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READING TEST Inthe Reading test, vou wil read 6 varie'y of texts and answer several different lypes of raading comprehension questions, The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes, There ate three parts and directors are given for each pan. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed, You mut mark your answers on the separate answer sheet Do not write your answers in your test ook PARTS Directions: A wor at phrase is missing ir eac of the sentences below Four answer choices are ven below each sentence Select the hest answer tr samplete the sentence Ther mark the ietler (A), (B) (C}, or (O) on your answer sheet 104. The new intems have been very mindful of 105. If you have recently -—--- a digital camiera parking reguiations. ‘and want tc learn how to use it this course A) there is for you &) ours 44) purchased (Chow (B) purchase (0) they «C) purchasing (D) te purchase 102. To hela the arts ceter improve its programming, lease indicate which aspect 106. The upcomming ~--~ of Tanting Airport will of the workshop was mas! —~ ‘ease congestion and modernize quest (A) Informative acconunadations {B) primary 1A) performance {C) enthusiastic (Bi) suppiement 0) frnancia (C) deadline 0) renovation 103. Mr Gupta explained the ——of the upgraded customer database ta the sales 107. The study shawed that custorners aged 35 tear: 4c 44 paid with @ Sonoka credit card — A) beneficial than customers in any other age-group {B} benatits (A) frequent'y {C} benetites B) frequent (G} benefiting (C) more treavently ‘D) freavency 194, Buses leaving the city terminal were sdelayec due to icy conditions —— the 108. You need to -—— a business plan before roads your ioar application can be processed (A) or (A) dovate ‘B) out ‘B) request {C) from IC) omnfess ©} until (0) submit 109. 110 111, 112, na 44 The hotel's -—— shuitle bus wil take ‘quests to Hong Kang’s major landmarks (A) compliments (B) complimentary (C) compliment months of work to sell the Aaton Builcing, the realter finaly succeeded last week (A) Besides (B) After (C) Stil (0) For We wil raview all four custodial-service bids thal suits our needs, The client asked for the acvertising text 1A) stanlares (B) drawings (©) revisions {D) duplications tothe images in Piease be advised —— we have hac to cancel your order because of a dificuty with our shipping agent (A) thet 1B) of {G) wheter {D) between Tin Creek Corporation —---~ that its paper towels are the mos: absorbent or tha market 1A) obtains: 4B) competes {C) ingures {D} aims 118, Ne. 17, 18, 19, 120 KCLN Associates will enter into 2 business with the contractor as soon as some of the terms are renegotiated (A) agree {B) agmeerient agreeable 'D! agreeing ——-~ registering for oniine banking is no: required we strongly recommen it to all of our customers (A) Although 1 Instead (C: Regardless {D! Despite Viewo's 37 eas te the main cheracter in the popular talevisior series Autumn Mystery (A) relates © reiatabie (C) relating (Di relate Fainawn Medical Clinic offers a ful ot services as part of its community wellness programs (A) canter (E! surplus (Ci range (D type The rear entrance 1c RC Bank will be clases for repairs and not —-— nex! Monday A) accessible {B accessing IC) acsess (0) accesses Mi Carson wants to see Carson audio products ———, even it remote reaions of the wore (8) decivedly furthermore (©) rather (D) everywhere @ ASaL 124 122 123 124, 125 We can buy office —-—- such as desks and vinte's frort any of our company’s poroved vendors (A equic B! equipping {C) equipment (D) equipped When teking a book order. agente must record the customer's name and the -—— price of each iter: {Al assembied Bi Istec (C) addressed (D) earned ha buting wit be furnished supervisors de their inspection (Al the with B) these (©) once i ys Jr @ strong display of confidence, the firm's board of Srectors =~ aporoved the merger (A) superfically {B) regulary (C) magnificentiy {B! unanimausiy When recently —-- resigns of Mill Creek Park saic thal stree! disrapai 1s the issue that concerns them most (A) pol ‘BI polls (C} polister (D) poliad 126, 128, 129 130. Ms. Rivers agreed to work on the holiday’ ——-Mr Grant coule attend the conference 'A) considering {B) so that ) ae it ‘D) wrerever . The clerk collects packages from each department twice = dey and takes them to ‘the mail room —— | To: Honorato Quinones Date: Tuesday, July “8 11.04 A. Subject Voyacon Feature car Ee Dear Mr. Quinones ‘am delighted to inform vou thal Veyacon has been selectec as one of this