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D@win Facilitation observation and/or reflection document

A guideline to help with your reflection of sessions, whether you are the facilitator
of the session and reflecting on your own practice or whether you are a participant
in the session reflecting on the session & practices.

Observation 1:

Facilitator: (Y)
Participant: (N)

Setting: Zoom Call Date: 21.02.21

D@win: 12 BA:8
Number of participants in session:

Pre-professional Varying learning

Ability & age of group: abilities.
Type of session: (Technique, Professional
creative/other): Improvisation and performers.

Insert Session Plan for the session you are reflecting upon (if available & applicable):
THIS IS AN EXAMPLE TEMPLATE – you are welcome to use this or create your own


Subject: Movement and dance: Treasure Topic/Curriculum links: N/A

Class/Group BA core Date Session No. 3 Skill area – Body awareness: Be able to follow along
company members and Wed 10th Session length: to movements being demonstrated and be able to
D@win dance company March 40-45mins create individual movements,

Skill area – Awareness of the quality of movement:

Learning Objectives Be able to respond to stimuli to create improvised
by the end of the lesson all participants will be able to - Be movement phrases. Using different body parts
able to confidently improvise to their stimulus after deciding what dynamics.
the stimulus is.
most participants will be able to – Use multiple stimuli separately
to create multiple improvised phases.
some participants will be able to - Be able to mix two separate
stimulus’ together into one improvisation.

Learning Activities/Classroom Organisation Resources Timing

Quick check in with BA members. Energy levels and the space they are working in. 5 mins
Warm Up (Chloe) Music for 18 10mins
- Leading with getting into the body and also acknowledging the leaders of Musicians – Steve
the session. Reich. Music to be
- Movements of the hands. continually playing or
- Rubbing different parts of the body, starting with the arms, moving to the skipped to different
legs. sections.
- Reaches and releases. Develop to drop to the floor. Reminder ‘belly button
to spine’ rolling up. Small drops to big drops.
- Transfer of weight, forward, left, right and back. develop with reaches.
- Repeat reaches.
Creative Task 1(Chloe) 10mins
- 3 images will be shown or held up to these screens. Participants will be
asked to think about and embody how these images would move.
Throughout the improvisation, Chloe will speak out the names of these
images to (hopefully) show a change in dynamics.

Creative Poem Task (Kirra) 10mins

- Reading of the poem and explanation of the first task, everyone will pick a
word or phrase to improvise too. Suggestions will be given.
- Everyone to choose a second work/phrase to improvise with. Poem will eb
- Everyone to improvise to the second word/phrase. Extension to combine
the first and second chosen words/phases. 5mins
Cool Down (Kirra)
- Will replicate warm up to bring the session in a full circle.
Quick thank yous and reflections.

Differentiation - Support Differentiation – Extension

Participants can use the suggestions from the leaders for Participants can use a phase of the poem to create
their improvisation. improvisation phase.
Participants will have the option to stick to one stimulus
instead of two. Be able to mix two separate stimulus’ together into one

Observation 1 – Artist/student evaluation and reflection – to be completed after the session

A guide of elements of delivery is provided below to help structure your reflection:

Preparation and organisation

Kirra and I where thoroughly prepared for the session. We met 10 minuets before the session started to
test out music and sort out any last minuet technical issues. We had also met numerous times in the
weeks leading up to the session to plan in detail the session including the themes and pace of the

Session content and structure

We kept the session simple in structure with the use of accumulation, instruction and improvisation
activities. Ending with creating choreography with suggestions from movements seen from the facilitator
(Kirra) and ideas from Blue Apple Members and D@win Members.
Clear beginning, middle and end of the session.
Movements taken from the warm-up to cool down at the end of the session. Full circle effect.
However, there was more opportunity for the session to contain a more complex structure then what we
did as the Blue Apple members were capable of the session content and could have been challenged. If
I was to do this session again, I would encourage more set and ‘follow along’ material. Followed by
changing movement qualities from the learned movement.

Engagement and communication

For the warm-up and first creative task that I lead, everyone seems physically and verbally engaged with
the activities. After the warm-up, some Blue Apple members said that ‘[the warm-up] was really fun’ and
that ‘they enjoyed [the warm-up].’
The creative task with the pictures, again had plenty of engagement from the Blue Apple members. For
Each picture, members were able to pick out movement qualities verbally and apply those qualities in the
improvisation in a physical expression.

I used non-verbal commutation at the start of the warm-up so that the members didn’t need to take on
verbal instruction straight away. By starting the movement without speaking engaged the members to
acknowledge me as the leader for this part of the session while also encourage internal
acknowledgement of the movements they were copying. I aimed to keep instruction short, clear and to
the point.

I also allowed for short convocation in between activities for personal reflection and feedback.

I aimed for swift transitions between activities and paced instruction to keep everyone engaged and also

I tried to use of inclusive language throughout (dive, reach, extend). Although this could be improved as I
caught myself say ‘reach towards the floor’ a couple of times in the warm-up. This could be changed to
using words such as ‘grab’ and ‘reach.’

Differentiation & assessment
Praise was given out to the group and also to individuals. When I was sharing my screen for the
pictures, I could only see six people at a time, I attempted to click through to see and give
praise to both Blue Apple and D@win members.
For the picture creative task, I took ideas from members for movement qualities and also
suggested my own. For example, I encouraged the use of levels when the tiger picture was
showing so that the members could challenge themselves. Other challenging movement
qualities were ‘resistance’ and ‘rigid’. I also paired these with simpler qualities such as soft and

Pace & flexibility

The session itself was on 45 minuets long, which limited the extension and deeper exploration
of creative tasks. For the warm-up, I started slow with each section with detailed instruction and
then sped up the movement and slowly decreasing instruction to encourage short term
information recall from participants.
Later into the warm-up, I encouraged using the limits of individuals spaces by using shifts of
weight (hop, slide, up,) as many of the participants had a fair amount of floor space. However, I
did include upper body movements for those who were limited of space so that all participants
could experience a full body exploration.

However, I believe I could have extended the picture creative task as it didn’t take as long as
planned. As an extension, I could have encouraged members to use multiple pictures to explore
movement qualities or encouraged members to pick one picture and create some set movement
to that image.

Your notes post facilitation feedback with observer (Caroline) if applicable . Caroline will
discuss elements of your preparation and organisation, session content and structure,
engagement and communication, differentiation & assessment and pace & flexibility:

“Well done, it was really great. BA really enjoyed it too, that was very clear. I thought you delivered the
improvisation brilliantly, guiding them through really clearly.”

Observation 1 – Key areas of focus & objectives to be carried forward post reflection

Key Strengths
Clear instruction, activities was enjoyable and engaging for all participants.

Key areas for development

Reminder to be consistent with inclusive language and also not be afraid to challenge participants with
set material and multiple instructions.

Additional Notes/ Objectives going forwards.

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