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Mycorrhiza (1994) 5:99-103 9 Springer-Verlag 1994

F. Hiol Hiol 9 R. K. Dixon 9 E. A. Curl

The feeding preference of mycophagousCollembola

varies with the ectomycorrhizal symbiont

Abstract The interactions of the collembolan insect

Proisotoma minuta with ectomycorrhizal and/or pa-
thogenic fungi was examined in three experiments: (1) The microarthropods, comprised principally of the Col-
in vitro analysis of feeding patterns, (2) in vitro food lembola (springtails) and the Acarina (mites), are the
preference test, and (3) in situ analysis of ectomycorrhi- most abundant soil-inhabiting animals after nematodes
zal colonization in relation to population density. The and protozoa (Gunn and Cherrett 1993; Curl and
ectomycorrhizal fungi Laccaria laccata, Pisolithus tinc- Truelove 1986). Several species of Collembola, includ-
torius, Suillus luteus, Thelephora terrestris and the pa- ing the genera Proisotorna (Isotomidae) and Onychiu-
thogenic fungi Rhizoctonia solani were employed in all rus (Poduridae), occur in forest and agroecosystems
experiments. In vitro and in situ experiments revealed (Lagerlof and Andren 1991; Wiggins et al. 1979). These
that Pr. minuta consumed all the ectomycorrhizal fungi microinsects are reportedly mycophagous, as docu-
tested but the feeding pattern and consumption varied mented by feeding habits of the insects and by mycelia
with each isolate. In a comparative in vitro feeding pre- and spores found in the gut contents (Gunn and Cher-
ference test, where Pr. minuta was given a choice, R. rett 1993; Testerink 1982; Anderson and Healey 1972).
solani was grazed more heavily than the ectomycorrhi- Collembolan insects when present in sufficient numbers
zal fungi. Among the ectomycorrhizal fungi examined, may play an important role in soil fungus ecology, par-
Pi. tinctorius was consumed significantly less than L. ticularly food webs (Gunn and Cherrett 1993; Lagerlof
laccata, S. luteus or T. terrestris in the presence of R. and Andren 1991; Testerink 1982). The feeding activi-
solani. A 10-week in situ analysis of lobtolly pine (Pin- ties of collembolan insects may affect the competitive
us taeda L.) seedling root systems inoculated with Pr. advantage of fungal pathogens, saprophytes and sym-
minuta revealed that ectomycorrhizal colonization was bionts at the root surface and influence their relative
significantly less than that of control plants (without Pr. efficacy (Gunn and Cherrett 1993; Wiggins and Curl
minuta). Collectively, these data suggest that mycopha- 1979).
gous Collembola may play a major role in the distribu- Relatively few controlled experiments have consid-
tion and biomass of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the rhizos- ered the interactions between Collembola and mycorr-
phere of tree seedlings. hizal fungi, although a number of field observations
have been recorded (Gunn and Cherrett 1993; Perry et
Key words Laccaria laccata 9 Pisolithus tinctorius al. 1987). Shaw (1985) observed the grazing preferences
Proisotoma minuta 9 Rhizoctonia solani 9 Suillus of Onychiurus armatus for a range of mycorrhizal and
luteus 9 Thelephora terrestris 9 Collembolan insects saprophytic fungi of pine (Pinus) plantations and re-
ported some grazing of ectomycorrhizal fungi, but the
insects did not prefer Hebeloma crustiliniforme (Bull.
F. Hiol Hiol (lEVI) ex st. Amens), Paxillus involutus (Fr.) Fr., or Rhizopo-
Department of Forestry, University of Dschang,
Dschang, Cameroon gon luteolus Fr. The interactions between soil microar-
thropods and endomycorrhizal associations of higher
R. K. Dixon plants have also been surveyed. Finlay (1985) observed
Office of Research and Development,
US Environment Protection Agency, that Collembola population densities were significantly
Washington, DC 20460, USA greater in the rhizospheres of endomycorrhizal plants
E. A. Curl than nonmycorrhizal controls, and there was evidence
Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, that the collembolan insects fed on hyphae of the vesic-
Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36830, USA ular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.

