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“Acute Rhinitis”: Introduction

 Also known as “Common Cold”

 Viral infection of the upper respiratory tract
 Most common acute illness in the developed world
 Seasonal variance with highest number of cases in Winter months
 Incidence in adults is 2-4 infections per year

Causative Organisms:
 More than 200 viruses can cause the cold
1. Rhinoviruses (over 100 serotypes)
 30-50% of all cases
2. Coronavriuses
 10-15% of all cases
3. Influenza viruses
 5-15% of cases
4. Parainfluenza viruses
 5% of cases
5. Respiratory syncytial virus
 5% of cases
Other viruses:
 Adenoviruses, enteroviruses (ex. Coxsackie virus; summer months),
“Acute Rhinitis”: Transmission

 Person-to-person
 Droplets/secretions from infected
 Airborne and close contact
 Aerosol
 Large & small Droplets
 Hand Contact
 Fomites

Some viruses can live on surfaces for 2-4 hours

“Acute Rhinitis”: Risk Factors

Influencing/Risk Factors:
1. Sick Contacts (Daycare Children)
2. Smoking
3. Psychological stress
4. Fatigue/decreased sleep
5. Decreased physical activity
6. History of upper respiratory tract disease/allergies
7. Malnutrition

With stress, fatigue and malnutrition, you are sort of “worn out” and more likely
to get sick
“Acute Rhinitis”: Clinical Features

Incubation Period: 1-5 days

 Nasal congestion
 Rhinorrhea
 Sneezing
 Cough
 Lymphadenopathy

Other signs & symptoms:

 Pharyngitis (sore throat)
 Conjunctivitis
 May have a low-grade fever, headache, myalgias, fatigue
 Adenoviruses
 More likely in influenza virus infections
“Acute Rhinitis”: Complications

Usually caused by secondary bacterial infections

Acute otitis media
Exacerbation of asthma or COPD

Symptoms usually worst for first 1-3 days, then subside after 1week
May have post-infectious cough for weeks
“Acute Rhinitis”: Diagnosis & Treatment

 Clinical Diagnosis

 Supportive (Self-limited infection)
 Symptom control
 Fluids, rest, warm salt-water gargling
 Decongestants
 Cough suppressants
 Acetaminophen
“Acute Rhinitis”: Prevention

 Wash hands
 Avoid touching face
 Cleanliness
 Stress relief
 Smoking cessation
 Eat healthy
 Stay active
 Proper sleep

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