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(Res. A.1053(27)) PERIODICAL I]
fl ,A1 Methods ofmainlemnce: E Duplierion of oquipment
\Reg. lvt2.1 .12-2.1 .15) fl 41+A2 (Reg.lV/15) a Shoe-based rnainlemnce
E A1+A2+A3 (INMARS,AT) E A1+A2+/; (MF/HF) tr
E A1+A2+A3+M

1 2. 3.

11 Statutory and class cefiific€tes w€€ valid at the date of sutuey E tr tr tr

12 Radio station licence: (lTU RR Arl. 18,Arp.16)

Validuntil: lJnlimited
lssued by BAHAMAS
1.3 Radio personnel (Reg. lV/18)
Number of caew-memberc holding the according
1d cless radio electrcnic cerlifc€te
2id class radio elect on'c certifcate

General ope€to/s c€rlifi cate 3

Rest cted operato"s certific€te
ln passenger 6hips: Person assigned to perform only radio communication
duties durino distess incidenls tr tr tr E (Reg.lV/16.2)

1,4 Radio records available on boad a tr E tr iReg lV/17)

15 Are utrto-dale editions of ITU documents on board {lTU RR App. 18)
1 List of Coast Stations and Special SeNice Station E tr tr tr (Lisl lV)
List oi Ship and Stations Madtime Mobile Service ldentity
2. E tr tr tr (List \4
Manual frrr L'se by the Maftime Mobile and Maritime l\tob esatellite
E tr tr tr
Are adequate information to enable ihe equipment to be properiy operated
and maintained on board E n tr tr {Reg.lV/15.3)
ptre adequate spares and seNice manuals availablo, if at-sea maintenanc€
is declared tr tr tr a (Res.lV/15.4)

Examined posilion, physical and electromagnetic protection and

illumination of each radio installation E tr tr tr (Reg. iV/6.2)

2 Radio Equipmern (Baslc) -Allsea arce3

2.1 VHF receiver / traGmitter lEdiotelephony) (Reg.lvt.1.l.2)
1 Checked operalion on channels 6, 13 and 16 E tr tr n (Reg.|Vt.1.1.2)
Checked frequency tolerance, transmission line quality and RF power
2. E tr tr tr (Rog.lV/14)

3. Checked corr€d operation of controls, ind. prio ty ot conlIol units E D n n (Reg lV/14)
Checked that equipment operates fiom main, emergency and reserve
a D n n (Reg. lV/131)

5 Ch€cked operalion of the VHF control unit ior navigalional safety E tr tr n (Reg. lV/6.3)
Checked corect operalion by onair contad lvith a coast slation or
other ship
E tr tr tr
Checked that equipment is c€pable ofiransmitting and receiving
oeneral communicalions a tr E tr {Reg. lV/8.2)

2. S@ in lhe suMy Epod; 3. Rer.iEd / R€.lii€d s suMy Epon


2.2 VHF DSC conholler (Reg. Vn.l.1.t)

Perfomed an off-air check confirming the conect MMSI is
1 E tr tr tr
Checked cofi€ct operalion by fieans of a test with a coast slation or
by tesi equipment
E tr n tr
Checked that equipment operates fiom main, emeagency and roserve
3 a tr tr tr (
2.3 VHF channel T0 DSC wEtch Eceiver {Reg. lV/ 7.1 .2}
Checked that a continuous watch is being mainbined whilst keying
1 a tr tr tr
2. Checked the co ect operation E n tr tr
3. Checked audibilily ofVHF DSC alann E tr n E
Checked ihai equipment operates from main, eme€ency and reseNe
E tr tr c (Reg.lV/13.1)

2.4 (Reg.lvt.t.4)
1 Checked correct operation E E tr tr
2. Running self-test program, if provided a tr tr tr
2.5 INMARSAT EGC (Enhanced Group Call) receiver (Res. lvfl.l .5)
1 Checked corec,{ ope€tion E tr tr tr
2. Running self-test prog€m, if provided tr n tr n
2.6 Facility for reception ol m.ritime safuty infomatlon by HF direct-
printing tel€graphy (Reg.lvn.l.5)

