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Debt Collection Coaching & Consultancy

By Dr Steven Liew

2 days Workshop


This is a highly practical & relevant workshop for whose those are serious in debt recovery. Much life
testimony on debt recovery will be imparted to you. Proven Strategies on how to write back your bad
debts provision will be shared as well

Course Objectives                                                                                                                                
By the end of this course you will be able to:

 Understanding Negotiation Techniques

 Profiling Your Customers
 Use Practical Debt Recovery Approaches
 Understand Legal Debt Recovery Strategies
 Know When To Initiate Legal Actions
 Reducing your receivable outstanding balance
 Laid a strong front end evaluation to select quality customers


Life Case Study & Group Discussion. Real-current problematic debt cases will be analyzed and scenario
solutions will be discussed within the workshop.


CEO, CFO, Legal Managers, Chief Accountants, Accountants, Marketing Managers, legal Managers,
Collection Executives, Finance Executives, Supervisors, Credit Analysts, Credit Controller & Recovery
Officers & all professional seeking to improve their collection skills


Day 1

Session 1: Discussion of debt recovery

 What are the Burning issues of debt recovery?

 Evaluate the most appropriate debt Negotiation’s Style
 Discuss the Strategies To Negotiate Debt
Session 2: Profiling Customers & Credit Evaluation & Monitoring

 How to do profiling & handling difficulty customers?

 What are the Criteria For Approval/increase Or Rejection of credit or loan application?
 Discuss the importance of Monitoring Customers’ Accounts

Session 3: Recovery Strategies

 Why & when External Outsourcing to Collection Agencies

 Why & when Internal Outsourcing to Staff

 Why & When Should & should Not Take Legal Action

Session 4: Legal documentation

 Discuss the Key Legal Aspects of Credit Management and Debt Recovery

Day 2:

Session 5: Coaching 1: Planning

 Identify all the collection burning issues &

 Identify all the solutions or alternative plans

 Identify the KPI to the solutions

Session 6: Coaching 2: Execution

 Identified Person in Charge (PIC) to achieve the Collection KPI

 Put in place a Monitoring Program

Session 7: Coaching 3: Evaluation

 Identified all the challenges/barriers faced by the PIC

 Removing the barriers by providing action plan

Session 8: Application & Summary

Expert Trainer

 Leading Authority in Credit Management and Debt Collection with over 32 years of professional
 Fellow Member of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK)

Dr. Steven Liew has over 32 years in experience in senior financial and operational management
positions, spearheading the profitability and growth of many companies. He has worked in private
sector companies ranging from family-run businesses to professionally managed multinational
corporations across South Asia and the ASEAN region

Steven has an Asia Pacific Executive MBA (for Senior Executives) from the National University of
Singapore and a PhD in International Finance with Rushmore University, USA. He is a fellow member
of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK. Steven is a Chartered Accountant by
profession and registered Trainer with the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad. He provides
management consultancy and training in finance, leadership, credit management and loan recovery.
He also teaches courses in strategy, business and finance. He has conducted various seminars for
corporations and associations including Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Nestle,
Small Medium Industries Development Corporation, Ministry of Development, Brunei, BICPA Asean
Management, Giant Retail , Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs among others.

Testimonials from Past Participants

“The credit seminar indeed is very beneficial as I am now cutting down bad cases, do more
prevention during evaluation stage and ask for advance payment. Before that, we will provide the
professional services, bill them & then chase for collection. Really appreciate the skills & input from
Dr Steven Liew. And also thank you for follow up with us after the credit & collection training
session”: Lim Kai Siang & Co, Chartered Accountant

“After the credit & collection seminar, Now I have the pretty good picture of guiding my credit staffs
in the monitoring & collection process. Today, my Account Receiver (AR) is in a pretty good shape”
Finance Manager, Omni Precision Sdn Bhd
“I realized my credit team is too nice with the customers. It gives me now the urgency to train the
down line on the importance of customers & its credit exposure. Thank you Dr Liew for still
remembering me. Do keep in touch please” Manager, Proton Edar Sdn Bhd

“The greatest improvement after the 2 day credit & collection workshop by Dr Steven Liew is
implementation of outsourcing to collection agency. very effective & the bad cases have improved
tremendously. The “human touch”, negotiates skills learnt , review & monitor accounts are really put
to good use” Senior Internal Auditor, Technology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn Bhd

“After the 2 day workshop on “Debt Recovery on NPL ”, the following improvement are obvious, I set
customer dateline for customers to pay, as the trainer impressed with the phrase “ customer always
want to pay “ Now I have the passion for collection from my customers” Head -Credit Division,
Credit Guarantee Corporation

“The clear improvement is the boosting of my confidence in negotiation with the customers on
default payment, knowing what to ask, how to approach the customers as many role plays of
customer interaction facilitated by Dr Steven Liew really helps me in the collection process
Really nice to hear from you again & following up on my collection position” Asset Manager,
Malaysian Debt Venture

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