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Lately there have been more and more smart machines that have been taking

over regular human tasks but as it grows the bigger picture is that robots will take
over a lot pf tasks now done by people. But many people think that there are
important ethical and moral issues that have to be dealt with this.
Robotics:It is a main domain in arificial intelligence that deals with the study of
creating intelligent and efficient robots.
Aim:Robots are aimed at manipulating the objects by perceiving ,
picking,moving,modifying the physical properties of object,destroying it,or to
have an effect therby freeing manpower from doing repetitive functions without
getting bored,distracted ,orexhausted.
How are robots used in everyday life?They are used routinely to carry out many
tasks that people don’t want to do because such jobs are boring,dirty or
dangerous.Robots can also be programmed to carry out some tasks that are too
complex for humans.
What is Robotics?
Robotics is a branch of AI, which is composed of Electrical Engineering, and
Computer Science for designing, construction, and application of robots.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is abranch of computer involves developing
computer programs to complete tasks that would otherwise require human
intelligence.AI is used in many wayswithin the modern world.For example,AI
algorithms are used in Google searches,Amazon’s recommendation engine,and
GPS route finders.Most AI programs are not used to control robot . Even when AI
used to control robots, the Al algorithm are only part of the larger robotic
system,which also includes sensors actuators,and non AI programming .
AArtificially intelligent robots are the bridge between robotics and AI. These are
robots that are controlled by AI programs.Most robots are nor artificially
intelligent.Up until quite recently ,all industrial robots could only be programmed
to carry out a repetitive series of movements which donot require artificial
intelligence .However,non intelligent robots are quite limited in their

Role of Mechanical Engineer in the field of Robotics:Mechanical engineers play a
large part in assisting the robotics industry a sit progresses and
expands.Mechanical engineer design the robot’s structuire joingt
,mechanism,bearings,heat transfer characteristics,etc. While most engineer
profession have average job growth ,robotics engineers tend to be in high
demand,especially if they have multi disciplinary skills.Once employed as a
mechanical robotics engineer,responsibilities include working in a wide range of
industries to maintain or invent robotics systems.Engineer will work with CAD and
drafting software to design and manufacture specifications for robotics sytems.
They will program robots to perform tasks,and fine tune designs.
Evolutionary Robotics: is a promising methodology,intended for the autonomous
development of robots,in which their behaviors are obtained as a consequence of
the structural coupling between robot and environment,.It is essential that there
be a great amount of interaction to generate complex behaviors.Thus ,nowadays,
it is common to use simultation to speed up the learning process;however
simultations are achieved from arbitrary off-line designs,rather than from the
result of emboded cognitive processes. According to the reality gap
problem,controllers evolved in simulation usually donot allow the same behavior
to arise once transferred to the real robot.
Robotics Technologies:
Professionals in robotics technologies blend computer science with electrical and
mechanical engineering to create automated intelligent machines. Robots are
sophisticated, intelligent system used to assist pilots and maneuver spacecraft
without direct human intervention. They’re also the commonplace automated
systems that fill our factories and everyday lives. Robotics technology is a
multifarious field with many different opportunities for education and
The game industry is continuously evolving, and consumer interest is focused on
the latest and hottest trends in it, to keep the brand perception clear, RoboSoccer
turned to the modern tabletop game encouraging players to explore a new way of
soccer game connecting robot experiencing with a regular tabletop game. In such
a crowded category, including computer games, tabletop games and console

games is essential to make the game which is innovative and one of akind.This
way RoboSoccer overcomes common barriers of standard tabletop games.
Robot Soccer Game: Robot Soccer Challenge is a football game in which robots on
remote control stand each other. Game is inspired by robotic football and robot
wars show. The main concept of this game is
to promote robotics in everyday life.
A soccer robot is a one kind of mobile or autonomous robot,
used to play soccer with variants. Every year there are many tournaments are
organized like FIRA, Robocup.At present, and the RoboCup contest has various
leagues like Simulation ,small size, middle size ,Four legged and humanoid.
7 latest innovation in Robotics:
 Google’s workers robots. Google is planning to produce worker robots with
 Multi-tasking bots.Momentum Machines developed a multi-tasking bot
capable of preparing a gourmet hamburger in as 10 seconds.
 UR3 arm,
 Saul Robot
 ASUS Zenbo
 Paro
 Pepper
Autonomous Robot Vehicles: These are vehicles capable of intelligent motion
and action without requiring either a guide or tele operator control. The
recent surge in this subject will grow even further as their potential
applications increase. Autonomous vehicles are currently being studied for use
as reconnaissance /exploratory vehicles for planetary exploration, undersea,
land air environments, remote repair and maintenance, material handling
systems for offices and factories.
Robot Rescue: A player’s gols is to free robots trapped in an evil computer
labyrinth,Missions are full of deadly traps making the game more and more
difficult with each level. The objective is to guide robots to the exit through 45
labyrinths avoiding traps and obstacles such a smines,cloning machines and

more. All robots are linked together ,so when the player steers one of them ,all
are moved.Rash moves can destroy one of the robots and restart the mission.

Automation and Robotics Engineering :

Murphy, R.: Activities of rescue robots at the world trade center from 11–21
September 2001. IEEE Robot. Autom. Mag. 11(3), 50–61 (2004)
Guizzo, E.: Japan earthquake: Robots help search for survivors. IEEE
Spectrum (2011).

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