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Harold L. Klawans

ABSTRACT: A variety of neurotransmitters have been implicated in the pathophysiology of chorea as exemplified
by Huntington's chorea. These include dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, GABA and a variety of neuropeptides
including substance P and somatostatin. Despite biochemical data that suggests that alterations in other neurotrans
mitters may be of greater significance, pharmacologic data still supports a major role of dopamine in the actual
clinical manifestation of chorea.

RESUME: La choree. Plusieurs neurotransmetteurs ont ete impliques dans la pathophysiologic de la choree, telle
la choree de Huntington. Parmi ceux-ci, signalons la dopamine, la serotonine, l'acetylcholine, le GABA et plusieurs
neuropeptides incluant la substance P et la somatostatine. En depit des donnees biochimiques qui suggerent que des
alterations d'autres neurotransmetteurs pourraient etre plus importantes, les donnees pharmacologiques sont encore
en faveur d'un role majeur pour la dopamine dans les manifestations cliniques de la choree.

Can. J. Neurol. Sci. 1987; 14:536-540

In the past, it had been proposed that the striatum functions
in part as a filter device for the control of motor activity.
Chorea neither defines nor implies any specific alteration in Degeneration of the striatum would thus result in the loss of
muscle tone but instead describes a specific class of abnormal this filter mechanism and produce chorea. According to this
involuntary movements. Chorea has been defined by the ad theory, as the degeneration of the striatum progressed, one
hoc Committee on Classification of the World Federation of would expect the abnormal involuntary movements to
Neurol increase proportionally.
ogy as "a state of excessive, spontaneous movements, irregu Several clinical observations show this to be untrue. First,
larly timed, non-repetitive, randomly distributed and abrupt in patients in the terminal phase of Huntington's chorea often
character.1 These movements may vary in severity from rest manifest less choreatic restlessness than they manifested ear
lessness with mild intermittent exaggeration of gesture and lier in the illness. Many patients reach a so-called burned out
expression, fidgeting movements of the hands, unstable dance phase of the illness in which they actually become rigid and
like gait to a continuous flow of disabling, violent akinetic with virtually no abnormal involuntary movements at
movements." Choreatic movements are considered to be both all. Since the later stages of the disease presumably would
clinically and pathophysiological^ similar in the wide coincide with the time of greatest striatal destruction, one
diversity of disease states in which they may appear. would expect the chorea to progress with time if chorea were
The choreatic syndrome that has the most clearly defined directly correlated with tissue destruction. A second clinical
neuropathologic changes is Huntington's chorea. This paper observation is that some patients who have died in the early
will therefore focus on the possible pathophysiology of the stages of Huntington's disease, with marked generalized
symptoms of this disorder. chorea, have shown no gross changes within the striatum. In
In Huntington's chorea, the major pathologic features are fact, even microscopic examination of the striatum sometimes
limited to the corpus striatum and cerebral cortex. Striatal revealed only minimal degenerative changes. In addition,
atrophy is the most striking change. Although there is particu radiologic attempts to correlate the degree of chorea with the
lar involvement of the small neurons of the caudate nucleus, it degree of striatal atrophy have failed. Because of such
is not unusual to see degeneration in the large caudate neurons observation, it is obvious that the degree of striatal cell loss
as well. Associated with this marked neuronal loss is extensive cannot be accurately related to the degree of chorea observed
proliferation of astrocytes. The other striking pathologic fea in Huntington's disease. In the early seventies, I proposed that
ture is diffuse cerebral atrophy. This takes the form of a chorea was not due to the loss of function of dead striatal
general reduction in the cortical population, with particularly neurons, but instead was due to the dysfunction of diseased
heavy cell loss in layers 3, 5, and 6. It is generally accepted but surviving striatal neurons.2'3 This dysfunction was felt to
that the choreiform movements of Huntington's disease (HD) involve the way in which striatal
are related to striatal pathology and that the mental changes
are related to cortical pathology.23
From the Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center. Chicago
Reprint requests to: Dr. H.L. Klawans. Department of Neurological Sciences. Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Centre. 1725 W. Harrison St., Chicago. IL.,
U.S.A. 60612

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zine could be related only to dopamine. This suggests that
dopaminergic mechanisms might well be of primary impor tance in
neurons responded to various neurotransmitters acting upon their the initiation of such movements.
membrane receptors.
