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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 5495 - 5503

Effect of Transformational Leadership, Perceived Organizational

Support , Job Satisfaction Toward Life Satisfaction: Evidences
from Indonesian Teachers

Innocentius Bernarto1, Diana Bachtiar2, Niko Sudibjo3, Ian Nurpatria

Agus Purwanto5, Masduki Asbari6

Graduate School of Management, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
Raffles House Preschool, Indonesia
Trisakti School of Management, Indonesia
Bernarto227@gmail.com, diebachtiar@yahoo.com, niko.sudibjo@uph.edu,

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership on
perceived organizational support, job satisfaction and life satisfaction, the effect of
perceived organizational support on job satisfaction and life satisfaction, the effect of job
satisfaction on life satisfaction. The for data collection via an online electronic
questionnaire and the respondents are 127 school teachers that determined by snowball
sampling. Data analysis techniques with partial least square-structural equation
modeling (PLS-SEM) approach with the help of SmartPls 3.0 program. The results
showed that transformational leadership had a positive effect on perceived organizational
support, job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Then perceived organizational support has
a positive effect on job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Finally, job satisfaction has a
positive effect on life satisfaction.. This study was conducted because inadequate previous
study that conducted to investigate of transformational leadership on perceived
organizational support, teachers job satisfaction and teachers life satisfaction and could
be adapted and adopted by other countries or in other regions.
Keywords: Transformational Leadership,Life Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction,
Perceived Organizational Support.

1.0 Introduction
Teachers is the most respected profession in the world. Teacher is the key and the most
important factors in school(Usop, Askandar, Langguyuan-Kadtong, and Usop, 2013).
Moreover, teacher is the pivot of any education system and a role who is consciously
imitated by students. However, school teachers are leaving the profession at alarming
rates and turnover is high in many schools. Various reasons account for why teachers
move from one school to the others or even leave the profession. Chambers (2010)
mentioned that their reasons included lack of support and leadership quality of the
leaders, low salary and job satisfaction, and poor commitment.
XYZ School has been running for almost 40 years and faces the same problems of
high number of turnover and low satisfaction and performance of the teachers. In
addition, the school is also facing a serious problem in relation to the teachers’
motivation. Most of them have no motivation to teach and improve their skills, and are
not happy with their work. Teachers with low motivation to teach might find it only as a
job to gain money and with no respect to students, or might consider it as a burden. While
teachers who are dissatisfied with their job will also feel unhappy with their lives and in
the end, it will make them not being able to perform well in teaching (Bachtiar,
Sudibjo,andBernarto, 2018).

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 5495 - 5503
This research is a replication research and research model development from Bachtiar et
al (2018). The results of Bachtiar et al (2018) revealed that transformational leadership
and perceived organizational support had a positive effect on job satisfaction and life
satisfaction. Then job satifaction has a positive effect on life satifaction. In this study, a
re-examination of the Bachtiar et al (2018) research model in different schools will be
conducted by adding a hypothesis of the effect of transformational leadership on
perceived organizational support. Thus the research question is to determine the effect of
transformational leadership on perceived organizational support, job satisfaction and life
satisfaction of XYZ school teachers.
According to Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson (2015), life satisfaction is the condition
which employees are happy with their lives, and is strongly related to job satisfaction.
Many studies had found the relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction. It
was highlighted that a teacher, who was satisfied with their job, was also satisfied with
their life, and vice versa. Therefore, when a teacher is happy and satisfied with her work,
she will be happy and productive in the school as she spends most of her time there.
Sousa and Lyubomirsky (2001) stated that life satisfaction refers to a person's
acceptance of the state of life as well as the degree to which a person can fulfill what
he/she wants thoroughly. It can be said that life satisfaction considers from what extent
someone is satisfied with their achievements so far. Him/herself is a benchmark for the
next stage to stand. It is very subjective because each individual has a level of life
attainment that is very different from others’ perspective. Diener (1984) explained that
each individual needs to see aspects of life satisfaction as a whole. Diener, Oishi, and
Lucas (2003) also stated that life satisfaction can be assessed thorough through one's
feelings and attitudes related to achievement of his life at a certain point.
Buetell (2006) mentioned that there is life satisfaction with family, genetic and social-
cognitive factors that are suitable for one's life goals and life satisfaction is usually closely
related to parts of life including health, wealth, mental health, social relations and
achievement (Ye, Yu,and Li, 2012). It has a relationship with a number of personal
factors and self-esteem (Rode, 2004).

