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Common pharmacopeial calculations in USP monographs

Article · March 2005


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4 authors, including:

Behnam Davani Lokesh Bhattacharyya

Independent Researcher U.S. Food and Drug Administration


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Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies Pharmacopeial Forum
2 of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005]

Common Pharmacopeial Calculations in USP Monographs

Behnam Davani, Ph.D., Karen A. Russo, Ph.D., Andrzej Wilk, Ph.D., and Lokesh Bhattacharyya, Ph.D., * United States
Stimuli to the Revision Process

ABSTRACT This article was prompted by questions USP has received pertaining to the formulas used in official mono-
graphs. It attempts to explain most commonly used formulas by citing representative examples, and it analyzes all factors that
have led to the final formula. In many cases, factors such as dilution and/or relative response factors are combined in a single
numerical value. It is not always obvious how the numerical factor was derived until a thorough analysis is completed.
Examples were chosen from three areas: miscellaneous tests such as Loss on drying and Loss on ignition, assays
comprising various procedures, and related compounds determined by HPLC. Recommendations to simplify the format
and express the formulas in a more explanatory manner are included.

INTRODUCTION form the monograph procedure. Second, a thorough under-

standing of the USP General Notices and applicable Gener-
Calculations are part of almost every monograph proce- al Chapters is critical in order to execute the procedures
dure. Monograph procedures use various techniques, ex- correctly. Finally, the analyst also should have working
perimental designs, and corresponding formulas to knowledge of the appropriate regulatory guidances and In-
calculate results. In order to understand the results of a test, ternational Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines
the analyst should have complete comprehension of the in- and the USP ‘‘Guideline for Submitting Requests for Revi-
terdependence of the formula and the experimental design. sion to USP–NF’’ (1).
The purpose of this Stimuli article is to present detailed
explanations of many of the most commonly used pharma- MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS
copeial calculations. Three categories of formulas are in-
cluded: Calculations for tests such as Loss on drying and Following are sample calculations for tests such as Loss
Residue on ignition are included under miscellaneous tests; on drying (LOD) or Loss on ignition (LOI) needed for the
the Assay section includes formulas for titrimetric and spec- correction of the assay result when appropriate.
troscopic procedures; and the related compounds and assay
categories include formulas used in quantitative chromato- Percent LOD
graphic [high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) This procedure determines the amount of volatile matter
and gas chromatography (GC)] procedures. As applicable, of any kind that is driven off under the conditions specified
formulas from USP drug substance and drug product mono- (2). In this simple technique, the sample is weighed, then
graphs are used to illustrate various examples. Although heated, and the dried sample is reweighed. The difference
many examples are presented, this article is not meant to in the sample weight is the volatile content. A typical calcu-
be an exhaustive review of every possible type of compen- lation is as follows:
dial formula. For the purposes of this article, calculations for
biological tests are not included. Weight of container = C
The result of this review of pharmacopeial calculations is
a list of recommendations for presenting formulas in mono- Weight of container and test sample before drying = T
graph procedures. This list is offered to the pharmaceutical
industry and to USP as a tool for drafting monograph formu- Weight of container and test sample after final drying
las so that they are scientifically sound and useful to the ana- =F
The authors have made a few assumptions in writing this
article. First, the analyst must have the required theoretical
knowledge and practical laboratory training in order to per- %LOD = [(T – F)/(T – C)]   100

*Correspondence should be addressed to: Lokesh Bhattacharyya, Ph.D.,

Director, Department of Standards Development, U.S. Pharmacopeia,
12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852-1790; tel.
301.816.8201; fax 301.816.8373; e-mail

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Pharmacopeial Forum Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies
Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005] of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts 3

Percent LOI Where the definition in a monograph states the toler-

This procedure determines the percentage of test material ances as being ‘‘calculated on the dried (or anhydrous
that is volatilized and driven off under the conditions speci- or ignited) basis,’’ the directions for drying or igniting
fied (3). The sample is initially weighed and then ignited in a the sample prior to assaying are generally omitted from
suitable oven. The sample is cooled in a desiccator and ac- the Assay procedure. Assay and test procedures may be
curately reweighed. The percentage loss for the test material

Stimuli to the Revision Process

performed on the undried or unignited substance and
is calculated as follows: the results calculated on the dried, anhydrous, or ignited
basis, provided a test for Loss on drying, or Water, or
Weight of container = C Loss on ignition, respectively, is given in the
Weight of container and test sample before ignition
=T Example 2 (Assay Result Corrected for Loss on Drying)

Weight of container and test sample after final ignition Miconazole contains not less than 98.0 percent and not
=F more than 102.0 percent of C18H14Cl4N2O, calculated on
the dried basis.
Quantity of C18H14Cl4N2O obtained in the assay = Q
Quantity of Miconazole taken = T
%LOI = [(T – F)/(T – C)]   100 Percent LOD = A