1 Checked conec{ operation tr tr tr a

2. Running self-test program, if provided D tr E a
2.7 Salelllto EPIRB, annual test and shoE"based maintemnce (Res- lvt.l.6)
1 EPIRB has been tested ac.ording to IMO [,!SC/Circ.1040 and SOLAS tr tr tr tr (Req.lV/15.9)

2. EPIRB tesl reporl fonn lL-56 EP|RBwas rssued and lefi on boad ts fl u tr (Reg. lV/ 15.9)
Two-w6y on€cene communlcallon faclllty operatlng on 121.5 MHz
.nd 123.1 MHz tr tr o E (Res. lvt-2)
{onry cqlied lor o*se.oer shios)

Dislress penol
(Only Equi6d io. p$*nq.r 3hipg)
tr tr tr tr (Regs. lV/6.4 and 6.6)

2.10 Po3ition updatlng

Checked thai infomation on ship's position is provided contnuously
and automalicallv to all turo-wav communication eouiDment E tr tr tr (Reg.lV/6.5 and 18)
Checked ihai equipment acf,ording to 2-10. 1 operates from main,
emerqencv and reserve source of enerov E tr tr tr (Res.lV/13.8)

2.11 Two.wey VHF radiolelsphone apparatu3 (Res. lllt6.2.'l)

1 Checked corect op€ration on channel 16 and one olher tr tr tr c
2 Checked bafiery charging arrangements a tr tr tr
3. Checked expiry date of pdmary battedes. , a tr tr tr
ddle 02l2O21 |2,0312423

Checied fxed installalion in a suwival craft wirere appropriate tr tr tr a

2.12 (Res. lv/7.l .3,
Search and rescue localing devlce
Res. lll/6.2.2)
1 Checked position and mounting E tr tr tr
Checked response on ship's I GHz tadarorAlS installation
E tr tr tr
3. Checked expjry date of p.imary battedes El tr tr tr
dale: UI2O2O x2

NOIE:1) 1. Found *listaolory 2. Se maft in tle suMy €port 3 Repaied / Re.tli.d s sNey relon; 4.Notappliebl.

3 Radlo Equipment (Basic) - Sea Arca Al (Reg. lV/8)

Secondary means ot alerling tr tr tr E (Reg.lV/8.1)
VHF EPIRB for DSC channel 70 and locating by SART
(n lld of rh6 *Liriia EPTRBI tr tr tr E (Reg. lV/8.3)

4 Radio Equlpnent (Sasic) - Sea Areas A1 + A2

4.1 MF teceiver, ttansmlller (radlotelephony) (
Checked lhat equipmont operates fiom main, emergenc,y and @serve
E D D E (Reg.lV/13.1)

2. Checked antenna lunino n tr tr E

Checked t equ6ncy tolsrance, lrsnsmjssion lire qualily and RF power
ouhut tr E tr E (Reg- lV/14)

Checked receiver performance by monitofing knou,T stetions n tr D E

Checked that cortrol units on the bddge has first prioriiy ior the
5. purpose of initiating distress alerts, if contrcl units are provided tr tr tr E
outside the navigatng b dge
Checked that equipment is capable oftransmitting and receiving
general communications n tr D E (Reg. lvl9.3)
4.2 MF DSC contmller ( 1)
Check conformrnq the correct Ml\,4S1 is oroorammeo n u tr E
Checked cofl€ct operalion by means of a lest with a coast or by test
equipment E tr tr E
3. Checked the off€ir self-test DroqEm tr tr tr tr
Checked that the equipment operales from main, emergency and
reserye ttrce of enerqv tr tr tr E (
4,3 MF DSC wEtch receiver {
Confimed lhat only DSC channel indjcatrd in Reg. lv/g i6 being
tr tr tr E
Ch6cked that a conlinuous is being maintained $hilst keying
IVF radio transmitter ',1,?ich u tr tr E
3. Checked the coffect operalion tr tr tr E
Checked audD'hty of l\,lF DSC aiarm tr n tr E
Checked that equipment operates iom main, emergency and reserve
5. tr tr n E (Reg.lV/13.1)
4.1 Socondary means of alertlng n tr tr E (Reg.1Vi9.1.3)

