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GB Instruction Manual
and Installation

Important information /3&2 /. %*20/2",
"$+"(*.( /' .&6 "00,*".$&                        
,% "00,*".$&                                    
/3&2 /. 2"'&37 ".% 6"1.*.(2                             
Your new washer / .5*1/.-&.3", 01/3&$3*/.99./3&2 /. 2"5*.(                 
dryer &33*.( 3/ +./6 3)& "00,*".$&                            
)& 01/(1"--& 2&,&$3/1993)& 01/(1"--&2                  
)& %17*.( 3*-& 2&,&$3/1  )& 23"13 #433/.                   
%%*3*/.", '4.$3*/.2
 0*. 20&&% 81& !"2)                         
840&1 !"2) 8&%4$&% *-& 8*()&1 !"3&1 &5&,  
8*.2& /,% 83"13 *. /412                        
)& 2/"0 %*20&.2&1                                     
Notes on detergent &3&1(&.3                                              

and preparing the 1&0"1*.( 3)& ,"4.%17 '/1 6"2)*.(

laundry /13*.( 3)& ,"4.%17                                
1"$3*$", )*.32                                    
&-/5*.( 23"*.2                                  
1&0"1*.( 3)& ,"4.%17 '/1 %17*.(                           
First operation *123 6"2)                                               
How to wash 0&.*.( 3)& 0/13)/,&9,/"%*.( 3)& -"$)*.&                  
&33*.( 6"2) 01/(1"--&9                                 
3"13*.( 01/(1"--&                                     

.%*.( 01/(1"--&2 6*3) 1*.2& )/,%                       

1/(1"--& &.%9926*3$)*.( "00,*".$& /''                   

Special /"+*.(                                                

programmes 3"1$)*.(                                               

,4'' 1&-/5",                                            

%%*3*/.", 1*.2*.(                                        



)".(*.( " 01/(1"--&                                 

Cleaning / ,&".*.( 3)& "00,*".$&                                  

Maintenance &2$",*.( 3)& "00,*".$&                                 

,&".*.( 3)& %14-                                       

!"3&1 *.,&3 )/2&                                         

1/23 01/3&$3*/.                                         

,&".*.( 3)& 2/"0 %*20&.2&1                             

,&".*.( 3)& 04-0                                      

,&".*.( 6"3&1 *.,&3 '*,3&12                                

Malfunctions &$3*'7*.( -*./1 -",'4.$3*/.2 7/412&,'                     

423/-&1 2&15*$&                                       

Consumption data 

Notes on disposal Notes on safety and warnings

"#, &"#' &-, -" +%/'- , -2
Packaging of new appliance +*.#+&'-,
! #,)(, ( )$!#'! &-+#% )+()+%2 Before starting operation please note:
$!#'! &-+#% #, '(-  -(2 (+ !  -" '%(, (.&'-, + .%%2
"#%+' "2 ('-#' #&)(+-'- #' (+&-#(' (+
%% )$!#'! &-+#% ., #, #',-%%-#(' ., ' , -2 ( -"
'/#+('&'-%%2 +#'%2 ' +3.,% ))%#'
" +(+ (1, (',#,- (  -(  ! ) -" (.&'-, #'  ,  )% ,(
+2% ))+
-"- %-+ (0'+, ' ., -"&
((' )%%-, "/ '(- ' -+-
"&#%%2 ! ',-%% -" ))%#' , ,+# #' -"
" )%,-# 0+))#'!, + ( )(%2-"'  #',-%%-#(' #',-+.-#(', &(/ ' $)
-" -), + ( )(%2)+()2%'  ' -" -+',#- (%-,
3 + )$#'! #, ( (& )(%2,-2+' ! ( '(- (''- -" ))%#' # #- ",
 ", &-+#%, + %% ).+ /#,#% &!  #' (.- (',.%-
"2+(+(' (&)(.', ' '  .,-(&+ ,+/# (+ %+
When washing and drying please note:
)+(,,#'! ' +3.,#'! &-+#%, ,/,
+0 &-+#%, ' +., 0,-
! "#, ))%#' #, ('%2 ,.#-% (+
(&,-# ).+)(,,
Old appliance  ( '(- +(&&' (''-#'! 2(.+
! $ -" (% ))%#' .'.,% .%% -" 0,"#'! &"#' -( ' +-# ##% 0-+
&#', )%.! (.- .- ( -" (''-#'! ,( -'#'! .'#-
% ' +&(/ #- -(!-"+ 0#-" -" ! ( '(- %/ "#%+' .',.)+/#, 0#-"
&#', )%.! -" ))%#'
,-+(2 -" ((+ %($ ,( -"- "#%+'
''(- %($ -"&,%/, #' -"., ).--#'! ! ) )-, 02 +(& -" ))%#'
-"&,%/, #' '!+ ! .-#(' 0"' ).&)#'! (.- "(- 0-+
" (% ))%#' ('-#', /%.% &-+#%, After programme end please note:
0"#" ,"(.%  +)+(,, %, ,,#,- ! ( '(- +" #'-( -" +.& 0"#% #- #, ,-#%%
0#-" '/#+('&'-%%2 +#'%2 #,)(,% (+ +/(%/#'!
+., ! -+ )+(!+&& ' ,0#-" -" ))%#'
(. ' (-#' +,,, (+ #,)(,% ( (%
))%#', +(& 2(.+ %(% (.'#%
' -"#, &''+ 2(. ' &$ 2(.+ ! .+' ( -" 0-+ ,.))%2
('-+#.-#(' -( '/#+('&'-3 +#'%2 #,)(,% To protect the appliance please note:
' +2%#'! ! ( '(- %#& ('-( -" ))%#'
! ( '(- %' (' -" (.-+ ((+ (+ (/+#'!
During transport please note:
! --" -+',#- (%-,
! .-#(' 0"' -+',)(+-#'! -" ))%#'
( '(- ., )+(-+.#'! (&)(''-, -( %# -
-" ))%#'

protection / notes on saving
 #%)* %$%# " $ $, (%$#$*0
( $"/ -/ % -) $ $ (/ $ ) *%
+) * #. #+# # $ "% %( 
+$* %$
%( -) $
%**%$)  %"%+()
)/0( $ -%%"  !
%( (/ $
%**%$)  %"%+() 
)/0(  !
How to save energy:
) %$%#/ -) &(%(##) #%(
('+$*"/ %( * ) &+(&%) )"*  "%-(
*#&(*+( )+ ) %( .#&" °
$)* %  ° %( %**%$)  %"%+() %(
 %( ° %( )/0( $)* %  °
%""%- / &()) $ * +&( )
 +&( ) &(%(##) - "
 , $ "$ $ ()+"*) ** (
%#&(" - *  *%) %  &(%(##
+) $   ( *#&(*+( +* " )  "%$(
-) /" $ )+)*$* ""/ (+
$(/ %$)+#&* %$
How to save water, energy, and
% $%* ( ) " *"/ *% $%(#""/ )% "
-) $
How to save detergent:
)+( *($* '+$* * ) %( $ *%
-*( ($)) ( % )% " $ $
#%+$* % "+$(/ $ %""%- $)*(+* %$)
%$ * *($* &!

