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English DPT First year

Short Questions and their answers.

Qno1. What is the difference between application and letter?
Answer. A letter is a written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization
and usually transmitted by mail.

An application is a verbal or written request to someone for job etc.

Difference between an Application and letter.

There is quite a difference between the two. A letter you are writing because you replying to
someone or letting someone know what is happening. While an application you writing to apply
for something, e.g. Job application.

Q No1(A) What are the Non essential parts of a letter?

1) The Reference line 2) The attention line 3) Subject Line 4) Identification 5) Enclosure 6)
Corbon copies.

Qno1(B) What are the Essential Parts of a letter?

1) The Heading. This contains the return address (usually two or three lines)
with the date on the last line. ...
2) The Inside Address. This is the address you are sending your letter to. ...
3) The Greeting. Also called the salutation. ...
4) The Body. ...
5) The Complimentary Close. ...
6) The Signature Line.
Qno2. What is paragraph writing?
Answer. A paragraph is a group of sentences that fleshes out a single idea. In order for a
paragraph to be effective, it must begin with a topic sentence, have sentences that support the
main idea of that paragraph, and maintain a consistent flow.

Components of a paragraph

1) A paragraph presents a single idea.

2) It begins with a topic sentence. A topic sentence expresses the main point of the paragraph. The
topic sentence is typically the first sentence of the paragraph.
3) Unity: In order for a paragraph to maintain a sense of unity, the paragraph must focus solely on
a single idea, point, or argument that is being discussed.
4) Coherence. Coherence is more commonly referred to as the flow of your writing.when a
paragraph flows, the reader will be able to understand the main idea that you have presented.
after reading your paragraph go back and read aloud what you have written to make sure your
ideas are clearly presented. If they are you have developed a coherent paragraph.
5) Cohesion. Cohesion is the intangible glue that holds the paragraph together. Here are four main
components of Cohesion 1) idea 2) relevance 3)linking words 4) repetition of key words.
6) Concluding Sentence: It is the ending line of the paragraph. It should restate the main idea of
the paragraph.
Qno3. Importance of internet in studies.
The internet is important to education because it provides instant availabilities of vast stores
of information in real time. As a student, one always seeks required knowledge which can be a
help in study. This involved walking to a school, listening to a teacher and having access to a
library. With the internet, learners have instant access to information on virtually any subject.

Research and studying has been changed by the internet.

Previously, academic articles and essays had to be accessed inside a library and spent many
hours there. Now the internet offers instant access to countless databases, including those of
academic journals, that are easily perused from one’s home. In short, internet plays an
important role in studies but it must be used under the proper guidance of a teacher.

Qno4. What is reading?

Answer. The most acceptable definition of reading is the process by which we make sense of
text. This skill has two important aspects:
1) The ability to recognize the letters of the alphabet or the graphic marks.
2) Understanding the message or grasping the information or comprehension.
Reading Styles
There are three different styles of reading academic texts:
Skimming - Reading rapidly for the main points
Skimming is useful in three different situations:
1) Pre-reading---- Skimming is more thorough than simple previewing and can give
a more accurate picture of text to be read later.
2) Reviewing----- skimming is useful for reviewing already read.
3) Reading---Skimming is most often used for quickly reading material that, for any
number of reasons, does not need more detailed attention.
Scanning - Reading rapidly through a text to find specific information required.
Scanning is very useful for finding a specific name, data, statistic, or fact without
reading the entire article. In scanning, you must be willig to skip over large sections
of text without reading or understanding them.

Extensive - Reading longer texts, often for pleasure and for an overall understanding

Intensive - Reading shorter texts for detailed information with emphasis on precise
Qno5. What are SQ4R and how they can help in our reading?
Answer: SQ4R is an effective strategy to help all students get the information that they need
from textbooks.

Many teachers use the SQ4R strategy in their classrooms. The letters in SQ4R stand for the
different steps that students should take in studying a textbook. You will have to follow each
step. SQ4R is somewhat hard to do at first, but good results should come quickly.

SQ4R stands for:

1. Survey.
Read headings and subheadings.
Look at all illustrations.
Read captions under illustrations.
Read chapter summary.
2. Question:
Write a question for each heading and subheading in an assignment.
3. Read:
Read only the material under a heading or subheading to search for an answer to your
question for it
4. Recite:
Recite the answer to the question in step 3.
5. Write:
Write down the answer you recited in step 4 under its question.
6. Review:

Do after step 5 is completed for all questions.

Skim over all headings and subheadings.
Recite answers to each question.
Repeat this step the next day, the end of the week, and before a test.
The Importance of SQ4R in reading:
1) Because it's time consuming, encourages you to be concise and more selective of
important information. Information is in point form but still grammatically complete.
2) Provides a portable, easy-to-manage study tool — text not often needed for studying.
3) Condensed study notes can be made in margins as you go, saving time when preparing
for exams.
4) Easy to integrate text and lecture notes if done on loose leaf paper

Qno6. What is comprehension?

Answer. By comprehension, it is meant, the degree to which the reader is able to
extract relevant information from a text. During the process of reading, an encoder and
a decoder get involved in the sending and reception of the message respectively. The
encoder is the writer who is also as the sender of message, and decoder is the reader
who acts as a recipient.
Importance of Comprehension in learning
Reading comprehension skills increase the pleasure and effectiveness of reading. Strong
reading comprehension skills help in all the other subjects and in the personal and
professional lives. The lack of strong reading comprehension skills obviously affects a
student’s success in school. Academic progress depends on understanding, analyzing,
and applying the information gathered through reading. But it goes much further than
that. Poor reading comprehension skills have been also been linked to poverty and
crime. Consider these facts:
Qno 7.What is extensive reading?
Answer: Extensive reading is reading as much as possible, for your own pleasure, at a
difficulty level at which you can read smoothly and quickly without looking up words or
translating to English as you go. In other words, you read as many different kinds of
books/journals/papers as you can, chiefly for pleasure, and only needing a general
understanding of the content. This lets you get used to reading more complex sentences
with ease, reinforces the words you already know and helps you learn new words from
Steps for Extensive reading (Only add this if this question is asked separately.)
1. Don’t look up words in the dictionary.
2. Skip over parts you don’t understand.
3. If you aren’t enjoying one book, toss it aside and get another.
Qno8.What is intensive reading?
Answer. Intensive reading involves learners reading in detail with specific learning aims
and task. Intensive Reading (IR) occurs when the learner is focused on the language
rather than the text. For example, the learner may be answering comprehension
Qno9. What is the importance of translation skills in learning?
Answer: Translation skills are very important in language learning as Translation is an
activity of translating words or text from one language into another. Normally translation
is done by human. As technology become higher and higher, some simple translation
can be done by machine and computer nowadays. Translation is aim to transfer exactly
the same meaning between source language and target language. Of course, translating
has to abide by the rules of target language, such as grammar and formats of writing.
If we are good in the skill of translating, we will be better able to
understand and comprehend the Text of the target language and it will be a great help in

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