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Subject Page no.


1 – Introduction……………………………………………………. 1
1.1 - exploration seismic……………………………………………1
1.2 - data formt……………………………………………………....2
1.2.1 - SEG-D……………………………………………………….3
1.2.2 - SEG-Y……………………………………………………….4
1.3 - Surveying information and field geometry………………….…5
1.4 - wave propagation versus signal to noise ratio…………………5
1.5 - sorting of seismic data…………………………………………6
1.5.1 - common shot or common receiver gathers…………………..6
1.5.2 - common mid point gather (CMP)……………………………7
1.6 - trace editing and balancing…………………………………….9
1.7 - case study……………………………………………………..10

2.1 - The convolution………………………………………………14
2.2 - Earth convolution model……………………………………..16
2.3 - The convolution model……………………………………….16
2.4 - Inverse filtering………………………………………………18
2.5 - Type of phase………………………………………………...19
2.6 - The minimum phase properties………………………………20
2.7 – Deconvolution……………………………………………….20
2.8 - The effect of noise……………………………………………20
2.9 - Type of noise…………………………………………………22
2.10 - The type of deconvolution…………………………………..24
2.11 - Deterministic deconvolution………………………………..24
2.12 - Statistical deconvolution……………………………………24
2.13 - Spiking deconvolution………………………………………24
2.14 - The prewhitening……………………………………………25
2.15 - predictive deconvolution……………………………………26
2.16- The two approached of thee predictive deconvolution………28
2.17 - Operator length……………………………………………...29
2.18 - Prediction lag………………………………………………..30
2.19 - The summary………………………………………………..31
2.20 - Practical example…………………………………………...32

III - Chapter III : VELOCITY ANALYSIS…………………………47
3.1 - NMO corrections……………………………………………..50
3.2 - NMO stretching………………………………………………52
3.3 - NMO for dipping layers……………………………………...54
3.4 - Velocity analysis……………………………………………..56
3.5 - Method of velocity analysis………………………………….57
3.6 - Velocity spectrum……………………………………………61
3.7 - Factors affecting velocity Estimation………………………..62
3.8 - Horizon velocity analysis…………………………………….69
3.9 – Summery……………………………………………………..71


4.1 – Introduction76
4.2 - Dip Moveout optimization ( DMO) …………………………79
4.3 - Summary of ( DMO)…………………………………………84
4.4 - Exercise of DMO correction…………………………………86
4.5 - Migration Before stack V.S After stack……………………...88
4.6 - Summary of Pre-stack Migration…………………………….89
4.7 - Case study of pre-stack Migration……………………………91
4.8 – Velocities…………………………………………………….91
4.9 - Seismic Amplitude and Wave forms…………………………93

V - Chapter V : MIGRATION ……………………………………….95

5.1 – Intorduction…………………………………………………..95
5.2 - Objectives of seismic migration……………………………...95
5.3 - Types, schemes of migration…………………………………98
5.4 - The seismic reflection process………………………………..98
5.5 - Seismic migration fundamentals……………………………..99
5.5.1 - Anticlines, Synclines and Diffraction Points………………99
5.5.2 - Diffraction: Faults & Pinch outs…………………………..104
5.5.3 - The Point Reflector………………………………………..105
5.5.4 - Early Methods—Geometric Migration……………………108
5.5.5 - Current Methods…………………………………………..109
5.5.6 -The Wave Equation…..……………………………………110
5.5.7 - Time migration……………………………………………114
5.5.8 - Kirchhoff Migration………………………………………116
5.5.9 - Aperture Width……………………………………………118
5.5.10 – Velocity………………………………………………….119
5.5.11 - Depth Migration…………………………………………121
5.5.12 - Time Migration vs. Depth Migration……………………122
5.5.13 - Other Depth Migration Schemes………………………...123
5.5.14 - Ray-Theoretical Depth Migration……………………….123

5.5.15 - Three-Dimensional Migration…………………………...125
5.5.16 – Methodology…………………………………………….126
5.5.17 - Two-Pass and One-Pass Techniques…………………….127
VI – REFRENCES………………………………………………….. 129

List Of Figures
Figure no. Page no.

