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The story was inspirational and unbelievably amazing because Violet was thinking that way at a very

young age, which probably most of that age was still playing at home or at the curiosity stage. It is a
beautiful story of separation, hope, and love between a mother and daughter. Although she believes she
is a full-blooded American, Violet Miniturn's life turned upside down when she learns she is actually

Violet had extra fingers and it results many opinions. Her mother and father where able to understand
that it was fine however; most of the people were saying to remove it. Mr. Huebert was his pianist
teacher and stated to her mother that it should he remove, knowingly that Mr. Huebert only have one
arm because he had an accident. She also experienced to mock by other kids but Violet was strong.
Violet is finally able to say goodbye to the possibilities of what her life might have been if she had not
been kidnapped. She embraces the good that has come in her life even from the cruel twist of fate.

This happens in real life discrimination and stooping down at someone. Opinions are okay but saying
your opinions out of hand was bad. Discrimination happens everywhere in the world ad my realization
was being true to self-leads to acceptance and loving yourself. The excerpt really motivated me because
the story teaches us about confidence and acceptance. In our generation, many people are ashamed of
their physical features. We are different from one another because we are unique so we must not be
ashamed of who we are because we are created this way because all of us have different goals in life. So
why do we keep on following others if we have different goals, life is an examination so why follow
others if god gave us different questionnaire.

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