year's Zode Touch ptember Magarine's Top 25 Emerging Technology Firs, We will be g5- your company in our iseus This is considered a great honor by our readers, as our list includes ony za thal advance the indust'y in significant ways ‘As Voyacon’s founder, could you e-mail us 2 digital photograph af yourself to use in the anicie? We would need te receive il August 5. Otherwise we will use 2 publiccdomain photo tat. Thanks for your help, ad congratulations Sincerely, Karol Authier Eaitor-in-Chiet 138. (A) profile 142. (a by (2) profiing Bat (©) proties (C) with {0} profiles (0) among 440. (A) publications (B) machines C) techniques {D} enterprises 141. (A) Hundreds of companies were initially ‘consideres (8) We will foward several copies as scor as possible (C) This is the ffth year we willbe publishing this list (0) I should b¢ a high-resolution, ful-coior image (50.0N TO THe WENT pace Tes72 $5 Questions 148-148 refer to the following memo. To, All Employees Frow: Carmen Bhalns, Central City Muse Direct Ke Special Exhibitions Curator Date: November 15 THAI Stat Pioase note that an advertisement will be placed ir th new position at Centra City Museum Atier the 148. his Wednesday's newspaper regarding 2 fof Blom Outside the Box out recent exhibition showcasing tha artwork of local sculptor Leanne Bloom, the museum board has decided tc allocate a new position dadicated ta creating new quarterly extit itions. The position tite is Special Exhibitions Curato’ The svccassful applicant; g3- work on January 2 fag. POVRP knowledge of loca anc regional ais encouraged to apply. Please contac! Likana Wells at Thank you Carmen 4143. (A) popularity (R) winner £6} anal ‘D) awareness 144, (A) ® © 0} stated wail start has started was staring 448, (A) Roars nominations close at the ene the day on Friday Orit Tony Watanabe gave the exhibition a five-star review The position raguiras extensive experience We look forward to hosting this event ®) D) is prefered 186. ‘extension 449 with questions museum staf are (A Cxpressed (P. Observed (C) Dependes (0) Qualified PART 7 Directions: In this pat you will read a selection of texts, such ae mayazine and newsnapo” articles, ‘e-nails. and mstant messages. Each text ot se of text is best answer for each question ard mark the later (4), (B}. (C) 0 (21) 0 your answer shee! cae Te Questions 147-168. rofer to the fallowing €-mai! Ml like to reward sts loyal vastnmers with a special discount on tcxsel luring the April Purchase an athilt round-trip beker aver $f ‘50 pervem: off @ sevone adule fare for 2 companion, Use code RAIL when booking enline Thuis pmmovion is no valic for Rapid Railways Papress tains Customess cannot exchange previously purchased tickets fe oblast the offer Tickets mist be purchased by Match | 447, What is the purpose of the email? 4148, What is rue about the special discount? (A) To publicize an updated service (A) ttinchides chiloran (8) To attract first-time custorners (2) ltrequires that tickets be purchased (C) To increase the sale of Apvil tickets over the phone (0! To promole Rapid Railways Express (C] Mapales only to tickets already purchased. (0) Ills offered to two aeople traveling together 60.04 Ta THE NET AAG 2 SP Questions 148-150 refer to the following invitation: Clearhaven Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Chab uest Speaker Philipps Dixtos of Dixtor Advertising ‘Social Media Trends fiw Business Success Wednesday, Septomber 26 7 30-2.00 ae Kelly's Cute 17 Richards Streot Clearhaven, Virginia 20°08 $8.00 per person Includes full breakfas: buffet Registration required. limited seating available RSVP hy Sepiember 20 Cleashaven Chamber of Commerce, 540-558-0112 449, What topic will be discusses at he event? 150, What is indicated about the event? 4A) Social media (A) tis held once ¢ month (8) Successful investments (B) Il takes place 071 a weekend {G) Setting up a small business (C} Registration ts not necessary {D} Coping with staff turnover (0) Space is limite Quostions 151-182 fe! to the following natice Harrod Automotive Manufacturing Andrew Dunt, Director Lanra Bradiey, Site Manager Weiceme to Harrod Autorvorive Mamu‘acturing! We ere serous about maintaining a safe workplace environment We ask that the following rales he sisietly observed shite you are touring the avsembly loot, Anyone fonind in violation of these rales will be ask! t leave the premises, For cancers about compliance, please contact the site manager ALWAYS: > Stay with your tour guide Wear satety ginsses and beimnet } Respond to alarm signals and obey evacustion