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The freeing has revolutionized the aviation trade in Asian country. The LCCs entry in Asian country has
been fulfilling the dream of the many Indian folks. However, in recent years, LCCs in Asian country face
Brobdingnagian operational losses and crystal rectifier few carriers to bear bankruptcy. The impact of
high fuel prices, government policies, strikes and infrastructure constraints has crystal rectifier Indian
LCCs to tolerate a turbulence amount. These constraints along place an issue mark on Indian LCCs future
property and their growth in Indian airline trade.

Therefore, this analysis is undertaken with associate objective to conduct strategic analysis on Indian
LCCs and examine their future property within the market. The strategic analysis has known the present
scenario, and also the key challenges moon-faced by Indian LCCs in current operational atmosphere. The
impact of internal and external environmental factors caused on Indian LCCs has been additionally
mentioned during this report. Additionally, this report additionally discusses the varied business
methods followed by major Indian LCCs like INDIGO, Go Air, Spice Jet and Jetlite. This survey can
facilitate to recognise numerous factors for growth etc.

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