The objectives of this present work were to: 1) quan- minuta would prefer in a controlled environment: Pi. tinctorius,
tify the in vitro feeding patterns of one collembolan R. solani or S. luteus. Mycelial discs (8 mm diameter) from each
of the ectomycorrhizal fungi were applied to the MMN agar sur-
species, Proisotorna minuta Tullberg, on four ectomy- face 10 mm from the edge of the petri dish. Rhizoctonia solani is
corrhizal fungi, 2) determine the in vitro feeding prefer- very fast growing compared to the ectomycorrhizal fungi (Wig-
ence of Pr. minuta for ectomycorrhizal versus pathog- gins and Curl 1979). Therefore, a R. solani mycelial disc was in-
enic fungi, and 3) characterize the ectomycorrhizal col- troduced to the petri dish after the ectomycorrhizal fungi had
onization of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings reached an average colony diameter of 70 mm. Approximately 40
insects were then added with a calibrated capillary tube, as de-
with and without Pr. minuta in the rhizosphere. scribed previously, in the center of the petri dish at an equal dis-
tance between the two colonies. After 1, 24 and 48 h of incuba-
tion, the insect distribution pattern in relation to test fungi was
determined by enumerating the insects on each food source and
by recording their positions in the petri dishes. The first observa-
Materials and methods tion was completed by examining the Pr. minuta and fungi cul-
tures under a light microscope. For the second observation (after
24 h), the petri dish cultures were cooled (0~ for 10 rain) to
The Collembola species used throughout this study, Proisotoma deactivate the insects and then examined under a microscope.
rninuta, was extracted from the rhizosphere of a cultivated agroe- The 48-h petri dish observation was made after killing the insects
cosystem in Lee County, A1., USA by the modified Tullgren ex- with chloroform9
traction system described by Wiggins and Curl (1979)9 The insects
were maintained and reproduced on potato dextrose agar cul-
tures of Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn (Wiggins et al. 1979)9 Four ecto-
mycorrhizal fungi, Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch,
Suillus luteus (L.:Fr.) S.F. Gray, Telephora terrestris (Ehrh.) Fr., In situ analyses of Collembola grazing
Laccaria laccata (Scop.:Fr.), a n d one pathogenic fungus Rhizoc-
tonia solani were employe d in the experiments. The source, isola- Vegetative mycelial inocula of L. laccata, Pi. tinctorius, S. luteus,
tion date and cultural history 9f the ectomycorrhizal fungi are and T. terrestris were produced using methods described by Marx
9 t i '? 9
documented by Dixon et al. (1993). The isolate of R. solant was
. and Bryan (1975). The inocula were produced in a peat moss-
collected from soil in a Lee County agroecosystem and main- vermiculite matrix containing MMN solution in 2-1 jars for 14
tained using methods described)by Wiggins and Curl (1979). The weeks and thoroughly leached before adding to the growth me-
fungi were cultured on modified, Melin-Norkrans medium dium of seedling containers. The vegetative mycelial inoculum
(MMN) prior to the three Experiments (Marx 1969). Agar was was mixed into the growing medium at a ratio of 1 : 25 (v/v) (Marx
added to the MMN formulation ati fi cgncentration of 15 g/1. After and Bryan 1975).
autoclaving, the pH of tl-ie agar substrate was 59149149The ecto- Seedlings of loblolly pine were grown in 2-1 plastic pots con-
mycorrhizal fungi were passed thro,ugh loblolly pine seedlings and taining a sandy loam soil using methods described by Dixon and
maintained on MMN medium prior to initiation of the experi- Hiol Hiol (1992). The 5 x 4 x 2 experimental design was a factorial
ments (Marx and Bryan 1975). The in vitro cultures of the test arrangement of four fungi treatments with and without the insect
fungi and Pr. minuta were maintained in darkness at 28-30~ C at Pr. minuta, replicated in five blocks on greenhouse benches. The
> 90% relative humidity unless stated otherwise. growth medium (soil) pH was 4.8-5.0, with a cation exchange ca-
pacity of 3.45 meg/100 g, an organic matter content of 1.5%, and
P, NO3, NH4, Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Mo and Cu contents of 6, 2, 6, 3, 1,
0.3, 0.04, 0.01 and 0.1 ppm, respectively9
In vitro Collembola feeding pattern analysis The study was implemented in a glasshouse with environmen-
tal features described by Dixon and Hiol Hiol (1992). Daily pho-
The feeding pattern(s) of Pr. minuta on petri dish cultures of four toperiod and photosynthetically active radiation were 14 h and
ectomycorrhizal fungi were examined in a 5 x 4 x 2 factorial ex- 800 ixEm 2 s 1, respectively. Ambient temperature and relative hu-
perimental design. The experiment included five replicates x four midity ranged from 22 to 32~ C and from 45 to 90%, respectively.
test fungi x two Pr. minu:ta tseatments (with and without Pr. min- Seedlings received deionized water to achieve field capacity daily
uta). Mycelial discs (8 trim di~ameter) of the ectomycorrhizal fungi and were fertilized with half-strength Hoagland nutrient solution
on MMN were extracted from the periphery of 3-week-old cul- weekly (Hoagland and Arnon 1950). The insect Pr. minuta was
tures and placed on the center surface of MMN medium in a 110- introduced to the soil surface of pots with loblolly pine seedlings
mm petri dish. Cultures of Pr. minuta were passed over a dry using methods described by Wiggins et al. (1979). Approximately
short-term funnel with an attached capillary tube that had been Pr. minuta were added to each pot. Populations of Collembola at
calibrated volumetrically (Wiggins and Curl 1979). By this meth- the time of seedling establishment were determined by the modif-
od, 300 insects were placed in petri dishes containing 2-week-old ied Tullgren method (Wiggins and Curl 1979).
ectomycorrhizal fungi colonies on MMN medium. Observations The study was terminated after 10 weeks and plants were har-
were made after 1, 2 and 5 days of the experiment to determine vested. Seedling root and shoot weight were measured after oven
feeding patterns of the insects and consumption of the test fun- drying (75 ~ C, 72 h). Ectomycorrhizal colonization of seedling pri-
gus. At each observation, the colony diameters of the test fungi mary lateral roots was quantified using methods described by
were measured and the density of the fungal hyphae was ranked Dixon et al. (1981). The percentage of ectomycorrhizal inocula-
into one of four categories: 1, fungal hyphae totally consumed; 2, tion was computed as a ratio of the colonized lateral roots to total
up to two-thirds of hyphae consumed by grazing; 3, up to one- lateral roots (Dixon and Hiol Hiol 1992). The presence of a Har-
third of hyphae consumed by grazing; 4, no apparent consump- rig net was confirmed following microscopic examination of ecto-
tion by grazing. The feeding patterns of Pr. rninuta on the test mycorrhizal short roots excised from seedling lateral roots. Col-
fungi were also recorded with photographs. lembola insects were extracted from a soil core sample of the see-
dling rhizosphere and enumerated to determine relative popula-
tion densities (Wiggins et al. 1979).
Where appropriate, data from the three studies were sub-
In vitro Collembola x fungi preference test jected to analysis of variance, least significant difference test or
t-test (P=0.05) (Steel and Torrie 1980).
This 5 x 3 • factorial experiment was designed to determine
which of the following ectomycorrhizae and pathogenic fungi Pr.

