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Lesson Outline: Christian Living 7


The students are expected to:
F  Understand God’s definition of love. John 15:12 LOVE
I  Contrast God’s definition of love and Love one another The Foundational
R the world’s definition of love. Character trait
S  Identify the difference between
T counterfeit and real love.
 Develop a personal plan for
Q demonstrating Christ-like love.
A  Realize that man has always been Proverbs 9:10 WISDOM
R on quest for wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the Knowledge Used
T beginning of wisdom, and the for God’s Glory
 Recognize that wisdom is more than
E Knowledge of the Holy one is
R understanding
 Know that true wisdom can only
come from one source – GOD.
 Understand that wise choices bring
happiness; foolish choices bring

 Understand that obedience is not an 1 Samuel 15:22 OBEDIENCE

option. Has the Lord as great delight Always Doing
 Recognize that Jesus is the perfect in burnt offerings and What God Says
example of obedience. sacrifices, as in obeying the
 Identify the consequences of voice of the Lord? Behold, to
disobedience. obey is better than sacrifice,
 Answer the question, “How can I and to heed than the fat of
demonstrate obedience?” rams. COURAGE
Unafraid to follow
Joshua 1:9 God.
Have I not commanded you?
 Understand the word courage and Be strong and of good
that its basis is in GOD. courage; do not be afraid, nor
 Recognize that the basis of courage be dismayed, for the Lord your
is found in GOD. God is with you wherever you
 Students will begin to answer: How
do you become courageous?”
 Identify ways where in courage is


The students are expected to:
S  Learn that failure to pay attention can Proverbs 4:20-21 ATTENTIVENESS
E cause problems. Paying attention when God The First Step to
C  Understand concepts of “information speaks Success
O processing” and why paying attention
N is important.
D  Identify those to whom they should
be listening.
Q  Conclude that spiritual inattention
U affects many Christians. They will
A realize that when we do not pay
R attention to wat GOD is telling us,
T negative consequences will come as
E a result.

 Understand the biblical perspective Romans 1:17 FAITH

of faith. Acting God’s promises Acting on God’s
 Define the definition of faith and promises
begin to focus on “walking faith.2”
 Summarize biblical examples of
walking (living) faith.
 Challenge to live out their faith.

 Define responsibility and understand Micah 6:8 RESPONSIBILITY

its characteristics. Demonstrating reliable Demonstrating
 Conclude that GOD expects conduct in every situation Reliable Conduct
responsible behavior. in Every Situation
 Realize that GOD has given THEM
GIFTS TO USE IN His Service and
should understand that they are
responsible to invest (use) their gifts
 Understand that relationship between
acting responsibly, earning trust, and
having more privileges or freedom.

Discuss and define thankfulness. Psalm 136:1 THANKFULNESS

Understand that thankfulness Oh give thanks to the Lord, for An Attitude of
strengthens our relationship with He is good! For His mercy Gratitude to God
GOD. endures forever.
 Respond to the question: “Are we
guilty of taking things for granted?”
and “Is your life characterized by
“thanks living?”
The students are expected to:
T  Consider the consequences of Proverbs 12:22 HONESTY
H dishonesty. Living a life characterized by Always the Best
I  Continue to gain biblical perspective truth in all things Policy
R on lying and will understand that
D Satan is the father of lies.
 Determine that “honesty is the best
Q policy.”
U  Make personal application of the
A need for honesty in their own lives.
R  Understand how to break the habit of
T dishonesty and will come to living
E honesty before GOD and others.
 Define joy and discuss what brings Romans 14:17 JOYFULNESS
joy to their lives. For the Kingdom of God is not Experiencing
 Learn how to overcome the eating and drinking, but Cheerfulness in
stumbling blocks to experiencing joy. righteous and peace and joy in all situations
 Define ways to practice stepping the Holy Spirit.
stones to experiencing real joy.
 Understand that they can choose to
be joyful.

 Gain a biblical perspective on the Proverbs 25:28 SELF-CONTROL

meaning of self-control. Whoever has no rule over his Keeping Myself
 Develop and defend areas in which own spirit from Thinking
GOD expects self-control. and Doing Wrong
 Present arguments for maintaining
self-control of body, mind, and
 Develop a plan of action for
practicing greater self-control.

 Define loyalty and discuss its Hebrews 3:14 LOYALTY

importance. For we have become The Bond that
 Study and discuss various New partakers of Christ if we hold Never Breaks
Testament people who demonstrated the beginning of our
loyalty and disloyalty. confidence steadfast to the
 Identify specific ways to demonstrate end.

 Contrast humility to its opposite- 1 Peter 5:5b HUMILITY

pride, which is the heart of sin. Yes, all of you be submissive The Mind of Christ
 Identify the original sin related to to one another and be cloth in Us
Satan’s pride and discuss the with Humility, for God resists
harmful effects of this characteristic. the proud, But gives his grace
 Describe Jesus Christ as the to the humble
greatest example of humility.
 Derive from biblical characters the
contrast of humbling.
 Learn how to change naughty
behavior to humble behavior.


The students are expected to:
F  Define confidence and relate it to the Hebrews 13:6 CONFIDENCE
O study of humility. So we may badly say: the Lord Trusting What
U  Study bible characters who is my helper; I will not fear. God Has Said
R demonstrated confidence and list What man can do to me?
T reasons for their confidence.
H  Discuss the reasons for having
Q  Use the scripture to counter the
U negative emotions of fear and doubt.
R  Learn why being orderly is so 1 Corinthians 14:40 ORDELINESS
T important. Let all things be done decently The Pattern for
E and in order. Successful Living
 Spend time getting organized in
 Describe GOD as a GOD of order
and His work being done in orderly
 Continue the application of
orderliness in their lives.
 Understand that work is commanded Colossians 3:23 DILIGENCE
and blessed by GOD. And whatever you do it Working Hard
 Learn that believers can show heartily, as to the Lord and not Until the Task Is
diligence in many ways. to men. Done
 Recognize that GOD blesses those
who are diligent.
 Identify biblical examples of diligence
and the subsequent blessings.

 Discuss the importance of prayer and Hebrews 4:16

study the outline of Jesus’ model Let us therefore come coldly to
prayer. the throne of grace that we
 Affirm that prayer is a critical may obtain mercy and find
component in our relationship with grace to help in times of need.
GOD and will identify the five types
of prayer described in the scripture.
 Study aspects of prayer in GOD’s
 Share information on aspects of
prayer and will appreciate the desire
of GOD that we pray to Him.

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