ASSAY Q = 295.0 mg
T = 300.0 mg
Assay procedures determine the content of an active in- A = 0.34%
gredient in a drug substance or a drug product. The accep-
tance criteria for an assay are indicated in the definition Assay result = [Q/T/(100 – A)/100]   100 = [295.0/
section of the USP monograph and generally are expressed 300.0/(100 – 0.34)/100]   100 = 98.7 percent.
as a percent. However, the value calculated in the assay gen-
erally is the quantity (e.g., mg or mg). Therefore, further cal- Example 3 (Assay Result Corrected for Water)
culations may be needed to convert the assay result to the
appropriate unit (usually percent) consistent with the Defini- Acyclovir contains not less than 98.0 percent and not
tion section of the monograph. more than 101.0 percent of C8H11N5O3, calculated on
the anhydrous basis.
Example 1 (Assay ‘‘As Is’’) Quantity of C8H11N5O3 obtained in the assay = Q
Quantity of Acyclovir taken = T
Malathion contains not less than 98.0 percent and not Percent of water = A
more than 102.0 percent of C10H19O6PS2.
The quantity of Malathion obtained in the assay = Q Assume:
The quantity of Malathion taken = T Q = 96.0 mg
T = 99.8 mg
Assume: A = 3.54 %
Q = 495 mg
T = 500.0 mg Assay result = [Q/T/(100 – A)/100]   100 = [96.0/99.8/
(100 – 3.54)/100]   100 = 99.7 percent
Calculation: Q/T   100 = 495/500.0   100 = 99.0 per-
cent. Example 4 (Assay Result Corrected for Loss on Ignition)
The percent acceptance criteria in the definition for the
article without further qualification generally indicate the Ferric Oxide contains not less than 97.0 percent and not
assay result ‘‘as is.’’ However, the acceptance criteria for more than 100.5 percent of Fe2O3, calculated on the ig-
the assay frequently indicate limits to be calculated on the nited basis.
anhydrous basis, on the dried basis, or on the ignited basis. Quantity of Fe2O3 obtained in the assay = Q
The following section from the USP General Notices (p. Quantity of Ferric Oxide taken = T
7) may help analysts understand the common calculations Percent LOI = A
involving appropriate correction factors:

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies Pharmacopeial Forum
4 of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005]

Assume: The acceptance criteria for the assay also can be ex-
Q = 2.48 mg pressed on the solvent-free basis or other variations and
T = 2.52 mg combination terms. In this case, the assay result needs to
A = 1.24% be corrected for the solvent, if present. A test for specific
residual solvent(s) or a general test for volatile organic im-
Assay result = [Q/T/(100 – A)/100]   100 = [2.48/2.52/ purities is usually provided in the monograph.
Stimuli to the Revision Process

(100 – 1.24/100)]   100 = 99.6 percent

The USP General Notices also state (p. 7): Example 7 (Assay Result Corrected for Both Water and
Where the presence of moisture or other volatile ma-
terial may interfere with the procedure, previous drying Lamivudine contains not less than 98.0 percent and not
of the substance is specified in the individual mono- more than 102.0 percent of C8H11N3O3S, calculated on
graph and is obligatory. Throughout a monograph that the anhydrous and solvent-free basis.
Quantity of C8H11N3O3S in the portion of Lamivudine
includes a test for Loss on drying or Water, the expres-
obtained in the assay = Q
sion ‘‘previously dried’’ without qualification signifies
Quantity of Lamivudine taken = T
that the substance is to be dried as directed under Loss
Percent of water = A
on drying or Water (gravimetric determination). Percent of residual solvent = B
Example 5 (Assay Result on Previously Dried Sample)
Q = 26.0 mg
Ganciclovir contains not less than 98.0 percent and not T = 25.9 mg
more than 102.0 percent of C9H13N5O4, calculated on A = 0.183%
the previously dried basis. B = 0.281%
Quantity of C9H13N5O4 obtained in the assay = Q
Quantity of Ganciclovir, previously dried, taken = T Assay result = [Q/T/(100 – A – B)/100]   100 =
Assume: [26.0/25.9/ (100 – 0.183 – 0.281)/100]   100 = 100.9
Q = 10.7 mg percent.
T = 10.5 mg
NOTE—When the assay result in a USP monograph is
Assay result = Q/T   100 = 10.7/10.5   100 = 101.9
corrected for LOD, LOI, water, residual solvent, or
percent. combinations of such factors, not only must the accep-
Example 6: (Assay Result on Previously Dried Sample) tance criteria for the assay be met but all other accep-
In some cases, the procedure in the monograph will indi- tance criteria for the monograph also have to be
cate that the sample should be dried before use. achieved. In other words, the assay value of 100.9% ob-
tained above is within the tolerance value of 98.0% to
Adenosine contains not less than 99.0 percent and not 102.0%. In addition, both water and residual solvent
more than 101.0 percent of C10H13N5O4 calculated on must remain within the acceptance criteria of not more
the dried basis. than 0.2% and 0.3%, respectively, for Lamivudine.
Assay—Dissolve about 200 mg of Adenosine, pre-
viously dried at 1058 for 2 hours and accurately COMMON CALCULATIONS FOR
weighed, in 50 mL of glacial acetic acid. Titrate with DETERMINATION OF THE ASSAY RESULT
0.1 N perchloric acid VS, determining the endpoint po-
tentiometrically. Perform a blank determination, and In this section, common or typical calculations used for
the determination of assay results are discussed. Simple
make any necessary correction. Each mL of 0.1 N per-
and more complex calculations for both drug substance
chloric acid is equivalent to 26.72 mg of C10H13N5O4.
and dosage forms will be presented. Because most of the
In the two previous cases, the test sample must be dried
assay procedures are based on chromatography, titration,
first and then assayed. There is no actual additional calcula-
or spectroscopy, examples using such techniques will be ex-
tion for the dried basis. Rather, the term ‘‘calculated on the
plored. However, a detailed discussion of the different types
dried basis’’ or ‘‘calculated on the previously dried basis’’
of techniques used is beyond the scope of this Stimuli arti-
implies that the values calculated for the assay have already
cle. It is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of
been corrected for the volatile compounds (water and/or sol-
the concepts and the principles of chromatographic, titra-
vents) because the test sample was previously dried.
tion, and spectroscopic procedures. As necessary, the reader

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Pharmacopeial Forum Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies
Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005] of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts 5

is advised to consult USP General Chapters Chromatog- mL of the filtrate and 5 mL of Internal standard solution
raphy h621i (4), Titrimetry h541i (5), Spectrophotometry into a 25-mL volumetric flask, dilute with acetonitrile to
and Light-Scattering h851i (6), and books on analytical volume, and mix. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of ben-
chemistry and quantitative analysis (e.g., 7 and 8). zoyl peroxide (C14H10O4) in the portion of Gel taken by
In the following examples, only the relevant portions of the formula:
the monograph as related to the assay and the corresponding