5 Radio Equlpment {Basic) - Sea Area6 Ai +A2 +A3 (INMARSAT)
5.1 INiIARSAT Ship Earth Srafion (SES) (Reg.lV/10.1.1)
Checked that equipment operates kom main, emergeacy and rcserve
E tr tr tr (Reg.lV/13.1)
Checked distreqs funclion by means of an apprcved test procedure,
2. E tr tr D
3. Checked correct operation a tr tr tr
Checked that equrpment is cspable of tra4smitting end reciriving
oeneral mmmunrcalons E tr tr tr (Reg.lV/
5,2 Connected lo gyro compass lor heading informallon (if yes, insert manuhc{urer and type)


Checked that equipment operates from main, emeEency and reserve
! 0 tr E (Req. lV/13.8)

NOTE:1) 1. Found sd.Iactory 2.SeEm6*inth6su €y €porq 3 Repsjad / Reotitied s ss.y €pot ,t. Not appti*blo

5-3 MF.eceiver, transmitter (radiotelephony) (Res.lV/10.f.2.2)

Checked that equipment operates from main, emergency and reseNe
1. a n tr tr (Res.lV/13.1)

2 Checked antenna luning E tr tr tr

Checked frcquency tolerance, transmission linequaliiy and RF power
output E tr tr tr (Res.lV/14)

4. Checked receiver perfomance by monitoring known shtions tr tr n tr

Checked that control units on tte b dge has frsi piority for the
5. pupose of initiating distress alerts, if conhol uniis arc prcvided E tr tr tr
outside the naviqatino bridqe
Checked that squipment is capable of iransmitting and receiving
qeneral communicalions a tr tr tr (Reg. 1V/9.3)

5.4 MF DSC conrroftt (Reg.lV/

1 Confoming the correct (MMSI is proqEmmed) E tr tr tr
Checked corecl opemtion by means of a test with a coast sbtion or
by test equipment E tr tr tr
3. Checked the ofi.arr self{est oroqram E tr n u
Checked that the equipment operates from main, eme€encyand
reserye soutc€ of enorqv tr tr tr tr (Reg.lV/13.1)
5.5 MF DSC \^atch rcceiver (Reg.IV10.1.3)
Confirmed that only DSC channel indicated in Reg. lV/10.1.3 is being
1 a tr tr tr
Checked that a continuous watch js being maintained whilst keying
LIF aEdio transrnitter tr tr tr tr
3 Ch€ckod the coffecl operatron E tr tr tr
Checked audibility of MF DSC alarm E tr tr tr
Checked that equipment operates fiom main, emergency and reserve
5 a tr tr tr (Reg lV/13.1)
5.6 Secondary means of alerting (Reg. lv/'l0.1.4)

Equipment 406MHz EPIRB

6 Radio EquiFnent (&sic) -Sea Areas At + A2+ A3 (MF/HF)
6.1 lllFrHF receivernransmitter (.adiotelephony)) (Reg.lV/
Checked ihai equipment operaies from main, emergency and rcserve
I tr tr B E (Reg. lvl13 1)

2 Checked antenna tuning in allappropriate bands tr tr n tr

Checled frequency tolerance on all appropiate bands, transmission
line oualitv and RF Dower outout tr cl tr B (Res lv/1a)
Checked receiver performance by monitoring kno$n slalions on all
appropriaie bands tr tr ! E
Checked that control units on ihe bridge has first prioity for ihe
5. purpose ofinitiating disiress aleds, if conirolunits arc prcvided tr tr tr tr
outside the navioatino bidoe
Checked that equipment is capable of tEnsmitting and rcceiving
qeneral communicatons B B tr B (Reg. lV/10.2.4)

6.2 MF,HF DSC controller (Reg.lV/

'I Confoming the correct l\,llvlsl is proqrammed tr tr tr tr
Checked coffect operation by means of e test with a station or by lest
equipment tr tr n a
3. Checked the off'air self-lost program tr tr tr E
Chec*€d that the equipment operates from main, emergencl and
teserve source of eneagy C tr tr E (Reg.lV/13.1)

