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AGA 5 Calculation Spreadsheet - Imperial Units of Measure

mole fraction (xi) molar mass molar mass * xi

Methane 0.906724 16.0425 14.5461
Nitrogen 0.031284 28.0134 0.8764
Carbon Dioxide 0.004676 44.0095 0.2058
Ethane 0.045279 30.0690 1.3615
Propane 0.008280 44.0956 0.3651
Water (gas) 0.000000 18.0153 0.0000
Hydrogen Sulfide 0.000000 34.0809 0.0000
Hydrogen 0.000000 2.0159 0.0000
Carbon Monoxide 0.000000 28.0101 0.0000
Oxygen 0.000000 31.9988 0.0000
Isobutane 0.001037 58.1222 0.0603
Normal Butane 0.001563 58.1222 0.0908
Isopentane 0.000321 72.1488 0.0232
Normal Pentane 0.000443 72.1488 0.0320
Hexane 0.000393 86.1754 0.0339
Heptane 0.000000 100.2019 0.0000
Octane 0.000000 114.2285 0.0000
Nonane 0.000000 128.2551 0.0000
Decane 0.000000 142.2817 0.0000
Helium 0.000000 4.0026 0.0000
Argon 0.000000 39.9480 0.0000
2,2-Dimethyl Propane 0.000000 72.1488 0.0000
2-Methyl Pentane 0.000000 86.1764 0.0000
3-Methyl Pentane 0.000000 86.1764 0.0000
2,2-Dimethyl Butane 0.000000 86.1764 0.0000
2,3-Dimethyl Butane 0.000000 86.1764 0.0000
Ethylene 0.000000 28.0532 0.0000
Propylene 0.000000 42.0797 0.0000
Methyl Alcohol 0.000000 32.0419 0.0000

1.000000 17.5950

Pressure Base (Pb) 14.73 psia

Temperature Base (Tb) 60 °F

Calculation Results
Compressibility Factor (Z) at Pb, Tb 0.997776
Gross HV at Pb, Tb 1034.8 BTU(IT)/ft3 corrected for compressibility
Net HV at Pb, Tb 933.6 BTU(IT)/ft3 corrected for compressibility
Wobbe Number 1326.5 BTU(IT)/ft3 corrected for compressibility
Ideal Gas Relative Density 0.6075
Real Gas Relative Density 0.6086 corrected for compressibility
MON 1 (Linear Method) 127.4
MON 2 (CARB Method) 124.7
Methane Number (via MON 1 method) 87.8
Methane Number (via MON 2 method) 83.5
Gas Constant 8.314472 J mol-1 K-1
Standard T for Hf and Cp 298.15 Kelvins
Heat of Vaporization of Water 44.41 kJ/mole at 60
delta H for Liquid Water -711.1 kJ/mole at 60
Ideal Gas Molar Volume at Pb, Tb 23.6357 litres
Molar Mass of Air 28.9625
Compressibility Factor (Z) of Air at Pb, Tb 0.999566

Conversion Factors
convert to multiply by
Volume ft3 m3 0.028316846592
Mass lbm kg 0.45359237
Energy BTU(IT) joules 1055.05585262
Pressure psi kPa 6.894757293
Volumetric Heating Value BTU(IT)/ft3 MJ/m3 0.037258945808
Length foot meter 0.3048

1 Heating values calculated by this spreadsheet do not have uncertainties better than +/- 0.1%.
2 In some cases, extra digits have been added to calculated values to achieve internal
consistency or to permit recalculation of experimental values.
version 1.1 26-Feb-08
Gross Ideal HV (BTU(IT)/ft3) Gross HV * xi Net Ideal HV (BTU(IT)/ft3) Net HV * xi
1012.344 917.9162 911.485 826.4654
0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000
0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000
1773.777 80.3149 1622.489 73.4647
2522.017 20.8823 2320.300 19.2121
50.429 0.0000 0.000 0.0000
638.579 0.0000 588.150 0.0000
324.912 0.0000 274.483 0.0000
321.260 0.0000 321.260 0.0000
0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000
3259.500 3.3801 3007.354 3.1186
3269.926 5.1109 3017.780 4.7168
4010.166 1.2873 3707.591 1.1901
4018.033 1.7800 3715.457 1.6459
4767.048 1.8734 4414.043 1.7347
5515.269 0.0000 5111.835 0.0000
6263.365 0.0000 5809.501 0.0000
7012.573 0.0000 6508.281 0.0000
7760.953 0.0000 7206.231 0.0000
0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000
0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000
3994.021 0.0000 3691.446 0.0000
4758.674 0.0000 4405.669 0.0000
4761.307 0.0000 4408.303 0.0000
4745.848 0.0000 4392.843 0.0000
4754.732 0.0000 4401.727 0.0000
1603.421 0.0000 1502.562 0.0000
2338.936 0.0000 2187.648 0.0000
868.813 0.0000 767.955 0.0000