Getting to know the appliance
- . #(1.$,1$0

 (,2$, ,"$ ""$11 . ,$*

62 02 !322-, . &$   ,2(0$ 1$ .0-&0 ++$ 1$/3$,"$

##(2(-, * %3,"2(-,1 . &$   (,#(" 2-0
05(,& 2(+$ 1$*$"2-0 . &$   05(,& (+$ "-,20-* *(&'2  (**3+(, 8
2$1 4'$, #05(,& 2(+$ ' 1 !$$, 1$2
0-&0 ++$ 1$*$"2-0 2- 1$2 .0-&0 ++$
,# 2$+.$0 230$ . &$ 
 2 02 (, -301  $ #5 (, (,
(,#(" 2-0
,#(" 2-0 %-0 1$*$"2$# .0-&0 ++$

05(,& .0-&0 ++$ 1$/3$,"$
-,20-* *(&'21
(,#(" 2-0
 .$0 2(,& "-,20-* *(&'2 4(** !$ -,
4'$, + "'(,$ (1 14(2"'$# -,

 1'(,& .0-&0 ++$ 1$/3$,"$

(,#(" 2-0
 ,# "-,20-* *(&'2  (**3+(, 2$1 4'(*$
2'$ .-02'-*$ (1 *-")$#
-,20-* *(&'2 %-0 ##(2(-, * %3,"2(-,1

The programme selector / the programmes
" ()'!)%%* ) *+ ,*#&! +" ()'3
!)%% *$+') ."#" &  +,)& #& '+"
" ()'!)%% *$+') %,*+ &'+  *+ +'
#&+)%#+ ('*#+#'&* +.& +" #&#+
()'!)%%* 0 *$+#&!  ()'!)%% +"
,&#+ #* *.#+" '& ,+'%+#$$0 " &
'&+)'$ $#!"+ #$$,%#&+*
" '$$'.#&! *# .*"#&! )0#&! & *(3
#$ ()'!)%%* ) -#$$ ')  -)#+0 '
Wash programmes Dry programmes
– Cottons / Coloureds 90, 60, 40, 30 °C – Programme 1 Cottons / Coloureds
') .*"$ '++'& & $#&& #+%* ."#+ & '$',) '++'&* & $#&&*
– Easy-care 60, 50, 40, 30 °C – Programme 2 Easy-care
') *03) '++'& *0&+"+# & %#/ *03) )#(3)0 $,&)0 *," * *0&3
#) #+%* ',+) !)%&+* +"+#* & )# $&* * .$$ * '++'&
 $'. +%()+,)* ) '&*#*+&+$0 *$3 .#+" )#(3)0 #&#*" ! -#*'* )0'&
+ #+ #* -#*$ +' '  2° ()'3 ,()%%'&#,% )0'& %')0$# #)
!)%% )'% +#% +' +#% #& ')) +' ()3 & ('$0*+)
-&+ +)!&+ ,%,$+#'& – Programme 3 Acrylics
– Woollens 40, 30, 15 °C $#+ ()'!)%% ') /+)%$0 +%(3
') "&3.*"$ & %"#&3.*"3 )+,)3*&*#+#- *03) )#(3)0 $,&3
$ .''$ & .''$ %#/+,) #+%* )0 % )'% *0&+"+#* & )#
Special programmes $&* * .$$ * !)%&+* .#+" '%
– Programme 9 Pumping out ()#&+* ! ('$0)0$+ ('$0%# $3
' (,%( ',+ )#&*#&! .+)  +) 1#&* *+'%) #)* & ++
'$ *++#&! .* ,* * (!
 X (Cancelation)
– Programme 8 Starching $$'.* 0', +' &$  ()'!)%% ."#" .*
') '++'& & $#&& #+%* *$+ #&'))+$0 * (!

* (!

– Programme 7 Fluff removal
* (!

Spin programmes
') *(#&&#&! #&#-#,$ $,&)0 #+%*
– Programme 4 Extra spin
') '++'&*  '$',)*
– Programme 5 Delicate spin
') *03) )#*
– Programme 6 Short spin
') .''$

The drying time selector / The start button
“Drying Time” selector
"    ! 
1 2 3



”Start” button







Additional functions
 ' +' $&#&!!' & '"
#& "#&! - (# ( - '#  #!'( )"&-
(#" )"(#"' #& '$ &%)&!"('
"  ' ( - $&''" ( &'$(*
)"(#" )((#"'  ''#( #"(&#
(' +  )!"(
# "#( $&'' "- # ( )((#"' +   $&#.
&!! ' " $&#&'' )' (' +#) 
)' ( $&#&!! -  (# '(#$ " &.
'(&( !!( - &#! ( """ " (
' # &-" $&#&!!' $&''"  )(.
(#" )&" ( $&#&!! -  +#)  &'(&(
( &-" -  &') (" " " ,("'#" #
&-" (! ' #)  )' #*&&-" #
 (Spin speed) button
( )"&- #) " )' (  $" '$ )((#" (#
 *&#)' (#" )"(#"' !-  )' ' ( #" # (+# *   '$" '$'
" #!"(#" ' '$' $" #" ( (-$ # +'&
" ' ( ( (#" )"(#"' &. " )' " #" ( )&&"( - ' ( $&#.
!" (* *" (& ( )"( ' " &!! ' (   #+
'+( # " #" " " +'"  ( (!' -#) " ' (
( "(  (#" # ( #+& '$" '$ (#
$&#(( -#)& )"&-
Energy conservation:
 ( )"&- ' (#  & " ( )"( ( '
*'  (# )' ( & '$" '$ '(.
(" )' )"&- &#! +  !,!)!
!#)"( # +(& ' " ,(&( &%)&'
'""( - '' "&- " (! #& !.

Spin speeds in RPM

)((#" "#( )((#"
$&'' $&''
# #)&'  
,(& '$"
 ( '$"  
#&( '$"

Additional functions
“Pre Wash” button 2351&0 -386*-30) 0&82)5< '< 45*66.2, 7-*
35 -*&9.0< 63.0*) 0&82)5< :.7- 67&.26 &2) +35 =!84*5 $&6- &2) 7-* = *)8(*) ".1* 453?
:35/:*&5 39*5&006 ,5&11* '877326 '*+35* 67&57.2, 7-* :&6-
87  (84 3+ 7-* )*7*5,*27 .2 (-&1'*5  314&5*) :.7- & 2351&0 :&6- 7.1* & 6&9.2,
0*&6* 237* 3+ &4453;
1.287*6 (&2 '* &(-.*9*)
"-* $300*26 453,5&11* -&6 23 45*:&6-
“Higher Water Level“ button
(<(0* 73 45*9*27 )&1&,* 73 7-* +.'5*6
5*66.2, 7-.6 '87732 &(7.9&7*6 7-* +3003:.2,
“Super Wash” button +82(7.326
$-*2 45*66*) 7-* )85&7.32 3+ 7-* =&.2
$&6- :.00 '* .2(5*&6*) 351&00< 63.0*) 53,5&11*   
0&82)5< (&2 7-*2 '* :&6-*) &7 & 03:*5 7*1?
4*5&785* :.7-387 (314531.6.2, 7-* :&6- 4*5? 377326
+351&2(* +35 *;&140* :-.7* (377326 (&2 '* 3038? $330
82(7.32 5*)6
:&6-*) &7 
>° .267*&) 3+ &7 >° (30385*)
(377326 &7 
>° .267*&) 3+ &7 
>° #6.2, $&7*5 0*9*0 +35
7-* =!84*5 $&6- '87732 (&2 cut energy :&6-.2,
consumption by up to 40% $-*2 & =5* .2(5*&6*)
$&6- .6 &063 6*0*(7*) (30) :&7*5 :.00 '*
86*) +35 7-.6 $&7*5 0*9*0 +35
"-* =!84*5 $&6- '87732 1&< &063 '* 86*)
+35 -*&9.0< 63.0*) 0&82)5< "-.6 :.00 '* :&6-*)
135* .27*26.9*0< 86.2, 7-* 868&0 453,5&11* )).7.32&0
&2) 7*14*5&785* '87 :.00 7&/* &4453;
5.26* (<(0*
1.287*6 032,*5
!4.2 (<(0*
”Reduced Time” button &+7*5 45*?
00 453,5&11*6 (&2 '* 6-357*2*) '< 45*66? :&6- 31.77*)
.2, 7-* = *)8(*) ".1* '87732 .26* 64.2
$-*2 7-.6 '87732 .6 45*66*) &00 453,5&11* 31.77*)
(<(0*6 :&6-.2, 5.26.2, 64.22.2, :.00 7-*
6-357*2*) "-* 737&0 0*2,7- 3+ 7-* 453,5&11* *270* :&6-
:.00 '* 5*)8(*) '< 8 73  6** 453,5&11* 27.5*&6*
(-&57 ++
"-* 6-357*2*) 453,5&11*6 &5* 4&57.(80&50<
68.7&'0* +35 61&00 03&)6 3+ 0.,-70< 63.0*) 0&82? 3:*5 )5<.2,
)5< *, ,8*67 73:*06 (037-*6 :352 +35 & 7*14*5&785*
6-357 7.1* *7( 6 & ,*2*5&0 580* 7-*6* 453? :-*2
,5&11*6 6-380) '* 582 :.7-387 45*:&6-
“Super Wash” + “Reduced Time”
%38 )3 237 -&9* 73 45*66 7-.6 '87732 .+ <38
Programmes for lightly soiled laundry -&9* 6*0*(7*) 7-* 1&(-.2* :&6-&'0* :330
".1* (&2 '* 6&9*) :-*2 :&6-.2, 0.,-70< 73 453,5&11* "-.6 453,5&11* :&6-*6 &2)
2351&00< 63.0*) 0&82)5< :.7-387 67&.26 .* 5.26*6 &8731&7.(&00< :.7- .,- $&7*5 *9*06

Additional functions
”Rinse Hold” button “Start in Hours” button
$  " &#! ($ &# ($! $+ $ ( ( # "#!# # ( $ # 
!( " $ $##( # #    !+ $!"