Table 1 In vitro hyphae colony diameter (mm) of four ectomy-

Results corrhizal fungi with (+) and without ( - ) Proisotoma minuta

In vitro Collembola feeding pattern analysis Day Ectomycorrhizal fungi

Suillus Pisolithus Thelephora Laccaria
P r o i s o t o m a minuta was attracted to all the ectomycorr- luteus tinctorius terrestris laccata
hizal fungi evaluated but the feeding patterns varied
- + - + - + - +
between day 1 and 7 (Table 1). Significant differences
in the colony diameter of Pi. tinctorius and S. luteus
1 67* 66 32 33 18 18 16 16
were observed on days 2 and 5. The colony diameter 2 75* 73 40* 34 19 20 18 18
growth of all test fungi was significantly reduced by day 5 78 77 44* 38 21 22 19 19
7. Without other food choices, Pr. minuta significantly 7 81" 79 59* 45 27* 24 23* 20
reduced the colony diameter of Pi. tinctorius growing in
* Pairs of means are significantly different (P=0.05)
the petri dishes.
Grazing of the ectomycorrhizal fungi by Pr. m i n u t a
was intense but the consumption of the hyphae varied
with the isolate (Table 2). The insects grazed in an er- consumed by Pr. minuta in petri dishes containing L.
ratic, unpredictable manner but sometimes established laccata, S. luteus, and T. terrestris. Of the four test fungi,
feeding galleries within juvenile and mature hyphae the hyphal density of Pi. tinctorius was least reduced by
(Figs. 1, 2). By day 5, two-thirds of the hyphae were Pr. minuta.

