Chapter 5commercial Arbitration

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CHAPTER 5 if adopted by the parties, in the exercise of their privileges

of party-autonomy and self-determination.

International Commercial Arbitration (ICA) Under
the ADR Act of 2004 and its Implementing Rules and Provisions of the IRR on ICA are default rules, which
Regulations means they are applicable only in the absence or in default
of applicable provisions contained in:
ADR Act of 2004
⁃ adopted the UNCITRAL Model on ICA 1. An agreement in force between the Philippines snd
⁃ legal representation in international arbitration, other state or states; and
confidentiality of arbitral proceedings, referral of court 2. An agreement between the parties on the applicable
action to arbitration, definition and functions of the rules.
appointing authority, the grant of interim measures of
protection, governing law, and the place and language of Rules of Interpretation
Interpretation of the ADR Act
Model Law  have due regard to the policy of the law favoring
⁃ became the governing statute for international arbitration
commercial arbitration pursuant to Article 19 of the ADR
Act Interpretation of the Model Law
 should be understood in the light of their international
International Commercial Arbitration usage rather than their ordinary domestic or local
Arbitration is international if ANY of the following
instances occur: Interpretation of the IRR
 same as with ADR Act and Model Law
1. The parties’ place of business, which at the time of  promote party autonomy
the conclusion of the arbitration agreement, is in  parties have the right to authorize a third party (person
different states; or institution) to make the determination
2. The place of arbitration provided in the arbitration  rules on claims shall also apply to counterclaims, and
agreement and in which the parties have their places defenses with defenses against counterclaims
of business, is outside the Philippines;
3. The place where a substantial part of the obligation is Rules on Receipt of Written Communication in ICA
to be performed or the place with which the subject
matter of the dispute is most closely connected, and  Governed by those provided by the parties in their
in which the parties have their places of business, is arbitration agreement. In default thereof,
outside the Philippines; or communication is deemed received if:
4. The parties have expressly agreed that the subject 1. Delivered to the addresses personally or at his
matter of the arbitration agreement relates to more place of business, habitual residence or
than one country. mailing address
2. If none, must be delivered by registered letter
Arbitration is commercial if it covers matters arising from or any other means which provide a record of
all relationships of a commercial nature, whether the attempt to deliver it, to the last known
contractual or not. pace of business, habitual residence or
mailing address.
If seat of international commercial arbitration is with the
Philippines, ADR Act and its IRR will govern. Written communication is deemed on the day it is
“delivered” and not on the day the mail is posted with the
If seat is outside, then it is a foreign arbitration even if the post office.
place of arbitration is in the Philippines. The ADR Act
and its IRR will apply only insofar as the recognition and Waiver of the Right to Object in ICA
enforcement of a foreign arbitral award is concerned.
Arbitration is different from mediation in that the latter is
Coverage of IRR Provisions on ICA not merit or evidence based and, therefore, not
procedurally driven. Hence, the application of the rules on
Rules of Procedure for ICA under the ADR Act and its waiver in mediation proceedings are limited to waivers of
IRR may also be applied for ICA outside the Philippines confidentiality and privilege only.
Place or Venue of ICA
In the case of ICA, the IRR expanded the application of
the rules of waiver to include non-compliance with the  that determined by the parties
rules or requirements.  default place of arbitration shall be in Metro Manila
unless the tribunal decides otherwise
Objections to non-compliance with the rules or any
requirements under the arbitration agreement must be Commencement of ICA Proceedings
raised without undue delay or within the time prescribed
therefor, otherwise it is deemed waived pursuant to the  date as determined by the parties
doctrine of estoppel.  default date is that on which a request for that dispute
to be referred to be received by the respondent
Estoppel in pais
 when one, by his acts, representations or admissions, Language in ICA
or by his own silence when he ought to speak out,
intentionally or through his culpable negligence,  as determined by the parties
induces another to believe certain facts to exist and  the tribunal may order that any documentary evidence
such other person relies and acts on such belief in a be accompanied by a translation in a language to be
manner that he will be prejudiced if the former is used in the proceedings
permitted to deny the existence of such facts  default language is English
 the act, omission or silence must be unequivocal and
intentional Applicable Law in ICA
 i.e., proceeding with the arbitration despite non-
compliance, failure to timely raise an objection  parties may agree on the law to be applied
 if none, the arbitral tribunal shall decide what to
Confidentiality in ICA apply, pursuant to conflict if law rules
The proceedings, records, evidences, and arbitral award The law applicable to the dispute is the substantive law
shall not be disclosed except: under which the rights and obligations of the parties will
be determined.
1. With the consent of the parties; or
2. For the limited purpose of disclosing to the court Substantive law
relevant documents in cases where resort to the court  the law or legal system applicable to the complete
is allowed.
resolution of the case
Due Process in ICA Conflicts of law or private international law
 that part of municipal law of a state which directs
Reasonable opportunity to be heard
courts and administrative agencies, when confronted
 does not require actual presentation of a party’s side with a legal problem involving a foreign element,
whether or not they should apply foreign law
Due process
 set of domestic laws that determines which between
 is complied with if a party is given an opportunity to the domestic laws of two or more states should apply
present his side even without actual presentation to the resolution of a dispute involving foreign
 cannot be invoked if meant only to delay or prevent elements
the procedure
The law applicable to the arbitral proceedings is that
The arbitral tribunal must give notice to the parties of any which shall govern such proceedings and will vest
hearing or meeting, and the parties must communicate jurisdiction to the arbitrator or arbitral tribunal.
with each other all statements, documents, or information
which he will supply to the tribunal. Appointing Authority in ICA
Note: Matters which state that the same may be agreed Appointing Authority
upon by the parties are pursuant to the principle of party  person or institution names in the arbitration
autonomy and self-determination. agreement as such, or the regular arbitration
institution under whose rules the arbitration is agreed
to be conducted, authorized to make the default
appointment of arbitrator/s
Additional functions: Any party may file a petition in court challenging the
appointment of an arbitrator on the following grounds:
1. Appoint an arbitrator in case the one previously
appointed fails to perform his functions or that 1. Impartiality
authorized to appoint fails to do so 2. Qualifications
2. Decide on the challenge against an arbitrator if the
arbitral tribunal rejects the challenge A party who appointed an arbitrator is estopped from
3. Consider the qualifications of the arbitrator (i.e., challenging his appointment, unless the act was done
impartiality, independence) without knowledge of actual facts.