Stimuli to the Revision Process

125C(RU / RS),
calculations are selected. Please refer to the current USP–
NF to review the complete monographs and/or procedures.
in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of ben-
Chromatography zoyl peroxide in the Standard preparation, and RU and
RS are the peak response ratios of benzoyl peroxide to
ethyl benzoate obtained from the Assay preparation
Example 1 (HPLC)
and the Standard preparation, respectively.
Isoniazid contains not less than 98.0 percent and not This formula has the same general concept and can be
simplified as:
more than 102.0 percent of C 6H7N3O, calculated on
the dried basis.
DC(RU / RS),
Assay preparation—Transfer about 16 mg of Isoniazid,
D = Dilution factor = 50 (mL)   25 (mL)/10 (mL)
accurately weighed, to a 50-mL volumetric flask, dis-
solve in Mobile phase, dilute with Mobile phase to vol-
ume, and mix. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of Example 3 (HPLC)
C6H7N3O in the portion of Isoniazid taken by the for-
mula: Atovaquone Oral Suspension contains not less than
90.0 percent and not more than 110.0 percent of the la-
50C(rU / rS),
beled amount of atovaquone (C22H19ClO3).
Assay preparation—Transfer approximately 5.2 g of
the well-mixed Oral Suspension, accurately weighed,
in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP to a low-actinic 250-mL volumetric flask. Add 50 mL
Isoniazid RS in the Standard preparation; and rU and rS of water, swirl for about 5 minutes, add 150 mL of 0.1
are the peak responses of isoniazid obtained from the M methanolic sodium hydroxide, and sonicate for
Assay preparation and the Standard preparation, re- about 15 minutes. Allow to cool, dilute with 0.1 M
spectively. methanolic sodium hydroxide to volume, and mix. Im-
The simple calculation given above is very common in mediately filter a 20-mL portion, discarding the first 5
USP monographs. The quantitation is based on an external mL of the filtrate. Transfer 3.0 mL of the clear filtrate to
Reference Standard. In addition, a factor is also introduced
a low-actinic 100-mL volumetric flask, dilute with a
to correct for the volume dilution. To further clarify the
equation using the appropriate unit factors: mixture of methanol and water (1:1) to volume, and
mix. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of atovaquone
The quantity, in mg, of C6H7N3O in the portion of Iso- (C22H19ClO3) in each mL of the Oral Suspension taken
niazid taken = 50 (mL) C (mg/mL) [rU (area of the ma- by the formula:
jor peak in assay preparation)/rS (area of the major peak (25,000/3)(C/V)(rU / rS),
in the reference standard preparation)].

Example 2 (HPLC) in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP

Atovaquone RS in the Standard preparation; V is the
Benzoyl Peroxide Gel is benzoyl peroxide in a suitable volume, in mL, of Oral Suspension taken to prepare
gel base. It contains not less than 90.0 percent and not the Assay preparation; and rU and rS are the atovaquone
more than 125.0 percent of the labeled amount of ben- peak areas obtained from the Assay preparation and the
zoyl peroxide (C14H10O4). Standard preparation, respectively.
Assay preparation—Transfer an accurately weighed This formula has the same general concept and can be
quantity of Gel, equivalent to about 40 mg of benzoyl simplified as:
peroxide, to a 50-mL volumetric flask. Add 40 mL of
acetonitrile, and shake until the material is thoroughly DC(rU / rS),
dispersed. Sonicate the mixture for 5 minutes, dilute D = Dilution factor = 250 (mL)   100 (mL)/3 (mL) =
with acetonitrile to volume, mix, and filter. Pipet 10 25,000/3.

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies Pharmacopeial Forum
6 of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005]

NOTE—In the example above, V is defined as ‘‘the vol- Example 5 (GC)

ume, in mL, of Oral Suspension taken to prepare the
Assay preparation.’’ However, the weight rather than Hyoscyamine Tablets contain not less than 90.0 percent
the volume of Oral Suspension was taken to prepare and not more than 110.0 percent of the labeled amount
the Assay preparation. In other words, the weight, ap- of C17H23NO3.
Assay preparation—Weigh and finely powder not few-
Stimuli to the Revision Process