Fig. 1 In vitro hyphae density

of Suillus luteus without (left)
and with (right) Proisotoma

Fig. 2 In vitro density of Lac-

carla laccata with (left) and
without (right) Pr. rninuta

Table 2 In vitro hyphae density of four ectomycorrhizal fungi In vitro Collembola x fungi preference test
with Pr, minuta. Hyphae density categories: 1 fungal hyphae total-
ly consumed, 2 up to two-thirds of hyphae consumed by grazing, 3
up to one-third of hyphae consumed by grazing, 4 no apparent In the feeding preference test Pr. m i n u t a initially (after
consumption by grazing, Within a row, means followed by a com- 1 h) migrated m o r e to Pi. tinctorius and S. luteus than
mon letter are not significantly different (P=0.05) to R. solani (Table 3). As the ectomycorrhizal fungi
were partially grazed after 24 h, Pr. m i n u t a increasingly
Day E~omycorrhizalNngi migrated to R. solani. A f t e r 24 h, the insects preferred
S.~Wus Pi, nncmrius ~terrestr~ L.~ccam R. solani over Pi. tinctorius. The R. solani was com-
pletely c o n s u m e d after 48 h (Table 4). In contrast, large
1 3b 4a 3b 3b patches of Pi. tinctorius and S. luteus hyphae r e m a i n e d
2 3a 3a 3a 3a in the petri dishes after 48 h.
5 2b 3a 2b 2b
7 2b 3a 2b 2b
In situ analyses of Collembola grazing

T h e loblolly pine seedlings were uniform in biomass

Table 3 Percentage of Pr. minuta (% of the total number intro- (300 + 15 rag) and were colonized by the ectomycorrhi-
duced) on three combinations of fungi colonies and in the center
of the petri dish at three observation periods. Within a fungi zal fungi introduced into the soil culture. Seedlings in
treatment and sample time, row means followed by a common the absence of Pr. m i n u t a developed adequate ectomy-
letter are not significantly different (P=0.05). Sl S. luteus, Pt Pi. corrhizal associations after 10 weeks (Table 5). The in-
tinctorius, Rs Rhizoctonia solani, C center of dish) troduction of Pr. m i n u t a into the loblolly pine pot cul-
Time Ectomycorrhizal fungi ture significantly reduced ectomycorrhizat colonization
(h) by L. laccata and T. terrestris relative to the control
S1+ Pt S1+ Rs Pt + Rs plants without Pr. minuta. T h e population of Pr. m i n u t a
at harvest (after 10 weeks) was low relative to the num-
SI Pt C S1 Rs C Pt Rs C ber of insects introduced. The fate of the insects, pre-
1 50a 5 c 15b 43a 27b 30b 49a 34b 17c s u m e d dead, could not be discerned f r o m the soil sam-
24 80a i c 19b 36b 60a 4b lb 94a 5b pies.
48 100 a 0 b 0 b 0 0 0a 0 0 0"
a All fungal hyphae were consumed after 48 h and Pr. minuta
were distributed randomly Discussion

