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World Aids Day: More than

half-a-million could die
due to Covid-19 disruptions

Decades of response

Tonnes of challenges
Stark reality that HIV
is still with us

World Aids Day: More than half-a-million

could die due to Covid-19 disruptions

t was in 2004 and she vividly
remembers the last day she saw
her mother.
She had lost weight and Sandra
struggled to recognise her when
she visited St Theresa’s Hospital in
Chirumanzu where her mother was
A once strong woman just lay
there waiting to die and there was
nothing anyone could do.
She is one of thousands who
died of AIDS because treatment
then, was not readily available.
Ten years later in August, her father
breathed his last. When she held
him the day he collapsed and was Covid-19 effect missing their appointments, with ensure that people can access ser-
waiting for the ambulance to ferry Six years after his death, the globe Government moving in to give medi- vices at the lowest level possible.
him to Parirenyatwa Group of Hos- is now grappling with the corona- cation for more than three months as World Health Organisation Na-
pitals, she knew it was only a mat- virus pandemic, which has derailed was the norm. tional Professional Officer for HIV
ter of days, if not hours. progress towards the attainment of Furthermore, due to logistical Dr Simbarashe Mabaya said the
Four days after being admitted, an Aids-free generation by 2030. nightmares, countries like Zimba- Covid-19 pandemic exposed the
her father was also to be transferred bwe were and still is face a lot of need for countries to ensure that all
to the same hospital that had housed While time may be there to scale-up challenges in bringing in medica- services including HIV, are accessi-
her mother during her last days in responses, Zimbabwe in particular tions, with Government mooting the ble at the lowest level of care, close
2004. has missed the 90-90-90 2020 tar- idea of starting to give patients three to the communitiesV.
While Sandra’s parents both died get. months’ supply of medicines instead
of HIV-related complications, their The target sought to ensure that of six months, until more supplies “Covid-19 gives us a unique oppor-
stories were different because un- at least 90 percent of all people liv- come into the country. tunity to reimagine how to provide
like her mother, her father died be- ing with HIV know their status and UNAIDS reports that a six-month HIV services going forward.
cause of self-stigma and failure to 90 percent of all people with diag- complete disruption in HIV treatment Now with the Covid-19 response
accept his status. nosed HIV infection will receive could cause more than half-a-million we really need to decongest our fa-
Information around HIV/Aids sustained antiretroviral therapy. additional deaths in Sub-Saharan Af- cilities to ensure that we take ser-
had filtered through communities, The target also sought to ensure rica, Zimbabwe included, over the vice into communities,” said Dr
and even babies understood that that by 2020, 90 percent of all peo- next year, bringing the region back Mabaya.
HIV was not a death sentence. But ple receiving antiretroviral thera- to 2008 HIV mortality levels. He also notes that while notable
a well-spoken and educated man py would have viral suppression. However, the Covid-19 pandemic progress has been made towards
could not comprehend being HIV The lockdown instituted to control also offers countries an opportunity Zimbabwe’s response to HIV, men,
positive. the spread of Covid-19, saw many to address gaps that were left unat- among other key populations, still
The country is still dealing with fail to access HIV services, with tended during the HIV program- struggle to access HIV services.
stigma and discrimination, with some forced to default due to the ming. This has been attributed mainly
some, like her father, defaulting challenges that ensued. This includes, but not limited to, due to poor health seeking behav-
only because they did not want their Movement restrictions saw many investment in primary healthcare to iour and adherence to medication
neighbours to know they were on amongst men.
anti-retroviral treatment (ART). In her remarks to mark World
“With so much appreciation of ADS Day, WHO Regional Direc-
health issues, particularly HIV, I tor for Africa Dr Matshidiso Moeti
had always wondered if the out- said: “To sustain and accelerate the
come would have been different gains made, I urge governments and
had I engaged him on time on the partners to come together, with the
need to religiously take his medica- same level of urgency and leader-
tion,” Sandra told Nhau, a few days ship demonstrated in response to
before the country marked World Covid-19, to increase domestic
AIDS Day. funding and strengthen health sys-
“Talking about the subject to him tems.
was taboo, and people from my “There must be global solidarity
community struggled with having and shared responsibility among all
conversations around HIV. stakeholders to ensure integrated,
But I knew better, I had dedicated people-centred, quality care and an
my career towards unpacking health uninterrupted supply of essential
issues but I guess I always thought commodities for HIV services.”
that my father was smart enough to This year’s AIDS Day is running
make better decisions.” under the theme, global solidarity,
shared responsibility.

ED in another security sector appeasement

exercise … As ZRP Promotes 5 600 NCOs
olice Commissioner-Gen- that only the top three of each rank
eral Godwin Matanga has will participate in the ceremonies as
promoted 5 629 non-com- a measure of adhering to Covid-19
missioned (NCOs) junior police regulations that restrict gatherings.
officers with immediate effect, “Conferment of badges of rank
Nhau has learnt. shall be conducted by respective of-
This is contained in a radio ficers commanding provinces (for
signal seen by Nhau stating that all provinces/CID/Support Unit) and
the promotions were with effect Chief Staff Officer (CSO) in respect
from yesterday, Monday No- of Police General Headquarters
vember 30. (PGHQ) on Tuesday 8 December at
According to the signal, 1 511 10am,” read the signal.
Sergeants were elevated to the “Due to Covid-19 pandemic, only
rank of Assistant Inspector, an- the top three per each rank per dis-
other 173 Sergeants promoted to trict shall attend the conferment pa-
the rank of Sergeant Major and rade taking cognisance of female
3 945 Constables bumped up to representation on a ratio of one fe-
the rank of Sergeant. male to two males. The rest of other
Conferment of ranks will be promoted members shall remain at
done by officers commanding their stations.”
provinces on Tuesday 8 Decem- The last time the exercise was done
ber at 10am. in 2018, members slammed their
Last week President Mnangag- bosses for allegedly abandoning the
Opposition circles say that Mnan- alas when their pay slips came, the
wa, who is the Commander-in- normal examination processes to
gagwa is also doing this in order to bonus was included.
Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence elevate their favourite individuals
overcome disgruntlements in the “We are still confused over how
Forces, promoted 54 Zimbabwe without any explanation.
uniformed forces over poor sala- they paid us this month. I actually
National Army (ZNA) officers to Police officers are usually subject-
ries. Currently, the forces are bit- spent my November salary quite
the rank of Lieutenant Colonel ed to annual promotional examina-
ter over the way Government paid hopeful that our bonus would be
effective November 10. tions meant to identify officers who
them their 13th cheque. injected but I was surprised to see
The army promotions were merit elevation to higher ranks.
Sources told Nhau that when their it already included on my pay slip
described as “a gimmick meant However, Section 9 of the Police
salaries were entered, they thought when I finally collected it,” said a
to appease Mnangagwa’s boot- Act empowers Comm-Gen Matanga
these included the newly awarded police officer who cannot be named.
lickers” by MDC Alliance vice- to handpick officers for promotion
40 percent increase and that their Meanwhile, the police communi-
president Tendai Biti. using other considerations.
bonuses would be injected later, but cation on promotions emphasises

Grace Mugabe doubles workers’ contractual agreements. It was

reported that they were earn-
ing ZW$4 800 topped up with

salaries after strike threat US$100 against a contract-stip-

ulated salary of US$1 800.
General and kitchen staff

F ormer First Lady Grace

Mugabe has awarded staff at
her group of schools a 100 per-
reportedly earned ZW$900,
equivalent to just over US$10 at
the official exchange rate.
cent salary increase after they “A teacher should earn US$1
threatened to strike last week as 800 which is equal to a pupil's
the Mugabe empire continues to fee. The schools are barely pay-
face a myriad of challenges. ing the teachers 10 percent of
Teachers employed under the the supposed salary,” said an in-
Amai Mugabe Group of Schools sider at the elite institution.
in Mazowe were reportedly up According to our source, on
in arms with their employer over Friday November 13, 2020 the
poor working conditions and low teachers threatened industrial
salaries. action but former First Lady
A source close to the occurrenc- Grace Mugabe acted swiftly,
es told Nhau that Grace offered sending a high-powered del-
US$200 plus doubling of ZW$4 egation comprising her sister
Dubai to meet the disgruntled em- operate in.
800 teachers were being paid for Ms Gumbochuma, her daughter
ployees who threatened to ground “Grace said that in the near fu-
their services at the plush aca- Bona Mugabe-Chikore and her
their tools if the impasse was not ture salaries will be reviewed
demic institution. son-in-law Simba Chikore to
corrected. upwards and asked staff to work
“Staff accepted the new offer meet the school staff and listen
She is said to have promised to together with her as well as de-
after a meeting was held with her to their grievances.
review the salaries again in due sisting from engaging in indus-
on the 28th last month,” said the The staff did not comply, opt-
course, pointing out that the group trial action.”
source. ing to meet Grace face to face
of schools was finding the current Staff also raised issue of fail-
The former First Lady is re- to air their disgruntlements di-
economic environment difficult to ure by the company to honour
ported to have cut short her trip to rectly. Nhau/Indaba


Mthuli Ncube has never been a friend

of the poor, and MPs must resist his
cruel taxes on informal sector
This is what the Minister must do, in
my view; he should first ask himself if
this tax on the informal market will im-
prove the economy, or damage it more.
The answer is clear.
By Sharon Mupfure If he decides, against all reason, to go

ahead with this idea in its current form, he
inance Minister Mthuli Ncube, since needs to communicate to improve trans-
his appointment two years ago, has parency, and ensure his notorious ZIMRA
never been a friend of the poor. In officials don’t use this as another opportu-
his latest budget statement, he makes it nity to harass and demand bribes.
clear that nothing has changed. Yes, everybody should pay tax. No-
One of his first decisions as minister was body has a problem paying tax if they see
to introduce a truly repressive tax of 2% it working for them. Why people resent
on every electronic transaction. It burnt tax is that the poor are taxed and then
the pockets of the poor the hardest. watch leaders buy big cars. Meanwhile,
Over the next two years, Ncube con- we are taxing people who are working at
vinced the government to let go of safety markets with no proper sheds or running
nets, which those who are anti-poor like water.
him like to call “distortions”. Poor people have had no safety nets
All this in order to clear deficits and under Ncube’s policies. This new regime
make his accounts look good. of taxes is insensitive to the plight of the
In his 2021 budget, Ncube has taken poor.
the hatchet to millions of Zimbabweans Our Members of Parliament, across
similar attempts to tax informal sector, “the been to conduct an extensive impact as-
struggling to make ends meet in the in- the divide, must do their job and strongly
sheer number of fees and lack of clarity sessment before proposing this tax.
formal economy. This is the majority of resist Ncube’s cruel and draconian tax
about who collects them creates frustration The Minister needed to find out the state
Zimbabweans. He has proposed a tax of measures, until they are implemented in
and opportunities for corruption”. of those he is trying to tax. Do they have
the equivalent of US$30 per month for the a way that does not make the poor even
the capacity to pay US$30? What do they
mother running a small flea market. Sisi poorer than they are. Newzwire
NO IMPACT ASSESSMENT earn? How would this tax affect their in-
Sandra the hairdresser must pay Z$2500
Thirdly, the reasonable thing would have come?
every month to the government, among
other taxes.
Yes, most traders in the formal sector
are indeed women, the same people who
already bore the brunt of Mthuli’s reckless
Study on the socio-economic impacts of
hurry to just balance his books and boast
about fiscal discipline.
This new tax regime must be resisted.
Covid-19 in COMESA region completed
Below are my reasons; By Mwai Gakunga to 78% in international tourist arrivals for mittance inflows in the region, attributed