1032.5451 931.54840

101.55977492589 kPa
15.5555555555556 °C
288.705555555555 Kelvins

cted for compressibility

cted for compressibility
cted for compressibility

cted for compressibility

Summation factor (s) Summation factor * xi
0.044427 0.040282930996975
0.016980 0.000531214784426
0.074855 0.000350024093423
0.091445 0.004140550864836
0.133071 0.001101830597156
0.249993 0
0.091778 0
0.024636 0
0.021610 0
0.027547 0
0.169195 0.00017545470669
0.180283 0.000281783044721
0.220899 7.09086486603424E-05
0.232519 0.000103005758552
0.297637 0.000116971275077
0.365001 0
0.433067 0
0.501436 0
0.597379 0
0.022007 0
0.027250 0
0.199233 0
0.279832 0
0.290531 0
0.267123 0
0.280156 0
0.079612 0
0.125619 0
0.293299 0

Ideal Gas Molar Heating Value (kJ/mole)
Gross HV at 298.15 K Net HV at 298.15 K Gross HV at Tb
Methane 890.63 802.60 891.51
Nitrogen 0.00 0.00 0.00
Carbon Dioxide 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ethane 1560.69 1428.64 1562.06
Propane 2219.17 2043.11 2220.99
Water (gas) 44.016 0.00 44.41
Hydrogen Sulfide 562.01 517.99 562.36
Hydrogen 285.83 241.81 286.13
Carbon Monoxide 282.98 282.98 282.91
Oxygen 0.00 0.00 0.00
Isobutane 2868.20 2648.12 2870.45
Normal Butane 2877.40 2657.32 2879.63
Isopentane 3528.83 3264.73 3531.51
Normal Pentane 3535.77 3271.67 3538.44
Hexane 4194.95 3886.84 4198.06
Heptane 4853.43 4501.30 4856.97
Octane 5511.80 5115.66 5515.77
Nonane 6171.15 5730.99 6175.56
Decane 6829.77 6345.59 6834.61
Helium 0.00 0.00 0.00
Argon 0.00 0.00 0.00
2,2-Dimethyl Propane 3514.63 3250.53 3517.30
2-Methyl Pentane 4187.57 3879.46 4190.68
3-Methyl Pentane 4189.87 3881.76 4193.00
2,2-Dimethyl Butane 4176.27 3868.16 4179.39
2,3-Dimethyl Butane 4184.07 3875.96 4187.21
Ethylene 1411.15 1323.12 1412.04
Propylene 2058.43 1926.38 2059.76
Methyl Alcohol 764.17 676.14 765.11
Ideal Gas Mass Heating Value (BTU(IT)/lbm) Ideal Gas Volumetric Heating Value (BTU
Net HV at Tb Gross HV at Tb Net HV at Tb Gross HV at Tb
802.69 23892 21511 1012.3
0.00 0 0 0.0
0.00 0 0 0.0
1428.83 22334 20429 1773.8
2043.35 21654 19922 2522.0
0.00 1060 0 50.4
517.95 7094 6534 638.6
241.72 61022 51551 324.9
282.91 4342 4342 321.3
0.00 0 0 0.0
2648.40 21232 19590 3259.5
2657.58 21300 19658 3269.9
3265.05 21044 19456 4010.2
3271.98 21085 19497 4018.0
3887.19 20944 19393 4767.0
4501.69 20839 19315 5515.3
5116.08 20760 19255 6263.4
5731.46 20701 19212 7012.6
6346.10 20652 19176 7761.0
0.00 0 0 0.0
0.00 0 0 0.0
3250.84 20959 19371 3994.0
3879.81 20907 19356 4758.7
3882.13 20918 19367 4761.3
3868.52 20850 19300 4745.8
3876.34 20889 19339 4754.7
1323.22 21640 20279 1603.4
1926.53 21044 19683 2338.9
676.29 10266 9074 868.8
olumetric Heating Value (BTU(IT)/ft3)
Net HV at Tb
Enthalpy Change
Cp at 298.15 K Cp at Tb term 1
Methane 35.7086 35.3376 -329.3462
Nitrogen 29.1253 29.1203 -274.9876
Carbon Dioxide 37.1409 36.7131 -339.6859
Ethane 52.4746 51.3143 -467.9204
Propane 73.3368 71.4681 -647.2926
Water (gas) 33.5873 33.5423 -316.3010
Hydrogen Sulfide 34.1086 33.9956 -319.6602
Hydrogen 28.8339 28.7758 -270.2418
Carbon Monoxide 29.1388 29.1299 -275.0435
Oxygen 29.3759 29.3265 -276.4437
Isobutane 96.6394 94.0494 -849.4108
Normal Butane 98.4809 96.0555 -871.5422
Isopentane 118.8894 115.6580 -1041.7129
Normal Pentane 120.0358 117.0855 -1063.1037
Hexane 142.5899 139.0632 -1262.2604