! ! &#! ($ &# # # !  !"" # #!#  $!" $##
#  !"  " ( # "   $! "
 Button not pressed: "&  # " (
 $!( " " $ $##( # #  # # $## " !"" # "#!#
  # !! # ( " '# (  #
 Button pressed: !
 $!( !"  #  !" !"  # #!#  $!" $## & $#
 # $!  $!" ( & # !+
! " #  ( " " (
" # #" ## )#!#  $!"
"  "#
 # "# # "  " # !+
! & 

The time delay setting can be changed:

 # #!#  $!" $## & $#
# $!  $!" ( & # !+
! " #  ( " " (

Switching off the time delay:

!""   # #!#  $!" $##
$# # " ( " % (
   # ( #! '#+
! !""  # $## 
$"" $# !  $ &!

Opening the door while a time delay is set:

 !     **#  !

To cancel the time delay

!"" # )#!# $##

The soap dispenser
$ # " ""! $# " ! "
 #!# ! #! 
!  ! 
Chamber I
#!# ! !&" "
Chamber II
#!# !  &"
"#! #
Chamber( #%" ! "# !" 
! #!

 "!#  !   % # "$#

# %!$" #'"  $#"  #!#
 '$ $" # ! $#! #!#"
 #!# #!#
$ # "!# !&!
 !!&  # "!# #" #

 '$ $" %# #!#

$" # "!# $' # # !!
 !!&  # "!# #" #

 '$ $"  $ #!#

$ # "!# " ! " "" !&!
 !"" # &
 !!&  # "!# #" #
 "  # "!# """#" &# " 
 $ #!#

# # # ' "#!# #$! $" 

" #! !  $ #!# 
 #  # !$ &# # &" "

+1 * 1/! (( /0* . ,+3 !. * (%-1% !#.!!/ +" /+%(%*# * !4),(!/
!0!.#!*0/ 3$%$ .! /1%0(! "+. 10+)0% (%#$0(5 /+%(!
3/$%*# )$%*!/ + 01( /+%(%*# +. /0%*/ 2%/%(! (+0$!/
! !2!. 1/! /+(2!*06/! (!*%*# #!*0/ )5 3!(( $2! /+.! + 5 + +1.
%* "1((5 10+)0% 3/$%*# )$%*!/  ((%#$0 /1))!. +. /,+.0/ (+0$%*# 0$0
%/' +" /!2!.! )#! $/ +*(5 ! 3+.* "+.  "!3 $+1./
! + *+0 1/! 3/$%*# ,!."+.)*! !*$*6  6/$%.0/ /$%.0/ (+1/!/ 0$0 $2! !!*
!. /,.5/ +*0%*%*# /+(2!*0/ +. %.0 * 3+.* "+. 1, 0+ +*! 5
/0%* .!)+2!./ *!. 0$! )$%*! $!  ! (%*!* #1!/0 0+3!(/ 0$0 $2! !!*
/,.5 +1( )#! 0$! )$%*! 1/! "+. +*! *%#$0
! 0+.! !0!.#!*0/ *  %0%2!/ +10 +" 0$! *+.)((5 /+%(!
.!$ +" $%( .!* %/%(! /+%(%*# *
+.  "!3 /)(( /0%*/
 6/$%.0/ /$%.0/ (+1/!/ 0$0 $2! !!*
Detergent quantity /+'! %* ,!./,%.0%+* +. 3+.* /!2!.(
*(5 +..!0 +/#! ,.+ 1!/ #++ 3/$%*# 0%)!/
.!/1(0/ +((+3 %*/0.10%+*/ +* 0$! !0!.#!*0  1* !.3!. 0$0 $/ !!* 3+.* "+. +*!
,'#%*# 5
%0$ (%-1% !0!.#!*0/ 1/! 0$! (%-1% %*/!.0 %*  0! 0+3!(/ $* 0+3!(/ ! (%*!* 0$0
0$! /+, %/,!*/!. . 1/! +/#! % / ! # $2! !!* 1/! "+. 1, 0+ +*! 3!!'
+/#! ((/ +. #/ 3$%$ .! ,.+2% ! 3%0$  1.0%*/ *+0 %/+(+1.! 5 *%+0%*!
0$! !0!.#!*0 0$0 $2! !!* $*#%*# "+. 1, 0+
$! !0!.#!*0 -1*0%05 !,!* / +* )+*0$/
0$! 30!. $. *!// $!2%(5 /+%(!
0$! !#.!! +" /+%(%*# %/%(! /+%(%*# *
+. /0%*/
0$! )+1*0 +" 3/$%*#  '%0$!* 0+3!(/ 0$0 $2! !!* 1/! "+.
1, 0+ +*! 3!!'
0$! +/#! %*"+.)0%+* "+. 0$! .!/,!0%2!
 (+0$ /!.2%!00!/
 %!/ %/
$! !0!.#!*0 -1*0%0%!/ %* %0! +* 0$!
 $%( .!*/ +10!. (+0$%*# 0$0 $/ !!*
,'!0/ .!"!. 0+ "1(( )$%*! (+ /
/0%*! 5 #.// +. /+%(
%0$ (!// (1* .5 +. %" 0$! (1* .5 %/ +*(5
 "++0(( &!./!5 * /$+.0/ 0$0 $2!
(%#$0(5 /+%(!  .! 1! 0$! -1*0%05 +" !0!.6
!!* /0%*! 5 #.// +. /+%(
 0!**%/ (+0$%*# 3%0$ /0%*/ ".+) ,(5%*#
*/1""%%!*0 !0!.#!*0 3%(( *+0 ! *+0%! 1*0%(
/1."! .! /$ !0 
0$! (1* .5 $/ !!* 3/$! .!,!0! (5 3%0$
 3+.'%*# (+0$!/ 0$0 .! *+.)((5 3/6
0++ (%00(! !0!.#!*0
$! 0 $+)! /1$ / +%(!. /1%0/ +2!.6
$! 3/$%*# !+)!/ #.!5 +. %/ *+0 (!* ((/ !0
.!56.+3* /,+0/ )5 "+.) +* 0$! 3/$6  5,%( /0%*/
/'%* #.!/! ++'%*# +%(/
"0/ #.25 /16
$! $!0%*# !(!)!*0/ )5 ! +2!.! %* !/ )%*!.( +%( 34!/ +*0%*%*# "0/ +.
(%)! /(! +%(/
4!//%2! !0!.#!*0 1/!/ 0! +""!! .! 3%*! /+"0 ".1%0/ 2!#!0(!/
1**!!//.5 /0.%* +* 0$! !*2%.+*)!*0 .!/,+* 0+ (!$%*# #!*0/
"+.)0%+* +" 0++ )1$ "+) .!/1(0%*# %* (++  !## )%(' /0.$ +*0%*%*# ,.+6
,++. 3/$%*# .!/1(0/ 0!%*/
.+$5 .0!/
/++0 /+%( /* ,%#)!*0/

Hints Soaking agents
Liquid detergents and start time delay '& %!   &  &! $ I ! & %!"
&$&  !'$%% "  %" %$ & soak "$!$ %
& & + %&! '%  !% ! - "

& $ !$ #' &$ &%    !&$- Fabric conditioners
)% & #' &$ & ) $' %!)+ !'& ! '& $ ! &! $  &! $  !
& %!" %" %$   !   &% "- !& * ,* $  !$ & ! &! $
" % $"&+ &$ & "!%&%  ) $'  &! &   &!&$ )& &
'% !%    %&+ % &$ & & & %&$& ! & "$!$ !
 !% ! & $ !'& ! & $' & & "$( & ! ! & !($!) '& &
  ! & "$!$ ! &! $ )& )&$ !$ "'&&  &  &!
Water softeners & $ (! !$&! ! '"%
" )&$ %!&    &% $ ( Starching
!$ $ )&$ $% !!)  %&$'&! % !$ !'$  &! $ II ! & %!" %" %$
'% ! & " )+% "'& & &$- & starching "$!$ % "

