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Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không tính thời gian giao đề)
Đề gồm có 06 trang- Số câu trắc nghiệm: 80

I. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each place
The Prime Minister's comments yesterday on education spending miss the point, as the secondary
education system also needs a major overhaul. Firstly, the system only views the weakest learners as
having special _____ (1). The highest and most _____ (2) students are not encouraged to develop to their
full potential. Secondly, there's too much testing and not enough learning. My fifteen-year-old daughter,
for example, has just spent the last month or so _____ (3) for exams. These aren't real, important exams, as
her GCSEs will be next year. They're just _____ (4) exams. Is the work she's been doing really going to
make her more _____ (5) about her subjects, or will she forget it all tomorrow? I expect the latter. Thirdly,
the standard _____ (6) doesn't give students any _____ (7) in developing practical work-related, living and
social skills, or in skills necessary for higher education. How many students entering university have the
first idea what the difference is between _____ (8) someone else's work and making good use of someone
else's ideas? Should they have been taught this at school? How many of them are really able to go about
___ (9)- a skill that is essential at university because there are no teachers to tell you what to do- in an
efficient way? In deed how many students _____ (10) from university totally unable to spell even simple
English words correctly? The system is letting our children down.
1. A. requests B. desires C. needs D. wants
2. A. inattentive B. ignorant C. intensive D. conscientious
3. A. cramming B. lecturing C. reading D. practising
4. A. false B. mock C. fake D. artificial
5. A. knowledgeable B. intellectual C. academic D. intelligent
6. A. timetable B. lecture C. seminar D. curriculum
7. A. lesson B. subject C. tuition D. turorial
8. A. writing B. going over C. plagiarising D. repeating
9. A. reviewing B. revision C. distance learning D. self-study
10. A. quality B. graduate C. depart D. exist
II. Choose the most appropriate way to make a meaningful sentence from the words given
11. One thing/ I/ know/ would not like/ have / occupy/ anyhting/ do/ physics/ chemistry/ maths.
A. One thing I know is that I would not like to have occupied anything to do with physics,
chemistry or maths.
B. One thing I know is that I would not like to have occupied anything to do with physics,
chemistry and maths.
C. One thing I know is that I would not like to have an occupation that has anything to do with
physics, chemistry or maths.
D. One thing I know I would not like is to have an occupation that has anything to do with physics,
chemistry or maths.
12. I/ not particular/ concern/ become/ rich
A. I am not a particular in concern about becoming rich.
B. I am not particularly concerned about becoming rich.
C. I am not particularly concerned with becoming rich.
D. I am not particularly concerning of becoming rich.
13. Alice/move/ new house/ have/ house-warming party/ next Sunday.
A. Alice has moved to her new house and is going to have a house-warming party next Sunday.
B. Alice has moved to new house and is going to have a house-warming party next Sunday.
C. Alice moved to her new house and will have a house-warming party next Sunday.
D. Alice will move to her new house and will have a house-warming party next Sunday.