Heptane 165.1814 161.0296 -1460.5135
Octane 187.7820 183.0120 -1658.9727
Nonane 210.4144 204.9974 -1856.0551
Decane 233.0274 227.0026 -2054.9807
Helium 20.7862 20.7862 -196.3139
Argon 20.7862 20.7862 -196.3139
2,2-Dimethyl Propane 120.9160 117.4484 -1052.1440
2-Methyl Pentane 142.2604 138.3102 -1244.2157
3-Methyl Pentane 140.2468 136.3416 -1225.9059
2,2-Dimethyl Butane 141.7290 137.8415 -1240.9257
2,3-Dimethyl Butane 139.3867 135.2344 -1210.0531
Ethylene 42.8526 41.9354 -383.0710
Propylene 64.3181 62.8273 -571.1120
Methyl Alcohol 44.0214 43.3992 -401.8774
Sulfur Dioxide 39.8686 39.5271 -368.0291
term 3 term 3 dHi O2 Term H2O Term (GHV)
-5.7052 -0.5813 -335.6327 554.4597 -1422.1444444445
-0.0480 -0.0168 -275.0525 0.0000 0
-9.1969 0.1672 -348.7156 0.0000 0
-21.7610 -0.5655 -490.2468 970.3044 -2133.2166666667
-36.0599 -0.5862 -683.9388 1386.1491 -2844.2888888889
-0.6308 -0.0901 -317.0220 0.0000 0
-1.8300 -0.1473 -321.6376 415.8447 -711.07222222222
-2.0072 0.2655 -271.9836 138.6149 -711.07222222222
-0.0928 -0.0280 -275.1643 138.6149 0
-0.6845 -0.1016 -277.2298 0.0000 0
-50.5918 -0.6169 -900.6196 1801.9939 -3555.3611111111
-46.4283 -0.8804 -918.8509 1801.9939 -3555.3611111111
-65.9839 0.1462 -1107.5506 2217.8386 -4266.4333333333
-55.6022 -1.3512 -1120.0570 2217.8386 -4266.4333333333
-66.5536 -1.5869 -1330.4009 2633.6834 -4977.5055555556
-78.5461 -1.8056 -1540.8652 3049.5281 -5688.5777777778
-90.4677 -2.0017 -1751.4421 3465.3728 -6399.65
-104.2400 -1.7928 -1962.0878 3881.2176 -7110.7222222222
-115.8326 -2.0273 -2172.8405 4297.0623 -7821.7944444445
0.0000 0.0000 -196.3139 0.0000 0
0.0000 0.0000 -196.3139 0.0000 0
-74.4867 1.3344 -1125.2963 2217.8386 -4266.4333333333
-80.8957 0.2540 -1324.8573 2633.6834 -4977.5055555556
-80.5360 0.4312 -1306.0108 2633.6834 -4977.5055555556
-79.4101 0.1854 -1320.1504 2633.6834 -4977.5055555556
-87.6019 1.0888 -1296.5662 2633.6834 -4977.5055555556
-16.9015 -0.5426 -400.5151 831.6895 -1422.1444444445
-28.9944 -0.3952 -600.5016 1247.5342 -2133.2166666667
-10.3989 -0.7097 -412.9860 415.8447 -1422.1444444445
-6.8852 -0.0130 -374.9273 0.0000 0
H2O Term (LHV) CO2 Term SO2 Term dH (GHV) dH (LHV)
-634.0440 -348.7156 0 -880.768 -92.667
0.0000 0.0000 0 275.052 275.052
0.0000 0.0000 0 348.716 348.716
-951.0660 -697.4313 0 -1370.097 -187.946
-1268.0880 -1046.1469 0 -1820.348 -244.147
0.0000 0.0000 0 317.022 317.022
-317.0220 0.0000 -374.927 -348.517 45.533
-317.0220 0.0000 0 -300.474 93.577
0.0000 -348.7156 0 65.064 65.064
0.0000 0.0000 0 277.230 277.230
-1585.1100 -1394.8625 0 -2247.610 -277.359
-1585.1100 -1394.8625 0 -2229.379 -259.128
-1902.1319 -1743.5781 0 -2684.622 -320.321
-1902.1319 -1743.5781 0 -2672.116 -307.814
-2219.1539 -2092.2938 0 -3105.715 -347.363
-2536.1759 -2441.0094 0 -3539.194 -386.792
-2853.1979 -2789.7250 0 -3972.560 -426.108
-3170.2199 -3138.4407 0 -4405.857 -465.355
-3487.2419 -3487.1563 0 -4839.048 -504.495
0.0000 0.0000 0 196.314 196.314
0.0000 0.0000 0 196.314 196.314
-1902.1319 -1743.5781 0 -2666.877 -302.575
-2219.1539 -2092.2938 0 -3111.259 -352.907
-2219.1539 -2092.2938 0 -3130.105 -371.754
-2219.1539 -2092.2938 0 -3115.966 -357.614
-2219.1539 -2092.2938 0 -3139.550 -381.198
-634.0440 -697.4313 0 -887.371 -99.271
-951.0660 -1046.1469 0 -1331.328 -149.177
-634.0440 -348.7156 0 -942.029 -153.929