 &  &! & $ $%& & & %!& $ Bleaching agents
 &! & % $  &$ & % & ! !& '% & #'   &%  
'&% !$  &+ !)($ "$!(
& !$$& !' & ! &$ & % '% &$
% !$+ !  &! '%  %"$& )&$
%!&    &

Preparing the laundry

Sorting the laundry Practical tips
%(* * "+$(/ %($ *% * ( #%, %($ #*(" $ #*" %1
)/#%") %$ * "") *)  )*/ &$) &&( "&) (%#
! %%""$ %( (1-%%" !$*-( #+)*  * "+$(/
$* -* * )/#%" %( """ (+) )$ %+* % &%!*) +) $ *+($1
-* %) $%* "* $%$1"*$ #1 +&)
$1-)" %*(-) *( )  ()!
"%) 0&) $ +,* %,()
% "*$ #%, +(*$ (+$$() %( * *# $ 
$"/ *#) #(! -* * %""%-$ ( "+$(/ $* %(  
)/#%") ( )+*" %( -)$ $ * #1 (*+"("/ (" *#)  **) $
$ +(*$) $ )#"" *#)  )#"" )%!)
$ $!() )%+"  -) $ 

%**%$) "+$(/ $* %(  &""%-)

%"%+() +($ *(%+)() $ !$** *#) $"+$
*#) )+ ) !$*-( $ +$(-(
)/1( 1)(*) $ )-*)(*) $) %+*
! )+( ** -(1+& () ( #$1
"*) -)"
! (1+& () )%+"  -) $  &"1
$1-)" $ #$1-)" "%-) ) * -( #/ -%(! *) -/ %+*
-%%""$) % * +& "" *(%+ * %") $ *
(+# $ +) # *% * #$
Removing stains
+$(/ - ) #(! -* * %""%-$  &%))" )*$) )%+"  (#%, ##1
( )/#%") #+)* $%*  -) $ * #1 *"/ %( */ , *# *% )* %( ")
$ */ )%+" * ")*  &(*(* (/ *% (1
#%, * )*$ ()* -* )%& $ -*( 1
% $%* -)
$ * #*(" (*( *$ (+$
%(* * * "+$(/ / %"%+( %( )*+%($ (1$ )*$) #/ )%#*1
) -* $ %"%+( *#) )&(*"/ #) ('+( ),(" -)) %( */ $
%*(-) -* -)$ *+($) (/  (#%, %#&"*"/
! % $%* -) $- %"%+( *#) *%*(
-* %*( -)$ )! % )%"%+(*%$
%(* * "+$(/ -* + %$)(*%$ %(
#.#+# "%) % $%* %,("% * -)1
$ #$ ) *) ") *% &%%( -)1
$ ()+"*)
.#+# "%)
Cottons / coloureds 5 kg
Easy-care, delicates, wool 2 kg

Preparing the laundry
Sorting the laundry Practical tips
'*, ,! $-&*1 '*"& ,' ,! * &$1 -+ ,! *1"& "$",1 '* $-&*1
+1%'$+ '& ,! $$+ /!"! !+ & /+! *"&+ & +(-&
+ ,! -&", ,' %!"&3*1 '&$1 $-&*1 ,!, +13* $-&*1 +!'-$ !. & +(-&
"+ $$$ *1*3+ '* ,!, "+ "&,"" 1 , ,! *$.&, +( + (*' *%%
,! '$$'/"& * +1%'$+ !*, '* "& ,-%$ *"
'* +, *+-$,+ +'*, ,! /+!"& '*3
2 *1 , &'*%$ ,%(*,-* "& ,' "* ,1( & +"* $.$ ' *13
# $", $-&*1 '-, ' ,! %!"&
*1 , $'/ ,%(*,-*
/!"$+, ", "+ +,"$$ +$" !,$1 %( , ", *"$1
&,$ *1"&  *1 '-, "& ,! "* + '.**1"& "& ,!
! Do not ,-%$ *1 ,! '$$'/"& *%&,+ ,-%$ *1* %1 -+ *+"& 
"& ,!"+ %!"& , "+ &', &++*1 ,' "*'& ,! $-&*1
 -&*1 ,!, "+ "&,"" /",! ,! '$$'/"& "%%",$1 ,* *1"&   *'%%&
* +1%'$ ,!, '* "*'&"& ",%+ * '$ '*
*'$$ -( +' ,!, *+"-$ %'"+,-* &
' &', *1 "&  ,-%$ *1* +(* .&$1 ,!*'- ! ,! $-&*1
 ''$$&+ '* &1 *"+ '&,"&"& /''$
They may shrink or felt
 $", *"+ +"$# +1&,!," -*,"&+
They may crease
 *%&,+ '&,"&"& '% *-* '* +"%"3
$* %,*"$+
 *%&,+ /!"! !. & ,*, /",!
"&$%%$ +'$.&,+ +,"& *%'.* ,
They may cause an explosion
 *%&,+ /!"! !. ,*+ ' !"*+(*1
''*&, +(*1 '& ,!% Gases may
 *1 /, $-&*1 Waste of energy
!& +'*,"& ,! $-&*1 #( ,! %0"3
%-% %!"& $' "& %"& ' &', '.*3
$' ,! /+!**1*
0"%-% $-&*1 $'+
Cottons / coloureds 2.5 kg
Easy-care 2 kg
Energy conservation:
, "+ ."+$ ,' /+! ',,'&+  '$'-*+
$/1+ "& -$$ %!"& $'+ 
#  +-+3
)-&,$1 %#"& +%$$* $'+ '* *1"& 

First operation
First wash (no laundry in the
 $%& )% %!'  $$ !'& )&!'&
 + ' $+  &   &! $!( $%-
' )&$ & $! &%&  &    &
  && & &$ %& !&% (  $-
!( $! &  ! & ' & %  -
%&&!  %&$'&! %
 " & )&$ &"
 ' & %!" %" %$ !'& % $ % "!%-
 '&   %'$  '" ! !$ &$-
 &  $ II ! !& '%  &$-
 & !$ &$ & !$ )!! % % &%
"$!' *%%( !

 & & "$!$ %&!$ &! & $-
#'$ "$!$  Cottons /
Coloureds 60 °C
 $%% & ,&$&, '&&!
  & "$!$ %   %& &
"$!$ %&!$ &! & "!%&! 

Opening the porthole / loading the machine
Opening the porthole
& % !   % ! #% 

Loading the machine

! %$ ( '  !#%#% (% $ +
'%+$  %$  $% #+
 '#$ !%# & %# &$%   (
% #*  % !  # ($ Risk of
!  #   %  $&# %% 
 # %%# # !%$ #  % #&
  % &#*  $*  &  
% #& ) #  $ %$
$ $#' % )& #&  $
 # % #% ($ !# #$

 $&# %%  %$  &#* # +
 %( %  #  % #&#
  $ % ! #%  * !#$$ % $&% &%
% $ &*

Measuring and filling detergent

$ !$   

Opening the water tap

 (%# %! &$% # ! $ &#
% #* * &$   (%# $

Setting a wash programme
(.+ 0,!++2+ )+(/", 2(. 0"-! -!+
0,!"' &(,
,!"' ('%2
+2"' ('%2
('-"'.(., 0,!"' ' +2"' 2%

Setting a wash programme

- -! )+( +&& ,%-(+ -( -! +*."+
)+( +&&   Cottons / Coloureds
60 °C
!", ,0"-!, -! .'"- (' ! ' %" !-
(. ' ,%- "-"('% .'-"(', -( ()
0"-! ,)"% ,"-.-"(',
! +2"' -"& ,%-(+ &.,-  ,- -( -!
0 )(,"-"('
 ('-"'. 0"-! -+- )  
Setting the drying time programme
- -! )+( +&& ,%-(+ -( -! ,"+
)+( +&&   dry 1 !", ,0"-!, -!
.'"- (' ! ' %" !- "%%.&"'-, ( +3
&"' 2(. -!-  +2"' -"& &.,- ,-"%%  1 2 3
,- -! +2"' -"& ('-+(% %" !- %,!, 4

- -! +2"' -"& ,%-(+ -( -! ,"+

+2"' -"&

 ('-"'. 0"-! -+- )  

Recommended drying times (minutes):

 + ( +2',, - ,!(+-+ +2"' -"&, (+ ,&%%+ %.'+2
%(,-3+2 "+('3&) %(, ( )+/'- (/++2"' ( %.'+2 0!"!
0(.% ., "- -( ,!+"'$ (+ +"'$% /(" ,3

$ (--(', %-"' 1,,"/%2 %(' +2"' -"&, ' "3

(%(.+, -"(' (/++2"' 0(.% (',.& '+ 2 .'3
 $ ,23+ 
(- +& %.'+2 ))+, &(+ &) -(
 $ +2%",

-! -(.! -!' (% %.'+2 !", ' ,"%2
% -( &",#. &'-,

Setting a wash programme
Selecting a continuous washing /
drying programme
 # ( 1-#$(" )..)(-)&)/, - /- '4
2$'/' &)- )!

