Maam Destiny CE Formulas

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MaiheMaTl CS & SuTVEYyINg | -£ RAS 5) sume "F sALGEBRA’ | products & i cis % gpeciat Prod! inequalities quevit= a2 -2uv + ve byt = (utv(u-v) uive= uitguty t3uve ¢y3 ( (uty)? 2 ut # aut V2 | | (u-v = US -3u2y + 3uy? | way? = utviCu2 -uvt v2) yav3= (Uv )(u2 FUN t v2) (utvew)2 = U24V7#W?t 2UV + 2vw +2 UW complex numbers a in solving equations: Alwag¥s check your values, sometimes +7 . Values OFO extpaneruyy Linear Equations POOL. See P.119 oI-Alg- Domain- serof numbers for which the expressions in the equation is defined: Root! Solurion- O number that satisfies the equation. identical equation = same domain & soluhan Conditignal equation -some solution in domain but nor all. Equivalent equations ~ expressions having the sume solution set- “eral equangn- expression having ' __ fNgOr more ; (Buouratics Equations es 9 Suntratic Formulds 20 3 b-yac is discriminant if D?-4a¢ =o rangnaia equal eye = perk. Q YC = Peisre "> rationg sunequat D®-yacz0 but non- pert: $9- irrationasbune, B~4oC eHalf- open interval { } eciosed interval | 1o9,9=% or deg Properties: 109g NINE 1099 M + I09aN | logg% = 1090 M~ logaN Joga NP= ploggh qt9eN =n toga" logan ue > crit Val Polynomials Remoinaer Theorem FO) =(x-r) 5 remainder is F(r) Focior Theorem $00 nas (x-r) as ractor when #(1)= 9 aational 2eroes & are posse factors Pe ‘divisors 81) COM Aig Partial Fractions see book for parameters: progressions Ae nritheneti¢ Progression on= ait (nt) n= om+t(n-m)d sz L(aitan) $= Dea +(o-04) prithmetic means 22 Arithmetic meanS— terms in between Ho terns B Geometric Progression azar anz ame" - s= MOT ceinired ee th S oF (infinite) 6M*=AMx HM. Geometri¢: means Vig seometric means —terms in betreetn WO Terms ¢. Harmonic Progression Greciprocal of arithmetic progression Harmonic mecn~ reciprocal of arithmetic mean of the actual harmanic progression. 1} 2H 66 the arithmeric mean A=isthe harmonic mean 2 numerical value: ean Xsa arse 9) Additional Information & | binomiat Expansion term conidining ace ut yh rin term aGrey uP ttt yrs | sumor coefficients s>¢x+y)"; yeq yer $3 (uxtay? Geuereay" (ay? sumor exponents Cxty)" 9 ACntTy arydyn > ACMY(ay 8x. (2-998 OB? rae = OX 35 44K 27 S: SUM OF CoeEP = 8-36 199 = 26 [etn-3 B-aP 6 S= AXTBXTC=0 Lb roots ore reciprocal to ¢x? 8x +A=0 | word Propiems A-Agereloted problems & motion-resated problems de Vt (xty) velocity with the medium (ey) velociry against the medium “motion in @ circle or closed circuit? +-60iN9 in the same direction: deosier — dgwer 1 circuit 2 boing ih the Opposite direction: roster + daower= 1 circuit i C. COCK Problems %fa— movement of hour hand in x mins. BD. WOK problems Wy = work done in 1 hour jx isnrs todo of thewer E.mixture Problems | proportions 4 A-mean Proportion: Q:x=%:b —j.x=mean proportion 8B. Third Proportion q:bs bry 5 X= third proportional Fourth Proportion @ipec:x 5p x= Fourth proporriana) | j Que to Temperature CHL (Tyo Ts) ees Note f pheasurement of pisron 4 Ostet = 1.6010 Seq f isto oInEN tea Tom 15 given on tothends of poce FaCtOl = “Ale OF Ta. oF steps the tape suse Tinton! Bue to tension stellt cys {to Pade a ides ‘ Isteide = epaces net net Gace Note «| Errors: 4 . “4 prorotve value | Error or sum Wetec? MERI ofan! aa ER xe Exum? YER FE — Uetg sag Eriol OF Product 3 esidual 5p OEE ns te Epos VaseeextEy (8 Supe veXrR ‘ae Probapie Error f : Notes: pess rooms (2 (single measrm't) Everything iS odded algebtctically except for: Dem: + 0.6195 Ven (mean) Cs & Chareawaus subtracted! Reiaive Precision/ Aeldlive Error] Precision of pp: fe. 2 ~ pour up 10 gears wnore Mant S enoMinaror ae recting ‘ean is In Closed Traverse ile? peaerayor=1¢in unity) coer 9 ane Fingt Excression fol Mast Probable Length Trigngle = @ = nO-OF msenn't Pvt PEm a ae er en j 8 n° 6 whe US = weighted measuremenis for single Lines ‘ Ea 3B . Mabhse de ‘weighted Mean =o - " a) TO wh EW piu B. 18)" B ost Probable value = aE eye is Berror =? NOTE” Wyo pg. of observations or Conor) or "Earth's curvature & tefraction = Cistance ) hers 0-065 k? @ Note: Aer in meters Corrections Kin witomerers Bue tO: plone | stadia Formula fr Gentle 1 (Less than 20 " Oe & bl HorRenia) Line of Sight: Cn? 35 C Yo) TRG ? b. steep sipes( 82, 20% fo 0% K~Sraaia interwar racrar (=F) cnedes # iy 5~ stadia intercept (uppr= lower) C™ stadia consrang (#te) C-very Steep slopes (more 1h0n 30%) i> distance between stacid hairs che S(y-cos@) Inclined tine of sight He RSOsO fF Cc0s6 V2 ks SiN20.4 csing = nssindcosa ¢csind ay ; yea of A Closed Iraversé mo Metod: 1.compure & balance departure? & larifudts,E=0- If pot, disiflbutethe error: Dep “S| tee Node? CMPLX 19PUF ( pistance L searing from (1)K-aNs) Result: Grbi = (pep + Lori) z-compute DMD Adjustments / Boldncing Compass ault en ce EF 2Transi Rules cee > Ervoryera see dIstonce permelee = Wher 9. ks Total cat. oF. Dep Csurtmakan re 1e55 oF signs) Emor oF closures VELat® + 5 ocp® Relotiye Errore error of cosure Perimeter (Horizontal curves DMD preceding T Dep preceding tOep of line I SiIMPIE Curve in interest swore? DNAO in [asF fine should be numer cally equal! s.computé OR oA=0MO x rotltude ADA 2 enreq DPD method 2, compule DP. =DPD precedingt Lot preceding + Lat line, 3. compute DA DA= DPD x Dep. 4. areas YOR] /2 | red oF trreguior rraverse 1 compound curve | @ | Tropeaoidal Auies ye soe nee (MEDS + Shinetiars) poo | Simpson's One~tnird quit: t ReS(hithe + 2h ogdinresiors t¥Zheven- In) Note? CON ONLY be used until tast odd height from 0. 0+ 009 t Missing Oata Refer 10 “surveying module 4 note: Ans! Back Tt Tangent 1 maton} ce ansin p= 145-916, R hetRorza) tin. od ¥ (degrees) Lc= RI ag E=a(secd-1) me R(1 ~ (054) a. reverse curve )YWerncal curves Symmetrical r Yr 4. Spirdl Curve He $(1Di1 + 1901 7 Ba mish | wR, (uy? dob tOngeR when sowing y "HOT? x ung for stort® . Tangent Jong tangent 2.2 ae ie spirol 5C- spiral 10 central curve C= any point on Cute La THe L Hs > ~~ ($1 92) 1° UB cs nt 92) 0 eis RA ge jigs SEE skis ino Aura * hgh ‘ a lee 2:902989 (supe earn) ga(titte) =9ikr + gabe sigh conse se Noit!-——-—- unless o#nenn cuNert ior 2 invert se Ts= $+ (Rtpytond = L 6B CRHPY SecE—R 1 1 1! | | 1 rf earthworks req computation: A. Level cross-section he i A ha {is Be | a2 de da, AE ac +9C2 B Three -Level Cross=section, Ih be be Bla. dh ae Re Z[¢ (dato) +S (hethay) © Five-Level cross Section rey [ecttada + nd.) Volume Computation: A End Area method : ver E[ AY +Az] B. Prismoidal method * | Voz Elm +m +r] | note: AM is determined by Gverasing Jinear aimensions Of Ay & fia! f / ¢prismoidal correction (P= 5 (C1-C2) Case) b de data Vo=ve-cp 0. Borrow pit A ve F100 1 hes #28 ed nae 3 Ehvsed thrice # 4Ehused 4] Leveling, TP= Him FSS, pies mediare' wr Pl sm [ es | Hi FS Elev emir [e256 || 99.356, BS TP) 1.m6 || BG |f 1-88 cn) Thee only =F wusg 73 _|_rvaa | thes [2.206 sen] yo Gosev= 395-51 Added algeoruicci tine of — sight ‘comred: Eleva hon* Erfor/sei-up ks ohwd) added, inclined upward: error seé-up= @2~e) Incined downwort errorj Set-up= €1-€ { bumpy lever | wye Level seh Reiven Set-up a +. xy = | “True derev= cae fet e fm serpy: 1 Ry er 2003 a sive setup 1 & eh rug opev= Ot een {§0L1D