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III. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning with the origional one.
14. Sarah did so well in the dance-sports contest that she could have won the first prize.
A. Sarah performed very well in the dance-sports contest and she won the first prize.
B. If Sarah performed well in the dance-sports contest, she could have won the first prize.
C. Sarah didn't win the first prize although she performed very well in the dance-sports contest.
D. Sarah didn't perform very well in the dance-sports contest , so she didn't win the first prize.
15. The children are looking forward to getting new clothes for New Year.
A. The children are expecting to get new clothes as New Year gifts.
B. The children want to wear new clothes as New Year gifts.
C. The children are lookng for new clothes as New Year gifts.
D. The children are getting dressed in new clothes for New Year.
IV. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
16. A. discussion B. television C. revision D. decision
17. A. rhinoceros B. livelihood C. dishonest D. heiress
V. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others
18. A. confidential B. communicate C. residential D. malnutrition
19. A. understand B. magazine C. volunteer D. comfortable
20. A. exploitation B. commercial C. diversity D. additional
VI. Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the sentences
21. Vegetables that are eaten raw, such as lettuce, may be ______ by bacteria in soil, water, and dust
during washing and packing.
A. purified B. flourished C. hygienic D. contaminated
22. Many rare animals, such as tigers, elephants and pandas, are ______ becoming extinct.
A. in terms of B. with respect to C. on the verge of D. in relation to
23. No-one can decline the ______ of the Alaskan wilderness.
A. breath-taken view B. breath-taking view
C. breath-to-take view D. breath-taking scene
24. - "Have you ever thought of putting an advertisement in the local paper?" - " ______ "
A. No, never. B. Yes, I have. C. Sounds good to me . D. Yes, I think so.
25. - "If I were in your shoes, I would consider taking an undergraduate course abroad." _- " ________ "
A. Thanks, anyway. B. Yes, I would. C. I don't think so. D. Yes, you are all right.
26. In economics, "diminishing returns" describes ______ resource inputs and production.
A. among B. when it is C. among them D. the relationship between
27. Rarely _____ remove the entire root of a dandelion because of its length and sturdiness.
A. can the casual gardener B. the casual gardener
C. the casual gardener will D. does the casual gardener's
28. The flight instructor, _____ at the air base, said that orders not to fight had been given.
A. when interviewed B. when his interview C. when interviewing D. when he interviewed
29. Nowhere _____ more skewed than in the auto-industry.
A. that retail trade figures B. retail trade figures
C. are retail trade figures D. do retail trade figures
30. "Would you like me to carry that heavy box for you?" - " _____ "
A. Don't look at me B. No, let's not. C. I'd love to , but ... D. That won't be necessary.
31. The old castle has been _____ and it is now a luxury hotel in the centre of the city that attracts tourists
from all over the world.
A. transformed B. rebuilt C. remade D. recontructed
32. It's only the beginning of summer, but the weather is _____ that a large number of people got sick.
A. such disagreeable B. so disagreeable C. so agreeable D. too disagreeable
33. ______ you send in your tax forms, ______ you will receive your refund.
A. The earliest/ the soonest B. The soonest/ the earliest
C. The sooner/ the earlier D. The earlier/ the sooner

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34. The man said that if he ______ the Prime Minister now, he ______ something about the economy.
A. had been/ would have done B. were/ would do
C. is/ will do D. had been/ would do
35. I'm happy to have a friend like Mary. She used to ______ when I was in New York.
A. put me up B. put up me C. put me down D. put down me
36. "Would you be able to join our expedition next Sunday?" - "_____ "
A. All right, I'd like to.B. Yes, please. C. No, I wouldn't. D. That's worth a try.
37. Drivers must drive carefully on a road that is full of _____ .
A. angles B. bends C. corners D. winding
38. The Dewey decimal system, currently used in libraries throughout the world, _____ all written works
into ten classes according to subject.
A. deviding B. it would divide C. divides D. was divided
39. We ______ our laptop when we went on hliday. The hotel had free internet access.
A. shouldn't have taken B. must have taken
C. can't have taken D. needn't have taken
40. I had my wallet stolen. I _____ it on the desk in the classroom.
A. ought have left B. was left C. had better leave D. shouldn't have left
41. As soon as Dad _______ , we can set off for London.
A. has the car starting B. got started the car C. was got starting the car. D. has got the car started
42. Why didn't you ______ when you moved the house.
A. got Jack help B. have Jack helped C. have Jack help D. have got Jack to help
43. The government must _______ strong measures against crimes.
A. be seen be taking B. see to be taking C. seen to take D. be seen to be taking
44. The computer has had an enormous ______ on the way we work and enjoy life.
A. impression B. influence C. change D. alternaion
45. "Do you mind if I turn down the TV? I'm studying." - " _____ "
A. Sure, thanks. B. That would be nice. C. That's an idea. D. I wish I could, but ...
46. _____ squeezed, the orange juice in a one-cup serving provides twice the minimum daily requirement
for vitamin C.
A. It is freshly B. You freshly C. If freshly D. If it freshly
47. It might sound strange, but dinner yesterday was the first time I ______ octopus.
A. was eating B. have eaten C. have been eating D. had eaten
48. An instant invesetigation was launched after a bag ______ firearms and a load of cocaine was
discovered by the sniffer dogs.
A. composing B. comprising C. embracing D. involving
49. The military authorities now have the _____ task of explaining to critics that they wasted $ 20 million
on the project.
A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. embarrassment D. embarrass
50. Hundreds of employees were made redundant when the company was ______ by another one.
A. taken over B. taken on C. taking in D. being taken place
VII. Read the text below and decide which answer ( A, B,C or D) best fits
Mountaineers have noted that as they climb, for example, up to the 12,633-foot Humphreys
Peak in the San Francisco Peaks in Arizona, plant life changes radically. Starting among the cacti
Line of the Sonoran Desert, one climbs into a pine forest at 7,000 feet and a treeless alpine tundra at the
(5) summit. It may seem that plants at a given altitude are associated in what can be called
“communities” – groupings of interacting species. The idea is that over time, plants that require
particular climate and soil conditions come to live in the same places, and hence are frequently to
be found together. Scientists who study the history of plant life are known as paleobotanists, or
paleobots for short. They build up a picture of how groups of plants have responded to climate
(10) changes and how ecosystems develop. But are these associations, which are real in the present,
A great natural experiment took place on this planet between 25,000 and 10,000 years ago,
when small changes in the earth’s orbit and axis of rotation caused great sheets of ice to spread
from the poles. These glaciers covered much of North America and Europe to depths of up to two
(15) miles, and then, as the climate warmed, they retreated. During this retreat, they left behind newly
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uncovered land for living things to colonize, and as those living things moved in they laid down a
record we can read now. As the ice retreated and plants started to grow near a lake, they would
release pollen. Some would fall into the lake, sink to the bottom, and be incorporated into the
sediment. By drilling into the lake bottom it is possible to read the record of successive plant life
(20) around the lake. The fossil record seems clear; there is little or no evidence that entire groups of
plants moved north together. Things that lived together in the past don’t live together now, and
things that live together now didn’t live together in the past. Each individual organism moved at its
own pace. The fossil record seems to be telling us that we should be thinking about preserving
(25) species by giving them room to maneuver – to respond to environmental changes.

51. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The effects of the ice age on plants
B. Plant migration after the ice age
C. The need to develop a new approach to environmental issues
D. Communities of plants live at different altitudes
52. The word “radically” in line 2 is closest in meaning to
A. variably B. demonstrably C. quickly D. dramatically
53. The author mentions “cacti” in line 3 and a ”treeless alpine tundra” in line 4 to illustrate
A. changes in climate B. the effects of the ice age
C. communities of plants D. plant migration
54. The word “which” in line 9 refers to
A. the responses of plants to climate changes
B. the current theories of ecosystems
C. the developments of ecosystems
D. plant life changes
55. The word “axis” in line 12 is closest in meaning to
A. center B. method C change D. slowdown
56. The word “successive” in line 18 is closest in meaning to
A. extinct B consecutive C. accumulative D following
57. The passage states that by drilling into the lake bottom it is possible to find successive fossils of
A. sediment B. ice C. plant life D. pollen
58. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage
A. that the migratory patterns of plants are dependent upon changes in climate
B. that modern conservation methods should consider the migratory patterns of plants
C. that current associations of plants are similar to those in the past
D. that another ice age is likely to occur at some time
59. According to the passage, the movement of individual species of plants
A. occurs in groups B. often depends upon the formation of lakes
C. does not occur in groups D. depends upon climate and soil conditions
60. All of the following are true except
A. The ice age occurred when small changes affected the movement of the earth
B. Fossil records seem to indicate that plants will be preserved if they have sufficient room to move
C. Fossil records clearly show that entire groups of plants are unlikely to have moved together
D. In the ice age glaciers covered the world to depths of up to two miles

VIII. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify the mistake by choosing A, B,C or D

61. Many theories on conserving the purity of water has been proposed, but not one has been
as widely accepted as this one.

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62. The manager had finished working on the report last night, and now she will begin to write the other
63. Our Spanish professor would like us spending more in the laboratory practising our pronunciation.
64. The teachers and administrators are having such difficult time agreeing on a contract for the
forthcoming year that the teachers may go on strike.
65. They played so good game of tennis last night that they surprised their audience.

