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Learning Objectives:

- to understand how particular words and phrases suggest ideas and

- to apply what you have learned in a text


In the meaning Question you need to simply just rephrase the Given sentence.


You need to sometimes explain what emotion it creates, sometimes the feeling
of the writer of the aspect of the character.

Helpful Tips

1) Again: understand that every word is chosen by the author for a reason.
(ie. plucked and dumped)
2) If a question asks for specific parts of speech (ie. use adjectives in your
answer) then a good start would be to look at how the writer himself used
that part of speech, then think of synonyms.
3) The very best answers will refer to the grammatical function of a word.
How the candidate could have improved their answer

(a) Under meaning, the candidate could have improved his answer by
realising that ‘volume’, although not identical to ‘voluminous’, is a
derivative from it and therefore does not define it. Additionally, the
candidate either ignored or overlooked ‘conveniently’ in the expression.
They went on to link the expression to theft or deception and scored
the second mark for effect.
(b) Under meaning, the candidate correctly gave ‘ran’ for ‘shot’ and
‘urgency’ for effect.

Common mistakes candidates made in this question

(a) Under meaning, it was common to either ignore or overlook ‘conveniently’

in the expression.
(b) Under effect, there were three types of common errors.
(c) It was common to repeat the image rather than de-code it by writing
responses such as ‘he was like a bullet’.
(d) It was also common to repeat the meaning as if it were the effect, by
writing responses such as ‘the effect is to show speed’.
(e) Other common incorrect responses were to give the reason for his leaving
rather than the effect of the expression by writing responses such as’ he
wanted to catch the thief.’

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