MENSURATION + arygons i giz 180° (0-2) See 300" Noe B(-3) ! triangles ed * General Formula Red h SAS Trigngie absing : ingles B any side = DeSINAsING two ys Fest 595 FUNGHE (Heron's) AEN STROKE | se atbre ; 2 z Properties * intersection of anit NOME Of point: Altitude Orthocenter. median centroid 2K r—___ * dt Angle Bisector incenter Perpendicular Cireumcenter Sisectar | Paratielograms 5 freq: | General Formula feb SAS. Pebhsing ‘Zdioganals Ban ongle —_pF4-dide sino Az Gh Peyo Lx fe atsing Da Fdide Rectungie AeLW Pe2L+2W Square: n=at by _ Paud men i5tatio eedian= 2(atb) = A= $(atb)(b) General G.uadrilatera) j= f Eakbe)* +f ‘ mir * Ae ddd Sind Be (SMG (SCS-d)- andor ; oe BE Cyclic Quadrilateral) 2 BR Propertivs: Late = 84D =6@Q° 2 AF & Bob 3. didi acébd (Plolemy’s Formuld) % ney (S-ONls=b)0-CKs-d) (6romaguptha’s) 5. A= (adtcd)(octbd (adi ne) wR | Gyodritatera! Circumcribing a Circle, Proper ties: Vents, 2. psf abed Baieebid Binet” aly gona nepions ' pavabollc t Spander segment AReguiar Polygons 3 wore! a, aeqor > gpcthem ( R of inscribe crcie) soit P> perimertr Aiea = don 8.Irreguiar Polygons Area y= Son circles. ~bipse Properties* RE fab Pe any | atthe z | sais anded oy rane races z © AeReGUlOr Poryivc tron | volume SA Tetranegron A Fo Gat Hecahedran icube | 93 mat cianedion a | od Pasa * boaecanedron O | SANE 3 S006 a® Icosahedron _| BeBe ste 8. Prisms Yolurne a ovate piped) uw wal E11 aia Duvas 2H FU Truncated prism ta( 34) re(B)+ Fa |G Pyramias Volume oo Aight Pyramid Ash Holt Be Frusium of a 4 Puram ervemr tA Hnter)L + Be {solids tounded oy uote. suraces j A-Cylinder vom SA 5 es BoB Right Cylinder | _fF*h ath +e BR obrique wi non | quran es nan: mrt UPL ( ta: Areg \_ Os ee irculat bases (ne of (Gh) (Ga) =(65)( 7) Truncated smra(2g28) | ant) Oblique Ww) _ " < sewn tones | MA | a= G58 { s.cone ie 5A 3 FO AB FE oblique 3m = A Right darn | Ah tne 7 Frustum APCeerrsrAr)| Cor cedL +h "Sectors : hice Ge $270 10 in rad ice IT) sphere jars 4ar® Spherical segment | 22 (3pspy arth +Ap wl pase. 2 ede (. Sphere volume sphere Spherical Segment wi/ 1 base sa Spherica) segment. : wi2bases spherical cone D. other Solids Pord baloid Ell[psoid] Spergid + Projate spheroid (rotation at major axis) * Oblate spheroid (rotation at minor axis) The Distonte gerween Point 3 Ling | ge POEBYIHC | tp tfntege atave (4) Ghovec) belowtt) Angle Between Two Lines: tongs =m) It Mam, Area of a Dolygon bf x1 a x3 n alt wy enti oF triangle : Re tena je tier ; ow | ‘Sub =Tancen}: | st: iy Sub-Hormay! SNE My, Puss where Lad SED radius of SRETICOL segments ‘| cirete General equation: Batt Ayt + Ox + Eytr=g stoneard Equation: Cont (yk) 212 Area az tae Perimeter De tre) Rogical center even 3.¢q's Pair 2 of oti Subrroct Mose Leys » yields ev's OF tines Foie those 3 a) at atime. Sotution sets ‘Should be tng ‘same! if noty $5. 15 0 eeetrrricity © opproathing “0” ‘ paravoia irccitis Genera! Squanon: torus rectum Ait t Ox+ BY #F=0 4a Cyt + Ox # EY HE =Q srandord Equation eccentricity ens 2 General Equation : Axt + Cytt OX FEY TFEO standord Equanan: 2 ye 4, Ss, { oes prs General Equation: Basic Property: ARL-CY? + Dx fey TF o2Sb2¢c2 “PAX? £ Cy? #OX FEY FEO Larus Rectum: Standard Equation: ae a Ep when 29 a Direcrrix: e | | ph is trea intersting tines! + ah e ae See poge 126. Analysic 6eom Fa W Rosaiend ws - ee aosie property: °° ey: Carbs Perimeter catus Rechum: p=mab, 2pt freq a As ap Jotth? Benois 3 po ; 2 ; eg a secon | Etcenricy: Dieectrix: oy get e ‘ie STs oe aes | fF end Oegree equanon 0 1 gener! per oxy roe DC HEY TF=O +920 "I ‘Tes bre On NUE ip paced fs 8¢ OF Cpposite sions , hyperbola Ag of some signs REC ) circle R#C » Pltipse +g#0 gydlugte B2-4AC FR-¥AC=0 parabola Be-YACKO — BMlipse Be=yAC?O hyperbola “eccentricities cirae enipse. (cree = -[-nertoe I paravoig ane Tangent 10a conic section 4 re) Replace? a) he er =—— nx e ve ——uy x ——X2X y ne ; nut vax vy 2 where: (xtsV2) ispoint gp fangency : 16) L yersing 6 x18 Polar Coordinates Pls ate ye tones 2 x TRIGONOMETRY: angie seasurements arevolution rod = 360° = yoograds = 6400 mits Complementary angles ~ sum of 90% Supplementary angies ~ sum oP 1 Explementary angles=sum of 360° ODIIgUe Triangies sine Low* ee SINA 8 * “sin Cosine Law:= Bec? = 2ncws A ate c? —20C C088 CRE arb? — 2db cos C |. Pyrragorean relations: sint__ + wo SEN ‘ ey" -— deentities: poe Co-Funcrion identities: sIN( 30-8) = cos «05 (90-6) = 51N6 tancgo-8)= cote | Sum of TWO Angles: Sin (AB) = siNFicoSB + COSASING cos (At8) = Cosh C058 — SNASINB ton (ate) = OHA t band 1= tanatané Difference oF rwo Angles: sin (r-B)= SiN COsB—COSASING Cos (A-B)= COSA COsB+ SINA SING tan Cr-e)= tonh=tane 1 tONAtanB Double Angies: asinacosA costa Sin? = 2c0s7A-4 1-2si07A nA sint@t Costg=1 tone +4= cect g Cotte +3= es¢29 Harr Angie | sin-R {Eon cop cos ati TE ton f= +(e Te squares Sint R= can costps 160520 toma 2Cas2A 1+ COS2A Miscelidneous i nore: | £ spends on wy Fwodranr Oy, ‘ec tanh tonetanc= t0nA + tan’ + tanc versine (versed sine) vers A= 1~¢95q versed cosine COURTSA= a-sinn | Hoversine hav F = 44(9-cosm) Exsecant eXSECA= Sech-1 (Period. nmptitude & Frequency ah yssing YECOSX ; yetanx, Period - interval whieh the Function repeats Amoitude -greatest disrance giong y Frequency = repetitions per time Function Period Amplitude | yeasin (8x4) en/t6t & YEACOR(BxtC) anf 181 a ys Arancexrc) a / 181 = Horizontal mransianons 9 yas sin(x-Ky x-feq xefert 3 xe xt 8 3 © my gr ; CS SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY « Spherical rriangle ~intersection of three great cirdes “peopetties of spnerica triangle Sum OF Interior Angits= 180" < arse (540" Sum of sides: Lean i| arbre ¢ 360° . | Inds © sonericot excess: a conver single navigarioNs pearing ore meatuted Fem ce Fangies=100° " | jeune only 46 ‘wockwise aifection- ©") 91 ie eae te ain suaveying, IFES Mhe cure anole from Nor S D= 300’ Ssides a ne: 1 ae ae = | + ny Side W iS opposite angie Fermindte inthe igeewlotor Inputs ey soon “yet $62 In gradans? ff cngie A iS obtuse, Side a should be abtuse. cost gig 82-63 HF S98) ES acute, angie 8 SMOUIE be aout ETH IN adios LiF ony two ports oF the three? Ob A Cy tEfmIngk GH Ihe Some quadrant; the third shoyld terminate In thE some quadrant as the twos If the given 2 trfongles that on te formed as a terminate on different quadrants, the third should "ysalve 1 anole désignaté as @- fermingig on quadrant’ Guagrant means ebnuse! 2 sowe supplementary oF 8, designate ase’ KTIpS tips tips v 2. 