2020.” to shut down in economic activities in key
EXCESSIVE TAX OMESA Secretariat has conducted A brief on the study was presented to the source countries including France, Italy,
Firstly, taxing the informal market at a study on the socio-economic im- 41st meeting of the Council of Ministers Spain, United States, United Kingdom,
US$30 is excessive and cruel. This is a pacts of the Covid-19 pandemic in last week. In their decision, the ministers Middle East and China. These account for
the region. The study is expected to help urged Member States to fast-track imple- a quarter of total remittances to Sub Saha-
sector that is still to recover from the im-
Member States in developing policies to mentation of the protocol on free movement ran Africa.
pact of Covid-19. The virus only made
address the impacts of the pandemic on of persons and easing regional movement. Steep declines in foreign direct invest-
worse what was already a tough situation
their economies. Specifically, they cited the movement of ment (FDI) were noted with delays in ap-
for many in this sector, to put it mildly.
According to the study, only six Member professionals like medical personnel, engi- proved development projects linked to
The government’s own recent research,
States: Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, neers, technicians, essential goods and ser- external financing mechanisms, and an
a collaboration between Zimstat and the
Rwanda and Uganda are projected to have vices across borders and the development increasingly high risk of financial sector
World Bank, told us that 90% of Zimbabwe-
positive growth rates post Covid-19 pan- of a regional strategy to encourage and pro- contagion due to the decreased ability of
an households operating small businesses
demic. The resultant contraction in eco- mote domestic and regional tourism. businesses and individuals to meet their fi-
lost significant income due to the lockdown.
nomic growth in countries is likely to hit The study found that financial services nancial obligations.
“Ncube’s concern is the books, not the
hard countries that are resource intensive, were more resilient due to digitisation in- Expansionary policies undertaken in
oil exporters, and tourism dependent. Non- cluding the use of the internet and mobile combating the Covid-19 pandemic wors-
So, just as they are starting to recover,
resource intensive countries will be more banking. It recommended greater liberali- ened the fiscal deficits and external debt
their own government hits them with a big
resilient. sation of financial and telecommunication situations in most countries. Increased
axe. Are we supported to just say this is
Specifically, the fall in commodity services to help reduce costs of services spending was notable in health and support
OK, in the name of “everyone must pay
prices affected COMESA oil and mineral provision which are currently high. to businesses and vulnerable populations.
products exporters thereby leading to On inflation, the study found that the re- Despite the challenges, the pandemic
Why not give them time to recover, or at
sharp declines in export earnings and bal- gional rate increased from 31.6 percent to created opportunities for firms to innovate,
least consider an incremental tax? Ncube
ance of payment challenges , according to 60.4 percent in the first of 2020, with some develop new strategy and products, for
won’t consider that, because his concern is
the report. countries registering double digit month on example, through repurposing production
the books, not the people.
The study identified the services sector month inflation. lines to produce Covid-19 essential prod-
as the most affected due to travel restric- “Inflation was largely driven by drastic ucts.
SYSTEMS NOT IN PLACE tions and lockdowns. These include busi- changes in consumption of housing, water, Following the study, the Council on
Secondly, there is serious doubt that sys- ness services, air transport, road transport electricity, gas and other fuels (89 percent), Ministers directed speedy digitalization of
tems are in place to administer this tax. and tourism. Comoros, Seychelles, Mauri- health (78.3 percent) and communication trade instruments which include electronic
With millions in informal trade, can ZIM- tius, Kenya, Ethiopia, Egypt and Madagas- (69.6 percent) due to supply shortages and trade (e-trade), e-logistics and e-legislation
RA net all of them where it is failing with car, which heavily rely on services sectors confinement measures,” the report says. under the COMESA Digital Free Trade
far fewer registered companies? have been the most affected. However, many economies experienced Area initiative. The Council urged Member
What we are likely to see is haphazard “Available data pointed to a double-digit increase in nonperforming loans (NPLs) States to enhance investments in internet
chasing of traders, and we all know where reduction of 22 percent in the travel and especially in the following sectors: tour- infrastructure and penetration to promote
this leads to; abuse and corruption. tourism sector during the first quarter of ism, restaurant and hotels, transport and online supply of services and reduce costs
Ncube will soon find out that the cost of 2020, with arrivals in March down by 57 communication, trade, real estate, personal/ of communication – mobile, internet and
trying to raise taxes from small traders is percent,” the report stated. “This translates household, building and construction and financial services to increase/expand the
far higher than any tax he is likely to col- into a loss of 67 million international arriv- manufacturing sectors. benefits of digital technology. Comesa
lect. Many countries that have tried this als and about USD 80 billion in receipts. In addition, there was a cut down in re-
have discovered this truth. According to an Current scenarios point to declines of 58%
ActionAid report in 2018, which looked at


Zambia shows how the West must lend like

China, says Mark Mobius holders of 40 percent of Zambia’s Eurobonds
By David Whitehouse says that the transparency that would allow
them to consider debt relief request is lacking

ambia’s default shows that Western and that there has no direct engagement with
lending to Africa needs to become the government.
more like that of China, veteran China, Mobius says, lends for specific pro-
emerging markets investor Mark Mobius jects such as roads and then brings in the per-
tells The Africa Report. sonnel needed to build it. The approach has
Western loans need to stop being used been “very effective” in terms of building in-
to support government bureaucracies. frastructure.
Instead, lenders need to focus on roads, Western countries could do this, sending staff
bridges, power infrastructure and expand- and employing them alongside local workers,
ing Internet access, Mobius says from says Mobius: “That’s the reality – that’s the
Dubai: “People survive in the informal kind of implementation that’s needed.”
market and we need to support them with Beijing’s loans to Zambia probably have
infrastructure. These are the things that “quite lenient” terms which allow China to sim-
help the small guys do business.” ply take control of an asset if necessary, says
Western lenders say they can’t tell if Mobius.
Zambia is treating them the same as Chi- He sees no great danger of a contagion effect
nese lenders. A committee representing in Africa from the default: “Lenders are pretty

Region projects 0.6 percent growth in 2020 sophisticated” and will be able to dis-
criminate between different degrees of
junk. Moody’s now has South Africa two
notches below investment grade, while
risk. In private-sector lending markets, Fitch’s rating is three levels below. Both
he adds, “defaults happen every day.” have negative outlooks on the country.
Sovereign defaults, of course, are dif- President Cyril Ramaphosa is fac-
ferent. Mobius sees the possibility of a ing “terrific resistance to reform” from
positive upshot if the IMF becomes less people who “don’t want to give up their
tolerant of a lack of Zambian reform. cushy jobs”, says Mobius. Yet the coun-
They now have a chance to “impose try benefits from “relatively good” infra-
some conditionality”, which could help structure. “With relatively small chang-
to reduce corruption, he says. es, they could turn this around. It’s never
too late.”
Welcome to deflation
Mobius’s new book, The Inflation Myth • Scaling back Eskom and letting people
and the Wonderful World of Deflation, generate their own power would solve
was published by Wiley in November. one major problem, he argues.
The book’s main argument is that tech- • Privatising South African Airways
nological progress has made the concept would solve another.
of inflation obsolete. Prices may official- • State-owned enterprises, he says, are
ly go up, but that just reflects outdated “an incredible drain on the government
baskets of goods that people no longer budget. They must be reformed in the
buy. national interest. That realisation, he
In the real world, Mobius argues, tech-
By Mwai Gakunga This was attributed to persistent trade im- nology means that we are able to trans-
says, is dawning on the ANC hierarchy.