2.0Literature and Hypotheses

2.1 Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Life Satisfaction, Job
Satisfaction and Perceived Organizational Support
Job satisfaction is a multidimensional concept that has been defined in various ways by
different researchers. It refers to a pleasurable emotional feeling from the appraisal of the
work or job experience. Employees will feel satisfied if their work give valuable result
and thus, the employees will have a high job satisfaction. Furthermore, the employees
who have a high job satisfaction will also have positive feelings when they think of their
job, task, duties or work (Colquitt et.al., 2015). To ensure that teachers are able to do their
roles, they need support and motivation, which is often affected by the school principal.
To be successful in leading the teachers, the principal needs to create such conditions to
stimulate the morale of the teachers with a high level of leadership. It aims to make the
teachers feel respected, trusted and motivated, and to improve their satisfaction to
gradually reach overall objectives of the school (Yang, 2014). Previous researches on
teachers’ satisfaction revealed a high level of teacher satisfaction where transformational
leadership was implemented (Bachtiaret al. 2018; Tesfaw, 2014; Aydin, Uysal, andSarier,
2013). Meanwhile, other studies show that there was a positive relationship between
transformational leadership and life satisfaction (Amin, Yusnita, Ibrahim,andMuda, 2013;
Bachtiaret al., 2018).
Reputation is the company's ability to provide valuable results for stakeholders
(Fombrun, Gardberg, and Sever, 2000). There are several factors of communication in
creating reputation. They are done by maintaining the overall evaluation of the company's
stakeholders based on the direct experience of the company's stakeholders (Gotsi and
Wilson, 2001). Transformational leadership is generally associated with maximum work

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 5495 - 5503
performance and attitudes of employees who have trust in leaders, are satisfied with the
results of work, have commitment from a good organizational team, and a very high
loyalty (Men and Stacks, 2013). Transformational leaders always support and guide the
employees and foster good relationships and perceptions that make the employees' views
good about organizational reputation (Men, 2012; Yang, 2007). The following are the
hypotheses that can be proposed:

H1: Transformational leadership has a positive effect on job satisfaction.

H4: Transformational leadership has a positive effect on life satisfaction
H6: Transformational leadership has a positive effect on perceived organizational

2.2 Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction

and Life Satisfaction
There are many studies on job satisfactions. One of the determinant factors of job
satisfaction is perceived organizational support. Perceived organizational support
contributes to job satisfaction by conveying to the employees that help and support are
always available. Therefore, the teachers who get support from school are happier and
more satisfied as they feel secure and have self-actualization (Cullen-Lester, Edwards,
Casper,andGue, 2014). Furthermore, several studies revealed that there was a positive
relationship between perceived organizational support and life satisfaction with job
satisfaction as the mediating variable (Bachtiaret al., 2018;Newman, Nielsen, Smyth, and
Hooke, 2015; Lin, 2005; Dixon and Sagas, 2007).
Bastug and Duman (2010) studied a research on physical activity and it was found that
physical activity could make positive changes to the organic system of respiration,
circulation, and psychological situations. The study aimed to examine the level of life
satisfaction, depending on physical activity in Turkey and the German Society. A research
on life satisfaction with life scales was also developed from Deiner, Emmons and Larsen,
and Griffin (1985) study. It was done by determining the level of life satisfaction as a
subject. The study concluded that there was a level of life satisfaction in Turkish and
German communities which considered the demographic factors and there were
significant differences significant where there was a relationship between the level of life
satisfaction of individuals participating in an activity. The following are the hypotheses
that can be proposed:

H2: Perceived organizational support has a positive effect on job satisfaction.