instructions & Request permission from your guide before taking phoicgraphs NEVER: > Leave vour group & Enter areas marked “Danger” or “Staff Only” Touch equipment cat Te 151. For whom is the notice most likely 4152, Aocording te the notice, why showe Intended? someone contac: Ms. Bradley? (A) Maintenance workers (A) Ta praise an employee (8) Seourity guards (B) To nquire about 2 policy (C) Safety nspectars (C! To submit photographs (D) Factory visitors (D) Tovatain a sehedle Questions 153-154 ete! to the following lexi-message chain Scott Rabin (11:14 AM) Hi, Tanya. I'm in the siorage room, clearing out space as Anita requeste ‘There are somic bexes marked “Aecounting” ir here. Are they yours ‘Tanyz Greene (11218 AML) Yes. they have some of my’ ale files in shem, Mest of them can be shredited, but re arc a few that we may need to keep. Do you want me te come have a oak? [have about 1S minutes until my next meeting Scott Rabin (15:20 A.M.) I's up to you, | can just leave them here until you ave wore time Tanya Greene 11:21 4M.) hat wan be great Til sct aside some ime on Wednesday te sort through them 183, Why cid Mi. Rabin sand a message to 184 AL11 22 au. what does Mi Rabir mean Ms Greene? when he writes, “its up to you"? ‘A) To ask i she needs more storage (A) He will sort some documents when Ms space rene wants him to, {B} To find oul if some files belong to her (B) He can arrange for a lime to unlock the ame boxes storage room ould be put (C) Ms. Greene car decide wien she prefers to look at some files (0) Ms. Greene car choose the type of res she wants to use 60 Questions 155-157 refer to the following articia, NAIROBI (2 November) —Agosti, the popular fisher shoe retailer. wit launch is first oiler store ins ast Affien this week when Aposti Naish: opens Customers will find all the fy ight colours and unique designs for which Agosti is known, —[1]— Agosii Nevrobi will fearare # unique ‘hands-on approach 16 fashion, with tonch sereen display stations ;tositioned throughout the store, — [2] ~- These stations will allow shoppers to browse through product information, read ccastormer reviews, and identi"y hest selling styles. 4155, What aspect al the Agost Nairabi store does the article highlight? 1A) Its spacious interior 1B) Its knowledgeable sales team {C) Hts wide selection of brands (D) Hts interactive displays 156. What is tue about Agost! shoes? (A) They are available in new designs (B) They are very expensive IG) They are made in hard-to find sizes 1D) They are mostly Handmade 2] — The store will also feature a foot plantar pressure sensor, By standing on the sensor, customers wil be alse Jeternmne: their previse fant measttremenss and chnose the best sboe size for thei feet. Shoes will be available in a variety of lengths an widths not usually tound sn. competitor stores We at Agosti see East Afnice as an important place for new fashion,” said Raffsel Zito, Agosti’s marketing dirs According to Mr, Zito, the opening af the Nairob store is only the first step of an ambitious expansion plan — [4] — 4157. in. whicn of the positions marked [1]. [2] 13], and |] does the following sentence best belong? “In fact the company is currently scouting locations for ¢ new design facility in the region.” we Be Ci Oia GON TO TRENT PAGE TEST? 6 z ASaL Questions 158-160 “eter ic th following torr 156. 158. htto.tww.cinecrestofiesna'k.comfeauestionm Pincerest Office Park Request Facm Judy Blanch. Office Manager IISSSS.ANI, extent Daaie of Request: Aol? ‘Type of Problem: ‘Tenant: Lemer and Randall LLC Stuctwal Oftice: Suite B, Third 00" Hlectricat | ‘Tenant Contact Name: Amy Randal Plombme Lj Brief Description of Work Needed: ‘The celina ove the window has developed a water Weak, an the wal is heghining to oiscoky, Additional Instrections Betore cxming ove. please cal my office at 275 554 0°27. My partner, Zach Ler, and | would ike tobe orasent when Ihe bulking stalls there. There is very expansive office squigment directly under thal part ofthe cating, We will nged to move itbafore any renars ae made, ‘To Re Filled Out hy Pinecrest Management: Date Received: Aps3 Approved: Yes ivf) Na [1] Assigned 40: Se Kim Approved by: Jiaty Blane | Notes: ease vestigate this orobler early tomorrow momng ate! ya call Ms Randall. roofing renaire are needed, e-mail Jonr Rope ‘Rope: Rooters — and sel up an anpeintment {or arvestimate, What is the purpase of the form? 460. Why does Ms. Randall mention some office 4A) To apply for a job scpmymenty, (8) To reavest a lease (AI Its for sale (Cl To repor a problem [G] Itneeos to be moved (D) To change an andres: (C) thas been damaged (9) Itneees te be replaces ‘Who wil frst contact Ms Randall about her Agri request? (A) Mr Kin (8) Mr, Lemer (Ci) Mr Roper (2) Ms Bianch Questions 161-463 refer to the following press release, 161. 