0.0000 0.0000 0 374.927 374.927
Summation Factor Calculation
term 1 term 2 term 3
Methane -4.9007801E-01 9.4776133E-01 -6.8415994E-01
Nitrogen -2.2413260E-01 4.5930282E-01 -3.2713645E-01
Carbon Dioxide -1.7276675E+00 3.6961136E+00 -2.9096953E+00
Ethane -1.9340481E+00 3.8460043E+00 -2.8874491E+00
Propane -5.0978896E+00 1.0785430E+01 -8.4322094E+00
Water (gas) -2.0149330E+02 5.4961910E+02 -5.0734994E+02
Hydrogen Sulfide -2.5434289E+00 5.4605925E+00 -4.3187956E+00
Hydrogen -1.1171849E-02 5.5234431E-02 -4.0194954E-02
Carbon Monoxide -2.5021661E-01 5.0094736E-01 -3.5295409E-01
Oxygen -2.5663170E-01 5.0546615E-01 -3.6087331E-01
Isobutane -8.9921356E+00 1.9409973E+01 -1.5373242E+01
Normal Butane -1.1403540E+01 2.5090221E+01 -2.0079644E+01
Isopentane -2.0234239E+01 4.5869946E+01 -3.7370614E+01
Normal Pentane -2.3425658E+01 5.3425385E+01 -4.3672735E+01
Hexane -4.4762737E+01 1.0361251E+02 -8.5171273E+01
Heptane -7.1893811E+01 1.6747850E+02 -1.3806255E+02
Octane -1.0583461E+02 2.4743415E+02 -2.0425681E+02
Nonane -1.4573558E+02 3.4165768E+02 -2.8244917E+02
Decane -2.1770439E+02 5.1232288E+02 -4.2412778E+02
Helium 1.3159012E-02 -1.6835244E-03 -2.5435854E-04
Argon -2.4623380E-01 4.8395022E-01 -3.4525878E-01
2,2-Dimethyl Propane -1.4910420E+01 3.3401053E+01 -2.7081894E+01
2-Methyl Pentane -3.7543050E+01 8.6511642E+01 -7.1002797E+01
3-Methyl Pentane -8.3256687E+01 2.1204838E+02 -1.8682616E+02
2,2-Dimethyl Butane -5.9875080E+01 1.5072477E+02 -1.3196374E+02
2,3-Dimethyl Butane -7.2550109E+01 1.8399733E+02 -1.6175762E+02
Ethylene -1.5539888E+00 3.1640994E+00 -2.4269326E+00
Propylene -4.5381793E+00 9.6405645E+00 -7.5779722E+00
Methyl Alcohol -3.3786365E+02 9.2262789E+02 -8.5049998E+02
term 4 B s
1.7982573E-01 -4.6650896E-02 4.4426894E-02
8.5151262E-02 -6.8149683E-03 1.6980398E-02
8.0881050E-01 -1.3243872E-01 7.4855452E-02
7.7784569E-01 -1.9764721E-01 9.1445281E-02
2.3261288E+00 -4.1854010E-01 1.3307133E-01
1.5774699E+02 -1.4771511E+00 2.4999333E-01
1.2025420E+00 -1.9909007E-01 9.1778459E-02
1.0477347E-02 1.4344975E-02 2.4635754E-02
9.1185287E-02 -1.1038051E-02 2.1610368E-02
9.4102855E-02 -1.7936010E-02 2.7547289E-02
4.2787909E+00 -6.7661344E-01 1.6919451E-01
5.6247533E+00 -7.6820980E-01 1.8028346E-01
1.0581570E+01 -1.1533376E+00 2.2089922E-01
1.2395147E+01 -1.2778611E+00 2.3251864E-01
2.4227665E+01 -2.0938301E+00 2.9763683E-01
3.9328979E+01 -3.1488845E+00 3.6500123E-01
5.8224459E+01 -4.4328110E+00 4.3306747E-01
8.0584164E+01 -5.9429094E+00 5.0143600E-01
1.2107464E+02 -8.4346593E+00 5.9737869E-01
2.2566868E-04 1.1446798E-02 2.2006854E-02
8.9991199E-02 -1.7551159E-02 2.7250148E-02
7.6530726E+00 -9.3818878E-01 1.9923291E-01
2.0183395E+01 -1.8508109E+00 2.7983175E-01
5.6039431E+01 -1.9950417E+00 2.9053064E-01
3.9427532E+01 -1.6865175E+00 2.6712306E-01
4.8455294E+01 -1.8551041E+00 2.8015611E-01
6.6701801E-01 -1.4980395E-01 7.9611828E-02
2.1026119E+00 -3.7297519E-01 1.2561917E-01
2.6370249E+02 -2.0332395E+00 2.9329876E-01
MON 1 (Linear Correlation Method)
mole fraction (xi) coefficient coeff * xi
Methane 0.906724 137.78 124.92843272
Ethane 0.045279 29.948 1.356015492
Propane 0.00828 -18.193 -0.15063804
Butane(s) 0.0026 -167.062 -0.4343612
Carbon Dioxide 0.004676 181.233 0.847445508
Nitrogen 0.031284 26.994 0.844480296
MON 1 (Linear Correlation 127.4
Methane Number 87.8