IX. Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences. Then choose the answer A, B, C, or
D that you think fits best
Charles Lindbergh was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1902 but was raised on a farm in Minnesota,
where his father was elected to the U.S. Congress in 1907. From then on, he spent his boyhood alternately
in Washington, D.C, and Little Falls, Minnesota.
Because Lindbergh exhibited exceptional mechanical talent, in 1921 he was admitted to the
university of Wisconsin to study engineering. However the young man was seeking more challenging
endeavors, and two years later he became a stunt pilot who performed feats at county fairs and public
assemblies. This unusual and undertaking paid off handsomely in the sense that it allowed him to gain a
diverse and well- rounded experience in aeronautics. He particularly delighted in what he called "wing-
walking" and parachute jumping.
After a year of trainging as a millitary cadet, Lindbergh completed his program at the Brooks and
Kelly airfields at the top of his class and earned the rank of captain. Roberton Aircraft Corporation of St.
Louis, Missouri, offered him employment as a mail pilot to run the routes between St. Louis and Chicago,
and Lindbergh retained his position with the company until 1927. During this period, he set out to win the
Raymond B. Orteig prize of $ 25,000 to be awarded to the first pilot to fly nonstop from New York to
Paris. This ambition would irreversibly change his life and accord him a prominent place in the history of
Embarking on the greatest adventure of his time, Lindbergh left Roosevelt Field at 7:52 A.M on
May, 20, 1927, and landed at Bourget Field at 5:24 P.M the next day. Fearing that he would be unknown
when he arrived, Lindbergh carried letters of introduction to dignitaries in Paris, but when his plane came
to a stop, he was overwhelmed by tremendous welcoming crowds. He was decorated in France, Great
Britain, and Belgium, and President Coolidge sent a specially designated cruiser, the Memphis, to bring
him back. His accomplishments in aeronautics brought him more medals and awards than had ever been
received by any other person in private life.
66. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. A Benchmark Adventure in Aeronautics B. The early life of Charles Lindbergh
C. Groundbreaking Events in Aviation D. Charles Lindbergh' s Explorations
67. According to the passage, Linbergh did not complete his degree because he.
A. opted for the life of an exhibition pilot. B. pursued training in the military.
C was seeking for a sedentary life- style D. sety out to win recognition.
68. In line 7 the word assemblies is closet in meaning to
A. hearings B. houses C. gatherings D. shows
69. In line 7, the word hansomely is closest in meaning to
A. honorably B. handily C. well D. in time
70. In line 7, the word undertaking refers to
A. studying at the university. B. exhibiting mechanical talent.
C. seeking chllenging endeavors. D. performing feats.
71. It can be inferred from the passage that as a military cadet, Lindbergh
A. was in top form. B. earned a good salary.
C. was the best among the students. D. trained with the best students.
72. The author of the passage implies that Lindbergh's job with Robertson Aircraft Corporation
A. required regular intercity flights. B. was not intended as long- term employment.
C. required him to perform dangerous flights. D. neccessitated his running long distances.
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73. In line 15, the word irreversibly is closet meaning to
A. forever B. formerly C. irresistibly D. only
74. It can be inferred from the passage that in the early 1920s it was NOT common for young people to
A. study engineering B. train as officers
C. go on exhibition tours D. be elected to an office
75. A paragragh following the passage would most probably discuss
A. the development of commercial and military aviation
B. the reaction of the goverment to Lindbergh's flight
C. the effect of instant celebrity on Lindbergh
D. Lindbergh 's aircraft and engine modifications
X. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence
76. Although many suggest that the trade in tropical wood products is the primary source of deforestation,
the root causes of tropical deforestation are poverty and overpopulation.
A. petrifaction of forests B. destruction of forests
C. deformation of forests D. fossilization of forests
77. It may be that women, particularly older women who are widowed or divorced, are more likely to be
exposed to poverty and powerlessness, which make them vulnerable to anxiety.
A. secure B. defended C. susceptible D. disadvantaged
78. As children we were very close friends, but as we grew up we just drifted apart.
A. not as friendly as before B. not as serious as before
C. not as sympathetic as before D. not as childlike as before
XI. Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each
79. Paris is an ideal place to learn French. It is a beautiful and hospitable city with institutions for high
quality linguistic teaching.
A. unfriendly B. unnatural C. inafectionate D. unnoticeable
80. Any attempt to construct an ideal society is foredoomed to failure.
A. opinionated B. unrealistic C. uncomfortable D. imperfect

_______ The end ______

Hä vµ tªn thÝ sinh: .................................................... – Sè b¸o danh : .................

C¸n bé coi thi kh«ng gi¶i thÝch g× thªm

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1. C 21. D 41. A 61. B

2. D 22. C 42. C 62. A
3. A 23. B 43. D 63. B
4. B 24. C 44. B 64. A
5. A 25. C 45. D 65. B

6. D 26. D 46. C 66. B

7. C 27. A 47. D 67. A
8. C 28. A 48. B 68. C
9. D 29. C 49. B 69. C
10. B 30. D 50. A 70. D
11. C 31. A 51. B 71. C
12. B 32. B 52. D 72. A
13. A 33. D 53. C 73. A
14. C 34. B 54. A 74. C
15. A 35. A 55. A 75. C
16. A 36. A 56. B 76. B
17. B 37. B 57. C 77. C
18. B 38. C 58. B 78. A
19. D 39. § 59. C 79. A
20. A 40. D 60. D 80. D

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