P r o i s o t o m a m i n u t a grazed all of the ectomycorrhizal

Table 4 In vitro hyphae density of three combinations of fungi fungi tested, but the preference, pattern and a m o u n t of
colonies at three observation periods. Hyphae density categories hyphae consumed varied significantly in vitro and in
as in Table 2. Abbreviations as in Table 3 situ. The m y c o p h a g o u s activity of Pr. rninuta was ob-
Time (h) Ectomycorrhizal fungi served earlier in soils of forest ( G u n n and Cherrett
1993; Finlay 1985; Shaw 1985) and agroecosystems (La-
S1+ Pt S1+ Rs Pt + Rs gerlof and A n d r e n 1991; Curl et al. 1985; Wiggins et al.
1979). Because Collembola consumes a wide diversity
S1 Pt SI Rs Pt Rs
of food, these insects are sometimes referred to as un-
1 3 4* 3 3 3 3 specialized feeders. H o w e v e r , as observed in this ex-
24 3* 2 2 2 2 3* periment, Pr. m i n u t a can exhibit a feeding preference
48 3* 2 2* 1 2* 1 for selected fungi. Curl (1979) found that Pr. m i n u t a
* Means within a fungat pair and time period are significantly dif- preferred R solani over T r i c h o d e r m a species in a feed-
ferent (P=0,05) ing experiment. Wiggins and Curl (1979) d e m o n s t r a t e d

Table 5 In situ ectomycorrhizal colonization by four test fungi minuta, + with Pr. minuta. Means within a test fungus (row) fol-
and Pr. rninuta population density in the rhizosphere of loblolly lowed by a common letter are not significantly different
pine seedlings after 10 weeks in a greenhouse. - Without Pr. (P =0.05)
Ectomycorrhizal fungi
L. laccata Pi. tinctorius S. luteus T. terrestris
-- + -- + -- + -- +

