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Leydi Karina Cabezas Carvajal – 052100052019

B. A. In Foreign Language

Project Based Learning Experience.

1. What do you understand by Project Based Learning, according to

your work with the teacher last semester?

 I understood that the PBL is a strategy implemented by the university

to develop the learning process in a more practical way, where
through inquiries, we forge and expand our knowledge in the English
language, at the same time in which we carry out an action as a
common good.

2. What are the steps you followed in PBL last semester?

 First of all, we as a group contribute ideas to choose the topic, then

we chose a name for it; after, we decided what the final product
would be and Finally, we did 3 homeworks before reaching the final
product with the guidelines that the teacher was indicating.

3. Please, explain briefly each step you followed.

 Choose the topic: the teacher explained to us that we should choose

a topic, where through the English language a common good will be
 Choose a name: After choosing the topic, we had to choose a
meaningful name to represent it; for which, each one contributed a
name and this was put to a vote to choose the one indicated.
 Final product: there was a dialogue about what would be the final
purpose of the chosen topic; In this way, a common agreement was
reached on what would be made as a final product.
 Homeworks: The teacher designed working groups to develop the
PBL, and every 2 weeks she assigned us an activity with respect to
the chosen topic to start creating our project.

4. How many people were in each work group?

 In each work group there were 4 people.

5. In your opinion what were the postiive and negative aspects of

working with PBL?

 In my opinion, I have no negative aspects with respect to the PBL of

the last semester, on the contrary, I think that the development and
the times were adequate, since, when it came to works on this topic,
the teacher did not demand others from us. aside so we could focus
on getting it right.

6. What topics did you work on PBL last semester?

 We work about self care and the self love.

7. What topic(s) would you propose for this semester?

 I would propose a topic about the rescue of values.

8. Would you like to add any comment, question or suggestion for this
semester's PBL work?

 As a suggestion, I would like to take into account the management of

time in relation to assigned work; This is in order to avoid the stress
produced by the tension to the moment of wanting to comply with
everything requested on time.

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