proximately 5.2 grams in this case, has to be converted

to volume using the density of the Oral Suspension, er than 20 Tablets. Transfer an accurately weighed por-
1.04 g per mL as given in the related compound section tion of the powder, equivalent to about 0.86 mg of
of the monograph. The reason for taking the weight hyoscyamine, to a separator containing 5 mL of pH
rather than the volume is the difficulty of accurately 9.0 buffer, and add, by pipet, 2.0 mL of Internal stan-
measuring the volume of the Oral Suspension directly. dard solution. Proceed as directed under Standard
In several USP monographs, the assay calculations are preparation, beginning with ‘‘adjust with 1 N sodium
corrected for the molecular weight ratio. This is usually hydroxide to a pH of 9.0.’’
done when the RS used and the content determined are in Standard preparation—Dissolve about 10 mg of USP
two different forms (e.g., salt and free base). Therefore, a Hyoscyamine Sulfate RS, accurately weighed, in water
correction factor (the molecular weight ratio) is included contained in a 100-mL volumetric flask, add water to
in the equation. volume, and mix. Prepare fresh daily. Pipet 10.0 mL
of this solution into a separator, add 2.0 mL of Internal
Example 4 (HPLC)
standard solution and 5.0 mL of pH 9.0 buffer, and ad-
just with 1 N sodium hydroxide to a pH of 9.0. Extract
Dobutamine Injection is a sterile solution of Dobuta-
with two 10-mL portions of methylene chloride, filter
mine Hydrochloride in Water for Injection. It contains
an amount of Dobutamine Hydrochloride equivalent to the methylene chloride extracts through 1 g of anhy-
drous sodium sulfate supported by a small cotton plug
not less than 90.0 percent and not more than 110.0 per-
in a funnel into a 50-mL beaker, and evaporate under
cent of the labeled amount of dobutamine (C18H23NO3).
Assay preparation—Transfer an accurately measured nitrogen to dryness. Dissolve the residue in 2.0 mL of
volume of Injection, equivalent to about 25 mg of do- methylene chloride.
Procedure—Inject 1-mL portions of the Assay prepara-
butamine, to a 50-mL volumetric flask. Dilute with Mo-
tion and the Standard preparation successively into the
bile phase to volume, and mix. Calculate the quantity,
gas chromatograph . . . Calculate the ratio, AU, of the
in mg, of C18H23NO3 in the portion of Injection taken by
area of the hyoscyamine peak to the area of the internal
the formula:
standard peak in the chromatogram from the Assay
(301.39/337.84)(50C)(rU / rS), preparation, and similarly calculate the ratio, AS, in
the chromatogram from the Standard preparation. Cal-
in which 301.39 is the molecular weight of dobutamine culate the quantity, in mg, of C17H23NO3 in the portion
(free base), 337.84 is the molecular weight of dobuta- of tablets taken by the formula:
mine hydrochloride; C is the concentration, in mg per (289.37/676.83)(W/10)(AU / AS),
mL, of USP Dobutamine Hydrochloride RS in the Stan-
dard preparation; and rU and rS are the peak responses
obtained from the Assay preparation and the Standard
in which 289.37 and 676.83 are the molecular weights
preparation, respectively.
of hyoscyamine and anhydrous hyoscyamine sulfate,
NOTE—The RS used is dobutamine hydrochloride (salt), respectively; and W is the weight, in mg, of USP Hyos-
but the definition is expressed in terms of percentage of cyamine Sulfate RS taken for the Standard preparation.
the labeled amount of dobutamine (free base). There-
NOTE—Only 10.0 mL of 100 mL standard solution was
fore, the correction factor (the molecular weight ratio)
used. Therefore, the correction factor 10 (10/100) is
is included in the equation to calculate the dobutamine
used in the denominator.

USP monographs do not provide chemical equations or

reactions used for assay calculations. However, they provide
directions for calculating the assay result. We provide a gen-
eral guideline for such calculations.

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Pharmacopeial Forum Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies
Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005] of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts 7

Direct titration is the treatment of a soluble substance, Example 2 (Residual Titration or Back Titration)
contained in solution in a suitable vessel (the titrate), with
an appropriate standardized solution (the titrant), the end- Methenamine, dried over phosphorus pentoxide for 4
point being determined instrumentally or visually with the hours, contains not less than 99.0 percent and not more
aid of a suitable indicator. than 100.5 percent of C6H12N4.
Assay—Transfer about 1 g of Methenamine, previously

Stimuli to the Revision Process

Example 1 (Direct Titration) dried and accurately weighed, to a beaker. Add 40.0 mL
of 1 N sulfuric acid VS, and heat to a gentle boil, adding
Ketoprofen contains not less than 98.5 percent and not
water from time to time if necessary, until the formal-
more than 101.0 percent of C16H14O3, calculated on the
dehyde has been expelled. Test for the absence of for-
dried basis.
maldehyde by adding a drop of the assay solution to a
Assay—Dissolve about 200 mg of Ketoprofen, ac-
glass fiber filter disk, on a watch glass, on which has
curately weighed, in 25 mL of alcohol. Add 25 mL of
previously been placed 3 or 4 drops of Chromotropic
water and several drops of phenol red TS, and titrate
with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide having been standardized acid spot test solution. Formaldehyde produces a violet
color with this reagent; repeat the test until no violet
by a similar titration of primary standard benzoic acid.
color is obtained on the warmed test filter disk upon
Perform a blank determination, and make any neces-
comparison with a blank filter disk to which no assay
sary correction. Each mL of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide
specimen is added. Cool, add 20 mL of water, then
is equivalent to 25.43 mg of C16H14O3.
%Assay: [(V – B)   N   F   100] / [TN   W   (100 – add methyl red TS, and titrate the excess acid with 1
A)/100] N sodium hydroxide VS. Perform a blank determina-
tion. Each mL of 1 N sulfuric acid is equivalent to
V: Sample titrant volume (mL) 35.05 mg of C6H12N4.
B: Blank titrant volume (mL) %Assay: [(B – V)   N   F   100] / [TN   W]
N: Titrant normality B: Titrant volume (mL) for blank titration
F: Equivalence Factor (mg sample/mL of TN) V: Titrant volume (mL) for titration of sample
TN: Theoretical normality N: Titrant normality
W: Sample weight (mg) F: Equivalence Factor = (mg sample/mL of TN)
A: Assay correction for LOD (decimal) TN: Theoretical normality
W: Sample weight (mg)
V = 8.5 mL Assume:
B = 1.4 mL B = 43.78 mL
N = 0.11 V = 15.10 mL
TN = 0.1 F = 35.05 mg/mL (given)
W = 202 mg N = 0.9993
A = 0.42% TN = 1
W = 1007.8 mg (previously dried)
Assay result = [(V – B)   N   F   100] / [TN   W  
(100 – A)/100] = Assay result = (43.78 mL – 15.10 mL)   0.9993  
35.05 mg/mL   100/(1   1007.8 mg) = 99.7%
[(8.5–1.4)   0.11   25.43   100]/ [0.1   202   (100 –
0.42)/100] = 98.7% Determination of Equivalent Factor in Titration-Based
Some pharmacopeial assays require the addition of a Assays
measured volume of a volumetric solution in excess of the The titrimetric method is based on a general chemical re-
volume actually needed to react with the substance being action as below:
assayed. The excess of this solution is then titrated with a  A + bR ? Products
second volumetric solution in a direct titration. This consti-
tutes a residual titration and is also known as back titration. where   molecules of an analyte (e.g., titrate), A, reacts with
The quantity of the substance being titrated is calculated b molecules of reactant (e.g., titrant), R.
from the difference between the volume of the volumetric Stoichiometric calculations can be made using either
solution originally added, corrected by blank, and that con- moles (molecular weight) or equivalent (equivalent weight).
sumed by the titrant in the back titration (5). The equivalent weight (EW) and molecular weight (MW) are
related by the following equation:
EW = MW/n