180"- Given orgie — 8 = tangir, 2.1 tuaNgiC 1f your cnswer viciates theorem a, the correct | = civen angie 6"=P arnie, © 2eriangRS, but | GNSWEr IS just ane supplementary of what you | When ~ongle is produced» this isnt counted ay Got, because: angie? mangle sin A= Sin (99-F) That is why sine law is much more relidbl ‘Since sines hove mutpie values of ongits’si ia + ABS Bm -AC= 25m + 2riengies 2 ABE ¥OCM, AC=3SCM, None % AB Vche BCS SHC CxIS4? —trrigngic apie 5 AUIE: +Sin-Ta-Ad* sine (middle) + Sin=¢o-Op = sine (middle | Bees(o~ e)esing | sn(o-e) = ton (Pdjacents) ton (Pd) 2) = (05 (Opposite 2) (05 (opp?) 056 | tantco-6)ecore sings sine daa ObligUe Inangles g PROBABILITY & STATISTICS~ {rdaition nue oF probability 3 . ? A Sine_Lavi -heyword Yor” (U) sind, SND = SC frinviuaily exclusive: e SINR sinB SIAC con't occur atthe same time / cosine. wow sides+ peRacex=etInae te) casas cosbeose + sineTIN.CO>F | nor myruaiy exclusive: PCAUB)=P (A) a me Sozine. Laie... angiess Pinor B) = P(r) + Pt8)— PCnandy PANE | Terrestrial sphere cOSAS-cosacost SInBsINC cosa ) Multiplication Aue OF Prepability i 9 ~Hesword “and” (7) ‘ A-independent events: -Constanis* . P(A ond B) = P(A)~ PCB) yarcor greatcirde = 1 nqutica) mile)”. B bependent events t Parcof grent cirde> sonaurica) miles, > P(p and 8)= P(A)* P(BIA) Radius of the Earth= 3959 miles = 6370Km ‘A nautical mie = 1 852Km | conainonas Probability af isfarute mie = + 609KM = 5280+ | peiAy= ae stile evn around tht gar wt pifPerence in rime _arou id earth ie eed eres “ GMT Cérecnwich Mean Time? Aine \ 4 Oe / que increment ‘permutation 4 Theorem 1+ me mare easi-Furmner a placeiss more advance jong time! (similar etements) Partitioning =x etements in st Daklements in wd & 50 of Theoremes No-of combinations tahen iat gtime, 2arahme "& 500n but not 0 at Otime: Btime_ _ _ Alongitude | thts 360° ce 204 With Oat atime: ce2 wii a ospility pistripution ial fe eesit5 inn trials" ar m Spropapility oF success ; poe nex se ? F-propability oF failure pisttipurion - “soi of first success On trial x pod= sf fele$ issen probability bistri bution | im of x occurences iN an interval” or xeyword is given “average mean” value Kp ah PF we 3 ML WS MEGA number of gceyrences " yoirnal Probabliity pistripution HY ‘ eo F a 5 Prsuccess rate + a fip] (standard deviation) 3 aE eee tat) 8G) | # Pee) R(22) net winnings Na winnings of @ person who gambles: Expected ane ate Price — Priceat Sale Stprives at § riches exgecied winnings = 5 (propotisity x winnings) Oigina pices _ DIFFERENTIAL cALCULUS \ | Umit of a Function Supstitule very close number to the ‘ithity both | | left & right of the timit. 1¢ i epesn's march, “Limit O08 Not exist” | | WHospitors Rute | differentiating the numerator denominator separately. Lim. m0 Adviseanie to use L’Hospital’s tim. F305 Oivide each element with the highest degree | Asymptotes vertical msymprote Set denominator ro zero Horizontal asymprote i we oy Stanting Asymptore only happens when the difference of tne fumeraror & denominator’s highs! seoree of elements is ofiy oF jst degree. divide numerator by denominator Rules OF Differentiation, 2 GS m Z c=0 ager (3) ax feu c ge odcms Ws or odweudey dt M x Inwerse Function o & engin Rule mae 8g { “curvatures niger Derivar JUSt AEE on differentiating ie CUIVIUEE, a epee impiicit olererentiation (Hoe y= Factor cut y! 8. Radius of curvature [aecyoe [yl &-Cenver of Curvature Fea Bir yt) je yt Rts) Equation of tangent tine & Normal vine ve for y' OF hE equation: ubstizute ane points on y’ tasvlve for slope: “Equation ef a ling > yyy e/M(x-x1) {i |= Angie Between WO curves tang> | | were: | we VO). differentiation of Irigonametric Functions i sey) (0) & sinu = cosu - ge range Find fine center OF curvature : a yy osu = "sina. a | 9x7 ot (6,0) (a) & tonu= sect s | cAyiSe et yw ee cc) sq diwettiey % | cay YF Tape Ovo gis) (9) & secur secutany - Sa (ny 2 ys 2c FO x=0) yPe2 on gh csus —tscucotu: gu | piererenticticn of inverse trigonometric Functions = Hex (wi) | deutg,( ity) | one otek (rene (06) & sinty = ts «A Ke o- (rR) | Feoek(eGR) 18) & sin"u = Fag de mA et j mg ostus pa : go ol B ae { maxima ond sninima Cetitical points) } te Ftontu= Troe ‘ vMten v oen'u= ae Y a 1 wu | Global maximum & Minimum cy de seus ee x highest @ lowest point {n the entire graph areceal du 4OCd! MOxIMUM & minimum On OCU Oy at hignes! 8 lowest poinrin the range given. | sogadthmic oifferentiaion = 4 a Fiayy= Fy! eau (a) 1094 ‘ogy ©) Rate of change of siope y"=rate of change of slope ~ we common SF y"60, curve is concave downward. AP can Siegue Em Bh 5 mslone (cere | “AF yu70 curve is concove upwards —\vrin" togaritnm, £ = Lau i enSinu= pa on: the function y= FOX) is ¢ mox at x=q iF © ¥(Q)E0 w F(a) CO. ine Function ¥#f(x) is amin a} x= cir: oifrerentiation of Exponential Functions 4 ao ote oY ing Ae as a ‘at 4(ole0 ¥ £(0)70. = eu wages gt . | Polnt oF infection _ ong wy Cvinu) = vu" ‘ay + ving de whert concovitu changes. | v's0 moxima and mi ome! maximum B minimunh poinsS as well ind thE as hemttl: . a of inftecton oF YX?" 6w ng « a =e 9x3 if ine 1X $9 20 } es j xe} (erica! values where y=) SPS for_Moxima.d_ minima Problems, hidentify the variable i aaa 10 be maximized or 2 Express other variables jn fh ol FEMS OF the vari FO maximized of minimized. a 3-0ifferentiate and equate to zero. y'sextt send perivanve Test? | Exompie 7 yt 6(3) . A ll ya o sCaminimunt IAT af Caray) Liter con is tobe packaged where material * fOr she 4p costs S times os much as ine mate» y's 600y NOIS for the sides & poitom. Find the dimension y'<0 (maximum point_ot (11) Point of infiechon Test yY =6X-1220 if cost is to be minimized. cose WreCSk) + re CK) + emrh th) coste Gtr iit’) Cath ACHEE) costs (6rig)(st)+ 20008 ge =(6T4) (oP) + CeocaK ENE?) o = str - 2000 | RF R= 20001) y""7¢ = point aF infiechion is oF (2.-2)] git)mox! “findihe volume of the targest circular cylinder that con be cuk rons the cifculor cone of radius 6cm and height of 9¢m. (eet) poi! ve frth (98 SHEPS.f00 SOT (voax nai points): aie 1 Find the roots oF y' (cv!) eel wR stitute (y's roots y" a agar) yO. 5 smin point om os saith Sar . CO ys. max point 9 \ “RDS fOr Point of \iesecrign rest = + Find te rootsoF y" % substiture vatues \ebouh tert Bright of he || 3 TCH) Without geing beyond crifital values! vtco y"70 30 mo ynzg i yo gro = YoU CON conctude pol clude point is where ce COncavity changes - | - —. hb var 1.minimum iength of fadder feoning ogainst owl! U3 ue Mon 2 longest porizoral beam thal can pass through 9 90° intersection pax pyild 3+ Maximum viewing OF angle ® ta $.tninimum length of wire funning fromthe top oF one post 10 the staxe on ‘the ground ond the rop oF anomer past, te a Ob “& minimums perimeter of ‘orectongle of AAA ored oF maximum ared for ‘AnOwn perimeter: ey (squore) 6. MOxIMUM Grea OF perimeter ‘Marcon De ut From a CHO OF radius F. ey (squote) Porgest rectangle that CON be instibed in 0 semi-circte bs2h 8 vogest reciongie tral con be inscribed in an euipse 2 Lorgest rectongie thar can be © instrived ina ckangie bee heey \ eee 0 wt VF in-enge SE SP ovine angen 10h tipse Lath | joptes relationships for moximum & Minium 10-sinimurm Perimeter OF rectangle Of Known areq tobe fenced on three sides onty Fr ety ¥ ' Sat 1M. For @ trapevoidal guiter oF Known width with maximum copacity Xe2y (HIP oF o reguior hexagon? TR Gmox nat given section shape Semi decie? 