Another method of altering the activity of striatal dopamine is the
Dopaminergic Mechanism use of a-methyl-p-tyrosine. This agent is an inhibitor of tyrosine
hydroxylase. The administration of a-methyl-p-tyrosine to animals
The first neurotransmitter to be implicated in the pathophysi results in decreased striatal levels of dopamine and norepinephrine
ology of chorea was dopamine (DA). In Huntington's chorea, the without a change in the striatal concentration of serotonin.
neurons of the striatum that normally receive the dopamine input Birkmayer has reported that intravenous use of a-methyl-p-tyrosine
from the substantia nigra are the major site of pathologic changes, in patients with Huntington's chorea results in amelioration of the
but the dopamine content of the striatum is normal or near normal.4 choreiform movements.6 The effective ness of a-methyl-p-tyrosine in
This is in some ways the opposite of parkinsonism, in which the chorea cannot be related to the influence of striatal serotonin since
dopamine input to the striatum is abnormal, whereas the cells of the serotonin remains unaf
striatum are well preserved. In Huntington's disease, the dopamine fected by this agent. Methysergide, which blocks serotonin
input is normal, whereas the striatal cells are abnormal. receptors, and p-chlorophenylalanine, which blocks serotonin
If chorea results from altered responsiveness or dysfunction of synthesis, have both been shown to have no effect on chorea.3
diseased striatal neurons to normal dopamine concentrations within Taken together, these results suggest that dopamine is of primary
the striatum, then pharmacologic agents that alter either the importance in the initiation of chorea. Blocking the action of
concentration of dopamine within the striatum or the ease of access dopamine at the striatal receptors or decreasing the striatal content
of dopamine in reaching striatal dopamine receptors might of dopamine improves chorea despite the fact that the striatal
conceivably alter the abnormal involuntary movements. dopamine content is normal in this disease. These observations
Historically, the first agent reported to be of use in the treat ment of support the hypothesis that the defect pro ducing chorea may involve
chorea was reserpine. Reserpine is a rauwolfia alkaloid that is dysfunction of the striatal neuron in its response to normal
known to deplete the CNS of dopamine. The observation that concentrations of dopamine.
reserpine both improves chorea and depletes cerebral dopa mine is Since drugs that decrease the striatal content of dopamine
consistent with the concept that altering striatal dopa improve chorea, increasing the amount of dopamine that reaches the
mine concentration affects chorea. Reserpine exerts its phar same receptors should worsen chorea. Levodopa markedly
macologic effect by blocking the reuptake of biogenic amines into increases the striatal concentration of dopamine, has little effect on
storage granules, so that it produces depletion of serotonin and the striatal level of norepinephrine, and decreases the cere
norepinephrine, as well as dopamine, in the CNS (see Table 1). bral concentration of serotonin. Since levodopa increases striatal
Under such circumstances it is not possible to make a definitive dopamine levels, it may increase the amount of dopamine reach ing
statement regarding which of these three biologically active agents, the receptors and thereby heighten chorea. It is fairly clear that
when decreased in concentration within the striatum, is responsible long-term oral levodopa usually increases the hyperkinesia in
for the reserpine-induced decrease in chorea. Tetrabenazine, which Huntington's chorea.7
has a similar mechanism of action, has similar efficacy. A study of the patient population at risk for Huntington's disease
The most widely studied agents in Huntington's chorea, aside provides further support for the hypothesis that altered striatal
from reserpine, are the neuroleptics. Of these, haloperidol is now neurons responding in an abnormal manner to dopa mine result in
used most extensively. Reduction of chorea with vari ous the production of chorea. It seems a reasonable assumption that in
neuroleptics has been reported frequently. the course of a progressive degenerative disease such as
The basis of the central activity of neuroleptics is thought to be Huntington's chorea, even the most subtle abnormal involuntary
related to blocking of dopamine receptors.5 Although these agents movements ought to be preceded by a stage of the disease in which
have some effect in blocking acetylcholine and norepi nephrine striatal degeneration has begun but there is not overt clinical
peripherally, the blockade of central dopamine recep tors is accepted manifestation. In other words, there may be a preclinical stage of
to be of primary importance in explaining the central activity of Huntington's disease in which the patient is normal clinically but in
these agents. Whereas the effectiveness of reserpine in alleviating which the disease process has already begun within the striatum. If
chorea could be related to serotonin, norepinephrine, or dopamine, altered responsiveness to dopamine causes chorea, and if this altered
the effectiveness of chlorproma responsiveness is an early manifestation of the pathology of chorea,
then it might be possible to bring out chorea in presymptomatic
Table 1: Pharmacology of chorea in Huntington's chorea Huntington's patients before it would otherwise be evident by means
of a trial of levodopa. This hypothesis assumes that levodopa does
Effect Effect on striatal activity of not induce chorea in normal persons and that in asymptomatic
Reserpine family members two populations can be identified: those in whom
Agent on chorea Dopamine Norepinephrine Serotonin
Phenothiazines . levodopa produces chorea and those in whom it does not.