Figure 1.1 - shows two raw seismic recordings, made on land

and at sea…………………………………………………………..2

Figure 1.3 - reflection in time (a) and depth (b)…………………………….3

Figure 1.4 - shot gathers measurements……………………………………5

Figure 1.5 - mid point definition in between sources and……………… 7

Figure 1.6 - common mid point gathers……………………………………..8

Figure 1.7 - relation between different sorting of seismic data………....8

Figure (1.1-p) - plot between shot-point position intervals versus

receiver spacing as: [Common-shot or receiver
gather or panel] ……………………………………………….10

Figure (1.2-p) - plot between commen mid-point position intervals

versus receiver spacing as: [Common-mid point]……. 10

Figure (1.3-p) - illustrating the reverse polarity at trace21 11.………………

Figure (1.4-p) - illustrate the section after the correction………………...11

Figure (1.5-p) - shows the geophone that record the trace 71 has
a high noises and mask the recording and this
happened due to error inside the geophone itself…….. 12

Figure (1.6-p ) - illustrating the section after we remove the

geophone reading from the section……………………….12

Figure 2-1 - Comparison of land seismic data with and without


Figure 2-2 - Definition of delta function and impulse response. The

delta function is a normalized impulse……………………….15

Figure 2-3 - How convolution is used in DSP……………………………... 15

Figure 2-4 - low pass filter……………………………………………………...16

Figure 2-5 - high pass 16...……………………………………………………


Figure 2-6 - earth convolution…………………………………………………16

Figure 2-7 - the convolution model…………………………………………...16

Figure 2-8 - the convolution……………………………………………………17

Figure 2-9 - the wavelet decay…………………………………………………17

Figure 2-10 - the model 17

Figure 2-11 - the convolution…………………………………………………..18

Figure 2-12 - flow chart of the inverse filter……………………….…………18

Figure 2-13 - type of phases……………………………………………………18

Figure 2-14 - deconvolution model……………………………………………19

Figure 2-15 - two s.c befor (at left) and after (at right)

Figure 2-16 - deconvolved gather befor (a) and after (b)………………….21

Figure 2-17 - section obtained undeconvolved gather (a) and

deconvolved gather (b(………………………………………….21

Figure 2-18 - synthetic seismograms with additive noise and

synthetic ground roll…………………………………………….22

Figure 2-19 - two shots a)from land survey and b)from marine………… 22

Figure 2-20 - effect of diffraction noise on seismic trace

survey with noise………………………………………………...23

Figure 2-21 - example of deconvolution……………………………………...23

Figure 2-22 – deconvolution……………………………………………………23

Figure 2-23 - The images of the measured data after

deconvolution with (a) zero- and (b) 42 time
samples time delay spiking deconvolution operators…….25

Figure 2-24 - The traces plots (from 40 to 80) of the measured
data after spiking deconvolution with (a) zero- and
(b) 42 time samples time delay spiking
deconvolution operators………………………………………25

Figure 2-25 - flow chart of wiener filter design and its application……...26

Figure 2-26 - the auto correlation after spiking deconvolution…………..26

Figure 2-27 - the shape of the section after spiking deconvolution…….27

Figure 2-28 - the prewitening process………………………………………..27

Figure 2-29 - the prewhitining………………………………………………….27

Figure 2-30 - a)minimum phase b) band-pass filtering

Figure 2-31 - the first approached of the predictive deconvolution…….28

Figure 2-32 - thesecond approached of predictive deconvolution……..28

Figure 2-33 - the operator length………………………………………………30

Figure 2-34 - The result of using the trace filter rather than the

Figure 2-35 - the prediction lag………………………………………………...30

Figure 2-36 - the out put of the predictive deconvolution………………...32

Figure 2-37 - the covvolution model summary……………………………...37

Figure 2-38 - the type of phase summary………………………………….…38

Figure 2-39 - the section befor and after deconvolution……………..……35

Figure 2-40 - the shape of the section after spiking deconvolution

the summary………………………………………………………36

Figure 2-41 - the deconvolution summary…………………………………...37

Figure 2-(1-P) - the shape of the wave………………………………………..38

Figure 2-(2-P) - the reflectivity………………………………………………….39

figure 2-(3-P) - the minimum phase generated wavelt…………………….40

Figure 2-(4-P) - the trace formed witout noise (Trace=refl*wav)…………40

Figure 2-(5-P) - the trace with noise…………………………………………..41

Figure 2-(6-P) - Decon trace without noise…………………………………..41

Figure 2-(7-P) - trace deterministic decon with noise……………………42

Figure 2-(8-P) - statistical deconvolution without noise…………………42

Figure 2-(9-P) - statistical deconvolution with noise……………………..44

Figure 2-(10-P) - Predictive decon statistical without noise…………….44

Figure 2-(11-P) - Predict decon with noise…………………………………45

Figure 2-(12-P) – Raw…………………………………………………………..45

Figure 2-(13-P) – Spike…………………………………………………………46

Figure 2-(14-P) – Predictive……………………………………………………46

Fig.(3.1),(3.2) - show increasing of Vp and Vs with increase of

confining pressure…………………………………………... 48

Figure .3.3 - synthetic cmp gather “travel time curve for a flat
reflector as hyperbola…………………………………………..51

Fig.3.4 - shows nmo correction involves mapping of non zero t(x)

offset onto zero offset 52 52
travel time t(0)

