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Do the following tasks, then save your work in .pdf format
named OB22_NIM_NAMA.pdf
☐ 1. Create Create Document from non-native file
Document From this file, open "Text 2.2 – Tech in Asia.txt" file from
Microsoft Word Backstage view.
 Encoding: Windows (Default)

☐ 2. Hyperlink Apply hyperlink to text

Insert hyperlink to “article resource" sentence in the end
of the document.
 Text to Display: Tech in Asia Engineering Manager
 Address:

☐ 3. Margin Modify the margins.

Apply to the whole document
 Top: 0.59” (1.5 cm)
 Left: 0.78” (2 cm)
 Right: 0.59” (1.5 cm)
 Bottom: 0.59” (1.5 cm)

☐ 4. Paper Size Change the paper size.

Apply to the whole document
 Paper size: A4
o Width: 8.26” (21 cm)
o Height: 11.69” (29,7 cm)

☐ 5. Apply Style Apply style to text.

The title and four heading in the document
 Style: Title
o “5 ways to quickly fail as a new engineering
 Style: Heading 1
o Each of numbered sentences (1-5).

☐ 6. Document Modify document themes.

Themes Apply the theme to the whole document
 Theme: Ion

☐ 7. Footer Insert footer to the document.

Insert selected footer to the whole page
 Built-in: Facet (Odd Page)

☐ 8. Document Add a document property.

Properties Tech in Asia.docx
 Title: Your Name
 Subject: Student Number

☐ 9. Watermark Add watermark to the document.

Apply to the whole document
 Type Picture watermark
o File: Picture 2.2 - tech in logo.png
o Scale: 150%
o Washout: Yes

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