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 introducing the paragraph,

 stating why the topic is important,
 stating that there is a difference of opinion about the topic,
 mentioning the thesis statement.


 Topic sentence
 Supporting detail X 2
 Concluding sentence


 Restatement of the thesis

 Summary of the body paragraphs
 Final comment

Is social media harmful for children?

Social media plays an important role in today’s world. People from all ages spend a
considerable amount of time using social media sites. Social media is used as a
source of news, entertainment and gossip. Many people use social media regularly
and the use of social media is increasing especially among children. Some argue that
using social media is beneficial for children while others claim that it harms children. I
personally believe that social media is harmful for children because it might lead to
health problems and it contains inappropriate content.

First of all, social media is harmful for children because it might lead to a variety of
health problems. Many children who use social media spend a lot of time in front of a
screen and this causes severe eye problems in children. What is more, children who
use social media regularly tend to be inactive. They do not go out a lot and they stay
away from physical activities that keep them fit. As a result, they develop problems
such as obesity. Therefore, social media is harmful for children.

Secondly, social media is harmful for children because it contains a lot of

inappropriate images and texts. People share all sorts of images and texts on social
media. These images or texts may contain nudity or rude language. Children who are
exposed to such kinds of content may be negatively affected by this. When children
are exposed to language that they should hear or see this might distort their
manners. As a result, social media has a negative impact on children.

In conclusion, whether social media is harmful for children or not is a controversial

issue. There are different opinions on this issue. However, I believe that social media
is very harmful for children because it might damage their health and it might expose
them to inappropriate images or materials. In order to prevent such problems, it is
important to limit the time children spend on social media.

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