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Answer all the questions.

Jawab semua soalan.
1. Given one of the roots of the quadratic equation 3. A quadratic function is given as:
4x2 + px + q = 0 is twice of the other root. Express Satu fungsi kuadratik diberi sebagai:
q in terms of p. f(x) = 3(x – h)2 + k
Diberi bahawa satu daripada punca persamaan kuadratik (a) State the effect on the position of the graph
4x2 + px + q = 0 adalah dua kali punca yang satu lagi. f(x) when
Ungkapkan q dalam sebutan p. Nyatakan kesan terhadap kedudukan graf f(x) apabila
[4] (i) the value of h is increased.
nilai h bertambah.
Let the roots be α and 2α.
Katakan punca-punca ialah α dan 2α. (ii) the value of k is decreased.
nilai k berkurang.
α + 2α = – [2]
p (b) State the function of f(x) when the graph is
3α = –
4 reflected about a straight line y = k.
p Nyatakan fungsi f(x) apabila graf itu dipantulkan pada
12 garis lurus y = k.
q [2]
α(2α) =
4 (a) (i) The graph moves horizontally to the right.
2α2 = Graf itu bergerak secara mengufuk ke kanan.
p 2 q (ii) The graph moves vertically downward.
2– 冢12 冣
4 Graf itu bergerak secara menegak ke bawah.
冢 冣
8 =q
144 2

= –(x – 6)2 + 36 + r

(b) 36 + r = 17 x2 + 3x – 10 ⬎ 0
r = 17 – 36 (x – 2)(x + 5) ⬎ 0
= –19
x ⬍ –5 or/atau x ⬎ 2


02 MAMD 2021 ADD MATHS TG4-CHP02(NM)-ZAH1P.indd 35 11/24/20 12:53 PM


Answer all the questions.

Jawab semua soalan.
1. The diagram shows the graph of a quadratic 2. Given the curve of a quadratic function f(x) =
function f(x) = –x2 + kx – 12, where k is a constant. –2(x – h)2 + 5k intersects the x-axis at points (–2, 0)
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan graf fungsi kuadratik and (8, 0).
f(x) = –x2 + kx – 12, dengan keadaan k ialah pemalar. Diberi lengkung fungsi kuadratik f(x) = –2(x – h)2 + 5k
f (x) menyilang paksi-x pada titik (–2, 0) dan titik (8, 0).
(5, p) (a) Find the values of h and k.
Cari nilai h dan nilai k.
x (b) Hence, sketch the graph of f(x) for 0 艋 x 艋 9.
Seterusnya, lakar graf f(x) untuk 0 艋 x 艋 9.
A [3]
(c) If the graph is reflected about the y-axis, write
(a) State the coordinates of point A. the equation of the curve in vertex form.
Nyatakan koordinat titik A. Jika graf itu dipantulkan pada paksi-y, tulis persamaan
[1] bagi lengkung itu dalam bentuk verteks.
(b) Find the values of k and p. [1]
Cari nilai k dan nilai p. –2 + 8
(a) h = =3
[3] 2
(c) Find the range of values of x if f(x) is negative.
Cari julat nilai x jika f(x) adalah negatif.
0 = –2(–2 – 3)2 + 5k
[3] 0 = –50 + 5k
(a) A(0, –12) 5k = 50
k = 10
(b) f(x) = –x2 + kx – 12
= –(x2 – kx) – 12 (b) f(x) = –2(x – 3)2 + 50
k 2 k 2

= – x2 – kx + –
– –冢 冣 冢 冣冥
– 12 f(0) = –2(0 – 3)2 + 50
= 32
k 2 k2
=– x– 冤冢 2

4 冣
– 12 冥 f(9) = –2(9 – 3)2 + 50
= –22
k 2 k2
=–x– 冢 2
4冣 – 12
k k2
=5 and/dan p= – 12
2 4
k = 10 102
= – 12
= 13
(c) f(x) ⬍ 0
–x2 + 10x – 12 ⬍ 0
–10 ± 102 – 4(–1)(–12)
–10 ± 52
= 1.39 or/atau 8.61
x ⬍ 1.39 or/atau x ⬎ 8.61
(c) f(x) = –2(x + 3) + 50


02 MAMD 2021 ADD MATHS TG4-CHP02(NM)-ZAH1P.indd 37 11/24/20 12:53 PM

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