical cooperation and cultural
guerrillas. [NYT] exchanges were signed with Camerounfollowing
July 31: It was reported that a total of 5 people a 5 day visit by Cameroun President Aamadou
were killed and 24 wounded in the 48 hours of Ahidjo.
fighting between the Palestinian guerrillas and A 3 day visit by Iraqi Vice President Saddan
the Phalangist "militia"which ended at midnight Husayn was reported. [MEED]
July 30 in the Beirut suburbof Bekwaneh. [AW] Jully 8: King Hasan in a Youth Day speech said
that the Spanish Sahara would be freed from
Spain in 1975. [JP]
Libya July 12: World Bank loans totalling $82m and an
African Development Bank loan of $16.8m were
(See also General, Egypt, Sudan and Petroleum reported. [MEED]
Affairs) Aug. 1: French Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnar-
1974 gues arrived in Rabat on a short official visit.
May 19: Libya announced a $30m loan to Syria. Aug. 10: UAA President Shaykh Zayd of Abui
[JP] Dhabi arrived on a 3 day visit. [FBIS]

Pakistan 1974
May 26: It was announcedat the end of talks be-
tween Lebanese Premier Taqi al-din al-Sfilh and
1974 UAA President Shaykh Zayd that the UAA
May 20: Pakistani Foreign Minister Aziz Ahmad would give Lebanon aid totalling LL 150m for
irrigation projects in Southern Lebanon. [AW]
asked the US for protective guarantees against
May 27: Following the visit by Lebanese Premier
a nuclear attack by India. [NYT]
May 25: China and Pakistan signed a revised bor- Sfilh, Qatar announceda grant in aid of $2m to
victims of Israeli attacks in Southern Lebanon.
der trade agreement. [NYT]
May 28: It was reportedthat a total of 65 newsmen [AW]
had been arrested in a dispute with the govern- May 31: It was reportedthat the Amir of Bahrayn
ment over dismissals from the newspaper Musa- had appointed Shaykh 'Isa bin MuhammadAb-
zeaat. [NYT] dallah al-Khalifah Minister of Justice in place
Jutnte 1: Pakistan cancelled a proposed meeting with
of Shaykh Khadid.[MEED]
It was reported that Qatar would establish
India to discuss further normalizationof relations
because of India's recent nuclear test. [NYT1 diplomaticrelations with Brazil. [MEED]
J;zic 18: The UAA announceda $400m emergency
Junite 2: Rioting went on for the fourth day between
aid program for countries suffering most from
Muslim sects throughoutthe country. [NYT]
Jutnte4: Authorities reported that 30 persons were food, fuel and fertilizer prices. [NYT]
killed, 200 injured, and 2,000 arrested in 5 days July 5: It was reported that diplomatic relations
of Muslim warfare in Punjab Province. [NYT] at the ambassadoriallevel would be established
June 7: Pakistan charged that India was attempt- between Oman and Argentina. [MEED]
ing to develop a delivery system for nuclear July 7: King Husayn of Jordan visited Oman.
weapons. Prime Minister ZulfiqarAli Bhutto said
Pakistan would develop its own nuclear program. Aug. 2: It was reportedthat the UAA had decided
to join the Arab Investment Co.
June 24: The governmentwas charged with having
killed 800 people in bombing raids on villages in
troublesomewestern Baluchistan. [WP] Saudi Arabia
June 27: Prime Minister Bhutto arrived in Dacca
on what was describedofficially as "a mission of (Sec also Arab Israeli Conflict, Egypt, Iran, Mo-
peace and reconciliation."[NYT] rocco, Syria and Petroleum Affairs)
June 28: Bhutto publicly apologized in Dacca for
what he called the "shamefulrepression and un-
speakable crimes" committed in Bangladesh by
the Pakistani army in 1971. [NYT] May 24: It was reported that diplomatic relations
June 29: Bhutto left Bangladesh without having would be establishedwith Gambia. [MEED]
reached any substantial agreements on the prob- June 6: Deputy Premier Fahd bin 'Abd al-'Azlz
lems between the two countries. [NYT] was welcomed in Washington by US President
July 8: Bhutto called for a resumptionof US arms Richard Nixon. [NYT]
shipments to Pakistan. [NYT] June 8: An agreement was signed with the US
July 11: The government reported unusual Indian providing for wide ranged military and economic
and Afghani troop movements along the border. arrangements. [NYT]
[NYT] June 14: US President Nixon arrived in Jiddah
Jutly28: A foreign office spokesman issued a stern and was welcomedby King Fay?al at the airport.
