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Nama : Muhammad Elang Al-Fatih

Kelas : 11.2C.30
NIM : 11190399
Mata Kuliah : Bhs. Inggris II

Tasks :
1. What is the meaning of Malicious Software?
2. What are the kinds of Malicious Software? Explain and give the examples!
3. According to infect to other file, virus can be divided into three categories, mentioned that
and explain!
4. What are the differences between Worm and Trojan Horse? Give the examples!
5. How to clean Virus, Malware, Worm, and Trojan Horse? Explain with your own words!

Answers :
1. Malicious Software is software that is included or inserted in a system for harmful purposes
or a malware is a set of instructions that run on your computer and make your system do
something that an attacker wants it to do.

2. Malicious Software has many kinds, such as:

- Virus
Viruses are types of malware that have the ability to manipulate data, infect, change and
damage a program. In addition, viruses can also multiply by inserting a program (copy)
of themselves and then become part of other programs on the computer.

- Worm
Worm is a program that has the ability to copy itself independently and spread quickly
on a computer network through open security ports (holes).

- Trojan Horse
Trojan hors or trojans is a computer program that has undetectable capabilities and
seems good to use but is actually destructive. Trojans generally aim to obtain
information from the victim and then control it.

- Adware
Adware is ad software that is hidden by a program maker with the ability to play,
display or download advertising material automatically without the user knowing.

- Backdoor
Backdoor is a method used to bypass normal authentication (login) and try not to be
detected. This malware makes use of the backdoor's backdoor gaps itself often inserted
through trojans or worms.

3. Virus can be divided into three categories according to infect to other file, like:

- Boot Sector Infector

Infect master boot record / boot record of a disk and spreads when a system is booted
with an infected disk, they are memory-recident virus.
- File Infector
Infects executable files, they are also called parasitic virus as they attach their self to
executable files as part of their code. Run whenever the host program is executed.

- Macro Virus
Infect files with macro code that is interpreted by the relevant application, such as
doc or exel files.

4. Worm is a program that has the ability to copy itself independently and spread quickly on a
computer network through open security ports (holes), while Trojan Horse is a computer
program that has undetectable capabilities and seems good to use but is actually destructive.
Trojans generally aim to obtain information from the victim and then control it.

5. To clean Virus, Malware, Worm, and Trojan Horse we can use (installed) antivirus and anti-
malware to protect our computers. Make sure you use an antivirus program that is always
updated to the latest version, so that all your computer files and programs are safe from
computer viruses or malicious software that can damage our computer programs.

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