12- Maximum Orea (40 odmit the most light) oF @ Norman ~ window oP given perimeter ‘M4. Maximum are@ of rectangular window surmaunted by a right isusceles triangle of Known perimeter hey 3S. closed cylindrical fonk for minimum toto} surrace oreo Civinimum cost) with Known volume or moximum volume for ‘nownN fora! surface area oFH 16 OEN cylindrical ton for el by minimum fatal surface area (minimum east) with known volume of maximum volume for known tofal surface orea- De2H s-maximum volume oF o rectangular box with given 5UM OF all edges or toFo! coreg yolume of an open _ lime Rates 1 maxiretfanguion box of kROWN , ie Basic Time rates, sult F : = Fey 4% paguiar speed 2 OS _ dl we de ws & i | for maximum vorume, oF 2. Acceleration § Angular acceleration — | , it 3 , right circular cone with . ay ee a8 Known joreral Grea, OF minimum i a ~ 3. Discharge Flow joreral orea for KNOWN vOIUME. ” ff iene \ oF oe (example | Astreet light is 15et tall Amon GFF tall ‘walks Gwoy ffOM the light ala speed oF GFi/s. Arfind the Jengih Of hid shadow when he as JOft away From the light: 8. HOW fast 7s his shadow lengthening? HOw fash Isthe tip oF his shadow moving? a. smailesr cone circumscribing h a spnere JK sino= + din zucorgest qylinder that can be inscribed in o given cone solunion + a teat ls az.srrongest / stifrest rectanguior beom thorean be cut From i9g of radius r Fos 2.moxiMUM product Of n numbers whose sum 7 h er is A at each numbers -B J = ‘ayia 6th; 5 = /8ye maximum produc = (-8-) J Be iors directional berivative ’ & a5 Vale ytt ls 2 at gi 2 g cose + 9% sing qt ay | Potamenic equations 4 (8) qu. oy. dt x dt o S[tel}s min radius and ing cut ar arate warer surface Find y'cnd y" of: xsttta & yest? tt Be st] Bee (gla)ee ger oY Sener) a A Ferris wheel with tom radius has its center YUM hove ground. The seats of the ferri$ wheel have vérrical Speed oF 181 ms When itis 2m, cbove ground. How fast i5 tne wheel rorating in revjmin? ¥ rien ef 4 goo | see 221 dY fy Ose gt Wo at |) sing =: 4 tit 0230" cos Eo ks 81) \ i | ‘ ve axy (24) + X2 (2) Ber (wee) + (PA) ge, get 4 at) raid + TRANSPORTATION | iiowscy Srey ard ccident Area efecidenr Pate sory segmeng Alms Late nore | Accident. Adte. goron TRG x08: pe Lilt ns0t \N# ROTs 365) ENGINEER ny L- length of N- AOI- Rwerage wail entering ihe intersecn' @ aad From gi) 1295 verity, FID, T ti) ; SPF tp where? = mean Lower ss MN Maer f-no-oF fatoliries LUI = ennvater level Hill - High viater Level z | ‘tis? | beovity Sayan 7 kK RNL= Le +3 (HL LHL) | J) steepite type suaywva i RL LINL + 3 CHalL-tw) Nore? sign Conscious! | july accidents > property camage Assiduar water Au ~ Residual Mater 4 Scare mnean. seed, Ed g Bt | aaa CG), where: Ed = sum of distance ail vehicles = nd (no-of wehitiesx length CF segment Inthe (03) Et —sum of int ‘by ail the vehicles D ~ ro.ct vehicies Dk} sum cf reciprocal oF spc} speed — SRaje OF Flow. Ar hla where: q- rare of flow (veh) hr) Kedensity (ven skin) 2g "a Us space meqn speed (ph) 7-Design Repenitions/ No. OF Lanes ‘Design r@Dbitions= (sosxne\noT}(rr)ceuey, | PMitinurn Radius oF curvature, where: Ne no. of years Sum OF DESH Aeperitions: \ l 10 ogiven toad &tninimum time #eadway. oe jae 4 | wine: q- Fale oF FlOW V Spacing oF vehicies Perry Seaging= a vuere’ Kedensity ww-peak Hour factor | oe. ‘pedh Hout voume, r vPive Sveh | Stime R.Oesigh Hourly volume, ‘uve FAY DAYS Sa 12, copacity. of @ singie Lone "c= ingoy. 7 5 1 tnereis 1000 win xph ADT- hyerage Qdley trarPic TT %in wold! tranic ELF~ equivalent iood factors 'NO-OF 1OMe5= equivaient design repetitions Peak Hour Volume “om Yinox ine | HY is always rounded up! 5 sin PRES I eh thats many | Design oF CO were: C-copacity OF Angle tone (yeh re) Seve. Center Foner spacing of iy in meters Yweloaty in tiph t~1eadiion time L-lenginaf car (in) fe density (venti) Horizontal curve Pa V- design speed gravity (mvs) e-super etevation (iim) 4 COetF: OF friction 2dmpder Factory. centtifugal Bato IFe ort & | | Joesn of Favement : ' Rigid Pavement fewdithout dowtis: | & | | where? Wr wheel 10qd (IN) ¥~ allowable tensile stress (MPa) t- mm, Dowels: sts a o ® [BY ob the edge eonte_| [20 o!lo 1 ‘of ahe center 2.Flesiple_ payement, fsub- allowable bearing pressure Inte sungradt (ora) P= radius of cireuior ared berwe wheel food & pavernént (mm i F sigpest ‘of pavement in femMs OF expansion. f 3 Ih where ep. expansion pressure p-d-— pavement density ggatnness Foctir oF Pavement sre a wnere® Es~ MOdUINS OF BlOstitity of subgrad Epr modulus of elasticity oF pove ‘sign o1stance 4 oe ve EN. 26 (426) broking distance or fengin of skid mark where: v~ weloaty cis) ‘t= perception fimet G~ slope of mad deceleration = $(416 brakingtime = ~gizzay Efficiency= ae x10 forobalic summit curve! " 20( i Sha) L g.Annuily pM q | poyments are made atth® beginning oF eoch | petiod. Some formula with litHe adjustments. 1 r 2 on z h A A a a » LLILL! e Ae ye pe nt alariy =) ; ioe L distegarding 1st payment to nave o COSKAIOW ike ordinary Anauity Cpeferred annuity Payment DegiNg Somme fir + Sain no! with adjustments dime laters Same Fosmula: -o RoR OA thd > —_ D-perpetuity ft P: Depreciation ae _ Types oF Depreiation® A: Physical Depreciarion Reduction of Physical Ability of on ‘equipment to produce result 8. Functiona) peprecidion, Reduchon in gernand for the function oF the equipment j obsorence. _ [toethods OF Computing pepreciation: fe Strofght-Ling_ method : ‘ Gch n Annual dep: (d}= m= Co Dm Dm= (dm) where: Co— first cost ¢ purchdse cost t oiber (OSIS 10 make the equipment usable) Cn salvage) serap valve Om= total depreciation after “m“yeors: 8. Sinning Fund methey + Derivation rom annuity: es A{Cs#10%=1) i te-tne atari -1 ¢a-en)i vg: tm, (ati CPeathihg saanes Method / Matheson POM, Constant Percentage wietnod Kee {2 Kei mfte Desumof years Digit Method: di First year = (co-cn) ta aasecond years (on) SE GeTHied years (co-n) of (m= Com(di tde tds Dycarss C012) t t 1 ge{corcn) X_. wee (as wittex — — | ‘Nothing mentioned = straight tine, {ahem with si" Sinking Fund {inviotion rare 9g CHD “ete where: is Interest per perfod F> inflation rare, 1 N6-OF petieds Capitalized cost ‘ CC= initial cost + perpetual maintenance CC= initia! cost 4 ¥ Annual Coit AC= annual depreciation + interest of first cost t annua! maintenance Break-even finalysis f varidble cost IPRS RTOR BL et Goer aciiier a sta _odvahce interest deducted from money borrowed 7 = a soca cette at cee het money borrowed See Engi’ Economy Comall book) by Besqvilla Py © with holding 10x ~ tax payed fo the government that is deducted in pay check adv: interest deduct ed from borrowed mon y tofa| money borrowed * Nate oF discount = 7 5€C Ehgt’g £0h (small book) bY BeSavVillg p.F Much apathy il P. a 5 ree increases _..% each Yeor” - @mpounded increases: effective rate per interval of mode of compounding problem $2. (ématl book by Besavijia): epeites per year compounded __ m proceeds ail the money CP+I) ner Cash HOW= Meath, KH - (tar Koka) wv ceposit = withdraw =—withdlOW ReEmQ ining Ra XQ x3 gajance: Kt | menetaxs) x’ — x3 xy * Present warth «copia! Recovery Factor: = &in f | ie aa CRF® Gresent worth Factor where: * singing fund Fl&ctor- -" ot i present worth| SFE “Compound amount emt Factor Fodor eprithmetic Gradient Series: i Sh nM G eh, eM, * Furure worth: repel” rn re mn = € FEA (ar) FA | er—4 Veni ei: ford £3 interest is Compounded comiNuausly but where: payments are made ey egmpoungd k. onnually er—4 amount port IS: IFingerest |S COnHNUOUSIY added fy yanich 1S compounded continuously with AT asthe average rafe of poyrnens Keywords : “ona conlnucus basis" “whal must be continuously added.. esent worth: ely] oar. x Pe nS A eon *Fujure worth: Fepe F=p'( a1 apn feta] vr Lets oik about Arihmeic dragient! Page $6r Problem 8S (smai BOOK by Besauilla) fi. 1 fi: Gq eli, eMay where: | G= orithmetic girrerenct | | reps: | 1. Solve A FFOM fOrMUld abave. 