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies Pharmacopeial Forum
8 of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005]

where n is the number of electrons transferred in the reac- Reactions:

tion. Thus the value of n depends on the reaction. In any
titration reaction, the same number of equivalents of titrate MnO4– + 8H+ + 5e ? Mn2+ + 4H2O (1)
and titrant react at the endpoint.
H2O2 ? 5O2 + 2H+ + 2e (2)
For example, for simple acid–base reactions:
Stimuli to the Revision Process

H+ + OH– ? H2O; n = 1
CO32– + 2 H+ ? [H2CO3] ? H2O + CO2, n = 2 Multiply equation (1) by 5, equation (2) by 2 and add:
CO32– + H+ ? HCO3–, n = 1
2 MnO4– + 6 H+ + 5 H2O2———
2 Mn2+ + 8 H2O + 5 O2
And the following are examples of redox reactions:
MnO4– + 8 H+ + 5 e ? Mn2+ + 4 H2O; n = 5 2 KMnO4 + 3 H2SO4 + 5 H2O2———
H2O2 ? 5 O2 + 2 H+ + 2 e; n = 2 2 MnSO4 + 8 H2O + 5 O2 + K2SO4
Cr2O72– + 14 H+ + 6 e ? 2 Cr3+ + 7 H2O; n = 6

Example 3 (Acid-Base Titration) Number of equivalents KMnO4 = Number of equiva-

lents H2O2
Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets contain not less than 95.0
percent and not more than 105.0 percent of the labeled V1N1 = Number of equivalents H2O2
(V is in liters)
amount of NaHCO3.
Assay—Weigh and finely powder not fewer than 20
Tablets. Weigh accurately a portion of the powder,
equivalent to about 2 g of sodium bicarbonate, dissolve NOTE—Equivalent weight (EW) = Molecular weight
in 100 mL of water, add methyl red TS, and titrate with (MW)/n
1 N hydrochloric acid VS. Add the acid slowly, with N = 2 for H2O2 because this is the number of elec-
constant stirring, until the solution becomes faintly trons transferred from H2O2 in reaction 2 above.
pink. Heat the solution to boiling, cool, and continue
the titration until the pink color no longer fades after
boiling. Each mL of 1 N hydrochloric acid is equivalent 1 mL of 1 N KMnO4 = 34.01/2 mg H2O2 = 17.01
to 84.01 mg of NaHCO3. mg H2O2.
NaHCO3 + HCl ? NaCl + CO2 + H2O But the titration uses 0.1 N KMnO4. Thus, 1 mL of
0.1 N KMnO4 = 1.701 mg of H2O2.
Number of equivalents HCl = Number of equivalents
NaHCO3 Spectroscopy and Other Methods
VN = number of equivalents NaHCO3 (NOTE—V is in
liters) USP contains numerous examples of analytical tech-
1 mL of 1 N HCl = mequivalents NaHCO3 = MW/n = niques used in the Assay section other than chromatography
84.01 mg/1 = 84.01 mg or titrimetry. In the simplest cases, the measurement of a sig-
nal is directly proportional to the amount of the material ta-
Example 4 (Redox Titration) ken, and the formula contains only the dilution and response
Hydrogen Peroxide Concentrate contains not less than
29.0 percent and not more than 32.0 percent, by weight, Example 1 (Acetazolamide—Assay Using IR)
of H2O2.
Acetazolamide contains not less than 98.0 percent and
Procedure: Weigh accurately about 1 mL of Concen-
not more than 102.0 percent of C4H6N4O3S2, calculated
trate in a tared 100-mL volumetric flask, dilute with
on the anhydrous basis.
water to volume, and mix. To 20.0 mL of this solution
Assay—Dissolve about 200 mg of Acetazolamide, ac-
add 20 mL of 2 N sulfuric acid, and titrate with 0.1 N
curately weighed, in a small volume of pyridine in a 10-
potassium permanganate VS. Each mL of 0.1 N potas-
mL volumetric flask, add the solvent to volume, and
sium permanganate is equivalent to 1.701 mg of H2O2.
mix. Similarly, dissolve an accurately weighed quantity
of USP Acetazolamide RS in pyridine to obtain a Stan-
dard solution having a known concentration of about 20

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Pharmacopeial Forum Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies
Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005] of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts 9

mg per mL. Concomitantly determine the absorbances Example 3 (Cefamandole Nafate—Assay Using Polaro-
of both solutions in 0.1-mm cells at the wavelength of graphy)
maximum absorbance at about 7.38 mm (1350 cm–1),
with a suitable IR spectrophotometer, using pyridine Cefamandole Nafate has a potency equivalent to not
as the blank. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of less than 810 mg and not more than 1000 mg of cefa-
mandole (C18H18N6O5S2) per mg, calculated on the an-

