Compostela Valley State College

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Prepared by:


Course Instructor


Inclusive education is a widely accepted pedagogical and policy principle, but its genesis has
been long and, at times, difficult. For example, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Humsn Rights
included statements about rights and freedoms that have, over the decades, been used to promote
inclusive education practices. Article 26 of the Declaration stated that parents “have a prior right to
choose the kind of education that shall be given on their children.” This declaration later helped some
parent groups and educators to advocate for equal access to schooling in regular settings, and for
parental choice about where their child would be educated.

A Challenge for Teacher Education”chosen for the workshop, provides us with an opportunity
to re-examine our thinking and practice in the context of Namibia, whether we are in special or
regular education, especially those of us interested in teacher education.


Philosophical, theoretical inclusive education

There are many different beliefs about how people learn. Within schools, these theories are applied
by teachers to maximize the experience of students. By applying an applicable theory that is prevalent
to the students, the teachers can help students to retain pertinent information. This applies to how
learning theories and special education can work together.

In special education classrooms, teachers need to apply these learning theories, so that students in
SPED classrooms can get the most out of their learning. Some of the theories that apply to special
education classrooms are: Gestalt, Connection Theory, Gagne’s Conditions of Learning Cognitive Load
Theory, and Sign Learning Theory.

Talking all of these learning theories into account, the instructor can teach lessons based on how
the students will learn the information the best. This seems to interfere with the beliefs of inclusive
school settings. Since special needs children are different and learn differently, a traditional teacher
may not be directing her lessons at this minority group. One of the mothers I currently work with wants
to only have her child in inclusive classrooms. She has even fought a private school to allow for this. It is
because her daughter is doing great at learning from peer example, something that the inclusive
invironment is best for. However this does not mean that the teacher will be as well prepared to
teacher her daughter. This seems to be the most difficult part of learning theory, clumping the kids into
one or two categories, when in fact each are so individualized.


. Tamara Jade-Wells (2018). Inclusive Education Philosophy .Available at

. Upadhayay, K.(20180. Models for person withdisability in India.Retrieved from

https;// with-disability. html .

. Alton-lee, A (2003). Quality teaching of diverse in schooling: Best Evidence synthesis. Wellington.
Retrieved from /default.aspx


Developing a comprehensive system of inclusive special education. A theory that merges two
educational needs which is special education and inclusive education to provide effective education for
all the children with send ( Special Education Needs and Disabilities.) it is the theory that give equal
opportunity to every children with different strategies that fits them.


What is a theory? What is a philosophy? Why we should all care? Academic advising interaction
can and do profoundly alter individual lives. It’s important for us to reflect on what we think we know
and to recognize how we come to that understand. Philosophy and theory provide a foundations for the
ways we carry out any particular interaction, can improve collaboration and can enhanced outcomes.
Privileged to have the opportunity to interact with students inways that help them grow, learn and
achieve their goals. Philosophy influence how one sees the world. A critical and systematic way of
thinking about current beliefs and practice adds intentionally and deliberation to our work.


All I can say about this topic is, I realize that the end of this topic we can find a solution that can help
us specially to understand our student and it help us to enhace and improved our teaching strategies or
we will know what can we do else not only our stock knowledge. This is our responsibility to teach
student’s in a right way.


As a student, I will use my voice to empower inclusivity in the school campus and even in the outside
of the campus. We all know that we have different imperfections and weaknesses that we need to
conquer and embrace. Because our flaws are proofs that we are living and making us a strong person. In
diversity there is always a beauty, in the way we are individualy unique and useful. Because this is the
gift given by our creator.


Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress no matter how slow”. Plato the
philosophical and theoretical provides guidelines that is essential to inclusive and special education .I’ve
learned that it has a collaboration that aims high standards of education along with strategies in special
education. As a student, I will explore more and learn something new in my subjects.share what I’ve
learn because it really helps someone specially the struggles in online class.


As time passes by the educational system for the student with disabilities and special needs are
improving and become even more benefeciaries and really aim to protects give the child the rights not
just a proper education but also a rights to be treated fairly by the society it has four model services for
disability that charity model which functioned as detention centers . biocentric model which regards
disability as a medical or genetic condition and promted to seak medical treatment, the functional
model and the human rights model which really aims equality for all of the people most specially with
people with disabilities. Maxing or developing a comprehensive of inclusive special education is a good
idea to start with as this only shows that they are not disregarding the studens with special needs.
Educational system should be fair and equal not just with normal students but also people with special
need . every child has the right to have a proper education in a proper school settings or environment
regardless of age gender, sexuality or even disabilities. Students with disabilities should never indeir to
be educated in the regular classroom together with hes peers without disabilities. The mission of
inclusive special education is to ensure that all children with special education needs and disabilities are
effectively educated in the mainstream or special facilities with this obnly shows that they want a good
future a head for every students with special educational needs and disabilities and also with this
concept, equality is present, it will help children with students educational needs and disabilities to gain
confidence and interact with other children.


All children are capable of learning. Every child works and leans he’s or her on pace, and with
consistent support, a child can reach hi’s or her full is the same or those children with
disabilities. I think the children with disabilities should be able to fully participate int the same adopted
activities as typically developing children. Every child regardless of their ability should be able to
participate and various and diverse learning. Opportunities in the lease restricted environment .every
child with or without disabilities can benefit from a inclusive education.children with disabilities will
educated with their peers without disabilities, they also can learn about their co-peers who act a little
differently like them and they do .


When we say charity model a this position to show kindness or compation, charity stresses
benevolence and good will shown in broad understanding and tolerance of model is in
effect a descriptor of organized helping. Usaually a model has an author or set of authors and has an
entended purpose ,an governce or guides how you do something. I am not aware of anyone who
authored the charity term it represence our attempt to put meaning to what the charitable
sector does and why?my sense is that the charity model is about our desire to capture and understand
how the organize expression of love or kindness is implemented trough institutions and systems .


Learning inclusive education is essential for us as individual sspecially for those with disabilities. In
that way, we are able to share our learnings to other people fo those who’s still not aware about this
inclusive education. It is also important to know the important the philosophy and theories about this
lesson for us to be aware of it. If ever someday I have a students a different cases I hamble tell other
students for those does not have disability that they are all still treated as equal. As a future educator,
they must need guidance and protection for those students who has disabilities. I also learned that all
children needs to provide better opportuinities for learning and they have the right in education.


Inclusive special education this refers to the involvement of all students regardless of their physical
status this is done usually to schools with no special rooms or class for student special educational
needs with disabilities condition in this way the teacher should adopt or use various teaching methods
just to teach them fairly and balance when it comes to earning education.

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