2. Compute Future worth ofA” ™ (=| | Fe RY ery | 3. compute Furure worth of firs} deposit ay Fee fd. y.JOld) dec. Value =| fh years. a Fitke / _ECONOMICS pritnmetic uniform aradient series 1 pc increasing twithmetic _aradient_ series a writen im the form a (8, i%,n) Bo) 190 , a. Ww THO T1234 ore 3 4 ¥ Pr AR AA orz23u where nis the converted annual payments forthe Gradient—series- expected to increase 30 euch yeOr fort! following _# years. whal_sum.of money shoUly _} be set aside new? i= 6% , Pr P36 569.43 "te 8 (06F=1 _ 18.3 {0.081-1] (1006? (0006) Pa= G9Ny. 5S Pr= Pir Pe 625-18 + BIGGSS mf Holzman eimates the maintenance |_cost_ of g_new cor _will_pe $35 she first Year and will be increasing $50 |_eoth subsequent yeor- He Plans. ro Ke¢p.he car for Byears. He wonts 10 know how much money to deposit ina bank the time he purchases the tor the bank post 55% per year, compounded _onuaiiy: BIG (5.5% » 6) = 2-3N4) |__P/A (5:57 6) AIH AR atl T9500 be Ar | ____-B = 23441 AnsUi 21 Be v.g065 00 155019501980 180-—18501950-—] = ee afri=1 aii pre 20 L001 (-06)¥(0.06) Pr 9625.18 i 9955 (p= 363.15 J a) “$00 09 m0) Ce 400 = = Altre)? ~ — rr ne | S 900" Te Ret i ? [ [ Tl t 7 T 6 oth gop et e@a23 01 2 3801 2 8 0 ; 2 F Accompany is considering of buying | Tene 7 i> annual inseress f uniform rare | dew machine that will ast for syears | Wd) by Periog with a cost of # 50.000. mainsenance chonge— —_|_cost_is ©6000 the Fifst year, decreasing} ee by P1000 eoch yeos- IF interest is a% —__|_-per_ year How_much_money should bé | a set aside now? - moinrenanee® - A generator has ON annua! maintenance 2 8 459 Of #8000 _on the first year _aod is_estierr | T ans ted fo increase 12% each year. what isthe a - present worth of maintenance tor | of 2.3) 45 atr-wh) Fe pes awt 5 (rtiyGrw) ooo [0089-1] att a 2 Itt 15 08) (o.08) WE or] Pie P23 996-26 we | 40-08 = 1-037 A [(1.089%-1] Pe= ~ (1.08)* (0-08) (1-08 )( 1~ 1.033) fe4- P= P31 3164 A et Wood 008 (7.087%=1 oi BF 1896-09 £25 7312.43 __ | Pre 50000 F 23950-25 -Fa77.yS Pr= #66 503.83 7m | where? - _ where? ee =e equal_unigorm_nnugh shoot] — ~ First cost = comeined: interest st ination ae sale luc ‘mua reres_ $$ feal rate oF interest arter GC~ Operaning cost _ pflorion {FE-SN)i___ennunt-depreciahon— — = fea! rae oF return (tyn-7 = before tax rope oP return — gnot- reny Alceli is planning tO buy a it The maintenance OF a bridge with o } for 150-000. HEwonts 10% ofter=tox__| | 20-year fiFe_ wil come_as periodic outlays o& rare of ferurn quer & above the o# inrtaton| sare. 1F capital gains tax is W% of his__| profit upon selling the ior» what price |__ must he sell_the Jor Of the end_of syears? end OF the 15th yeor- with an interest rote __OF 10% whot is the eguivatent_amual cost __lef_x = stlting_ price Of iot___ long term copitol gai = X~*50 000 — Capi ah-goins-tox=-0- 6x~150-000 ner receipt) ater sale ony I pit is PETE Me pba 0-10¢ 005+0-10(0.06) 3900 [(1510)"%=1 J 0-166 ——} | ____} is septa 350000 (1+ g-166)° 7606.08 = 323 268.05 7 ATTY —_F= ntt_feteipt_atter_salé __ 323 267.85 = _9- 66x 127000 prs Cr0.10P + ne * a0” Pre 2110.1g PN. nate of Return ] profit or Net profit _or Wer INCOM? __ et _onnual benefits or nee j = “Fed conal worting capil ~~ na “annual equivalent oF initan ‘otf y presen wero omg BR capt) inatimen ted it = businessman wants 10 Orn 7% on nis ; capital after payment of 10x65» if_on_ incom. __Renefit_cost_10N0_ 9 t€r_#hON OnE _meoy, i i 4 investment 15. good- Be from an available investment will bevaxtd | the iavesiment” > 9 __at uate s wha is_The mini nuen_sate of fetu/n_} ee before poymen! oF 10xes? - — rere aS Mp- mori jnvested a copifol of P80 oy for xe capita) |_| a cur repnir_snop- He estimated aa grnugy | y= grass income ‘operating costaf # €000 ANd 9 910% income || _xcy=_nerincorne without toxed |_| of 25000 anually- it is_assume business 10 have G KFe OF 1O.years sf rare pe net income with tox {-onet is 82% » COMpule present wry | pital index. z of retwn —9%e- Sail ee Sirens —}— Face Pte Sweetness — (Y7 — ortoes WBCR= capital investment ort aa y [| AF25000~ 6000 He OF TetUEN 107 Fy —A=49-090- ot ps ag000 [ (aci2) = 4 ‘company is buying anew Machine which C2)"To-n} | costs #6000) the machine_najo_useful iis Pe 103 26u.2y of Feo years, with g soluage value oF pone 0t 3su-0d #200000- finnwsal_operaring cast IS. #18000. the 80000 ‘machine wi produce on annual sovings oF BORE 1.34 |_ P25 301-Find the _cate_of return = fetincome begat : | ; <—capifar ¢en0nd-20 0004 ety periad / Poyback_eerlad_____. [pe OT = nent ret eri = \__ oay one: ni . “ruesment = ft ap j TS vweortiing_copifal__— 2+ istroredaicn)=ratt orcerun —_|Poyout Bergh _ example: 00.290 j Period of time in which an investment oF tora aep= (rea ay¢ry — Reaver ers intal_— Frampie: frog. 292 od) ouestmnart & become. minimally v x 5V20 fitablc a “Example? Pe0b.293 E jnvesrment (4X) Payout period = — gins profit ——— eee ee "gross profit-=annspt 4 pitt ———- _$_—$—__—— ‘n commuricohcn company hasq working capil of 20M & a. FIX capital oF PbO. annual depreciation is Pam & annyol profit: is @ 16m. compute payout & payback __}. period. Sark — hia Om. sf] one er poyoul Period: ee aur aBlyis _ serie neem on _recury ein, | “system (+MAcRs) Payback Period = = 625yl5_ nr “salvage value iy always zero! ‘1 (FC-sv) _ Depredanon. 4 maa ae i Ji ponraight “tint,_meifadé _ de ecg ye Lda) Fireman) | __|d= a dep ara yp (da)= #lre- die hk) | Cm = Go— Daw — An equipment iS bought at PSo0000 & the = Dm = C4)lan) | | miscellonecus expenses ore 39000. 1t_nas a. feet raed slat value of 10% Of the cost oF equipment -nnesiningAnlance sethad® F (530 000-106 WO) = 169 B09 where® k= constant percentage ge $6530 290 = ws YO 1897 SOE TOTO Cas S800007 106000- 16960) — 101760 the cost of @ machine is #zyminion, —!Thas_o lie of a years & q_ savage valut | OF #10000. Determine the depreciondn, onthe th yer. @(1-K) cye ger081-3 eta 990895" Me snot 3F 590 625 — a Cy {dep ines P20/ ne A machine with q Cost of P¥OVeNO Hea sdNoe Value_Of P20090_wOs hough Iris expected f0. JOst fOr 38000 hours. In wos used Aor MOORES 30 the fifst Vere &_6000, haus. in wharis the depredatin gy the end age HONE E—-,= 40 f<000hIS) Aor = 38000. 4 dyeor aes 8Or? a ee a. sum_of Yeas. pigit Met a f n he (co-tn) years I el et (oo ONG — (oo) yea _—_—-——— where 7 Tpyeors= aig i ——or int sirapler, eauation® pew x ae oh = (ttn) Dyeas an equipment costs Pieminion & + | salvage _volue OF the cndof. syeurs. Whar is the book value on int _C32 C= 03____— x | ps2 800 Cn) years ———— _ Syearse n(nty) 5 years: S{st1, - Qyearss x | a=} {1-200 009300 000) -5- X38 03= 320.099 ———— = 1200 00d ~ 720-000 Ca= F490 000 a —) or this-solvtion= —_|_—si= (se 0 soon) = 000. de® (1200 cod sqpon)(4)= 240 000 (n00 wo- sooean()= 190000 Dadi tdetds ae notes. =e Anna! Savings aise mi — hn eqn anpug] 390 rnetnod | 00 CH DePfynig = — Bunits i DePjupie * (0-0F Units anh) 8 constant unit same concep with. WOrhing HOUS ethyy fo. unit output method / consort Unit ni eh Oepyunit ~ Hunils j lone Desyuni) (10-08 UBIES. ork th yh) \ “pepietion _onnval charge. thar is made for tne maintenance Of wasting asses like mines, oil & gas _wellS a i ati = 3} where Ar annua) rerun . F rate oF-retusn oF capital i+ interest sore of money Er capital : [a= ux ¥) wheres d= depletion charge. In. g seed U- unit depienanfaein pesos N= no-oF units extracred From. wasting asset Of. ca-specfic yeor Me. pbelicl _will_recelve_a royalty from 9. mining compony which is focated Inns ___| #60.000_ot the end. cf each yet: The privileges fast for zo years. Find we | selling price cf these_rights 101he let with. oninisrest of 8% and will accumulate & | coplias ceplacement fund ot S%- A Sn ¢-Leo=tn) strictly annua}! not jump sum *BUACZAICCI) terms where: __when given with salvage vate oct neodey tat) Annual conta cat _| ——-_—=-Ppitn*—-——____--.