H5: Perceived organizational support has a positive effect on life satisfaction.

2.3 Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction

When teachers are satisfied at work, it is unlikely that a teacher will transfer to another
school. In addition, teachers, who are satisfied with their work, are shown to have a high
work commitment, actively participating and teaching well (Mafini and Dlodo, 2014).
Mafini and Dlodo (2014) revealed that job satisfaction was such a predictor of life
satisfaction. This also applied to school teachers that job satisfaction could increase life
satisfaction (Bachtiaret al., 2018; Erdamar andDemirel, 2016). The following is the
hypothesis that can be proposed:

H3: Job satisfaction has a positive effect on life satisfaction.

The survey method was applied in this study for data collection using a questionnaire. All
127 XYZ school teachers were used as respondents or censuses. All questionnaire items
for each variable were adapted from Bachtiar et al (2018) and measured by a five-point

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 5495 - 5503
Likert scale, namely 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree and 5 =
strongly agree. All questionnaires were given directly to respondents and collected
immediately after respondents filled out the questionnaires. Partial least square-structural
equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method is used for statistical analysis with the help of the
SmartPls 3.0 program.

Figure 1. Research Model

The following are the hypotheses that can be proposed:

H1: Transformational leadership has a positive effect on job satisfaction.

H2: Perceived organizational support has a positive effect on job satisfaction.
H3: Job satisfaction has a positive effect on life satisfaction.
H4: Transformational leadership has a positive effect on life satisfaction
H5: Perceived organizational support has a positive effect on life satisfaction.
H6: Transformational leadership has a positive effect on perceived organizational

There was a total of 27 teachers participated. They had different age group, ranging
from 25-29 years old (15%), 30-39 years old (48%), 40-49 years old (11%) and more than
50 years old (26%). Most of them were full-time teachers (70%), and the rest were part-
timers (30%). Their employment status was various, where 37% of them were permanent
employees, 59% of them were contract employees for more than 1 school year or more,
and the less 4% were contract employees for less than 1 school year. Their length of work
was also various, where 4% of them were in their first year, 7% of them had worked for
1-2 years, 30% of them had work for 3-5 years, and the rest 64% of them had worked for
6-10 years.

4.1 Measurement Model
Validity and reliability tests were done before performing the structural analysis (Hair,
Hult, Ringle, and Sarstedt, 2014). The validity test was done by checking if AVE score
was higher than 0.5. It was done to check discriminate analysis, whether the square root
score was higher than the correlation score of each construct. If the outer loading of each
construct was higher than 0.7, the AVE score was checked. Next, the reliability test was
done by analyzing the composite reliability score which had to be higher than 0.7. The
results of validity and reliability test can be seen in the following Table 1. It shows the
AVE score, outer loadings and composite reliability have met the requirement.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 5495 - 5503
Table 1. AVE Score, Composite Reliability and Outer Loadings
Constructs and Items Outer Loadings
Job Satisfaction (AVE=0.717, CR=0.909)
js1 I have a variety of works. 0.941
js2 I can do different things from time to time. 0.891
js3 I am able to help people when I am working. 0.647
js4 My work is important in the eyes of other people. 0.877
Life Satisfaction (AVE=0.708, CR=0.901)
ls1 I am satisfied with the achievement of my goals. 0.909
ls2 I enjoy doing my work. 0.461
ls3 My work makes me happy. 0.940
ls4 My life quality makes me happy. 0.952
TransformationalLeadership (AVE=0.772, CR=0.910)
kt1 The leaders show good examples of good teachers. 0.847
kt2 I am proud of the leaders in my school. 0.907
kt3 I am inspired by the leaders in my school by their visions. 0.880
Perceived Organizational Support (AVE=0.691, CR=0.870)
pos1 The school appreciates my extra work. 0.784
pos2 A good performance is well appreciated by the school. 0.855
pos3 The school wishes to give me the best possible job for which I am qualified. 0.852
AVE=average variance of extracted; CR=composite reliability.
Source: Results of data processing (2018).