Tetrabenazine T T T T Neuroleptics I I Slight • Presumably the former would be presymptomatic patients, whereas
orO 0 Halopericjol * i Slight I orO 0 a-Methyl-p-tyrosine T T t 0 the latter would be either normal siblings or patients with potential
Methysergide 0 0 0 I p-Chlorophenyl abnormal striatal cells that were not altered sufficiently to respond
alanine 0 0 0 I Levodopa f t 0 T abnormally to levodopa at the time of administration.
The major levodopa provocation study involved a multicenter investigation of 30 subjects, each at 50% risk of developing

Volume 14, No. 3 (Supplement) — August 1987 537 Downloaded from IP address:, on 15 Oct 2020 at 14:06:39, subject to
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dopamine and acetylcholine by increasing striatal acetylcho
Huntington's chorea and 25 control subjects.8 Levodopa was line concentration.
administered orally, and all subjects were examined serially With this background, Klawans and Rubovits studied anti
for the appearance of choreic movements. One-third of cholinergic and cholinergic influences on the abnormal move
subjects at risk developed transient and fully reversible chorea ments seen in Huntington's disease.I0 They demonstrated that
while receiv the intravenous administration of physostigmine could tempo
ing levodopa, whereas no control subject developed abnormal rarily reduce chorea. On the other hand, the administration of
movements. The investigation clearly demonstrated that some the anticholinergic agent benztropine-induced worsening could
subjects at risk have enhanced sensitivity to dopaminergic be promptly and effectively overcome by the subsequent admin
stimulation. Because of this altered sensitivity, the investiga istration of physostigmine. The benztropine reversal of physo
tors suggested that this group of patients may carry an stigmine could be annulled by a subsequent second
increased risk of developing Huntington's disease. The administration of physostigmine. It was postulated that the
investigators stressed that those subjects at risk who alteration in cholin ergic mechanisms probably affects striatal
developed no chorea on levodopa provocation should not be neuronal function and thereby influences the chorea. Other
considered likely "escapees," since they may well still carry workers have found that physostigmine improves chorea but
the gene but not have developed sufficient dopaminergic the percentage of patients who respond varies from 20 to 80%.
hypersensitivity to respond abnormally to the administered These observations have two implications. Anticholinergic
dose of levodopa. Eight year follow-up data on these patients agents should be avoided in Huntington's disease patients
is presented in Table 2 and demonstrates a clear prognostic being treated with neuroleptics since these agents will worsen
difference between the two patient groups.9 Statistically, the the chorea. It is also possible that cholinergic agents might
hypothesis that those patients who developed levodopa-related sometimes prove to be of value in the treatment of chorea. The
chorea may be at a higher risk for eventual HD appears true. acetylcholine precursors choline and lecithin have been used
The degree of predictive reliability for this test can only be but with very limited efficacy."
determined with longer follow-up.