162. POR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media eomiact: Andrea Oladattir {+613 555 0124 Babson Vehicles Ed. Eachusiastcally Implements Deluaident’s Newest Product OTTAWA (10 June)—Babson Vehicles Ltd, + leading Canadian manufacturer, has jus adopted a new fingerprint entry system aimed a improving company security (Created by Icelandic firm Deluxidenr, the sustera enables emplosecs to enter campus ‘buildings simply by scaring thesr fingerprints Accarding to Babson's CEO Dantel Dems, Delaxide is @ significant improvement over other secur:s products the company has tied ix the past "fingerprint scanning systers "Delrident’s fingerprint scanner hay been a tremens axtet fn the pat, we always electnme Kennfication badges, Pricing and veplacing lost hadges, however as expensive fy sid Dems aiion. thew posed = significant secu threat Employees somienmes foe thes ecg ding resi tecugl if dey iow All ial se badge een ny and inky” dangs bv vsing phorugraphic an For the pst devarle, Deluxident has been offering high-cesh workplace asiutions with ire innovative digital producss. Headquartered in Reykiavh. Deluxidenr delivers wide and offers 24-hour technical aseitance by telephone Fox further Getaile about the new fingerprint scanning entry system, visit ww deluxident is Whal ig imaliad a2cut Wi. Deems? 163. What is tue about Deluxident? (A) He oversees multiple buildings (A) Ht ships its products internationally, {B) He makes frequent trips abroad {1 itis based ir Canada {C) He is ¢ successtul inventor {C} K provides on-site consulting services. {C} He atten misplaces his entifcation {0} It plans to menge with Babson Vehicles badge Ud Why does Mir Deems prefer Deluxident’s new product over previous products? (A) Iaciitates campus entry for visitors (B) towers exoenses ir the long term. {C} M requires proto identification {B) M1 allows emaioyees to aur each other locate GQ.ON OTHE NEXT AOE 2 @ caetere Questions 164167 rofer to the foliowing letter Marta Cleary 2289 Coindge Street Gren Falls, MT S401 Paul Donnell Corton Vale elena. MT $9624 Dest Mr Prinnell, “After searching thicwh ‘eas and Claek Connry’s public propery is ecard online Miscowered the owner af the building that was once 9 pemeral store on the corer of Waller Avenue and Main Street. As tat | can tell. the busiding 28 been boarded sp and unaccupied fer quice afew years. — [1] — T wow like 6 know | yer won he erste in sting Shove hoon planning to-apen a cake in theres, and | believe that with some modes Improvements, your huriding cowl’ be the perfect ‘ocation, ° would wanr te keep a | much ofthe ovine! structure intact ws possible Aan modifications would } be mina: T realise these are other buildings forsale in she business district, bur chey do noe t we the same connection te the commmunsty, — [3] —. “have spoken: with many Heleag residents aha have tond memaries of your butldimg, and rhey wai like 1 see ir rransformed inno «sable snucture again. — [4] —. Lar chien that suy plan would he welcomed by the commranity “Thank you for eormiderig ny afer. H you would like to discuss details, can be reached at 406-555-0181 Sincerely Maria. Maria Cleary 164, What's indicated about Lewis and Clark 166, Why mos: tikely is Ms. Cleary nterestec in County? Mr. Donne's progerty? 1A) Its well-known for its restaurants (A) 1118 popular wits local residents, {1B} itentorces strict building regulations {8) Itis located in the ty center {C) I provides property information over {G) It's being sold for a row price. the Internet, (0) 4 features 3 spacious flo’ plan (0) His seeking feedback on 9 development project 167, In which of the positions marked {11 [2 {8} anc [4] does the following sentence best ‘What is suggested ebout the general store belong? boulcing? : 3 I think the exposed neck siding, for (A) Its currently oper to the public. example, is essential to tha bulging’s {B) ! has changed ownership many times cent 10) Ils undergoing extensive renovations, 1D) It has been vacant far several years. Questions 168-171 refer to the following information BoP information as well ns a photocopy of the preting, These an Bulletin boards at Quenten Advertising = The physicel bulletin boards in our facilities are overseen hy the administrative assitan’ in the Human Resources Department The bulletin boards are in locked