MON 2 (CARB Method)

HC Ratio HC Ratio * xi
Methane 4 3.62689600
Nitrogen 0 0.00000000
Carbon Dioxide 0 0.00000000
Ethane 3 0.13583700
Propane 2.6667 0.02208000
Water (gas) 0 0.00000000
Hydrogen Sulfide 4.0708 0.00000000
Hydrogen 0 0.00000000
Carbon Monoxide 0 0.00000000
Oxygen 0 0.00000000
Isobutane 2.5 0.00259250
Normal Butane 2.5 0.00390750
Isopentane 2.4 0.00077040
Normal Pentane 2.4 0.00106320
Hexane 2.3333 0.00091700
Heptane 2.2857 0.00000000
Octane 2.25 0.00000000
Nonane 2.2222 0.00000000
Decane 2.2 0.00000000
Helium 0 0.00000000
Argon 0 0.00000000
2,2-Dimethyl Propane 2.4 0.00000000
2-Methyl Pentane 2.3333 0.00000000
3-Methyl Pentane 2.3333 0.00000000
2,2-Dimethyl Butane 2.3333 0.00000000
2,3-Dimethyl Butane 2.3333 0.00000000
Ethylene 2 0.00000000
Propylene 2 0.00000000
Methyl Alcohol 4 0.00000000
Sulfur Dioxide 0 0.00000000
sum 3.79406360
MON 2 (CARB Method) 124.7
Methane Number 83.5
Molar Masses
Methane 16.0425
Nitrogen 28.0134
Carbon Dioxide 44.0095
Ethane 30.0690
Propane 44.0956
Water (gas) 18.0153
Hydrogen Sulfide 34.0809
Hydrogen 2.0159
Carbon Monoxide 28.0101
Oxygen 31.9988
Isobutane 58.1222
Normal Butane 58.1222
Isopentane 72.1488
Normal Pentane 72.1488
Hexane 86.1754
Heptane 100.2019
Octane 114.2285
Nonane 128.2551
Decane 142.2817
Helium 4.0026
Argon 39.9480
2,2-Dimethyl Propane 72.1488
2-Methyl Pentane 86.1764
3-Methyl Pentane 86.1764
2,2-Dimethyl Butane 86.1764
2,3-Dimethyl Butane 86.1764
Ethylene 28.0532
Propylene 42.0797
Methyl Alcohol 32.0419
Sulfur Dioxide 64.0638