balances due to a combination of declining • It’s “quite possible”, he adds, that the
OMESA region is projected to mit and store information at speeds and rand will appreciate if the right reforms
export demand and relatively inelastic import quantities without parallel in history. The
grow by 0.6% in 2020 down from are made.
bills, and in some cases late disbursement of argument, and the book, concerns eco-
5.2% attained in 2019. This is ac- Overall, Mobius says he’s “very posi-
external aid flows faced by most countries in nomics rather than Africa specifically.
cording to a report on the macroeconomic tive on Africa,” where Mobius Capital
the COMESA region. But, Mobius adds, Africa stands to be a
developments in the region presented at Partners (MCP) has continued to invest
“The region’s average fiscal deficit includ- major beneficiary of the shift to a defla-
just concluded COMESA policy organs’ during COVID-19.
ing grants as a percentage of GDP widened tionary world.
meetings. He’s encouraged by Africa’s free-trade
slightly from -4.3 percent in 2018 to -4.9 Technological progress in Africa has
The low projected growth in 2020 re- agreement and a young population which
percent in 2019 as the region continued to in- the potential to increase the value of ser-
flects largely the impact of COVID-19 has the potential to become highly pro-
crease infrastructure investment,” according vices much more than for already afflu-
containment measures that includes quar- ductive. Free trade, he says, will make
to the report prepared by the Secretariat. ent people in the US or Europe. Wider
antine, lockdowns, travel restrictions and a pan African market that is attractive to
COMESA’s average inflation rate was 13.3 Internet and mobile phone penetration
border closures, among others. global capital, and give an impetus for
percent in 2019 as compared to 9.2 percent in mean that farmers in Africa now have
The projections considered the devel- economic reforms.
2018 and is projected to increase to 15.2 per- access to much more information and
opment in economic growth, monetary The Mobius Emerging Market Fund’s
cent in 2020 due to plummeting commodity potential markets, says Mobius.
policy and exchange rate, external current largest African holdings are Clicks
prices and disruptions in food supply chains. The opportunity exists for Africa to
account including grants, overall fiscal Group in South Africa, with 4.2 percent
The external reserve position for the re- “leapfrog” the West in technological
balance, government debt, inflation rate, of the portfolio, and Safaricom in Kenya,
gion in 2019 was an average of 3.8 months terms.
reserve accumulation, medium term pros- with 3.9 percent.
of import of goods and services compared to
pects and recommendations and risks to A constraint on investment, he says, is
3.1 months of import of goods and services in
2018 and is expected to decline to just three Professional optimist lack of market liquidity. MCP only in-
In 2019, for example, monetary policy Mobius made his name as a perpetually vests in publicly traded companies, but
months of import of good and services in
stance varied depending on the extent to optimistic investor in emerging markets. Mobius expects that more IPOs will in
which countries were exposed to domestic He spent 30 years at Templeton Emerg- time create more opportunities. The fund
The report concludes that the immediate
and external shock. However, in 2020 the ing Markets. In 2018, he started Mobius continues to look for more investments
challenge for most countries in the region
region’s Central Banks face new challeng- Capital Partners with former Templeton in South Africa and Kenya. Technology,
will be stopping the Covid-19 pandemic. This
es posed by Covid-19 pandemic including colleagues Carlos von Hardenberg and retail, healthcare and education will be
should entail continued effort to sustain public
a shift of priority to crisis management ob- Greg Konieczny. Aged 84, he swims the priority sectors.
health gains including contact tracing, quar-
jectives instead of strictly price stability. every day in Dubai while waiting for the
antine and isolation, treatment and stopping
According to the report, external current chance to travel back to Singapore.
account including grants improved slightly
the spread.
Even South Africa’s economic woes
Bottom line
The Secretariat urged member countries to Western lenders will need to learn to
in the region, averaging about -4.8 percent are not enough to blunt his profession-
use macroeconomic policies to speed up post- play the Chinese game to benefit fully
of GDP in 2019 as compared to -5.2 per- al optimism. In November, Fitch and
Covid-19 recovery. Comesa from Africa’s economic recovery.
cent in 2018. Moody’s cut South Africa further below

How Ethiopia is undermining the African Union

By Alex de Waal Ethiopia has an outsized influence on

the day-to-day affairs of the AU.
hortly before three former Af- Other African countries have long
rican heads of state arrived in suspected that it has a double standard,
Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, giving Ethiopia leeway that it does not
to seek a peaceful resolution to the accord to other countries. That did not
conflict in the northern Tigray region, matter so much when Ethiopia was ac-
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ordered tive in supporting mediation efforts and
what he called the "final phase of our peacekeeping operations, especially in
rule of law operations". Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan.
This was a remarkable rebuff. Now, many are asking if it has bra-
Former Presidents Ellen Johnson zenly crossed a red line.
Sirleaf of Liberia, Joachim Chissano
of Mozambique and Kgalema Mot-
lanthe of South Africa met Mr Abiy
on Friday, but were told that the Ethi- NOT ETHIOPIA'
opian government would continue its The Ethiopian government has purged
military operations. Tigrayan officers from AU and UN
Mr Abiy also said that they could peacekeeping missions, according to a
not meet any representatives of the report in Foreign Policy magazine quot-
group Ethiopia is fighting in Tigray, ing a UN document. It also demanded
The Ethiopian government has itself movement and the military, which had
the Tigray People's Liberation Front that the AU Commission dismiss its
accused the TPLF of carrying out atroc- unseated President Omar al-Bashir.
(TPLF), which the prime minister has head of security, who was a Tigrayan
ities, and observers fear that when the The formula for Sudan's transition to
dismissed as a "criminal clique". and whose loyalties were questioned
news blackout is lifted, evidence of war democracy was drawn up on the AU's
Citing the Charter of the United because of the conflict.
crimes by both sides will come to light. template.
Nations in a statement earlier in the And now Mr Abiy has effectively
There are unconfirmed reports that But the AU is not a strong institution.
week, the prime minister insisted that rejected Africa's highest-level media-
Eritrean troops have crossed the border It has a low budget and cannot impose
the federal government was engaged tors, politely recording only that they
and rounded up Eritrean refugees in its will.
in a domestic law-enforcement op- "imparted their wisdom, insights and
United Nations camps in Tigray, which More powerful states and organisa-
eration and the principle of non-in- readiness to support in any way they are
would be a violation of the United Na- tions can overrule it - as Nato did when
terference in the internal affairs of a needed".
tions convention on refugees. the AU sought a negotiated settlement
sovereign nation applied. After Ethiopian federal troops occu-
to the Libya conflict in 2011, but the
But Nigerian legal expert Chidi pied the Tigrayan capital Mekelle on
ETHIOPIA'S DIPLOMATIC United States, European and Arab coun-
Odinkalu argues that Ethiopia is us- Saturday, Mr Abiy declared his opera-
TRIUMPH tries pursued regime change.
ing the charter to escalate a war, the tion complete - implying that he doesn't
The Organisation of African Unity The AU's real value lies in its soft
opposite of its pacific intent, saying need peacemakers. But the African me-
(OAU) was founded in 1963, with its power: it articulates the norms of peace
that the "audacity of this position is diators - all from countries that have
headquarters in Addis Ababa, with the and cooperation and persuades African
disconcerting". long experience of armed conflicts - are
aim of consolidating the newly won in- leaders to go along, knowing that they
He points out that the conflict is not likely to be so confident.
dependence of African states. rise together and sink together.
already internationalised, because The AU headquarters was built on the
Over time, it has proven its value: Af-
Eritrea is entangled and refugees are site of Ethiopia's notorious central pris-
Locating the OAU in Ethiopia was a rica has become more democratic and
crossing into Sudan. on, known as Alem Bekagn - meaning
diplomatic triumph for Emperor Haile peaceable.
Also, the United Nations has adopt- "farewell to the world" in Amharic.
Selassie, who had long championed in- A generation ago, African diplomatic
ed principles to prevent states abus- Thousands of political prisoners were
ternational law. efforts to avoid conflicts or resolve them
ing the doctrine of non-interference imprisoned there, many tortured and ex-
Famously, his 1936 speech at the were rare. Today, they are standard
to give themselves impunity to com- ecuted, during the military dictatorship
League of Nations predicted that if practice.
mit atrocities. of the 1970s and 1980s. That symbolism
Italy's invasion of Ethiopia were to go In a statement announcing the three
Since 1981, conflict resolution has is not lost on African civil society activ-
unpunished, the world would be bathed envoys' mission, South African Presi-
been a duty and a right. Since 2005, ists, who wonder if they are becoming
in blood. dent Cyril Ramaphosa, who is the cur-
states have had the responsibility to prisoners of their Ethiopian hosts.
The OAU was a common front for rent AU chairperson, reaffirmed the
protect civilians in conflict. A senior AU diplomat remarked on
Africa's liberation from colonial and organisation's position that the conflict
Friday: "Abiy thinks that the AU is for
racist rule. "should be brought to an end through
others, not for Ethiopia."
FEARS OF WAR CRIMES But it also served as a club of auto- dialogue".
Mr Abiy's rejection of mediation
In rebuffing the African mediators, crats, who held to their common inter- But it was couched in standard diplo-
harkens back to an earlier era in which
Mr Abiy is not just turning down a est of staying in power no matter what. matic courtesies and lacked bite.
African civil wars were ended by force
peace initiative. He is challenging the Tanzania's founding President, Julius In comparable situations - such as
of arms, not peace agreements - leaving
foundational principles of the African Nyerere, lamented that it had become Libya or Sudan - the AU chair has con-
grievances to fester.
Union itself. "a trade union of heads of state". vened a special heads of state meeting
It threatens to make a mockery of the
Article 4(g) of the AU's Constitu- By the 1990s it was clear that the of the AU's Peace and Security Council.
African Union's hard-won norms and
tive Act - to which Ethiopia acceded OAU needed to be refashioned to be Mr Ramaphosa has not done that.
principles of peacemaking.
in 2002 - does specify "non-interfer- able to respond to Africa's wars, coups South Africa - which is currently one
ence by any member state in the in- and atrocities, and in 2002 the AU was of three African nations on the UN Se-
Alex de Waal is the executive director
ternal affairs of another". created with a far more ambitious agen- curity Council - postponed a discussion
of the World Peace Foundation at the
But this is immediately followed da of promoting peace and democracy. on Ethiopia at the UN on Monday, cit-
Fletcher School of Global Affairs at
by Article 4(h), which gives the AU Since then it has developed a set of ing the need to hear the envoys' report
Tufts University in the US. He worked
the right "to intervene in a member mechanisms that include suspending first.
for the AU on Sudan in different ca-
state… in respect of grave circum- countries where there is an unconsti- Because it hosts its headquarters,
pacities from 2005 to 2012
stances, namely: war crimes, geno- tutional change in government, and of-
cide and crimes against humanity". fering help to mediate conflicts, along
This so-called "duty of non-indif- with an obligation for conflict-afflicted
ference" was adopted in the wake of countries to welcome good-faith peace-
the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. making efforts.
It was first formulated by an Inter-
national Panel of Eminent Personali-
ties, strongly supported by Ethiopia,
which was brought together to rec- HAS HELPED
ommend how Africa should prevent Mr Abiy himself intervened in the Su-
such atrocities in the future. "Non-in- danese crisis last year when he sought
difference" is Africa's version of the a peaceful resolution to the confron-
UN's "responsibility to protect". tation between the pro-democracy

