Erika Ruth R. Labis - CRS001-EXERCISE 2

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CRS001-Principles of Crop Production

Principles of Crop Production
Exercise No. 2
Classification of Crops and Their Parts in Crop Production

Name: Erika Ruth R. Labis AG-1B Agro Date Submitted:March15,2021 Score: ____

A crop is substance of the cultivation of animals, plant life and fungi for food, fiber,
biofuel, medicinal plant life and different merchandise used to maintain the beautify human
life.Thus the process of growing crops for domestic and commercial purposes are Some of
the crops that produced on a large scale include rice, wheat, maize, jute, etc.
Crop vegetation has an extensive range of development and growth responses to
sunlight, day length, temperature, nutrients, and water supply.the science, art, or occupation
concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock.
1. To identify some agronomic and horticultural crops grown in each persective place.
2. To apprise of the different plants with specialized nor modified parts used for
1. Make a survey of the different crops cultivated in your area.
2. Tabulate these crops under the following heading: local name, english name, scientific
name, family name, means of propagation and economic use.

Local English Scientific Family Means of Economic use

name name name name propagation

Okra Okra Abelmoschus Mallows Seeds Food


Talong Eggplant Solanum Nightshade Seeds

melongena Food

Kapayas Papaya Carica papaya Caricaceae Seeds Food

Star apple Star apple Chrysophyllum Sapotaceae Seeds Food and Medicine

Cocoa Cocoa Theobroma Mallows Seeds Food and Medicine


Manga Mango Mangifera Cashews Seeds Food and Medicine


Langka Jackfruit Artocarpus Mulberry Seeds Food and Medicine

heterophyllus family

Bayabas Guava Psidium Myrtle Family Seeds Food


Kamatis Tomato Solanum Nightshade Seeds Food


Luy’a Ginger Zingiber Ginger Family Small sections of Food and Medicine
officinale the rhizome

Balimbing Starfruit Averrhoa Wood sorrels Seeds Food,Health and

carambola Medicine

Kangkong Water Ipomoea Moring-glories Seeds Food and Health

Spinach aquatica

Saging Banana Musa Bananas Reduced Food and Medicine

stem,called the

Kalabasa Squash Cucurbita Cucurbits Seeds Food and Medicine

Pepino Cucumber Cucumis Cucurbits Seeds Food and Medicine


Kamote Sweet Ipomoea Mornng-glories From cuttings or Food

Potato batatas from tubers.

Patatas Potato Solanum Nightshade Vegetative methods Food

tuberosum (cloning)

Ampalaya Balsam Momordica Cucurbits Root cuttings Food and Medicine

Apple balsamina

Mani Peanut Arachis Legumes Seeds Food


Butong Coconut Cocos nucifera Palm trees Done by means of Food

the coconut fruit,
which has no
dormancy and
requires no specific
treatment for

1. Explain and give the distinct characteristics of the nine categories of agronomic
 Crops were meant for the people to eat and to get healthier within themeselves as they
recieved more Vitamins and nutrients among the agronomic crops that were mention
 The distinct characteristics of the nine categories of agronomic crops are the following:
1. Cereal Crops
 Cereal crops are also known as grain crops as known for their edible seeds that they were
grown as grasses thus cereal grains includes, color, composition, bulk
density, odor, aroma, size and shape. Color is an important primary factor for
characterization and grading, trade, and processing of grain.

2. Forage Crops

 Forage crops is cultivated for green grazed by animals that is in terms of dry matter that
these kind of crops has fiber contents and the forage crops are like clovers and grasses
that these crops were used to feed animals termed as fodder crops These forage crops are
used to extend a growing season, as emergency feed, weed control, and utilize the land
during times when grasses and legume production subside.

3. Oilseed Crops

 Oilseed crops are cultivated in extracting oils from their seeds that these kind of seeds is
like groundnuts that are edible and used as food source and also used in the manufacture
of household cooking fats.

4. Fiber Crops

 Fiber crops are known to extract fiber and been characterized by having a large
concentration of cellulose,what gives the fiber crops strength. Thus fibers crops may be
chemically modified like in viscose..

5. Sugar Crops

 Sugar crops is an edible crop which extracted form of such as availability, proximate
composition, ash constituents, expressed juice composition, bulk density and net calorific
value are described the sugar cane is extracted to sugar cane, sorghum and sugar beet.

6. Pulses

 Pulses can also be known as Grain crops which these kind of Pulses crops is extracted
and edible for or from their seeds tho Pulses is a kind of food that are also starchy food
and add fiber to your meal.

7. Root and Tuber Crops

 Root and tuber crop which is cultivated staple energy sources, second to cereals,
generally in tropical regions in the world. Which these kind of crops grow from

8. Vegetable Crops

 Vegetable crops are also known as garden because of its edible leafs which is botanically
different annuals, biennials or perennials, however most of them are herbs.That these
crops has the composition from other types of crops containing more water, proteins,
micro nutrients and vitamins than cereals and other staples.

9. Condiment Crops
 Condiment crops produce edible materials used in small amounts to impart flavour to
food with contrasting with culinary herbs usually are leafy parts of plants of cooler
2. What is the importance of classifying crops?
 The importance of classifying crops because it Helps in identification of
related crop plants used for various purposes such as food, feed and fiber. Thus
classifying crops is essential for ordinary reference and avoiding confusion in

3. If you owned a 5-hectare farm, what crops will you grow and why?
 If I have a 5 hectare farm I would plant tomatoes,corn, onion, pechay and etc that would
make make it grow and make it more alive and enthusiastic because as a future
agriculturist plating more crops and trees and also taking care of live stocks is a big help
not just for me but also the people living and working for their family.

4. Differentiate separation from division in terms of propagating modified plant

parts and specialized organs.

 Separation
- Plant parts are formed with the intention of detaching (specific abscission zone) .
- plant parts detach naturally (although we may help).
 Division
- plant parts were not intended to be separated (at least not immediately, perhaps
by death).
- requires us to cut or pull plants apart.

 Separation is the propagation method in which these natural structures are simply
removed from the parent plant and planted to grow on their own. When one of these
structures is cut into sections that will then grow into a new plant the method is referred
to as division.

 Some plants produce vegetative plant structures that can be removed intact from the
parent plant as a natural means of reproducing. These vegetative plant structures, bulbs,
corms, rhizomes, and tubers serve as food storage areas for the plant. In addition, they are
structures for vegetative reproduction.

Mindanao State University at Naawan College of Agriculture and Forestry

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