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NIM : P27838120016

CLASS : 1C12


There are several ways I plan my work, including the first, finding out what I will
plan or do first. Then the second, I will determine the priorities of my design earlier. For
example, I have to know which jobs I have to put first and which I can still do later. Then the
third, make your own deadlines from the predetermined deadlines. That is, for example given
an assignment with a deadline of one week then I will make my own deadline like I have to
work on the task within the deadline of 4 days or before the predetermined deadline. So that
there is still time to take a break from that task or job. That way there is no term working on
assignments within SKS (Overnight Speeding System). Because if we do a task close to the
given deadline, we will be confused about where to start because we haven't added any other
tasks. The last way is to carry out the plan with discipline and responsibility. There are many
people whose work is not finished because of that person's lack of discipline in carrying out
plans that have been made carefully. A plan that is mature and detailed will be meaningless if
it is not accompanied by direct action. Therefore, if we have made a thorough plan, it must be
carried out with time discipline and full responsibility.

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