Atomic Weights
Hydrogen 1.00794
Helium 4.0026
Carbon 12.0107
Nitrogen 14.0067
Oxygen 15.9994
Sulfur 32.065
Argon 39.948
Enthalpies of Formation at 298.15 kelvins
Methane -74.54
Nitrogen 0
Carbon Dioxide -393.51
Ethane -83.82
Propane -104.68
Water (gas) -241.814
Hydrogen Sulfide -20.63
Hydrogen 0
Carbon Monoxide -110.53
Oxygen 0
Isobutane -134.99
Normal Butane -125.79
Isopentane -153.7
Normal Pentane -146.76
Hexane -166.92
Heptane -187.78
Octane -208.75
Nonane -228.74
Decane -249.46
Helium 0
Argon 0
2,2-Dimethyl Propane -167.9
2-Methyl Pentane -174.3
3-Methyl Pentane -172
2,2-Dimethyl Butane -185.6
2,3-Dimethyl Butane -177.8
Ethylene 52.47
Propylene 20.41
Methyl Alcohol -201
Sulfur Dioxide -296.81
Stoichiometric Coefficients
Oxygen Water Carbon Dioxide Sulfur Dioxide
Methane -2 2 1 0
Carbon Dioxide
Ethane -3.5 3 2 0
Propane -5 4 3 0
Water (gas)
Hydrogen Sulfide -1.5 1 0 1
Hydrogen -0.5 1 0 0
Carbon Monoxide -0.5 0 1 0
Isobutane -6.5 5 4 0
Normal Butane -6.5 5 4 0
Isopentane -8 6 5 0
Normal Pentane -8 6 5 0
Hexane -9.5 7 6 0
Heptane -11 8 7 0
Octane -12.5 9 8 0
Nonane -14 10 9 0
Decane -15.5 11 10 0
2,2-Dimethyl Propane -8 6 5 0
2-Methyl Pentane -9.5 7 6 0
3-Methyl Pentane -9.5 7 6 0
2,2-Dimethyl Butane -9.5 7 6 0
2,3-Dimethyl Butane -9.5 7 6 0
Ethylene -3 2 2 0
Propylene -4.5 3 3 0
Methyl Alcohol -1.5 2 1 0
Sulfur Dioxide
Equation Constants for the Ideal Gas Heat Capacity Correlation
a b x 100 c x 105
Methane 4.1941264 0.35829459 1.76836150
Nitrogen 3.5018867 0.00301590 0.05114154
Carbon Dioxide 4.3257999 0.57757890 -0.50862361
Ethane 5.9588285 1.36661730 1.72015700
Propane 8.2430809 2.26461070 1.78330360
Water (gas) 4.0280005 0.03961628 0.27421031
Hydrogen Sulfide 4.0707790 0.11492711 0.44823055
Hydrogen 3.4414503 0.12605524 -0.80754203
Carbon Monoxide 3.5025979 0.00582673 0.08532127
Oxygen 3.5204293 0.04298729 0.30912462
Isobutane 10.8169970 3.17722960 1.87669950
Normal Butane 11.0988330 2.91575680 2.67822360
Isopentane 13.2659070 4.14387400 -0.44459765
Normal Pentane 13.5383120 3.49188670 4.11040320
Hexane 16.0745150 4.17965310 4.82740980
Heptane 18.5992090 4.93279710 5.49265150
Octane 21.1265290 5.68148970 6.08923990
Nonane 23.6363150 6.54640460 5.45373580
Decane 26.1695740 7.27443580 6.16707070
Helium 2.5000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