Ectomycorrhizal roots (%) 37 a 22 b 41 a 30 b 19 a 16 a 47 a 16 b

Proisotoma minuta population/1 soil 8a 10 a 12 a 9a 14 a 7b 6a 9a

that two coUembolan species, Onychiurus encarpatus

Denis and Pr. minuta consumed more Fusarium oxy-
sporum f. relative to cultures of Aspergillus, Penicil- Anderson JM, Healey IN (1972) Seasonal and interspecific varia-
lium, Pythiurn and Trichoderma, indicating that the lat- tion in major components of the gut contents of some wood-
ter were not preferred. land Collembola. J Anim Ecol 41:359-368
Feeding preferences observed in this study may be Curl EA (1979) Effect of mycophagous collembola on Rhizocton-
attributable to the morphology or texture of the fungi ia solani and cotton-seedling disease. In: Schippers B, Gams
W (eds) Soil-borne plant pathogens. Academic Press, London,
tested. However, the hyphae morphology (e.g., diam- pp 253-269
eter) of the ectomycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi Curl EA, Truelove B (1986) The rhizosphere. Springer, Berlin
tested in vitro were similar at a given age. It has been Heidelberg New York
observed that Collembola prefer juvenile over mature Curl EA, Gudauskas RT, Harper JD, Peterson CM (1985) Effects
of soil insects on populations and germination of fungal pro-
fungal hyphae (Wiggins and Curl 1979; Anderson and pagules. In: Ecology and management of soilborne plant pa-
Healey 1972). The feeding galleries observed in the in thogens. American Phytopathological Society, St Paul, Minn,
vitro experiments tend not to support this hypothesis, pp 20-23
as both mature and juvenile hyphae were consumed in Dixon RK, Hiol Hiol F (1992) Mineral nutrition and growth of
large sections or "galleries" of the hyphal mats. Pr. Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Pinus caribaea inoculated with
Pisolithus tinctorius and Telephora terrestris. Commun Soil Sci
minuta did not prefer juvenile or mature mycelium of Plant Anal 23 : 1387-1396
Pi. tinctorius or S. luteus to a lesser degree when given Dixon RK, Wright GM, Garrett HE, Cox GS (1981) Container-
other choices of food, suggesting other factors in- and nursery-grown black oak seedlings inoculated with Pisoli-
fluenced feeding patterns of the insects. thus tinctorius: growth and ectomycorrhizal development dur-
ing seedling production period. Can J For Res 11:487-491
In this study, Pr. minuta fed on Pi. tinctorius, but the Dixon RK, Rao MV, Garg VK (1993) Salt stress affects in vitro
insects did not especially prefer this fungus when growth and in situ symbioses of ectomycorrhizal fungi. My-
placed in a petri dish along with S. luteus or R. solani. corrhiza 3 : 63-68
Moreover, in situ experiments revealed that ectomy- Fintay RD (1985) Interactions between soil microarthropods and
endomycorrhizal relationships of higher plants. In: Fitter AH,
corrhizal Pi. tinctorius was grazed less than L. laccata, Atkinson D, Lead D J, Usher MB (eds) Ecological interac-
S. luteus or T. terrestris in pot cultures of loblolly pine. tions: plants, microbes and animals. Blackwell, Oxford,
This consistent food preference response in two con- pp 319-329
trasting environments, together with the observation Gunn A, Cherrett JM (1993) The exploitation of food reserves by
that fungal hyphae morphology did not significantly in- soil meso- and macroinvertebrates. Pedobiologia 37:303-320
Harley JL, Smith SE (1983) Mycorrhizal symbiosis. Academic
fluence grazing patterns, suggests selected fungi may Press, New York
have biochemical or metabolic features that influence Hoagland DR, Arnon DI (1950) The water culture method for
feeding preferences by soil insects such as Pr. minuta. growing plants without soil. Calif Agric Exp Sta Circ
Pi. tinctorius has biochemical features that deter pa- Lagerlof J, Andren O (1991) Abundance and activity of Collem-
bola, Protura and Diplura (Insecta, Apterygota) in four crop-
thogenic fungi (Marx 1972; Marx 1969) and this fungus ping systems. Pedobiologia 35:337-350
may have similar metabolic attributes that deter the in- Marx DH (1969) The influence of ectotropic mycorrhizal fungi on
sects ( G u n n and Cherrett 1993; Lagerlof and A n d r e n the resistance of pine roots to pathogenic infections. I. Antag-
1991; Tan et al. 1978). The presence of another fungus onism of mycorrhizal fungi to root pathogenic fungi and soil
bacteria. Phytopathology 59:153-163
(S. luteus or R. solani) along with Pi. tinctorius may in- Marx DH, Bryan WC (1975) Growth and mycorrhizal fungi de-
duce biochemical features that repel the insects (Lager- velopment of loblolly pine seedlings in fumigated soil infested
lof and Andren 1991; Harley and Smith 1983). with the fungal symbiont Pisolithus tinctorius. For Sci 21 : 245-
In situ ectomycorrhizal colonization of loblolly pine 254
was reduced by Pr. minuta in this study. However, ecto- Perry DA, Molina R, Amaranthus MP (1987) Mycorrhizae, my-
corrhizosphere and reforestation: current knowledge and re-
mycorrhizal colonization can only be considered an in- search needs. Can J For Res 17:929-940
direct measure of Collembola feeding activity, as the Shaw PJA (1985) Grazing preferences of Onychiurus armatus (In-
total volume of extramatrical fungi relative to soil vol- secta: collembola) for mycorrhizal and saprophytic fungi of
ume was not measured or computed in this analysis. pine plantations. In: Fitter AH, Atkinson D, Lead D J, Usher
MB (eds) Ecological interactions in soil: plants, microbes and
More elaborate experimental methods are n e e d e d to animals. Blackwell, Oxford, pp 33-36
observe and quantify the in situ role of Collembola in Steel RGD, Torrie JH (1980) Principles and procedures of statis-
the mycorrhizal relations of woody plants. Collectively, tics, 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill, New York
the in situ and in vitro observations in the three experi- Tan KH, Sihanouth P, Todd RL (1978) Formation of humic acid
ments of this study, together with the field and labora- like compounds by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinc-
torius. Soil Sci Soc Am J 42:906-908
tory observations of others ( G u n n and Cherrett 1993; Testerink GJ (1982) Metabolic adaptations to seasonal changes in
Lagerlof and A n d r e n 1991; Shaw 1985), suggest Pr. humidity and temperature in litter inhabiting springtails. Oi-
minuta and other springtails may play a major role in kos 40: 334-340
the ecology of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Wiggins EA, Curl EA (1979) Interactions of collembola and mi-
croflora of cotton rhizosphere. Phytopathology 69:244-249
Wiggins EA, Curl EA, Harper JD (1979) Effects of soil fertility
Acknowledgement This research was supported by the Came- and cotton rhizosphere on populations of collembola. Pedo-
roon Forestry Education Project, which is sponsored by the US biologia 19:77-82
Agency for International Development.

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