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TLE 10 - COOKERY | 2020


Week 4
LO 3. Present egg dishes TLE_HECK9-12ED-Ie-3

Get Started
It’s good to see you today. You’re going to work your way to learning new
Skills. In this lesson, you will learn to:
- Select suitable plates according to standards
- Present egg dishes hygienically and attractively using suitable garnishing and side dishes
sequentially within the required time frame

Let’s See What You Know

The following are the different types of a fried egg. Identify each by filling in the
space provided.

1. 2.

3. 4.


Get Acquainted
If you have an important guess in your house and you have limited ingredients. An egg
dish is the best dish to prepare, what dish it would be and how are you going to serve it

Get Involve
What can you say about the picture?

Get Informed
TLE 10 - COOKERY | 2020

Seven Simple Ways to Present Food

1. Set the table properly. Your day to-day meals might be free-for all,
but if you‘ve got guests coming over, it‘s nice to have the knives and
forks in the right places.

2. Choose your plates wisely. Make sure your serving plates are
big enough to let each food item stand out, but small enough that
the portions don‘t look tiny.

3. Read the clock! A fool proof way to arrange food on a plate is to

place the carbohydrate (rice, pasta, bread, etc.) at ―11 o‘clock,‖ the
vegetables at ―2 o‘clock,‖ and the protein at ―6 o‘clock‖ from the diner‘s
point of view. Foods must be serve with a proper timing.

4. Highlight centerpieces, it‘s good to have a little bit of height, but

don‘t overdo it. The main focus of the plate should be the main dish
and try to balance it with the side dishes and other garnishing.

5. Be odd. Don‘t be strange, but things generally look more interesting

when they‘re in sets of odd numbers, rather than even numbers.

6. Play with color and texture. Even if you‘re just serving Tomato
Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, a green paper napkin can make
this simple meal look really special!

7. Play with Height. This Chicken Stir-fry with Broccoli looks more
interesting because of the high mound of rice sitting next to it.

8. Garnish appropriately. Any garnish on the plate should be edible

and should enhance the flavor of the main dishes. Grilled salmon
might be served with a lemon wedge, for example. Garnishes, like the
cut-up fruit with the fried egg below, are also a great way to add color
or texture.

Different Techniques in Presenting Egg Dishes Attractively

TLE 10 - COOKERY | 2020

Get Ahead
Part of serving food is presentation. It should
appeal to your mouth, nose, and eyes. You
don‘t have to be a trained chef to learn the
basics of plating, which is the art of presenting
food in an attractive way.

Get Assessed
A minute to write. With your own
understanding about the Ways to Present Food
define the following phrases, you can give
1. Right timing in serving.

2. Garnishing is like a fashion.

3. Balancing numbers is not always applicable in plating.

4. Highlight centerpieces.

5. Variable height is a must.

6. Play with color and texture.

7. Choose your plates wisely.

8. Set the table properly

TLE 10 - COOKERY | 2020

Get Moving

Pictorial Report
Directions: Make a pictorial report with illustration showing you and the egg dish that you have cook
for your family.
Your output will be rated using the scoring rubric below:
5 4 3 2 1
Compiled pictures Compiled pictures Compiled pictures Compiled pictures Improperly
properly and properly and properly and properly and compiled pictures
illustrate the illustrate the illustrate the illustrate the but were not able to
qualities of a fresh qualities of a fresh qualities of a fresh qualities of a fresh illustrate the
egg in terms of egg egg in terms of egg egg in terms of egg egg in terms of egg qualities of a fresh
size and grading in size and grading in size and grading in size and grading in egg in terms of egg
a very attractive an attractive a less attractive a less attractive size and grading in
manner. manner. manner. manner. disorderly manner
TLE 10 - COOKERY | 2020

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