Argon 2.5000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
2,2-Dimethyl Propane 13.3987440 4.67786080 -4.05937300
2-Methyl Pentane 15.8447200 5.08035470 -0.77281151
3-Methyl Pentane 15.6115510 5.05776590 -1.31167140
2,2-Dimethyl Butane 15.8028240 4.98705580 -0.56395253
2,3-Dimethyl Butane 15.4096700 5.50151490 -3.31221940
Ethylene 4.8782970 1.06143470 1.65054910
Propylene 7.2729431 1.82088540 1.20217140
Methyl Alcohol 5.1177910 0.65306439 2.15880560
Sulfur Dioxide 4.6867423 0.43239642 0.03957661
Equation Constants for the 2nd Virial Coefficient
a b c
Methane -4.9007801E-01 3.2827956E-03 -8.2081892E-06
Nitrogen -2.2413260E-01 1.5909040E-03 -3.9248102E-06
Carbon Dioxide -1.7276675E+00 1.2802364E-02 -3.4908986E-05
Ethane -1.9340481E+00 1.3321546E-02 -3.4642088E-05
Propane -5.0978896E+00 3.7357889E-02 -1.0116519E-04
Water (gas) -2.0149330E+02 1.9037358E+00 -6.0869163E-03
Hydrogen Sulfide -2.5434289E+00 1.8914054E-02 -5.1814626E-05
Hydrogen -1.1171849E-02 1.9131752E-04 -4.8223780E-07
Carbon Monoxide -2.5021661E-01 1.7351497E-03 -4.2345565E-06
Oxygen -2.5663170E-01 1.7508016E-03 -4.3295672E-06
Isobutane -8.9921356E+00 6.7231035E-02 -1.8444003E-04
Normal Butane -1.1403540E+01 8.6905916E-02 -2.4090495E-04
Isopentane -2.0234239E+01 1.5888141E-01 -4.4835287E-04
Normal Pentane -2.3425658E+01 1.8505146E-01 -5.2396238E-04
Hexane -4.4762737E+01 3.5888646E-01 -1.0218399E-03
Heptane -7.1893811E+01 5.8010141E-01 -1.6564015E-03
Octane -1.0583461E+02 8.5704672E-01 -2.4505652E-03
Nonane -1.4573558E+02 1.1834122E+00 -3.3886758E-03
Decane -2.1770439E+02 1.7745515E+00 -5.0884609E-03
Helium 1.3159012E-02 -5.8312851E-06 -3.0516593E-09
Argon -2.4623380E-01 1.6762761E-03 -4.1422323E-06
2,2-Dimethyl Propane -1.4910420E+01 1.1569245E-01 -3.2491425E-04
2-Methyl Pentane -3.7543050E+01 2.9965354E-01 -8.5185402E-04
3-Methyl Pentane -8.3256687E+01 7.3447972E-01 -2.2414415E-03
2,2-Dimethyl Butane -5.9875080E+01 5.2207091E-01 -1.5832312E-03
2,3-Dimethyl Butane -7.2550109E+01 6.3731829E-01 -1.9406824E-03
Ethylene -1.5539888E+00 1.0959607E-02 -2.9117054E-05
Propylene -4.5381793E+00 3.3392376E-02 -9.0916504E-05
Methyl Alcohol -3.3786365E+02 3.1957400E+00 -1.0203849E-02
Compressibility of Air at Pb, Tb

B -0.010253311015988
Z 0.999566193510363

Correlation from AGA Report #8, 2nd Edition

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