  . .# *,)",'' - & .), .) .#  -$, 

*,)",''  " Cottons / Coloureds
60 °C #$- -1$.# - .# /($. )( # (
&$"#. $&&/'$(. -
  & . $.$)(& !/(.$)(- - , +/$, 

  . .# ,3$(" .$' - & .), .) .#  -$, 

,3$(" .$' 

 ..$("  ,3$(" .$' /.)'.$&&3 - 

,3$(" *,)",'' .) .# .$0 1-# (
-*$( *,)",''  .%$(" $(.) )/(. .# .3*
)! &/(,3  $(" 1-# 
. .# -.,. )! .# ,3$(" 3&  .# .,. $(
)/,-   3 $( $( $-*&3 $($. - .#
(/' , )! '$(/. - )! ,3$(" .$' , '$($(" $(
.# *,)",'' 3& 
) *,). . .# &/(,3 $( .# - )! 1))& *,)4
",'' - ,,)( )/-&3 - & .$("  ,3$(" .$'
1$&& (). /-  ,3$(" 3& .)    .)
.# 1-# *,)",'' 
# ( 1-#$(" . '* ,./, 4- (-$.$0 !,$-
, -- .# $"# , . ,  0 & /..)(
#$- /- - .# ,3$(" . '* ,./, .) 
&)1 ,  $( .# -34, *,)",'' ,34
$(" )! ,3&$- ( .# (.$, - !/(4
.$)( .)  -1$.#  )!!

$*  -/'',3 )! *,)",'' - ( $4

.$)(& /..)(- (  !)/( $( .# -&). $( .#
-)* $-* (- ,

Starting a programme / Programme sequence

""$!*&+ &)! %! % &$ %& 

& "$!$ & ' & % $+ &! %&$&
 && & !!$ % "$!"$+ !%
 & !!$ % !& %'& "$!"$+  %&+ (
"$( &% &   $! !"$& 

$%% & &$& '&&! 

 ! &$! & ! & $%& "$!$
% & ! & %& "$!$ '-
&%  & "$!$ %#'  %"+
 & % ! $+  "$!$% ! 
& !  !!$ '%% & '$ ! -
'&% ! $+  & $    & "$!-
$ + &!   &  & &$&
 !'$%  +    %"+

– or –

 & %&$& & % &!  +

! & ,&$&  !'$% '&&! !) ' &
& '$ ! !'$% + ) & %&$& %
&!  + % %"+

Changing the programme

% " 

Programme sequence
'$  )%  & &%  & "$!$
%#'  %"+ %!) & "$!$ %&-
&'%   % 

Drying programme sequence

'$  & $+  + &  $+  ! &$!
&  & "$!$ %#'  %"+ '-
 &%  &$&  !'$%  +   
%"+  &% & & $    &
$+  +

Ending the programmes with rinse hold

 # !      $

     #     $

  " "#    


– or –

  #    !   $

     9 8 9 15° 30
6 Specialam. W 4

  "      prog

r oole

Programme end / switching the machine off
End of programme
 #( .&' )#( $# ' )($"( !!-
 ($ ( # $ !! $(($#  $!$)&'
%&$&""' ($ ( '-.& %&$&""'
$%&( # + ($)( (  & (& *!
 ( $#! )#( $# # ($ !! &- # %&$.
$ %&*#( ( $&"( $# $ %&"##(
&'' # ( "% +&" !)#&- ( !$
' ' ( # &)!& #(&*!' $& )% ($ " #.
)(' (& ( # $  %&$&""
  #( .&' $#(&$! ! ( !!)" #('
$ &"$* ( !)#&- %&'' ( (&( )(.
($#  #( .&' -! ' '($%%
 # $#(&$! ! ( !''
# ( '($%' !' # ( %$&($! # 
$%# $ #$( %&'' ( (&( )(($#
)' ( ' +$)! &'(&( ( %&$&""
! "$* #- $& # "((&  %%&
! %' &$" ( &)" # ( &)& '!
Risk of rusting!
(& &- # '(&$#!- ! #( # !)#&- &.
"$* !! !) &$" ( &)& $$& '!
* ( %$&($! '! (!- $%# '$ ((
( " # # &- $)(

Switching the machine off 90

0 ds

 ( ( %&$&"" '!($& ($ ( %$. e

ur ons
' ( $#  # $#(&$! ! ( ,( #) ''
 ( ( &- # ( " '!($& ($ ( 0 %$' .
( $#
 )&# $ ( +(& (%

Special programmes
Soaking Starching
42? 6;: 0:,39 5- :/, 9(3, *525;8 04:5 :/, 5 45: ;9, -()80* *54+0:054,8 ),-58, 9:(8*/A
+8;3 04.
!;: +,:,8.,4: -58 95(104. 04 */(3),8 I. 09952<, 9:(8*/04. (.,4: 04 =(:,8
5225= :/, 3(4;-(*:;8,89 049:8;*:0549 54 5225= :/, 3(4;-(*:;8,89 049:8;*:0549 54
:/, 6(*1(., :/, 6(*1(.,
5:, - :/, 95(104. 9;+9 (8, :5 ), 8,:(0A #,: 685.8(33, 9,2,*:58 :5 8
4,+ -58 :/, 3(04 =(9/ 685.8(33, ( +,A  !8,99 :/, #:(8: );::54
:,8.,4: 9;0:()2, -58 +8;3A:?6, =(9/,89 $/, 04(2 "049, *54:852 20./: 022;304(:,9
3;9: ), ;9,+ "091 5- ,>*,990<, -5(3 04 :/, 685.8(33, 9,7;,4*, +0962(?
-583(:054  &/,4 :/, =(:,8 8;49 04 6;22 :/, 95(6 +09A
 #,: 685.8(33, 9,2,*:58 :5 Easy-care 30 6,49,8 5;: 920./:2? (4+ 65;8 9:(8*/04.
58 40 (.,4: 04 */(3),8 
 !8,99 :/, !8, &(9/ (4+ 0./,8 &(:,8  259, 95(6 +096,49,8
,<,2 );::549 $/, 9:(8*/04. 685.8(33, :(1,9 (6685>
 !8,99 :/, #:(8: );::54 304;:,9 (4+ ,4+9 =0:/ ( 9/58: .,4:2, 9604
 -:,8 (6685>  304;:,9 9,: :/, 685A (:  8 6 3
.8(33, 9,2,*:58 :5 X (4+ =(0: ;4:02 :/, - :/, 2(;4+8? 09 :5 ), 8,35<,+ +806604. =,:
4+ *54:852 20./: 022;304(:,9 58 -2(9/,9 68,99 :/, "049, 52+ );::54 68058 :5 9:(8:04.
5= 9,: 685.8(33, 9,2,*:58 :5 (4+ :/, 9:(8*/04. 685.8(33,
(225= 2(;4+8? :5 95(1 04 9;+9 (9 254. (9 - :/, 2(;4+8? 09 :5 ), +80,+ 04 :/, =(9/,8
+,908,+ 9;)9,7;,4: :5 :/, 9:(8*/04. *?*2, (++ (6685>
! 5:, -:,8 54, 304;:, :/, 25(+04. +558 09  :5   358, 9:(8*/ (4+ 9,2,*: :/, >:8(
;425*1,+ #;+9 3(? ,>0: ;654 56,404. 9604 685.8(33, =0:/ :/, 3(>03;3 9604
96,,+ :5 (::(04 :/, /0./,9: +,.8,, 5- =(:,8 ,>A
To end the soaking programme: :8(*:054
– #,2,*: 9604 685.8(33, 9;0:()2, -58 ?5;8
-()80* $5 (<50+ /,(<? -5(304. */559, ( Fluff removal (after the drying pro-
=(9/ 685.8(33, =0:/ 68,=(9/ (-:,8 :/, gramme)
9604 *?*2, );: do not 6;: (4? +,:,8.,4: (83,4:9 -2;-- (9 ( 8,9;2: 5- 58+04(8? =,(8
04:5 *536(8:3,4:  (4+ :/09 -2;-- *53,9 5-- +;804. :/, +8?04. 685A
– - :/, 2(;4+8? 09 :5 ), =(9/,+ 04 :/, 95(1A *,99 953, 5- =/0*/ 3(? 8,3(04 04 :/,
04. =(:,8 !8,99 :/, 68,=(9/ );::54 :5 3(*/04, !2,(9, 8,35<, (4? -2;-- +,6590:,+
8,:;84 0: :5 0:9 580.04(2 6590:054 9,: :/, 685A 54 :/, 8;)),8 .(91,: 583(22? -2;-- =/0*/
.8(33, 9,2,*:58 :5 :/, +,908,+ 685A 3(? ), 04 :/, 3(*/04, 09 =(9/,+ (=(? +;8A
.8(33, (4+ 9:(8: 0: =0:/5;: (++04. -;8:/,8 04. :/, 4,>: =(9/ 5=,<,8 =, 8,*533,4+
+,:,8.,4: :/(: ?5; 8;4 ( 9,2-A*2,(404. 685.8(33, (-:,8
Starting a wash programme automatically ,<,8? +8?04. 685.8(33, (9 -5225=9
after soaking  ",35<, :/, 2(;4+8? );: +5 45: (++ +,A
'5; *(4 ;:0209, :/, +,2(?,+ 9:(8: :03, -;4*:054 :,8.,4:
:5 ,--,*: :/, (;:53(:0* :,8304(:054 5- :/,  $;84 :/, 685.8(33, 9,2,*:58 :5 7
95(104. *?*2,  !8,99 @#:(8: );::54
 ,6,4+,4: ;654 :/, -()80*9 ),04. =(9A $/, 3(*/04, =022 +5 ( 8049, *?*2, (4+
/,+ */559, ( =(9/ 685.8(33, =0:/ 68,A :/,4 ( 9604 *?*2, :/,8,)? 8,35<04. (4?
=(9/ );: do not -022 (4? +,:,8.,4: 04:5 -2;-- +,6590:,+ 04 :/, 3(*/04,
*/(3),8  5- :/, 95(6 +096,49,8
 %9, :/, #:(8: 04 5;89 );::54 :5 9,: :/,
+,908,+ 95(1 :03,