The next validity test performed was a discriminate analysis which analyzed the
Fornell-LarckerCriterium. The AVE square root should be higher than the correlation
values between constructs (Hair et al., 2014). The results of discriminate analysis had met
the requirement and are presented in the following Table 2.

Tabel 2.Fornell-LarckerCriterium
JS 0.847
LS 0.837 0.841
POS 0.736 0.680 0.831
TL 0.744 0.719 0.813 0.878
Note: JS=Job Satisfaction; LS=Life Satisfaction; POS=Perceived Organizational Support
Source: Results of data processing (2018)

4.2 Structural Model

Table 3.shows that the R2 of job satisfaction is 0.604. It indicates that 60.4% of job
satisfaction could be explained by transformational leadership and perceived
organizational support constructs and the rest 39.6% were explained by other variables
not included in the study. In addition, it can be concluded that the transformational
leadership, job satisfaction and perceived organizational support constructs could predict
72.1% of life satisfaction and the rest 27.9% were explained by other variables not
included in the study.

Table 3. Evaluation of R2
Endogenous Construct R2
Job Satisfaction 0.604
Life Satisfaction 0.721
Source: Results of data processing (2018)
Collinearity evaluation was done to find out if there was collinearity in the model. Hair
et al. (2014) explained that to find collinearity, counting the VIF of each construct was
needed. If the VIF score was higher than 5, then the model had collinearity.Table 4.shows
that all VIF scores are smaller than 5, which means that this model has no collinearity.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 5495 - 5503

Table 4.Collinearity Evaluation

JS Predictor LS Predictor
Construct VIF Construct VIF
TL 2.951 TL 3.417
POS 2.951 JS 2.525
POS 3.329
Note: JS=Job Satisfaction; LS=Life Satisfaction; POS=Perceived Organizational Support
Source: Results of data processing (2018).

Furthermore, the hypotheses test was not done by performing a significant test (t-test)
because all populations participated as the respondents. Thus, it was called as census. A
hypothesis would be supported empirically if the standardized coefficient was positive,
the same as the direction of the hypothesis. The following Table 5. shows that all
hypotheses are supported.

Table 5. Results of Hypotheses Test

Hypothesis Standardized Coefficient Result
H1: Transformational leadership has a positive effect
0.430 Supported
on job satisfaction.
H2: Perceived organizational support has a positive
0.387 Supported
effect on job satisfaction.
H3: Job satisfaction has a positive effect on life
0.669 Supported
H4: Transformational leadership has a positive effect
0.204 Supported
on life satisfaction.
H5: Perceived organizational has a positive effect on
0.022 Supported
life satisfaction.
H6: Transformational leadership has a positive effect
0.451 Supported
on perceived organizational support.
Source: Results of data processing (2018)

The results of the first, fourth and sixth hypothesis tests, which state that
"transformational leadership has a positive effect on job satisfaction, life satisfaction and
perceived organizational support", are supported. The results are consistent with previous
studies by Amin etal. (2013), Aydin, Uysal and Sarier (2013), Bachtiaret al. (2018), Men
and Stacks (2013), and Tesfaw (2014). It was found that the transformational leadership
had a direct or indirect impact on increasing the perceived organizational support, job
satisfaction and life satisfaction.
Transformational leadership has a positive effect on job satisfaction. Based on the
analysis and processing of data obtained and concluded that transformational leadership
has a positive effect on teacher job satisfaction. Perceived organizational support has a
positive effect on job satisfaction.Based on the analysis and processing of data obtained
and concluded that organizational support has a positive effect on teacher job
satisfaction.Job satisfaction has a positive effect on life satisfaction. Based on the analysis
and processing of data obtained and concluded that job satisfaction has a positive effect
on teacher life satisfaction. Transformational leadership has a positive effect on life
satisfaction, Based on the analysis and processing of data obtained and concluded that
transformational leadership has a positive effect on teacher life satisfaction. Perceived
organizational support has a positive effect on life satisfaction. Based on the analysis and
processing of data obtained and concluded that organizational support has a positive
effect on teacher life satisfaction. Transformational leadership has a positive effect on the
perception of organizational support. Based on the analysis and processing of data

