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Dosen : Taryatmo. SPd,. Ns,.Mkes.

Disusun oleh

1. Susi Ida Royani (P1337420419036)

2. Febi Sinta Awalitias (P1337420419038)
3. Lahita Nurul Azizah (P1337420419042)
4. Febriyani Sholihati Umun (P1337420419044)
5. Alamanda Fitri Citalia Rahman (P1337420419046)
6. Eki Nazzila Khoirin Nisak (P1337420419048)



1. Understanding

Administration of drugs / fluids by inserting directly into the muscle (muskulus)

2. Purpose

Carry out a collaborative function with doctors for clients who are given drugs

3. Equipment

1. Gloves 1 pair
2. Syringe with a size as needed
3. 1 needle sterile (21-23G and 1 - 1.5 inch long for adults; 25-27 G and 1 inch long for
4. Syringe tub 1
5. Alcohol cotton in kom (to taste)
6. Slow and lazy
7. Medication according to the therapy program
8. Crooked 1
9. Book injection / drug list

A. Pre-Interaction Stage

- Verify previous data if any

- Washing hands
- Preparing medicine properly
- Correctly place the appliance near the client

B. Orientation Stage

- Giving greetings as a therapeutic approach

- Explain the goals and procedures of action to the family / client
- Asking the client's readiness before the activity is carried out

C. Work Stage

- Adjust the client's position, according to the injection site

- Install perlak and base
- Freeing the area to be injected
- Put on gloves
- Correctly determine the injection site (palpate the injection area for edema, mass,
tenderness. Avoid areas of scarring, bruising, abrasion or infection.
- Clean the skin with an alcohol cotton swab (circular from inside to outside \ diameter
± 5cm)
- Using thumb and forefinger to stretch the skin
- Inserting the syringe at an angle of 900, the needle goes 2/3
- Conduct aspirations and make sure blood does not enter the syringe
- Enter the drug slowly (speed 0.1 cc / second)
- Remove the needle from the insertion site
- Pressing the puncture area with disinfectant cotton
- Throw the syringe into the crook

D. Termination Stage

- Conducting action evaluation

- Performing a contract for the next activity
- Saying goodbye to clients
- Tidy up the tools
- Washing hands
- Record activities in nursing note sheets

Choice of Intra Muscular Injection Site

Thigh (vastus lateralis): the position of the client is supine with the knee slightly flexed.

Ventroglteal: the position of the client lying on his side, supine, or supine with the knee or
hip tilted with the injection site flexion.

1. Understanding

Intravenous drug administration is the administration of drugs by inserting the drug into a
vein using a syringe

2. Purpose and benefits

1. Administration of drugs by intravenous aims to:

- Gets a faster reaction, so it is often used in patients who are in an emergency

- Avoid tissue damage.
- Enter the drug in a larger volume

Intravenous injection site:

- -on the arm (basilic vein and cephalic vein).

- -on the leg (saphenous vein)
- -on the neck (jugular vein)
- -on the head (frontal vein or vein temporalis)

Preparation of equipment for intravenous drug administration

- Drug administration logbook

- An alcohol swab
- Disposable gloves
- The appropriate medicine
- 2-5ml syringe with a size of 21-25, needle length 1.2 inches
- Like a syringe
- Medicine tray
- Plaster
- Sterile gauze
- Crooked
- Take it easy
- Vein dam (tourniquet)
- Sterile gauze
- Betadin

Work procedures:

- Washing hands.
- Describe the procedure to be performed
- Free the area that was injected by freeing the area to be injected from the clothing and
if it is closed, open it or make it up.
- Take the medicine in its place with a syringe according to the dose to be given. If the
drug is in powder dosage form, dissolve it with a solvent (sterile distilled water).
- Install perlak or pengalas under the vein to be injected.
- Then place the drug that has been taken in the injection bath.
- Disinfection with an alcohol swab.
- Perform binding with a rubber dam (tourniquet) on the top of the area where the drug
will be administered or stretch it by hand / ask for help or dam it over the vein to be
- Get the syringe filled with medicine.
- Perform the injection with the hole facing upwards by inserting it into the vein with
an injection angle of 150 - 300
- Make an aspiration if there is blood, remove the stamping rubber and immediately
spray the medicine until it runs out.
- After finishing take the syringe by pulling and pressing on the insertion area with an
alcohol cotton swab, and put the syringe that has been used into the bend.
- Wash hands and record the results of drug administration / drug test, date of time and
type of drug as well as reactions after injection (if any)