warning to Afghanistan to stop interfering in the [NYT]
internal affairs of Pakistan, specifically in the June 18: The possibility of a Saudi purchase of
Baluchistan provinces. [TDN] special US Treasury issues was reported. [NYT]
Aug. 3: It was announcedthat China would give July 5: Diplomatic relations were established with
Pakistan a $25m sports complex. [NYT] Trinidad and Tobago. [FBIS]
July 7: Yemeni leader Lt. Col. Ibrahim al-Hamdi
arrived for talks with King Fay?al. [AW]
July 12: It was reported that an economic and
Persian Gulf technical cooperationagreement had been signed
with South Korea during Foreign Minister 'Umar
(See also General, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Saqqaf's visit there. [MEED]
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia and Petroleum July 14: Yasir 'Arafat, chairmanof the PLO, vis-
Affairs) ited King Faysal. [FBIS]

July 20: US Treasury Secretary William Simon Nadir Dayfallah: Health & Social Welfare.
met with King Faysal to discuss possible Saudi A new ministry was created, the Ministry of
investmentof oil revenues in the US. [NYT] Irrigation and Hydroelectric Power, to be headed
July 29: An agreement was initialled with the by Yahya 'Abd al-Majid. [MEEDi
United Arab Amirates (UAA) to settle the long
disputed and undefinedborder of several hundred
kms. between the 2 countries. [JP] Syria
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Iran, Jordan, Ku-
wayt and Libya)
South Yemen
1974 May 23: The official Syrian news agency, SANA,
announcedSyria had received $50m from Kuwayt
July 1: Somali Foreign Minister Umar Arte Ghalib for the "war effort." [AW]
arrived in Aden on an official visit. [FBIS] June 8: Saudi Foreign Minister Umar al-Saqqaf
July 15: An InternationalDevelopmentAssociation held talks with President Hafiz al-Asad anid
loan of $5.4m for educational projects was re- Syrian ministers. [MEED]
ported. [IDA Newsletter] Jutne11: It was reported that Syria had received
its first shipment of the newest Soviet warplane,
the Mig. 23. [JPI
Sudan June 15: US President Richard Nixon received a
warm welcome upon his arrival in Damascus.
(See also General and Egypt) President Asad met President Nixon at the air-
port. [NYT]
1974 June 16: Resumption of diplomatic relations with
the US was announcedat the end of US President
May 31: It was reported that President Ja'far al- Nixon's visit. Nixon also said that there would
Numayri inaugurated work on the Sudan-Saudi be "an expansion in contacts and cooperation,"
joint venture refinery in Port Sudan. Also the 2 between the 2 countries. [NYT]
countries concludedan agreementon the develop- Junte20: Deputy Premier MuhammadHaydar said
ment of mineral resources in the Red Sea. that Damascus hoped to forge closer economic
[MEED] relations with Western Europe and the US.