It is important to note that recent biochemical studies have
shown decreased activity of choline acetylase (ChAc) in the
Cholinergic Mechanisms basal ganglia of patients dying of Huntington's chorea. It is
The concept that a critical striatal balance between acetylcho unlikely that this is the primary defect in such patients, as it
line and dopamine is essential to normal striatal function and seems to be more severe late in the disease.71213 Loss of the
consequently to normal motor control initially received its ability to synthesize acetylcholine because of decreased ChAc
greatest acceptance in its applicability to Parkinson's disease. activity in some patients may explain the variability of respon
The signs of parkinsonism are widely accepted as resulting siveness to physostigmine. Hiley and Bird reported a marked
from imbalance in the dopamine-acetylcholine relationship reduction of muscarinic cholinergic receptor sites in the
within the striatum as a result of the loss of striatal dopamine striatum of Huntington's chorea.14 The cholinergic
and a consequent imbalance in favor of acetylcholine. The use components in the striatum almost exclusively belong to the
of levodopa to restore striatal dopamine results in cholinergic inter neurones, and these interneurones are affected
improvement in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism is also in Huntington's chorea. Physostigmine and oral choline have
improved by a wide
little'01'5 or no beneficial effect"1617 on choreic movements,
variety of agents that block the central activity of acetylcholine
suggesting that the loss of cholinergic receptors may be more
anticholinergic agents. This central antagonism of acetylcho
important than any loss of ChAc.
line is thought to restore partially the balance between
dopamine and acetylcholine. Serotonergic Mechanism
It has been further demonstrated that the administration of The role of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) in choreiform
physostigmine, a centrally active anticholinesterase, worsens movements is less clear than the role of either dopamine or
parkinsonism. Physostigmine has a marked effect in increasing acetylcholine. The striatum has a relatively high concentration
striatal acetylcholine concentration. Presumably, the exacerba of serotonin, presumably as a result of the many serotonin
tion of parkinsonism produced by the administration of physo
stigmine is a result of further worsening of the imbalance
Table 2: Effect of levodopa on and Huntington's chorea
synapse in this region. Since the disease, the possible influence of
controls containing nerve terminals that striatum is the region of severe serotonin on the abnormal
subjects at risk for degeneration in Huntington's
Totals: diagnosis of Huntington's
Response disease (1980)
Subjects at risk 9" 10
Chorea 3 to Levodopa in 1972
No chorea 20
5 5-hydroxytryptophan, the If increased serotonin concentrations or by
1 immediate metabolic activity exacerbates blocking serotonin
involuntary movements precursor of serotonin, chorea, it might be activity. Orally
seen in this syndrome has results in an exacerbation possible to ameliorate administered
0 been investigated. It has of the choreiform move chorea either by reducing methysergide, a centrally
4 been demonstrated that ments. CNS seroto nin active serotonin block
1 the administration of
ing agent, for 1 to 2 months, failed to alter significantly the
Fisher Exact Test performed on the data indicates a
significance value ofp-0.0088. abnormal involuntary movements.3 Parachlorophenylalanine,
" University of Montreal. which inhibits the hydroxylation of tryptophan to 5-hydroxy
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center and Ohio State tryptophan , results in a marked fall in CNS serotonin
University. concentra tion without significantly affecting the metabolism
of the


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(a) Precursor load strategy with 1-glutamate and pyridoxine. A
2-year trial has shown no therapeutic benefit.20 (b) Treatment with
catecholamines. This agent has no significant effect on the degree of
gamma-hydroxybutarate has not been successful.
the choreiform movements.18 The failure of a cen trally active
(c) Possible agonism with baclofen has similarly shown no
serotonin antagonist to improve chorea, in addi tion to the failure of
a reduction in brain serotonin to improve chorea, suggests that the
contribution of serotonin to the patho physiology of chorea is (d) Agonism with muscimol, a direct-acting GABA agonist, has
limited at best. yet to produce significant improvement.