Regional governments still don’t have a plan

to fight Mozambican Islamic insurgency
ther southern African gov- Zimbabwean President Emm-
ernments are starting to erson Mnangagwa, the outgoing
ask themselves how seri- chairperson, also attended.
ous Mozambique is about seeking So did SADC executive sec-
help in fighting a growing Islam- retary Stergomena Tax. She told
ist insurgency in the north of the the summit that terrorism posed a
country. threat to the whole region and the
Mozambican President Filipe number of terror attacks had re-
Nyusi did not even bother to attend cently increased in Mozambique
a regional summit in Gaborone on and the DRC.
Friday to discuss the insurgency. Terrorism had also now spread
Instead, he sent his defence min- from northern Mozambique into
ister Jaime Bessa Augusto Neto, southern Tanzania. If these attacks
who presented regional leaders were not stopped “they have a po-
with a “shopping list” of military tential to spread across the entire
equipment which Mozambique region, and the region can also be
wanted to fight the insurgency, used as a launchpad for terrorism
rather than the coherent plan they and violent attacks”.
were expecting, sources said. Because the instability in the
As a result, the summit of the eastern DRC was on the agenda too,
security organ of the Southern DRC President Félix Tshisekedi
African Development Commu- also attended. Malawian President
nity (SADC) had no choice but Lazarus Chakwera and Tanzanian
to agree to hold another summit Vice-President Samia Suluhu Has-
where a “comprehensive regional san were also present because the
response” to the insurgency would summit discussed changes to the
be considered “urgently”. SADC Force Intervention Brigade
One SADC official told Daily (FIB), which comprises South Af-
Maverick that “some elements” rican, Tanzanian and Malawian
of a regional response plan to the
insurgency were presented to the
troops and has been stationed in
eastern DRC since 2013 with a Botswana sets up gender violence
courts to tackle pandemic backlog
summit “but it requires more and mandate to “neutralise” the many
detailed information. It’s a work in armed rebel groups in the area.

progress.” The communiqué from the sum-
However, another official from mit said the heads of state had ac- otswana will Population Fund (UNPF), ceived a ruling within 30
an SADC member state said what cepted a proposal by the United launch 25 gender and police statistics indi- days.
was put on the table was not even a Nations to realign the FIB to add violence courts this cate a spike in cases this But rights campaigners
partial plan but a shopping list. He two Quick Reaction Forces (QRFs) week following a rise in year. and victims say delays are
added that Zimbabwean foreign from the forces of the three SADC cases during the coronavi- Police have recorded common.
minister Sibusiso Moyo, a former troop-contributing countries – SA, rus pandemic - a measure 2,789 rapes since January Abuse survivor Tshepiso
army general, had pointedly asked Tanzania and Malawi. women's campaigners hope compared with 2,265 dur- Moeti, who declined to
who would be flying the helicop- The FIB is part of the UN peace- will bring swifter justice to ing all of 2019, said police use her real name, said she
ters and operating the other equip- keeping mission MONUSCO and victims of sexual and do- spokesman Dipheko Mo- withdrew charges against
ment which Mozambique had re- the SADC summit also pledged mestic abuse. tube. her husband after a six-
quested. support to the UN’s plan to phase The government of the Activists think the true month wait for the courts to
This official said that when the MONUSCO out of the DRC. southern African coun- lockdown figures are like- take action made her lose
Mozambique insurgency was be- An SADC source told Daily try moved to establish ly far higher, however. faith in the justice system.
ing discussed by the SADC min- Maverick that the two QRFs were the courts after women's "Issues of domestic abuse
isters’ council which preceded the to be created in the FIB to provide rights advocates warned 'LOW PRIORITY' ... tend to get low priority
summit of heads of state, Mozam- it with specific equipment and that lockdown curbs were Many victims do not report in the courts, but ... gov-
bique defence minister Neto left greater mobility “to respond to the exacerbating high rates of gender-based crimes due ernment has to ensure they
the room. type of warfare in the theatre of op- gender-based violence by to fear of reprisals by their are treated urgently and
“We are speculating that Mo- erations”. trapping many women at abusers, stigma, reluctance the specialised courts are a
zambique just went through the When the FIB first went into the home with abusers. to go to the police as well step in the right direction,"
motions of seeking SADC support eastern DRC in 2013, its main mis- "(Bringing a case to as being deterred by the said Moeti, 36, a teacher.
and will now seek support else- sion was to help the DRC military court) can be a long, tedi- prospect of lengthy court "Many people, particu-
where,” this official said. defeat the M23 rebel group which ous process, and this frus- proceedings, rights groups larly women, have lost their
The SADC has a mutual de- was being supported by neighbour- trates many victims," said said. lives at the hands of abus-
fence pact which obliges oth- ing Rwanda. It quickly succeeded Kgomotso Kelaotswe, a Magistrate Tshepo Thedi, ers because justice takes
er members to help a member in doing that. counselor supervisor from who will sit at one of the too long to be served," she
country which is under attack. After that it was supposed to the Botswana Gender dedicated courts, said she added.
While the SADC ponders its re- go after other rebel groups such Based Violence Prevention hoped a faster turnaround Kelaotswe urged the
sponse, the Islamist insurgents, as the Democratic Forces for the and Support Centre. would encourage victims government to review the
who proclaim allegiance to Islamic Liberation of Rwanda (known by "Hopefully, with spe- to maintain charges and bail system in rape cases,
State, have been occupying the its French acronym FDLR) and cialised courts, cases will spur brisker police work. saying it was common for
port town of Mocímboa da Praia in the Alliance of Democratic Forces be addressed timeously," "If a case is given high alleged rapists to be grant-
Mozambique’s northernmost prov- (ADF). Kelaotswe, whose non- priority, then investigations ed bail and "walk freely in
ince of Cabo Delgado for more But it has not pursued them with profit also provides shelter will hopefully be faster un- the community".
than three months and extending the same determination and seems to abused women, told the like now where cases can "In some cases, we are
their reach into adjoining districts. to have abandoned its mandate to Thomson Reuters Founda- drag on for a month or forced to keep victims
The extraordinary SADC summit take offensive military action to de- tion. two," Thedi said. longer for their own safety,
in Gaborone on Friday was hosted stroy these forces. Meanwhile, the Nearly 70% of women Botswana's justice min- because if they go back to
by Botswana President Mokgweet- ADF, which originated in Uganda, in Botswana have experi- ister, Kagiso Mmusi, told their homes, the perpetrator
si Masisi, the current chair of the continues to massacre hundreds of enced physical or sexual parliament recently that might come back and at-
SADC’s security organ, South Af- civilians. Like the Mozambique in- abuse - more than double of the 440 domestic abuse tack them again, or worse,
rican President Cyril Ramaphosa, surgency, the ADF is believed to be the global average, accord- cases brought to court last kill them," she said.
the incoming chairperson of the affiliated to Islamic State Central ing to the United Nations year, nearly 70% had re- Reuters
security organ. Africa Province. DailyMaverick

Freeman’s explosive christmas gift for fans

…chanter releases 11 collaborations, rebrands
By Tawanda Matanhire

ensational Zim dancehall
chanter, Freeman, real name
Emergy Sylvester Chizanga,
will this Thursday release a mixtape
featuring a plethora of other Zimba-
bwean music stars.
The 11-track mixtape titled, Free-
man and Friends, features Baba
Harare, Gemma Griffiths, Mai Titi,
Mambo Dhuterere, Darula, T Gonz,
Takura, Sandra Ndebele, Shinso-
man and Mbeu.
HKD records publicist, Michelle
Mukaro, told Nhau News Online
that they have also rebranded from
Freeman to Freeman HKD.
She said the move to rebrand was
prompted by the confusion caused
by the commonness of the name
Freeman, especially on the internet.
“We have rebranded from the
name Freeman to Freeman HKD.
The reason is because we have got
a lot of our content on Vevo and since changed all their so- many artists.
Spotify with the same name, Free- cial media handles to Free- Freeman announced his
man, that’s been clashing … A lot man HKD, which will make arrival on the music scene
of content that wasn’t ours was now it easier for many to identify with a bang through hit sin-
crossing into our channel because the correct site. gle Joina City, which made
a lot of other people use the name Back to the album – it ap- the chanter an overnight star.
Freeman,” said Mukaro. pears Freeman was out to Since breaking into the
“Apple reached out to us and prove a point – writing all limelight, Freeman HKD
suggested that we make our name the songs on the mixtape. has not looked back. He has
unique. For us it wasn’t much of a “Freeman HKD is also gone on to release hits such
strain to add HKD because already a creative song writer and as Shaina Mwana Iwe, Doc-
it has been associated with Free- most of the lyrics on the tor Wemagitare and Handina
man.” mixtape were composed by Godo just to mention a few.
HKD is short for “Hatimire him though there was help In 2019 Freeman worked
Kusimbisa Dangerzone”. on a few tracks by the fea- with sungura king Alick
Dangerzone is the record label turing artists,” Mukaro said. Macheso and released runa-
owned by Freeman. Freeman is a revered way hit, Ngaibake.
Mukaro added that they have songwriter, who has helped Nhau/Indaba

had the opportunity listen to the fusing on one’s first take.

new song and it was not immedi- The sound, which is made up
ately clear whether Maselo has of ethnic instrumentals, including
struck gold or simply managed drums, guitars and shakers among
to string together jumbled up others, will likely throw listeners
musical beats, making music into disarray because of its busy,
enjoyment strenuous. variated nature.
Ndezvepasi is indeed not It sounds like a song to appease
By Tawanda Matanhire your everyday song. It takes an avenging spirit.
a good (or bad) mu- Of course, the vocal prowess of

he sound, which is made up of it is time for a fresh original sical ear to Muridzo aka Baba Keketso, can-
ethnic instrumentals, includ- sound in the country as most of catch the not be ignored. He leaves a mark
ing drums, guitars and shakers the music being played has be- rhythm whenever he takes part in a pro-
among others, will likely throw listen- come monotonous. of the duction.
ers into disarray because of its busy, “After making a couple On the other hand, Maselo is
variated nature – it sounds like a song of hits with artist from also surprisingly good at vocal de-
to appease an avenging spirit my record label I be- livery. It is clear that he has learnt
Music producer, Tapiwa Jera, better lieve this is the time a thing or two in the years that he
known as Maselo, has released a single to also invent a fresh has been producing music for oth-
titled Ndezvepasi featuring Dherira hit- original sound. I want ers.
maker Andy Muridzo. to create a new genre The other plus for Maselo is that
In an interview with Nhau News On- of music. he really dug deep in order to come
line, Maselo revealed that Ndezvepasi “Most of the music up with a new sound, unlike some
was created as a way of establishing a that is being played artists that are now infamous for
different sound originating from Mase- out there is the same, stealing other producers’ works.
lo studios. but we are at lib- Distinct genres of music that
He said he had done so much in up- erty to create new have been created over time by lo-
lifting many artists in the country, who sounds,” said cal legends include dendera, sun-
include Baba Harare, Jah Signal and Maselo. song as it is gura, chimurenga and Tuku Mu-
uncle Epatan among others, and feels This writer a little con- sic. Nhau/Indaba

Somizi launches adventurous cookbook

omizi wants black people to five-star their
cuisine. Your rice, pap and kota can be SOMIZI Erasure's Andy Bell recalls fan support after
fancy cuisine and he wants you to have fun
while making it. revealing HIV positive status
The vivacious media personality launched his
latest project, a cookbook titled Dinner At Somi-
zi’s: I am Not A Chef, in the elegant suburb of
Houghton last week.
Guests were treated to food from his cook-
book, which is so versatile it has a lengthy chap-
ter on what one can do with their leftovers.
The interesting food items were a kota canapé,
a small serving of bruschetta topped with salmon
and atchar, a unique combination that is adven-
turous and can be slightly too rich.
Other delicacies were a rice burger, which I took it for granted thinking that it’s the
was a crispy rice patty with lettuce, tomatoes same way you do your Instagram pictures of
and avocado. food and you just put a book together, kanti
Somizi’s cuisine is adventurous, some- it’s a lot of work,” he explains.
thing that we haven’t seen in the local food Mhlongo worked with a
industry. young black team on the book.