ess, and che administrative aseisiant is responsible for the cabinet keys ensuring that al postings are kept current. + The bulletin bosrd by the elevator is used lo convey general informatior to al employees. such as important eompany news or reminders «The bulletin baxrd outside the conference roms is used solely for information relating fo upcoming meetings and events scheduled for those rou «The staff lounge bulletin hoard may be used for announcements nok sponsoree caer re by Quenten Advertising that may he of general interest to coworkers, ich as personal items far sale, loca! festivals, and other community events. To pos: these notices, staff must frst submit @ request do Fluman Resources and incloae contact piineements canine tre posted ore than two weeks he Tare the event date ej D All hatletin boards will he checked regularly ta ensure compliance with their intended jwirprses 168. What is the purpose of the information? 171, Why are bulletin boards checkes regulary? (A) To describe a jod opening (A) To confirm that the cabinets are kept (8) To explain @ company polisy iockes (C} To provide buiding information to (8) Te covfirn that personal items have vistors been sold (B) To help clients navigate a Wed site (©) To ensure that sostings are appropriate al eact location 169. Where is important company news most (0) To ensure that nostings are interesting likely posted? to al employees (A) Near the elevator (8) Inthe staff lounge (C) Inside the conference rooms (2) in tre Human Resources Department 470, According to the information, why should employees contact Human Resources? (A) To pick up their fice keys (8) To have th (C) To register for company events, (2) To submit photocopy requests notices approvec Questions 172-475 rf fo the folowing online char discussion © mom ‘Savoru Hashimor (10:42 A.M) France Rusee (1084 AM.) ‘Han Sai Wong (10-36 AM) Satory Hashimoto (16:27 A.M} Franca Rosse (10:50 AM.) Sarory Hashimoto (10:81 A.M) 1 just logged in to ay guest lovaly program account ‘and nites ha he nights T stayed at the Gaand Jarong I Tote lst month haven't been credited. Are ie lowaly poants being processed? Thank you for contacting the Customer Care Centze Tm fooking at vonr aceosne and see thatthe low [poinis ar nov ibere at the moment. Points are goo! fo one year afier the ener at dare. T a acing Mz Hao Sa. Won, frorn the Grane Jurong. this chat 19 contin vow stay at che hore. What were sevthar he ca look ap the the cates oF yer seservation? Nineady por &. Lean confirm Me Hashimoto staved four nights with a check-ie dare of March ‘March 7 throwigh Mare 1 Me. Hashimons, Ehave added the pais 1 your accovant, With post new pons, gon are eligible ‘ekher upgrade your room for the stay vou reeerved next month, o yor muy apply che points wowacd ove frce night oF future booking May 1 assist you ir ‘upgrading yous cargert reservation o= in completng a booking fora future stay? [Not at this time. Thank ran for your help = 172, Wy did Mr, Hashiriota contact Customer Care? (A) To provide feedback on a recent stay (B) To book @ room using his loyalty points {C) To change an existing reservation (D) To mauire about missing loyalty points At 10.46 AM, what does Mr. Wong mear when he writes, “Already got if7 (A) He has found sore information, {R) He is pointing aut a mistake made by Ms. Russa! (C) He is going te call Mr Hashimoto {D) He will complete Mr. Hashimot reservation What coas Ms, Russo offer to do for Mi Hashinot07 (Al Award him extra points IB} Issue a retune [C) Provide an upgrade on a tuture stay (D) Tyansfer his account tc 2 uifferent pointe program 15, What 's NOT indicated about the loyalty points prograrr? (A) Points earned on a stay remain valid for 2 year (8) Points can he used to uograde a reservation (C} Points are credites afi 9 quest leaves the hoe (C} Points can he doubied unde: certain conditions rae tT Subject _| [Infemator Date: 2 February 4 _Bétechment| |B Hasdook ae ear Mr Awad Good morning | hope your frst day at Epmedin Medical Supplies ix going well Please find denis whout our employment policies ané practices attached. By the wey. you heve already beer ascipned your owr personal parking space, fot vor will nerd to contac the inansportaion aperations department aban As we discussed last week. we need 4 make trivel arrangements for yo th visit oar thor facilines. You fist np will he to oor headquarters neat week, followed by visits 20 the ff the manth Wendy Leighton will aswel with your reservations and cat he reached al wlexphton@epmesin eth nv Facies a the Please lel swe brow