June 1: The 8 Palestinian guerrillas charged with [AW]
the murder of 3 Western diplomats in March Jutne 21: It was reported that Kuwayt had given
1973 went on trial in Khartfim. [NYT] Syria $100m in the last 2 months and that Saudi
Junte6: It was reportedthat thousandsof Sudanese Arabia had just granted Syria $50m. [MEED]
were giving small donations to their government Jute 26: Asad raised the Syrian flag in al-Qunay-
to pay off a loan made to Sudan by Libya. [WP] tirah the morning after its return from Israeli
Junte 7: It was reported that China had loaned forces. [WP]
Sudan $12m for the construction of a road and June 29: Lebanese Prime Minister Taqi al-din al-
a textile plant. [MEED] Sfilh arrived in Damascus onl a I day official
June 14: It was reported that UN Secretary Gen- visit. [FBIS]
eral Kurt Waldheim held talks in Khartfim. July 1: Qatar ruler Shaykh Khalifah ibn Hamad
[MEED] al-Thani arrived for a 3 day visit. [FBIS]
Jutne24: A Sudanese court sentenced8 Palestinian July 2: PLO Chairman Yasir 'Arafat met with
guerrillas to life imprisonment. President Nu- Asad in Damascus. [AW]
mayri commuted the sentence to 7 years and July 25: Asad met with 'Arafat on the current state
turned the supervisionof the sentence over to the of the Palestinian revolution. [FBIS]
Palestinian LiberationOrganization.[NYT] Julv 31: It was reported that the new US ambas-
June 25: The US recalled its ambassadorto Sudan sador would be Richard Murphy. [WP]
in protest over the release of the Palestinian Aug. 7: It was announcedthat diplomaticrelations
guerrillas. [WP] would be resumed with West Germany after a
July 5: An agreement for a loan of $20m on the 9 year break. [NYT]
Eurodollar market was signed in London. Aug. 14: Asad arrived in Yugoslavia on a official
[MEED] visit. [FBIS]
July 22: President Numayri announcedthe follow-
ing Cabinetchanges: Tunisia
Abul-Qasim MuhammadIbrThim:Agriculture,
Food & Natural Resources (See also Morocco)

1974 June 29: The President of Mauritania, Mukhtar

Ould Dadah, arrived in Ankara. [TDN]
Juily 3: MauritanianPresident MukhtarOuld Dadah Jutly1: Iraqi Vice President Saddam Husayn made
arrived on an official visit. [FBIS] a stop in Ankara for talks with Ecevit.
Jutly 5: A $15m United Nations Development Pro- Iraqi planes were reported to have bombed
gram loan for industrial, agricultural and social Turkish villages on the border. [TDN]
projects was announced.[MEED] The governmentlifted the ban on opium poppy
Prime Minister Hedi Nouira visited Yugo- cultivation initiated in 1971. [NYT]
slavia. [MEED] July 3: It was reported that the World Bank had
July 12: It was reportedthat an extensive economic approved a $148m loan to Turkey for a lignite
and social agreement had been signed with Al- mine and power generation scheme in Elbistan.
geria at the end of the first Joint Supreme Com- [TDN]
mission meeting in Algiers from June 30-July 2. July 5: The US Ambassador was called back to
[MEED] the US for consultation in the wake of Turkey's
July 29: A World Bank loan of $23.3m to Tunisia decision to resume opium poppy cultivation.
for a phosphate development project was an- [NYT]
nounced. [IBRD] Jutly12: Thousands of political prisoners were re-
Aug. 1: UAA President Shaykh Zayd arrived in leased from prison as the result of a ruling by
Tunis. [FBIS] the ConstitutionalCourt which included them in
the general amnesty bill adoptedin May. [NYT]
July 13: Gunes left Turkey for a 3 day visit to
China. [TDN]
July 15: Gunes met with Chinese Foreign Minister
Turkey Chi Peng-Pei. [TDN]
July 16: It was reportedthat the Soviet Union had
(Sece also Cyprus) informed Turkey that it was ready to cooperate
with her in defining the integrity and indepen-
dence of Cyprus. [NYT]
1974 President Fahri Koruturk blamed the Greek
government for instigating the coup in Cyprus.
May 25: Premier Bulent Ecevit announced that [WP]
Greece had agreed to settle its oil dispute with July 17: Turkish forces were reported in a high
Turkey in the Aegean Sea through negotiations. state of readiness for a possible amphibiousinva-
[NYT] sion of Cyprus. lWP]
May 28: Turkish officialsannouncedthat high level Juily 18: The Parliament met in secret session to
talks with Greece over the Aegean dispute would discuss the situation in Cyprus. [NYT]
take place in Canadaon June 19. [WP] It was reported that thousands of Turkish
May 29: The government announcedit had sent a troops has moved to the coast only 40 miles from
researchvessel to the disputedarea of the Aegean Cyprus. Transport ships were reported off the
Sea. It was reported that Greece reacted by coast. [WP]
placing its armed forces on alert. [NYT] July 22: Ecevit asserted that Turkey accepted the
Junie1: It was announcedthat diplomatic relations cease fire on Cyprus but that the "Turkish pres-
would be establishedwith East Germany.[FBIS] ence on the island is now irrevocablyestablished."