Special programmes / changing a programme
Additional rinsing Changing the programme sequence
*/ ) !* ) !!&.&*)' ,&)-" 1&.% -+&) &) Interrupting the main wash
.%&- ( %&)" ,"-- 4.,.4 /..*) *) " %" (&) 1-% &-
%"  4&)' &)-"4 &)!& ."- .%" '-. ,&)-" -.*++"! )! !"+")!&)$ *) .%" +,*$,(("
3 '" #*, '' 1-% +,*$,(("- -"'" ."!  **'&)$ !*1) +%-" -.,.- *, .%"
*, ) !!&.&*)' ,&)-" 3 '" ./,) .%" +,*7 -/!- ," +/(+"! */.
$,((" -"'" .*, .* .%&- -3(*' &) .%" Interrupting the final spin
++,*+,&." +,*$,((" 1%&." )! *'*/,"! ,"-- 4.,. /..*) *) " %" #&)' -+&) &-
*..*)- "-37 ," *, 1**' * *0",,&!" .%" -.*++"! 66 .%" +,*$,((" ")!- *, .%" ).&7
(&) 1-% )! +,"'&(&),3 ,&)-" 3 '"- ,"-" 3 '" "$&)- &#  +,*$,((" 1&.%
+,"-- .%" 4.,.4 /..*) -"0",' .&("- /).&' .%" ).&7,"-" 3 '" 1- -"'" ."!
 4&)' &)-"4 '&$%.- /+ )! 1.", ,/)- Changing the drying time
&).* .%" ( %&)" ". .%" !,3&)$ .&(" -"'" .*, .* .%" !"-&,"!
Dyeing /,&)$ .%" !,3&)$ 3 '" !,3&)$ .&(" ) *)'3
*/, 1-%&)$ ( %&)" *##",- *)'3 '&(&."! +*-7 " -%*,.")"! 2.")!&)$ .%" !,3&)$ .&(" &-
-&&'&.&"- #*, !3"&)$ +*--&'" *)'3 #.", "1 -"'" .&*)
'"-" /-" *)'3 ")0&,*)(").''3 #,&")!'3 !3"7
 ". .%" +,*$,((" -"'" .*, .* X
&)$ $").- *''*1 .%" ()/# ./,",",-
 ". .%" +,*$,((" -"'" .*, .* .%" !"-&,"!
&)-.,/ .&*)- *) ++'& .&*) )! -/&.&'&.3 #*,
!,3&)$ +,*$,(("
1-%&)$ ( %&)"-
%","#*," #.", " % !3"&)$ ,/)   6°  ". .%" 4,3&)$ &(" -"'" .*, .* .%" )"1
1-% +,*$,((" 1&.%*/. '/)!,3 /.
85  !,3&)$ .&("
("-/,&)$ /+ *# )*,(' !".",$"). &) %(7  ,"-- .%" .,. /..*)
",  Stopping the drying cycle
! /.&*) /)!,3 1%& % &- 1-%"! &) .%" ,"-- .%" .,. /..*) *) " %&- -.,.- .%"
( %&)" #.",  !3"&)$ +,*$,((" (3 **'&)$7!*1) +%-" %" ,3&)$ )! ).&
!&- *'*/, - !3" !"+*-&.- (3 " '"#. &) ,"-" *).,*' '&$%.- &''/(&)." %" ,"(&)7
.%" ( %&)" &)$ !,3&)$ .&(" &- &)!& ."! -  (&)/."-
) *,!", #*, *.% .%" '/)!,3 )! .%" ( %&)"
Bleaching .* **' !*1) .%" **'&)$7!*1) +%-" -%*/'!
* )*. '" % &) .%&- ( %&)" )*. " &).",,/+."!
Changing a programme
# ) &) *,," . +,*$,((" %- "") -". )!
-.,."! &. &- +*--&'" .* %)$" &- - #*''*1-

 ". .%" +,*$,((" -"'" .*, ++,*2 -"7
*)!- .* X %" )! *).,*' '&$%. &''/(&7
)."- %" -/!- ," )*. +/(+"! */.
 ". .%" +,*$,((" -"'" .*, .* .%" )"1
#.", ++,*2 -" *)!- .%" /)&. &- ,"!3
.* -.,.
 ,"-- .%" 4.,./..*)

Cleaning / Maintenance
Cleaning the machine Frost protection
! ' &', -+ +'$.&,+ '$.&,+ & %  ,  % !& !+ !&  $',!'& / * , * !+ 
'%('&&,+ ' ,  % !& (*'- ('!4 *!+# ' *'+, $$ *+!-$ /,* %-+,  *4
+'&'-+ .('-*+ & %1 -+ & 0($'4 %'. *'% ,  (-%( & ,  !&$, '+ !%4
+!'&+ %!,$1 ,* -+
! ' &', +(*1 ,  % !& /!,  /,* ", Draining the pump:
+  %( '*  +,&* +'$.&,4* &'&4  2$&!& ,  (-%( ( 
+'-*!& $&!& &, ,' $& '-+!& & Draining the water inlet hose:
+!  -*& ' ,  /,* ,(
 , ,  , * '+ '-($!& *'%
Descaling the machine ,  /,* ,( & ($ ,  * & '
+$!& !+ &'*%$$1 &', &++*1 ! ,  ,  '+ !&,'  +-!,$ '&,!&*
'**, %'-&, ' ,*&, + & -+
! +$!& &,+ '&,!& !+ / ! &
 ,!., &1 /+ (*'*%% '* ((*'0
'**' '%('&&,+ ' ,  % !& &  +'&+   *+!-$ /,* /!$$ *!&
-+ !+'$'-*,!'& ' /+ !& *'% ,  +-(($1 '+
 1'- /!+ ,' +$ &1/1 '$$'/ ,   , ,  (*'*%% +$,'* ,' X '* +4
%&-,-**+ !&+,*-,!'&+ '* (($!,!'& '&+ & , & ,' 
 ,, ,  , * '+ '-($!& ,'
Cleaning the drum
,  /,* ,(
-+, -+ 1 %,$ '",+ / ! /*
&', *%'. %-+,  *%'. -+!&   $'4
*!&4* $&!& &, .* -+ +,$
 /+ !& !+ '&+!+,&,$1 **! '-, , $'/
,%(*,-*+ !, !+ .!+$ ,' **1 '-, 
3° 1$ *'% ,!% ,' ,!% !& '** ,' (*4
.&, ,*&, -%-$,!'&
$+ &+-* , , ,  ''* +#, !+ /!(
*1 ,* -+
Water inlet hose
' .'! ,  *!+# ' $# . ,  '+
 # 1  )-$!! (*+'& ,* ((*'0