NOTE:1) L Found sarisfacioryj 2. S@ €malr in rhe suruey €port; 3 RepaiEd / R€cffied see suMy €po.i 4 Nolapplioable

6.3 MF/HF direct-prlntlng telegraphy (Reg. lV/

Checked thai ihe correct selective cailing number is programmed tr tr tr p
Checked conecl operation by a test wilh a coast station or by test
equipment tr tr E E
Checked that equipment operetes from main, emergency and reserye
3. D tr tr E (Reg lV/13.1)
6,4 ilFtHF DSC wEtch r€ceive. iReg.lV/10.2.2)
Conirmed that only DSC channels indic€ted in Reg. lV/10.2.2 is
being monitored tr n tr E]
Checked thata coniinuous watch is being maintained whilstkeying
2. tr l:] tr E
3 Checked the coffect operation tr tr tr tr
4. Checked audibiliiy of I\IFIHF DSC alam tr tr n tr
Checked that equipment operaies from main, emeeency and reserve
5. 0 D tr tr (Res.lV/13.1)
6.5 Socondary means of ale.ting (
Equipment -
7 Radio Equipment (Basic) - Sea Areas A1+ A2 +A3 +A4
itFrHF receivorrtanamitter(Ecliotelephony) (
Checked lhat equipment operales from main, emergency and reserve
tr tr tr B (Reg.lV/13.1)
2 Checked antenna iuning in all appropriate bands tr tr tr E
Checked frequency tole.ance on allappropriate bands, tEnsmission
line qualitv and RF power output tr u tr E (
Checked rcceiver pedormance by monitoriog known stations on all
approDriate bands tr tr tr a
Checked that contrci unit6 on the b dge has fitst piority for the
5. purpose of initiating distrcss aleds, if conAol units are prcvided tr tr tr tr
outside ihe navioatinq b dqe
Checked lhal equipment is capable oft€nsmitting and.eceiving
qeneral communications n tr tr E (Reg.lV/10.2.4)
7.2 MF/HF t\SC corl.oller {Reg. lV/
1 Conforming the corect MI\,lSl is prcgrammed tr tr tr E
Checked conect operalion by means a tesl with a coast station or by
testequipmenl tr tr n a
3 Checked that ihe off€ir self-test prog€m tr tr o E
Checkedthatthe equipment operates from main, emergencf and
IeseNe sourc€ of enerov c n tr E (R€s.lvh3.1)
7.3 MF/HF direclprinting telegraphy (Reg.lV/
1 Coniirmed that lhe cofi€ct seleclive calling numbe. is progEmmed tr tr tr E
Checked corred operation by a test with a coast station or by test
equipment tr tr tr E
Checked that the equipment operates fiom main, emergencf and
rcserve source of enerqy tr tr n E (Reg.lV/13-1)

7.4 I'FTHF DSC watch receiver (Reg.lV/10.2.2)

Confimed lhal only DSC channels indic€ted in Reg. lv/l0.2.2 is
beinq monitored tr tr tr E
Checked that a continuous watch is being maintained whilst keying
MF radio transrnitter tr tr tr tr
3 Checked the corect opeIation B tr B a
Checked audibility of MF/HF DSC alatm tr tr tr a
Checked thai equipment operates from main, emergency aod reserve
source of.enetov tr tr n a (Reg lV/13.1)

NOTE] ]) 1. Found *rtf€d!ry; zseEma in 0E slMy €p..! 3. Repai€d / Rcclitied s@ 3uN6y Epo4 4 Notapeli€de

7.5 Secondary means of alerting (Reg. lV/

Equipment --
8 Reserve source of energy (
8.1 Radio bettery
Checked that capacity is sufficient to operate basic and duplic€ted
E tr tr tr
2 Checked siting and insiallatlon EItr tr tr (Res. lV/13.7)
3 Checked condition of batteN bv so€cifc measuement E tr tr tr (
Checked the independency of the propelling power of the ship and
the shiD s eleclrical svstem E tr tr tr (Res. lV/13.3)