(e) Dipropylacetic acid inhibits GABA transaminase and thereby
GABAergic Mechanisms increases brain GABA levels. It has not been found to improve
A fourth putative neurotransmitter, GABA, has recently been chorea, however.22
proposed as having an influence in Huntington's chorea. Studies of (0 It has been recently suggested that isoniazid given with
regional CNS concentration have demonstrated a deficiency in pyridoxine will inhibit the breakdown of GABA by blocking
GABA in the substantia nigra, putamen, caudate, and globus GABA transaminase and result in increased brain GABA level. One
pallidus in patients with Huntington's disease as compared to report of 6 patients who were given this regime chronically
"control" brains.19 found that 1 patient was markedly improved and 2 others less, but
In more recent studies it was shown that the major enzyme still significantly improved.23'24
involved in the biosynthesis of GABA, glutamic acid decarbox ylase (g) Aminoxyacetic acid, 25 Q -acetylenic-GABA26 and
(GAD), was reduced by approximately 75% in the basal ganglia of vinyl-GABA27 have also not proven to be useful. None of these
patients dying with Huntington's chorea.413 The concentrations were approaches has yielded reproducible ameliora tion or prevention of
normal in the frontal cortex. Overall, the most consistent progression. These results, while unfortunate, suggest that the mere
biochemical lesion in Huntington's chorea appears to be a loss of demonstration of a biochemical neuro transmitter deficit does not
GABA synthesizing and containing neurons from the basal ganglia. prove that this alteration is of physiologic or pharmacologic
It has been proposed that the reduced GABA concentration could be significance.
explained as being the result of geneti
cally determined decreased activity of GAD or the result of the loss Substance P
of a neuronal population that synthesizes GABA as a Substance P has been shown to be markedly decreased in the
neurotransmitter. substantia nigra28 in the internal segment of the globus pallidus.
It is important to note that one patient with Huntington's chorea Substance P is an excitatory of the striato nigral neurotransmit ter
who had only mild symptomatology when he committed suicide and the striato-entopeduncular (internal pallidum) pathway and the
has been studied biochemically. Enzymatic analysis of this patient's decrease of substance P in Huntington's chorea is considered to be
striatum revealed normal activities of the perti the result of the degeneration of long-axoned
nent enzymes. The particular finding that GAD activity was normal substance-P-containing small or medium-sized striatal neur
suggests that there is not a specific alteration in this enzyme ones.29 However, biochemical analysis of Huntington's chorea
characteristic of Huntington's chorea. patients revealed that concentrations of substance P in the substantia
The significance of reduced GABA concentrations in the caudate, nigra and the internal pallidum were not strictly related to the
putamen, substantia nigra, and globus pallidus in Huntington's presence or severity of chorea.30 It is very diffi
chorea remains unknown. The finding of a decreased concentration cult to relate substance P to the production of choreic movements.
of a neurotransmitter in the striatum in choreatic patients, when
viewed from a background of parkinsonism, is of course very Somatostatin
seductive. In parkinsonism there is a loss of dopamine, and It has been shown that the concentration of somatostatin and the
replacement of dopamine activity by precursor load (levodopa), density of somatostatin-containing varicose fibers are both increased
reuptake blockade (amantadine), or direct acting agonists in Huntington's disease.3132 Shults et al. recently completed a
(bromocriptine) improves parkinsonism. By analogy, increased clinical trial with cysteamine which is a somatostatin depleting
GABA activity might ameliorate chorea. Unfortunately this has yet agent.33 Cysteamine was given for two weeks at maxi mally tolerated
to be definitely demonstrated. A variety of pharmacologic
dosages which were sufficient to double growth hormone levels
techniques have been employed in this attempt, including:
thereby suggesting a functionally significant decrease in central
somatostatin levels. The treatment had no consistent effect on
Neuro-Psychopharmacology. Proceedings of the
5th International Congress of the Collegium Internationale
Neuropsychopharmacologicum, Washington. D.C..
This work was supported in part by the United Parkinson March, 1966.
Foundation. Chicago, IL, and the Boothroyd Foundation, Chicago, International Congress Series No. 1966: 129: 166. 6. Birkmayer W.
1L. The alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine effect in extrapyramidal disorders.
Wien Klin Wochenschr 1969: 81: 10-12.
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