Cleaning / Maintenance
Cleaning the soap dispenser




Cleaning / Maintenance
Cleaning the suds pump  '# * '#+ % *  )( &)
 '+$' ) *&  #% % '+* * &) " % * $ %
 * '+$' ) #&" / )&$ &( %
 %)(- * '+$' &,(
&!* )+ )  +**&% &( ''( # ' %
* -*( %%&*  '+$' -/
*( -) % ,(/ #+/ *$)
! +* &%  *(%* )&#+* &% $/ 
)# % &* )& #* * &&# &-%  ()*
#% % '(&+(
 $&, ) '%# (&$ * (&%* & *
$ % ) %  & % &( )(-( ,(
+%& * )*%() &# % * '%# )&
** * )#&*) ( &* &( 0&%*#  *
/&+( %) +%(%* * $ # & *
) '%# '()) )# *#/ +'-&( %  $&, %/ &( % &!*) &(  (&+) 1
'+## &+* '&) * #% * %)  & * '+$' *
$+)*  '&)) # *& *+(% * '+$' $'#1
 (- * '+$' &,( " &%
 '# * ) '%# % * *% *
)*%()  )#&*) $+)* %&-  ,(* #

 $&, *  )( &) '+## &+* *

'#+ % #* * -*( (+% &+* %*& *
) '%# '* * &'(* &% ) &*%
) ) %))(/  * '+$' ) #&"
+' *& # *() & -*( $/  ( % )&
,  +"* (/

 &+( ''(&.  # *() -*( %*& *(%*

&$'(*$%* I % (+% * '(&($$ 9
+$' % &+*  ) '(,%*) *(%*
(&$ #&- % +%+) %*& *  )(
)/)*$ * * %.* -)

Cleaning / Maintenance
Cleaning water inlet filters
  -*( !%#* !#*() $+)*  #% ! %&  ) #* '#!() *& ($&, !#*( #% %
-*( &( &%#/ % !%)+!!%* $&+%* & -*( ('#
(+%) !%*& *  $ !% - % *  *' !) &'%
) )*!&% *!/!% $!%&( $#+%*!&%)
  !#*() ( #&* !% *  )(-0*/' &)
&%%*!&%) * *  *' % &% *  (( & * 
$ !%
Cleaning procedure:
 #&) *  -*( *'
 -!* *  +%!* &% * *  '(&($$
)#*&( *&  )!( -) '(&($$
% '()) *  *(* +**&% *( ''(&.

 )&%) )* *  '(&($$ )#*&(
!()* *& X % * % *& *  '&)!*!&%
*( '())+( !% *  )+''#/ &) !)
 &%%* &)

 %)(- &) (&$ *' % (!%) !#*( +%0

 '% *' % %)+( * * * ( !) %&
( (+%%!% -*(
-*( #"
 #&) *  *'

 &%%* &)
 %)(- &) (&$ "

Rectifying minor malfunctions yourself
! !+%-. /* !'!/-%' 0)%/. (0./ *)'4 ! --%! *0/ 4 ,0'%"%! +!-.*). !+%-. 4 0),0'%6
"%! +!-.*))!' (4 -!.0'/ %) *).% !-'! (#! /* /$! ($%)!

Malfunctions Possible causes / remedial measures

Indicator lights not on  '0# %. )*/ *- *)'4 '**.!'4 %).!-/! %) /$! .*&!/
 '*2) "0.!
 '!/-%' +*2!- "%'0-!
Electrical power failure "  +*2!- "%'0-! *0-. *- /$! ($%)! ./*+. 2*-&%)#
!(!-#!)4 -%)%)# %. +*..%'! .!! 5'!)%)# /$! +0(+
 %) *- !- /* ''*2 -!(*1' *" '0) -4
Washing process does not  5/-/ 0//*) )*/ +-!..! 
start  5/-/ %) *0-. .!'!/! 
Detergent not washed out of 5-! .$ )*/ +-!..! 
chamber I
Detergent residues in soap  (+ *- '0(+4 !/!-#!)/
dispenser .! *.#! %)./-0/%*). "*- '%,0% ) *)!)/-/!
-4 .*+ %.+!).!- !"*-! +*0-%)# %) !/!-#!)/ '!)%)#
.!! +#!

 ).!-/ "*- '%,0% !/!-#!)/ +-!..! *2) *1! %).!-/ /*
+*.%/%*) "*- 2.$%)# +*2 !- .!! +#! 
Water not visible when * ('"0)/%*) $! 2/!- %. %) /$! ($%)! !'*2 /$!
washing 1%.%'! '!1!'
Poor washing results !#-!! *" .*%'%)# $%#$!- /$) )*-('
$)#! /4+! ) *.#! *" !/!-#!)/
!'!/ (3%(0( +!-(%..%'! /!(+!-/0-! "*- "-% /4+!
!'!/ (*-! +*2!-"0' 2.$ +-*#-((!
Detergent residues on $%. %. )*/ 0! /* +**- -%).%)# +!-"*-()! *" 4*0- 2.$%)#
laundry ($%)! 0/ %. 0.! 4 !-/%) +$*.+$/!6"-!! !/!-6
#!)/. 2$%$ /!) /* !+*.%/ '%#$/6*'*0-! %).*'0'! .+*/.
*) /$! '0) -4
!(! 4 -4 ) -0.$ *"" *- -!+!/ *(+'!/! -%).%)# %(6
(! %/!'4 *..%'4 $)#! !/!-#!)/
Grey residues on laundry $! )*-(' *.#! *" !/!-#!)/ %. .*(!/%(!. %).0""%%!)/ /*
-!(*1! .*%'%)# 0.! 4 *%)/(!)/. #-!.! ) *%'. )6
-!.! *.#! )!3/ /%(! !(! 4 .!'!/ (3%(0( +!-(%.6
.%'! /!(+!-/0-! "*- "-% /4+!
Grey stains on laundry $!.! ./%). *0' ! 0.! 4 *.(!/%. *- $%- .+-4
!/ 2$%$ (! %)/* *)// 2%/$ /$! '*/$!. !"*-! %/ 2.
+0/ %)/* /$! ($%)! !(! 4 .*(! ./%). ) ! 2.$!
*0/ "/!- .*&%)# %) '%,0% !/!-#!)/