Stimuli to the Revision Process

C4H6N4O3S2 in the portion of Acetazolamide taken by
the formula: hydrous basis.
Standard preparation—Transfer about 12 mg of USP
10C(AU /AS), Cefamandole Nafate RS, accurately weighed, to a 50-
mL volumetric flask containing 4 mL of water. Imme-
in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP diately before use, add 30.0 mL of pH 2.3 buffer, dilute
Acetazolamide RS in the Standard solution, and AU and with water to volume, and mix.
AS are the absorbances of the solution of Acetazolamide Assay preparation—Using Cefamandole Nafate, pre-
and the Standard solution, respectively. pare as directed under Standard preparation.
In this example IR absorbance, AU, at specified wave- Procedure—Transfer a portion of the Assay prepara-
length is compared to that of the reference standard, AS. tion to a suitable polarographic cell. Deaerate by bub-
Both values are proportional to the concentration. The quan- bling scrubbed nitrogen through the solution for 5
tity, in mg, of the C4H6N4O3S2 in the portion of Acetazola- minutes, and redirect the nitrogen flow to the surface
mide taken = 10 (mL) C (mg/mL) (AU / AS). outlet. Insert the dropping mercury electrode of a suit-
able polarograph (9) capable of measuring a current of
Example 2 (Assay Using UV)
0.5 microampere or appropriate current to maintain on-
scale response, using an average capillary, and a drop
Nalorphine Hydrochloride contains not less than 97.0
rate of 1 per second. Record the polarogram in the dif-
percent and not more than 103.0 percent of
C19H21NO3  HCl, calculated on the dried basis. ferential pulse mode from –0.3 volts to –1.05 volts,
Assay—Transfer about 25 mg of Nalorphine Hydro- using a saturated calomel reference electrode and plati-
chloride, accurately weighed, to a 250-mL volumetric num wire counter electrode. Determine the peak height
flask, dissolve in water, dilute with water to volume, obtained, in microamperes, where the peak height is de-
and mix. Concomitantly determine the absorbances of fined as the perpendicular distance from the extrapo-
this solution and of a Standard solution of USP Nalor- lated baseline to the highest point of the peak as
phine Hydrochloride RS in the same medium having a compared to the full-scale current range. Similarly, de-
known concentration of about 100 mg per mL in 1-cm termine the peak current of the Standard preparation.
cells at the wavelength of maximum absorbance at Calculate the quantity, in mg, of C18H18N6O5S2 in each
about 285 nm, with a suitable spectrophotometer, using mg of the Cefamandole Nafate taken by the formula:
water as the blank. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of P(WS / WU)(iU / iS),
C19H21NO3  HCl in the Nalorphine Hydrochloride ta-
ken by the formula:
in which P is the potency, in mg of cefamandole per mg,
0.25C(AU /AS), of USP Cefamandole Nafate RS, WS and WU are the
quantities, in mg, of USP Cefamandole Nafate RS
in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP and Cefamandole Nafate taken to prepare the Standard
Nalorphine Hydrochloride RS in the Standard solution, preparation and the Assay preparation, respectively,
and AU and AS are the absorbances of the solution of and iU and iS are the peak currents, in microamperes,
Nalorphine Hydrochloride and the Standard solution, from the Assay preparation and the Standard prepara-
respectively. tion, respectively.
NOTE—The factor 0.25 is derived by combination of the This direct comparison is corrected by the potency factor,
in mg per mg, according to the labeled value for the refer-
dilution factor (250 mL) and unit conversion (mg to
ence standard, and the result is expressed in the same units.
250 (mL)   C (mg/mL)   1 mg/1000 mg = 0.25

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies Pharmacopeial Forum
10 of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005]

RELATED COMPOUNDS tween test and reference standard solutions, molecular

weights of different forms of a compound, and detector re-
A primary goal of the USP is to provide public standards sponse.
that ensure the purity, strength, and quality of official arti-
cles. One mechanism for assessing the purity of an article Percent of Total Peak Area
is the detection and quantitation of related compounds. To
Stimuli to the Revision Process