af there #: anything elee yen need Sincerely Epmectin Medical Supplies Employee Handbook Dress Code ‘Werkpiace dress cades vary by location, Headquates in Londo? and the ‘Glasgcw office require sal to wear formal business. atte, while business ‘cesual attire is eppraved for staf al ‘out Dubin and Betas manufacturing Pans. Formal business are is defined 238 a business sul including 2 acket, ress pants or 2 avs skit, and 2 tie for men). Business casual attre i trousers or khakis @ dress shit oF biewse, or 2 dross ar shit Questions 176-180 afer ic the following @ mil and empicyee handook a] parking permit for displ prpnes ‘Transportation Parking a the London office is recerved for delvery and. secunty vehicles, Ment dus and tran passes can be purchased through Human Resources at half the regula tare Because of ited on-site parking af our Glasgow and Dubin production facies, stafl-can park for free at designated yatking garages. Empioyees need a permit, whic can be oblained through ‘ne transootator operations deparinent. Permits must be renewec annually nine Employees at the Betis! facity must oblan a permit for 2 designatec parking space fram the trarsportaton operations 176. 17. 178, What is @ purpose of the e-mail? {A) Te issue ar invitation to @ celebration {B) Te give notice of a policy change {Gi Te forward « company document 49) Te approve a vacation request In the e-mail, the word “going” in parapranh ‘, line ‘, is clogest ir meaning ts (A) departing 48) proceeding {C) selling () wasting What is indicated about Mr Awad? He revised the empioyee handbook {E! He has met Ms Leighton AC) He takes public transportation to work (0) He will de traveling in February. 179. 180. Where does Mi, Awad mos! likely work? A) Ir London (B) ir Glasgow fC) Ir Dublin (D) In Belfast According tc the handbook, whal de all Eomedin office localione have ir commor? cee Th (A) Parking garages are not availabie (B) Parking permits are not required, (C) Employaes need te camp\y with snecific drass codes (D) Factory workers follow ve y stiiel safety regulations 70 HE NT Bae TEST? 68 Questions 181-185 rofe: to the following e-mail and agenda roe [Fiona Winsor J Date: “March “| Subject: Sprung meeame ‘alcaes, "This ic & remind that for © AM. tomorrow The final agendc 1¢ attached Please nove that ” have ada intern Cirpewation’s enring management meeting ix schetu Attachment, [[ final Agenda litem to the original meeting spenda. Mei Tvan, ous publications supervisor, wants 9 tundate everwone om this season’ arate? line She shoved nos takes mare shan tween == ‘To prepare fon the meeting. please review our most recent marketing plat se that we all | | have a clear idea of our goals for tae quarter Tt would also help i” each of you brought |) copies of Your latest hudget report and projectes cost estimates for neXt quarter. | 1 look forward te seeing you tamarrow Fiona Wetson Spring Management Meeting—Final Agenda Tate and Time: March 20,9 4. Location; Conference Reont 2 Topic Description Leader Commun —Tearn about local oniveach | Parl Ranier, president of the opportunities Achorville Business Association Budget revien | — Discuss department badges | Fiona Watson ‘Online advertising | ~ Review cost of Web ads Analyze areas for growth Marcia Dover Web cir updaies | — Present recent ch ski apparel page Demonstrate new content management software igen In Barr Callahan Print publications | ~ Review final changes to spring L_ sportswear catalog Mai Tran 181 182. 183. in the e-mail, whal does Ms Watson imaty about the meeting? (Soma clients wil be attending i (E} Arecently hired supervisor will be Yeading (C) N will take more time than onainalty planned (0) Mts location has beer changed. 184, Wha iter on the agen is new? (A) Community events (2) Online advertising (C) Web site updates (C) Print publicetions 185, What does Ms, Watson ask people ta bing te the necting? (A) Updated financial documents (8) A ist of new hires {C} A.cony oF the agenda {C) Revised vendo" contracts ‘What dees the agenda ingicate ebout Mr Ranier? (Al He teaches a course in online advertising (B) He wil be joining the meeting by telephave. {C) he used to work with Ms, Watson (0) he represents s loca organizetion care hs 38 What does Cantera Corporation mast likely sell? 1A) Books and magazines {8} Gardening suppies (C} Athietic clothing {0} Computer software Questions 186-190 refer to the following article, ¢-mail, and program, Film Festival Returns ta Wal SWANSEA (2¢ May’—The Penglais Film FFestva) rerum fo town with a fl site of exciting now fms, The fest'val