Junle11: A new trade agreement was signed with [NYT]
Bulgaria. [FBIS] Jutly 23: Ecevit announcedthe casualties from the
June 17: It was reported that a second group of Cyprusoperation: 57 dead, 184 wounded,and 242
Kurds had fled to Turkey seeking asylum from missing. [WP]
both the forces of Mustafa Barazani as well as Jutly24: Turkey confirmedthat its warplanes had
the Baghdad governmenttroops. [TDN] mistakenly sunk one of its own ships off Cyprus.
Juzne 20: Foreign Minister Turan Gunes met for Forty nine men of the crew of 249 were still miss-
4' 2 hours with Greek Foreign Minister Tetenes ing. [WP]
in Ottawa. The talks were describedas "a broad July 26: It was reported that a trade agreement
review" of problems pending between the two had been signed with Cairo during Gunes' visit
countries. [TDN] there. [MEED]
June 25: Ecevit met with Greek Prime Minister Aug. 2: It-was reported that a financial protocol
Andrecupulos in Brussels to discuss the month was signed with France under which Turkey
old dispute over oil prospecting in the Aegean. would benefit from a total credit of 117m French
[TDN] francs. [TDN]
Jutne27: Gunes arrived in Bucharest at the start Aug. 3: Turkish Cypriote leader Rauf Denktas ar-
of a week long visit. [TDN] rived in Ankara for talks with Ecevit. [NYT]

Yemen May 26: Kuwayt put 1.25m barrels/day of crude

oil on the market for direct sale to foreign cus-
(See also Iran, Lebanon, Persian Gulf and Syria) tomers. The oil is in government hands as a
result of the recent 60% takeover of the Kuwayt
Oil Co. [NYT]
1974 May 30: The economiccommissionof the Organiza-
tion of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
May 31: It was reported that Prime Minister opened a 3 day meeting in Vienna. [NYT]
Hasan Makki was on a 2 week tour of Gulf oil Jutne 2: Arab oil ministers meeting in Geneva
states in quest for assistance in Yemen's develop- decided to maintain the embargo on the Nether-
ment program. [MEED] lands. [NYT]
June 12: It was reported that President 'Abd al- Algeria dissentedfrom the OAPEC decision to
Rahman al-Iryini resigned over a conflict with maintain its embargo on the Netherlands and
the legislative branch of the government. [NYT] lifted it. [MEED]
June 13: The army of the Republic of Yemen June 3: Saudi Arabia called for a limited but high
seized power in an apparently bloodless coup. level meeting of major oil producing and oil
[NYT] consuming countries for a "practical dialogue"
June 14: It was reported that the new military on energy. [NYT]
rulers had suspended the Constitution, dissolved June 7: It was reported that shipments of Iraqi
the legislature and disbanded the sole political crude from East Mediterraneanports fell sharply
organization. [NYT] in May. The drop was partly attributed to slack
June 16: The ruling military junta lifted a 4 day demandin Europe. [MEES]
old dusk to dawn curfew. [WP] June 8: African countries meeting in Somalia were
June 22: A new Cabinet was announced: told that they would not receive petroleum from
Muhsin Ahmad al-'Ayni: Prime Minister and Arab oil states and reduced prices. [NYT]
Foreign Affairs June 9: It was announcedthat the Arabian Ameri-
Hasan Makki: Deputy Prime Minister for Eco- can Oil Co. (Aramco) and the government of
nomic Affairs Saudi Arabia had reached an agreementwhereby
'Abd al-Latif Dayfallah: Public Works the Saudis would take a majority 60%oownership
Muhammadal-Junayd: Finance of the company'sconcessions and assets. [NYT]
'Abdallah A. al-Asnaj: Communication June 12: An agreement was signed in Tripoli
Ahmad Jabir 'Afif: Education whereby Shell Oil accepted Libya's 100% nation-
'All al-Sam'an: Justice alization of its interests in Libya. The company
Ahmad Dahmash: Information agreed to drop all legal action and to accept
'Abd al-Karim al-Iryani: State for Development compensationat book value. [MEES]
Affairs It was reported that the announcedSaudi gov-
'Abd al-Malik al-Tayyib: Local Governments ernment takeover of 60%ocontrol of Aramco was
aimedat giving the Saudis more bargainingpower
Yahya al-Mutawakkil: Interior
Muhammad'Abd al-Wadfid: Health at the meeting of OPEC in Quito, Ecuador.