If the parties agreed to submit to institutional arbitration The arbitral tribunal (sole or three) is deemed constituted
rules, they are deemed to have agreed as well to the upon the acceptance of the nomination and written
appointment of arbitrators. Thus, no need to designate an communication of said nomination and acceptance has
appointing authority. been received by the party making the request.

In ad hoc arbitration, the appointment of an arbitrator A person approached for possible appointment as
shall be made by the National President of the Integrated arbitrator has the duty to disclose any circumstance likely
Bar of the Philippines or his duly authorized to raise doubts about his impartiality or independence.
representative, unless the parties agreed on a different
procedure. Procedure for the Challenge in ICA
 that agreed upon by the parties
Arbitrators and Arbitral Tribunals in ICA
In default thereof, the following shall apply:
 parties may agree on the number of arbitrators and the
procedure for their appointment 1. The challenging party shall send a written statement
 default number is three (3) of the reasons for the challenge to the arbitral tribunal
within 15 days after becoming aware if the
Default procedure for appointment of arbitrators: constitution of the arbitral tribunal or after becoming
aware of the circumstance constituting the ground for
1. In case of three arbitrators, each party shall appoint the challenge. Thereafter, the tribunal shall decide the
one arbitrator, and both appointed arbitrators shall challenge.
appoint the third arbitrator, failure of which shall be 2. If the challenge before the tribunal is not successful,
made by the appointing authority. the challenging party may request the appointing
2. In case of a sole arbitrator, appointment shall be authority within 30 days from notice of the decision
made by the appointing authority, upon the request of rejecting the challenge, to decide the challenge, which
a party. decision shall be immediately executory, and not be
subject to MR or appeal.
If under the appointment procedure agreed by the parties,
a party or institution fails to perform its function resulting The same may be questioned in court and the Special
in the non-appointment of an arbitrator, the arbitration Rules on ADR shall apply.
agreement shall govern. If none is provided therein, any
party may request the appointing authority to appoint an If the challenge is successful, a substitute arbitrator shall
arbitrator, and such appointment shall be immediately be appointed under the same rules as with that replaced.
executory and not subject to MR or appeal.
If an arbitrator in an ICA becomes de jure (by law or right,
The appointing authority shall consider the following: i.e., appointment to a government post prohibiting
exercise of profession) or de facto (by fact or
1. Qualifications required by the agreement of the circumstance, i.e., mental or physical incapacity to
parties discharge functions) unable to perform his functions or
2. Considerations as are likely to secure the appointment fails to act without undue delay, his mandate terminates:
of an independent and impartial arbitrator
3. In case of a sole or third arbitrator, the advisability of  if he withdraws
appointing an arbitrator of a nationality other than  if the parties agree on the termination
those of the parties (to avoid bias or “hometown
The withdrawal does not carry with it an implied Rule 43 (Petition for Review) and Rule 65 (Petition for
acceptance of the existence or veracity of the ground for Certiorari) are not available in arbitral awards.
the termination.
The arbitral tribunal whose acts are challenged for lack or
Jurisdiction if Arbitral Tribunal in ICA excess of jurisdiction may either:

Jurisdiction 1. Consider the challenge as a preliminary question or a

 right to act or the power and authority to hear and threshold issue and render a ruling thereon before
determine a cause conducting the arbitration (preliminary ruling may be
 as applied, it is the authority by virtue of which a elevated to the RTC whose decision shall be
tribunal can resolve disputes by rendering an award immediately executory and not subject to MR or
appeal) (arbitration proceedings shall continue unless
Jurisdiction over the subject matter a TRO is issued).
 conferred by the ADR Act 2. Defer the resolution thereof until the rendition of the
arbitral award and the resolution of the jurisdictional
Two instances when a court, quasi-judicial agency or issue shall form part thereof especially in instances
tribunal acts without jurisdiction: when the jurisdictional challenge does not appear to
be indubitable (order of deferment shall not be
1. Lack of jurisdiction - when it has no jurisdiction in susceptible to judicial review).
the first place
2. Excess of jurisdiction - when it goes beyond its The jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal over the person of
jurisdiction which it had in the first place the parties in an arbitration is conferred by the consent of
the parties to submit to arbitration.
The jurisdiction of an arbitration tribunal includes the
authority to rule on matters as to:  Agreement to submit to arbitration (pre-causal
 existence or validity of the agreement o entered at the time of the execution of an
 existence of a condition precedent to the filing of a arbitration agreement with an arbitration
request for arbitration clause
 determine the admissibility, relevance, materiality  Submission agreement (present causal consent)
and weight of evidence o no arbitration agreement with an arbitration
 issuance of subpoena clause but nonetheless submit an existing
dispute to arbitration
The arbitration clause is independent and separate from
the container clause, such that invalidity of the latter does Interim Measures in ICA
not automatically result in the nullity of the former.
It is only in the event that the arbitration agreement or
clause is itself void, inexistent or inoperative that the 1. After the arbitral tribunal has been constituted, any
arbitral tribunal’s jurisdiction may be questioned. party may request for the grant of interim measures
from the arbitral tribunal against the adverse party -
A challenge against the jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal in writing - must state specific relief, ground, and
in an ICA should be raised not later than the submission evidence
of the statement of defense in the answer or in a motion to 2. The relief may be granted in order to prevent
dismiss. Otherwise, the objection is deemed waived. irreparable loss; to provide security for the
performance on an obligation; to produce or preserve
In case there is excess of jurisdiction, a party may raise evidence; or compel any other appropriate act or
the objection as soon as the exercise of jurisdiction over a omission
mater beyond the scope of its authority becomes apparent. 3. The grant of the interim measure may be conditioned
Otherwise, the objection is deemed waived, unless the upon the provision of security or any act or omission
delay is justified. specified in the order
4. The order either granting or denying the request for
The decision of a court of quasi-judicial agency, or the interim measures shall be binding upon the parties
arbitral award of an arbitral tribunal which has no and either party may apply with the courts for
jurisdiction is null and void ab initio. assistance in implementing or enforcing it
5. A party who refuses to comply with the order for an The tribunal can avail of the following prerogatives in
interim measure shall be liable for damages resulting taking evidence:
from non-compliance (may be cited for indirect
contempt)  Court assistance in taking evidence.
6. Before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, or to  Subpoena - ad testificandum/duces tecum
the extent that the arbitral tribunal already constituted  In case of non-compliance, the party may seek
has no power to act effectively, the interim measure judicial intervention to compel compliance, and
may be requested from the courts in accordance with failure to comply with the court order will result
the Special Rules on Court on ADR in contempt. It is noted that a tribunal does not
have contempt powers.
Legal Representation in ICA  Expert
 called upon by the tribunal itself to provide
In an ICA conducted in the Philippines, a party may be assistance to the tribunal
represented by a person of his choice even if a non-  Similar to an amicus curiae
lawyer. However, if a non-lawyer is so appointed, he shall  does not refer to the expert witness called upon
not be authorized to appear as a counsel in any Philippine
by the parties to testify
court or to any quasi-judicial body even if such
appearance is in relation to the arbitration in which he 6. Conclusion/closure.
May be closed in two ways:
Rules of Procedure in ICA
1. By an award or settlement
GR: The parties may determine what rule will govern.
 If more than one arbitrator, decision shall be by
majority of the tribunal
In default thereof, the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules will
 Arbitral award on agreed terms - form of award
apply, unless found inappropriate by the tribunal.
in cases where during during the proceedings, the
Procedure in default of an agreement: parties agree to settle their dispute and the same
is without the objection of the tribunal - same
form as a regular award
1. Statement of claims. Within the period agreed upon
by one parties or determined by the arbitral tribunal,
2. Termination
the claimant shall state the facts supporting his claim,
the issues and relief or remedy sought, and shall
submit therewith or refer therein to relevant Order of termination may be issued when:
2. Statement of defenses. Respondent shall state his  The claimant withdraws his claim, unless the
defenses and submit or refer to relevant documents. respondent objects thereto on the basis of a legitimate
3. Default of the parties. The failure of the claimant or interest in obtaining a final settlement if the dispute
respondent to communicate his statement of claims or  The parties agree to terminate the proceedings
defenses during the period therefor, or his failure to  The tribunal finds that the continuation of the
appear at a hearing or to produce documentary proceedings has become unnecessary or impossible
evidence, results in the default of the failing party.
Failure to communicate his statement of claims will Upon conclusion/closure, the mandate of the tribunal
terminate the proceedings, while failure to ends.
communicate his statement of defenses will not.
Failure to appear or submit documents will be deemed XPN: When made by way of award or settlement, the
a waiver or such right. tribunal’s mandate extends:
4. Amendment of claims or defenses. The parties may
amend the same, unless found inappropriate by the  to correct and interpret the award
tribunal.  to set aside an exclusive recourse against the arbitral
5. Hearings. The tribunal shall determine whether to award
hold (a) oral hearings only, (b) oral arguments only,  when reserved, to the quantification of the costs and
(c) just require submission of documents. the determination of the party or liable or the division