has gomec international recoxgnicon forthe ele i has afiracted over the years. It aise boasts 0° having launchee the careers of @ growing number of celebrity flramakers The week-long festival will run from 1S August and will feature animated, documeniary, and feature films. The festival as open te the public, with the exception of the closing event on 1S August. whch ts bu svtation only Tickets forall pubiie events must he purchased in advance and are expected 12 sell out quick’ Ticker selec will hegin at Iam. on 3 June. Please nove thal ickets for mdividual film showings: must he purchased separates A Tull schedule of screenings 2¢ now avaiiabie on the festival's Wek site at ww pengiaisfes: i From “foan Driscoll +d Subjec Re Penplain Aware Conomony ee Dat: 2 _ Dear Mr, Grfith, [am excited und tronoured to hear that you will be able te accept your prize ip person al this year's Penglais Aware Ceremony. The cetemory will take place at the Wynford | Blue Hlote) st SPM on Price, 1S Angust Vou will he aninoduced hy the ‘estiva’”s presiden, Ms. Sarat Wa, anc you will have the anpariunity ie give # speech, We kindly eyques! that you Timit this speech to ne more than 10 rnnutes Please provide me with the e-mail addresses of ur (0 five guests you would Hike 10 vite 10 he ceremony T-will be sure to cend them each a lk to download shett ticket Pleetronically within ten devs af the event Congratulations | loan Daseol ‘The 26th Annual Penglais Film Festival Awards Ceremony 5:00 Fa 530 6.00 rx. 615 eM. 630M eas ew 700 ra 710 rw 7:20 Pa. aM ee Event Program ours open Dinner serview: hegins rate Performance by Shirley Finck, accompanied by Dom Lucas on piano Presentation of Excellence in Acting awards Presentation of Achievernent in Direction awards Presentation of Best Cinematography award Introduction af Lifetime Achievement Award by Ms. Saray Wu Speech by Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient Ciosing remarks Final performance by Shirley Finch, soe 486. What 's indicated about the Pengials Flim 188. Whe most likely is Shiney Finch? 188. Festival? 1A) [tis new to Wales (4) An event hast (B) An entertainer 1B) Many past participants heve becorie (©) An award presenter famous. (O) Mestiva’ directar {C) Itfocuses on classic films from the 190. Whel award will Mr. Griffith most likely (D) “7okets to feature films have sold out receive? Why is Mr Driscall please” 4A) Excelence ir Acting (8) Best Cinematography 1A) Me wil receiva an award [C) cifetime Achievement [Bs His film will be show" at the festival (0) Achievement ir Direction IC) Mr. Griffith wil attend an evant [D) Mr Griffith has invited him to speak What is suggested abou tickets for the awards ceremony? 1A) They cannot be purchased IB) They cannot be accessed ovine [C) They will become available on May 5. ID) They are included with the purchase of individual Rim tickets GOONTO THE NENT Pace Testz 73 Questions 191-195 refer tc the following e-mails anc letter Subject: Thank-you note “Dear Mi, Rane, ‘Thanks fox encouraging me te uppl for the position at Necle Advertising and Sor waiting sush a glowing referral on my behalf Mr. Nirmal, Neela's chict recruiting officer, expressed his simiration for the television ‘somipercials | produced for Dethi Works. but fhe expiained tha: his corapany in fact weeds someone whe can alse ereate Web coment and applications, 1 wus there'ore no! otfered the poniaon Kindly tet me know if you aopen te hear of any otter pos light be ¥ god fh far me, Toank you wt advance. | Best regards | shreys Shreya Kapoor 40 Nameaar Stree Mura: Dear Me Kapae jam pleased tha: yor wil be joining Mumba: Canning Leon Jane. Lae mpresc with dae Krovi vn ciple a she rite wa interviews ao ges Yam peti epee Det Works, wll remedouralie Jam enelosing some dociments that you shaulé complete, sg, a2€ bring with you shea you tenor to vluman Resourcer at 9.30 4.6, an you fist dav You wil receive i riefvininisrative onientarion at hat cle Sour aeigmesl meni, MS. Mew Sethi wil meet you there at 1.80 to escon! sou to your department, where she wall review yout raining plan and the projects rhe ream i curently working on. At na she wif be taking vou re a cafeteria far lunch m the compane af some of your colleagues. hose t0 joan su shee ne wel Weicnrae w Mumbut Canning Led! Sincerely, Zara Mehta Dara Mchia Mumbai Canning Les a” FFFORFT | [ skapoor@imal.comn 20 Mss Subject Good news Dear Mr. Raman Thank yoo for your last sete Guties once get seed Best Shreya 194. Why was Ms Kapoor tunes down for a position al Neola Advertising? (A) She tailed te provide