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Meditation for feeling peace


If you are here___it is because you lost the connection with yourself and something inside you
wants you to go within____

That something is you____your self. In this meditation__I am going to guide you to reach your true
state of being and let go of any control, fear or tension. During our meditation__you will notice that
your body will want to find any reason on why not to stay still. That is perfect normal, this is because
you are on autopilot, your body has become your subconscious mind.____and trying to make it still,

will generate a discomfort in your b jhody.

Meditation is one of the simple and pure method of returning to your true self and find the peace
within. Please do not judge any thought that comes to your mind during this meditation. Just
observe them___Remember that mind is an activity and it s ok for thoughts to come out___Just let
them go without any judgement.


Now, let’s start

Please find a comfortable position and just relax___

Take a deep breath.

Imagine you inhale a white cold fog and exhale a grey fog. Repeat this process 2 more times.



Let your body become more relaxed as you breath slowly.___

Now-__-your body is relaxed and calm. Your mind is silent and you become an observer

Do you know that your breath is divine___that it is the Universe who breath your body? __Yes, you
never have to worry about inhaling or exhaling , you just know that breath is there for you____Your
body knows it____
As the energy of the universe flows into your body, every cell of your body is alive, strong and

The energy of the Universe keeps your cells together. Every cell of your body has its own function.
Love is what keeps them together.___Everything is taken care of.

You never have to worry about how your body functions_____All the organs, muscles and other
parts of your body are being control by the Universe.___

Did you know that your body makes 100 million new red blood cells per minute?__

How do you think this is possible? Your body is programmed to heal itself____if we feed it with the
right energy___

This energy is in our thoughts___Yes, your thoughts are energy manifested___

It s the law of perpetual transmutation of energy___As this comes into your body, you have the
ability to do whatever you want with it___

Our cells are programmed to be either perfect or damaged__according to our level of vibration___

It is an intelligence inside of us that organizes everything.___It digest your food, beats your heart,
wakes you up in the morning___

The whole Universe is inside you!

Now, if the whole Universe is inside you__who are you?___

You are a part of the Universe becoming conscious of itself.___You can start affirming I AM Love,
peace and harmony___
Everything that is not in allignment with these states of emotions,___is the creation of the mind___

Fear of loss, fear of illness, fear of lack, worry of not having enough, fear of being rejected, fear of
being abandoned if you decide to be honest with people___are just the creation of the
mind.__based on some circumstances that happened in the past___

What cand we do in this time of so much fear? ___ Love and acceptance!

Love is the only cure of every illness and every situation___When we give love___we accept__and
whatever we accept, turns back to us as a positive result_______Whatever we resist__persists. This
is the law.

Give Love to your mind, to your thoughts, positive or negative, send Love to any person you
encounter___It must come back to you! It is the law.

During your day to day life, always remember that every human being is part of the Universe___that
we are connected through this infinite invisible field___the Universe field___When you see a
flower__remember that is the Universe.
When you see a child’s smile___maybe your child’s laugh___look into his eyes and you will see and
feel the Universe

Be grateful for everything you have ___and for the future that stands before you___see it and feel it.
It is coming to you now! It is the law.

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