Rectifying minor malfunctions yourself
Foam comes out of the soap $2 2'$ /0.&0 ,,$ 1$+$"2.0 2. 2'$ %% /.1(2(.- 2. 15(2"'
dispenser , "'(-$ .%% %.0 //0.6 
,(-32$1 32 #$11$02 1/..-
.% % !0(" ".-#(2(.-$0 ,(6$# 5(2' +(20$ 5 2$0 (-2. 2'$ 1. /
#(1/$-1$0 #)312 #$2$0&$-2 #.1 &$ %.0 -$62 5 1'
 "'(-$ (1 22 "'$# 2. #.,$12(" 5 2$0 1.%2$-(-& 3-(2
$".--$"2 ".+# 5 2$0 (-+$2 '.1$ 2. #(0$"2 ".+# 5 2$0 , (-1
Foam is visible after last $02 (- #$2$0&$-21 2$-# 2. /0.#3"$ ,.0$ %. , '(1 ' 1 -.
rinse (-%+3$-"$ .- 2'$ 0(-1(-& 0$13+2
Motor noise . , +%3-"2(.- /$0 2(-& -.(1$1 " - .""30 (- 2'$ 12 02(-&
/' 1$ .% 2'$ #0(4$ ,.2.0
Pump noise . , +%3-"2(.- '$ -.(1$1 5'$- 2'$ /3,/ 12 021 -#
813"*1 #07 0$ -.0, +
Vibrations when washing  0 -1(2 !.+21 5$0$ -.2 0$,.4$# .++.5 -.2$1 (- (-12 ++ 2(.-
and spinning (-1203"2(.-1
 $$2 .% , "'(-$ 5$0$ -.2 1$"30$# 5'$- , "'(-$ 5 1
(-12 ++$# $ +(&- , "'(-$ 31(-& 1/(0(2 +$4$+ 1$"30$ %$$2 .%
, "'(-$ "".0#(-& 2. (-12 ++ 2(.- (-1203"2(.-1
The laundry has not been  0&$ (2$,1 .% + 3-#07 ' 4$ !3-"'$# -# 0$ -.2 $4$-+7
spun #(120(!32$# (- 2'$ #03, '$ '(&' 1/$$# %(- + 1/(- (1 12.//$#
32., 2(" ++7 +5 71 ,(6 + 0&$0 and 1, ++$0 (2$,1 .% + 3-9
Extended programme time  3$ 2. $6"$11(4$ %. , 2'$ %. , 0$".&-(2(.- 1712$, ' 1
"2(4 2$# - ##(2(.- + 0(-1$ -# - ##(2(.- + 1/(- 2.
(,/0.4$ 2'$ 0(-1(-& 0$13+2
 % 2'$0$ (1 1$0(.31 (,! + -"$ #30(-& 1/(- 2'$ /0.&0 ,,$
, 7 !$ $62$-#$# #3$ 2. 0$/$ 2$# 0$#(120(!32(.- .% + 3-9
#07 $,$#7 5 1' + 0&$ -# 1, ++ (2$,1 2.&$2'$0 2.
(,/0.4$ ! + -"$
Porthole cannot be opened. 0.&0 ,,$ (1 "300$-2+7 (- -2("0$ 1$ /' 1$
The ”Anti-Crease” light is 0$11 2'$ 82 02 !322.- .-"$
on. %2$0 //0.6 ,(-32$ 2'$ -# ".-20.+ +(&'2 $62(-&3(1'$1
'$ /.02'.+$ " - !$ ./$-$#
Porthole cannot be opened.  (-1$ .+# 1$+$"2$# 1$$ / &$ 
The ”End” light is on  .. ,3"' %. , (- 2'$ , "'(-$ .+32(.-  (2 3-2(+ 2'$
%. , #(1 //$ 01 1$+$"2 /0.&0 ,,$ 9 3,/(-& .32
Porthole cannot be opened. '$ /0.&0 ,,$ ' 1 $-#$# 2'$ /.02'.+$ (1 12(++ +."*$#
The ”End” light is flashing '$ /.02'.+$ " - !$ ./$-$#
 5'$- 2'$ -# +(&'2 (1 .%%
 %2$0 15(2"'(-& .%% 5 (2 //0.6 ,(-32$1
The dryer does not function  . #07(-& /0.&0 ,,$ ' 1 !$$- 1$+$"2$#
 . #07(-& /0.&0 ,,$ .0 2.. 1'.02 #07(-& /0.&0 ,,$
5 1 1$+$"2$#
  2$0 2 / 5 1 -.2 ./$-$#
 3#1 /3,/ (1 !+."*$#

Rectifying minor malfunctions yourself

% "-,20-* *(&'2 (1 %* 1'(,& (, 2'$ .0-&0 ++$ 1$/3$,"$ (,#(" 2-0 -, 2'$ -.$0 2(,& . ,$* -0
*(&'2 (1 (**3+(, 2$# ,# ,3+!$0 ..$ 01 (, 2'$ 72 02 (, -301 $ #6 (, (, #(1.* 6 2'(1 (1
, (,#(" 2(-, -% $(2'$0 #$4( 2(-, %0-+ 2'$ ,-0+ * .0-&0 ++$ 1$/3$,"$ -0 , -.$0 2(-, * + *8
% 6-3 ,-2("$ -,$ -% 2'$ #(1.* 61 *(12$# (, 2'$ %-**-5(,& 6-3 " , 0$"2(%6 2'$ + *%3,"2(-, 6-301$*%

3+!$0 (, 2'$ Possible
P ibl causes /
-,20-* *(&'21 (, 2'$ .0-&0 ++$
1$/3$,"$ #(1.* 6
2 02 2(+$ #(18 Remedial action
.* 6
– -02'-*$ ,-2 "*-1$#
0$  1' 06(,&
 *-1$ .-02'-*$  .0-&0 ++$ 12 021
(++$#( 2$*6
–  2$0 2 . ,-2 -.$,
.$, 5 2$0 2 .  .0-&0 ++$
12 021 (++$#( 2$*6
0$  1' ,2(80$ 1$
– *-")$# (,*$2 %(*2$01 (, 5 2$0
13..*6 -0 "*$ ,(,& %(*2$01 1$$
. &$ 
– *-")$# #0 (, '-1$ #0 (, .(.$ -0
13#1 .3+.
 1'(,& ,2(80$ 1$

-0 "*$ ,(,& 2'$ .3+. 1$$

. &$ 

% ** #$2 (*1 ' 4$ !$$, "'$")$# 1$2 2'$ .0-&0 ++$ 1$*$"2-0 2- 2'$ .-1(2(-,  (2  1$"-,#1
,# .0-"$$# !6 & (, 1$*$"2(,& ,# 12 02(,& 2'$ (,(2( **6 1$*$"2$# .0-&0 ++$ % 2'$ "-,20-*
*(&'21 & (, %* 1' -0 (**3+(, 2$ 2'(1 (,#(" 2$1 , -.$0 2(,& + *%3,"2(-, 5'("' 0$/3(0$1 "312-+$0

312-+$0 1$04("$ +312 *1- !$ ,-2(%($# 5'$, 2'$ %-**-5(,& #(1.* 61 0$ ,-2$#

3+!$0 (, 2'$ Possible causes
-,20-* *(&'21 (, 2'$ .0-&0 ++$
2 02 2(+$ #(18
1$/3$,"$ #(1.* 6
.* 6
–  2$0 (, 2'$ !-22-+ . ,
..*($1 -,*6 2- 3,(21 %$ 230(,&
(,1(,& 06(,& /3 82-.
'$ 3,(2 (1 *$ )(,& *-1$ 2'$
5 2$0 2 .
– $%$"2(4$ '$ 2$0
(, * (,1$ 06(,&
5(2"' 3,(2 -%%

Customer service

"$ ! '%&" $ %$( #%
 )&$ +"' ! $&+ &
'!&"! +"'$% % %&"!
,&+! !"$ '!&"!% +"'$%
!  "!+ "!%'&&"! % !%%$+ "%&%
$% "$ & %#%&% (%& (! '$!
& '$!& #$"
 +"' !!"& $&+  '!&"! +"'$%
%)& & '!& " $ "( & !% #'
%'& & &# !  '%&" $ %$(
"' ! ! & !$%& '%&" $ %$( !
& %'## $&"$+
% !"$ '%&" $ %$( " & #$"-
'& !' $  -$ ! & #$"'&"! !' -
$   " & '!& % !"$ &"! % "! &
&+# #& "! & $  " & ""$ "#!
! "! & !&&"! #& "! & $$ "
& '!& )&  & ! $"'! &.

"& & !' $% " +"'$ '!& $

E-Nr. FD

Product number Production number

% # &" (" '!!%%$+ "'$!+%
+ (! & #$"'& !' $ ! & #$"-
'&"! !' $ "' &'% %( %%"&
*&$ "%&%

Consumption data
! Actual consumption figures can vary from the details quoted here as they depend
upon water pressure, hardness and inlet temperature, temperature of room where
machine is sited, type and amount of laundry, detergent that is used, fluctuations in
mains voltage and the number of additional functions selected.

Normal programme Size of load Consumption data

(with no additional func-
!%%! $    %#%'  
!!&#$  ° %# 
Washing and drying
!%%!    %#%'  
!!&#$  ° %# 
 &"!# #'
Automatic washing/drying process
!%%! $    %#%'  
!!&#$  ° %# 
 &"!# #'
!%%! $    %#%' 
!!&#$  ° %#

 &"!# #'
!%%! $    %#%'  
 ° %#

 &"!# #'
 °   %#%'   
 &"!# #' %#  

 ! $&"%! % !#  %!  

0202 GB

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