The arbitral award becomes final and executory after:

a) The rendition of the judgment  must be made within 30 days from receipt of the
b) The hearing on the quantification of the costs and the award and with notice to the other party
determination of the party liable therefor or the In regular courts, a final judgment may no longer be
division thereof between the parties, provided that a modified except:
reservation for such hearing and quantification has  Correction of clerical errors
been made by the arbitral tribunal  Nunc pro tunc entries which cause no prejudice
c) The expiration of the periods for correction and to any party
interpretation of the award, or for making an  Void judgments
additional award, without any party or the tribunal
availing of said remedies 4. Correction of typographical error initiated by the
d) If the said remedies are availed of by the parties or the arbitral tribunal
tribunal, within the same periods stated above  within 30 days from the date of the award
counted from the date of the receipt of or issuance of
the arbitral award 5. Interpretation of the award
 request by a party must be within 30 days from
Costs in ICA receipt of the award
 must take into consideration the:  tribunal also has 30 days from receipt of the
o amount in dispute request to act
o complexity of the subject matter
o time spent by the arbitrators 6. Additional award
o other matters.  request must be within 30 days from receipt of the
award and with notice to the other party
Costs include:
 tribunal has 60 days from receipt of the request to
make the additional award if justified
1. Fees of the arbitral tribunal
2. Travel and other expenses
An ICA award cannot be corrected by the courts. The
3. Cost of expert advice
courts can only set them aside, extend recognition to
4. Travel and other expenses of witnesses
them, or refuse to recognize them.
5. Costs for legal representation and assistance
6. Fees and expenses of the appointing authority
Setting Aside an ICA Award
GR: Costs shall be borne by the unsuccessful party.
An ICA award may be set aside through the RTC
XPN: The arbitral tribunal may apportion the costs if
provided that:
reasonable under the circumstances
1. The petitioner furnishes proof that there was:
Example: SC held that where the petitioner instituted the
action believing that he was entitled to his claim, and the
 defect in the arbitration agreement (i.e.,
respondent cannot be faulted for defending himself for
perceived wrongful acts and conditions, it is only fitting incapacity of a party)
that both parties should share in the burden of the costs of  Violation of due process (i.e., not given notice)
the arbitration on a pro rata basis.  Lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of the
arbitral tribunal (subject to the doctrine of
Correction and Interpretation of ICA Award severability/separability)
 The arbitration agreement was violated
An arbitral award may be amended by the tribunal in any
of the following manners: 2. Or the court finds that:

1. Agreement of the parties  the subject of the dispute is not capable of

2. Quantification of the costs and determination of the settlement under PH laws
party liable therefor, or the division thereof between  the award is in conflict with public policy of the
the parties PH
 a reservation for such hearing and quantification
must be made
3. Correction of typographical and similar errors
initiated by a party
As to venue, it shall be in the RTC: Philippine ICA award is susceptible of vacation or setting
aside by a Philippine court while a foreign ICA award is
a) where the arbitration proceedings took place not, it may only be recognized or refused recognition
b) where the asset to be attached or levied upon, or the (since it is similar to a foreign arbitral award).
act to be enjoined is located (real actions or actions
quasi in rem) A foreign arbitral/ICA award, when recognized, is
c) where any of the parties to the dispute resides or has deemed a final and executory decision of Philippine
his place of business (personal actions) courts.
d) in the National Capital Judicial Region
 The choice shall be at the option of the applicant. - vested with the RTC
- recognition, enforcement, vacating or setting or
 Considered special proceedings and are summary in setting aside, application for arbitration assistance
nature (except in case of appeal).
The petition for setting aside must be filed within 3 - see enumeration on setting aside an ICA award
months from the date on which the party making the
application received the award, or from the date on which Notice
a request for correction, interpretation, or additional - in case of recognition and enforcement of ICA and
award has been disposed of by the arbitral tribunal. foreign arbitral awards, the court shall send notice to
the parties at their addresses on record in the
Recognition and Enforcement of ICA and Foreign arbitration, or if any party cannot be served with
Arbitral Awards notice at such address, at such party’s last known
Recognition - notice shall be sent at least 15 days before the date set
- the means by which a Philippine court gives legal for the hearing
acknowledgement to a foreign arbitral award and
confers upon it the capability to be enforced under *Grounds for Refusing Recognition and Procedure for
Philippine law through Philippine legal processes Recognition of Convention and As-in Convention
- our courts will allow said foreign judgment to be Awards
presented as a defense to a local litigation
Requisites for the recognition and enforcement of foreign
Confirmation judgments in the Philippines:
- the judicial affirmation of a domestic arbitral award
1. Proof of the foreign judgment
Enforcement 2. The judgment must be in a civil or commercial matter
⁃ means the execution and implementation of the foreign 3. There must be no lack of jurisdiction, no want of
arbitral award through Philippine legal processes notice, no collusion, no fraud, no clear mistake of law
or fact
Foreign arbitral award 4. The judgment must not contravene a sound and
- one made in a country other than the Philippines established public policy of the forum
(Special Rules of Court on ADR) 5. The judgement must be res judicata in the state that
- one rendered in an arbitration whose seat is outside rendered it
the Philippines
- an ICA whose seat is outside the Philippines is Convention award
considered a foreign arbitral award - foreign arbitral award made in a state which is a party
- must go through recognition to be enforceable to the New York Convention
- governed by the New York Convention and its IRR
Domestic arbitral award
- must go through confirmation prior to Non-convention award
implementation - foreign arbitral award made in a state which is not s
party to the New York Convention
Philippine ICA awards must go through recognition, not - cannot be enforced under the ADR Act but m ay be
just confirmation per the Special Rules of Court on ADR. deemed as a presumptive evidence if a right as
between the parties
As-in convention award
- made in a state which is not a party to the New York
Convention but which by reason of comity and
reciprocity, may be recognized and enforced as if it is
a convention award

Grounds for refusing recognition and enforcement to

convention and as-in convention awards:

1. Defect in the arbitration agreement

2. Violation of due process
3. Lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part if the tribunal
4. Violation of the arbitration agreement
5. Defect in the award

Note: Also see grounds for ICA award, same lang.

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