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“Assignment no.

“Subject: “Pak 301”
“Student Id:Bc190203256”
Question no.1:
How do you see the Two Nation Theory of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan,
Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Iqbal? Justify your Answer with at least five points?
The two nation theory was the basis of the for the partition of India in 1947.
The two nation theory supported the proposal that Muslims or non-Muslims should be
two separate nations. It is the ideology that the main identity and unifying aspect of
Muslims in the Indian sub-continent is their religion, rather than their language or
● India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking
different languages, and professing different religions[...] Personally, I would like
to see the Punjab, Sindh and north frontier states and Baluchistan Amalgamated
into a single state. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the
British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State
appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India.
● The unity of an Indian nation, therefore, must be sought not in the negation, but
in the mutual harmony and cooperation, of the many. True statesmanship cannot
ignore facts, however unpleasant they may be [...] And it is on the discovery of
Indian unity in this direction that the fate of India as well as of Asia really
depends. If an effective principle of cooperation is discovered in India it will bring
peace and mutual goodwill to the ancient land which has suffered so long [...]
And it will at the same time solve the entire political problem of Asia.
● Punjab with 56 percent Muslims population supplies 54 percent of the total
combatant troops of the Indian Army, and if the 19000 Gurkhas recruited from
the independent State of Nepal are excluded, the Punjab congtingent amounts to
62 percent of the whole Indian Army. Ths percentage does not take into account
nearly 6000 combatants supplied to the Indian Army by the North-West Frontier
Province and Baluchistan. From this, you can easily calculate the possibilities of
North-West Indian Muslims in the regards to the defence of India against foreign
aggression. Thus processing full opportunity of development within the body
politic of India, the North-West Indian Muslims will prove the best defenders of
India against a foreign invasion.
● With spiritualism based derived from Islam Ijtehad and Reinterpretation
● Islam to help them to overcome their internal discord and enable them to meet
external challenges 
● The problem in India is not of inter-communal nature, but manifestly of an
international one, and it must be treated as such " Jinnah's presidential address
to the annual session of All India Muslim League in march 1940.
● Both Hindus and Muslims fulfilled all the criteria to be called as two nations.
● Indian problem was not communal because it was now gaining attenstion of he
world community.
● It was impossible to take this matter a communal and let it unsolved without
interference of any foreign hand.
● Jinnah believed in the force of Islam as he said that Islam is a dynamic force that
can unite the Muslims. It can help to overcome the present crisis. It’s a source of
inspiration and guidance providing ethical foundation, a framework, social order
and civilization.
The Two Nation Theory was a concentrate reality. Jinnah inculcated this
theory effectively on the eve of All India Muslim League session 1940.
Internationalization of the India problem was in real meaning the manifestation of the
Two Nation Theory.

Question no.2:
What is the impact of Allahabad Address (1930) presented by Allama
Iqbal on the Muslim politics? Justify your answer with at least five points?
In this address Allama Iqbal gave the lucid explanation of the inner feeling of
the Muslims of the India.
● He narrated the basic principles of the Islam and loyalties of the Muslims of their
● He gave the idea and concept about a separate homeland in this address
because the Muslim were a nation and had a right that they got the identification
and passed their lives in order to the Islamic principles. Due to these reasons, he
expressed his thoughts in this address.
● In his address, Allama Iqbal explained that Islam was the major and determining
factor in the life of Indian Muslims. He defined the Muslims of India as a nation
and recommended there could be no possibility of peace in India without
recognizing them as one. Unless the Muslims are considered as a nation and
their rights are protected, it is impossible to establish peace and order in the land.
● As the permanent solution of the Muslim Hindus problem, Iqbal proposed that
Punjab, North-West Frontier province, Baluchistan, and Sindh should be
converted into one state. He expressed that the northwestern part of the country
should be established to unite as a self-governed unit, within or without the
British Empire.
● Peace seek that India is a continent of human group belonging to the different
races, speaking different languages, and professing different religions. Their
behavior is not at all determined by a common race consciousness.
As a permanent solution of this problem was that division of continent was essential in
the sight of Iqbal that is why Allama Iqbal presented his ideas in this speech.

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