Fig.3.5 - (a) CMP gather for a single event with a move out
velocity,(b) NMO corrected gather using appropriate
move out velocity,(c) Over corrected …………………………….53

Fig.3.6 - shows gather in (a) and (b) shows the same gather but
,after move out correction using RMS velocity function
and (d) after muting using a threshold stretch limits of )c(
50and 100 % respectively…………………………………………... 53

Fig.3.7 - shows signal (a) with period T is stretched to signal (b)

with a period T/ after NMO correction …………………………….53

Fig.3.8 - shows nmo correction and muting of stretched zones as

cmp gather (b) nmo correction (c) mute……………………… 54 )a(

.Fig.3.9 - show geometry of nmo for a single dipping reflector

Levin in 1971 using the previous………………………………….. 55

Fig.3.11- graphic representation of 3-d moveout equation derived…… 55

Fig.3.12 - graphic representation of 3-d moveout equation derived…… 55

Fig.3.13 - show (t2-x2) velocity analysis applied to synthetic gather…....56

Fig.3.14 - show (t2-x2) velocity analysis applied to synthetic gather

and triangles in the centre of the velocity spectrum
represent velocity values derived from slopes of lines in
the right 57 57

Fig .3.15 - shows constant velocity moveout applied corrections to

cmp gather(5000 to 8900ft/sec………………………………… 58

Fig.3.16 - shows constant velocity moveout applied corrections to

cmp gather (9200 to 13600 ft/sec………………………………. 58

Fig.3.17 - shows constant velocity stacks of 24 cmp gathers

59..………………………………………………)to 13600 ft/sec 5000(

Fig.3.18 - stacked amplitude. Amplitudes of w i,t (i)……………………….. 59

Fig.3.19 - shows 2 ways to display velocity spectrum derives from

cmp gather (a) , (b) gated raw plot , (c) contour plot 60

Fig.3.20 - shows effect of spread length on velocity.lack of long off

sets causes loss of resolution, especially at later times……...62

Fig.3.21 - show missing long offsets traces causes loss of

resolution on the velocity spectra , especially at later
times………………………………………………………………….. 63

Fig.3.22 - lack of near offset traces can degrade the velocity

spectrum 64
Fig.3.23 - shows partial stacking can save money (8 fold partial
stacking is too much).do not use partial stacking if it
could degrade the velocity spectrum…………………………… 64

Fig.3.24 - shows s/n ratio numbers on top , as s/n decrease as

distortion increaseFig.3.25 velocity spectrum as gated
raw plotted derived from the last 64

Fig.3.26 - velocity spectrum derived from fig.24 in the form of

contour plotted……………………………………………………… 65

Fig.3.27 - shows muting effect on correlation values,(a)cmp gather

mute compensated, (c)no compensation )b(, 66

Fig.3.28 - shows too small correlation gate length is much cost

while too large value can lower resolution……………………...66

Fig.3.29 - shows velocity spectrum in form of contour display for
fig.28 to make a comparison …………………………………….. 66

Fig.3.30 - shows cmp gathers associated with six neighboring

midpoint locations. Reflectors have gentle down dip
from left to right…………………………………………………….. 67

Fig.3.31 - shows (a) velocity spectrum derived from the cmp 1 in

fig(30) ,(b)shows velocity spectrum from the sum of the
cmp gathers 6 67

Fig.3.32 - save computation ,velocity spectrum can be estimated

within a velocity corridor dictated by the dominant
velocity trend…………………………………………………………68

Fig.3.33 - shows stacked section with 5 markers horizons as

indicated…………………………………………………………….. 68

Fig.3.34 - shows horizon velocity analysis along the previous 5

marker horizons , vertical axis is stacking velocity and
horizontal axis is cmp 69…………………………………………

Fig.3.35 - shows cmp stack section on the top , and by HVA in the
bottom , HVA for horizon A under the salt dome S is
shown in the centre………………………………………………….71

Figure 4.1 - Point response of dip moveout (left) compared to

constant-offset migration (right). (Hale)………………………71

Figure 4.2 - common midpoint geometry……………………………………72

Figure 4.3 - common depth point geometry…………………………………72

Figure 4.4 - The impulse responses of DM0 operator at offset

h=1.6km. (a) Impulses in the NMO corrected common
offset section. (b) The impulse responses of Hale's
operator. (c) The impulse responses of the new
operator. (d)-(c)-(b)………………………………………………..73

Figure 4.5 - The impulse responses of DM0 operator at offset

h=3.2km. (a) Impulses in the NMO corrected common
offset section. (b) The impulse responses of Hale's
operator. (c) The impulse responses of the new
operator. (d)-(c)-(b)………………………………………………...74