Ms. 19, unmarried, came to the doctor with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen,
easily felt tired and felt anxious, when doing activities the pain increased, looked pale and
1. Client Identity
- Name : Ms. S
- Age : 17 years old
- Religion : Islam
- Education : SMA
- Address : Jiken, Blora
- Diagnostic medium : Breast cancer
- Date of hospital admission : 9 March 2021
- Date of Assessment : 10 March 2021

2. Person in charge
- Name : Mr. T
- Age : 50 years
- Education : SMA
- Occupation : Private employee
- Address : Jiken, Blora
- Relationship with clients : biological father

1. Main complaint
Patient says menstrual pain
2. Medical History Now
The patient complained of lower abdominal pain during the first day of menstruation until
the ribs, the patient complained of weakness and could not carry out daily activities.
3. Past Medical History
The patient said he had not had this disease before.
4. Family History of Illness
The patient said the family had no history of the disease as of now.
1. Menstrual history
- Menarche : 11 years
- Amount : 2-3 pads / day
- HPHT : 2 days ago
- Cycle : regular
- Duration : 7 days


1. Nutritional Patterns
a. Feeding frequency :1-2x / day
b. Appetite : good
c. Types of home food : rice, side dishes, vegetables and fruit
d. Restricted food : none
2. Elimination Pattern
a. BAK
- Frequency : 6-7 times
- Color : clear yellow
- Frequency : 1 time
- Color : Yellow
- Smell : typical
- Consistency : soft
3. Personal Hygiene Patterns
Patients routinely bathe 2 times a day using soap and wash their hair 2-3 times a week,
brush their teeth 3 times a day in the morning, evening and after dinner.
4. Rest and sleep patterns
The patient sleeps for at least 8 hours, and the habit before going to sleep is prayer.
5. Activity and exercise patterns
The patient is busy every day with being a high school student. Before leaving for school,
the patient usually does a little exercise such as taking a morning walk or cycling.
1. General examination
- General condition : weak
- TD : 130 / 90mmhg
- Respiration : 18x / minute
- BB : 45kg
- Awareness : composmentis
- Pulse : 100x / minute
- Temperature : 37.6°C
- TB : 153 cm
2. Special examination
a. Breath
- Breath pattern : regular
- Type : normal
- Breath sounds : vesicular, no shortness of breath
b. Blood
Blood pressure 130 / 90mmhg, Akral wet and cold.
c. Brain
Decreased concentration, dizziness, sclera / conjunctival anemia.
d. Bladder
Yellow color and 1.5L / day volume
e. Bowel
- Appetite : good, eat after drinking 1500cc / day
- Oral habits : clean
- Mucosa : moist
- Throat : normal, peristaltic 9x / minute,
- Defecate : once a day
- Consistency : solid
- Odor : distinctive, brownish yellow
f. Bone
Body tired easily, back pain


1 DS: Prostagladin Acut pain

- Patient says menstrual pain

- The patient identifies the location of
is bright
the pain in the lower abdomen
- Patient says pain scale 8
Uterine contractions
- Patient says pain is frequent and

- The face appears to hold menstrual

pain in the lower abdomen
- TD: 130 / 90mmhg
- Pulse: 100x / minute
- Temperature: 37.6°C
- RR: 18x / minute
2 DS: Prostagladins Activity
The patient said that he was easily tired
Myometrium is
when he was active

- TD: 130 / 90mmhg Uterine contractions

- Pulse: 100x / minute

- Temperature: 37.6 °C Dysmenorrhea

- RR: 18x / minute

- Px. Looks pale
- Sclera / conjunctiva anemia
3 DS : Dysmenorrhea Anxiety
The patient said that he felt restless about
the menstrual state he was experiencing Lack of knowledge
- TD: 130 / 90mmhg
- Pulse: 100x / minute
- Temperature: 37.6 °C
- RR: 18x / minute
- Pale
- Patients often ask questions about
menstrual pain experienced

1. Acute pain associated with dysminorrhea
2. Activity intolerance associated with dysminorrhea
3. Anxiety is related to a lack of knowledge

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