'Abduh'Ali 'Uthman: Municipalities [NYT]
Sultan Algarshi: Supplies & Consumer June 17: OPEC decided to freeze crude oil prices
Muhammad al-Rubd'!: Youth, Labor & Social at their current levels but to raise the royalty
Affairs paid to the governmentsby the oil companies2%.
Ahmad al-Kabab: Waqf [WP]
'Abd al-Wahhab Mahmuid:Ecoitomyty June 26: Algeria warned that it and other oil
MuhammadA. al-Wazir: Agriculture producing countries would cut production if
Salah al-Masri: State necessary to maintain current prices. [NYT]
Amin Abfil Ra's: State July 1: It was reported that according to May
'Abd al-Karim al-Jansi: State productionfigures Saudi Arabia became the no. 1
oil producer in the world having surpassed the
Petroleum Affairs July 2: Iran doubled the price of its natural gas
unilaterally. [TDN]
July 3: Kuwayt oil ministry sources reported that
1974 all of the more than 40 bids for the government's
participationcrude were below the posted price.
May 23: Algerian Foreign Minister Abdel Salam [NYT]
BouteflikadeclaredAlgeria in favor of lifting the July 7: Talks were suspendedbetween Abd Dhabi
8 month old oil embargo against the Netherlands and foreign oil companiesin the negotiations for
and Denmark [NYT] governmenttakeover. [NYT]
July 10: It was reported that the Kuwayt National agreement with Petroleum Development Oman
Assembly had rejected a proposedproductioncut (PDO) which raised government participation
of 1 million bld. [WP] from 25% to 60%o.[MEES]
Abui Dhabi announced an increase in royalty July 18: The US State Department publicly
taxes on crude to 14.5% from 12.5%. criticized Gulf Oil and BP for having agreed
OPEC decided to end the oil embargo on the of the posted price
2 days earlier to pay 94%-95%o
Netherlands and to set up the Arab Investment for Kuwayt oil. The average price paid currently
Corporationwith assets of $1.1 billion. The de- is 93%. [NYT]
cisions were made on the opening day of the July 21: Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources
meeting of oil ministers in Cairo. [NYT] Ahmad Zak! Yamani announced that Saudi
Juily 12: It was reported that the price of Arabian Arabia would hold an auction sale of crude oil
Light, the "marker crude," had recently slipped in early August. [MEES]
from $10.25/barrelto $9.90/barreldue to ainover- July 30: Gulf Oil Corp. ChairmanR. Dorsey said
abundance. [MEED ] upon his arrival in Kuwayt that there was a 3%
July 17: The government of Oman announcedan to 4%oexcess supply of oil in the world. [WP]

ARR, Arab Report antdRecord (84-86 ChanceryLane, London WC2A 1DL, England). AW, The Arab
World (P.O. Box 3045, Beirut, Lebanon). CSM, The ChristiainScicuce Monitor (1 Norway St., Boston,
Mass. 02115). CB, CypruisBulletin (Public Information Office, Nicosia, Cyprus). E, The Economist (54
St. James's Street, London, SWlA 1JT, England). FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily
Report-Middle East and Africa (Washington, D.C.). G, The ManchesterGuardianiWeekly (164 Deans-
gate, Manchester, M60 2RR, England). JP, The JerutsalemZ Post (6 Rehov Aristobulus, Jerusalem). KI,
(Ave. Ferdowsi, Tehran, Iran). MEED, MiddleEast Econiomiiic
Kayhan Intterntationtal Digest (84-86 Chan-
cery Lane, London,WC2A 1DL, England). MEES, Middle East EconomicStrvey (P.O. Box 1224,Beirut,
Lebanon). LM, Le Monde (English Section, 5 rue des Italiens, 75 Paris 9E, France). NYT, The Neu,
York Timiies(229 W. 43 Street, New York, N.Y. 10036). WP, The WashingtonPost (1515 L St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005).

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