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Republic of the Philippines


Montevista, Davao de Oro

Lesson Plan in MTB-MLE III

I. Learning Objective
Identifies and uses adjectives appropriate for the grade level 111

II. Learning Content

Subject Matter: Identifying and Using Adjectives Appropriate for the Grade Level

References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide in MTB-MLE 3

Teacher’s Guide in MTB-MLE 3
Learner’s Material in MTB-MLE 3, pp. 292-293
Municipal Local Heritage Theme Matrix, DCLM VIII (Food-Local Products)

Materials: visual aids, pictures, flash cards, illustration boards

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning, ma’am.

2. Checking of Attendance
Are there any absents from the class?
None, ma’am.
Very good!

3. Drill
Kindly read the following words:
three tasty circle

small delicious sweet

(Pupils will read the words one by one as their teacher

flashed it.)
4. Review
Class, what is noun?
Noun is referring to the name of person, place, or things.
Very good! Can you give examples?
Yes, very good!

5. Motivation
Now, I have here pictures of our local foods.
Let’s take a look and recognize each.
(Pupils will look at the pictures on the board.)
Are you familiar with these pictures? What are these
pictures of foods that we have on the board?
(Pupils will raise their hands.)
(The teacher will call pupils to answer.)

Very good!

Infusion of Values
When can we have these foods at home? During
ordinary days, do we have these foods at home?
No, ma’am.
Why do you think so?
Because these foods are for our special occasions.
Yes, very good! These foods are foods that Guiuananons
proudly serve to our friends and visitors during special

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Now, I have here phrases describing those
nouns in the pictures. I want you to put this
phrases beside the correct picture.
tasty biko small pieces of tarukog

round sinaging three pieces of suman

sweet tambis-tambis

Do you understand?
Yes, ma’am.
Okay, let us start.
(The teacher will call pupils to put those phrases
beside/below the correct picture that describes it.)

round sinaging Tasty biko sweet tambis-tambis

small pieces of tarukog three pieces of suman

Very good! This is what we are going to tackle this

morning. We will identify words that describe a noun.

2. Discussion
Now, noticed the phrases used for every descriptions
on each picture. What is the word used to describe the
shape of sinaging?
(Pupils will raise their hands.)
(The teacher will call a pupil.)
Round, ma’am.
Yes, correct! Have you already eaten a sinaging?
Yes, ma’am.
How does it tastes like?
Delicious, ma’am.
Very good! So, sinaging is round and delicious.

(The teacher will post a written strip on the board about


Sinaging is round and delicious food.

The word round and delicious refers to shape and

quality of the sinaging.

Okay, how about the next picture, kindly read the

(Pupils will read the phrase about biko.)

“tasty biko”
Have you already eaten a biko?
Yes, ma’am.
Okay, what is the taste of biko?
Tasty, ma’am.
Other than being sweet, what other words can we used
to describe biko?
Ma’am, brown.
Correct! Biko is brown and tasty.

(The teacher will write this in a strip and post in the

chalk board.)

Biko is brown and tasty to eat.

Brown and tasty describe the color and taste of biko.

How about tambis-tambis, what word describe it?
Sweet, ma’am.
Another word that describes the picture?

(The teacher will call a pupil.) (Pupils will raise their hands.)

Tambis-tambis are colorful.

Very good! The tambis-tambis are colorful too.
So, tambis-tambis are sweet and colorful.
(The teacher will write the sentence about tambis-tambis
in a strip and post it in the board.)

Tambis-tambis are sweet and colorful.

The word sweet and colorful describe the taste and the
color of the tambis-tambis.

Now, how about tarukog, do you know what is it?

Good! What is the describing word used in the phrase?

Yes, ma’am.
Correct! Other than being small, what else can we used
to describe tarukog? Small, ma’am.

(The teacher will call a pupil.)

(Pupils will raised their hands.)

Ma’am, yummy to eat.

What else?

(The teacher will call another pupil to answer.)

Nutritious, ma’am.

Very good! Tarukog is very nutritious to eat since it is

an exotic food and is rich in iodine.

Correct! So,

Tarukog is small, yummy, and nutritious.

(written in strip)

The word white, small, yummy, and nutritious are

words used to describe tarukog.

How about the last picture, how many suman are


(Pupils will raise their hands.)

Yes, correct! What word describes suman? Three.

Yes, correct because noun can be describe by its Three, ma’am.

number and it is an adjective.
There are three suman. (written jn a strip)

Now, let us read the underlined words in the sentences.

(Pupils will read the underlined word in the sentences.)
What do we call these words?
Adjectives, ma’am.
Yes, correct. We call this words that describe a noun
as adjectives.

2.1. Reinforcement Activity

Group Activity.
“Show me Board”.
The class will be divided into 4 groups. Each
group will follow the standards and do the
following task:

Standards for Group Activity

Each group has to make a Stay in your group.
circle. Work silently.
Write your group number at Cooperate with your group.
the top of your card boards. Follow the instructions correctly.
Identify correct adjectives
for each pictures below.
Choose your answer from the choices.
Write your answer on your illustration board.
Each member of the group should have the
chance to be the secretary to write your
Raise your board when the signal is given.

Square Nutritious
Circle Sour

2. Sweet Soft
Sour Brown

Tall Small
Short Big

4. Fragrant Big
Odorless Sweet

5. Sweet Juicy
Sour Hard

(Each group will do the task.)

3. Generalization
What are the adjectives your group answered for
number 1?
(The teacher will call selected pupils from each of the
group to answer.)
Oblong and nutritious, ma’am.
Yes, correct, Why?
Because it describe the avocado.
How about number 2, what are those adjectives your
group answered?
Soft and sweet, ma’am.
Because banana is soft and sweet to eat.
How about for number 3, what are the adjectives your
group answered?
Tall, ma’am.
Very good! Why?
Because tall describes the height of the coconut tree
which is tall.
How about for number 4, what are the adjectives your
group answered?
Fishy, ma’am.
Yes, correct. Why?
Because fishy describes best the smell of the dried fish.
For number 5, what are those adjectives your group
Sour and juicy, ma’am
Yes. Why?
Because the words sour and juicy describe the taste and
quality of calamansi.
Very good! What do we call of those words?
Adjectives, ma’am.
What are adjectives?
Adjectives are words that describe a noun.
Yes, very good!

4. Application
Board Work Activity.
Direction: Identify the correct adjectives for each
item to complete the sentence. Choose your
answer from the box below.

white cold good

dirty hot

1. Inside the coconut shell is a _______ flesh. 1. white

2. Dried fish are _________ to eat. 2. good
3. I love to eat ___________ noodles. 3. tasty
4. I like to drink __________ water when the 4. cold
weather is hot. 5. Dirty
5. __________ foods can make us sick

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify correct adjectives for each
item in order to complete the sentences.
Choose correct answer from the box.

strong sour small

tall hot
1. tall
1. I like to climb the ___________ tree of coconut. 2. strong
2. The weather is bad because of __________ wind. 3. Hot
3. ________ suman taste good when served and 4. Sour
shared. 5. small
4. Dried fish are more delicious when paired with
_______ vinegar.
5. Father likes to gather _____ shells of tarukog.

V. Assignment
Direction: Use the following phrases into sentences.
1. sweet ice cream
2. long pencil
3. five mangoes
4. circular clock
5. blue bag

Prepared by

Estrelia O. Saure

Checked by

Arnel T. Serentas, MAED

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