Figure 4.6 - The stacked results after the DM0 operation. The
synthetic section contains one horizontal reflector and

one dipping reflector……………………………………………...76

Figure 4.7 - A model to derive the (DMO) term…………………………….76

Figure 4.8 - A model of two reflectors, showing the problem of

conflicting dip ……………………………………………………..77

Figure 4.9 - The DMO operator : An ellipse in the common offset


Figure 4.10 - from (Yilmaz, 1987)………………………………………………78

Figure 4.11 -The Effect of conflicting dips (Schoot,1989…………………)78

Figure.4.12 - The better-resolved dipping fault using DMO…………….. 79

Figure 4.13, Figure 4.14, Figure 4.15, and Figure 4.16: show two pairs of
seismic sections, one without DMO and one with DMO. …………………80

Figure 4.17: Processing with dip moveout. (Hale)………………………….80

Figure 4.18 and Figure 4.19 enable us to compare the results of time
migration after stack versus before stack on steeply dipping data….... 80

Figure 4.20 and Figure 4.21 provide another comparison of time

migration after stack versus before stack of data …………………………86

Figure 4.22, Figure 4.23 and Figure 4.24 show three migrated versions of
the same seismic section in which the velocities are equal to 90 percent,
100 percent and 110 percent of the expected values………………………90

Figure.5.A - cmp stack before and after migration…………………………95

Figure 5.B -cmp stack before and after time migration adequate for

Figure 5.C - some examples of prospective hydrocarbon-bearing

structures………………………………………………………… 97

Figure5.1 - compare an isolated non-migrated anticline to a migrated...97

Figure 5.2 - compare if the flanks of the anticline become flat…………..98

Figure 5.3 - unmigrated version of the same seismic section………….101

Figure 5.4 - a migrated version of the same seismic section…………..101

Figure 5.5 - compare between non migrated, migrated syncline

Figure 5.6 - syncline on an unmigrated seismic section………………...102

Figure 5.7 - syncline on an migrated seismic section…………………...102

Figure 5.8 - show a narrow syncline on an unmigrated seismic section

Figure 5.9 - show a narrow syncline on a migrated seismic section….103

Figure 5.10 - the seismic response caused by a formation pinchout…103

Figure 5.11 - Spherical wavefronts in a homogeneous medium……….103

Figure 5.12A - circular wave front reflected off an interface……………104

Figure 5.13 - the point reflector for the ZSR4 location…………………..104

Figure 5.14 - the wavefront arrives at angles other than 90 degrees

to the interface………………………………………………….. 106

Figure 5.15 - the image ray for the dipping-interface model…………….106

Figure 5.16 - shortest travel time path perpendicular to the reflector

Interface…………………………………………………………. 107

Figure 5.17 - the graphical method of migration…………………………107

Figure 5.18 - Diffraction curve is produced by a point reflector in


Figure 5.19 - the steeply dipping interface of the unmigrated


Figure 5.20 - the steeply dipping interface of the migrated sections…111

Figure 5.21 - An unmigrated seismic section……………………………...111

Figure 5.22 - migrated seismic section……………………………………..112

Figure 5.23 - An unmigrated seismic section, showing many

diffractions due to point diffractors at the fault planes…..112

Figure 5.24 - Application of a time migration scheme……………………113

Figure 5.25 - The energy from a point reflector arrives at the

receivers at different angles………………………………….114

Figure 5.26 - hypothetical changes in diffraction curve shape…………115

Figure 5.27 - Illustrates the problems inherent in the aperture width

Figure 5.28 - downward continuation results in collapsing the

diffraction curves………………………………………………119

Figure 5.29 - Kirchhoff migration…………………………………………….119

Figure 5.30 - the effects of too low a velocity and the resulting
under migration…………………………………………………120

Figure 5.31 - see the simplest earth model in which the effects of
lateral velocity variations……………………………………...120

Figure 5.32 - the travel times for this model……………………………….120

Figure 5.33 - set of all image rays for a given receiver array and
earth model………………………………………………………121

Figure 5.34 - two-dimensional migrated seismic section………………..122

Figure 5.35 - three-dimensional migrated section………………………...123

Figure 5.36 - Unmigrated section…………………………………………….124

Figure 5.37 - Migrated using Kirchhoff time migration with correct

velocity 1600 m/s……………………………………………….126

Figure 5.38 - Migrated stack with wrong velocity 2000 m/sec…………. 126

tnemegdelwonkcA Acknowledgement

tnemgdelwonkcA Acknowledgment
The first and great thanks are for ALLAH , the great
helper and the great supporter for me in doing all my
Then I want to thank Dr Abd El-Nasser Helal , because
he helped me in choosing the subject of that research and
he helped me in many scientific problems met me during
making my research. Also I have to thank faculty stuff ,
because they helped me.

Finally , I want to thank my family because they

prepared the suitable environment for me to produce that


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