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23 Grammar Conditionals 1: (zero, first, second) ntroc onditi ‘Some sentences with the word if are called conditional sentences. With every conditional sentence, there are two parts: a situation and the result of that situation. Its the situation that starts with if There are different types of conditional sentence, depending on what the situation is. sarap Ts + When we start the sentence with if, we separate the situation and the result with a comma, # Ifyou join a gym, Il join too. ‘+ When we start the sentence with the result, we don't use a comma. # liljon too if you join a gym. if + present simple, present simple Use Example General or scientific facts If people eat too much, they often get fat. if + present simple, will + bare infinitive Use Example ~ Real or likely situations in Ifyou take these pills, you'll start to feel better very soon. the present or future and their results Helpful hints | + We can also use other models instead of wil, depending on the meaning, ¥ Ifyou get some rest, you might feel better tomorrow. ‘* We can also use an imperative instead of will to give instructions. ¥ If you don't feel well, go home! if + past simple, would + bare infinitive = Use Example Impossible or unlikely situations in the if my legs were longer, | would be a much faster runner! present or future and their results ‘We can also use the second conditional to give advice. We use the phrases If! were you ... or If! was you ... for this. If! were you ... is more formal than if! was you ... v If | were you, | would eat less chocolate. (more formal) v If | was you, I'd eat less chocolate! (more informal) 118 o. Conditionals 1: (zero fist, second) Unit 28 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the zero conditional. 1 Ifyou eat water, it boils heat / water /it / boil QV OU ren send / an e-mail / it / be / free 2 —" be / dangerous / you / not / wear /a seatbelt A IFYOU saree have / an injection / it / not / usually hurt Ifyou not / water / plants and flowers / they _ die a o Hf the $€8 nue . not / be / calm / nt / be / safe / to swim The words and phrases in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word or phrase. 1 If we will go shopping tomorrow, I'l probably buy a new top. 2. If Mum is tired tonight, | cook dinner. 3. John will tell us if there will be any news. 4 fl won't get a good mark in the geography test, I'l be very annoyed! 5 You are tired in the morning if you don't go to bed soon. 6 Ifyou see Karen, do you ask her to call me? 7 Does Frank come with us if we go to the beach at the weekend? 8 If you need help, will tell me! Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 ffl -sonsnuen (0) well in the exam, my parents will buy me an MP3 player. 2 If my sister borrows my clothes again, |... (SrEam)! 3 We'll leave at six o'clock if the weather .........0.0« (be) bad. 4 They. coun (not / mind) if we're a bit late this afternoon, 5. Sarah will be very annoyed if Dave .. sone (NOt / call) her this evening. 6 Will you stil go to the concert if the tickets (cost) 60 euros? 7 If Rania doesn’t come to the party, .... oun (Greg / be) upset? 8 Ill be surprised if Doug and Daa nn (not / get) a new car soon. 119 120 Unit 28 Grammar Circle the correct word or phrase 1 fl win / won a million euros, I'd buy my mum and dad a new house. 2 If Steve paid more attention in class, he will / would learn more. 3 They'll / They'd go on a cruise if they had enough money. 4 You'd feel a lot healthier if you don’t / didn’t eat so much fast food. 5 Ifl have / had a bike, it wouldn't take me so long to get to school. 6 Ifyou met Tom Hanks, what will / would you ask him? 7 Will / Would Bobby be upset if | didn’t invite him? 8 Iflam / were you, I'd get a haircut! ete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first e. Write no more than three words. sen 1 Sylvia doesn't have ve enough money, so she can't buy a new computer. If Sylvia enough money, she'd buy a new computer. The twins don't see their friends often because theyre te very busy. If the twins weren't so busy, they . coosnsinn their friends more often. \ don't live in a et so there’s not much to do in the evening. If ... ina city, there would be lots to do in the evening. 4 Grandma won't get a dog because she lives in a small flat. ny wo If Grandma in a small flat, she'd get a dog. 5 You use your mobile a lat, $0 you have large phone bills. If you didn't use your mobile SO MUCH, YOU .s.ssnsnn nnn ww large phone bill. 6 \ nk you should tell your parents the truth. .. you, I'd tell your parents the truth. F | Choose the correct answer. Dear Marsha, Dear Yuri Tm not sure what to do Millions of people ave vegetarians and they're perfectly healthy, You have to be carefid, thoug Y'm thinking fet Bee OE HYot (2) nnn Mp cating meat completly, and oy (3) chocolat a vegetarian jeeabad | sulci, that wuld obviously be vr ba or yo f pepe dt et prope, thay wa They say that if (4) nnn i A'S that simple f you eat lots oft and salad and beans, you {(1) sevens ID (9) sn got al the things you need to stay healthy, But — you're only 14 years meat, my body won es ds OF you (6) «at home with your parents — and you probably do — youl getall the Peete my | te to ask hem what ty thik to your nu coks or yu, (2) it. be ‘FRends right? dificut for her to wuake you special teas. FL were You, (8) sso tink about Bees this cavfidly and maybe wit wntil you're abit older before making such a big decision. ‘Yuri, age 14 Marsha 1 Astop B stopped 5 Awill B would 2 Agive B gave 6 Alive B will live 3 Awill eat Bate 7 Awill B would 4 Aget B would get 