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 5495 - 5503
obtained and concluded that transformational leadership has a positive effect on the
perception of organizational support.
The transformational leadership, in the form of good behavior, inspirators and school
principals who could be proud of, was such an important factor for teachers in relation to
their job satisfaction and life satisfaction. When the teacher had a trouble at work, for
example when the teacher was frustrated, then the transformational leader could play a
role in providing a solution by giving instructions or ideas. In addition to being related to
work, the transformational school principals could also improve the teacher life
satisfaction. Examples of good behavior could inspire teachers to deal with daily life
problems. Furthermore, the principal was such the maker and determinant of school
policy. The principals' inspiration and ideas implied in the organizational policy.
Therefore, the teacher would perceive that organizational support was the support from
the principal.
Next, the results of the second and fifth hypothesis, which state that “perceived
organizational support have a positive effect on job satisfaction and life satisfaction”, are
supported. These test results are in accordance with the results of a study by Bachtiaret al.
(2018); Cullen-Lester etal. (2014); Dixon and Sagas (2007); Newman et al.
(2015).When the school valued the teachers’ extra work and good performance and when
the school gave the teachers the opportunity through the work given to make them
qualified were forms of school support. A respondent confirmed that the school provided
many opportunities for teachers to work and the work was highly valued. For this reason,
it could be concluded that the school support was highly needed by teachers.
Finally, the hypothesis stating that job satisfaction has a positive effect on life
satisfaction is supported. These test results are in line with the results of a study by
Bachtiaret al. (2018), Erdamar and Demirel (2016), and Mafini and Dlodo (2014). Job
satisfaction had a positive effect on life satisfaction as a teacher. A respondent also
confirmed that she had everything it took for what so-called life satisfaction as a teacher
as she could do anything she wanted to develop herself as a teacher from time to time.
She could also help students to achieving their dreams, making her profession to be
valuable for others. For this reason, she added, the school support was needed to achieve

6. Conclusion
The results of this research showed that transformational leadership had a positive
effect on perceived organizational support, job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Then
perceived organizational support has a positive effect on job satisfaction and life
satisfaction. Finally, job satisfaction has a positive effect on life satisfaction.This research
was only conducted at one particular school location with a small population.
Transformational leadership has a positive effect on job satisfaction. Based on the
analysis and processing of data obtained and concluded that transformational leadership
has a positive effect on teacher job satisfaction. Perceived organizational support has a
positive effect on job satisfaction.Based on the analysis and processing of data obtained
and concluded that organizational support has a positive effect on teacher job
satisfaction.Job satisfaction has a positive effect on life satisfaction. Based on the analysis
and processing of data obtained and concluded that job satisfaction has a positive effect
on teacher life satisfaction. Transformational leadership has a positive effect on life
satisfaction, Based on the analysis and processing of data obtained and concluded that
transformational leadership has a positive effect on teacher life satisfaction. Perceived
organizational support has a positive effect on life satisfaction. Based on the analysis and
processing of data obtained and concluded that organizational support has a positive
effect on teacher life satisfaction. Transformational leadership has a positive effect on the
perception of organizational support. Based on the analysis and processing of data
obtained and concluded that transformational leadership has a positive effect on the
perception of organizational support.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 03, (2020), pp. 5495 - 5503
Future researches are suggested to be done at other schools or in a wider area. In
addition, PLS-SEM could not test the feasibility of the model. Therefore, future
researches are suggested to use CB-SEM (covariance based-structural equation

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ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC

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