this end, monographs may include a Related compounds or An example of the simplest formula follows:
Chromatographic purity test. Chromatographic procedures
100(ri / rs),
are commonly accepted means by which impurities can be
separated and quantitated. For this reason, chromatographic where ri is the peak response for each impurity observed in
procedures, particularly high-performanc e liquid the Test solution and rs is the sum of responses for all peaks
chromatography (HPLC), are widely used in the pharma- in the Test solution. Multiplying by 100 converts the result
ceutical industry and subsequently in USP monographs. to the desired units of percent. The experimental design uses
According to ICH guideline Q3A(R), Impurities in New data from a test solution only; there is no concomitant
Drug Substances, there are three classes of impurities: inor- analysis of a reference standard solution. This formula as-
ganic impurities, residual solvents, and organic impurities. sumes similar detector responses for all peaks in the chro-
Inorganic impurities include catalysts, ligands, heavy met- matogram. Examples of this formula are found in the drug
als, and metal salts. Though it is important to identify and substance monographs for Fenoldapam Mesylate and Phe-
quantitate these types of impurities, analysis and quantita- niramine Maleate. Execution of this simple experimental
tion typically are not accomplished using chromatographic design and formula can also be applied to drug product
procedures. Residual solvents, solvents remaining from the monographs as shown in the monographs for Fluoxetine
synthesis and/or purification processes, or formed during Capsules and Gadodiamide Injection.
formulation are generally measured via gas chromatography
(GC). Detection and quantitation of residual solvents are ad- Using Different Concentrations of the Test Sample
dressed in USP General Chapter Organic Volatile Impurities
h467i (10). The next level of complexity in terms of experimental de-
Types of organic impurities include starting materials, sign and formula used to quantitate impurities involves the
process intermediates, degradants, or reagents. This section use of test solutions prepared at different concentrations.
includes an exploration of formulas used in USP mono- The goal of this design is to maximize the peak response
graphs to calculate the levels of organic impurities. USP of impurities by using a concentrated test sample solution.
monographs include chromatographic procedures for the For quantitation purposes, a less concentrated solution of
quantitation of impurities (specified, unspecified, identified, the test sample is needed because the response of the major
and unidentified). If an impurity is characterized, it is known peak in the concentrated test sample solution typically is off-
as a specified impurity. The chemical identity of a specified scale (overrange in an electronic data system); thus the peak
impurity may be known or unknown, i.e., identified or uni- response of the major peak is inaccurate. This experimental
dentified. For monograph purposes, the impurity may be design is reflected in the formula by accounting for the dif-
identified by its official USP reference standard name or ference in the two test sample solutions from which data are
chemical name, by a relative retention time designation, or used.
by a descriptor such as Impurity 1 or Impurity A. Following is an example from the Fluoxetine Hydro-
USP monographs describe procedures for quantitation of chloride monograph. This procedure requires the prepara-
organic impurities or degradants as Chromatographic purity tion and analysis of two fluoxetine hydrochloride
or Related compounds test; this name generally refers to a solutions: Test solution 1 is 5.6 mg per mL and Test solution
quantitative separation technique such HPLC or GC. Re- 2 is prepared by a 5-fold dilution of Test solution 1.
sults for Chromatographic purity or Related compounds
typically are expressed in percent, the most commonly used 100ri(rs + 5rU),
units for the acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria should in which ri is the peak response from each impurity obtained
be provided for each specified identified impurity, each from Test solution 1; rs is the sum of all peak responses, ex-
specified unidentified impurity, any unspecified impurity cluding that of fluoxetine, obtained from Test solution 1, and
with acceptance criteria of not more than the identification rU is the peak response of fluoxetine obtained from Test
threshold, and total impurities in compliance with ICH solution 2. Test solution 1 is 5 times the concentration of
Q3A(R) guideline (11). Test solution 2, so the factor of 5 is needed in the formula
These approaches range from simple formulas for calcu- to account for this difference. It should be noted that this
lating the percentage of total peak area to complex formulas factor is not explained in the monograph along with the
that incorporate correction factors. Correction factors are in- other terms of the equation but rather it is based on knowl-
corporated to adjust for differences in concentrations be- edge of the experimental design.

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Pharmacopeial Forum Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies
Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005] of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts 11

Using a Reference Standard numbers, but often it is a time-consuming exercise. In the

interest of providing useful information, formulas in mono-
Moving to the next level of complexity in experimental graphs should include an explanation of all terms and avoid
design involves examining procedures in which impurities condensing terms. One way to avoid unexplained multi-
in the test sample are quantitated against a reference stan- pliers is to include the concentration terms because the pur-
dard solution. In this type of experiment, impurities may pose of the multiplier is to account for the dilution factors.

Stimuli to the Revision Process

be quantitated against a reference standard of the parent Examples of this approach include the Mefanamic Acid,
compound or against an appropriate related compound ref- Methylprednisone Hemisuccinate, Phenytoin, Phenytoin
erence standard. The formula for calculating the amount of a Sodium, Propantheline Bromide Tablets, and Proparacaine
related compound must consider whether or not the determi- Hydrochloride Ophthalmic Solution monographs. Although
nation is made against a corresponding reference standard of the terms may vary slightly, the format for the formulas for
the impurity. calculating the percentage of related compounds is:
In Related compounds Test 2 of the Pyrilamine Maleate
monograph, the percentage of each impurity is calculated 100(CS / CU)(rU / rS),
against the USP Pyrilamine Maleate RS as follows: in which CS is the concentration, typically in mg per mL, of
10,000(C/W)(ri/rS), the Standard solution and CU is the theoretical concentration
of the Test solution (same units as the Standard solution); rU
in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Pyr- and rS are the peak responses from the Test solution and
ilamine Maleate RS in the Standard solution, W is the Standard solution, respectively.
weight, in mg, of the Pyrilamine Maleate taken to prepare A variation of this format is used when the concentrations
the Test solution, ri is the peak response for each impurity, of the Test solution and Standard solution are expressed in
and rS is the response of the Standard solution. It should be different units, e.g., mg per mL for the Test solution and mg
noted in this example that although the units of the target per mL for the Standard solution. Maintaining the same
concentration given in the instructions for the preparation straightforward approach, the formula for calculating the
of the Standard solution are in mg per mL, the concentration percentage of related compounds becomes:
term in the formula is defined as mg per mL. Therefore, it is
necessary to convert the concentration of the Standard solu- 0.1(CS / CU)(rU / rS),
tion to mg per mL by dividing the concentration in mg per in which the CS is the concentration, in mg per mL, of the
mL by 1,000. Another feature of this formula is the term of Standard solution; CU is the concentration, in mg per mL,
10,000 which is not explained in the monograph. Based on of the Test solution; rU and rS are the peak responses of
the experimental design, the dimensional analysis shows: the Test solution and Standard solution, respectively. In this
case, the multiplier of 0.1 represents the 100% divided by
the factor of 1000 necessary for the conversion of mg per
mL to mg per mL. Examples of this format are included
in the Related compounds procedures for the Hydroxyzine
Hydrochloride and Methsuximide monographs.