Mhlongo, whose fans have always known “One thing I’m proud of in the making of the peaking to Yahoo Entertainment girlfriend, what type of girls do you like?’
he was a cook, says the inspiration for the book is that … in this book I was unapologeti- ahead of World AIDS Day — which — I’ll say, ‘Well, actually, I like boys! No
book came from his late father, Ndaba Mh- cally black and I said I want a black stylist, I takes place annually on December disrespect to the ladies, but that's just it,’”
longo. want a black chef to assist me. 1, and serves to unite people in the fight Bell continues with a chuckle.
His dad was a cook and introduced him to A black photographer, black this, a black eve- against HIV — Erasure frontman Andy “And that's how it was. I was so amazed
flavours like Indian curry. rything and we did it and made it successful.” Bell, who was diagnosed HIV positive that we had teenage magazines in the
He is enamoured with curry. Mhlongo and Legend Manqele, the producer in 1998, reflects on the AIDS crisis in the U.K., like Smash Hits and stuff, who did
“It just happened that when I did my TV of his cooking show, is currently embroiled in a 1980s. features with me dressed up in a leotard
show it was just a natural transition for me copyright dispute over the show. The 56-year-old LGTBQ+ icon be- with ruby slippers, lying on top of the pi-
to do the cookbook. When Sowetan asked about the status of the comes visibly emotional as he speaks ano in my living room.
This cookbook has been designed and fight, Mhlongo said the complainant, Hastings about one of his synthpop duo’s early US I thought that was amazing, to
made with so much love.
tours during that fraught era. show teenagers, ‘Here's this person.’”
“I remember that maybe one of our Bell admits that he was having too much
Kim Kardashian West flexes her prison-reform first visits, San Francisco, going to Haight
and Ashbury and thinking, ‘Oh my good-
fun in the ‘80s and ‘90s, touring the world
with Erasure bandmate Vince Clarke, to
muscle, taking on death-penalty case ness, it's like a ghost town around here,’ even pay much attention to any homopho-

you know? Going to the gay capital of the bia at the time.
im Kardashian West ground. world and then feeling ghosts, and feeling Amusingly, he remained oblivious
is flexing her criminal We now know this testimo- was the death of the clone and it was kind even when one of his famous gender-
justice reform muscles ny would have spared his life." of like starting from scratch,” Bell says bending costumes elicited angry jeers
for perhaps the last time before Kardashian West noted that somberly. during an Italian television performance.
President Trump leaves office, while the defendants were “And they've never, ever found a cure. “I was wearing a basque [corset], because
asking that the sentence of fed- Black, 11 of 12 members of There's not a vaccine. We keep talking I thought it was like Madonna in ‘Open
eral death-row inmate Brandon the original jury were white. about Covid, but AIDS is another thing Your Heart,’ and they're all whistling —
Bernard be commuted to life She also corrected herself re- altogether, because it’s sexually transmit- and I didn't realize that was their form of
in prison without parole before garding Bernard's scheduled ted, so [authorities] are not going to go booing! I thought it was cheering!” he
Bernard's Dec. 10 execution Kim Kardashian West
execution date, which she had near there — especially the things that we laughs.
date. the crimes, Christopher Andre mistakenly given as Dec. 12. face now, with supposedly religious lead- “I think always there was homophobia,
Bernard was sentenced to Vialva, was executed Sept. 24 Bernard, who was convicted ers that supposedly should embrace eve- but it sort of went above my head, be-
death in 2000 for the murder of after being sentenced to death of the same four charges Vial- rybody, which they don't do, which I find cause I was having such a good time. You
Stacie Bagley, who was killed on three of the four charges he va was, got the death sentence a very sad state of affairs. So, it was a lot were sort of blunted to the whole thing —
with her husband after a carjack- faced and life in prison on the for Stacie Bagley's killing. He to contend with.” you couldn't internalize it, or everything
ing and robbery in June 1999 other. was 18 at the time of the mur- While HIV was becoming a global would be just too much.”
left them locked in the trunk of Bernard also received life ders and, like Vialva, a gang health emergency — compounding the By the time Bell came out regarding his
their car, which was set on fire sentences on three of the four member, according to court stigma already attached to homosexuality, HIV positive status, in December 2004,
after both victims were shot. counts, which included com- documents. and thus driving thousands of gay people the general public had become more em-
Todd Bagley died from the gun- mitting or aiding and abet- "After Todd Bagley agreed back into the closet — Bell does note that pathetic, and he recalls getting a great deal
shot, but Stacie died in the fire, ting carjacking and con- to give a ride to several of the “gay wave” of openly queer pop artists of support and cheers from his fans.
which was set by Bernard. spiracy to commit murder. Bernard’s accomplices, they that were concurrently rising in the mid- “I was really amazed of what it was
The murders took place on Kardashian West tweeted that pointed a gun at him, forced ‘80s (like Bronski Beat, Frankie Goes to like,” he says with a smile.
Ft. Hood military land in Tex- Bernard wasn't involved in him and Stacie into the trunk Hollywood, Boy George, and of course “I remember the time Erasure, we
as, making it a federal case. the initial carjacking and was of their car, and drove the Erasure themselves) were “very impor- played at the Hammersmith Odeon in
"First, I want to say that a ter- "stunned" when the Iowa youth couple around for hours while tant,” as they helped “dissipate this AIDS London, and the whole audience just
rible crime was committed ministers were shot. attempting to steal their mon- hate that came afterwards. stood up and gave a standing innovation
and me fighting for a stay of He feared for his own life, ey and pawn Stacie’s wedding Bell was one of the first out gay artists [as we were] coming onstage. … To me,
execution does not take away she said, when he sprayed light- ring," the U.S. Justice Depart- in mainstream pop music (Erasure have that's like winning an Oscar or something;
from the sympathy I have for er fluid into the car and set it on ment said in a release Oct. 16. sold 25 million records worldwide), and I imagine that’s what the feeling is like.”
the victim's Todd and Stacie fire to destroy the evidence. "While locked in the trunk, he says that living his truth, even amid the Now, as Erasure release their 18th stu-
Bagley, and their families. The 40-year-old mother of the couple spoke with their AIDS backlash, was an easy decision for dio album, The Neon, 35 years into their
My heart breaks for every- four cited a recent article writ- abductors about God and him. “I wouldn't say it was scary. I would career, they’re still receiving critically ac-
one involved," the reality TV ten by the prosecutor who de- pleaded for their lives," the just say for me it was the necessary thing claim and are heralded as electronic music
star and beauty mogul wrote fended Bernard's death sentence statement continued. to do. pioneers, but Bell doesn’t always receive
Sunday in a series of tweets. on appeal but now believes that "The abductors eventually I felt like it was the right time,” he ex- the full credit he deserves as a queer pio-
ashian West first revealed her sentence should be tossed. parked on the Fort Hood mili- plains, stressing: “I have to put my hand neer who helped pave the way for AIDS
interest in criminal-justice re- She also posted videos from tary reservation, where Ber- up and say, if Jimmy wasn't there — and HIV awareness.
form in 2018, when she and oth- two of the five jurors who — nard and another accomplice [Bronski Beat’s] Jimmy Somerville — “To be honest, it used to bother me, but
ers successfully lobbied Presi- out of the nine jurors still alive doused the car with lighter and maybe [“Glad to be Gay” singer] Tom I think that that's part of my lesson — is
dent Trump to pardon Alice — now regret their vote for the fluid as the couple, still locked Robinson, I don't know if I wouldn't have for it not to bother me,” he says affably.
Marie Johnson, who had served death sentence two decades in the trunk, sang and prayed. the guts to do it. But I was a foot soldier “I think, I'm a granddad, I'm like a silver
22 years of a life sentence for a ago. After Stacie said, 'Jesus to their backup. daddy. I don't expect young gay people to
nonviolent drug offense. None of those people, how- loves you,' and 'Jesus, take “There was a gay wave in music, and know who I am. It's like, why should they
Since then, she has started ever, doubts Bernard's guilt. care of us,' one of the ac- also, I don’t like lying. I hate lying, you know? … But I mean, it's lovely when
studying law and has stepped "At trial Brandon's attorney complices shot both Todd and know? So I just thought, right, when any- people do recognize you. I'm really flat-
up on behalf of numerous other fell short by not hiring any Stacie in the head — killing body asks me a question — ‘Who’s your tered.” Yahoo
convicts. In April, she released experts who could have ex- Todd and knocking Stacie un-
"Kim Kardashian West: plained to the jury why Bran- conscious.
The Justice Project," a don decided to leave the video Bernard then lit the
documentary on Oxygen. game store that night or how car on fire, killing Stacie to life imprisonment without the chance of nonviolent drug offense. Shortly after that, the
"While Brandon did participate he had grown up in an abusive through smoke inhalation." parole. "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" star an-
in this crime, his role was minor home, or how his homeless Kardashian West urged any- Bernard's defense team, which runs the nounced she was studying to become a lawyer.
compared to that of the other father had left him searching one interested in helping to website, has pledged to present the letters This latest campaign comes amid an eventful
teens involved, two of whom for protection in the streets," visit the website helpsave- to the president. 2020 for Kardashian, including husband Kanye
are home from prison now," Kardashian West tweeted. for more infor- Kardashian West's success in urging West's presidential bid (news flash: He didn't
Kardashian West con- "His trial attorney also failed to mation and to sign a letter to Trump to alter heavy sentences began with win) and a controversial island-getaway 40th-
tinued Sunday on Twitter. tell the jury how remorseful he Trump asking that Bernard's the mid-2018 pardon of Johnson, who was birthday surprise party for about two dozen fam-
The fourth man involved in was or anything about his back- death sentence be commuted serving a life sentence plus 25 years for a ily members and friends. LA Times