Checked that electrical lighling is connected to .eseNe source of

5. a tr tr tr (Reg.lV/13.5)
Checked lhat the capacily ofthe battery was checked within the last
12 months
B B tr n (Reg.lV/13.6.2)
Result of test:
o/" caDacitv availabla 85%

dato of test 04/02020

4.2 Automalic charglng equlpment (Res. lV/'13.6.1)
Checked that charge. ;s capable of re-chaeing the battery within
1 0
tr ! D n (Reg.lV/13.6.1)

Checked visually all antennas and feeders for satisfactory siting and
E tr tr tr
2. Checked insulation and safely ofallantennas E n tr tr
10 Malntenance Requiemenb (Res. Nfl5,6.nd
(in 3a a@s Al and A2 - at l@sl one; in s@ aEs AS snd A4 - at l€sl lE!) 15.7)

10.t Dupllcatlon of €quipment

VHF receiver / transmider (DSC and radiotelephony) tr tr tr tr
2 I\rF receiver / lransmitter (DSC and ladiotelephony) tr tr tr tr
3. INMARSAT Ship Eenir Station E tr tr n
MF/HF rcceiver / transmitter (DSC, radiotelephony and direcl-prinling
tr tr tr E
10.2 Shore-bas€d maintemnce

Name of the fim i majnienance, HoEElefon*doo contEct vatid untit 05/02021

10.3 Alsea electonic mainienance capabiliv
Name of the mainlainer - class of cert /ced No : *
11 Survey of Automaltc ldentifrcarion SFtem (AlS)
AIS has b€en tebted according to lMo sN / circ. 227 and resolution
l!!SC.74 {89). Annex3and MSC.1/ Circ 1252 a D n tr
AIS test report Fom lL-sSAlS was issuqd and left on board tr tr tr tr

NOTE:1) L Found elishotory; 2. See flesu@y 6port 3. R.paied / Re€1ified s surey EFoni 4 Not.pdi*He

Long-Range ldentification and T.acking (LR|T) System

Please speciv lype ofequipmeni:

E lflmarsal-C E lnmarsat ltini-C E lnmarsatD (D+/tsatt\I2M) ll

, 3iB"S"ri;:Ui#r;.rortransmdtnsLRrrinrorFratonpadofthe I m I n I n tr
,- Radio equipment addilionalty provded tor t?nsmittrng LRIT I
- I_ I_ E
inicfinaton {otherthan above) lLJlllLJ
Checked that the equipment, installed fortransmitting LR|T
3. iniormation, is supplied ftom both the main source and the
emergency source of electfcal enerov
a n tr tr
ls the ship exempted fro'r, the to ransmit LRtl
n tr tr E
ls a valid LRIT conformance test report available on boad? s tr o tr
(') shiF nol €noased on inEh.tioial wysgs .nd ships 6pe6lins exclGiv€ry jn 4a aFa A1 (ti!.a with Als) @utd be orcmpted $e fas
by stare adminisha on

13 Equipment chanEed
No. Approved by / Cert. No. Sedal No

14 Addltlonal Radio Equlpment (to thGe of Rocord of approved GMDSS redto instalaton (eF-pRN-i9))
No Equipment Tvpe Apprcved by / Ced. No. / Seriat No.

2. tr
3. D

NOrE:1) L Found salisf*1ory; 2 se rcma|k in th6 3!My ep.t 3 R.paed /Fectitied s€tutuey rcpo4 4 Notappli*bt€

t5 Radio Ce ificatlon
15,1 Pneviou6 radio installatlon sudey
Dale: 12tot2o19
'15.2 Prevlou3 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Cenificate

lssued by: IVAN MRDEN

I lulterm @ tnt,i.
lssue date: 03/022020
Expiry dats-: O7lUl2O2O
15.3 lnbrlm Cerlllicat€ now issued
lssue dato:

Expiry date:

E without conditions n with condilions

15.4 Harmonized Safet Radio Ce.ltficac (HSSC)

The Safety Radio Cerlificate has been endorced for ( )' pedodical survey
The Sabty Radio Certificate has been renewed and extended until:

Onahama, Japan

Stamp Name and signatule of CRS SuNeyor

Onahama, Japan 04 Feb' 2020

Name and signature of competent radio

2. Se Emr'[ in lhs surv€y Eponi 3. R6p.jEd / R.din.d * .0@y e@n;

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