Essay On Energy

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When we think of work being done easily, what comes to your mind is Energy! Energy is
something that makes our work easier for example if we want to travel we use fossil fuels in
our vehicles. The whole world is dependent on the fossil fuels and other energy sources but
mostly on fossil fuels and that is non renewable resource and that will not going to last long and
is also damaging our environment and polluting our atmosphere. So we have to find alternative
source which is renewable and which is safe. Now the question is the solar energy comes from
the sun, but what about other energies have you thought from where the energy do comes
from or what is the source of the energy. There are two types of energy non – renewable and
renewable energy resources. Renewable energy is the one that can be regenerated again and
again after it is used, for example solar energy is generated by a panel which converts rays
coming through sun to energy which can be used to power anything, wind energy which is
energy generated by wind, hydroelectric is generated by water and these plants are mostly in;
rivers, dams, sea, oceans, and many more. When you compare this solar energy with fossil
fuels, the solar energy is more efficient to use, as more fossil fuels are used, it emits harmful

Solar energy is the radiant energy that is emitted by the sun. The solar panel contains of solar
cells that converts the light energy to electrical energy that is generated from the sun. It is a
renewable resource, it can be renewed or reproduce the same energy in very short time. There
are some facts regarding the solar, using solar a airplane can fly around the world, it can
actually take the load of the whole airplane. There are some solar community plants available
in California, Minnesota, Coloardo, and Massachusetts where people doesn’t personally has to
go solar they can use the community solar plant and the solar plant can source the electricity
produced for more than hundreds or even thousands of people.

Solar can provide full day power. Over a million of people has started using solar panels in the

It is and will soon become more abundant energy source in the whole world. We have solar
panels all across the world and sun is almost there almost every day and all parts of the world.
So we are getting the energy mostly daily from sun and storing it in solar panel and it is not that
because of more panels available, it is also regenerating every day. The sunlight comes there is
a new and fresh energy which starts to get stored in the solar panel and which can be used later
when we need it. Even it can produce some amount of energy in cloudy days. The solar energy
helps reduce our electricity bills. When in the day time it generates and gathers the electricity
and if generated more it is sold and you will receive bonus payments through that. It has low
maintenance cost. As it just needs cleaning twice the solar panel per year. The system is being
develop that you could store and generate more with these solar panels. After the solar
installation is done it does not create pollution or emits greenhouse gasses. It does not depend
on fossil fuels or any gasses / substances except sunlight. It is a clear and clean source of
energy. It is easy to install. It is safe. Thus more advantage it also have some limitations such as
the expense for the material and installation is high, it needs enough space where it can be
placed in such a way that the direct sunlight can reach, the panels cannot generate energy at
night so if no power in the solar panel than you have to attach external battery bank, different
factors of geographical conditions and location matters, as depends how much power can be
generated, cloudy days can affect the production of the energy as it does not allow the proper
sunlight to reach the panels and can produce less electricity comparing to other sunny days,
also produces low energy in winter. Compared to fossil fuels it is actually better as it thus have
more advantage and main point that does not harm environment like the fossil fuels do when
they are burnt. Let’s take fossil fuels here with solar. Fossil fuels have a lot of disadvantages,
they do have advantage but mostly it is disadvantages for example the main factor of any fossil
fuel corresponds or lastly contributes to pollution and global warming. But solar does not
contribute to pollution. Fossil fuels are non renewable resource and solar is a renewable
resource. These days we use fossil fuels everywhere and it is non renewable resource, so it’s
not going to sustain, some day it is going to be extinct and to regenerate that it will take
millions of years. There are accidents happening because of fossil fuels. And the advantages of
the fossil fuels is that they are well developed so here the fossil fuels are mostly used to power
vehicles so they are developed a little more that they are efficient to take the load and power

the vehicles. Fossil fuels are cheap and reliable source of energy, but solar is little costly for
installation and for the materials. So this is the difference between solar energy and fossil fuels.
One is a renewable source one is non renewable source.

So I think that solar is better in almost every term like performance, savings, and also if it
generates more, you could get extra bonus. I prefer this because it is a renewable source and
does not harm the environment as other non renewable source does. It has many more
advantages. And if the solar technology is developed further it can increase the production of
energy and get more storage to store the energy, and also it could enhance the performance
when energy is transferred.

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