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 Upsc is a game of 

Correlation and Understanding…!
 Want to clear Upsc?! Then should have Command over Ncert's…!
 Economy = Empire…!
 The Value of a person is known by the Gifts he gets…!
 Don't try to change everybody U'll get bashed, try to change the conditions they
live in…!
 Prosperity cannot sustain with Weakness…!
 Never use force on Un-armed citizens…!
 Dictator's are born by giving Unconventional dreams to the People…!
 There should be no word “Faith” in the Game of Ambition…!
 The Nation in Crisis, cannot bear Big Internal Challenges…!
 Revolution, Revolt, Movement, Organization cannot sustain
without Finance…!
 Power should be handled with Responsibility, Military is not the solution for
Internal Problems…!
 Religion is the half-brother of Administration…!
 Mother of Modern World is Renaissance, Father is Industrial Revolution…!
 Politicians are the Prostitutes of Capitalists - Evan Bills
 The Easiest way to Divert the mind's of the People is War…!
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 Don't hate anybody, Kill them…!

 Challenges can be handled only by Personalities…!
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 Common people are only concerned about their day-to-day lives, while
aristocracy is eyeing on all the happenings around them.
 Having a vision to become someone big, is itself a huge idea, everyone can't
dream to become the P.M of India. If you have then be proud and start working….!
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 If you are looking for an Employment, UPSC is not a right place. It's
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Education = Information ,

Knowledge = Understanding,

Competition = Personality,

Success = Maturity.

 Only Idiots fight on all Fronts..!

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