— “TriSnot used since formula wi “po per shore in stacy” ~ __ 51 be mayo atave S means 50 is cost oF share ari? storms! “Stocks: at present tinie denoted gs P gniy| that this exctudes cnnual operating Bauer mice “Take nee, Anat INS exc ‘A corporation hos decided 10 seit ee Po" bonds Reale nig _= This means_'s0_is the_fuce_ ‘el ary itr Cen) aa value (ompunt paid tothe heider Of the bond at maturity). Thererore s this is giready: He term _Pso= POEM. ‘eorit = inane = expenses | arty — winete® ic 0 ES = onnual dividends i- rare of increase oF profit = if none is Mentioneds this ‘cost “OF capital equat-10-2690. ss Port ~ usually, if mere is mentioned, — be ari} itis Sstoted ty “make . prorit oF —% mils —snares were —— with pervaiut oF P= per P=cost ofsnare at shore.” Toke note shot #515 present timc. +_____— profit~-per ANNUAL! — perate OFinetease OF COS}. OF share ile ———— ee ification of cost _economic order_Guontiay = \ = — RR ~~ i? certing cst j 0. eee ding cost! carrying cost] aha nn he te pucchast price, —Erficiency* ecost a Effeciency relationship: fo fun anequipment con® EFEUENY, _sedunon ke epeiengy_teldtiongip: __omuton= ereieneyx cyocty =e MME ney ts smecovery Period! Payback period: _spwithmeric._6ra Be increasing Gradient” INAtAiNg COPIES] Tm capita} | : fopta ie her poh E—— | dient _series:_______is Payout period? an | one ei | Pps = tt ecome= bet income + dee |sbepietion: | A | copia r | oP d= uxt \, fine Ay CEN “caphal_Recdey/ annual copindl cost: | reo cc tes ret ae seeomentic_eradient series? | Acapitatized Cost Of perpetual (ew!) | Maintenance: {rr} | eceres OC. ws i | re Re ot Gri) + wii Fee Citic! | stock & pond valuation: | weigh tit Prep tPe | i) 1 Pe ES (Fe-sv)i | ein? BUACS felid+“papmer~ +06” erty sngle of Return: 1s ts ner neome | BORE seadngcapiicl + FN egpigh_—_____0#i= 6/055 Income~ Cost — entug) net income 802 = “ERNST ANNO TET Fe capital a = present vy BORS Fresent worth of copia) ae -VECTORS sheet Sey - Produc! Of _yecior_p : ~ ‘eco —stolat_—— is vecior mf tua sla, in _yector? pisplacement velocity — AgTTUAE «gy scalar? distance & speed Megnudepe © (origin! initial porn’) J: Wetlor A&B re_equal_if they howe. the___ Ears mtsss oe some magnitude & direction regardless OF — __theit_initial_ pat: — __|__meewsition wector./_Radiusvecign | pe trexi ty) 3k] 1 | ee sete ‘a. same_maghigude...uLoe_direerent direction __ ie ene | Uc aay . is dendted oy negarivé oF thar Former vector. ——|_tepireetign ot singe ee 2a FOO Testy] ) “A a _ | : 4-Sumor_resultont of vectors Awe __ 40 B= | —— 2! cos T= TN hte Mt 7 a 2 __ont rear ier eae ~vetttr having °1" magnitude S.DifRerenct of vectors Find the_unit_vector paraiel. A246 ane Ile VF Rete EQ : i ae AcB is 0 Pend vedor or. Vs ie erweeh va] 2 ‘vo. vectors) ATES pot_product__—— gnetnedy? +--+ pA: cor : | “pee = IANBI Cos 8) | fax @ = Iallal sin whee: -— . al ~mosritude of_vecot a. snetnod23 - Jal—magnitude of vecler Bo with 2 vectors only* = nl berween- vectors: Fr B- 4 B= xei + yej t 20h smerioa__— vectsa= Xai + va 2p. wechB= Xel t Ye) + 26k ot | yee Ms) peBe Soke + UnYp + treed with 3 vectors® = = ~ A= Xi +¥aj ot Ah Find the angie betweehh A=2l #2j-K and B= xe +Yej righ __|-8= 6i-aj-t2k =-Xcl_—+¥ej_—_t ek tie xe_tynve_t 2n2p - ns a Feg=206) #202) +CME2) 4 Trexca| tha tee 5 hege 4 ! = | Aye . ] Be Yo BE ArB= Inllpl cose = be Soe thle greeter | - Irie 3 veciors AS& are two adjacent sides oF a | Pavailejagram: VOR +E CF j ESOT Ae is soon z 2 a BH 405-+ 9k} ash—21-495)— _B A8=D means eo 8 oe AreQ= 281 +) 438K Os zs? Er F3Be $I tt s_oivays set 0 SoC angies : TWO perpendicular vettols tie in x-¥ plane. USti-8j ond |v] =20-what is vy? Areas, Axe by cosine! + a prea= [All 815ing e Wieierg 4.48 Jeli81 Sing “HP NET Gece usvs gx-ay=0 5 ae Ink (GP ear eee Jel Vez lee VOR FOP EER sis BF HLH, ae Ans= 120-24 DEF] Xe Hy weft is ppadiniona_incoumatien? "STAT | ‘ST f c= la fi nxe is vector = EY. co —<— M IF AxB (ANB oF AGB are penal | pangs BxB=0 | oe = nighes "8 — = = <1 highest score= somes soore projechon of Ain difectiOn B= “[p]” umber oF clas , a @ Projector eHON EES: “lp 1 LEMOS tou tn ; ast interval ||) [om 9*35t09| ————__ nner from the poralielagfaro. problem, sind projection of A Jn_ditechgn_of-. ere: AB ey N= fatal fuer oF casera ] > | i pra ats sye9tn 4 -208) ciass site eB 2 cL | is - | eet ad using the sowsge- ini tiene 1 ‘Aigher timit, < Chos5_mi * sowier simit_ + _upperiiit a 2 oe were? 4" midpoint of the_ctoss ioreni 1 Gass soundory/ exockiimit |___=o.s0_10.1owee simit_ot sath intra +050. #0 upper simit of each intereti cumu Frequency 0: \ | | a mean fad magion sf ~ popuistion srondord eatin cient dF Roto we dentate IE p-flatness.of.4—= ee (net = PR oa es where? = go- quartile, deviation —PA> =percentie-rang 0263) mmesonuric eo) Lae pratyneete(oe® INTEGRAL CALCULUS * ‘ pigebraic » Exponential & Logarithmic Functions 4 a @ @ w 6) 6) ‘ody = quec a’du others where! at but nota=4 fur = ae eo where: n#1 elds eC Sat sinjurre Sinudu = uinful-y te teigonomettic Functions @ «) o) ) am, 3 ® o) (5) ) Jsinu du = -cosu #¢ cosu du = sinute tonudu = in|secul tC Jouugu = infsinul #¢ secudu = in[secu s canul tc Sescuau * in [escu-cot ul #6 san [osu t coful te Jsecuronu cu = secu te escucoru du = “cscute sectu du= ton utc csctu du = cot ute Inverse Teigonametric. Functions () Tew “tinge te) Jot, = dian We aeeut his a io Spear" psec dec 0) qu) sid'y dU = Ugin’y +YF-Ur to tonudy = yton"y ~ in {THe +e { regranan: at tS mennas oF 1M integration BY F , ‘Pusv =~ vay, t from: x= tang vr omoie | Jasin ax ur: U=k dye sind. usdk = Y= C05% 2 x-cart) S-cosndx + GaEEP OL FC ‘gampie | [wats formuia © ae 7} ie =l(1(m-3)(m-5) ~-(2orn) (0-2) Srcosaxar Se Washes ere it i x uct? vex dv = C0Saxdx Caiinytinna.cera) usox v= Ssinax | | where* = x(fsinex)- J sinew igi | of = 2 when bon MEN are even, apa rintk 224 sinax Bix sone if otherwise <——————aremaiier, M,h= (integers, MOT equC! tO 1 =[Pisinr gy cosex 1¢] e.rrigonomesric Substitution § it | HE See END - * ite seeatae substitute: | | sn"ao8= Byoy = for xis asin’e 65900) fare xis atan's = “encsxunee) © * Fe asec | : [ee Rte asecte [2 src osfrace foxy Lay) FEI oe gis R508 MALIA) Larne wee Lin's | Dnlgeoraic. supstiturion a TSubstitutema tong fem. just one voricble ~ bata wee Boece | 4.sut t 2 change the otner terms with respect | \siompey'} 3. change the limits ‘origble from no.1 ox sec6dg 4. infegrale I? rast es