Using Relative Response Factors

Written in this manner, C is the concentration of the Stan- When the quantitation of an impurity is performed using a
dard solution in mg per mL, the response of ri and rS are reference standard other than the impurity reference stan-
represented as areai and areaS, respectively, and W is the dard, typically the API reference standard, a relative re-
weight, in mg, of the test sample. To complete the calcula- sponse factor (RRF) may be used. An RRF value, which
tion, the term 100 mL is added to the numerator because the is specific to a given set of experimental conditions, com-
sample weight, W, is diluted to 100 mL according the test pares the responses of the impurity and the API reference
solution preparation. The term 100% is needed to convert standard and is incorporated into the formula as a means
the result to percent. The terms mg, mL, and area cancel, to correct for differences in detector response.
leaving 100   100, or 10,000. This technique is used in the following formula for calcu-
With some exceptions, multipliers appearing in formulas lating related compounds in the Zileuton drug substance
are not explained. Readers familiar with USP monographs monograph.
are accustomed to seeing factors such as 10,000 or 50,000 in
formulas without a specific explanation. The reason for this 100F(CS / CU)(ri / rS),
is the understanding that the multiplier reflects a combina- in which F is the relative response factor for each impurity
tion of factors reduced to a single term. Although the pur- and is 1.2, 1.4, and 1.7 for peaks with relative retention
pose of the multiplier has been to simplify the formula for times of 0.8, 2.1, and 2.8, respectively; CS is the concentra-
the reader, this practice may not be optimal because the tion, in mg per mL, of USP Zileuton RS in the Standard
derivations of these factors are not always clear. An experi- solution; CU is the concentration, in mg per mL, of zileuton
enced user of USP monographs can usually derive these

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Stimuli articles do not necessarily reflect the policies Pharmacopeial Forum
12 of the USPC or the USP Council of Experts Vol. 31(2) [Mar.–Apr. 2005]

in the Test solution; ri is the peak response for each impurity 4. Include relative response factors and relative retention
obtained from the Test solution; and rS is the peak response times in the monograph if corresponding reference
for zileuton obtained from the Standard solution. standard materials are not available.
In USP monographs, placement of the RRF in the nu- 5. Change the format of formulas in current USP mono-
merator or denominator depends on how RRF was deter- graphs in accordance with points 1–4 above. Revisions
mined. If the RRF was calculated using the ratio of the
Stimuli to the Revision Process

should be made as early as possible.

impurity response relative to that of the API, then the 6. For the Assay, formulas should be written so that the
RRF appears in the denominator. The RRF appears in the
final results are expressed in the same units as the assay
numerator if it was calculated as the response of the API
limits presented in the definition, unless otherwise spe-
to that of the impurity. Currently, there is no USP definition
for determining an RRF value; however USP is working to cified in the monograph.
develop a definition and incorporate it consistently in all 7. Create a new General Chapter for the pharmaceutical
monographs. calculations used in the USP monographs. The content
As stated in General Chapter Validation of Compendial of this Stimuli article, after comments from the industry
Methods h1225i, in the absence of other information, it and other stakeholders, is expected to be the basis for
may be necessary to calculate the amount of an impurity this chapter. This General Chapter should provide an
based on a comparison of its response to that of the drug easy reference for further clarification of the calcula-
substance. The ratio of the responses of equal amounts of tions used in USP monographs.
the impurity and the drug substance (response factor) should
be used if known. When using a response factor in a for- REFERENCES
mula, one should understand that the value is applicable
only to the experimental conditions defined in the procedure 1. Department of Standards Development. USP Guideline for
(12). Submitting Requests for Revision to USP–NF, ‘‘Chapter 1:
When a reference standard is indicated in a procedure, it Noncomplex Active Drug Substances and Products.’’ Rock-
may be the same compound as the test sample or it may be ville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.; 2004:11–
different, e.g., the free base of a compound versus the salt 27.
form. Adjustments for molecular weight differences be- 2. USP 27–NF 22, General Chapter Loss on Drying h731i.
tween different forms of an impurity or parent drug (free Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.;
base versus salt form) are incorporated into the formula 2004:2320.
(see the Assay section of this article for examples). Having 3. USP 27–NF 22, General Chapter Loss on Ignition h733i.
the molecular weight terms clearly presented and defined is Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.;
crucial to a Related compounds test. The calculation of the 2004:2320.
percentage of impurities in the Propoxyphene Hydro- 4. USP 27–NF 22, General Chapter Chromatography h621 i.
chloride monograph includes a factor of 1.12, which is the Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.;
ratio of the molecular weights of  -d-2-acetoxy-4-dimeth- 2004:2272.
ylamino-1,2-diphenyl-3-methylbutane hydrochloride to that 5. USP 27–NF 22, General Chapter Titrimetry h541i. Rockville,
of  -d-2-acetoxy-4-dimethylamino-1,2-diphenyl-3-methyl- MD: U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.; 2004:2229.
butane free base; the individual molecular weights for these 6. USP 27–NF 22, General Chapter Spectrophotometry and
two compounds are not provided in the monograph. Light-Scattering h851i. Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeial
Convention, Inc.; 2004:2387.
RECOMMENDATIONS 7. Day, RA Jr, Underwood, AL. Quantitative Analysis. 5th ed.,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall; 1986.
Based on a review of formulas used in current USP 8. Analytical Chemistry in a GMP Environment: A Practical
monographs, the following suggestions are offered in order Guide. Miller, JM, Crowther, JB, eds. New York: Wiley Inter-
to provide the most information and facilitate use of the science; 2000.
monograph: 9. USP 27–NF 22, General Chapter Polarography h801i. Rock-
1. Present formulas so that all terms, including numerical ville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.; 2004:2371.
terms, and their units are included and defined for the 10. USP 27–NF 22, General Chapter Organic Volatile Impurities
h467i. Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.;
2. Avoid condensing several terms into a single multiplier.
11. International Conference on Harmonization. Impurities in
If a condensed multiplier must be used, its origin should
New Drug Substances Q3A(R). ICH Harmonised Tripartite
be clearly explained in the monograph. Guideline. Geneva, Switzerland; 2002.
3. For calculation of related compounds, include a con- 12. USP 27–NF 22, General Chapter Validation of Compendial
centration term for the sample under test because it in- Methods h1225i. Rockville, MD: U.S. Pharmacopeial Con-
corporates dilution factors, thereby reducing the need vention, Inc.; 2004:2622.
for an unexplained multiplier in formulas.

# 2005 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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