Commemorating World CARTOON

Aids Day: What they said
end AIDS by 2030.
As we commemorate this day, I con-
gratulate Member States and all stake-
holders for the unflinching solidarity
they have demonstrated from the onset
of the COVID-19 pandemic almost nine
months ago, which has ensured that
HIV and other health services are not
disrupted due to the challenges posed
by this pandemic.
United Nations Secretary-General
António Guterres
Thirty-five years since the emer-
gence of AIDS, the international com-

ach year on December 1, the world munity can look back with some pride
comes together to commemorate but we must also look ahead with resolve
World AIDs Day. and commitment to reach our goal of end-
Since 1988, this has been a day when ing the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
people mourn the loss of their loved ones There has been real progress in tack-
while reflecting on improvements, inno- ling the disease. More people than ever
vations and the way forward in forging an
Aids-free generation.
are on treatment. Since 2010, the number
of children infected through mother-to- Despite all the hullabaloo, Mbuya
Nehanda is not properly buried
As the world comes together to com- child transmission has dropped by half.
memorate World Aids Day, world leaders Fewer people die of AIDS-related causes

had this to say: each year. And people living with HIV
are living longer lives. he construction of a marked graves.
SADC Executive Secretary Dr Ster-
The number of people with access to statue in Mbuya Ne- This is the same cemetery
gomena Lawrence Tax
life-saving medicines has doubled over handa’s honour is Sekuru Kaguvi was buried.
Each year on the 1st of December, the
the past five years, now topping 18 mil- riddled with dissatisfaction Martin writes: “Two of
Southern African Development Commu-
lion. With the right investments, the as cultural leaders believe a the Africans buried in that
nity (SADC) joins the international com-
world can get on the fast-track to achieve proper reburial should be the unmarked section with
munity in commemorating World AIDS
our target of 30 million people on treat- first step to celebrate the late their graves unrecorded are
Day. This is an opportunity for us to show
ment by 2030. Access to HIV medicines heroine. of Mbuya Nehanda and
support to our brothers and sisters living
to prevent mother-to-child transmission This comes on the back Sekuru Kaguvi of the First
with HIV and remember those who have
is now available to more than 75 percent of yesterday’s inspection of Chimurenga.”
died from AIDS-related illnesses.
of those in need. progress of the statue (whose Ironically, those who con-
Today, World AIDS Day is being com-
While there is clear progress, gains pictures are already circulat- demned Mbuya Nehanda to
memorated under peculiar circumstances
remain fragile. Young women are espe- ing on social media) and the death, Judge Watermeyer,
as humanity is faced with the unprec-
cially vulnerable in countries with high site (corner Samora Machel who sentenced her and the
edented Covid-19 pandemic which has
HIV prevalence, especially in Sub-Saha- Avenue and Julius Nyerere hangman Patrick Hayden
devastated communities, destroyed econ-
ran Africa. Key populations continue to Way) where the statue will are also buried in the now
omies worldwide and threatens the gains
be disproportionately affected by HIV. soon be erected, by President closed cemetery.
made in the fight against HIV and AIDS
New infections are on the rise among Mnangagwa and members of Also in the cemetery is
over the past decades.
people who inject drugs as well gay men his Cabinet. a mass grave of Rhodesian
This year, World AIDS Day is being
and other men who have sex with men. Mbuya Nehanda is a soldiers who were killed in
commemorated under the theme ‘Global
The AIDS epidemic is increasing in East- spirit medium who led the the First Chimurenga.
solidarity, shared responsibility” to re-
ern Europe and Central Asia, fuelled by First Chimurenga war and Culturalists and African
mind us of the important task to ensure
stigma, discrimination and punitive laws. greatly inspired the Second Renaissance groups are ad-
that each person living with HIV or is vul-
Globally, people who are economically Chimurenga through her last vocating for the repatriation
nerable to HIV has access to the care they
disadvantaged lack access to services and words “mapfupa angu acha- of Mbuya Nehanda’s head
need. More importantly, governments
care. Criminalization and discrimination muka” (my bones will rise). and a proper reburial of her
and all stakeholders have the responsibil-
foster new infections each day. Women The words still echo as body.
ity of working together and putting peo-
and girls are still especially hard hit. inspiration in the quest for a “She is a national icon,
ple at the centre of their programmes by
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable De- better Zimbabwe. the most influential woman
implementing human rights and gender
velopment was adopted with a promise Born Charwe Nyakasi- ever to walk on our land, a
responsive strategies that will leave no
to leave no one behind. Nowhere is this kana of the Hwata Mufakose guardian spirit who inspired
one behind and help to end AIDS and the
more important than in tackling AIDS. dynasty before she became black people’s emancipa-
COVID-19 pandemic.
Supporting young, vulnerable and mar- a medium to Nehanda, a tion,” said Taremekedzwa
Notwithstanding the challenges faced
ginalized people will change the course powerful spirit whose roots Makoni, an advocate for
during the year, and in line with the re-
of the epidemic. The UNAIDS strategic can be traced to the daugh- African renaissance move-
gional and global commitments, SADC
framework is aligned with the SDGs, ter of Munhumutapa, Mbuya ment.
Member States have continued to imple-
which highlight how the work against Nehanda, even in death still “The least we can do is
ment effective strategies to fight HIV and
HIV is linked to progress in education, remains one of the most re- honour her wishes and re-
AIDS. A number of Member States have
peace, gender equality and human rights. vered women in Zimbabwe- bury her among her people
achieved the 90-90-90 fast track targets
I am proud to see how the United Na- an history. in Mazowe.”
and few more are close to achieving this the screaming and yelling
tions and UNAIDS, under the leadership Having roads and build- Though Mbuya Ne-
significant milestone. It is important to were that she wanted to be
of Michel Sidibé, are committed to find- ings named after her, and a handa’s grave is unmarked,
underscore that one SADC Member State taken and be buried among
ing new and better approaches to end this statue of her likeness installed traditionalists believe if sum-
has achieved the 95-95-95 target, well her people.”
epidemic. maybe a great honour and ap- moned, her spirit will direct
ahead of the deadline for achieving the Mbuya Nehanda’s head is
During its first decade, affected groups peal to the now largely West- them to where her bones are
target in 2030. Such achievement demon- believed to have been cutoff
refused to accept inaction, mediocrity ernised society, but cultural- and direct them on the right
strates the strong commitment of SADC and shipped off to England
and weakness in the AIDS response. ists believe honouring Mbuya steps and rituals to be taken.
Member States to build an HIV-free gen- by her killers, where it lies as
Their courage drove progress on securing Nehanda’s dying words is of Some culturalists believe
eration for the effective development of a trophy on display at a mu-
women and children's health, lowering greater importance and tradi- erecting Mbuya Nehanda’s
the region. seum.
the costs of lifesaving drugs and giving tional value. statue is simply a publicity
May I take this opportunity to remind Historian Keith Martin
voice to the voiceless. We must all join According to Fr Rich- stunt by Mnangagwa’s Gov-
the SADC community and the wider writes that the rest of Mbuya
together in that same uncompromising ertz’s account: “(Mbuya Ne- ernment to divert people’s
community that the fight against HIV, Nehanda’s body was buried
spirit. On World AIDS Day, I salute the handa) called for her people minds from a failing econo-
which has been affecting our lives for in the black section of Pio-
tireless effort of leaders, civil society, col- and wanted to go back to her my and massive human rights
more than 30 years, must not be over- neer Cemetery, south-west of
leagues in the UN and the private sector own country Mazowe and die abuses.
looked. More than ever we must increase Mupedzanhamo Flea Market
to advance this cause. there. “The ritual must be in the
our collaborative efforts and mobilise in Mbare.
As I prepare to complete my tenure as According history scholar right intention/spirit. Let the
enough resources to ensure that we sus- The cemetery is divided ac-
Secretary-General, I issue a strong call to Dr Masimba Mavaza: “Her rhetoric, actions align,” said
tain and consolidate the remarkable gains cording to ethnicity, wealth,
all: let us recommit, together, to realizing cries and resistance, when a culturalist only identified as
made in the fight against HIV and AIDS class and religion – with the
our vision of a world free of AIDS. she was taken up the ladder, Tanganyika.
in the context of COVID-19 in order to black section having un-