CONG i 2 = 7 q . ut #3] dw fig = tants ee vee sims cosa dé = Pape X= 2t0ne i = & 3 axe 25ectade <3 (UE) +c ae ~ { seca jee ge 2) ra wong ferurone tf stat? |! “f astcteds are ae grante fGCae tare) | = [cond ef “250078 dg “J b1an6 sece ae ee furtial Praction. Resowe invo pattial trachan: ae ee x Geeta) © a f wl 1 (x + 1 A(AER) PBCX92) when xa 7 wen x2°3 j Dia bs Ae YOK) 4 CXR) oiffcteenabe Slcrcsy van) ~ te fim [x-ap~ dinfxea] te (a Plane Areas A-using Vertical strip. " bea | a ? | Using Horizontal strip | Ce Kore YECOS te gesing are rectangular bot polar a ne fom | Jere xe )dy | | 4 & fale © Polar Coordinates a ei + @\s_\ 02 ped [rag | tf dst = dx? edye Sho ae «| Sg (rer Jos Para: le, pee igs Jes (Pra cenvid of ane aay fusing vertical strip) a * ane yd a (urna yee SE = outrage! sgnemcrrt 13 ‘ , ‘nie [nts] P ae (any) rl aay ane xd ne concord of the Grea enclosed by ye=ax and the lint x-2y20- ne meson axe [dA (Ke) tthe Jaaye) nis al ay jay ES 48 ge [aacy) ‘eae Ae Jagy ne | bxerseddy & far Pw RE 12 (aay Hr ve go xf, an (yt) [using a Strip?) pes ps sar oF ] | Polar moment oF inertia Je Ixtly roduct oF inertia xy? J xydA i EE Gs | souds of Revolution | A sircuiar ish roeihod ? 2 yy iv t [Gat -n9) ) | Ly vf te a. Hotiow cyiinarical shit $s (gut -¥2) ox. - 4 ot 0-Pappus Theorem, f- Cone. ‘ve aire A, rerrus)) — wnere: i 2-cenrroid of plane areg to the line oF revalufon ‘a yeh. _ Example: D-Pyramig, same example from fred of plane surfaces ated isto be related at ex-yt4=0- T] h _ Ax tay +¢ if ph tee : atove is = Sg beiow is cy E.Foraboloig Verar i Ue aN L _] v= 2 (4.94)(2) Ve 35% MCU units centroid of volume Work Constant. force, | We Forte x distance pe Hi \ , ¥ work under, variable. Farce ™ 7 ay we | -€F(2) ' h 4 t dy xa wheres 2 is aisronce froueiied P 4 ec | work required. 10. sireteha spring : [common solid's centroid? we th (x? =x") fa: Hemispnere. | in. winding. up..o. Load Buemispherical segment, | r IS ye Gene | L work zee + w(5) wre: P~ toad Lo dength of fepe We wusight oF FFE required 10 o&! constant Force werk? FX Fe y-Vol Fe yam icutay Fe M675 de Prove deem wotk = Betty (am) ‘yith cas of 5 & 0 eight OF ant a liquid of ¥ ond a height oF ete stained 2m from the top of under Variable Forte DYNAMICS ‘Rinematica TronsioHi0N ( Rectifinedr Morin) A. uniform motion. empty an inverted sevt 8.Voridble acceleration we | dFfa) j a are yaV we Fe 2 di « ie dy) Constant acceleration, is i rn verVitat OU vesvid r2a5- X= p.50y d=vit +0t* dF BN COSY df= -Lgry2dy- | Monslation ( Curvitinear naotion xccomponént? [xevix t | ‘secomponent;, iyewe- yo ]). Ys Viy = 9 Wis Vigt - 288 amemar | Ab ine summit: 2H 3 Vero: ¥ 4 At maximum Norizonial aispiacemy Re Vix (2t) yu)! revecat), Motion curves pecereration ane. veiocity ‘Avelocity= Ay rime Adigonte= AD ‘fine uniform orion’ Beit unirorm Acceleration: wre Wit ah a= wit t3att wats wit 42000 nd ROroran: s=r8 =r Relanionship sf translation Newton's Low oF motion 1-LOW of Inerrig 2, FSmo 3. AtHONa geactign D-Alembert's Principle Reverse Effective Forees : , | Rinematt | centrifugal Force. (away): = mye Oe Ee a AUgdl Force / Reversed Normal eftectne Forge) | i VFrO. centripetal. Force. (init): mac jane conical penduium: tan (ot B)= Sa : car Inomme point oF sipping SoH | { dannigg of curves | ron(9-)? | son do ideal angie. oF Bonsing Cition & fot WOrK) = y wane? oe tond= C058 wcase= te a(t (tne for eel} aa (E Ytmax? afe (tie gf oscbeen) 2 aw + piatroten >) aa gr pannny o- vo ‘of miction gn 0 centrifugal Rane } 4 ere Fis Il 40 aslance gineric energy* nee mv potsnia Energy ‘pes mgh “Wegne force! Fax Newton's Law oF Universal =< ¢ Mim? Fe g Mie Gravitation: where? * b.6FxI0 Prot 1 me KE istance Fema? were: E- energy ‘M- massconverted 10 energy > sperd Of light (3x10 m/;) Work “ENetgy equation: KER D Wothpsrygey 2 PBS Na where: aay WOrh- OTK Caused by ext Forces Such as friction. posinana (#) work farce fs with the: motion of the onjea C)wark= forte is against the mgton ofthe onjed ae & oe Porential Energy: (IPE - going ocwn from crigin COPE ~ going uP from origin impulse and Momentum impulse T= force X tims omentum: ime mass x velocity Impuise “momentum equation: FHimpuise ~ BCimpuise = m(ve-ys) winere * (#impulse — impulse jn rhe some direction with the maHon- (rimpuls€ — impulse jn the opposit direction with the motion. tow of Conservation oF momentum: *» 3, 4 Mave + myvg= Mave’ + Maye! where: > is posinve veiccity © is neganue velociy’ \coerficient oF Ld {after impact) (verore impyct) ; > 6 | where? . | > is positive veracity ag negunve vendty €=0 for petiecty ipeiaric collision / Plasne conlisien for perfectty caisian (09 KE #5 105 | ais Ihrown at hewar and bounces baeh at Neigh “nh Sri e=1 oe "% bounces saya ae ad ater! KAN ntewn oF ab angie & and bounces Q | @ me Se alge” e= an see — gy lost In direc! central impoct* Baa (rr en(uer va)? NEwss* “g(mart ime) Surveying airandard deviation ae — [ee “ Csinglt Ihing iy. (multipte Nt heing measured) SWOn-1) thines betny , ° Ineasured ¥4 § error: / asrandard errop: their weights jive ‘ntnet) weighed measurement: @aiven distances oaot observa tons: weight of _ LEM OF clistances /no of dbs: ameasurement "distance oF 65 fi | the measurement / 9: i) | cut ue sing by Besayitie, Fake @ sum in ine eon “abservation: YWX ‘me Rejononship with dthers~ Wars Wee? | Wadi= wedr | Ms 4 a corre ctions* anil H 6rd Grid Distance> distinc tombination corrected 10 X temp, sags factor mult 19; \ Where i = se0l Seid U eduction Seale fr Factor Factor i i rola) Ertdr (necum-)) Red yced oislance aiven dist. _, error Fora) “Jape dist ~ error pet tape lel or! AK D* grid Foctor= Bley. Facer Distonce & Aree scale pact Grid Ared= pcrug! Area x (Combination )2 Factor where* Combination _ 0, uoion X anid. e Factor Factor Factor chaining? i english = used when mo measurement of. 1 full tape Jength is mentioned 1 tdlly = 1 Gunier's Chain = 66Ft = 10 pins 4 Engineer's chain= 100f+ 4 pin = 1 chain 1 perch =110d = 100 inks = 16:5ft Tink = 19 IGG: = aginches © slunits+ when olyen with 1 Full tape length measurement jpin=1 Full tape fength compass surveying: sMimuth - From south» clockwise direction LocO| Attraction - another thing thdt makes the needie deflect aside From the magnehe declination -OeFlgchon Angie — angle formed by extending the preceding line to he nexitine, WOKS HKG exterior angles ~ sum of the deflection angles is 360° OL - means angle iD counter: Clockwise direct fon 8-R~ clocwise direction Orf.ANgle Yoernngie zenith ~ clockWise’ from North , , Given wilh forward & backward pbearind of a AC supposed close traverte: 5° sui by Fest page r8, ZA 1. Graph regardless of errors ca 2 Ger rhe Infertar angles 3. oe the “error of the interlor gngles N. Disttibuft the error per interior angie 5. Correct the bearings. Please do toke nol€ that one bearing out thereis of correct measurement where iis Forward 6 BUCKWOrd bedring shduld be of same and equa; magnitude. secular Yaridhon - magnetic deciinanon per year DMg-4eC ing spon or yerry Span oP years t= missing Dat Hardes} Part: yYuNnknowns— BON betting & distance oF 2 tines. : Trick: One jine #pot traverses across the Iot win always be given. This line will form a friangle with the other