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Nama : Septiadi Lukmawan

Kelas: XII TKR-3

Task 4
Material :Obligation
Date : 27/01/21

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with must or have to based on your point of view
understanding the sentences. (Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan Must atau have to
berdasarkan pandangananda dalam memahami konteks kalimatnya)

1. You must / have to do your homework as soon as you leave school.

2. Children must / have to play with other children to socialise.
3. It’s raining. I must / have to carry an umbrella.
4. There are no stamps. I must / have to buy some at the post office.
5. The film was very interesting. You must / have to go and see it.
6. My mother always tells me that I must / have to clean my own shoes, but I forget.
7. I must / have to look up the word in the dictionary. I don’t know its meaning.
8. Visitors must / have to carry an identity card at all times when travelling.
9. All personnel need to / must wear their badge while in the building.
10. When going to a new country to do business, you have to / must do some research on
the etiquette and taboos of the host country.

Exercise 2
Write the sentences about what you have to do and don’t have to do during the week. Use
phrases from the box. (Tulislah kalimat apa yang harus anda lakukan dan tidak harus
lakukan, gunakan phrase di dalam kotak. Lihat contoh)

-go to school - do some housework - have breakfast

-go to bed early - do homework - study
-go shopping - do laundry - play futsal
-go to bad late - wear a school uniform. -wash the dishes

Example: - I don’t have to cook at home.

- I have to clean the bed every morning.

1. - I have to breakfast

- I don't have to play futsal

2 . - I have to do some housework

- I din't have to wear a shcool uniform

3. - I have to go to school

- I din't have to go to bad late

4. - I have to go to bed early

- I don't have to go shopping

5. - I have to do homework

- I din't have to do laundry

6.- I have to study

- I don't have to wash the dishes

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