adequate referrals. (B) She oii not meet the criteria for the sob {C) She missed the application deadline. (2) Sne was not available tor a followau0 Interview 192, What is suggested avout Ms. Kapoor? (A) Sho left her job af Delhy Works, inc several years 2g0 (B) She used te wark with Me Niena at Delhi Works, Ine (©) She will produce television ‘commercials for Mumbei Canning Lid (P) She has renantly switched careers 493, Wha most ikaly is Ms. Sethi? (A) A cafatena manager (G) Apayrall accountant (C) Amarketing team member (0) A budget director ‘he director offered me the position during our interview, fand | will be staring on June. 1 wall be happy & provide you with details abou: my cae Ty 194. According i tha letter, whare will Ms. Mehta be at nner an June * 7 (A) In a design meeting (B) On a business tip (G) Ate job interview (D} Ate dining facility 195. How was Ms. Kapoor offered her new job? (A) In person (B) In aletter (C) Sy emai {D} Over tne telephone (60.0 TO THE NEAT mA vest 78 Questions 196-200 refer tc the following e-rvails anc meme. 6 To: Kyung-Fin Sobr 1 [Barus Jactzon Dear Me Sohn As you know, competition for uve of the printers has beet causing & great dea! of delay for members of the lexal department Everyone has bad to wait tt print documents st some point. Some of us have had sc start coming to wark eatlier, and others are siaying late | Thus is having © negative impact or our productivity and morsic We could improve the situation for the remainder of the year by pasting a sige-up sheet nexr to the printers, To be fait, each empiayce should sign ip for only 1. fifteen: minute hacks per dav, We could also reserve the Tunch hour for unscheduled printing And we should consider discantioning the use of color printers nti she siteation is ‘onieol_cal printing is uy © five simee as expensive as black-and-white printing. Le me know what you think, Regards | Darius Jackson | Tegal Aciministano., Reeder snl Kel Te: All Reeder and Kelter, Inc., Staff From Kyung-lin Sobn, Support Manager Date: November 24 Subject: Printer use We have purchased two new printers, a multicolor UX212 ané a black-and-white UY120 Truzynx. Unfortunately, they wil) not be arn until December 18, In the meantime, please continue to schedule printer-use times using the online link T e-mailed you on November 10 Using this document, vou may raserve up to two fifteen-minate printing periods per day. lease do act schodulo consecutive sessions, and remember that we have set aside time both in the morning and in the aflernoon for emergency printing. Also, ploase use the colar printors only when absolntely necessary. We have beer purchasing more color ink than usual because stall members ar using the calor printers for scanning and printing when the black-and-white printers are in use | on out exte | are you loking to improve you fice | Sincerely Leilani Swilivar Sales Reprosentative 4196. Acca-ding to the first e-mail, how have ‘some employees coned with a problen? (A) By reducing operational coste (R) By working oxiside their regular hows (C) By hiring temporary staf (D) By outsourcing 4 maintenance service 497, Which of Mr, Jackson's suggestions die MMs. Solr imalement? (A) Allowing emplovees twa ffteen-mninute printing periods per day {(B) Allotting 8 one-hour perioe al midday for emergency printing (6) Posting « sigr-up sheet next to the priniars (D) Discontinuing the use of color o“inte"s 498. According 1a the memo, what is the problem with the calor printers? (A) They have not been ordered (8) Thoy regularly break down (C) They fail ta scen decuments, (0) They are being overused honk you for your ment porchase of nn Travers pringers for your company Ve | purenner incincee rare yeart of free maintenance the pach machine "Yonr Fre mgratly | Scheduled servicing dale wil” be one month from delivery We alse afer discoorred prices sj maintenance plans within 0 days of equipment purchase. Please let me | know sf you are interested s¢ these plans for your new printers | z@ sal 1y2.We also have Truzplan, With this affortabie J print your sean | your offies when you neec them Please [et me know Af Gocoments and being them 30 would like more information, 198 What is true about tha new printers urchasad by Seeder and Kelter, Ino, {A) They were delverec on Novamber 24 {By Thay include a tme-year mainienanoe plan (€) They willbe serviced on January 18 (D) They came with free remote printing during the first month 200, What sions Trizplan after? {A) Defivery of printed documents

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