boundary lines- The Fir thing YOu On solve is within the triangle formed by sine Low or Cosine Low! Product & Sum® 4 BProduct oF EFFOFS moe. “AKA PMObGbIe enfor in tht fesuinng computation y tet) + (xe) @sum of Errors see - ry ~AKA Probable error of the perimetier Vererre +... sragia surveying oprical center eee focus- 5 CUE d i-distonce Croc) befweeh tength) stadia haits Ftc minterna) or dtf tC Os S54 | focusing REP D=KStc | DEKSCOSB+ C < a oe ~ inclined . £ S { stadiq : gE 7 i _____i__distonce. Error in Horizgntal angies * PalS not perpendicular 10 verrieg axis (Beh view ) Ertor=e (tM A: —tgnh:) where: e- anole oF fi- first hem second sigh * With the line of sight net pempengicular te me horienrar ines am: =, (op view) + Enor>e (sec 82 sec 83) where e- angle derece Be~ second point angic B1~ FIST poing anglt, ee Short, Loyour Add, MeasulS Suorracr | Error / Set-up = | Actudl Tape ~ Std Tope | . eupes —Eftenecus asONce No- OF set-ups = Std. tape correct distances grronsgus distance a* sensitivity of Bubble Te eaAngit thal at bubble on the tube devigted: b= T & where ~ difference in before & after _ lengfh of distance from transit td rod sensitivity of t-space:. . . + Radius oP curvature: iti z= D sensi fFiveness = n R Where? whe N-no- oF spaces D= | tt Ss L re: nx ten r ew or Farthworks q — rfid 9%) ey 6. erates? ° abi _fiowt_f pei) L= 9% gound~ Sh cqyd Mi Umit of econgmio Haul LeH= —Cporrou. C boul where: FHp~ free hou! distonce, +FHD sealing scare photograph = L200) length oltitude~ groune tength actugl =. 1 reps Length in scale a UM Map Area (4.2 . Actual prea (x) or (ax) substense Bar Geotechnical & Kydroulies opLUuO MECHANICS” | gasic properties OF Fluids Conversions i mM HEPC TLD ‘ p= pensity x SRE °F +40 ic weight / unit Welght ey —— TE tstug= URES! 2 32.9 (bats (108) specific volume wep tayne= tare = 10°54 ae a | RRS specitic eravity /Relative r Swarer | *Dynomic viscosity: Density ae casas tpoise= 1 IYNE . ee =0-1a- sec oynamic viscosity Cin Apsowure viscosity | thinematic.viscosity: — ¢« stake = 0.00012 Wh? *Aln Pressures: Pess= Pormt Page sors F60mmHg = 101-3259 2h. psi 10r = 105Pq rrorr= 133.322 Pa Kinematic viscosity Bulk Medulus oF Elasticity compressibility Pressure in a Oreplet Capillary (circuior tubes) | Constants zs (non circutar tubes) : ant Pressure head = h= Brana GRE SeT FoH0 eee eal EN enc=939 54 Pressure heaq conv. hasdp Bug to glas Layo ; os verocit = 1000 48, ir woody ny a - | taeot eas a avs eE i : i (x Joules Nm) gravitation acceleration: 'aps=pR a> 9.91 mist Reruniversol gos constant * a O> 3 Ist REM} Roie= B82 Ke | spedieic gravity? vfvcir = 4709 JOF A ‘suugs.A Freshwater — 1.0 fiers 28: seawater — 1.03 ae ab = va oll 80 Re Ae OER 49 ——— 2.6 3 Soir: ~ molecular weight : iw “se airs QQ™ grace? ———- i Note | oynoni Viscosity oF |” et oe sre wren pressure is || Newionion Fluid? eee rot specified, sain 10 pa.see at 20% Kinematic viscosity oF Newtonian ful: or! ms at 20°C 1 dj = assume gage Pressure! miscellaneous Poot Prop = Boir h | see sinesania p40 Integration use mis when @ variable varies with another variable. see Gillesanio p38. 41 rotal Pressure on Surfaces tofal Pressure means foral Forcc!! fram n Goat open vessels: Adyiceotye to use Summation of Pressure: see Hydraulics 24 probs} excel RI closed vessels? ndyiteable 4 use Pressure diagtam- see GiiPsanic »p.106 ¥ ing pressure above the liquid, convert that into equivd tent pressure nead “Pre means oreq submerged in fea) siquict j imaginary liquid surface doesn't count! B-curved surfaces Pus Ohh v= 5 uo} solnwith oboves below Liquid] Vworea) TW projected quid ex? ‘b BW Creal) ae tw (erojected) . GL Net volume! ro consider ae | Dams FO B wera) G tWorojectedy Gl Net volume! 4 | eouytincy 4 BF= Ue Vdisptaced Win tiguid= walr ~ BF ‘ Ks ue Caisrance from 10€) oe 2%] Pe Ble: ef ala toe } min = ‘Ry withi al Me th Ie er 8g ‘Bi max ee 2 qmin= 0. x = —_—_ wore? syaaximum inensity of pressure. at roe ishwite the average Pressurcar pase” irmeans friangular pressure diagram _ hate “yot"is downstream side = Way RX RM. om sapitity oF Plating Bodies | pinching | | Notation * Shine pee mT C-uertica) snotion haa II yon. Pay = h(i 2*2) Carupsag’) raion: upward ¢q~ acceleration ey OQ downed a deceiotation Rta atari mabove ¢ is stable! M below: sisuunsil walEnts only when jtnere is no spitiage? Rm= w(emsing) om=w (6lsine) ws nase For rectangular sections: chee + h meo= + B[! + tapes) | | ‘other sections= i | | MBo= , as Vsuemerged Hoop / circumferential / Tangential stress { 16 VO gig cu or after (dosed vesseis)) | ee a 5 WISIN rod/sec A-wails corcying Stresses in pipes /rangs Po wont ms 3. squared property of parobaiq ‘20 (Er) et | Rddiriond! formuta = Wx . = fk B. Hoops COrrying siresses in Pines) ranks tone Manis), RES _ BT ‘Spacing = yo Bernoutli’s Enersy thedren Notation A ENergy Grade Line? Te slew = Bp inside diameter Ee eee tigainRiena 8-Hydroulic et Lines e one fr Horizoni@) orion ae ogt General Formula for Flow. Rales* GeAY fr-volume FIOW Ratt mals B.weignt HOW Rae NIS Cass Flow Rate Kg/S } Fat Lavi Of conservation of Energy VJ Eis Ee Hart $1 gros Bate af y | positions, ingormarion® + § 1S it Conv preDO ity ‘ , densi i — For gases, density varies but mass slow rore P= OBE is constant: Ye chang? tineony | ” = nh I woranion= . PIM = Paha Or wie Eis in meters em, + FOr non-circujar pipe, determine dhe fichtiouy 2°» thp= 16 Watts | “Se diameter first: Pumps «© B=AV, YAY is aneq OF real SECON 2 MOF the ficritiug P= QS Hpump Couiput Power) + BEd Slope So~s ure [rhree Reservoir Problems } 7 r P= QOH rurbine (Inpul POWEr) Genera) Procedurc. aericiency. } toque P-G Cantersections of E6L'S) directly above 7 ee QUT x10 the junchion) | Input zLober he distonces—vertical distance between aie 4 liquid surfaces & @. 2andicove diredion or flow * P DOE Welsbath OORT Jf Bev-oF 0 Reservoir'7 El6V. F866 » Re2erysir = fly SUPPIIES Fluids he= 529 (ail sections excep! © sections) tridlit. hrs 0-0826FL x (Circular sechons oniy) IF Elev.oP 0 Reservcir < Elev. pi-G , JOINS Supplies”, the reserwir -tnanning’s Formula: Jatupes of Reservoir probiems! < vi bee 0s Call sections except q sections) A.ewen all elevanons & Onishet? hes 10-290%L Sa ccircular sections anty) 1-CompUrE he OF highest reservair. r “ 2 Locate pl-@ & determine jF middle reservoir Hazen-willigms formulas? is below or cbove p16 v= 0.8492 R085 °% (a secionsexept #9 Jf middle reservoir is aboye g> . a= 0.2785 0028 50.84 — | Git G2=93 ; ips SERGI caeucr secs) | JP middie reservoir i DeIOW 188 De ri s . ay ae | fesses Grsort 3 r Non- Circular Secticn $= apened- : DF=YRppoutic (Fee tcys 2) B- Given ail cic 3 buk_unknawn.6's* Aryan aenssume there 15 ng. gischoroe on middle ‘Rhonion: reservoir of pl-G isan some elev- oF middie. , dR i est #nen you P-weited perimeter 2 compute hr of highest & ae x can proceed fo compute /S- OF Losses (duth changein size direcion & a iP tru ign: z ‘3 ¢ supplied ar i we Giohes! > Gsowést » Gmia should ei 185. hme Km 3 pl-€ is atove ; in9° ‘*nouation : @ Gowest » Gmid should be SUPP! highest ¢ Slowest » are (5 Aim= CoefF. oF minor loss or pra is below middle re ee __. ee ee aa

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