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Grammar Review : Simple Present (Nominal & Verbal Sentence )


For Classificatio Pattern Example
m n
+ Subject + be + Noun/Adj/Adv I am a Scrub Nurse (√)
I a Scrub Nurse (x)
*be : am, is, are, was, were
- Nominal Subject + be + not + I am not a Scrub Nurse
Sentence Noun/Adj/Adv (√)
I not a Scrub Nurse (x)
? Be + Subject+noun? Am I a Scrub Nurse? (√)
I a Scrub Nurse ? (x)
+ Subject + Verb +(s/es) You help the doctor (√)
Compliment/Object I am help the doctor(x)
- Verbal Subject + do/does+ not+Verb You do not help the nurse
Sentence + Compliment/Object (√)
? Do/does +Subject + Verb + Do you help the nurse? (√)

PRACTICE 1 : Drilling

You are asked to work in pairs. In pairs, ask your team to tell “who you
are” and “what do you do”. You can choose from the list of Hospital team.
You are asked to form a short conversation. Below is the example.

George : Hello, I am George. I am Surgeon.
Are you the Scrub Nurse?
Anna : Hi, Yes I am. I am Anna Lian.
George : Nice to meet you. Anyway, what do you do as a Scrub Nurse?
Anna : Nice to meet you too. As A Scrub Nurse, I help surgeons during
George : Allright. See you soon in Operating Theater.


Complete the text with the correct present simple form of the verbs in

Dale is a scrub nurse from the nurse Pro Agency. He is Canaadian but he
___________ (not live) in Canada. He ___________ (live) in the UK now and he
_________ (work) here too. Dale _________ (have) two friends at this hospital;
Peter and Marcus; but he ____________ (not work) the same shift as them. I
____________(have) classes during the day, he says and So I usually __________
work during the night shift.

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