The kind of artwork to choose for a living room

ere are valuable tips So, it’s best to select a piece per- ism, Impressionism, Idealism, and Stylization. stract art although it is entirely different from it.
for choosing the right sonally and something that de- In Realism, one usually creates a truthful and Non-Objective art takes nothing from reality. Its
artwork for your living fines who you are, what you realistic image of the subject, while Impres- sole purpose is aesthetics. Once you have chosen
room: believe in and how you view the sionism is the artist’s impression of the object your piece of art, it’s time to highlight it in the
world. It could be a window to depicted with relatively small, thin, yet visible right way to make it stand out.
Identify the right position: The your desires, your inner motives or brush strokes. The focus here is on capturing Here are tips on highlighting artwork in your
right position of artwork is where simply something that you strong- the light right and depicting the essence of the living room
it adds value to the room instead ly promote. image artfully. Idealism is the reproduction of
of appearing to be a liability For a wall art size guide, read this an idealistic or beautified image of the subject Lighting: It’s best to choose from ceiling lights,
tucked in a corner. It has to have informative guide. You can also while Stylization is a skilfully stylized version of track lights, wall washers, and picture lights to
visual accessibility and the right check out some suitable art for the actual object. highlight your precious piece of art. Experts
amount of light. living rooms curated by our team suggest that ceiling-mounted lights should be
One must also identify the right here. Anything and everything Abstract Art: Abstract art takes subjects from placed such that the light beam hits the center
orientation depending on the wall can be a piece of art, depending reality but presents them in a way that is dif- of the artwork when the fixture is adjusted to a
you decide to display it on. on how we perceive it and show- ferent from how we view them in reality. Here, 30-degree angle. Track lights are usually the right
case it. Mediums of art are end- artists usually use lines, shapes, and colors to lights for artwork but not the best fit for living
Contrast or complement: The less. It’s not uncommon to see an transform the subject. The fun part about ab- rooms since we don’t want something other
artwork has to either complement heirloom or a traditional embroi- stract art is that it leaves a lot to the imagination than artwork jutting out near it. Wall washers
your décor and its color scheme dery to be framed as a piece of art; and allows the viewer to interpret his own ver- are a more casual way to light up artwork but
and fuse with it or completely con- more suited when there are multiple pieces of
trast it to stand out. art on one wall. Picture lights are the lights that
For example, a white-dominated have been used traditionally to highlight a spe-
room can either have a stark black cific piece of artwork.
and white painting or bright or- Framing: The most common types of frames
ange and red painting. But a room are ornate gold, wooden frames, metallic frames,
dominated by pinks and purples and minimalist frames. Ornate gold frames can
might not want to go for a red be used to highlight a simple piece of art elegant-
piece of art. ly while wooden frames complement wooden or
leather furniture well. Metallic frames allow one
Get the right size: Just like an to pick a color from the artwork and highlight
outfit too loose or too tight can that in the frame while a minimalist frame lets
make you look unflattering, an the artwork be the hero and simply provides a
artwork which is not the right size definition.
can take away from the beauty of
the room and the artwork itself. Positioning: The safest and most common way
It’s a good idea to measure the to position your artwork is in the center. How-
dimensions of your wall before ever, if you are in the mood to experiment, try
you go out to look for artwork. It going off-center, but make sure you have some-
is also important to measure the dried leaves and even baby’s old sion of the artwork, or simply leaves one guess- thing to balance on the other side. If you are
sizes of the furniture it is going clothes make it to the walls. How- ing about what the artist has in mind about the looking to display a bunch of art pieces, opt for
be placed above or around (a sofa ever, for living rooms, we recom- subject. Abstract art includes the subcategories an odd number and start from the center.
or a console) and ensure that the mend canvas art as the ideal kind of Minimalism and Cubism. In Minimalism, un- Here are other things that you need to know
size of the artwork doesn’t exceed of art. Broadly canvas art is usually necessary elements of a subject are eliminated to while selecting art for your living room.
2/3rd of the size of the furniture. of one of the following 3 types: create minimalist forms while Cubism is one of
the first abstract styles of modern art where the Complementing: Artwork needs to complement
Choose a piece of art that show- Representational Art: This kind natural forms of the subject are reduced to their your décor in all ways. Repetition of colors from
cases your personality: As we men- of art is usually realistic and repre- geometrical equivalents. the artwork in the décor increases its impact in
tioned earlier, the art you choose sents actual subjects from reality. the room. To achieve this, opt for furnishings in
defines to a great extent your per- It’s the oldest form of art and is Non-objective art complementing colors. Or add flowers or plants.
sona and your taste. usually sub-categorized into Real- This type of art is commonly mistaken for Ab-
Health & Beauty


ven though dreads have been around for Dreadlocks in world history
a long time, it’s quite likely that the term When looking closer at the history of dread- the importance and power of a priest: The
dreadlocks first came up in connection locks, it is actually quite obvious that even more mouldering, the better.
with the religious rastafari movement. For though the rastafari are most known for this If a priest was deemed unworthy, his dread-
the rastafari, this hairstyle is an important re- hairstyle, dreads have actually been around locks would be cut off in a public ritual of
ligious symbol and connects the wearer with much longer. desecration.
their God Jah, representing deep respect for In the time of European aristocracy we
the deity. might actually find one of the only exam- The rastafari
Dreadlocks are often seen as closely con- ples where dreadlocks weren’t entirely a free For the rastafari movement, dreadlocks to
nected to reggae culture or even being a choice. King Christian IV, who ruled Denmark this day remain an important religious sym-
symbol of reggae itself. Apart from a few and Norway, developed a polish plait which is bol and they tend to make references to the
clichés, most people don’t really know what actually an accidental felting of the hair. many mentions of the hairstyle in the Bible.
dreadlocks are or what they can signify. This caused the aristocrats around him to
In this article we hope to introduce you to also start wearing something akin to a polish
a few aspects of dreadlocks and enable you plait in order to please their king. However, Dreadlocks in Egypt
to share in on our enjoyment of this unique the biggest focus can be put on the religious One of the oldest known examples of a
hairstyle. Let’s start at the beginning: Dread- connection of dreadlocks dreadhead is probably the Egyptian pharao
locks as a term is actually put together by two Tutanchamun who is rumored to have worn
words – dread and locks. dreadlocks during his time.
The aztecs Both on his mummy and in illustrations his
Even though dreads have been around for For the aztecs the locks were an important dreadlocks can be found.
a long time, it’s quite likely that the term symbol for your high stand in society. Who-
dreadlocks first came up in connection with ever joined the priests got all of his hair cut
the religious rastafari movement. off and then was never allowed to cut his hair Dreadlocks and the Bible
For the rastafari, this hairstyle is an impor- again. Even the Bible mentions dreadlocks – and
tant religious symbol and connects the wear- Traditionally the hair and the entire body by that we mean that they mention them a
er with their God Jah, representing deep re- of a priest were covered soot. Once the hair lot. Connections can be found with Moses,
spect for the deity. started to moulder, the mouldering signified Samson and John the Baptist.
Due to British colonialization, the language
of the rastafari was deeply influenced by
the english language and overtime the term
dreadlocks was coined.
However, it can be assumed that prehistor-
ic humans didn’t have combs – or maybe that
using combs wouldn’t be one of their highest
Seeing as how many hair types naturally
start to felt after a certain amount of time,
it’s quite likely that natural dreadlocks are ac-
tually one of the oldest hairstyles in human
The first known records connect the hair-
style to spiritual and religious traditions. No
matter if in stories that lived through the cen-
turies or in religious writings, dreadlocks can
be found all over the world and often played
an important role in religion.WWW
Health Tips

Here are the types of vitamins required by the body for

good health and metabolic performance.
Vitamin A, Vitamin B,Vitamin C, Vita-
min D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Calcium,
Iodine and Iron.

oday Nhau/Indaba will focus on Vitamin
D, which helps regulate the amount of
calcium and phosphate in the body.
These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth
and muscles healthy.
A lack of vitamin D can lead to bone deformi-
ties such as rickets in children, and bone pain
caused by a condition called osteomalacia in

Coronavirus update
It’s important to take vitamin D as you may
have been indoors more than usual this year.
You should take 10 micrograms (400 IU) of
vitamin D a day between October and early Should I take a vitamin D supplement? recommends that you take a daily supple-
March to keep your bones and muscles healthy. Advice for infants and young children ment containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D
There have been some reports about vitamin D The Department of Health and Social Care rec- throughout the year if you:
reducing the risk of coronavirus (Covid-19). But ommends that: Are not often outdoors – for example, if
there is currently not enough evidence to support Breastfed babies from birth to 1 year of age you’re frail or housebound, or are in an insti-
taking vitamin D to prevent or treat coronavirus. should be given a daily supplement containing tution like a care home.
8.5 to 10 micrograms of vitamin D to make sure Usually wear clothes that cover up most of
Good sources of vitamin D they get enough your skin when outdoors. If you have dark skin,
From about late March/early April to the end Formula-fed babies should not be given a vita- for example, you have an African, African-Car-
of September, most people should be able to get min D supplement until they’re having less than ibbean or south Asian background – you may
all the vitamin D they need from sunlight. 500ml (about a pint) of infant formula a day, as also not get enough vitamin D from sunlight.
The body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight infant formula is fortified with vitamin D You should consider taking a daily supple-
on the skin when outdoors. Children aged 1 to 4 years old should be given a ment containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D
But between October and early March we do daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of throughout the year.
not get enough vitamin D from sunlight. Read vitamin D What happens if I take too much vitamin D?
more about vitamin D and sunlight. Vitamin D You can buy vitamin D supplements or vitamin Taking too many vitamin D supplements over
is also found in a small number of foods. drops containing vitamin D (for under 5s) at a long period of time can cause too much cal-
Sources include: Oily fish – such as salmon, most pharmacies and supermarkets. cium to build up in the body (hypercalcae-
sardines, herring and mackerel, red meat, liver Women and children who qualify for the mia). This can weaken the bones and damage
and egg yolks. Fortified foods – such as some fat Healthy Start scheme can get free supplements the kidneys and the heart.
spreads and breakfast cereals, and dietary sup- containing vitamin D. If you choose to take vitamin D supple-
plements are the other source of vitamin D. ments, 10 micrograms a day will be enough
In the UK, cows’ milk is generally not a good See the Healthy Start website for more for most people.
source of vitamin D because it is not fortified, as Do not take more than 100 micrograms
it is in some other countries. (4,000 IU) of vitamin D a day as it could be
Advice for adults and children over 4 years old
harmful. This applies to adults, including
During the autumn and winter, you need to get
How much vitamin D do I need? pregnant and breastfeeding women and the
vitamin D from your diet because the sun is not
Babies up to the age of 1 year need 8.5 to 10 elderly, and children aged 11 to 17 years.
strong enough for the body to make vitamin D.
micrograms of vitamin D a day. Children aged 1 to 10 years should not have
But since it’s difficult for people to get enough
Children from the age of 1 year and adults need more than 50 micrograms (2,000 IU) a day.
vitamin D from food alone, everyone (includ-
10 micrograms of vitamin D a day. This includes Infants under 12 months should not have
ing pregnant and breastfeeding women) should
pregnant and breastfeeding women, and people more than 25 micrograms (1,000 IU) a day.
consider taking a daily supplement containing 10
at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Some people have medical conditions that
micrograms of vitamin D during the autumn and
From about late March/early April to the end mean they may not be able to safely take as
of September, the majority of people should much. If in doubt, you should consult your
Between late March/early April to the end of
be able to get all the vitamin D they need from doctor.
September, most people can get all the vitamin
sunlight on their skin. If your doctor has recommended you take
D they need through sunlight on their skin and
A microgram is 1,000 times smaller than a mil- a different amount of vitamin D, you should
from a balanced diet.
ligram (mg). The word microgram is sometimes follow their advice.
You may choose not to take a vitamin D sup-
written with the Greek symbol μ followed by the You cannot overdose on vitamin D through
plement during these months.
letter g (μg). exposure to sunlight. But always remember
People at risk of vitamin D deficiency
Sometimes the amount of vitamin D is ex- to cover up or protect your skin if you’re out
Some people will not get enough vitamin D from
pressed as International Units (IU). 1 microgram in the sun for long periods to reduce the risk
sunlight because they have very little or no sun-
of vitamin D is equal to 40 IU. So 10 micrograms of skin damage and skin cancer.
shine exposure.
of vitamin D is equal to 400 IU. The Department of Health and Social Care NHS.UK

kindness than neglect.