8 Awill B would Conditionals 2: (third) if + past perfect simple, would + have + past participle t Use - Example ~ Unreal situations in the past and Ifthe chemist had been open, | would have bought some aspirin. their unreal past results (= The chemist wasn't open, so I didn't buy any aspirin.) if! hadn't listened to you, | would have cooked the chicken for too long. ( =I listened to you, so | didn’t cook the chicken for too long.) If he had seen the doctor, he wouldn't have been ill for such a long time. ( = He didn’t see the doctor, so he was ill for a long time.) !f you hadn't eaten a giant pizza, you wouldn't have been sick! ( = You ate a giant pizza, so you were sick.) | We can also use could and might instead of would, depending on the meaning. | / Ifyou had eaten a giant pizza, you might have been sick! (= Its possible, but not certain, that you would have been sick.) | 7 If Mary had told me she was coming, | could have cooked a nice meal. | ( =| would have been able to cook a nice meal.) ; ‘Watch) » The third conditional is the only conditional that refers to the past. ¥ If|had had a headache, | would have taken an aspirin. ( = in the past) ‘» We use past simple in the second conditional, but that does not refer to the past. ¥ If had a headache, | would take an aspirin. ( = now or generally) + For more information on the second conditional, see Unit 28. 121 Unit 29 Grammar > Circle the correct answer. if Charles had had enough money, he'd have bought the CD. 1 Did Charles have enough money? Yes / No 2 Did he buy the CD? Yes / No Cilla would have called Andrea i she'd taken her mobile with her. 3 Did Cilla call Andrea? Yes / No 4 Did she take her mobile with her? Yes / No If we hadn't been late, we'd have seen the start of the film. 5 Were they late? =~ Yes / No 6 Did they see the start of the film? Yes / No Paul wouldn't have made a mistake if he'd listened to Lee. 7. Did Paul make a mistake? Yes / No 8 Did Paul listen to Lee? Yes / No Jo wouldn't have gone to the party if she hadn't been invited. 9. Did Jo go to the party? Yes / No 10 Was Jo invited to the party? Yes / No Torn would have forgotten his keys if Lisa hadn't reminded him. i” 11 Did Tom forget his keys? Yes / No 12 Did Lisa remind him about his keys? Yes / No Complete using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 Ifyou -_ (tell) me you were going to the beach, I'd have come with you. 2. If Dan had missed the plane, he (be) very annoyed. 3 I'd have got you a present if| . (know) it was your birthday. 4 We (not / get) lost if we'd taken a map with us. 5 Ifthe car (not / break down), | wouldn't have been late. 6 Ifyou ..{not / help) me, | wouldn't have finished in time. 7 |f Baz (not / show) you what to do, what (you / do)? Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words. 1 It wasn't cold, so we didn't light a fire. Ifit cold, we'd have lit a fire. 2 John didn't come, so we didn’t do any painting. If John — , we'd have done some painting. 3. Claire didn’t buy any clothes because she didn’t see anything she liked. Claire some clothes if she’d seen something she liked. 4 The audience laughed because the joke was very funny. If the joke very funny, the audience wouldn't have laughed. 5 We decided to leave because it was really noisy. We » —— to leave if it hadn't been really noisy. [D] Look at the pict verbs Conditionals 2; (third) Unit 29 es and complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the n the box. You may have to use some negative forms m pick up 1 If Kevin hadn't just got a text message, he 2. If he hadr't looked at his mobile, he 3 If someone Sasa ai 4. If Kevin had seen the banana skin, he .... 5 6 7 If he hadn't stood on it, he ... If he hadn't fallen over, he {f he hadn't broken his mobile, he reply * see stood von at his mobile phone. woowew the banana skin. .. the banana skin earlier, it wouldn't have been there. soe ON it, his mobile. to the text message. Read the story and complete the sentences. ) ida loved to keep fit. Whenever she could, she } / went to the gym after work. But one evening, Vida got home late. ‘It's too late to go to the ‘gum now,’ she said to herself. 'lljust watch TV instead." She made herself a nice, fresh, healthy solad ond sat down in front of the TV. Suddenly, she saw something con TV that cought her attention. It was an advert for ‘on exercise bike called the Fitmaster 6000. That looks fantastic!" thought Vida. ‘I think ll buy that!” She phoned the number and ordered the machine. It came the next doy Itwas much bigger than it looked on TY, and the only place Vida could put it was ot the top of the stairs. 1 If Vida had got home earlier, 2 If she'd gone to the gym that evening, 3 If she hadn't watched TV, 4 She wouldn't have bought the Fitmaster 5000 - She loved the Fitmaster 5000 so much, though, that from that day on, she only exercised at home, She didn't go to the gym any more. She spent hours every evening on her exercise bike, and every evening she went faster and faster. One evening, she was going so fast thatthe exercise bike began to move forwards, Before she knew what had happened, she - and the bike — fell down the stairs. All sixteen of them, Right to the bottom. Ouch! The Fitmaster 5000 was broken, and so was Vido's leg, “I think that’s enough exercise for a while,’ thought Vida, as she lay in her hospital bed. ‘And that's ‘enough watching adverts on TV too.’ 5. She wouldn't have put it atthe top of the stairs 6 She'd have continued going to the gym 7 If she hadn't gone so fast, . 8 If she hadn't fallen down the stairs, 123

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