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Nama : Muhammad Elang Al-Fatih

Kelas : 11.2C.30
NIM : 11190399
Mata Kuliah : Bhs. Inggris II

Tasks :
1. Read Module 2 and answer “Exercise Meeting 2” (Number 1-7)!
2. Can you explain how to use a computer?
3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Hard Disk? Mention and explain 3 strenghts and 3

Answers :
1. The answer of Exercise Meeting 2:
- Number 1 : What is the meaning of “CPU”?
CPU or also we known as a Central Processing Unit is one of the most important
components of the computer. It performs most of processing inside a computer such
processes all instructions received by sotware running in the computer and by the
hardware components, and act as a powerful calculator.

- Number 2 : What are the component of inside a computer?

The computer has many components inside of it such as motherboard, CPU or Processor,
RAM, Hard Drive, Power Supply Unit, Expansion Card, Video Card, Sound Card,
Network Card, Bluetooth Card (Adapter), etc.

- Number 3 : What is the meaning of “ALU”?

ALU or also we known as a Arithmetic-Logic Unit is the part of Processor (CPU) that
carries out arithmetic and logic operations that need to be done on instruction words. In
some processors, the ALU is divided into the Arithmetic Unit (AU) and the Logic Unit

- Number 4 : Can you explain about ROM and RAM with your own words?
 ROM or also we known as a Read Only Memory is memory that comes with the
computer to hold the instruction for booting-up or prepare the computer for ready to
use. The instruction is premanently which mean can only be read and cannot be
changed or deleted.

 RAM or also we known as a Random Access Memory is memory that available for
operating system, programs and processes to use when the computer is running.
Unlike ROM, the instruction of the RAM its not permanently. The data remains in
RAM as long as the computer is running and when the computer turned off, the
RAM loses its data.

- Number 5 : What are some including the hardware computer?

Computer has many hardware include of it such as mouse, keyboard, joystick,
microphone, monitor, printer, speakers, etc.

- Number 6 : Mentioned examples of “Input Device” and “Output Device”!

 Input Device : Mouse, Keyboard, Joystick, Touchpad, etc.
 Output Device : Monitor, Printer, Speakers, etc.

- Number 7 : Mentionde examples of “Storage Device”!

 Storahe Device: Hard Disk and Flash Disk.
2. Let me explain how to use a computer:
 First, make sure the computer is connected with electricity supply.
 Second, find the “On/Off” button on the CPU and Monitor and push it to turn it on.
 Third, wait for the booting program for a one minutes, or more.
 Then, log in to your computer account and your computer ready to use.

3. Hard Disk has both strengths and weaknesses, such as:

- Strengths
 The performance is very high
 Has a large storage capacity so you can save many files like documents, videos, etc.
 The sizes very small so it is light in weight.

- Weaknesses
 The price is quite expensive.
 If the hard disk crashes, the computer will not work.
 If the hard disk crashes, we will lose our work and very difficult to recovery the data.

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