I’ll walk you through the pros and cons of each category. I’ll
also cover using containers without holes for plants, as well
as which size pot you should choose when replanting.

Water and light might be the most important parts of keep-

ing healthy plants, but the right pot is the cherry on top!

Today we’re getting into how

to choose the best flower pots
for gardening

hen choosing a pot, choose a pot that is
1-2” larger than the current size if the plant
is currently in a 10” pot or smaller. If your
current pot size is >10”, choose a pot that is 2-3” larger
in diameter.
10 Best Plants for Container Gardening
4 Angelonia. …
5 Coleus. …
6 Euphorbia. …
7 Ornamental Pepper. …
8 Nemesia. Courtesy of Ball Horticultural. …
9 Hydrangea. Courtesy of Proven Winners Color-
Choice Flowering Shrubs. …
10 Roses. Getty Images. …
11 Pansies and Violas. Courtesy of Ball Horticultural

Researchers have found that containers in darker

colors, especially black, heat the soil more. … Soil
temperatures on the sun-facing sides of the containers
were highest in the black pots and lowest in the white
pots. The plants grown in black containers had signifi-
cantly lower root mass than those grown in the white.

There are three major categories of pots: ceramic/

glazed, terra cotta/clay, and plastic.Plastic pots hold
water better than clay. Some research shows that they
stay moist nearly twice as long as clay pots.

But this is a disadvantage for many home gardeners

who tend to over-water. Many folks will remember
that I have always said that more plants are killed by
Grosjean 'saw death
coming' in crash P16


… The arrival of Norman Mapeza
for a second stint at FC Platinum has
gifted defender Gift Bello a lifeline

rom being a peripheral player under
Pieter De Jongh, Bello was in the start-
ing line-up as FC Platinum dismissed
Costa do Sol 2-1 on Saturday.
Indications were that the defender was un-
likely to even travel to Mozambique for the
CAF Champions league had the Dutchman
not left FC Platinum.
De Jongh, who separated with the club by
mutual consent after CAF rejected a plea to
give him a waiver to sit on the bench without
a CAF A licence, did not have the defender as
one of his priority players.
And in contrast, Mapeza highly regards the
player, despite their past clashes with over
disciplinary issues.
Speaking before the game, Mapeza said it
was too early to judge “the right condition of
all the players”.
“We just had three days with them. Will see
what happens,” said the coach without get-
ting into much detail.
Sources at the club indicated that Bello’s came part of the great exodus to Dynamos in 2011 “Right from day one, he was again emphasising
fall in the packing order was “not a natural under Lloyd Mutasa. on the building from the back and not giving away
dislike”, but he did not have the qualities that Mutasa’s stint with Dynamos was short-lived, with possession. Nothing has really changed. It is either
the Dutchman liked. Kalisto Pasuwa taking over and eventually winning his way, or you ship out. For the guys that have been
“He is short to start with and it is not easy the first of Dynamos’ four titles. with the team, it was an automatic switch to avoid
for the player to have an immediate impact Both Bello and Patson Jaure were considered too his wrath.”
on a coach when the club is just training,” short to be defenders, but their performance and im- Meanwhile, Mapeza has since revealed why he
said an FC Platinum insider. pact at DeMbare was massive. opted to return to FC Platinum.
“His real impact comes in games. He is a Bello was a key player in the first two of the four “These guys approached me, I wasn’t doing any-
big game player. And it is not always that titles before being prized-away by FC Platinum. thing at home. I said if you really want me to come
players that perform well at training get to be While it is good news for Bello, fears are Mapeza, back, then there is no problem, we can talk,” said
good during games.” who is also a no-nonsense coach and sticks to his Mapeza, speaking with ZTN.
Bello announced himself playing for Ki- philosophy, could axe players that always play the “I told him if they can’t find someone who they
glon in the Premiership in 2010. He then be- long ball. want, they can come back and we talk.”

Lewis Hamilton Tests Positive To Covid-19

F ormula 1 record champion Lewis Hamilton has
tested positive for Covid-19, rendering him unfit
to take part in this weekend’s Sakhir Grand Prix, Nhau
can report.
The Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 team announced
this through a press statement Tuesday morning.
“Lewis was tested three times last week and re-
turned a negative result each time, the last of which
was on Sunday afternoon at the Bahrain International
Circuit as part of the standard race weekend testing
“However he woke up on Monday morning with
mild symptoms and was informed at the same time
that a contact prior to arrival in Bahrain had subse-
quently tested positive. Lewis therefore took a further
test and returned a positive result. This has since been
confirmed by a retest,” reads the statement.
The team said Hamilton was isolating in accordance
to the Covid-19 protocols and “ he is otherwise fit and
well”. Nhau/Indaba

Fans return to English grounds, but told not to celebrate goals too much
ans will return to Eng- and temperature checks must
lish Football League
grounds on Wednesday
be completed and fans must
adhere to selected arrival
Grosjean 'saw death coming' in crash
with several clubs opening times.
their doors to limited num- Face coverings will be man-
bers, but the match-day expe- datory while at the final whis-
rience will be far from what tle, fans will exit one row at
they are used to. a time.
They will be greeted by Wycombe will limit their at-
one-way systems, tempera- tendance to 1,000 as they test
ture checks, strict entry times out new measures to ensure a
and minimal catering facili- safe return for fans, although
ties while goal celebrations like Luton they hope to move
must be restrained. to 2,000 for their next home
Championship (second tier) game.
clubs Luton Town and Wy- One-way systems will be
combe Wanderers will signal in place around the stadium
the end of England's national and while moving to and from
lockdown as they host Nor- their seats, fans must do so
wich City and Stoke City re- "back to back" from other
spectively. supporters.
Apart from a few pilot test "Avoid hugs, high fives,

events at some EFL fixtures handshakes, or other close omain Grosjean wants to return at the
in September, allowing 1,000 contact with people who are season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
fans, England's soccer stadi- not in your social bubble, take after his fiery crash on Sunday.
ums have sat silent since the care when singing, chant- The Haas driver suffered burns to the back
Covid-19 pandemic took hold ing, or celebrating," a code of of his hands after crashing at 137mph and
in March. conduct instructs fans on Wy- sustaining an impact of 53G during the Bah-
Luton and Wycombe are combe's website. rain Grand Prix. his extended stay.
both in Tier 2 areas of the Supporters have even been Grosjean is to remain in hospital in Mana- "He's staying another night in the hospital, but
country, which under govern- told not to touch the ball if it ma for a further night on Tuesday. there's nothing to be preoccupied with," he said.
ment guidelines means at- is kicked into the stands. Haas team boss Gunther Steiner said Gros- "They just said it's a safer environment, most-
tendances of up to 2,000 are League One club Charlton jean would "really like to do" Abu Dhabi but ly because of the burns. They just said we keep
allowed at outdoor sporting Athletic can accommodate there was "plenty of time" before a decision you here another night. But everything is going
events. 2,000 fans for Wednesday's had to be made. good.
While it is a step towards home game against MK Dons "I spoke to him yesterday about it," Steiner "This guy he's got with him told me the doc-
sporting normality, the old and while no catering will be said on Tuesday. "He really wants to be in tors are very happy, and it's going just as they
routine of meeting with a available, a "free hot choco- Abi Dhabi. But I said: 'Try to get better, we would have seen it coming, so there's no setback
bunch of mates for a pint and late" will be offered as a wel- speak on Sunday or Monday let's say, how or anything."
meal, then dashing into the come-back gesture. you feel, if it is doable.'" Steiner added that he had also spoken to
ground five minutes before Shrewsbury Town, who like The Abu Dhabi race weekend runs from 11- Grosjean about the accident, in which the
kickoff will be impossible un- Charlton staged a pilot test 13 December. 34-year-old managed to get himself out of the
der strict guidelines. event in September, will have The decision carries added weight because car - which exploded into flames on impact -
Luton have limited their 2,000 fans at their Montgom- Grosjean does not have a seat in Formula 1 having been trapped in it for nearly 30 seconds.
attendance to 1,000 'ambas- ery Waters Meadow ground next year after Haas plumped for two new "He remembers how he wanted to get out, or
sadors' selected from season for Wednesday's game with drivers. how he got out, he explained that very well to
ticket holders of at least 10 Accrington Stanley. Steiner said the injuries to Grosjean's hands me," said Steiner.
years. In League Two Carlisle had made it impossible for him to race at this "What he asked me was, 'How did I end up
"As with everything in our United will allow up to 2,000 weekend's Sakhir Grand Prix, also held in there?' I said, 'You ran over (Alpha Tauri driver
daily lives during 2020, all fans for their game against Bahrain but on a different track layout from Daniil) Kvyat's car, basically, you turned right
Hatters should understand Salford, as will Cambridge Sunday's race. and ran over his front wheel, and that turned
that the matchday experience United as they host Mansfield Grosjean will be replaced by Brazilian Pi- you around and put you in the wall.'
will be very different to what Town. etro Fittipaldi, the Haas test driver and grand- "He said, 'I didn't see the car.' I don't want to
you are used to pre-Covid," Arsenal will be the first Pre- son of two-time F1 drivers' champion Emer- put words in his mouth and say he doesn't re-
the club said in a message to mier League club to have fans son Fittipaldi. member it, I think he didn't realise what he did.
fans. for a competitive fixture since Doctors had initially intended to release "I wouldn't say he lost any memory of it. I
Seats will be allocated by March when they host Rapid Grosjean from hospital on Monday but Stein- think it went so quick that he cannot remember
the club to ensure social dis- Vienna in the Europa League er said there was no reason for concern about it."SuperSport
tancing; health questionnaires on Thursday. SuperSport

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